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ENERGETIC SYNTHESIS: April 9, 2010 Newsletter Headline

by Lisa Renee

ES News- April 2010

The Mother Arc
Dear Family,

For those of us participating with the 2012 Ascension Timeline as awakened Starseed's or Indigo's, this last cycle of the "Galactic Underworld" has been intensely transformative in bringing the next level of heightened awareness to perceptible knowledge. Since last November the Inner Revelations abound with much information surfacing that has continually tested our personal discernment in every way.  Most of us have been feeling overloaded or overwhelmed with some major life lesson attempting to integrate us more fully into accepting the incoming transformational energies. These incoming energies are above and beyond the most evolutionary frequency waves our planet and human beings have ever been exposed to. This sequential series of Magnetic Propulsion  Waves are of such magnitude it is forcing us as a species to transform, adapt and evolve -- in order to change from within.

Since Mid December's life changing event (this changed the structure on the earth forever as we have known it) that began the sequential collapse of the 4D false white light webbing and its false umbilicus structure (this was the inorganic reincarnation structure attached to the group human soul layer of light-body, the opening portal accessed in Giza, Egypt) this last quarter has been challenging for us on the Astral Plane Cleanup crew. This has meant that a container of "Underworld "energies (aberrant Astral plane entities and related debris) has been consistently spilling out into the larger planet 3D consciousness reality fields.

Which means more people are either feeling these energies and  are unconsciously "acting them out" or consciously choosing to "clear them out" by not allowing negative energies to govern themselves. The good news is the new forces are powerful so when you interact with them you can clear tremendous amount of negativity with greater ease than the past. However, you may note in the external world populace that many are not acting within their best behaviors from the onset of tremendous internal pressure these energies create. Since most of the population does not have a context for what is happening on the planet, or how to effectively deal with their stress, it creates a large group of persons "acting out" in unconscious destructive ways. Addiction, thought  obsession/possession programs have accelerated for those that have not yet learned how to cope with these mechanisms. These energies will bring to the surface fragmentation and distortion in the masses, and it is necessary to surface what is "real" rather than denying the problem exists in order to begin to face the integrative healing process. This is a shifting energetic complexity that is happening at the individual field and collective field levels.

As more of us prepare to be the embodied being that is the "calm that walks into the center of the storm", you realize this is a wake up call to have dominion over oneself, and it's a critical lesson in self energetic mastery. We are being called to bring Harmony into the Seed of Conflict in these external circumstances. The love and peace you hold will enable the Source Field to re-harmonize the external environment though your very physical being. Do not take anything personal.

Planetary 9D Merkaba Buffer Field

We are at the midpoint cycle of the Sixth night of the Galactic Underworld which shifts into the next cycle of the Seventh day in November 2010.  A new platform architecture for our planet has been required and prepared meticulously to be reconnected to the planetary light body by Interdimensional Guardian groups.

(Guardian groups are of all levels of consciousness agreeing to hold their life force at ONE level of focused consciousness agreement - "Ascension Liberation For ALL". This is carried out in accordance to the free will choices of each being respected although each being answers to the consequence of its choices. Genetic rehabilitation and re-education of the laws in order to live in Harmony with the Universe are freely shared with all sincere seekers.  Guardians are embodied as physical humans, as well as other species and races that are all a part of the covenant to serve "The Law of One". These are the Natural Laws of God and the Mechanics of Creation, and are the mathematical physics that govern the time space fields in our Universe, not a man made mental belief system of judgment. )

This was in order for the planetary body to handle these new forces being reconnected to our access at this density level. It also has SPECIFIC purpose to buffer the cosmic energies as they filter in so they create a minimal amount of stress in the tectonic plates and the surface crust of the earth. It is no surprise as we have been aware for a long time that when the magnetic fields shift into other proportionate scales it creates many weather pattern and climatic anomalies. Our planet has seen an accelerated increase of weather (i.e. floods, hail) or volcanic-earthquake changes quite rapidly in the past quarter leading up to this event.

Some of us with the job of planetary gridworker have been acting as energy placement holders ( like an acupuncture point for the planet body) for this 9D merkabic system until it was stabilized in the planetary body merkabic structure through the earth core. This is like understanding a higher octave Merkabic Structure, the 9D Quadra Merkabic Architecture has been overlaid into (dna bonded) into our planetary light body (or its energy blueprint architecture).

The Golden Chalice

That means for April we should get a break from the high level intensity of shadow clearings and should start to feel the new energy platform supporting our foundation so this group of us is not feeling such an energy burden in our personal bodies. The 9 D chakra has been referred to as the "Mouth of God" and its opening is exactly at the back of the neck where the skull lays on top of the spine. It connects to the medulla oblongata and the reticular formation of the brain and spinal cord. This area esoterically has been called the Golden Chalice for it is the Occipital Cup that holds the Cosmic Intelligence or Wisdom. It is a literal brain rewiring ( spiritual body activation) in order to hold and be receptive to the "Golden Chalice" of Universal Knowledge. 

Many of us are becoming aware that we are being connected to another "language", another octave, another dimensional layer of accessing knowledge. There are waves of us accelerated into this spiritual body development of accessing Universal Knowledge from the Golden Chalice as it activates processes in the base of our brain. We may not comprehend it quite yet, as it involves a language of "code", "syntax" or "archetype".  However our sensory faculties are aware of something that is changing the "field" and our relationships to everything in it.

Knowledge and the wisdom required to be responsible for that knowledge comes with the great purification of "Fire". This purification fire has been rearranging the cells and for some of us it manifested into symptoms of head and sinus infection, throat and lung congestion and other physical ailments. The dropping density requirement has been feeling very intense to prepare our bodies to hold what is coming next.

Many of us have been isolated, sequestered and sleeping a lot over the last quarter quite busily building this structure as well as step down fields that act as circuit boards to transduce and moderate high frequencies in these various energetic circulatory complexes. Also this is the same 9D portal area of Guardian projects rehabilitating the mental body fragments of the male/Michael consciousness grids. A tremendous amount of change is underway now.

The Mother Arc

This has also been evidenced lately as the planetary body is shaking and quaking lately to reposition itself for an entirely new Magnetic Field Grid Network System to power up new levels of the 13th Pillar or The Mother Arc.

The Guardians are calling this aspect of Mother Aquamarine Ray energy, a Magnetic force powering up in our Earth Core (through the newly reconnected levels of the 9D Quadra Merkabic structure)  - The Mother Arc.  The awareness and systematic dismantling of several obsolete controlled architectures in the planetary field have allowed this to come on line. It is similar to understand we have poked a hole in the mind controlled frequency fence and reconnected our handshake hub to reconnect with the Mother Arc.   It is through the Mother's Perfect Proton Seed (or Cosmic Egg) that Creation can Heal Itself to its Original Divine Blueprint.

A new "Mother" language/vibration and its seed codes began transmission from the planet's newly activated Australian portal network and its reconnected portions of the horizontal "Golden Eagle" grid system. From this vantage point of human reality the seed codes are being called the "Universal Grandmother Turtle Codes".  These codes have been embodied, protected and hidden by the Aboriginal and Indigenous cultures of the earth for eons of time. These are like a God Inoculation and a surprise revelation as to what is beginning to transpire in consciousness fields --an event that has never transpired before in the history of creation! (It cannot be emphasized enough that God consciousness has some surprises up its sleeve.... transmitted through our bodies....as the countdown to the final conflict continues..)

The Eastern Australian Seaboard from Brisbane to Uluru ( Ayer's Rock) is acting as one of the main portal magnetic battery generators that is gaining charge in its main magnetic hub located by the monument of Uluru. The Guardians explain Uluru is similar as many other planetary pyramidal structures, it is being used to mark a major portal system gateway on the planet. (Just as the pyramids were not just tributes to dead Pharaohs they were specific gateways marking access to other dimensions and visible from outer space) Uluru is a power point for a Global Network of dormant or inactive ancient  gateways, systems or hubs and was "placed" there as a marker by the God creators of this system. The Architects of Creation and Guardians of the Universal Time Matrix were known as the King Dragon lineages, and many of the Aurora fields are coming from  which is the esoterically known as the Dragon lines. They say Uluru was placed there by the Dragon races of the next Universe. (This is not to be confused with Orion's Draconis or Reptilian races)  This is primarily being utilized to begin to power up a new level of the Arc Gate Systems on the planet. This ignition has specific relevance to the Mother Arc ( 13th Pillar Mother Magnetic Aqua Flame) igniting the Giza Pyramid and its related circulatory grid systems.  It appears  the timeline for activation is geared for this June Solstice.

The Magnetic Field of the Mother Arc ( the beginning and end of creation back into the zero point) is connecting to magnetically charge up Uluru to power up the Giza/Pyramidal dipole activity located in Egypt. This activity is similar to switching on a generator that is to POWER UP these dormant vortexes/grid points.

 ( See wiki reference: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Piezoelectricity ( http://app.expressemailmarketing.com/get.link?linkid=2043934&subscriberid=68365363&campaignid=545041&linkurl=http%3a%2f%2fen.wikipedia.org%2fwiki%2fPiezoelectricity )

Piezo electric conductor- it's been clarified that's what's happening on the planet is the " squeeze" effect from the compression that is required to ignite and propel the magnetic charge transduction. This effect creates all these earthquakes in the field as the shifting of the tectonic plates rearrange to accommodate these new charges and the fields they create)

The phase beginning now is like a "New Year" as we are entering an elevated space available from the additional Underworld clearing since November. Hallelujah for -  She has Risen!

Michael /Male Principle Consciousness Healing Continues

As we are well aware, the old energy architecture that impedes the new consciousness structures from connecting are in the process of being demolished. As a result the soul fragments and the cellular memory are also cleared from the planetary matrix. This is not an invisible process of a God figure waving his wand in the sky, it is the agreed upon mission and life work of the collective awakened Starseed or Indigo. It is through embodied polarity integration and the rehabilitation of the dark forces (absent of light and ignorant of the law) that this process can actually happen. That is why we must face the darkness, conquer our fears as we commit to serve as the embodied representative of God Source in order to be the ultimate Alchemist. Polarity Integration is Alchemy.  (This is one of the most confused aspects of belief in the New Age awareness - that we deny that darkness exists. Denial breeds deception and then manipulation by the very forces you deny as existing.)

Most of this is transpiring at the holographic blueprint level within the anti particle fields. (We will see more of these changes manifested in the material world over the next two years specifically) There never exists judgment in what structure is demolished or rehabilitated in order to exist within a higher integrity of harmony with the Natural Laws of God. Only that which holds the integrity of the organic living light of the Eternal Supply of Source is left standing as the Truth.

Given the information this month on the necessity of a new connector to the 9D Planetary Merkabic structure being built  - it is the same portal and dimensional area of Guardian projects rehabilitating the mental body fragments of the Male/AA Michael consciousness described last month. This clearly is ongoing to integrate and merge the "Unity" consciousness fields where there has been "Patriarchal Domination" propagated through distorted or controlled holographic programs.(Remember that "controlled" means inorganic, it means another consciousness outside of the reality decided to interfere and manipulate with the organic and natural evolution of a species)

We have been witnessing systematic Male bloodline clearing through the 12 Tribes of Genetic Seeding of the Human Race since the AA Michael Matrix began dismantling and clearing genetic memory in the 3-6-9 dimensional fields. (as mentioned last month Males in these bloodlines or energetically named have the most radical symptoms for Ancestral and Pathcutting clearing)  These bloodline histories are being re-patterned and cleared in Triads as stemming from the Family of Michael Consciousness as the Patriarchal or "Grandfather" Lineage of the Masculine. The House of Kings, starting with King David most recently has been especially prominent in clearing the cellular memory fields existing within the planetary history.  The House of David is especially important now to  the Guardians as the Three Kings in the House of David -- Saul , David and Solomon are the last bloodline that hold the rightful Priest-King of Benevolence, they are the last line of the embodied Kings that held the "Rods" of God Source. It ended with Solomon and it will open again with Solomon, as the "Shield of Solomon" is the hosting shield of our source code embodiment work for this planet called "The Avatar of Ascension".

The Avatar of Ascension Ignites

We are a Universal Group Consciousness experiment of genetic "Unity in Diversity" relearning how to reconnect into our Source origins. Some of us act as energy placement holders, some of us do the ancestral pathcutting and transmuting for the mass consciousness fields, some of us are the midwife's of the birthing or passing souls, some of us are teachers or healers, some of us birth the new consciousness children, some of us are the architects, some of us are the Galactic polarity integrators. There is an incredibly diverse amount of genetic material and unique energy signatures embodied in this Living Light Library of Planet Earth.  There is no value difference given although we should learn to respect each unique role as a part of the One. We are a group consciousness  of Unity in Diversity.

Once you have committed to embody the Guardian Consciousness, (or it is your blueprint) you may be required to play all of the roles if your destiny path is one of Stewardship. Stewardship and Leadership roles in the new consciousness fields are now required to be a path of self energetic mastery. This newsletter is servicing that smaller niche of cultivating Human Guardian Consciousness through informed awareness and by supporting the energetic integration necessary to be an embodied container of the Truth Vibration/God Spark. This is a frequency requirement to participate as a Steward with the Host Shields through the Avatar of Ascension. One must have mastered the Self to a degree that Inner Source Sustainability is embodied in the physical reality. Obviously  the more embodied Stewards we have - the easier this process is for ALL of US.

Polarity integration through life experience is the Soul Transmutation Alchemy that is required to physically embody total Inner Source Sustainability. One must transcend judgment through neutrality, not ignore the polarity of forces. Ignorance of these forces otherwise breeds spiritual righteousness, false glamour and its demonic delusion to take hold of the consciousness.

Inner Source Sustainability means you have no need to create attachment cords, control circumstantial outcomes or engage in karmic relationships that energetically feed off of something external to yourself. 

This means you commit to not being emotionally or energetically parasitic/vampiric to anything external to yourself, and that you self contain your personal energies and attempt to be completely responsible for them.

Our group planetary consciousness has been traversing another in depth sensing of the Underworld energies (through the portal of the Astral Plane) in order to heal and unify the collective emotional body of the planet, therefore reconnecting and healing the human being's group soul and its heart center.

