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Communiqués: The Dance of Life


Wednesday, October 26, 2011

The dance of life is the pinnacle of the dance of creation. It merits this honor because life is expressed when the laws of creation are internally responded to and expressed. All things in your ph...

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Escape Your Prison Cell of Values

Posted: 05 Jul 2010 11:26 AM PDT

Channeled for Life Tapestry Creations.com by Brenda Hoffman

Dear Ones,

Let us address what has happened and what is about to happen.

Even though you might not yet consciously be aware of t...

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Osho on being blissful

Welcome everyone.  This is an exerpt from OSHO's chapter on Decoding Life-Negative Conditioning - Uncling to Misery.

It should be easy to drop suffering, anguish, misery.  It should not be difficult:  you don't want to be miserable, so there must be some deep complication behind it.  The complication is that from your very childhood you have not been allowed to be happy, to be blissful, to be joyous.  You have been forced to be serious, and seriousness implies sadness.  You were forced to do things that you never wanted to do.  You were helpless, weak, dependent on people;  naturally you had to do what they were saying.  You did those things unwillingly, miserably, in deep resistance.  Against yourself, you have been forced to do so much that by and by one thing became clear to you:  that anything that is against you is right, and that anything that is not against you is bound to be wrong.  And constantly, this whole upbringing filled you with sadness, which is not natural.

To be joyous is natural, just as to be healthy is natural.  It is perfectly right to ask why you are miserable.  It is not right to ask why you are blissful.  You have been brought up in an insane society where to be blissful without reason is thought to be madness.  If you are simply smiling for no reason at all, people will think something is loose in your head - why are you smiling?  why are you happy?  And if you say, " I don't know, I am just being happy,"  your answer will only strengthen their idea that something has gone wrong with you.  But if you are miserable, nobody will ask why you are miserable.

To be miserable is natural;  everybody is.  It is nothing special to you.  You are not doing something unique.. Unconsciously this idea goes on settling in you, that misery is natural and blissfulness is unnatural. Blissfulness has to be proved.  Misery needs no proof.  Slowly it sinks deeper into you - into your blood, your bones, and into your marrow - although naturally it is against you.  So you have been forced to think you are mentally sick;  something that is against your nature has been forced on you.  You have been distracted from yourself into something you are not. This creates the whole misery of humanity, that everyone is where he should not be, what he should not be.

The first thing you do is simply laugh at yourself, at what an idiot you have been.  The misery was never there;  you were creating it with one hand and you were trying to destroy it with the other hand - and naturally you were split, like in a schizophrenic condition.  It is absolutely easy, simple.  The most simple thing in existence is to be yourself. It needs no effort;  you are already there.  Just a remembrance .........  just getting out of all those stupid ideas society has imposed on you.  And that is as simple as a snake slipping out of its old skin and never looking back. It is just an old skin, nothing more.  If you understand it, it can happen at this very moment.  Because at this very moment you can see no misery, no anguish.

You are silent, standing on the door of nothing;  just a step more inward and you have found the greatest treasure that has been waiting for you for thousands of lives.

Shared with infinite love to all, Tara

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We are Light in Action – channeling April 3, 2010

We are Light in Action - channeling April 3, 2010

Yes, Dear Ones and Beloved Brothers, the unconditional love can be felt by all. You are the Power and Light of God Father/Mother, trust your senses. Listen to your deeper feeling and you will find that always ... ALWAYS ...you will be in contact with the Divine Light.

The Light is present in this time of peace and union. Union which will be make more and more important in every day that pass by, because in each day that pass unconditional love will lead you to the truths that are hidden during centuries. The doors of mercy and truth will be open in front of your eyes, my Dear Brother. There are many people now who are being connected and call to these truths, but one sense of low vibration prevents these truths to be accessed in your source of wisdom and connection with the creation. Every time that you feel this type of frequential standard of energy,the connection will be more hard,so Dear and Beloved Brother,do not give your heart to emotions of low vibrational pattern,always be light and aspire trust in yourself , in God that is inside of you,the answers will be found inside not out........

I will leave you in the light of the unconditional love of God Father/Mother.

