Tag: inhabitants (page 2 of 3)

Aghartha In The Hollow Earth!


The Inner Earth & Realm of Aghartha

Aghartha In The Hollow Earth!

By Dr Joshua David Stone

The biggest cover-up of all time is the fact that there is a civilization of people living in the center of Earth, whose c...

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Seeking the Proof of the Pudding

a message from Gillian MacBeth-Louthan

Monday, 28 June, 2010 

As the sands of time slide through the entrances and exits of all that is sacred, seen and unseen, humanity’s future is u...

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You Are Vast Beyond Your Ability To Measure

We come forth to unseal the envelope of your light. We ask you as you sit on this threshold of starriness and to see each and every one of your selves as a galaxy, as a constellation, as a star in the heavens.  For one day each one of you will be exactly that. Just As Mother Earth is on her way to becoming a star through all of her seven  billion plus children, you too are programmed to seek to become more. One day you will become as an Earth or a planetary event that ascends through all of your inhabitants. 

As you move into the stellar  horizon of becoming a constellation, or becoming a star –you will exceed  the expectation you have of your self  this very minute of time.  You see yourselves as meek and mild and incomplete.  But we see you as tiny seeds of galaxies yet to come, of stars yet to be born, and of constellations yet created.  You are vast beyond your ability to measure.  You are vast beyond your ability to remember And you are vast beyond your ability to see.  We ask you to see yourself as a nebula, a star nursery.  See within that nursery, the seed of your future.  You are not a twinkle in some man’s eye or some women’s body – you are a twinkle in God’s Heart.  For you are not just a human ascending,  you are seedling stars and galaxies and universes.  You have not crawled from the sludge of the earth.  you have come from the beginning of Light.   It is there that you search for your mirror reflection. 

you now enter into a new remembrance of just how simple it is to instruct the molecules of thought into matter.  You do not have to wait for a planetary line up or a holy day.  You do not have to wait until someone on the Internet tells you it is time to pray and  line up your axional event.  You do not have to wait until Sunday to be holy.  For you are the Light  Event that you so seek.  Do not allow the instructions and intentions of others to tell you when to birth your dream.  . 

You have each beaten a path forward in time beyond the mass consciousness, beyond the mass understanding.  You streak as a falling star towards what your heart yearns for.  Do not stop and wait for the mass consciousness to catch up – because you will sit on your laurels through many a cold winter and hot summer.

You each march to a different drum that is how you were created.   you are strong of nature and heart on purpose. In the time that comes you will be instructed in the ways of receiving.  Receiving entails more than a gift, a compliment, a free meal – receiving is everything that gives to you, All of life.  Receiving is vast and cannot fit into a box.  Receive from the wind, the night, and the stars.  Every time you come together, you create a bountiful portal where anything and everything is possible.  Within that portal is a doorway of creation. 

You are given opportunity after opportunity to shift, to change, to grow, to become more.  Do not forget to accept the gifts that life gives you.  The bounty that this land that you live upon, gives you, the gifts that are just for you and you alone.  We are the Pleiadian energies.  All of life asks you to receive.   Look at your world.  Stretch your wings.  Stretch your perimeters examine the limitations that you have placed around your self.  as creator why have you chosen this experience? For when you stretch yourself, you will truly appreciate whom you are, what you have, and where you live. You are the true treasures.  You are the true riches. you are what you seek. 

Gillian MacBeth-Louthan - PO box 217 - Dandridge, Tennessee 37725-0217 - www.thequantumawakening.com thequantumawakening@hughes.net

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Your Multidimensional Operating System

Channeler: Suzan Caroll Ph.D

APRIL 2010

See Blog for latest radio shows http://suzanneliephd.blogspot.com/
including Higher Perspective with Ronald Cole


Welcome back to our Arcturian Corridor. We wish to take a moment to review our process in Step 20. * Then, we will assist you in the use of the new, Multidimensional Operating System that you downloaded in that Step.

In order for the light of your Multidimensional SELF to observe it’s great light in a physical form, it had to split that light into “the observer” and “that which was to be observed.” Your conscious, intelligent, unconditional loving SELF, who resonates to the ONE, then needed to create a Divine Ideal for the form it wished to observe in its holographic projection of life in the lower dimensions. Consequently, your SELF created a thought-form of a human body, which became the object off which the first beam of light would reflect. **

The second beam of light was then infused with unconditional love and multidimensional consciousness so that once it reflected off the mirror and intermingled with the first beam (human form) on the holographic plate, the purity of the original light (Multidimensional SELF) would be maintained.

The light was projected onto the holographic plate of planet Earth. At this point, your SELF needed to observe you so that the swirling circles of energy of your conscious light could become form. In this manner, your form was held and the illusion of your physical reality was maintained.

This process is repeated again and again for every third, fourth dimensional reality in which your Soul/SELF chooses the experience of being in third dimensional form. When you gain Mastery within the form of even one of these realities, you can consciously return to your fifth dimensional Lightbody and travel inter-dimensionally with the power of your multidimensional consciousness and unconditional love.


Your Multidimensional Operating System, which was downloaded in Step 20, has the primary goal of guiding you into Mastery of your present reality. As a Master of Energy you can fully embrace your Multidimensional SELF who will return you to your true, multidimensional reality.

The youtube below will add insight to this statement: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=g79UaJ8s8K4

Brief Summary of Youtube:
Your many multidimensional realities are extensive fractals and subjective fundamental patterns expressing your holographic rays. Since you already exist in many dimensions, your being is timeless.  Every element of focus you have ever had, still exists.

The illusion of time does not dissipate energy; it only focuses it. All that you have experienced in all of your sojourns into form still exists in the NOW of the ONE. Once you can perceive reality from this perspective, your ideal of time changes from something that was past, present or future into the arena of experience. As a Multidimensional Being, you move into the consciousness of the perceiver that moves from one experience to another, rather than from one time to another.

A Master can move through experiences without being bound by the “River of Time,” for a Master lives within all the moments in-between. As you regain this innate Mastery of your Multidimensional SELF, there is nothing that you cannot experience again and again, for you are operating within the no-time of the Multidimensional Universe.