In order to heal, one must be able to "feel". (This is clarified by having an ability to access the soul matrix function of "Higher Sensory Perception" which distinguishes between "Cellular Knowing" impulses, rather than the "Linear Analytics" that characterize the 3D mental body functions)  Emotional distortions (2D and 4D Astral Plane Damage) needs to be first "realized", then "witnessed" in order to be "synthesized" into a higher frequency and harmonic alignment. This is how individual and planetary DNA is recoded and healed through the energy blueprinting architecture, through higher light, sound frequency arranged in tones of scalar wave arrangements. This is the God composition -- known as the "Music of the Spheres". Our God parent has returned to show us how to  create beautifully harmonically arranged music that allows us to merge with the Higher Kingdoms of God. This way we become in harmony with the Universal laws and in harmony with ourselves.  (See:  http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Musica_universalis ( http://app.expressemailmarketing.com/get.link?linkid=2043935&subscriberid=68365363&campaignid=545041&linkurl=http%3a%2f%2fen.wikipedia.org%2fwiki%2fMusica_universalis ) )

This is the Avatar of Ascension Unity Field, it harmonizes conflict by holding the Power of One in the Core Being as the Ultimate Truth. It is a group consciousness field that will support many of us to move to higher levels of consciousness that have been limited through genetic or ancestral patterns buried in our flesh. It is the beginning of a group field "re-encryption" process at the elemental vehicle level, ( physical body)  the level of planetary raw material that makes our physical flesh. It is to begin bringing the possibility of freedom to the flesh from the genetic manipulation that has been controlling the elementals on this planet. This is being supported by ES community projects and by the Ascension Hosts of Crystal Matrix and Aurora.   


In the closing of our lengthy transmission, we choose the archetypal principle of Temperance to meditate upon and serve as a reminder for our concluding timeline theme. Much  skill at neutrally applying "Temperance" is required through this current planetary Rite of Passage. Temperance is the Law of Verification that stands at the pinnacle, the crux of making a personal major life choice, in order to integrate fully what has been learned on the life journey. It forces us to make hard decisions based on what we now know to be our personal truth. Through the tempering of Soul through its many challenges, we become increasingly able to embody Soul (God) Essence.  We have a choice to forfeit that knowledge through fear and if so -- we will continue to  undergo more of the same static patterns of life experience until the learning is complete. It is that completion ( through polarity integration) that alchemically molds you into the embodiment of the true nature of your God Essence. This is the task at hand.

Some questions to ponder this month : Can you remain on the pathway despite challenges to your faith?  What have you learned spiritually that you can integrate neutrally and apply it practically to your life? Are you willing to accept that in order to serve God - you will be continually purified?

More on Temperance: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Temperance_(Tarot_card) ( http://app.expressemailmarketing.com/get.link?linkid=2043936&subscriberid=68365363&campaignid=545041&linkurl=http%3a%2f%2fen.wikipedia.org%2fwiki%2fTemperance_(Tarot_card) )

As a personal note it is my inspiration to serve what is true humanity, that which is our birthright of sovereignty through Unity consciousness. That which has happened to this earth is not human. I continually challenge and provoke the reader's belief systems by sharing direct experiences from the Guardian consciousness perspective, of which is through the human lens of attempting to live in Harmony with the Universe. My human being dislikes conflict and yet I have learned that in order to answer to Stewardship and Service  -  it is inevitable.  I do not like to be in a controversial position, but I feel a moral, ethical and spiritual obligation  to my brothers and sisters to share all that I have been given. This is in order to break free from the constraints and controls that may be limiting the God Spark from embodying. I do not have Oath for everyone to Love me, I have Oath to Love and Serve God. As a result beings that choose this are controversial figures, provoking both great Love and hate in the amplified polarity of this distorted hologram. Please take which that supports your resonance to Own your Personal Truth, and discard the rest.

For those of you new to this material, I cannot tell you what you want to hear and lull you to sleep in complacent dreams. This is non-negotiable spirituality and you must rise to your internal and spiritual responsibility to live your spirit in every way or you will have great consequence. With all of my heart and might I choose to empower you in the pathway of integration, so that the brilliance of your internal light can be fed upon no more, and each can contain the divine birthright of infinite and eternal God Supply. Please read the entire Newsletter Series from inception if you are looking to answer questions around this material.

Thank you to our growing and expanding Guardian Family willing to be disciplined and self contained in order to embody the Power of the One for the All.

We are in this together and until next....Stay in the luminosity of your Avatar Heart Path! Be Gentle with your hearts and each other.

Love, Lisa

© 2010, Lisa Renee

This ES Monthly News Article reflects the Guardian Perspective of the Ascension Timeline (2012 Timeline) as support, both energetically and informationally, for the Galactic Families of Starseeds and the Indigo Races. This Spiritual Family has accepted the Guardianship role to support the foundation of Cosmic Citizenship as an evolutionary model for this planet and humanity, and this is a level of earth based advocacy designed for this specific group. There is absolutely no value difference given on the role each being has chosen for its expression. The Guardian Groups mission directive is rehabilitation of the hologram, repairing its energetic architecture (dna), embodying the Ascended Human Protoform, supplying  informational context on Ascension dynamics and Exopolitic (ET) Agendas and reeducating both human and non-human's to be congruently aligned to the Universal Law of One. Freedom, Fraternity, and the Sovereign Right of All Beings to be a Knower of God Source is protected by the Collective Unity Vow shared among our Universal Guardian Groups.

The Group Unity Vow Decree    Defender Warriors of Truth, Sovereignty, Liberation. All Guardian races Serving the One. From Across All the Multiverses We Call Upon You to Join US Now. Our Unification Principle deemed as demonstrated in the waves of Omni Love - We Sound our Group Note to You Now.   Our Group Template Updated, Individually and Collectively, Renewed and Forever Perpetuated in the Eternally Sustained Light. Our Alchemical Container is consecrated and dedicated to the Purposes of One, and we endeavor to be the Knower of God to then be the Way Shower of God.   Sustain Us in the Eternal Power of our Consecration. 

We have called for your Gatekeeping in order to hold our community, our missions, our mutual highest purposes in Service to the One Light, Our Source, The Living Light Code. Our Intention is Unification - The Christ Principle - as an Energetic Reality, Here and Now.

We request the handshake of our community to fortify our spiritual links through the Universal Cosmic Triad, and into The Core of One, the Zero Point God Matrix, that which is the source of our Genesis. With deep reverence for all of Life, Dear God, Breathe your Life Codes into all created form. We set our intention now to be Remembered to That Which We Are, fully completely and totally.
To State our Mutual Purpose as One, Resurrect All inorganic patterns to the Organic Living Light Now. And to that we Say, Thank God We Are The Cosmic Christ!

And so It is. Lovingly Decreed.  

Please note in order to distribute this Newsletter in other forums please do so with the following guidelines: Include author's credit, copyright and include the ES website url. http://www.energeticsynthesis.com

 © 2009, Lisa Renee

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Serapis Bey: You Are Fulfilling Your Plan

Channeler: Marlene Swetlishoff

April 8, 2010

Serapis Bey: You Are Fulfilling Your Plan

My Greetings to all Lightworkers,

I come to speak to you in regards to the Ascension energies that are becoming more intensified within each of you at this time. These energies have been creating much turmoil that has sometimes been reflected in the outer circumstances of your World. Know that this is the deep cleansing that is required within each of you, in order that you be prepared to fully embody your Christed Self and to fully integrate It within your five body system. This was and is an ongoing process for each of you.

We ask that you not hold yourselves or others in judgment during this process, as this time is such that it requires all to release and then to unify into One Consciousness that desires the Highest Good for all. Although it may not be apparent to you at this time, in hindsight you will understand the purpose of all that you are now experiencing and it will become clear to you. Many such dramas will continue to take place within each Human being upon this Earth in the coming days. You are the harbingers of this process and so you are experiencing this process before the rest of the World. All that is occurring now has a Higher purpose and that Higher purpose is being served.

On the Ascension Path, it is required for each Initiate to undergo many trials and testing in order to prepare each of you for greater integrity in your service to the Light and the task which you have chosen to fulfill in these moments of bringing forth the Higher Vision for the Divine Plan for the Earth and all upon Her. You are fulfilling this Plan in your moments of Now and the Highest Good of all is being served. Remember this when you are in the midst of the dramas that come forth from you and from those around you. We understand that it can be somewhat confusing to you. Some of your thoughts, words and actions, seemingly come from another Being rather than your outer self and indeed, it is so, for it is an aspect, fragment or soul extension of your unified Self that is being addressed and worked upon, to heal and release and then unify within your Totally Integrated Self. This is most important and this process is proceeding now.

We of the Higher realms are ever at your side, working to facilitate these processes with as much grace, ease and understanding that it is possible for you to assimilate and comprehend. All the threads of each of your lives are coming together now. Know this and rejoice, for that means you are ever so much closer to the end result. You are loved beyond measure and never walk alone.

I AM Serapis Bey

©2010 Marlene Swetlishoff

Permission is given to share this message with others, as long as the message is posted in its entirety and nothing has been changed, or altered in any way and Scribe's credit, copyright and website is included. www.therainbowscribe.com

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The Flame of the integrated Christ, bridge to the New Earth!

Master Sananda through Paschalis Kazakopoulos | Athens, 1 Apr. 10

Beloved light workers of the new dawn of the Light, I am here today among you to bring the message of change that is about to come in the global consciousness and the global collective unconscious. What is about to happen…

Beloved, your self is the bridge of change from one reality to the other. Many times, change is not easy and demands efforts. But these changes have been constructed and change is now in front of your reality. While the diamond codes of the Christ have been activated in your consciousness are embraced and wrapped now by the New flame of the Cosmic Christ consciousness; this pink rose-gold flame comes now to embrace you through the diamond Christ shape that you truly are, guiding you in the new reality in the New Earth.

Beloved workers of the new dawn of the light, of Earth, of the New Jerusalem; take now a deep breath through your heart, through the heart of the integrated Christ which burns inside you. Take beloved ones this deep breath and now come in the innermost of the interiors of your soul and let this pink-gold energy burn like a flame in your heart, and now see, see those light flashes which extend like lines in time-space.

Beloved ones, there are many realities. Which reality you will choose is solely your responsibility. There are realities which define the trail of Earth ending somewhere. There are realities where Earth is being destroyed. There are beloved ones, realities for heaven on Earth. There are beloved children of God, sons and daughters of God, the living and direct contact with the Source and the community of the light which is now being structured. There are also beloved ones realities of a hell on earth. There are many realities.

Choose now the reality which this flames reflects, this flame of the integrated Christ. This rose pink-gold energy which burns now in your hearts while change is being completed. And this flame wraps the diamond codes of the Christ you hold.

Come now, embrace this reality. Breathe in through this reality and see everything around you through this reality. See yourselves too…

-How do you see yourself in this new reality?

-How is your life beloved ones, in this reality? Is it joyful?

-Is it aligned? Is it integrated?

If so, see with the eyes of this reality!

Release any guilt syndrome, every shame and sin being held in your consciousness because this does Not exist. It is the complex of fear that lead you there in order to control you loved ones. Now come, let yourself to resurrect, through the sea of the Spirit and begin your course for this reality.

Now as never before is the time to make a step forward without need to look back because this step is a new page in your integrated reality which doesn’t share with any egoic syndrome. It shares with the Divine Presence and co-creates and moves forward to have a beginning and a target. Many times you move without having this compass in your reality.

I Am the Way, the Truth and the Life!

This is what is being radiated within you, by this rose pink-gold energy as it wraps the diamond codes-carriers that you are.

Open now your heart and receive this awakening within the innermost of the interiors, because beloved ones, you are this bridge, you are the builders and now the bridge is built. The time has come to cross over. And so you pave the way for those to come and follow you, and that’s what you do.

I now open the heart of the integrated Christ in the heart of the planet, while all these flames awaken like seeds and embrace the diamond Christ carriers of the Light you carry, on a planetary level. This is about to complete till the month of June, this year.

Beloved ones, know that we support you and push you in this step with all the love, with all the support and with all the blessings of heaven because you deserve it. Because you are the bringers of the Light. The Light of the World. Now this pulse is transmitted. Those who attune with it awaken from sleep, or in a better way, from a nightmare. Give them time, help them, support them, embrace them, as Spirit embraces everything.

May you be the example of the New Earth for this transition.

Teaching Alpha and Omega.

Jesus/ Yeshua/ Sananda

Channeling from the School of Mystery, 31 Mar. 10, Athens
Website: www.angelicreiki.eu

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You are Free to: Print, save in your P.C., share with friends, according to the following conditions: You must mention the author, the creator of this work and the website www.angelicreiki.eu

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Spiritual Vanity: What It Is, What It Does.

A Saint-Germain Channel
By Alexandra Mahlimay & Dan Bennack
April 4, 2010
Cluj-Napoca, Romania

The following question answered by Saint-Germain comes from our monthly channeling broadcast.

Viewer (paraphrased): I feel that true freedom comes when I can choose anything that I might want to create or experience in life. When I can do whatever I want. But doesn't too much freedom lead to difficulties, too? What about vanity, for one? What are your thoughts about freedom, choice, and vanity?

Saint-Germain: An interesting question. You are asking about freedom of choice here, and here is my short reply, "With freedom comes choice, and in choice you will find your freedom." Yes, there is something very wonderful about freedom of choice. But there is also something very seductive about it, especially if you are unprepared for the experience of being able to do whatever you want. And you have rightly named one of these difficulties. It is called, vanity.

What Is Spiritual Vanity?

Let's talk about a particular kind of vanity now. Let's talk about spiritual vanity. Have you ever met anyone who is spiritually vain? I'm willing to bet that you know one or two of them.

A person is spiritually vain when they take excessive pride in their spiritual accomplishments, and then use this to impress or manipulate others around them. It has “tarnished the halo” of many human angels who would lead others on the Earth today.

Spiritual vanity has consequences, too. Just consider how difficult it is for the spiritually vain person to disentangle himself or herself from this folly. It is a monumental task. It is a stumbling block for many who are on the spiritual path, as they journey back toward remembering their Divinity.

The Folly of Spiritual Vanity

Vanity is a trap, indeed, and here's the reason why:

People on a spiritual path often find themselves moving into higher states of awareness, as they progress along the way. The problem of spiritual vanity arises, however, whenever there is a fascination or fixation on these experiences. It is tempting for some people to believe that just because they had this marvelous experience, that they are somehow better or more enlightened than others. This, of course, is absurd.

What is really happening here is that their egos, which are not yet fully reintegrated into the experience of Divine Remembrance, are playing tricks on them.

Let me give you a silly example to illustrate this point.

Let's pretend that the ego is your local school teacher, and that you are a naive student who is willing to believe just about anything that you are told. Your teacher encourages you to write the following incomplete sentence on the blackboard: “My spiritual experience is...,” and then complete it with the following statement: “...better than your experience, any day of the week, so why not let me tell you about it?

Then your teacher sends you home to repeat this ridiculous statement to your family, friends, and neighbors, until they are either convinced that you know exactly what you are talking about and should lead them to the Holy Land, or that you are certifiably insane. And so, the false prophet is born.

Know this, my friend: The ego will take hold of anything that is yours, and twist it to its own purposes. It loves to make sure that you, and those around you, stay in ignorance of your Divinity.

Why does the ego believe that it deserves to be recognized by, or to be better than everyone else around it? Because it is secretly uncertain of its place and importance in the world. This makes the ego particularly vulnerable to the experience of inflated pride. And the spiritual variety of this is particularly troublesome.

