Tag: instant (page 1 of 7)

The Healing Power Of Prayer – Healing Prayer Lessons of A Course In Miracles #NCT-18

The New Continuum of Time Series. Readings: NEW TESTAMENT (KJV): Matthew 16:19, LESSON 252: The Son Of God Is My Identity., LESSON 253: My Self Is Ruler Of The Universe., LESSON 245: Your Peace Is With Me, Father. I Am Safe., LESSON 264: I Am Surrounde...

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The Healing Power Of Prayer – Healing Prayer Lessons of A Course In Miracles #NCT-18

The New Continuum of Time Series. Readings: NEW TESTAMENT (KJV): Matthew 16:19, LESSON 252: The Son Of God Is My Identity., LESSON 253: My Self Is Ruler Of The Universe., LESSON 245: Your Peace Is With Me, Father. I Am Safe., LESSON 264: I Am Surrounde...

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The Quantum Resolution – And I Saw A New Heaven And A New Earth Well, It’s About Time… – Volume III #QR-02a

The Quantum Resolution Series. Readings: NEW TESTAMENT (KJV): Revelations 21: 1-7, LESSON 308: This Instant Is The Only Time There Is., SCIENTIFIC AMERICAN: September 2002: The Chronic Complaint, TEXT: CHAPTER 1: Revelation, Time And Miracles [para 6],...

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The Advent Of A Great Awakening The Parliament Of The Worlds Religions – Episode II #TC-01b

The Teachers Convention Series. Readings: ADVENT OF A GREAT AWAKENING BROCHURE: [Pages 6-11], LESSON 132: I Loose The World From All I Thought It Was [para 4:1-5], TEXT: CHAPTER 28: The Present Memory [para 1:6-9], TEXT: CHAPTER 26: The Little Hindranc...

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Sharing A New Place And Time In San Jose #MMT-Spec

The Musical Mind Training Series. Readings: LESSON 307: Conflicting Wishes Cannot Be My Will, OUT OF TIME JOURNAL: Page 16: The Cosmology Of A Course In Miracles, LESSON 308: This Instant Is The Only Time There Is, LESSON 309: I Will Not Fear To Look W...

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Ideas About Our Embryonic Stem Cells At The University Of Wisconsin – Madison – A Major Change In Our Space And Time – Episode II #SCHA-01b

The Stem Cell Healing Activation Series. Readings: NATIONAL GEOGRAPHIC MAGAZINE: July 2005: The Power To Divide, TEXT: CHAPTER 21: The Responsibility For Sight, LESSON 182: I Will Be Still An Instant And Go Home, OUT OF TIME JOURNAL: Page 12: The Natur...

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You Are The Kingdom Of God – Episode X #MPS-10

The Mission Possible Series. Readings: NEW TESTAMENT: Matthew 6:6, 10:26-27, 13:11, LESSON 221: Peace to my mind. Let all my thoughts be still., LESSON 222: God is with me. I live and move in Him., LESSON 241: This holy instant is salvation come.

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The Healing Power of Love – A Holy Instant Of Recovery – Episode VIII #MPS-08

The Mission Possible Series. Readings: OUT OF TIME JOURNAL: Page 12: The Natural Process Of Miraculous Healing, OUT OF TIME JOURNAL: Page 13: Healing Is Release From Fear, THE TRUE STORY SCROLL

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Exercising Your Option Of Instant Departure – Episode I #MPS-01

The Mission Possible Series. Readings: SCROLL: From Time to Eternity - The Point of Departure, Headquarters Claims & Reparation – Dispatcher & Adjuster

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I Will Be Still An Instant And Go Home – When I Am Healed I Am Not Healed Alone – Episode II #PS-06b

The Peace Series. Readings: TEXT: CHAPTER 13: The Two Emotions [para 1-6], LESSON 137: When I Am Healed I Am Not Healed Alone [para 3-5], TEXT: CHAPTER 13: Finding The Present: [para 5, 6]

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I Will Be Still An Instant And Go Home – When I Am Healed I Am Not Healed Alone – Episode I #PS-06a

The Peace Series. Readings: LESSON 182: I Will Be Still An Instant And Go Home [para 1-3], SCIENTIFIC AMERICAN Special Edition: December 2002: The Life Cycle Of Galaxies, LESSON 182: I Will Be Still An Instant And Go Home [para 4-6], LESSON 137: When I...

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The Advent Of A Great Awakening The Parliament Of The Worlds Religions – Episode II #CL-06b

The Communelight Series. Readings: ADVENT OF A GREAT AWAKENING BROCHURE: [Pages 6-11], LESSON 132: I Loose The World From All I Thought It Was [para 4:1-5], TEXT: CHAPTER 28: The Present Memory [para 1:6-9], TEXT: CHAPTER 26: The Little Hindrance [para...

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Chapter 15: Celebrating The Birth Of The Holy Instant – The Two Uses Of Time – Episode II #COR-01b

The Celebration of Rebirth Series. Readings: JESUS IS SPEAKING: About The Author - Jesus Christ, TEXT: CHAPTER 15: Christmas As The End Of Sacrifice [para 1-10], JESUS IS SPEAKING: I Love You

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