Your Multidimensional Operating System also allows you access to a new form of consciousness, which is as delicate as an Angel’s wings and as strong as a mountain. This state of consciousness intermingles who you are on your transmuting planet with the true SELF to whom you are returning. Your multidimensional consciousness releases any emotional “hooks” to the third dimension that may interfere with your process of allowing all that is leaving to be replaced by all that is becoming. This new state of consciousness stems from your Junk DNA, which is constantly being activated by your Multidimensional Operating System. Your new consciousness assists you in expanding into the fifth dimension while remaining grounded on Earth.

For the sake of conversation, we will call this consciousness “Integrative Consciousness,” for it allows you to integrate into your awareness all that you want to remain in your life while you enter the marvelous adventures of New Earth. In other words, your Integrative Consciousness allows you to easily release that which is now complete, so that you can fully embrace that which was formerly beyond your perceptions. This release assists you in integrating the “past” and the “future” into a cohesive reality of NOW.

Your Integrative Consciousness also helps you to remember any pertinent information/experiences from your myriad past lives and parallel realities, so that you can intermingle them into your new reality. In this manner, nothing necessary for your return to SELF will be forgotten or lost. In fact, Integrative Consciousness allows you to exerience no sense of loss at all during your shift into your true, Multidimensional SELF, as it assures you that you retain all your primary lessons, experiences, loves and creations as you become New Earth.

Just as the information now stored in a device you can hold in your hand once had to be stored in computers so large that they filled entire rooms, your Integrative Consciousness can gather and store all the pertinent data/experiences from all the realities that you have ever manifested in ALL your third and fourth dimensional realities.

You do not constantly peruse the information that is stored in your hand-held computer devise, but you know it is available should you need it. In the same manner, you will not constantly be in conscious contact with all the information in your Integrative Consciousness, but you can access it whenever it is needed. The energy of Pluto in Capricorn, which will be in transit until 2024, will facilitate your ability to release that which is over while you keep that which allows your rebirth.

Your Integrative Consciousness also assists you in integrating your Personal, Collective, Planetary, Galactic and Cosmic Consciousness into the ONE awareness of the many versions of your SELF. In other words:

Your Integrative Consciousness perceives you as an individual
Within the collective of all humanity

Within the collective of planet Earth

Within the collective of your Solar System

Within the collective of your Galaxy
Within the collective of the Universe.

All of these collective realities exist within the Great Collective of Cosmic Consciousness:

Hence, your Individual Consciousness 
is surrounded by your Collective Consciousness, 
Which is surrounded by your Planetary Consciousness, 
Which is surrounded by your Solar Consciousness, 
Which is surrounded by your Galactic consciousness, 
Which is surrounded by your Cosmic Consciousness.

Most importantly, your Integrative Consciousness merges your spark of individual love with the unconditional of love of the ONE. This merging of humans’, conditional love into spiritual, unconditional love allows you to hold all of your myriad realities within your awareness through the great magnetic force of unconditional love. Unconditional love is the glue that binds all reality into a cohesive ONE. In fact, it is unconditional love that holds the myriad expressions of SELF within your Integrative Consciousness.


Allow your imagination to turn your vision inward to the inside of your earth vessel. Think of your earth vessel as you would think of any vessel, an object that YOU enter so that you, consciousness/light, can move around in an environment. For example, your home/vessel stores your body/vessel, which stores your consciousness/light. You are NOT your house or your earth vessel, for these objects are used to store the YOU that is consciousness and light.

Take a moment to look inside the vessel of your body to see YOU, consciousness/light, just as you would look inside your house. You know the house that provides protection for your earth vessel very intimately. However, how much do you know about your earth vessel that provides a third dimensional form for your consciousness/light? To better know the inside of your body:

Imagine that your are standing at the doorway to your heart...
Closely examine the inner vision of your heart...
Closely examine the doorway into your heart...
Just as you would enter the door to your house, enter the door to your heart...
As you enter this door, see a long stairway that leads up to your High Heart...

As you walk up these stairs, the glow of your Three Fold Flame guides you...
See your ATMA, your Three Fold Flame, and step into it...
FEEL and Merge with your innate Wisdom, Power and Love...
As you do so, you are instantly transported into your Third Eye...

Within your Third Eye, you turn inward to see the electrical circuitry of your brain’s synapses firing with your every perception and thought...
Look up towards your Crown to see the Opened Pineal Stargate pulling in multidimensional light and unconditional love...

Move to the center of your Computer Brain where the Kundalini Earth energy that has risen into your Third Eye intersects with the Flow of the ONE through your Pineal Stargate...
YOU are now the programmer of your computer/brain...
With the great force of your consciousness/light, turn ALL systems of your Multidimensional Operating System ON...


Turning on your Multidimensional Operating System places you in the birth canal of your new life. Because you are in the birthing process of your new life, you may be experiencing great fatigue. You may feel so close and yet so far. Your new synapses tell you that you are different, but your remaining illusions tell you that life appears to be the same, so just go back to “business as usual.”  This conflict between the two messages builds doubt, which increases your fatigue. 

You are so tired, so very, very tired. But what are you tired of? First, you are tired of the 3D Game. You have gone through it so many lifetimes and done, redone and done again the same dramas.  Second, you are tired of waiting for the shift to happen. You want it to happen NOW. It is then that your New Operating System kicks in to remind you that it is only your belief that limits you to the third dimension. Your Multidimensional Operation System reminds you that all you need to change is your consciousness.

When you raise your consciousness, you move up the vertical spectrum of possible realities toward the resonance of the fifth dimension. Each time a multidimensional circuit is turned ON and a third dimensional synapse turns OFF, your expanded perceptions are activated and you can perceive the higher dimensional expressions of your reality that have previously eluded you. When you can consciously perceive these higher frequencies of reality, you can place your attention and intention on them. Then, it will be much easier to release the limitations and hard work of your third dimensional life.

Now that you know the truth of your magnificent, multidimensional nature, you can no longer accept the restriction put upon you by an outdated system of beliefs that focuses on struggle and fear. You rebel against those limitations and are finding the courage to create the reality of your dreams. You still feel the onslaught of fear emanating from the Collective Consciousness of those who wish to control others.

However, you can also feel the unconditional love of your SELF, as well the widening stream of unconditional love that is also Flowing from the ONE. It is this Flow of unconditional love that assists you in raising your consciousness, beliefs, expectations and perceptions into the reality of fifth dimensional Earth. With this beacon of hope and love shinning in your aura, you are beginning to find time to be with those who are near to your heart and to do what you love.