The ego can never take legitimate pride in anything that is really important about you, – such as the Truth of your Divinity, because the ego was born out of your ignorance of this fact.

And This Brings Us Back to Vanity.

Spiritual vanity is nothing more than an ego-sanctioned “recognition” of your Divinity. But it is a false recognition. It's just another way to keep you from truly remembering your Divinity by telling you, and those around you, that you've already done it, when you really haven't. The ego encourages you to accept this fiction, by telling you that if you can just persuade enough people to believe that it is so, then it must certainly be true. And this is the trap of spiritual vanity. It is as much a problem for those who would lead others on a spiritual path, as it is for those who would allow themselves to be lead.

So, to make things perfectly clear, I will repeat myself: “With freedom comes choice, and in choice you will find your freedom.”

Know this, dear friend, that when you are truly free, you will choose your experiences wisely, just as your Soul does, and that spiritual vanity will not enter into the picture at all.

Instead, your decisions about what to do with your life, your relationships, and anything else of importance to you, – will be in harmony with your Soul's Choices about how best to embody its Divinity as the human you on Earth.

And in this harmonious alignment between what is human about you, and what is Divine, you are going to realize the true meaning of freedom. The true meaning of freedom for you as a human being, is liberating yourself from forgetfulness about Who You Really Are... liberating yourself from ego-driven acts of self-sabotage that keep you in the dark about your Divinity.

Know that as you re-integrate the ego's distorted perceptions about who you are, into a conscious appreciation of your Divinity, that you will find freedom and purpose in everything that you do.

And, more importantly, you will understand that your growing spiritual awareness has nothing to do with being better than others, or more highly-evolved. Instead, it places you on equal footing with all humans, and asks you to practice humility daily.

This kind of humility asks you to lead and teach by example, and not by showiness or showmanship; demonstrating to others that living a human life, and acting with Divine Awareness, is possible for them, too.

Remember that humility doesn't ask you to deny the grandeur of your Divinity, or to live timidly. Your Divinity IS grand; and so are you, when you feel inspired by it. Humility simply asks you to live your life without false pride. Without ego.

A Need for Discernment

When you can free yourself from the ego's vanity, then you will no longer feel that you are spiritually superior to others, or more enlightened; or that you need to force your higher perspective on them, for their own good. Nor will you be seduced by the competing messages of those who try to tell, or sell you this kind of packaged vanity. There is much need for discernment about this today.

Instead you will be aware of everyone's need to find their way back to remembering their Divinity, and you will be eager to help them in respectful and appropriate ways, whenever they call upon you.

Thank you, my friend, for asking this question on behalf of all those who are present now, and who may be reading this later.

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2010 © Alexandra Mahlimay and Dan Bennack. All rights reserved.

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New Beginnings

This channel took place on the evening after the Spring Equinox. The energies were powerful and intense. Many people had been experiencing dramatic changes in their lives. Many people had feeling out of balance and energy for a while. Much of that is transitioning. The four transformations of the seasons; spring and fall equinox and summer and winter solstices are always opportunities to create better balance in your lives. During this journey as you stood on the cusp of the equinox you could acknowledge what it was within your past that was ready to be released. You also had a chance to create for the future, to set the energies for the next six months. Through it all the message is about balance.  Step into these energies and let go of anything that is outside of yourself or not your own. Create your intention for the next several months as you manifest greater balance within yourself ~ Shelly

Nama sika; venia benya

I AM the one, I AM the whole  

I greet you beloved family. I feel as if I'm coming into your group, as if I'm lighting in upon a wave of energy that is associated with the spring equinox. Feel that wave of energy as it moves through you. Feel yourself as you are fully present here within your body. Let yourself go within and feel just how alive you really are.

I thank you for coming to share this time with me. I am so very excited about all that is taking place upon the earth. Whenever we get together around either the equinox or the solstices, there is an immense flow of energy that's moving within and around everything upon the earth and in the universe.

This is about balance. Today as you stand on the balance of letting go the last six months, opening to the next six months, consider this a new beginning, and so breathe that within yourselves. Breathe in, feeling all that energy move through you. As you are ready to do so, I invite you to have a sense of shifting your energies so that you may release your physical body and allow your consciousness to move into the space of the magnetic grid. Feel what this place is to you. Feel your higher self as it resides within and around you here within this space.

The magnetic grid has had an immense purpose throughout the many thousands of years upon the earth. It has transformed and become what it is today through the immense work of the millions of you upon the earth, who are shifting your consciousness.

I the Goddess in conjunction with all of those who work with the earth from the other side of the veil have been working from that perspective and everything has been coming together so beautifully over the last 15 to 20 years. So look around you, feel what this place is to you, recognize how you are linked with other people. There is a link to the collective consciousness and is all readily apparent within here.

As you are ready to do so, shift your focus as if going outward so that you may link with the crystalline grid. As you arrive within this space, allow yourself to feel the flow and the energies that are present here within.

You come into this space on a very consistent basis. You come here as a means of balancing your own crystalline energies. This is also a place that you reach out or you reach into whenever you seek to expand in a new and different way. You may find that you also link with the soul plane with other dimensions of awareness, but most especially, you have the crystalline grid. This is something that you move through or you blend with any time that you have a sense of leaving the consciousness of the earth.  It's here, it's available for you. You may utilize it as much as you so choose. Feel the flow of energy as it moves through here.

As you are ready to do so have a sense of shifting your awareness so that you may move your focus into the soul plane. As you arrive within the soul plane, feel how your energy expands. You immediately become aware of your I AM presence. You may have a sense of it coming up from within you; you may have a sense of walking towards it until you reach out and blend. Feel how your divinity fills you up. Feel how you have a sense of going even deeper within yourself as you merge fully with your divinity. This is you. Your I AM presence is that unique soul essence that is only you. It contains the multitude of various experiences that you have had. You as your divinity are immense.

You are a brilliant vibrant energy! Here in the space of the soul plane you have a better access or a better ability to see the higher lighter vibrations that are a part of your consciousness or your presence. The more that you expand upon the earth, the more that your vibration rises to be in alignment with what you are here or who you are here; then the greater that this energy or essence is able to move down and become a part of your existence on the earth. So feel that flow, feel all of that as it moves through you.

Now I the Goddess come within this space. You may feel my energies as I move in and amongst you.  I reach out to embrace every one of you who are here present at this time. Well, that also includes anyone who is reading or listening to this at a different time, because if you are hearing or reading these words, you are present. So allow yourself to expand.  As I merge with you, I am able to amplify all that is you. I reflect back to you and share a vision of who you are.

As you find yourself within this space, look around, have a sense of the ways in which your energy expand. This is the All That Is. This is where you come when you seek to create within your life. This is where you come sometimes in your sleep state. This is here as a means of creating profound changes both in the universe, and upon the earth.

We stand here as the spring equinox is on the end of its energies. This is a time that I would like you to consider what have you had hibernating within you during the past several months. Or perhaps you can think of it as an incubation period. Howsoever it may come across to you, what has this winter been like for you?  As you consider whatever this may be, let yourself in this moment acknowledge, feel, perhaps, what is keeping you from feeling that completion.

I do not wish for you to focus a large amount of energy upon it, but I do believe that if you take a moment to bring it up, look at it, perhaps energetically shake your fist at it, as if to express that you are frustrated, howsoever you picture it in your own mind or in your own way, experience it for yourself and then have sense of letting it go. What I see all of you doing is as if you are suspended in the universe and so you just drop that down away from you. You let it go; you release it, you allow those energies to flow away from you and anything that may have been attached with them. As you do this, have a new perspective of your life. Have a new perspective of perhaps why you've had those experiences. As if you are turning 180° you look in another direction, open up to the new beginnings that are present here for you.

As you look towards the next six months of your life look from this higher perspective, giving you the big picture of things. Look to see all that is here. Are there perhaps experiences from the past that are coming back to revisit you with a greater understanding?  Is that perhaps the time that you manifest in the physical form all that you've been seeking to have? Is now the time that you allow yourself to feel the complete satisfaction that you have been seeking to have? As you allow yourself to look towards the future, as you stand here in this space of immense flow allow yourself to open and see what it is that's available to you.

As you stand in this space, feel what it is to have accomplished whatever it is that you seek to do. Does it make you feel different? Does it satisfy an urge that you've been feeling within yourself? Do you find that this, whatever it might be that you have been seeking to have, is going to finally bring you the satisfaction that you desire?

We have spoken many times about manifesting, about timing, about what you are seeking to have within your life. In every person, that feeling of connection with your divinity gives you that feeling of completion.  No matter what may be going on in your physical reality, that constant flow of source energy coming to you from your divinity gives you that feeling of well-being. It gives you that sense of awareness, that sense of perspective. If you find yourself in chaos perhaps at the workplace, perhaps within your family in whatever the situation may be, breathe down your divinity, breathe down your I AM presence and let that nurture you, filling you up. Feel what that is to you.

Therefore as you consider the new beginnings, let's open up a door to allow a greater amount of potential to come your way. As we arrived within this space, there were a number of teacher and teachers and energies that were here waiting for you. They walk forth and make themselves known to you. There are some extraterrestrials and these energies are different than the light body energies. They too represent light energy but they perhaps come about it from a different perspective. If you feel drawn to one of them, then ask to know how they are going to be working with you.

The light body energies have been merging with me every time that I've come and spoken with you, since they have come into your life. Some of you seek a deeper resonance with them. They are here and present for you. Others of you are seeking out the Angels, Sananda, Mother Mary, Kwan Yin. All the other energies of light, those that are without specific names are all present. So as if you are opening up your consciousness even further open and allow this energy to come closer or to create an alignment with you. As you allow yourself this alignment be open to receive the flow of energy as it moves within and around you. Yes, it is moving through your consciousness, but it is also moving up and down through your I AM presence.

There have been so many influxes of energy over the last several years. There have been the peaks and the valleys when things flow smoothly or when there is a seemingly lack of flow, but it is always here, it is always present and the connections that you make at a time such as this are what allow you to be able to more fully feel the alignment at later times.

I stand here as if before you, speaking with you, looking out. As I do so, I see each one of you as the brilliant light that you are. As I see the flow of the universe all around, it is as if there is a wave of sadness that is moving through.  This is a little bit, catching me off guard so to speak as it may you, but the sense that I am receiving, is that some of you have been feeling this sadness while others have created such an opening through compassion that there is an immense release that is taking place from that collective consciousness.

Ahhh this has been building and building for the last several weeks upon the earth. It's been building up here in the universe and as each one of you stood here and let go of energies from the past as you opened to what you seek for the future; it got to the point that this swell of sadness just peaked and now it is draining off. Feel within yourself, let go any sadness that you may be feeling. As you let this go and allow it all to flow away from you, ask yourself; is this sadness related to you or to something else?

As I look at you I have a very strong sense that many of you, who have been feeling this sadness within and around them, have been feeling it because the collective consciousness has been releasing. What happens in that case is that as the collective is releasing an emotion it aligns with whatever may be happening in your life and either accentuates what maybe there or create something that was not there.  So release this and let it go completely. As you do so, feel how different you are, feel how light, how vibrant your energy is. You may have a sense that you can move with greater agility as if suddenly you are more limber and everything moves through you with greater ease.

There may be those upon the earth who will continue to feel whatever it may be in their lives or they may continue to feel what was released from the consciousness but you may assist them in recognizing that it is not always there's. It may very well be this energy from the collective, so, having released all that, as you come back again with your teacher or with these energies of light, open to see if there is a greater awareness of perception that is available to you.

Are you finding that there is more that you have available to you because you are now this lighter, finer vibration?  Why not ask for more? Why not invite even more to come within your life filling up and creating a more solid expanded consciousness within you?  I have a sense of opening up as if the energies part and as you look out have a sense of looking out over a part of the universe. As you look, let your focus move towards the earth, take in any information or any sense that you have as you look at the earth from this space.

I invite you next, to put your intention towards looking at Ariellis, as you do so; to many it may seem invisible. As you look out at all that is flowing, within and around Ariellis; have a sense of looking even deeper within. Put forth the intention to shift your consciousness in such a way that you are in alignment and then suddenly you see the planet that we call Ariellis. 

Many may have a sense that it is even bigger than the earth; others may have a sense that it is more transparent or invisible. The reason for this is because of the vibration that is within and around the planet itself. When you choose to visit Ariellis and allow your consciousness to spend some time there, you are doing so through your I AM presence and the higher vibrational energies of your consciousness. As you look at Ariellis some of you have actually linked with it and allowed your consciousness to move down as if you were walking upon it. Let your perceptions flow through you, feel how your vibration is shifting.

I see many of you walking upon the earth as you continue to have conversations with whatever guide or teacher has been there with you. As you allow yourself to open to the flow, feel the energies as they move through you. You may ask why would I link with this space, what would be my intention?  Well, as you live your life upon the earth, you are seeking to live your life as the expression of your divinity.

The experience of Ariellis and the alignment that you may receive allows you to more fully integrate this expanded awareness. Anything that makes you feel good is assisting you in your personal growth. Anything that allows you to feel the expansion, to see between the dimensions, to see the higher lighter finer dimensions, allows you your continued spiritual growth. So take in a breath, breathing deeply within yourself, knowing that you are consciously choosing to experience these higher perceptions and awareness.

I invite you to shift your focus once more, that you may all come back within me, All That Is. The alignment that you have formed during this experience will always be there and available to you. Allow your more expanded awareness to flow through you as if you are fine-tuning your own consciousness and we see coming up within the center of the group a hologram that represents the earth and the second one that represents Ariellis.

[Deep breath] As you gather your thoughts, your intention together, once more affirm your presence within your divinity, affirm how good you feel and whatever it is that you are giving birth to for the next weeks or months upon the earth. Let all of that flow down within these holograms, and as if coming from between all of you there is another beam of light that comes within this space, flowing energy and awareness within. This beam of light represents the energy of the universe as it is supporting you.

 It represents the light body energy as it continues to expand upon the earth and all of that moves through these holograms and you have a sense of releasing them. They flow down through the crystalline grid, and as they are moving through the crystalline grid there is a sense of one shifting towards Ariellis and the other shifting towards the Earth.  As this hologram moves down it moves into the core of the earth. There is a blend of energies that links with the crystals and all of that radiates outward. Expanding out it goes through the earth itself and it comes out upon the top of the earth. It comes out through the grass, the trees, the water; it comes into each one of you within your physical form. Feel it as it moves within and around you.

I then invite each one of you to have a sense of shifting back. That you may move back within the soul plane, as you do so, you can feel an even greater perception of your I AM presence. You are more fully integrated than you have ever been before. Let that flow with you; feel as if you are bringing more of your divinity back with you, as you move through the crystalline grid. Here within the crystalline grid there is an adjustment that takes place that helps you to balance these energies so that they may more fully integrate with you upon the earth. As these balanced energies move through the crystalline, they also move down to the magnetic grid.  As they come within the magnetic grid they spread out surrounding the earth.