I AM Elohim

Dear Brothers of the Light

My dear children, pay attention to the internal work, we are teaching you in a form subtle to break free of the constraints that were imposed on you , be steadfast in your daily work procedure, ask for our help when you feel that you are tired to walk alone, we are with you.
We are all Light of the same fire that burns in the heart of the creation. We are love that live in various dimensions. We are the expanding in cadence of the Divine Light of the Father / Mother Universal. We are the work from within to out the real condition of the brothers and of all mankind, even the brothers who are still in the darkness of evil qualify lenses, we are with you.
When you are living day to day. to work, to relate, look around and feel the vibrations of intention of the people, just feel, take off the lenses of your glasses, look as observers, do not scattered over
and you will feel your real purpose of the day.
Choose your vibration in the first moments of the day when you open your eyes early in the morning. Feel your connection with your I Am presence and choose your mission of light, choose to be love that touches all in a silently way. Choose to be compassionate light that purifies all silently. Choose to be the living God who dwells within each one of you, the wisdom will be palpable from the inside out and even when the truth is hard, will be clear to your eyes and ears and heart. You will know to discern everything that you need to finish your mastery in 3D.
Your Guardian Angels rejoice with your development, we are all very happy. I had the honor of being together with our Master / Brother Jesus a long time ago and now I have the same honor with you, because I am together now with a human Angel of Light / Jesus Christ, who is alive inside of your heart.
I am walking along with humanity for many eons and I thank all the Lightworkers who are struggling and looking for your light every day, follow today and always, climb the ladder of your ascent.
I Am Mother Mary and I love you, stay in the holy peace of God within each one of you.

Greetings Lightworkers, dress yourself of blue, dress yourself of peace and proclaim the Light Proclaim the new. Proclaim the peace.
Here is a Brother of Light,I am a Brother of Light,which arrive here to share, to speak to you about Light,the Lemuria Temple,forgot a long time who now emerge inside of you Ligthworkers.
Our home was simple but in deep charm. The Forest of tall trees ,the holy ground still the same. Remember the palace between the forest, the temple of light that we pass and contemplate the lighthouse to share the light. Earth you still the same priceless charm and beauty. I still love you earth that one day shelter me. Today I return to wake 144 thousand Angels of Light. I wake up. You are Light. Return to your Home. Remember who you are, that what you have inside of you.
The Light share ,be a sign. Look beyond. Remember your Light. How this is beautiful ,this union of Brothers of eons ago been together .
I will speak of love and peace ,seed of Light,seed of peace, look to the new sun inside of you,praise the Master Jesus who planted the seed and sowed of LOVE. The House of the Father has many places, here is one more .
Peace and Light, Galactic Brothers.
I am a intergalactic being of the blue ball of purifier fire of peace. I Am what I Am. I Am light and Love as well as You.
May the sun of each one of you shine so bright that illuminate the world around You.
The Intergalactic Confederation salute You, Brothers of Gaia.

Channeling of the Group We are Light in Action on 03/04/2010 - Brazil

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Andromeda, feels like home to me…..

Andromeda Galaxy

The Andromeda Galaxy, also known as Messier 31, M31, or NGC 224; often referred to as the Great Andromeda Nebula in older texts, is a spiral galaxy approximately 2,500,000 light-years away in the constellation Andromeda.

It is the nearest spiral galaxy to our own, the Milky Way. As it is visible as a faint smudge on a moonless night, it is one of the farthest objects visible to the naked eye, and can be seen even from urban areas with binoculars. It is named after the princess Andromeda in Greek mythology.

Andromeda is the largest galaxy of the Local Group, which consists of the Andromeda Galaxy, the Milky Way Galaxy, the Triangulum Galaxy, and about 30 other smaller galaxies. Although the largest, Andromeda may not be the most massive, as recent findings suggest that the Milky Way contains more dark matter and may be the most massive in the grouping.

The 2006 observations by the Spitzer Space Telescope revealed that M31 contains one trillion (1012) stars, several times more than the number of stars in our own galaxy, which is estimated to be c. 200-400 billion.

While the 2006 estimates put the mass of the Milky Way to be ~80% of the mass of Andromeda, which is estimated to be 7.1 X 1011 solar masses, a 2009 study concluded that Andromeda and the Milky Way are about equal in mass.

At an apparent magnitude of 3.4, the Andromeda Galaxy is notable for being one of the brightest Messier objects, making it easily visible to the naked eye even when viewed from areas with moderate light pollution. Although it appears more than six times as wide as the full moon when photographed through a larger telescope, only the brighter central region is visible with the naked eye.

Observation History

The earliest recorded observation of the Andromeda Galaxy was in 964 CE by the Persian astronomer, Abd al-Rahman al-Sufi (Azophi), who described it as a "small cloud" in his Book of Fixed Stars. Other star charts of that period have it labeled as the Little Cloud.

The first description of the object based on telescopic observation was given by Simon Marius in 1612.

Charles Messier catalogued it as object M31 in 1764 and incorrectly credited Marius as the discoverer, unaware of Al Sufi's earlier work.

In 1785, the astronomer William Herschel noted a faint reddish hue in the core region of the M31. He believed it to be the nearest of all the "great nebulae" and, based on the color and magnitude of the nebula, he incorrectly guessed that it was no more than 2,000 times the distance of Sirius.