As illusions crumble and false prophecies are uncovered, you see the slow collapse of old third dimensional systems. You are entering such a deep confidence in your SELF that you are coming out of the “hiding” that was necessary before you awoke. You no longer fear what others think of you, nor do you need their approval or praise. You are an “Island unto your SELF” in that all your needs are met from the vertical realties that fill you with unconditional love.

Meanwhile, the horizontal reality of the third dimension remains as a place in which you serve and assist others to awaken and become their SELF, just as you have. At night your dreams are filled with life in the fifth dimension, and you awaken with messages to assist you in your daily life. On the other hand, you may also use your dreamtime to clear out issues from childhood, past lives or alternate realities that beg to be cleared from your aura. In this case, you may awake tired, anxious or depressed.

It is then that you go into meditation, take a walk, or talk to a loved one to re-find your Center. YOU are the Center, not only of your physical body, but also the Center of your physical reality. You are creating this reality with your every thought and emotion. You are the Master of your destiny, as well as the destiny that you share with every human and non-human member of Gaia’s Earth. In fact, YOU are Earth, for you are Gaia, the Consciousness of your planet.

When you begin your day, you find your Center and follow its Flow into the highest expression of your Being. Because you trust your SELF, you calmly relax into the movement of your breath and step into that Flow of the ONE to receive the guidance that it gives you.

Feel that guidance now...

Absorb it into your every cell and atom of your being, into our aura and into your daily life.  Share this guidance through the emanation of your presence as you slowly go public with the gifts of your expanding reality. You remember again and again throughout your day to call upon the unconditional love of the ONE to release all fear and attract love, peace and joy.  Allow your fatigue to remind you of that which you are tired of doing and of whom you are tired of being.  Respect that message and follow the Flow of the love on which it travels to find the Path to the Life You Love to Live.

The long, third dimensional winter of separation and limitation is fading into a memory, and spring is beginning to bloom. That which is complete is leaving your life to make space for the re-birth of whom you truly ARE. Release that which no longer functions in your life and allow Pluto to pull it from the structure of Capricorn to prune the flowers that have completed their life cycle. In this manner, you make a space in which your new life can be born. YOU are Awakening now, and the long night is ending.  Before you a glorious adventure is dawning.


Gradually, the first two sprouts sneak above the damp fertile soil. Lovingly, the light of the sun caresses them, urging them to open wide to their new reality. Too long, the young plant has hidden beneath the earth, afraid to face an unknown world of light. The darkness of its earthen reality was familiar and comfortable.

Yet the two small arms have peered up from the safety of the only world they have known to venture into the light. “What will become of them?” whisper the roots who cling to the familiar. “We may never know,” they all agree. “Nonetheless, together, we will hold firm to create a base for the part of us that has ventured into an unknown land.”

To their surprise, the roots did know because they felt the flow of light sent down to them by their brave pioneer. Gradually, this added light fed the roots to make them bigger, deeper, and stronger. Mystically, they could feel the movement of their leaves as they grew taller and more plentiful each day.

Together, they rejoiced at the birth of their first flower. How did they know of this birth? The leaves told them. Yes, the land above was no longer unknown to the roots, for they constantly communed with the rest of their SELF.

Slowly, the roots expanded into new underground territory to intermingle with other roots. They also formed a center root that dug deep into the core of Mother Earth. Just as the auxiliary roots intertwined with other roots to create a network just below the surface, the center roots communed with each other via the fertile soil that connected them.

One day, the roots discovered that they were no longer just a plant. “We have Become ONE. We are now a garden,” their plants joyfully communed to them. As the roots communed with the other roots in their network, they further learned that each system of roots supported a different plant, which bloomed different flowers at different times. But blissfully enough, each root, each leaf, each plant, and each flower was ONE within the garden that they had become.

The roots were proud of their plants, but so wished that they could see the garden of which they were a part. “Go inside your self,” whispered the Sun. “Travel up your own roots into your stem, out past the leaves, and up into your flower.”

“Our flower?” they said. “We are not flowers. We are just roots.”

“Ahh,” cooed the Sun. “I come down into you, the roots, so that the flowers can bloom. So please, come up to me so that I may thank you for your service.”

“Our service?” the roots asked in one voice.

“Yes, dear roots, you are the parents of your plant. You first conceived it while you where just a seed. You gestated the seed through the long, cold winter, and in spring, you were the ones who formed a support system when your flower was just a seedling.

“You pulled the water and minerals from the soil to nurture your plant, and you empowered it with your strong foundation. You are the reason there is a garden, for you were able to release a part of you, your seedling, so that it could go off into an unknown land. You neither judged nor reprimanded it. In fact, you supported what you did not understand.

“You see dear roots, you are the inner life that allows your flower to bloom in the glory of my Sun. Without you, there would be no plant, no flower and no garden. Because you were courageous enough to experience what you did not understand, you will receive the vision of my light!”


More and more, with or without your conscious knowing, you are lapsing into your alternate, multidimensional realities. Because you are new to your Multidimensional Operating System, you think that you have “forgotten” some THING, or “spaced out.” In fact, you are in the act of remembering some ONE, your SELF.This expanding remembrance of your SELF makes it increasingly difficult for you to be limited to the reality of your earth vessel.

You are like a child with a new toy. You want to play with this toy and forget about the work your mother has told you to do. Fortunately, once you adapt and become proficient with your Multidimensional Operating System, you will be able to easily perform your 3D tasks, while you simultaneously soar through your new realities. Then, you will be watching your physical self from your Multidimensional SELF. From this higher perspective, you will understand that you are not leaving your third dimensional reality yet. Instead, you are expanding your reality to embrace the higher dimensions while still holding your physical form.

Eventually, your consciousness will resonate to such a high frequency, that you will “let go” of your clay vessel to fully embrace your true form of light. At that point, you will concentrate more on your new, multidimensional reality and less on the limitations of your old, physical reality. This transition can be as simple as gradually falling asleep and slowly waking. However, when you wake up in your new life, it will be your true reality and the illusions of your physical life will be experienced as a long dream.