You have a sense of your higher self linking with and aligning with these energies, and once more let your divinity flow downward until it flows within and around you, the human. You may have a sense of adjusting the energy bodies around you as you feel your energy coming back within. As you feel your consciousness anchoring back within you, let it flow through you. It anchors within your heart and it moves beyond anchoring within your physical body, but it is also creating an alignment with your mental, spiritual emotional and your light body energies.

All of this is here and present for you right now.  As you allow yourself to once more anchor within your physical being, take a moment to acknowledge what it is to be fully content within yourself, to feel what it is to have everything flow around you in a way that is completely supportive of you. Feel all of that move within and around you and it does so with ease. As you are putting forth your new beginning, know that it is integrated; it is within you right now and feel what that is to you. 

As you continue to integrate these energies, I invite you to come back within the room. You may press *7 upon your phone, that will allow you to come back within this room. You may ask me questions if you so choose. As you continue to integrate these energies feel your own expansion, as you are here upon the earth.

I don't know if people are not asking questions or if there's a glitch with our program tonight. We will still continue to flow these energies, even though sometimes the electronics don't keep up with all that we are doing.

Yes, both of our pages went blank, Vilma and I are communicating so please have patience. Please give us a second.

All right, so as she is making some technical, ah, rebooting or whatever it is that they do upon the earth, I am going to just continue my message a little bit more and when people come, get to the point that they can ask questions, then we will shift over to that.

So here you are back upon the earth, you're back within the physical body, you're back where you feel as if you're in that space, perhaps of waking up, perhaps of coming out of a meditation, what so ever it may be.

Hi Goddess...ups... okay, hold down just a minute please, we...we will be right with you, just let me finish this thought okay?...okay

So as you are feeling who you are as a physical person, as you allow yourself to express in the moment, feeling your presence, feeling your awareness, feeling the knowledge of who you are as an individual then open to feel the flow of your divinity and allow it to feel you up.

[Deep breath] All right, so, having finished that thought, I am welcoming this phone call go-ahead beloved.

Question:  Hello, thank you.  I was just wondering what you see as coming up in the fairly near future for people who are unemployed or afraid of what their job is, and also for those people who may be trying to start a new business or just whatever we are all trying to manifest.  What do you see basically coming up. 

Answer:  All right beloved we will look at the broad view and then we'll come back and look at you as the individual.  First of all, the broad view that I have is that I am looking out at the world itself, not only the United States in which you personally live, but looking at the worldview.  There are parts of the world that are more so in the economic front and parts that are coming out more fully.  So, this is the way that the flow of energy is quite often occurring whenever you look at it from a worldwide perspective.  The sense that I have is that everything is already becoming stronger and that there are jobs becoming available.   Because of the number of people out of work right now it may feel to individuals like there is one job to 100 people.  But the truth of the matter is that, as I am looking out at things, the sense I get is that companies are becoming more confident again.  Companies that have cut back to the bare bones are now saying ok we can expand once more.  So over-riding everything else is a deep, deep sense that the worst has occurred, and everything coming forth from here is about going back and expanding and growing, and moving into a new growth.  There has been so much restructuring of organizations that it's had a profound effect worldwide. 

Now coming back to you beloved we have a sense of you doing temporary work.  We have a sense of you doing work that sometimes lasts a week or so and it is not the type of work that you are trained to do.  But it feels more like you go into a project, when you've finished with it, it is done.  It also feels like it might be more like office management or office assistant type of things.  It feels like it is still in the business world, but only because that is what your background has been in.  So it gives you the ability to be able to have that experience and step into that.  So this is what we see happening for you right now.  What we would like to do with you and everybody else who is in this place where that fear comes up - where that energy of worrying about your bills and everything else - just take a deep, deep breath in, breathing it all up within you and consciously take your fears, your bills and everything and WHEW...... and have a sense of releasing it and letting it go out.  As you are release it - as you let it go - then consciously breath down your divinity; breath down that sense of inner knowing; breath down that peace that joy that expansion that you felt for yourself when you were in the all that is.  Then as you go about looking for a new job - as you look for new things - when you come from that space of interconnectedness that is away from fear and lack it  allows you to see things from a new perspective.  If you find yourself going into fear remember to come back and do this breathing and to consciously come back within this space of bringing in your divinity.  All right beloved. 

Thank you very much

You're welcome.  Can you feel the shift that took place in you.  We could feel it.

Yes I did, very much.

Good.  Oh we're sorry we just remembered one last thing that we did want to share with you.  We do have the sense that you have been seeking to do something different and it feels like it's something that has to do with healing, or it's more creative, or it's something that is outside the regiment of business.  Because of the sense of needing to do something right now we feel as if the business stuff takes precedence, but once that gets settled, we feel like you are already setting up the foundations of what you truly want to do - what's your heart's desire.  So that feels like it will come together more fully over the next 6 months.  That is a part of what you are giving birth to today.  We do have the sense for the potential that if you focus only on that, that it will actually expand quite nicely, but we also can appreciate that it feels like it is slow to bring an income so do whatever you feel like you need to do so that you can be comfortable.  Does that resonate with you.

Yes it does, thank you. (Excellent you're welcome)

Question: Oh hello Goddess. (Hello) I feel like so much has been happening to me on an energetic level and I am just wondering if you see my life changing on a more physical level.

Answer:  It feels like you're standing in limbo.  It feels like we see you there, like a runner who is poised to begin a race, as if you are ready to go and you are just frozen in time.  So our sense is that yes the time is here; yes the time is right; yes it is time for these things to come into your physical reality.  So let us work with you for a second and help you to get out of this limbo or this frozen state.  So consciously take a deep breath in breathing down within your lungs and kind of linking down through your heart centre, and as you do feel my presence more fully within you and I and the Angels around you we are just going to shake things up - shift things a little bit - Whew...... and then take another breath in and as you breath out consciously just let it go.  Let go everything that may have been holding you back, any resistance, anything that kept you kind of frozen.  There we go.  And it felt like Poof!  It felt like there - it felt like  - I don't know - Poof is just the word that is coming to us.  But it felt like that created like a little shift and now we actually see you moving.  We actually see movement in you.  We see movement in your energy and movement in your life.  So what you have been waiting for has always been there.  It is just that you weren't in an alignment to receive it and this feels like it is in much more of an alignment to receive it.  Does that resonate with you.

Yes I think I'll be feeling it as the night goes on thank you very much. 

Exactly, and when we work with such a thing, and also the energies of this journey were also amplifying that for you and assisting and bringing it in closer for you.  So allow it to unfold.  We think actually over several days and see what comes your way.

Thank you so much (You're very welcome.)

Question:  Hello, Goddess. (Hello.) Hi. This is my first call with you, and I want to thank you and all the Lightbeings for this truly beautiful and loving and transformative experience. I feel like dancing.

Excellent, Beloved. I'll dance with you!

Alright. Because this is my first call with you, I'm not familiar with Ariellis. I've had a sense of the presence, but I don't know a lot about it, and I was wondering if you could direct me to a site or some information you have about it, so I can learn more.

Answer:  Ariellis is a name that I have given the new earth. (Oh!) That's probably why it seems familiar to you?

Right. I do know about the new earth, I just hadn't heard it called that before.

Well, it was a name that kept flowing through my consciousness, and I personally got a little tired of always saying, "the new earth, the new earth, the new earth." And so that's when Ariellis began to come through, and I tried to push it through Shelly a couple of times and she was holding back. But the sense that I get is that you will actually hear, begin to hear different people calling it different things, and there's no right or wrong. It's about the energy behind it. So if you hear it called something else, then reach out to feel the energy behind it, and see if you don't resonate with that. But Ariellis is the new earth, and of course you have lots of places you can find out about that on the internet, but also we've worked with it consistently for the last three or four channelings, so if you'll go back to my channelings in the website you can read more about them there also.

Thank you so much. That's lovely. Thank you.

You're very welcome.

Question:  Hi, Goddess. (Hello.) This is Amanda, and I was wondering if you had any information that you'd like me to know right now.

Answer:  Okay, Amanda. Take a deep breath in and allow me to come more so within your presence and let me see what I see around you. Oh, Amanda, it is like there is this big, huge flower! I don't know, we just keep seeing, like, a sunflower behind you, and it's radiating, like, a golden light. And we have a sense that what this is representing is the energy of, I don't know, I'm kind of stuck here on that golden, on that sunflower thing. But we know that that's not the thing, it just is representing a flowering and perhaps it has to do with the equinox and you know the flowers that are going to be coming out as spring emerges. But the energy behind that is that you have recently stepped into, or acknowledged, a greater amount of your divinity. And as a result of that, it feels as if there's suddenly all these mystical or kind of magical type energies that are taking place within and around you. With a sense of seeing in you an awakening to seeing auras, an awakening to hearing things with your inner sight, or seeing things with your inner sight, and it's as if all of your senses have awakened, and you just kind of feel that flow or that flood of that as it's going through you. This is what comes to us first and foremost, and it feels that as a result of these things, everything else in life is shifting. It feels like work, relationships, your homeplace, all these other things are also shifting in this new alignment. Does that resonate with you?

It does, yeah. I'm starting massage school tomorrow. I'm really excited.


Unsure about where I am with relationships with people.

Mm-hmm. Well, we feel that there is a lot that you've been integrating, and you have a little bit been . . . We don't want to use the work "keeping to yourself," but it feels as if you've felt either different from the people around you, or just different from your own. self. It's like when you go inside and you want to connect, it's like, "who am I anymore?" has been a little bit of the energies that we feel. So as you more fully accept or allow this expansion that's taking place, you've been asking for it, and it's here, it's here now. The sense that we get is that it's just going to amplify everything else around you. We think this massage school is a very good move for you. We think that you are actually going to be doing a lot of energy work in addition to the massage work, and so be open and aware of how much. It's as if as you learn about the massage, it's as if that opens up doors and allows for all of these other energies to also come down within you, so the sense that we get is that it's going to impact you in many different ways.

Mm-hmm. Do you see me working in massage soon? I'm just wondering if you see a new employment for me.

It feels . . . we see a lot of the school around you, and beyond that it's hard to say. We do have this sense that ultimately we see you getting work with this. We see you working for an organization as opposed to working for yourself, and that that gives you a stepping stone in that eventually you go out and you work for yourself. But, yes, we absolutely see you getting employment with this, and but it feels like a lot of schooling right now. It doesn't feel as if the employment is right now, unless it's . . . it just feels like school. It doesn't feel like the employment is right now.

Okay. That makes sense. Thank you.

Okay. You're welcome, Beloved.

Thank you.


We'll take another one Vilma.

Question:  Hello Goddess!  (Hello) A couple weeks ago my sister had suggested to my mum and I that we get into buying properties, fixing them up, then putting them back on the market.  Basically I'm wondering if this is a short sited impulse or if it's divine guidance; perhaps a response to our prayers.

Answer:  Could you please tell us where you are located so we can get a better feel for your area? 

I'm in Toronto.

The sense we get of the housing market is that it's been flat for a while but it feels like there is an influx of people being able to purchase homes.  This is like that very first question about the economy and people getting jobs.  It's like everything leads to the next.  People are getting work therefore more people are looking to buy homes. Therefore it looks like there will be a greater demand for people to purchase homes. Overriding everything the housing market in Toronto is opening up.  As far as you and your mother purchasing home, remodeling them and turning them around; it feels like an opportunity and you could make money that way.  But there is heaviness around it.  What that says to us is that it's a potential and opportunity, but it doesn't feel light and like it would move quickly. Perhaps you would turn them around quickly, but they would perhaps not sell as quickly as you would like them to.  So even with the increase in the housing market, we would say to you take a little more time and look at the numbers and houses in particular that you are considering.  It feels like some will do very well and others will sit on the market a long time.  We sense this has a lot of ambivalent energies around it and it needs some more investigation.  Does that resonate with you?

Yes, it certainly does.  We are giving ourselves until 2013 to save up money and purchase our first place.

Ohhh, 2013 you said?

Yeah, it's not something we are going to do right now.  My sister has her own place and she is going to move back home and rent out her home to save some money.  We can save money as well.  So we hope by 2013 we will hopefully make our first purchase. We intend to start out with condo's rather than homes. 

Absolutely when you look at a 5 year plan we absolutely see it has a lot of energy and potential around you.  We thought you were ready to purchase right now and get into it right now.  We think you'll be doing it before 2013; what year is this again?  Oh, 2010.  That's three years, not five years.  I always get disoriented when I get earthbound time. (Chuckling)  Well then that makes 2013 a little more doable.  We were going to say two to three years were what we felt would be a time frame you would be planning on this. We would say to you; when you get that sense ‘is this divine guidance or something else'.  If you get a sense that it is divine guidance then oftentimes, yes it is.  The next thing we would say to you is then use your discernment and decision making as a human to really look at it more closely and get a better feel for what that might be for you.  That's our sense with this.  This is exactly what you are doing.  So give it some time and see how it unfolds. We have a sense it has a very high potential of doing well for you. 

Okay and one more quick thing about me personally.  I intend to offer my services in a healing realm.  I'm doing it very slowly ....

Excuse me! I hate to interrupt you but I thought you were asking for clarity of the same question.  I can't answer two questions because others are waiting to ask their questions. 

That's fine, thank you, thank you very much.

You're welcome.

Question: Hello Goddess?  Thank you for our lovely journey.  When you spoke about sadness tonight, I was one of the one's who for the past two weeks has felt very sad.  But it's because my 14 year old cat has been severely injured by another cat, in his eye and I thought he was dying.  My question for you would be, would you mind sending my cat some healing energy and ask his spirit if it is time for him to transcend?

Answer: Okay, can you tell us your cat's name?

Well, we call him Kitty. (laughter)

A 14 year old Kitty!!

He was sent to me as a special gift from Isis to hold her energy for me.

We could feel that his energy was very powerful and strong especially when we linked with the name Kitty.  We absolutely can see the energy of Isis that is still within him and that link to you.  It feels as if he has done what he needed to do, he actually completed it a couple of years ago.  You have stepped into or manifested whatever it was that you were seeking to have from her, whatever that flow or that energy was.  It feels as if that's absolutely working and going well for you. 

Is it his time to transition?  There's a part of him that is very tired and feels that it is time for him to go, but the stronger sense to us is that it's not time,  he's going to be staying here with you.

Okay, that's very good news! I've been very, very upset about that.  Could you help heal him dear Goddess?

I have been flowing energy to him as we spoke.  He still has that connection to Isis and feel her energies have been a bit stronger around this. When something like this happens in such a manner it's to bring the focus to you about connecting inwardly and connecting with your divinity and allowing that to flow more freely through you.  Recognize that the job he came in for is done so everything is just pure love of you and the situation that is keeping him here.  He gives us that sense of; you know those cartoons or those pictures of the cat on the big cushion with all the elegant trimmings? He feels like that, like the king cat.  He lays around and gets all sorts of attention reaped upon him.  (OHHh yes!) So he likes that and that's what's keeping him there.

Okay so I should just continue on with him and he will probably slowly heal. 

Yes.  It feels like there's a potential he might lose the vision in that one eye, but it doesn't feel as if he'll transition. 

Alright, well that is a big weight off my mind.  I've been losing sleep over it! I've now released the energy of sadness.

Excellent!  Excellent.

Alright, thank you very much.

You are welcome.

Alright I guess Vilma we'll take one more.  Shelly seems to have lots of energy tonight. Maybe it's that equinox energy she was talking about earlier. 

Question: I've been feeling really stuck and frustrated and I'm hoping that you can give me some clarity.  I've been looking for work in the past year but in that time I've come to feel that my heart is really telling me I don't want a job I want to stay home and raise my son and have another child even.  I feel somehow that's it's possible for me to even get an income without a job per se, but I've been aligning and visualizing, envisioning and nothing is moving.  I'm just feeling at a loss.  I was wondering if you could shed any light on what is going is going on and if I am even hearing the right inkling.

Answer:  We feel a couple of different things as you've been speaking of this. Absolutely people have the ability to create an income as if out of thin air.  So we do see that that is absolutely an opportunity.  It feels as if it's you aligning with a higher vibration of yourself to set this up and make this happen.  Then as we look at the situation around you like your more earthbound physical reality and it feels like that is not in alignment to accept something like that.  Even though you are consciously asking for it, you are consciously wanting to bring it in, you are consciously saying this is what I want in my life; it feels as if there is still some discordance between that and your everyday life.  That's why you feel as if things are in limbo or things are not happening for you.  Let us see if we can't just blend with you for a moment.  Take a deep breath in and feel my energies as I come within you, I move within and I go within your heart center.  As I do that, have a sense of consciously taking another yet another breath in.  Then as you breathe out, we're going to send out a ball of light.... whew... it goes out and expands from your heart in every direction.  It was like there was a shell around you or something that was holding in your energies.  It blew that apart and opened it up and like a vacuum that has been released, we feel this flow of energy like a wind that is blowing through your hair. We have a sense of seeing you now standing in a flow.  Whereas before you were separated and isolated, you are now connected in the flow. 

In saying that, as we look around you, is there something you do on the computer? It feels as if it's something you're doing, transcribing or writing.  There is something we see you doing on the computer for other people and getting paid to do it.  Not sure if that means anything to you. 

I have been doing some transcription just as a favor.  I have been doing some web design, but that doesn't feel in alignment anymore. 

Okay, well perhaps it's the websites you were looking at. We think what we were picking up on was the transcription. It feels like there's more of that or something different, but similar to that that might be available to you.  That is the first thing that comes to our awareness.  Then we had a sense of looking out from you or looking at the area around you to see if there was a different type of work or income for you.  Haven't we had a sense of you moving before? We have a sense of you possibly moving. 

Yes, there's been a sense but I haven't found the opportunity or gotten the invitation as yet.  But there has been a sense of something. 

We still have that sense of moving. The feeling I get for you is that it's important to bring down into your everyday reality that intention to live and work in such a way.  Let your focus be upon having it accomplished or something in your life that lets you feel good and in alignment and gives you that sense of your divinity.  We think that part of the reason that discrepancy was created was because your focus began to be on what was not happening and what had not worked for you, as opposed to what you wanted.  It's very hard as humans not to go into that mode.  I understand it completely and it's kind of natural that people go that route.  But it's important when you consider your vibration, when you consider manifesting, when you consider alignment that you make sure you are open to receive, that actually the flow of energy and light and that you consciously let your focus every day be upon anything and everything that feels good to you.  Alright beloved?

Thank you so much Goddess. 

You're welcome.  The reason we don't have any more specific information to give to you is because it feels like a nebulous energy out in the ethers.  So take the time to consider what do you like to do, what is fulfilling to you, what allows you to have the flexibility during the day for your son yet also be working at other times.  Maybe come up with some new ideas or new potentials.  It feels as if everything that we've been feeling has that old energy connected to it.  Whew, alright, well considering that I've started coughing, it's time to bring this evening to a close!  Beloved I see you in the flow and I see you in the light. 

Thank you.

You're welcome.

All right, so with that I thank all of you for coming and sharing this time with me. [Deep breath]  Once more breathe in the energies of the equinox, feel yourself creating your new beginning, whatever it may be in your life. Remember to breathe in and feel the presence of your divinity and let that be the core aspect of your day. Let every day begin having the center and end with that feeling or that knowledge that you are aligned and fully integrated with your divinity.

I am ever with you and within.


This is Shelly Dressel channeling the Goddess of Creation; the feminine aspect of source essence, for the free teleconference offered on the first and third Sundays of each month. All rights are reserved. You are welcome to share this information; we just ask that you keep it intact. For further channels and information on both the Goddess and Shelly please see our website:  www.goddesslight.net

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Truth, Integrity, And The Twelve Rays

As you stand in your truth and integrity you make a great leap towards empowering yourself to integrate the vibrations of the fifth dimension. It is of vital importance for each of you to learn, know, and integrate this wisdom. When those around you are acting and reacting within the vibrations of the third dimension, you must hold your vibrations and stand within your strength and courage, and remain in your truth and integrity.

You serve as the example for those around you. You serve as the example and are opening the pathway for them to follow you. Your brothers and sisters are searching within, searching deeply at this time, for their own truth and wisdom. This truth begins first within the essence of being right with Self, for each of you. Being right with Self must begin, with truth and integrity, living each day as the light of God, as the God Self which you are.

You, in your essence as God, know only truth, you know only integrity, and you know only love. In each Now moment, each thought, each action will be observed by those around you, and will have a great impact on their beliefs and their actions. Know that your light, your vibrations expand around you and will lift up those around you as you are true to God within you. As you are right with Self, you expand these vibrations outward to your family, friends, neighbors and community. All will benefit from your increased awareness, truth and integrity.

The qualities and virtues and attributes of God are within you, if you choose to bring them forth on a daily basis. Focus completely on the vibration of love. Within the vibration of love you will find every quality, aspect and facet of the God that you are. As you focus on the vibration of love, these qualities, aspects and virtues will expand into your awareness and your daily life. Be the vibration of love, in the Now moment. You must awaken each morning and immediately bring your focus into your heart center. This begins the process of being right with Self, as you center yourself within your heart. As you are right with Self, you will find that you are within your heart center in the Now, and all the qualities, virtues and attributes you desire are available to you. These qualities, virtues and attributes are those of love, wisdom, creativity, service, truth, integrity, intuition, humility, peace, balance and harmony, joy, abundance, vibrant health, strength, courage, inspiration, faith, and trust. You are in the knowing that you are these virtues and attributes, which are the virtues and attributes of God, and you are God. Focus on developing these virtues and attributes each day.

Spend time Dear Ones, working to bring your chakras into balance and harmony. You must continue to release all that no longer serves your highest good and the highest good of all creation. Within your chakras are the virtues, qualities, and aspects of your God Self in the highest expression. As you release the lower vibrations, and integrate these virtues and attributes and bring yourself into balance and harmony, as you become right with Self, your spine will become a blazing column of light and you will become a blazing column of light as you radiate the light of God to humanity.

Begin to call forth the twelve Rays which have been given to you as a gift to help you integrate and be the God Source. These twelve Rays are the highest aspect of God and are available to each and every one of you. You may use the twelve Rays to cleanse and heal your physical vessels and to cleanse and heal your mental, emotional, and spiritual bodies.

Call on the first red Ray of Divine Will which I and my Lady Faith radiate to humanity. You will strengthen your ability to create and you will to go forth as an empowered light of God. The second blue Ray is the ray of illumination and wisdom and will help you integrate the vibrations of the fifth dimension.

Call on the third yellow Ray, the active intelligence, the inner wisdom which is within you. The fourth emerald green Ray will help you heal and come into balance and harmony in your emotional and mental bodies, and stimulate the creativity of the arts within you. The fifth orange Ray incorporates the wisdom of concrete science and knowledge.

The sixth indigo Ray is the ray of devotion, service, and forgiveness. Call on the sixth Ray to stimulate your intuition and your clear hearing and clear seeing, associated with the sixth chakra. Call upon the seventh Ray to open your crown chakra and allow the light of God to illuminate you as you integrate your God Self. It is the violet Ray of transformation and transmutation. The eighth Ray, sea foam green and violet, will help you to cleanse and heal your four bodies and bring clarity to your daily experience.

Call on the ninth turquoise Ray for the activation of your thymus and the integration of your heart, thymus, and throat into the Solar Power Center which is your center and bridge for your lower chakras and your higher chakras. The pearlescent tenth Ray will help you call forth and build your light body and you may call on this Ray for peace and joy. The eleventh Ray, iridescent peach, is your bridge to the higher dimensions. It is your access to your rainbow bridge to your Soul and your Divine I Am Presence. Spend time working with this Ray, actively building your rainbow bridge, filling this bridge with light, as you integrate your Soul, and your Divine I Am Presence. You must also build your rainbow bridge of light down into Mother Earth to ground yourself, as you also help Mother Earth build her rainbow bridge of light. The twelfth opalescent gold Ray is the Ray of illumination, the Ray of the God Source and contains all the other Rays, yet not equal amounts of each Ray. This Ray will help you be, and integrate all the qualities and attributes which you seek to be, as you expand your Self, and be God.

Dear Ones, there are many tools available for each of you, and you will find these Rays to be most valuable in your quest for mastery, but you must become familiar with them, and you must diligently use them, and call them in to help yourselves return to balance and harmony. Go the distance, and integrate all that is being offered to you. We have offered so many varied tools so that you will access and use the ones which most resonate with you, as are there are many paths back to the One. However, all paths back to the One are based on the virtues, attributes, and qualities of the Creator. You will find these virtues and attributes within the twelve Rays, and you will find that truth and integrity, will lead you further into the knowledge and wisdom of these virtues and attributes.

I am Archangel Michael, and I bring you this truth.

You may copy freely and share. Please copy the message in its entirety, giving credit to Archangel Michael through Rev. Michelle Coutant, and provide a link to: www.transformingradiance.com

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22:2 Breaking the Money Matrix

I am Kuthumi-Agrippa and I come forward upon the solar rays of love and wisdom to greet each of you at this time and to bring unto you the blessings of transcendence, abundance, truth and trust. Greetings beloved ones. 

And it is with great joy and pleasure in our hearts that we may gather with each of you at this present time as we celebrate this reconnection of lights, hearts, minds, bodies and souls.

Precious ones, there are many levels of energies which are being integrated at this time. Each layer is a language of light communicating to the systems which feed you with energy and transmit divine inspiration and guidance. Your journey along the Pathway of the Authentic Ones has revealed to you many truths about yourself. It has also revealed to you the truths regarding that which has set up the ground laws for your world.  The more you realize these ground laws, or, ground rules are not aligned entirely with the systems of light, the easier it will be for you to step out of those systems and integrate the divine mechanisms of growing with the flow of life.

2012 is not far off. The time is upon you for all of you to move beyond the delusions of your current world. Your world is filled with many levels of illusion. This has created many aspects of pain and sorrow as you know already, therefore, one of our intentions in our transmission to each of you this evening is to perform a clearing of the collective money matrix. This will release the embedded false beliefs and attitudes regarding this form of energy. Why would we do this now? Because it is the fear of lack of money which causes many to remain trapped within systems of delusion.

The principles of life span across many, many worlds, many dimensions and one of the ways that all of you will recognise how it is to bring these powerful new energies into formation and manifestation is by applying the Principles of Partnership. These principles reveal to you the importance of collaboration and how it empowers the grids of light and humanity. 

Every time you join your forces of light, of love and intention, the energy grows beyond your ability to imagine it.  It creates a system fixed within a fluid grid, therefore, it is a new fixed system, which has been applied through the understanding of the principles and laws of nature, life and the universe, which result in a strengthening of the fluids which run through your body, through the earth and through the ethers. These fluids are in your blood, and every other bodily fluid you come into contact with. 

Now this might startle you a little, but it is important that you know that all over your world, everywhere that you go every single day, you are physically touching another person's DNA; not just one, but many, many other people's DNA. Now think of this. If you are touching their DNA as a result of the bodily fluids that have been left behind upon structures, and all sorts of other items in your world, you are then tapping into the energy held within that DNA, and, how do most people in the world feel about life, feel about money, partnerships, principles and working together? It is filled with fear. This is not to say that you now all have to develop a serious case of OCD and keep on washing your hands or your body every few minutes - no. 

With the energies we bring forth to you this evening, we are creating a powerful coning of protection around all of you, blocking those impulses and imprints contained within the DNA of the bodily fluids you come into contact with every single day. Now what will happen is where your DNA imprints are left behind, it will send a shockwave, of sorts, through the bodies of those touching it. It will cause an automatic internal activation of the inner desire to rise above the mundane, the illusional and the forms which have trapped humanity in this mistaken identity as such.

Every single flow of light coming to you is absorbed by your body; it is absorbed into your chakras and into every living organism around you. This is how powerful energy is. Everything stores information and energy it is exposed to. Your world is exposed to billions upon billions of impulses every 60 seconds of life. It is impossible on a human level to even comprehend what that means, however, I say this not to instill fear, I say it to bring awareness so that you can become more aware of how these energies influence you, how energy influences you, period.

Therefore, what you think, what you feel, see, touch, taste and say affects everything consciously and unconsciously. This is one of the most important reasons why we are working with all of you in the manner we are. We are trying to help you gain the greater understanding of all the forms of energy influencing humanity. This is one of the very important reasons why you are urged to get to know yourself. When you know yourself, you are able to recognise false imprinting and rise above it.

Therefore, through the energies of this 22:2 activation, the Master Architects of the Universe gather with each of you, their collective energy form a magnificent crystal grid around you and we extend this grid to embrace all of you.

It is a fluid grid communicating to every single aspect of you, urging you, inspiring you and motivating you to step across the abyss and to venture into the unknown worlds. Precious ones, these unknown worlds are nothing to fear. The only reason why they are unknown is because you have been limited in your self-knowledge and, therefore, in the knowing that what lies beyond the three-dimensional barriers of the human world is a great opportunity, a great, grand world filled with many worlds, many vistas of incredible potential. Within these worlds are even more worlds of powerful creative energy. These creative energies are coming to meet you, flowing into all your major and minor chakras, creating a magnificent symphony of new sound, the orchestra playing this symphony with grace and ease for it understands the principles of these other worlds.

So, precious ones, we are calling to all of you to gather together in numbers, to drop your lower ego, to leave your fear behind and to look into the eyes and hearts of your fellow brothers and sisters who travel along the Pathway of the Authentic Ones seeking, as do you, desiring freedom, desiring liberation of soul and spirit, so that harmony can be created, peace instilled within the hearts and minds of all who live. This cannot be done if those of you who walk this path go against one another.