You will not awake alone, for Gaia, as well as all Her inhabitants who have supported the creation of Her new form, shall be with you. You will also rejoin your Galactic Family, for your entire Galaxy is now ready to return to its higher expression. Remember, our One, that from the perspective of your awakening, fifth dimensional SELF, you are able to maintain constant contact and interaction with all your realities without being limited to only one. You are now endeavoring to connect with your fifth dimensional SELF, but your fifth dimensional SELF has always been in connection with you.

When you take on a third dimensional form, the speck of your Being that chooses to enter that form still exists in unity with your Multidimensional SELF. Then, once the YOU in the third dimension awakens, you can experience both your third and fifth dimensional realities simultaneously. Then again, the perception of multidimensional worlds while still in your earth vessel requires that you download and integrate the multidimensional consciousness of your Multidimensional Operating System before you can experience multiple realities.

A way in which you already live in multiple realities is when you are reading a good book.  When you are reading a book that you deeply enjoy, it travels with you in your mind like another reality. You may be at work or doing dishes and momentarily shift your primary attention to the story of the book. At the same time, you are still performing your physical task.

Instead of reliving a part of your book, you may be replaying a video game in your mind. In reality, your third dimensional experience is the “video game” that your Multidimensional SELF logged-into. Unfortunately, when you forgot that you were “in a game” you began to think that the video game was real and the vague memory of your SELF was just your imagination. Of course, your imagination IS real, for imagination is fifth dimensional thought.

Much like you can log-out of a video game, while the game still continues without your primary attention, you can log-out of the 3D Game and log-in to the fifth dimension, while the 3D Game continues to run. In fact, that is what you do when you “space out,” sleep, meditate or fall into your imagination. You already live in multiple realities. You just label it as “using your imagination” rather than “following your fifth dimensional thought patterns into alternate realities.”

Just as all the television channels are always running all the time, but you can only watch one channel, all your realities are running all the time, but you can only watch one. Actually, you can “surf” from one channel to another. Or, maybe, you have multiple televisions or a wide screen television where more than one channel can play at once. The large, screen television that can display multiple channels functions like your new Multidimensional Operating System. Within this Operating System, you can watch and participate in numerous stations/realities at the same time.


Just as your physical self can talk to a friend, drive a car, listen to the radio and drink water at the same time with no difficulty, your fifth dimensional SELF can consciously participate in multiple realities within the ONE moment of the NOW. It is the ability to break free of the illusion of time and space that allows you to participate in multiple realities. Just as you can drive, eat, talk and listen within a single third dimensional moment, you can exist in multiple realities within the fifth dimensional NOW. To have an experience of what we are saying, we are you to:

Create an image of yourself reading this message in your present reality then...
ADD the image of walking in a fifth dimensional forest in another reality...
Now ADD the image of navigating your Starship in another reality...

Allow your imagination to hold three images at once:
Reading this message...
Walking in a fifth dimensional forest...
Navigating your Starship...

To the extent that you are still using your Third Dimensional Operating system, these three pictures are in different areas of your mind. That is fine for this part of the exercise.

Now, “press play” to allow these pictures to come alive with movement, experiences, thoughts and emotions...

Perhaps you are experiencing some anxiety, doubt or excitement as you simultaneously hold three different “videos” in your mind. You are likely using your mind as one of those televisions that presents three stations on the same screen. Therefore, first, view them one at a time.

Tune into the experience, emotions and thoughts of reading this message...

Tune into the experience, emotions, thoughts and perceptions of walking in a fifth dimensional forest...

Tune into the experience, emotions, thoughts and perceptions of navigating your Starship...
We ask you now to activate your Multidimensional Operating System, just as you did in the previous exercise...

Feel how all of these “pictures” are moving independently of each other, yet all of them live as ONE in your consciousness...

Now take your primary consciousness out of “reading this article” and place it into “Walking in the fifth dimensional forest”...

Imagine that you are walking in a 5D forest—while you are navigating your Starship in another reality—while reading this message in yet another reality...

Now, put your primary consciousness into “navigating your Starship”—while you also walk in the fifth dimensional forest—while you are reading this message in the third dimension...

At first, this exercise may “hurt your brain,” until you become accustomed to perceiving more than one reality at a time. Fortunately, within your Multidimensional Operating System, your expanded perceptions are gradually coming online. Your expanded perceptions greatly facilitate your ability to intimately experience the inter-dimensional realities that are wafting through your ever-expanding reality.

In fact, YOU are the creator of your many multidimensional realities. Unfortunately, many of you have forgotten that fact. Therefore, the first adjustment you will make with the power of your Multidimensional Operating System is to turn OFF the DNA that limits you to third dimensional perceptions and turn ON the DNA that activates your multidimensional perceptions.

From your “Programmer Position” in the center of your computer/brain, make sure that the multidimensional Junk DNA that stores your expanded perceptions is turned ON and the limitations of your 3% third dimensional DNA is turned OFF. You may wish to start this exercise with the inner vision of your heart, just as you did before. In this manner, you can assure that you enter the place in your consciousness, as well as in your computer/brain, where YOU are the Programmer of your reality.

You can choose to believe this experience is “an interesting exercise,” or you can choose to believe that you have the ability to control your own DNA. All of you on Gaia at this “time” have graduated into a higher level of the 3D Game of Separation and Limitation. However, you know that only if you can remember that you are a holographic projection of your Multidimensional SELF. It was YOU who chose to send a spark of your total light to be unified on the holographic plate of planet Earth for the experience of assisting in Gaia’s planetary ascension.


Click here to listen to the message Blessings on Your Awakening
(Long version with special information for being a channel.)

Because you have downloaded and turned ON your Multidimensional Operating System, you can begin to remember and maintain the state of consciousness in which  “you are the programmer” of your 3D experience.  See your earth vessel from the viewpoint of your Multidimensional SELF, so that you can view the two main programming Centers of your earth vessel, your High Heart and Opened Third Eye.

Your Opened Third Eye uses the multidimensional light to program and run your computer/brain; whereas your High Heart uses the great force of unconditional love to run, maintain and heal your earth vessel. These control centers function as ONE unit to receive the multidimensional light and unconditional love that guides you back to your true, Multidimensional SELF.

Connect with your High Heart to receive the unconditional love from your Multidimensional SELF...
Allow this love to protect you and give you courage to open the Stargate Portal of your pineal gland...

Open your inter-dimensional Portal of your Crown to receive a multidimensional light message from HOME...
Display this message on the inner mind screen of your Third Eye...

Integrate the words/pictures of your message with your unconditional love and integrative consciousness, so that you can receive and understand the highest frequency components of the messages that you receive. In this manner, you can learn to BE your Multidimensional Lightbody SELF in your daily life.

Even if your message is as simple as “Have a Nice Day,” allow your unconditional love to fully embrace the many ways in which you could have a nice day. From this simple message, you can begin to open a channel of ongoing communication between your grounded, human/self and your celestial, Multidimensional/SELF.

BLESSINGS ON YOUR AWAKENING - YOUTUBE VIDEO- http://www.youtube.com/user/suzannelie#p/u/4/frfUOZQ0ADU
Please visit our blog at:


* Step 20
** Diagram on Carroll/Lie’s site.

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Spaceship Landscape

Thank  you Sergio, for pointing to this very compelling example of how the ideas in my book are far from original: this video brought back the memory of the book about the the misterious landscape ship I read that probably gave me the idea for the Outer Layer in my novel: a hexagonal grid of cityships around the Earth, where 23 of the total 27 billion Earth inhabitants will live in 4444AD. Their space however is a virtual space, so the actual space needed to house them is far less.....

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Reality Quaking

a message from Mother Earth/Gaia channeled by Pepper Lewis
Wednesday, 31 March, 2010

A dear friend of mine has been stricken with panic since reading a dire warning about devastating earthquakes that are due to strike California. Another friend sent me an email about the U.S. economy collapsing completely and resulting in hunger, violence, etc. Apparently, the 'prophet' dreamed that it would be so and decided to post it on Facebook. Needless to say, the predicted date passed without incident, but not before spreading fear like a wildfire. It amazes me that there are so many doomsday predictions and that people are taking them seriously. Where is our common sense?Common sense would be more common if people actually shared the senses that they have in common with one another including intuitive abilities, telepathic sequencing, intellectual (reasoning) faculties and collective consciousness. All of these are based upon humanity's natural understanding of itself. Common sense is the actual place in which all of the senses come together. This sense data is then processed and immediately made available to the individual, whose perception fulfills the next function. Individuals have different common sense based upon what their own personal and social experience has shown them. Once all of the various sensations have been categorized they are ready to be passed on to the group or collective consciousness. Currently, the term common sense refers to beliefs or propositions that most people would consider prudent and sound, without reliance on esoteric knowledge, study or research. So why do so many people take doomsday predictions seriously?

The simple truth is that humanity believes in the possibility of its own extinction. It has witnessed and even participated in the extinction of other earth life forms and has studied a variety of probable theories for the extinction of some of its own ancestors. Your holy books suggest that both natural and unnatural forces have or have had power over you, and that you must struggle to make your way in life. Scripture common to a variety of religions also tells of celestial beings that work tirelessly on your behalf, defending and upholding your will in this life and beyond. Humans are the only beings on earth who know that they will die, and you have come to expect that disease, old age or an unforeseen catastrophe will one day take you elsewhere. This being a time of unprecedented change, it is not surprising that you are searching for precautions and preparations.
The Doomsday Argument

Humanity's collective cellular memory has retained records of every event in its history, including those that might be called doomsday events. A doomsday event is a specific, plausibly verifiable or hypothetical occurrence, which has an exceptionally destructive effect on the human race. Hypothetical doomsday events include major disruptions in human civilization, extinction of human life, destruction of planet Earth and even the annihilation of the entire universe. More than 50% of you believe that at least one of these scenarios is possible, and an even greater percentage believe that such an event would likely be man-made. Doomsday scenarios can be divided into three major categories, natural occurrences, man-made scenarios and supernatural events.

Natural occurrences might include a global pandemic, a geological event, a gamma ray burst or other devastating cosmic radiance, an abrupt reorientation of Earth's axis of rotation, a drastic increase or decrease in the Sun's power output, an impact event such as a collision with a large meteoroid, asteroid or comet, a sudden change in the physical constants that govern the universe, the close approach of a black hole, severe climate change and more. A smattering of man-made events to consider include the over depletion of important and necessary planetary resources, a nuclear, chemical or biological war, a cybernetic revolt, unchecked global warming, particle collision based upon failed Hadron collider tests (or other large-scale colliders) and more. Supernatural events consist of all other possibilities that cannot be explained or included in the previous two categories, such as an act of divine retribution or purification as might be inspired by the Last Judgment or other religious circumstance.

Arguments for and against doomsday scenarios are almost as old as the earth, but rise and fall in popularity in accordance with empirical data, religious doctrine, archaeological discoveries, predictions and postulations, changes in calendar count, and spiritual or mystical beliefs. Humanity's is currently experiencing a moment of heightened sensitivity in this regard and its excitement and anxiety will continue to rise into the foreseeable future. The branch of philosophy most concerned with this phenomenon is appropriately named, Eschatology, which is the study of what is believed to be the final events in the history of the world, or the ultimate destiny of humanity, also referred to as the end of the world or the end of days. Interestingly, mystical traditions see the end of the world metaphorically, as the end of ordinary reality and the reunion with the Divine. By contrast, the ultimate destiny of humanity is taught by many traditional religions as an actual future event(s) that has been prophesied in sacred texts.

Distinctions in historical periods and measurements of time have also contributed to differences in theological significance. In mystical traditions the end of time relates to escaping confinement within a given reality. Some religions, on the other hand, whose interpretations are more literal, believe in the physical destruction of the planet and/or all living things upon it. A related and more modern belief system, apocalypticism, which includes both religious and secular followers, believes in a violent disruption and destruction of the world and in the consummation, perfection and creation of the next world. Such beliefs generally include the human race surviving in some new form, and in a new age.
The 2012 Phenomenon

Today, the 2012 phenomenon has taken center age, and for at least the next few years any challenge or mystery associated with human life on earth will in some way be attributed to the 2012 phenomenon. Basically, the 2012 phenomenon consists of a range of beliefs and proposals that suggest that one or more transformative events will occur in the year 2012, with an emphasis upon December 21st (winter solstice) as the most significant day of the year. The 2012 phenomenon is not new and has been a part of human archaeo-astronomical speculation since at least 3113 BCE, approximately measured in astronomical years. December 21st, 2012 is the last day of the fourth world in the Mayan Long Count calendar, the end of a 5,125-year cycle. Other pre-Columbian Mesoamerican cultures used similar calendars, and had alternate beliefs about the calendar's creation and purpose. Some of these include mythical creation dates, numerological constructions, and prophecies from extraterrestrial beings.