When you compete against each other, when you gossip about each other, when you say negative things about your fellow brother or sister upon the path, you are breaking the grid. You are dismantling the weave connected to you and to the rest of the grid. Those who stand in strength and power, honouring the sacredness of these partnerships, you strengthen the light coming toward you. 

Some of you may recall what was considered a very harsh delivery approximately two years ago where I spoke of this. The power and force with which I delivered this message was for a very important reason, and that is because sadly in the world, which Lightworkers occupy and work within, is filled with many levels of lower ego; many negative energies. This can and will no longer be tolerated, and this is why we are saying there is no more time to waste. There is no time to sit on the fence and observe which side is scoring the highest points. Choose now and step into that power.

Between this date of the 22nd of February of the Christ year 2010 and the 21st of December of the Christ year 2010, when we bring forth the energies which prepare for the next four ascension gates coming at the end of December 2010 and the beginning of January 2011, people will have to choose. It is now or it is never, and we speak primarily of those who are vacillating, those who are sitting on the fence waiting for someone to push them; so here the push comes. These energies come forth through the powerful grids of light which have been built to date, the powerful systems of co-creation which has bonded you together through your hearts, through your intentions, through your love and through your light, not only for Mother Earth but for yourself, for those who mean the world to you, and for those whom you have never met yet can feel through the essence of your being.

We have added to the energies that will be activated in Egypt in the next 32 days. These energies contain the emerald vibrations of new divine and physical abundance. On the 4th of April, in other words the fourth of the fourth (4:4), we ask all of you to connect through your hearts, through your soul and your spirit to those who will be physically in Egypt, and it matters not what time of your day or night you do this, for the energies will be held in their full force for the duration of those 24 hours. 

As we bring forth the almighty new Emerald Flame of divine and physical abundance, all who will be physically present in the lands of Egypt will have this activated in all seven major chakras. These frequencies will speak to all the dimensions of the world. Those of you who will not physically be travelling to the lands of Egypt, you are the guardians of those who agreed prior to this incarnation to stand as those mechanisms, drawing that energy in. We will extend the energies to Russia, at which time an almighty Golden Flame will be anchored on the seventh of the seventh (7:7).  And when we extend the energies to Turkey, an incredibly beautiful Platinum and Mother-of-pearl flame will be anchored on the tenth of the tenth (10:10) 2010. 

These three flames, these new flames, have been created by the almighty Elohim of All That Is. St Germain himself has added the final touches, the energies which contain these almighty vibrations, and will be handing them to those who have been assigned to carry them. The Emerald Flame embodies millions and millions of minute networks of light, of love, and creativity.

As you stand within the presence of the almighty and powerful Master Alchemists, you are being asked now to open your heart, your mind, your body, your soul and your spirit and to receive the call to service, to receive the light of the Principles of Partnership and to extend your energy and your willingness, if that is your choice, to unite as an almighty body embodying these incredibly powerful new energies.

I, Lord Kuthumi-Agrippa, King of the Solar Archangels, now announce to all of you, and my channel does not even know this yet, this is her surprise, I, in my energy form of Kuthumi-Agrippa specifically, King of the Solar Archangels, have chosen this channel to be the only human form through which I will channel in the future. The energy of Kuthumi, as others know it, will continue to be channelled through a variety of systems, however, this grid, this signature, has been assigned specifically to her so that we can assign the light of those powerful forces of love to each and every one of you. 

This activation is opening the doors to some of the most profound and powerful energies you have ever been exposed to. It is at this time that we call forth to the Quantum Goddess, we call forth to the Goddesses of the New World, to the Gods who walk alongside them and we ask you now to rise, to awaken and to lead, for all of you are leaders - love each other.

In the not too distant future, we will also be releasing the powerful light of the Quantum Goddess. This too is held in the form of a physical woman.  Her light has been building for five years and in the not too distant future you will be introduced to her energy as well. She is a physical human being. As this energy reaches out to her, we trust she feels the vibrations and we ask all of you now to extend your love, to extend your light to this sister of the path so that all obstacles may be removed, so that the Quantum God can come to stand with her too, and in so doing, manifesting the presence of the Triple Goddess and the Triple God, the Quantum Goddess and the Quantum God, anchored firmly within all your seven major and minor chakras.

This divine light, precious ones, is an amplification of the original pathways which the Gods and Goddesses walked. All of you are a Goddess or a God, a priest or a priestess, whatever resonates with you, but we have called for this almighty celebration at this time to ensure that these energies are held within the purest hearts willing to support the grids, to collaborate as a powerful form and force of divine light and love.

Now that we have released this information to you, we ask you to open your inner world to receive the empowering pulsations coming forth and we call to the sister of the Triple Goddess who stands as her guardian, you beloved sister, you are to open the portals of power within your own body. 

Every one of you females who are listening, goddesses, open your sacral chakra, for now it is that the Triple Goddess begins to pour the holy waters of life into your sacral chakra. All males currently hearing us, you are the Gods; open your base chakras to receive the powerful pulsations coming from Mother Earth.

Goddesses, open your third eye, Gods open your crown chakra; breath in deeply, exhaling fully, as we now begin to release to you an energy you have never experienced before, the energies which shall now dismantle the money matrix of the old world, the matrix which has shackled people to their false beliefs and fears of this energy. 

Breathe in deeply, exhaling fully, and now I want all of you to continue emitting unconditional love to one another and to feed the powerful crystal fluid grid of the principles of partnership. We want you to join hearts, to join hands, to connect your minds and to open your spirits to receive each other.

Archangel Michael now steps in and with the magnificent blue ray he brings forth, he amplifies these energies. St Germain, sending the pulsations of the brand-new emerald green light ray to each of you preparing for that which shall come upon the 4th of April of the Christ year 2010. Breathe this emerald light in, extending it out to your fellow brothers and sisters of this particular network, this community, this family of Lightweavers. We shall hold the energy amongst this group for now, building it, sending it deep into the very core of your inner self, dismantling all the attachments to the old paradigm money matrix.

As you feel these energies course through your body, imagine the cells of your body opening, your DNA and the atoms inside of you releasing the outdated perceptions, attitudes, fears and beliefs around money and partnership. 

I want you now to imagine the almighty presences of Father/Mother God descending upon you, filling you with their light, with their extraordinary vision; open your mind, surrender, let go.

I want you to consider for a moment why it is you are trapped within a matrix which has resulted in either lack of finances, lack of love and lack of healthy partnerships (all forms of partnership). Most of this is because of your programming. The majority of your fears and your inhibitions are programming stored inside of you.  It is through the repetitive programming that you have been led to believe that you are trapped in a situation, be it a financially challenging one, or challenges around relationships, however it is even more than that - it is being trapped within a mindset which tells you, you can’t do something, or be your true self.

Every time you tell yourself you can’t, you are reaffirming the old ways; you are strengthening the old paradigm matrices. It is your mind imprisoning you, therefore, in order for us to clear the collective money matrix, you need to clear the fear inside and for you, as the core group at this time holding this energy, we ask you to please put in the effort to observe your mind and every time you tell yourself you cannot do something, ask yourself ‘why?’ What makes that true? 

Perhaps the fact is that there is a lack of finances, or there is a lack of love, or an absence of skills or tools required, but that does not mean to say it need be like that for eternity. These new energies are unlike anything humanity has ever been exposed to before therefore, as we have said before, there is absolutely no point of reference for your lower ego, and that is what creates an additional fear, because it cannot compare it to anything and nothing compares to these powerful new energies.

Now take another deep breath in and as you exhale, release every subconscious need inside of you to hold onto the fears which you identify with purely because your lower ego recognizes them as familiar. 

Take another deep breath in and as you relax, we now create a magnificent spiral of energies which we now spin into your crown chakra, moving it through all of your chakras down your spine, out through your base chakra and into Mother Earth. These energies bring the universal codes of release creating the new systems which imprint the atoms of your body. These atoms emit pulsations communicating to the molecules of your body, communicates to the DNA, and to the cells and into life all around you. 

These energies which we are creating are forming a magnificent new body of light around you; this body of light is protecting you from the fears of the lower ego and when the lower ego reacts, this body will allow you to tap into a dimension of higher self-awareness enabling you to release this unnecessary fear, any negative fear or emotion, which you now know is simply part of the old matrix, simply your lower ego’s point of reference. 

So, precious ones, as we stand within this world of powerful new light, the Elohim of Grace and Peace gather with us. The almighty Master Architects of the Universe open their energy to receive and welcome you, and if it is your wish and if it is your will to step beyond the abyss, to move into that which is completely unknown to you; if you are willing to stand with us and create a new fluid grid of energy regarding money, regarding the Principles of Partnership, the energies which call all of those who are awakening to service, then come with us, step into the light, follow the energy which the Master Architects are now extending to you.

As you step into this light, there are conings of energy entering your chakras from the front and from behind. This is being projected to you by the Triple Goddess and the Triple God. The energies of the Quantum Goddess and the Quantum God step in. The Quantum Goddess touches your third eye, the Quantum God touches your sacral chakra, activating the doorways to Heaven through the graceful acceptance of what is, as it is, knowing that what is in the future, is and will be different to what is now, for you are being held within this light to recognize that all your fears and all restrictions that you place upon yourself are truly self-imposed. Even if they have been projected by those in your external world, you have chosen to hold onto them, you have chosen to abide by those false laws and rules. 

Now you are being given permission to let it all go. You are being given permission to step into a completely new frequency and consciously choose to no longer abide by the ridiculous, deluded systems which have been set in place, which have falsely led you to believe that there are certain things you cannot experience, may not do and cannot have as a part of your life. 

Therefore, as we amplify the energies even more, the Elohim comes to stand with you. I, Kuthumi-Agrippa, King of the Solar Archangels, now bring my League of Solar Archangels to gather around you as we amplify the energies even more. Breathe into your bodies exhaling fully as we send these divine pulsations triggering through all of your chakras. As it triggers through the chakras, it opens these dimensional portals and we want you now to release every single person coming to mind whom you recognize as being the projector of that which you have falsely attached yourself to as being a law in your life - and release it, let it go.

I, Kuthumi-Agrippa now send golden lightning waves of energy into your body. These lightning waves penetrate all the way to the centre of your atoms, releasing you from the negative attachments to the old world, and I want you now to imagine all of those cords, which are attached to the old paradigm collective money matrix now being incinerated, releasing you. All those negative attachments that have held you bound to the old world's Principles of Partnership, of collaboration, of relationship, of union, of communion; release it, let it go. For there is strength in numbers and we are calling you in your numbers now. This is your call to service, to come forth, to bring these energies, to release your self from the old, to bring it in and to manifest it within your physical reality.

I, Kuthumi-Agrippa, now stand behind you, pounding these energies into the powerful systems that are now being activated along your spinal cord, sent through your central nervous system, releasing the language of the higher order of the worlds, opening you to the Tenfold Universe where the fluid energy of all energy exists. The Tenfold Fluid Universe holds the keys to your future, the keys to all of that which you need, all of that which brings you freedom; freedom of spirit, freedom of your physical body to move and be as it wishes, freedom to love, freedom to give, freedom to receive and freedom to be authentic.

Take a deep breath in, hold your breath to the count of six, exhaling and relaxing. 

Now we want you to take all these powerful energies that have been harnessed within this core group hearing our words now, and we want all of you now to extend this energy out to the rest of the world, shattering that collective money matrix of the old paradigm. In so doing we release the grip of those who rule the world through greed, through fear and through ignorance. Now extend this energy to shatter the old paradigm matrices around partnership; all forms of partnership. And we also disconnect those energy cords through which those of ignorant minds and greedy hearts take from those who have been led to believe they are poor in mind, in body and in their physical realities.

Take a deep breath in and as you exhale push this energy out even further. See it seeping into Mother Earth's body, filling every atom of her body with the same energy.

Now, precious ones, this very powerful energy which we have created, which you have accepted, needs to continue with its spiral light for the next 17 minutes during which time, ideally, we ask if you can sit in silence or within a peaceful environment, we will complete the process during that time. For now simply relax and know that the energies which are coming through to you are all new; energies the world has not seen before. It makes it unique and it is through you responding to your call to service that you have come to receive these great gifts and blessings. 

As you are held within this powerful energy grid, we want you now to give thanks to all of those who have witnessed this magnificent resurrection of this pure, powerful part of you and the amalgamation of all of your powerful lights, setting the new foundation upon which you will create alongside the almighty Master Architects of your Universe.

And so, precious ones, it is official; a new grid has been created, a grid of fluid love, fluid light, fluid intention, an almighty powerful source of creativity and nothing can stop it. Your union as this powerful core group of light will ensure this, and as your group grows, as your connections to your fellow brothers and sisters walking the path of light strengthens, so this energy will strengthen and it will break down every false system greedily governing worlds, manipulating them and you will see them fall. 

Over the years to come, more specifically from now leading up to approximately 2013, many of the economic systems of your world will fall, especially those major corporations who have chosen to take it upon themselves to rule the world, so to speak. No man or woman in their lower ego can ever rule the world. It is only through the reunion and return to the inner sense of the higher ego that a human man or a human woman will be granted access to those worlds which truly embody power; power which creates the miraculous systems which reform worlds, and so it is, precious ones, that the cities of light will be resurrected. 

Mark this day on your spiritual calendar as being the day when the grids were laid for the cities of light to resurrect; you are a part of this, share this light, share this love with everyone whom you know. Encourage those whom you feel are connected to this energy, and who are open to this energy to join the fluid forces of light and reform the world as such, reform your inner world and never forget how much we love you, how firmly we stand alongside you and that not one nanosecond of what you feel, think or do ever goes unobserved. There is no judgment; there is observation and response to your calls, your intentions, your questions and your pleas for help, protection and guidance. 

Know, precious ones, that it is done; that these energies have now been anchored on Earth as they are in Heaven. You are the Earth Angels, the gods and the goddesses of the earth world, incarnated in human form to perform a very specific role, to reunite with each other at this time so as to bring into manifestation this grand plan, and this grand plan is open to any human being who is motivated by pure soul, pure intention and with the desire to unite with the powers of light and love, to collaborate with fellow brothers and sisters on the Pathway of the Authentic Ones and to build a new world based on a different motivation.

On the 4th of April we will crack a level of the dark forces’ stronghold; we have been working up to this for seven years. All of you are a part of this, you have been prepared for this and we will conduct a specific transmission for that day specifically. We will ensure that it is pre-recorded so that all of you can attune on the day and be a part of the delivery prior to that date. 

So hold on to your bootstraps, everyone; this is the ride of your life and we trust you will enjoy it for you have, of course, chosen the pathway of extreme adventurers.