The Mayan calendar included calendars and almanacs that were used to determine what day it was, whether it was a civil or ceremonial (divine) day, what god ruled the day, and how well the crops might fare in a given cycle. It is important to note that the Mayan calendar, as it is called today did not originate with the Maya, but with their ancestors, the Toltec and the ones before them as well. One version of the calendar took into account not only the date, but also the influence of time upon the linear relationship with respect to the distant past and the far future. From a mythical starting point (origination), the calendar was capable of referring to, or predicting with great accuracy, the relationship of any one date to another, or to the calendar itself. That is how they arrived at December 21st as the End of the Fifth World. The Maya also kept track of lunar cycles and the cycles of other planets, most specifically that of Venus.

The Mayan culture and calendar has been a grand teacher for humanity, and a specific point of reference for spiritualists, New Age thinkers, futurists, and other students of life. The New Age interpretation of the 2012 phenomenon is strongly rooted in the Mayan culture, but divided in their beliefs. While some believe that the earth and its inhabitants (some or all) will undergo a physical and spiritual transformation that will mark the beginning of new era, others believe that the 2012 date marks the beginning of a destructive and apocalyptic time of great change in which humanity is further divided, challenged, adversely by nature and other forces, and vastly reduced in number. Both ideas continue to proliferate, producing offspring theories and conjectures that perplex, mystify and frighten logical thinkers and irrational theorists alike. Interestingly, the classic Mayan calendar does not suggest or predict impending doom or specific catastrophes of any kind. Even among modern Mayans there is little universal agreement about what, if anything, the date might mean or bring.

Attempts by academics such as astronomers and natural scientists to dispel 2012 theories and rumors have been almost completely unsuccessful. Contemporary mainstream scholars continue to reject apocalyptic forecasts, arguing that the date is largely irrelevant and that acceptable or available source material is scarce, contradictory and unsubstantiated. The intellectually elite liken fears about 2012 to those that surfaced around the year 2000, citing this reference as an adequate analysis of the phenomenon, and yet the phenomenon persists. Why?
The Adaptation Principle

Human evolution is largely based upon physical and psychological adaptation; a relativistic concept that explains collective leaps in consciousness as well as new eras or ages. Adaptation leads to changes in both belief and behavior, and assists humanity to push beyond the limits of rationality, which in turn allows humanity to solve recurrent questions about human ancestry and current problems of an environmental nature. Behaviors and emotions that are universal or at least cross-cultural tend to reflect the greatest results. Therefore, when large groups of humans begin to believe and act in new and different ways, even irregular and erratic ones, a new genetic and biological material is born, whose cognition leads to the expansion of all things, including a deeper understanding of the world(s) one lives in, the size and scope of the universe, and the individual's relationship to All That Is.

The ongoing effect of Hubble telescope's representations of the universe upon humanity is a living example of this adaptation principle. Consider for a moment how your view of the cosmos has changed. Hubble has taught humanity that extra-solar planets are quite common, and has put to rest the idea that our Sun is unusual in having planets. In fact, it would be fair to say that the earth is a relatively ordinary planet orbiting a relatively ordinary star in an ordinary galaxy, one of countless others in this universe within an even greater multi-verse that will one day merge with the omniverse. Humanity has learned that it is not simply a privileged observer of the universe. It is part of the earth's biosphere, not above it, beneath it or unique to it. This understanding is an important key to other upcoming leaps in consciousness and evolution.
Leaps in Evolution

The onset of an evolutionary leap can be a difficult and inconsistent time for humanity. It creates large gaps that humanity must contend with including some, but not all of the physical and psychological anomalies that you are currently undergoing. A marked increase in melancholy and depression is one, as is a decrease in the stability of present-day and past memory recall, physical and/or sexual orientation, a worrisome concern for one's physical surroundings, a general sense of lack of everything from wellness to physical and economic resources, a bleak or obscure outlook of the future, increased fear, anxiety, and even panic over the normal challenges of life. While these are no more than symptoms of change, they are nonetheless taxing upon the central nervous system and upsetting to the personality self.

Evolutionary leaps also spark changes in the nature and structure of reality. Reality is what you call your existence upon the earth. It consists of everything that exists in your life or happens to you. Your reality allows you to feel authentic and alive. During an evolutional leap the future of your (this) reality is possible, but not necessarily probable, because you are simultaneously exploring other time lines, dimensions and potentials for growth. When the certainty of one future is not guaranteed other futures exist as possibilities. They become real, exist in the same moment as you do and operate under the same variable laws as you do. This is a very accurate description of what you are presently undergoing, and why the sky is the limit where your uncertainties are concerned.

Those with an ability to ÒseeÓ beyond the ordinary, as well as those who channel, interpret, or otherwise divine what remains hidden or invisible to others are not exempt from the pitfalls and gaps that exist in the present moment. This includes oracles, clairvoyants, mystics, philosophers, visionaries, as well as those who interpret dreams for themselves or others, and more. In fact, it could be argued that those who would assemble under this flag are even more susceptible to reality quaking than others. A reality quake is what happens to a reality that has been overly stressed, corrupted or compromised by another force, natural or otherwise. Such influences include, but are not limited to belief systems, unique crossroads and timelines, dimensions, new discoveries and revelations. Under the effect of these new influences, the first reality can no longer exist in its present form, nor sustain or uphold the original framework from which it was created. A quake brought about by one ore more influences has now compelled a modification of the original reality in part or in whole. The original structure, which now contains less of the material from which realities are made, can never be recovered or restored; it has been forever altered.

Where do prophets and prophecies come in? They are the glue that helps to fill the cracks in the cosmic egg. They offer bridges from here to there, if there is where you want to go. Your beliefs will take you almost anywhere, but it is always best to decide that for yourself, if at all possible. Like it or not, you are now on the fast track in the discovery and development of all of your faculties. It is time to put into practice all that you have studied and learned over several millennia of time. Allow those who thunder and quake that the end is near to collapse under the weight of their own words. Be led if you like, but not misled if at all possible. The end is as near as the next beginning. It is simply a matter of turning the page with an eagerness to experience what is next. I submit to you that change is inevitable and evolution unavoidable. Surrender the obsolete, embrace the new and anticipate the next experience with an open heart and mind.

©2007 Pepper Lewis and The Peaceful Planet.  All of the information presented is for your reading and enjoyment. It can be shared in whole or in part with others who may find it of value as long as it is for personal use. In so doing, we ask that you always include the copyright notice located at the bottom of each document. This ensures our ability to make this information available to those who do not have access to the Internet. All other reprints including electronic transmissions designed for commercial use must receive permission from the author. Publications and websites interested in carrying this information as monthly columns or special features are encouraged to do so. If the material must be shortened in length, please clearly state that it is an edited version and refer the readers to the original full-length version.

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Babaji Nagaraj: Expect the Highest Outcome

Channeler: Marlene Swetlishoff


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Beloved Lightworkers,

There have been many channeled messages in the last several days telling you to be in preparation for the many changes that are imminent. Know that all is now ready and that there will be an announcement that will set in motion all that is now ready to be revealed to all of Humanity around the World. These revelations will come one at a time, slowly, to allow Humanity to digest the information before the next one comes forth and so on.

You are now seeing the blatant attempts to create division and disharmony amongst the people and from our vantage point, these attempts are not at all succeeding in the way it was intended and is indeed backfiring upon the instigators. Soon all will be quiet once again as Humanity continues to absorb the Cosmic Light of the Creator that is now pouring upon the Earth and the great cleansing, purifying and revisiting of all that had already been experienced and which has come forth yet again to be addressed once and for all.

There is already a great energy of peacefulness settling in upon the Planet and all of her inhabitants. There is evidence of this everywhere if one but looks. Brother is helping brother and sisters join hands to create meaningful and positive changes in their communities and their World. The impulse to be of Service is being felt within more and more of Humanity and more people are discovering that yes, one person CAN make a difference and are taking up the torch by standing in their Light and conviction. By taking their peaceful stand, they open the way for many more to courageously take their stand.

People power is fast becoming the trend across the length and breadth of Humanity. It is the Great Awakening that is now beginning to transpire across your beautiful Planet, within the minds and hearts of all the inhabitants of the Earth. There is a feeling of joy, anticipation and celebration and it is becoming a feeling of palpable excitement. Issues of duality are beginning to be balanced in all quarters of the populace in every hamlet, town, city and country.

All that needs to be resolved is coming forth and many are recognizing that there is a greater sense within them of playing a part for the rest of Humanity in these issues that come forth for resolution and are not really issues of their own making. This is indeed so, for many, many of you are taking on the transmutation of the issues of others in order to act as proxy’s for the clearing of these issues on behalf of all in order to facilitate an acceleration of the clearing process of the entire Planet and all upon Her.

You are asked to continue to stand in your Light and perform your daily disciplines, to ground yourselves into the great Crystal in the crystalline core of the Earth and to continue to hold the Highest Vision for all of Humanity and to expect nothing less than the Highest outcome for the Highest good of all. Your work and ours together, continues to gain momentum.

I AM Babaji Nagaraj

©2010 Marlene Swetlishoff

Permission is given to share this message with others, as long as the message is posted in its entirety and nothing has been changed, or altered in any way and Scribe's credit, copyright and website is included. www.therainbowscribe.com

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March 18, 2010 “Compassion for Animals”

Channeler: Kris-Won

Greetings from Alpha Spaceship!

We have been observing with surprise the worry of many of the inhabitants of Earth due to their uncertainty in regards to what is going to happen in 2012 as it was predicted by the Mayans. The Mayans are direct descendants of the Atlanteans, and have always had a very special connection with some civilizations from outer space, especially the Pleiadians and the Swans. From them, they obtained a great deal of information about the division of time in months and days, the origin of the human beings on this planet, or the different cycles that repeat themselves in a circular fashion for the different kingdoms that inhabit planet Earth. Likewise, they were also trained in the art of predicting the future, and they came to achieve this predicting of all the events that have happened up until now with great precision.

One of their predictions, perhaps the most known and difficult for terrestrial humans at this time because of the importance of this event is the change at a planetary level that all living beings of Gaia will live through, which will occur, according to their predictions, on December 21, 2012. This event has provoked anxiety in many people, even panic, because they think that on this date it could be the end of the world, the Biblical Apocalypse revealed by Jesus' apostle, dear John.

Dear brethren of planet Earth, it will not be like that. Let go of those fears and apprehensions, because man and woman are not going to disappear from the face of the Earth, and neither will their little brothers and sisters, the animals, the plants, the minerals, the water, or the breathable atmosphere. Film makers love to make movies about catastrophes or what happens after catastrophes, where they show the public a world destroyed by a nuclear holocaust, by the agents of nature lashing against the continental shores, by a rain of blazing meteorites, or by the collision of Earth with a vagabond asteroid!

Nothing like this is going to occur! The world will not be annihilated, nor will its inhabitants. What will indeed happen is there will be a change of paradigm, a mutation of a situation the human being and the animal has suffered since inmemorial times, simply because this cannot go on any more. Gaia cannot keep on suffering the mistreatment and deterioration of Her Body caused by the human being, who has not reflected on or has had second thoughts each time he pollutes and spoils his atmosphere or his oceans and rivers, just to satisfy his selfish interests and promote economic benefits for only a few.

The human of this planet has also incurred a grave mistake against his Mother Earth (increasing his negative karma, which he must balance in some way) mistreating and killing the animals, which are his 'little brothers and sisters' of the animal kingdom. Despite being superior on the evolution scale, man has used his intelligence each time to invent new forms of committing massacres and to torture the noble animal kingdom who, in its poor innocence, is not capable to compete against the intelligence of its older brother.

An organization for the defense of animals has a slogan that says: "If the walls of the slaughterhouses were transparent, all men would be vegetarians." The cruelty of some supposedly "intelligent" beings towards animals is inconceivable for a thinking being. It cannot be explained how can they remain impassive in the face of the suffering they inflict daily on those poor animals, like the chickens, rabbits, geese, pigs, horses and cows who are sometimes kept in spaces so small that they cannot even move, being forced to eat until they are stuffed and can eat no more, or they are kept in places with artificial light so that they cannot tell the difference between day and night and thus, keeping them disoriented and fooled.