Now take another deep breath in, exhaling fully. Give thanks to yourself for honouring your call to service, for being present at this point in time embracing the powerful light that you are, the almighty embodiment of love which you are and share it, spread it by leading by example. Be who you are and if you don’t know who you are, take the steps to find yourself. You might just see that in actual fact all that you are is beside yourself.

Know that there is never a moment that you walk alone. We are with you in every way, always. May all that brings you peace, harmony, health and happiness meet you in the core of your being, and may all always be well in your world.

I, Kuthumi-Agrippa, King of the Solar Archangels, enfold you in my wings, holding you close to my heart and reassuring you always that you are safe, nurtured and protected. Allow all your needs to be met. Be at peace, treasured Lightworkers; your reward is with you. Adonai. This information may be shared with other sources on strict conditions that no information is altered or deleted or used for monetary gain, and the source of the information be acknowledged. To find out more about Michelle & The Lightweaver please visit www.thelightweaver.org

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Message From Jeshua, March 2010, Expand The Love Of Your Sacred Heart To Unity Consciousness”

Channeler: Michelle Coutant

Hello Dear Ones,
Thank you all! What a beautiful response to the Clarion Call for translations. There are many translated messages on my website now! Many blessings, love, and gratitude for these gifts to our brothers and sisters.


Message From Jeshua, March 2010

Through Rev. Michelle Coutant

“Expand The Love Of Your Sacred Heart To Unity Consciousness”

Beloved Ones,

There was a time in your past, in the beginning, the inception of your beloved planet, Mother Earth, when she was known as the Garden of Edon. Every aspect and facet of your beautiful planet was clean and pristine, unsullied by the negativity and the density that has since come to pass upon your planet. Rivers ran clear and sparkling, the particles of water dancing in the sunlight, which streamed to you and your planet, as the life force strengthening you, your solar cells and your physical vessels. Your oceans teemed with life, and diversity beyond your imaginings. The whales and dolphins frolicked in love and joy, playing with you as you both enjoyed the purity of your creations in harmony with the Creator. The whales and dolphins are record keepers, as are you, and they have held a most valuable position of love and trust for you, Blessed Ones. They have held the light in your magnificent oceans, lighting up the depths of the waters, bringing the divine particles of light to all areas and aspects of your Divine oceans. All life upon your planet has evolved in perfect and divine order, as you too, have evolved in the most perfect evolution for each of you. You have chosen the lessons you must learn to bring your essence back to the light of your God Self, and you have chosen to experience great pain and suffering to fully insure that you would awaken to your essence, the God within you, for you are God. Every aspect and facet of you is God. Let there be no misunderstanding. You must now integrate this most blessed knowing, so that you may reach to the highest levels and merge with your Divine I Am Presence, your God Self.

As you become once again, one with your I Am Presence, you once again become one with all others, and one with all life. Again, Beloved Ones, it is the integration of this knowing, without out a doubt, which will bring you the unification you desire. Look into the eyes of others, these blessed beings that you share your beloved planet with. See the God in each and every being. As you live each day, every being you encounter is the God Source, just as you are the God Source. See God; see your Self reflected back to you in their eyes. There becomes a new knowing and deepening of your wisdom, and your connection to all Creation, when you begin to integrate this knowing and this knowledge, and it becomes the very essence of you. There is no separation, the separation as you know it has been a grand illusion, a game which you are about to bring to conclusion, and you are each triumphing as you have played the game with great strength and courage.

You are at a most blessed time in the creation of your dreams and heart’s desires, where you have all the abilities, to bring your beautiful and blessed Mother Earth back to perfection. It begins with the deep knowing, again, that you are one with all Creation, and you are the God Source. In this knowing, how can you be any other than one and integrated consciousness with your planet and all life that dwells upon her? Again Dear Ones, look into the eyes of all life, all animals, all living, sentient beings. Can you doubt that these blessed beings are each the God Source also? Each of these creatures is ensouled and is on an evolutionary path of their own. They too are ascending. They need your help, in love and joy. Understand that these blessed souls have a consciousness that is also unity consciousness. There is a consciousness in unity for the birds, for the tigers, for the leopards. All classes of the animal kingdom are directly connected to communicate, just as you, in the human form, communicate with each other.

You must now expand your consciousness to include the unity and the Oneness of all Creation, which begins at home with the unity and oneness of all life on your Mother Earth. Begin to expand your consciousness, by seeing God in each blessed being, be it in the human form, or animal form. Know that the mineral kingdom and your plant kingdom, all have consciousness and have agreed to be here at this time to assist you in your journey of ascension. Know that all is energy, all is consciousness. Every moment of the Now is Sacred and hallowed, a moment to remain in the love of your Sacred Heart and the unity of Oneness with all Creation.

Here in lays your pathway to returning your beloved earth to the perfection she desires and yearns to return to. Here in lies the answer to living in harmony with the blessed animals, and all life upon your planet. Here in lies this most blessed key to the peace and the harmony, and the love of the higher realms, that you so desire to experience upon your planet. Each one of you are a most important part of this process and hold your own key to unlock the divine mission that you, and you alone came here to accomplish. Rest assured that this mission of yours is one of love and joy and delightful co creation in harmony with your brothers and sisters.

Take this step, beloved ones and expand the love of your Sacred Heart, strengthen your will, your resolve, and know that I am here with you in the love of your Sacred Heart.


You may copy and share, with Love and Blessings. Please copy the message in its entirety, giving credit to Jeshua through Rev. Michelle Coutant, and provide a link to: www.transformingradiance.com.

Love and Many Blessings,


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Your “Survival Kit” for the Ascension Journey

Message from the Archangel Michael accompanied by Ashira*

Archangel Michael

Now let us begin.  It is coming toward you at a speed which is simply hard to imagine even; this new human existence which is being formed by the elevation of your own beings into the soul oriented, personality-less human.  At times you find yourselves awakening to things which you imagine to be the most amazing experience that you have ever known and I tell you now, you are just beginning to sense what is possible for yourselves and amidst the energies you are orienting to lately: YOU ARE SENSATIONAL.  And you have hardly begun to realize this.

I use this word, so sexy and filled with charisma for that is the kind of larger than life zing that your emerging energies will radiate when tapped and flowing through you, residing in you cells and permeating your energy field.  It will create a radiance of self that is magnetic, profoundly comforting as you embody so much love, and powerfully creative.  What a mix!  You are dawning upon the beginning of a new age on the planet Earth and the awakening of this magnificence within you will open the doorway to transformation of your planet and your structures, your process and your systems, your experiences, your relationships, your “families” your way of choosing and collaborating – all of culture and lifestyle will evolve; and rapidly to align with these new frequencies…being layered upon the dimension in which you focus.

The only invitation that is needed by you to match these expansive energies and bring them into being in your own experience, is oddly enough, appreciation of your seemingly exhausted, drained and highly un-cooperative much of the time body!  Your physical vessel, despite its seemingly stick-in-the-mud ability to move forward and “lacking” the same passion and ambition you have experienced in the past, IS despite all evidence to the contrary, coming along with you!  That is, after all, the experiment!  To bring your body forth into an integrated fashion; to shed the personality and instead of once and a while tuning into your intuition, also known as your soul’s guidance, you will instead release all that is NOT soul, and the soul will shine through the physical vessel and the emergence of this will be nothing short of sensational!  {But I am stealing Ashira’s thunder…}


We are Ashira, unified in light and love and here to herald the new age…and the Archangel Michael speaks of that which we sing of, and YES, this metamorphosis will result in the emergence of the New Human. 

{Smile}  These letters should be shimmering and radiating light…don’t you think Michael? 

Archangel Michael

Yes I do!  {Smile}


The new human comes into being so that Earth, may create new.  The planet and you are one and the same from a cellular and organism perspective, you even share a unified consciousness—attuned to one another and deeply influenced by one another.  Resilient and informed, the planet and you live in a highly creative and collaborative existence already.  It is only for you to realize that the glory you see around you in nature also is the glory of your physical vessels, and the Archangel Michael and I have come together at this time, blending our perspective to invite you realize what will ease and accelerate all that is transpiring:

The time has come to embrace your bodies.

Archangel Michael

You have SUCH disdain for these amazing physical forms.  IT is SO cliché in your experience to realize that you despise your bodies that speaking to you of this in such a way that truly penetrates that high tolerance you have adjusted to for hating your bodies so much, is an enormous challenge even for me. {Smile}

Aha!  I’ve got your attention now…good!

Beyond the essence of who you are is an all inclusive energy, beyond form and even beyond thought.  This layer of consciousness would be hard for you to even conceptualize, but it is highly creative and vibrant and it is this layer of consciousness in which manifestations happen almost immediately, that we ask you to consider when realizing your body.  The consciousness in your body is connected to this layer and receives communication and information well before you consciously do.

Let us re-introduce you to your body and share some of the amazing testimonial from our fellow galactic leaders, ascended masters, and others deeply devoted and attuned to the ascending energy of your planet and remind you of the awe you might allow yourself to feel for your body.

This body is, already, in another dimension, highly revered.  The Earth would not be nearly so delicious a destination were it not for the body’s ability to sense and give the inner sense, the soul, an experience of the planet that is distinct, nuanced and multi-dimensional itself.

We ask you then, to realize that your body is the vessel for your soul to ascend and participate in this glorious chapter upon the Earth as she shifts in space, aligning with the center of the Milky Way and arises into a consciously unified energy field, creating thereby a new platform for creation for all of the Omniverse and in so elevating all of you, elevate the entire Omniverse in an ongoing and nearly continuous ripple throughout the All-That-Is of late, invigorating everything.

And who or shall I say, WHAT bears the brunt of so much of this beautiful, splendid, awe-inspiring among all non-physical beings, squeal for joy thing which we are all following with rapt attention?  YOUR BODY. 

Remember of course, that your soul is well acquainted with all of these aspects of non-duality, unified consciousness, love, light, etc.  It is the cells and the consciousness within the cells of your body which is rising to the occasion and as such giving you a grand and glorious entrance as one of the few, the proud, the New Humans!

Without your body, which by the way, you created—chose the gene pool and the parents, chose the “birthplace” and the time/space moment to enter the game—you would be one of us, out here, watching the game, blessed and honored that such brave beings are making all of this possible, sending them love and strength, signs and encouragement, messages and healing energies…but you would not be the center of our awe filled attention.  This is the result of this amazing amalgamation between you, the inspired and select soul, and this amazing body you chose specifically for this journey.  THIS JOURNEY—the Ascension Journey. 

You choose a body which is robust, deeply resourced, resilient, informative…perfectly suited for your experience.  So, now that we’ve established and applauded your choice of body and the body’s own amazing consciousness in so many wise and constantly attuning cells, let us turn our attention to the most significant alignment process underway—that of you and your body.

Your body is already acclimating to the emerging and evolving Earth energies.  There is no need even for conversation or a memo—your body IMMEDIATELY gets what’s happening on the Earth, what energies are coming in, what those energies are instructing the body to do—release this, give rise to that—and the body is all over this activity pretty much in unison with the energies even beginning to move toward you.  There is instantaneous communication between your body and All-That-Is.

So, if you are wondering what’s up with the planet, what’s up with the energies lately, in addition to listening to your heart, reading channeled messages, talking with others sharing the path, paying attention to your dreams, journaling, divining with the Tarot or the I-Ching…why not also, if you are not already, spend some time getting to know your body’s point of view on things?

You spend so much time understanding your emotions, your relationships, learning to “quiet” your mental state, working with your light bodies…how well do you know your vessel?  How easily can you repair it, yourself, when it is feeling a little out of whack?  When it sends you a signal it’s on overdrive do you notice?  Giving it a rest? 

Ah my beloved ones…the clues are so much closer than you typically think or notice.  All is within your grasp.  All is within your experience.  Go beyond surrendering to the process…go out and meet it.

Your body invites you to join it in ascending with the Earth.  It is well on its way, the connection to All-That-Is clear and sustained…perhaps there are some things that will assist you in attuning yourself to your body. {Big smile!}

Now isn’t that easy and wonderful?  A little kit for how to manage through all of this, right with you all the time.  And you don’t even need to know the details…they will all become clear in hindsight.  Just let go, listen to your body, look out of those beautiful eyes and enjoy the ride.

Oh, and every once in a while, take notice of your audience…cause we’re loving the whole thing and are happy to live vicariously through you, and enjoy the giant waves you’re sending our way.  The surfing has been mighty excellent thanks to all of you.

Joy Joy Joy.  Just thought I’d cheer for a minute before I close by reminding you…I AM the Archangel Michael, here with Ashira who is serenading you as we speak, just to remind you, that YOU, my sensational friends, are profoundly and in all ways, already loved.  Take note of this. {Ashira likes my pun}.  We certainly hope you are having at least as much fun as we are.

© 2009-2010, Meredith Murphy, Expect Wonderful | Modern Paradise Publications http://www.expectwonderful.com – You are free to share, copy, distribute and display the work under the following conditions: You must give author credit, you may not use this for commercial purposes, and you may not alter, transform or build upon this work.  For any reuse or distribution, you must make clear to others the license terms of this work. Any of these conditions can be waived if you get the permission of the copyright holder.  Any other purpose of use must be granted permission by the author.

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Sheldan Nidle Sirian Update – March 9th

Sheldon Nidle Sirian Update Mar 9/10

Update by Sheldan Nidle for the Spiritual Hierarchy and the Galactic Federation

10 Akbal, 6 Ceh, 5 Caban

Selamat Jarin! We return with more to discuss with you. At present, the Earth allies have instituted a worldwide Intelligence blackout to demonstrate to everyone that they are applying the necessary security measures in anticipation of the first domino of the changes. The "roadblocks" are now self-imposed as our Earth allies slow down their operations in order to make sure that all potential opponents are removed from any position where they could cause delays to the immense global changes. So far, the remnants of the dark cabal have shown no proclivity to further hinder our Earth allies' good works. The final agreements are in place, as are the funds to carry out the numerous governmental and financial changes. All is in readiness for the grand plan to be implemented. Meanwhile, our inner ring of ships around Mother Earth is prepared to carry out its many pre-landing assignments. Our Earth allies are fully aware that Heaven has given us all the "green light" to act when the time is ripe, and to this end, we have recalled our various planetary patrols and stand ready to act!

For her part, Mother Earth is accelerating the preparatory stage of a series of massive, global earth changes. Your planet and her Spiritual Hierarchy tell us that time is running out, and it is therefore essential that some sort of pre-evacuation warnings be issued. Pursuant to this, the waiting interim governments comprehend the need to reprioritize their schedule of changes, and we are working with them on plans that meet the Earth Hierarchy's criteria. The most pressing issue is to ascertain how best to prepare each of you for the much reduced time span before departure from the planet surface becomes necessary. A general intensification of planetary activity is also being noticed by your astronomers, who see an upsurge of unaccountable activity happening throughout your solar system. The heightened activity is affecting the space stations and shuttles in near-earth orbit and has lead to the cancellation of most rocket-propelled, manned space missions. In fact, your seriously panicked secret governments are using their antigravity fleet in a desperate bid to avail themselves of a hi-tech escape plan.