And all this for what? To satisfy the palate, the desire of millions of people to eat meat, to whom medical science has made believe that if they do not eat animal meat they will lack the necessary nutrients to survive. What a lie! How many people in the world have raised their consciousness and compassion for animals and continue living very healthily, ingesting fruits, vegetables, legumes, dried fruits, etc. And they have very healthy bodies, without gastric or artery problems caused by the ingestion of dead animal meat! The mind of vegetarians is also kept sharper and more alert when they reach a mature age; their conscience is more awake and in communication with their intellect, and their intellect has a better connection with their mind, thus, facilitating the connection with their Higher Self.

You who have awakened or are awakening, we request that you do not follow the game of the meat companies, the fur companies or the laboratories where they use the poor animals to experiment on them! Demonstrate that you have awakened to compassion and love for the animal kingdom, and you will thus contribute to the diminishing of the negative karma of humanity on this planet. Besides, on an individual level, you will contribute to the improvement of your physical and mental health, prolonging the life cycle of your mortal body, as it will not be exposed to the decomposition or decay process inside your physical body, and when you do not ingest the adrenaline that they release when they feel terror knowing they are going to be slaughtered.

May God bless your innocence and your love and compassion towards your little brothers and sisters, the animals, who are not here to be your food and sustenance but to carry on with their own work of evolution on this planet.

Love and peace

Source: Commander Sohin, Alpha Spaceship
Channeler: Kris-Won
Translator: Gloria, Steve.

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Seeing the World through the Eyes of your Higher Self

Channeler: DL Zeta

Heightened energies are now opening portals in consciousness that allow many who have been following their spiritual path to expand their ability to receive intuitive guidance. Those who have been teaching, sharing and growing in their understandings will now be able to step into an even stronger role as direct conduits for spirit. Some will become spiritual channels.

Becoming a World Server

The willingness to step into the next level of your mission is an important aspect of becoming a channel. To open to channel, you will be asked to step into new levels of joy, new levels of self-responsibility, and new levels of compassion and spiritual communion. It is your willingness to step into the higher vibrational aspects of your being that allows you to become a world server. As a world server, every step you take, every effort you undertake, will be intricately linked with lifting up the Earth and all its inhabitants.

Becoming Emotionally Transparent

One of the greatest challenges a channel faces is remaining in an open and detached state no matter what comes before them. Allowing fear, anger, or other dense emotions to enter into your perceptions closes down the higher flow into your consciousness and locks you into physical-based beliefs and programming. To serve as a channel, it is important to remain in a loving, compassionate place open to the higher message of all that happens. This may not be easy at times. Events in the world can seem outrageous and even horrific at times. If you allow yourself to become emotionally pulled into the whirlpool of what is happening you will not be able to help yourself or anyone else.

Understanding the higher meaning and purpose of a situation -- the spiritual message in other words -- and seeing all those involved in the situation with love, compassion and empathy - is a healing tonic for the suffering in the world.

Practicing Detachment and Acceptance

You may need to practice remaining in a place of detachment and love. Detachment is not indifference but trust in the higher order of things, even if you don't understand why something is happening. Practice seeing the world in this way. Go through your day seeing the world through the eyes of your higher self. Your higher self has no opinions. It does not take offense. It embraces and accepts what is and sees every moment surrounded with a golden light that radiates the essence of unconditional love. Every person you see no matter what they are saying or doing is spirit incarnate – a soul seeking to understand love in the best way it knows how.

Excerpt from Channeling into the Next Dimension: A Handbook for Opening Your Psychic Senses by DL Zeta & Peter Phalam
For more information, visit http://www.celestialvision.com/

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Shar Joy Thought of the Day Number Two

                                            The gift that animals bring is numerous and more of them are communicating directly through and with your thoughts.   When you talk to an animal do it telepathically.   Visualization is their preferred method.  Then ask them if they are hungry, visualize a bowl of food etc....Excercise your thoughts and theirs by visualizing a ball etc...and seeing if they will tune in and go get the ball.  This takes a bit of practice just like socializing with people you will cultivate a relationship that is a deep bond.  Many animals will tell you what part of your body needs healing by laying near you or the affected area and gently sniffing.  During one New Year I was alone and outside heard a cat that was crying.  I never had one before and had no idea what to do with it.  Often an animal chooses you and already knows and senses your connection.   In the meantime it was the most healing New Year that I ever experienced.   This cat taught me to play and trust...and offered itself to love.  An essential part to building a broader base with nature and her inhabitants.

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The great tragedy of Science – the slaying of a beautiful hypothesis by an ugly fact. – Thomas H. Huxley

Multidimensional News OCTOBER 2008

Many of the members of the ground crew have come from different Home worlds (stars/planets of origin) to take an earth vessel in order to assist in this great cosmic moment of planetary ascension. Our Corridor provides a homing beam by which each member can re-connect with his or her multidimensional SELF. The Arcturian Corridor serves as a star gate, a distribution station, or control tower, such as you have in your airports. We are the hubs, the way station for all inter-dimensional explorers. All inter-dimensional voyagers travel through our vortex/corridor. The, they either stay here or move on to whichever star system is their final destination.

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Ready for Dimensional Living?

“A blow with a word strikes deeper than a blow with a sword.”  -Robert Burton
(And when you truly begin to understand and know multidimensional consciousness you imeaditly understand the impact every unaligned thought creates.  These basic ‘private’ thoughts have created much of our demise not re-membering the power we each hold.  ALL-ways OBSERVE | EXPLORE!)

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Harmonic Shift 7|7|7 on >07-07-07<

“The bananas were like that when I got here!”
         -Humpty Dumpty
“HS-777-MI-ACURTURUS”                                             illustration by SethD8 – 16 Feb 07



Harmonic Shift 7|7|7 on >070707<

should the transcript here come across as what you term as “wishy- washy” … repetative or incoherent … do not cast aside the importance if this message and the harmonic-shift 777 event …  for the limitations of your landguage and those self-imposed by our host (raphiem) are unable to clealry translate and articulate the levels of unified awareness we are communicating to you and your greater selves and souls in this moment  …

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