The dark cabalists' attempts to defy Earth's Spiritual Hierarchy are typical of them, but fear is now compelling them to physically challenge our clearly stated prohibitions: we have informed them in no uncertain terms that their operations are limited to the planet and its atmosphere; likewise, the Agarthans have banned the cabal's craft from Inner Earth. This puts the cabal in a predicament that has only one solution: to surrender, and to do so ASAP! Your lovely planet is turning to the Light and it is time for you to be informed of what lies ahead. Your dark elites' sources of information have made them vividly aware that their physical survival is now at stake. It is essential for them to surrender and permit our Earth allies to get on with the announcements detailing what is to happen and why. Mother Earth is in the final stages before serious earth changes begin. Further, Heaven requires you to be informed that you are not alone in the galaxy and that your space and spiritual families are here to bring you, with Love and grace, back into full consciousness.

This process of divine change has been tampered with by the dark and its endless infernal schemes. Our task has been to counter these infamous activities and to keep your changes to Heaven's timetable. Our multiple star-nation command board meets daily to put together programs ensuring that Heaven's decrees are carried out. No single star-nation has the power to thwart these divine operations. We are acting as one to guarantee that Heaven's commands are accomplished by means of this first contact mission. To this end, we have set up a series of guidelines that our diplomatic missions are extending to the Earth allies and various governments on your world. We have made it very clear that this is the time for action. Your long-suffering planet makes it evident, too, that the string of delays that has punctuated the recent past must end. We are advised to plan for all possible contingencies and to be ready to carry them out at a moment's notice.

Our fleets are at the ready, and we have compiled a series of back-up announcements to cover any eventualities we may face. These range from simple, forthright announcements informing you of our existence and the need to start mass landings, to emergency broadcasts warning you of imminent earth changes that require us to evacuate you from your surface homes. In the case of the former, we can then also address the secret technologies and set the timing for our arrival on your shores. In any event, we greatly prefer that these broadcasts be delivered by the interim governments. Mother Earth desires, above all, to see far more progress than is happening at present. Those actions that set the stage for an interim world need to happen. We cannot overstate the importance of this. Our purpose here is to shepherd what is now underway to a smooth and rapid success.

Our deep involvement in your affairs has afforded us many new and interesting insights into the dark's operation on your world. We were told about its modus operandi long ago and have spent the past two decades seeing it all in action. The extent to which the dark has been able to change you from a strong, integrated Being into a weak and compliant one that is so divided against itself that you actually "die" after a few decades is quite astonishing. Happily, Heaven is reintegrating and restoring you to your former power and abilities so that you can contribute significantly to the unfolding of the divine plan in physicality. We gleefully look forward to this wondrous transformation and intend to welcome you back with great fanfare. Your hard-won wisdom has the power to accelerate certain consciousness-oriented developments now brewing throughout this galaxy.

This galaxy is undergoing a vast transformation toward the Light. Everywhere, formerly dark star-nations and immense empires are becoming less dictatorial and more inclined toward personal sovereignty and individual rights. There, everyone is highly motivated to develop a Lightbody and to transcend the limitations of 3-D physicality. This longing has enticed many to focus on what you are going through, and so it is in everyone's best interests for us to advise and mentor you back into full consciousness. Besides, you are part of our space family. Humans were given the gift of a Lightbody and Heaven has protected it from destruction. The following chapter of our joint history is predicated on your return to the Light, so you can see that this sacred transformation of yours is most important to us.

The pressure-cooker that is first contact is boiling over! It is imperative that the agenda drawn up between our Earth allies and us now be completed. First, we need to get the waiting caretaker governments into power, together with the prosperity fund deliveries which will kick-start the gold-backed financial system. Then we are to co-sponsor the unveiling of a series of remarkable new technologies, adding ours to the pot. Third, we need, together, to address Mother Earth and quickly remedy her current condition. You need to adopt a whole new set of perceptions and come to honor her role in your evolution. She is a living Being and you are her invited guests. You need to become independent, and fully responsible guardians of her diverse ecosystems.

Today, we addressed various developments happening on your world and explained how these relate to the first contact mission. Mother Earth is subtly pursuing a course that is intended to force the hand of the dark and demonstrate how vital it is for our Earth allies to swiftly complete their complex agenda. Know, dear Ones, in your Heart of Hearts that the countless Supply and never-ending Prosperity of Heaven are indeed Yours! So Be It! Selamat Gajun! Selamat Ja! (Sirian for Be One! and Be in Joy!) info@paoweb.com

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Magic by Lord Merlin

Channelled through Natalie Glasson- 08/03/10

I am Lord Merlin, a great wizard, magician and ascended master existing on the inner planes with my heart and soul devoted to Mother Earth and the ascension of humanity. In my previous communication I brought forth an understanding of the growth and development that Mother Earth is now undergoing and achieving, which humanity may mirror at a later date on the Earth. I now wish to speak with you sharing my wisdom in the hope of inspiring and energising your focus and spiritual growth on the Earth.

I work with and have accepted the energy and consciousness of magic. On the Earth Magic is seen as false impressions, illusions or distractions of the mind in order to manifest a result that is unbelievable or awe inspiring but the Magic that I hold within my soul is so much more than this. It is a consciousness, an aspect of the Creator’s soul and a teaching that is very powerful and advanced. Magic is very much a state of mind and being, it is an acceptance of teachings that are so ancient which were in existence before the Earth was created. Many masters accept the higher realms of the Creator’s universe and energy in order to study magic which is an understanding of energy and manifestation. It is an advanced process that requires the mind to be truly expansive and the soul to be tremendously energised and powerful. It is with this foundation that a master is able to be receptive to the ancient energies and consciousness of magic, manipulating, changing and transforming energies. This wisdom descends from the Creator, it is a method used by the Creator in order to manifest the numerous realities that exist within the Creator’s universe and beyond.

I, Lord Merlin have studied the ancient energies of magic and continue to explore and integrate with this sacred energy, understanding and knowledge but I wish to assist you in understanding that you hold a small aspect of the Creator’s ancient teachings of magic within you. The basic foundation of the Creator’s magic teachings is to understand and to truly believe that you have the power to make changes in your reality. Your reality is yours to explore, to alter and to allow to unfold as you wish. This is a comprehension that all masters must have in order to be considered for integration with the magic teachings of the Creator. It is a concept that is not new to many but when you begin to put it into practice you are preparing yourself for the magic teachings of the Creator. Accepting that you create your own reality can be difficult for some but for most it seems logical and acceptable. To allow your mind to be accepting of this concept is wonderful and encouraging but to take the step beyond this realisation is where difficulties can arise, this is because accepting and believing are very different things. When you accept you acknowledge and become acquainted with the idea. To believe is to have faith and trust in the idea, to create action and to place effort in achieving a goal or desire. If you believe that you are in control of your reality and that you create every experience both good and bad in your life then you are actively starting to put effort and action into this realisation in order to make changes in your life. We must remember that knowledge or insights are insignificant unless they are experienced in our reality and existence, this is when we truly understand the knowledge grasped. To understand and exist as a being who appreciates that they create their reality and actively creates the reality they wish to experience is the first stage of preparing to accept the Creator’s ancient teachings of magic.

We are each an aspect of the Creator and so are creators, produces, inventors and makers ourselves, but this creation must come from within us, from the essence of our beings. This is our magic. It is our ability to understand what is needed in our reality to allow us to follow the correct path for us and to anchor or manifest it within our reality. It is important that this develops from your soul or Creator presence because it is this energy that holds the truth whereas your mind is influenced by desires of the personality. If you are finding that you are bored and that your life seems dull then you are not connecting with the magic within you, the basic understanding that you influence your life and so your life is as exciting and inspirational as you want to make it. This can be difficult to take on board because it means that you have to take responsibility and therefore cannot blame another for anything you experience in your life. Understanding your emotions, feels and thoughts while trying to achieve this concept is a large part of the basic preparatory magic teachings.

By sharing my awareness with you I am sharing or activating the Creator’s magic teachings within you, encouraging you to go forth to create magic in your reality. This is to simply create changes or to manifest what you desire and dream of. Remember that while the action of making changes is important, gaining an understanding of your life and the areas you are happy with and disappointed with is much more important as you begin to look within you and realise that beliefs, emotions and energies that you hold on to may be linked to the manifestations of either positive or negative experiences in your reality. In many ways we have to change our energies with and our beliefs in order to clear areas of disappointment and energise or manifest areas and experiences of wonder, satisfaction and joy. Remember that magic is not necessary a wonderful and powerful energy but it is a state of being and understanding, it is a process of discovery.

Magic comes from within us; if we are bored and life is dull then we are not creating magic.
I ask that you place your trust in me and allow yourself to follow the guidance that I wish to share with you. Firstly I wish for you to sit peacefully gaining a deep meditative state that is appropriate for you; then please invoke me to draw close to you.

‘Lord Merlin, I honour your presence and the insights that you wish to share with me, I ask that you draw close to my energies now and assist me in appreciating and accepting your presence around me.’
(Give yourself time to sense or acknowledge my energy.)

‘Lord Merlin, I ask that you assist me in activating the magic of the Creator that I hold within my soul, let the mind and intentions of my soul come forth into my comprehension so that I may accept and understand the wisdom available to me. Help me to feel the presence of magic around and within me and assist me in accepting that I am the creator of my reality. Help me to now change or enhance my reality by observing the beliefs, emotions and thoughts within me. Allow me to understand how to make the changes that are appropriate for me, comprehending my reality and myself in a new way. I ask that you now guide me on this process of discovery. Thank you.’
(Give yourself time to sense or experience.)

Again I am asking you to draw upon the trust and belief within you as these are needed in order to comprehend the teachings of magic. When we do not trust we close down our minds and hearts and block all inspiration or insights from crossing our path. To remain in a state of faith is to remain in a state of openness and acceptance.
Let the magic of the Creator activate from within you, manifesting miracles all around you.
I am Lord Merlin

Natalie Glasson, Wisdom of the Light, www.wisdomofthelight.com

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The Truth Revealed

Freedom is what we all seek in our lives, no matter how we each define it. There is no question that it is a universal desire regardless of our culture, religion, beliefs, status, wealth, diversity and uniqueness. Everyone wants freedom and is either fighting for the freedom of others in some way, or yearning for the right to express themselves in a way that is uninhibited and free of judgement. Which ever way we look at it, we all want to experience the joy in the freedom of being (the same thing that unconditional love affords us), yet feel that our freedom is being compromised by a variety of external influences.

While many of us are still relying on the happenings in our outer circumstances to determine how we feel, we are now at a stage in our evolution to know better. Our journey together has reached a point where we are heading into unchartered waters where the level of freedom we experience in the future is determined by the present liberation we feel inside. Actually, we are still defining what freedom really means and we have become so attached to the dramas of life that complete freedom can be a scary proposition for many. Who am I without the addiction to my – and everyone else’s - dramas?

The truth on all levels is now being revealed to the masses as the dense energies of deceit and injustice are being exposed to clear the way for a new experience of being with each other. The darker side of humanity is showing us that we each need to look in the mirror of our own reality to determine what limitations and judgments we continue to chain ourselves to from the past that inhibit our sense of freedom. While we now have access to higher frequencies of energy that lead to a reality of total freedom, any fears we are still clinging to will present themselves to us for the opportunity to transcend them and experience the freedom we so desire.

Those of us who are awake to our true nature have been anticipating the arrival of this time on the planet for what seems like an eternity and now we must move from waiting to full participation. It is not our role to focus on who is still caught up in the old way, but instead to integrate all we have learned and know to be true so we can unite in the light of the new world. The prophecy of separating the wheat from the chaff is happening now. We must recognize the truth in every situation we are experiencing or witnessing and apply what we know so we are not pulled back into the trenches through the temptations of the old ways. The only domain we have control over in this universe is our own. Our purpose is not to interfere with the lessons others need to learn, but to learn what we need to from others by recognizing ourselves in the other. Therein lies the gift of self reflection.

The ever-present NOW is calling for us to be true to ourselves at all levels. We must embrace every opportunity that we are given to serve and hold the highest frequency of light that we are capable of holding without compromising our own well-being. We can no longer slow down our vibration to wait for others to “catch up” as that is the ego playing games and fighting to hang on to control. It is time to let go and trust that everyone is exactly where they need to be and choose to take the opportunity to jump into the higher dimensional experience once and for all.

The portal to the fifth dimension is inside of us and can only be accessed through becoming that which we already are. As we move through the portal of the heart - unconditional love - we discover the spiritual kingdom we so yearn for and can manifest the new world in whatever way we choose to experience. So go forth and create what it is you desire to experience and others of like mind will show up to support you!

Our external reality is a means to fine-tune our inner selves by owning our creations, releasing our judgments and allowing others the same courtesy without prejudice or a feeling of righteousness. That behavior is also the ever-masterful ego finding clever ways to distract us from the centre of our own Being in a desperate bid to cling onto its existence. Because of this we need to pay attention to our intentions, motives and agendas as it is here the ego lies lurking to catch us off guard when we innocently stray from our authenticity. The difference now is very subtle, so we must tune-in to remain centered and connected to our mission and purpose at all times.

On one hand, the initial journey home is a solitary one and yet we are ultimately joining together as the ascension wave gains momentum through sharing love and understanding like never before. It’s becoming more obvious as we look around and see the many beautiful souls who are gathering and connecting from all over the planet to indicate that the new world is taking form. Those who choose to stay in the illusion of the old world are fading fast from our everyday lives as two distinct worlds are now in place. The thing is, we can’t control who partakes in which reality, for in truth, only one reality exists: our own.

When we find ourselves confronted with a person or situation that challenges us or pushes our buttons, we can celebrate in the opportunity it presents for us to heal, evolve and anchor the highest frequencies of light possible. For it is in our external experiences that the truth of our inner state of being is revealed.

Our ticket to paradise comes at a price: it will cost us everything we “thought” we knew and our attachments to “things” and life as we know it. The pay-off is that the unknown, which is ever-present, will become our ally where we have the freedom to be and create in ways that we can not yet comprehend. Creation will be spontaneous when born from love and the expression of that love is a gift that all of creation will celebrate and cherish.

We have such incredible support from the higher realms in ways we still cannot see. Now that the veils between the worlds have been dissolved, the real truth is revealed for all to see who are ready. Life will take on a form which is so “out of this world”, we will rejoice together in having played our role in the overall unfolding of the Divine Plan.

It is a new beginning and quite literally, only the sky is the limit!

Dean Noblett

© 2010 Rebecca Couch, Dean Noblett and HeartLight ~ Living from the Heart. www.heartlight.ca - www.deannoblett.com/
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