William Huggins in 1864 observed the spectrum of M31 and noted that it differed from a gaseous nebula. The spectra of M31 displayed a continuum of frequencies, superimposed with dark absorption lines that help identify the chemical composition of an object. The Andromeda nebula was very similar to the spectra of individual stars, and from this it was deduced that M31 had a stellar nature.

In 1885, a supernova (known as "S Andromedae") was seen in M31, the first and so far only one observed in that galaxy. At the time M31 was considered to be a nearby object, so the cause was thought to be a much less luminous and unrelated event called a nova, and was named accordingly "Nova 1885".

The first photographs of M31 were taken in 1887 by Isaac Roberts from his private observatory in Sussex, England. The long-duration exposure allowed the spiral structure of the galaxy to be seen for the first time. However, at the time this object was commonly believed to be a nebula within our galaxy, and Roberts mistakenly believed that M31 and similar spiral nebulae were actually solar systems being formed, with the satellites nascent planets.

The radial velocity of this object with respect to our solar system was measured in 1912 by Vesto Slipher at the Lowell Observatory, using spectroscopy. The result was the largest velocity recorded at that time, at 300 kilometres per second (190 mi/s), moving in the direction of the Sun.

Island Universe

In 1917, Heber Curtis observed a nova within M31. Searching the photographic record, 11 more novae were discovered. Curtis noticed that these novae were, on average, 10 magnitudes fainter than those that occurred within our Galaxy. As a result he was able to come up with a distance estimate of 500,000 light-years (3.2X1010 AU). He became a proponent of the so-called "island universes" hypothesis, which held that spiral nebulae were actually independent galaxies.

In 1920 the Great Debate between Harlow Shapley and Heber Curtis took place, concerning the nature of the Milky Way, spiral nebulae, and the dimensions of the universe. To support his claim that Great Andromeda Nebula (M31) was an external galaxy, Curtis also noted the appearance of dark lanes resembling the dust clouds in our own Galaxy, as well as the significant Doppler shift.

In 1922 Ernst Opik presented a very elegant and simple astrophysical method to estimate the distance of M31, his result (450 kpc (1,500 kly)) put Andromeda Nebula far outside our Galaxy.

Edwin Hubble settled the debate in 1925 when he identified extragalactic Cepheid variable stars for the first time on astronomical photos of M31. These were made using the 2.5 metres (98 in) Hooker telescope, and they enabled the distance of Great Andromeda Nebula to be determined. His measurement demonstrated conclusively that this feature was not a cluster of stars and gas within our Galaxy, but an entirely separate galaxy located a significant distance from our own.

Andromeda plays an important role in galactic studies, since it is the nearest spiral galaxy (although not the nearest galaxy).

In 1943, Walter Baade was the first person to resolve stars in the central region of the Andromeda Galaxy. Based on his observations of this galaxy, he was able to discern two distinct populations of stars based on their metallicity, naming the young, high velocity stars in the disk Type I and the older, red stars in the bulge Type II. This nomenclature was subsequently adopted for stars within the Milky Way, and elsewhere. (The existence of two distinct populations had been noted earlier by Jan Oort.) Dr. Baade also discovered that there were two types of Cepheid variables, which resulted in a doubling of the distance estimate to M31, as well as the remainder of the Universe.

Radio emission from the Andromeda Galaxy was first detected by Grote Reber in 1940. The first radio maps of the galaxy were made in the 1950s by John Baldwin and collaborators at the Cambridge Radio Astronomy Group. The core of the Andromeda Galaxy is called 2C 56 in the 2C radio astronomy catalogue.

In 2009, the first planet may have been discovered in the Andromeda Galaxy. This candidate was detected using a technique called microlensing, which is caused by the deflection of light by a massive object.


Based on its appearance in visible light, the Andromeda galaxy is classified as an SA(s)b galaxy in the de Vaucouleurs-Sandage extended classification system of spiral galaxies. However, data from the 2MASS survey showed that the bulge of M31 has a box-like appearance, which implies that the galaxy is actually a barred galaxy with the bar viewed almost directly along its long axis.

In 2005, astronomers used the Keck telescopes to show that the tenuous sprinkle of stars extending outward from the galaxy is actually part of the main disk itself. This means that the spiral disk of stars in Andromeda is three times larger in diameter than previously estimated. This constitutes evidence that there is a vast, extended stellar disk that makes the galaxy more than 220,000 light-years (67,000 pc) in diameter. Previously, estimates of Andromeda's size ranged from 70,000 to 120,000 light-years (21,000 to 37,000 pc) across.

The galaxy is inclined an estimated 77° relative to the Earth (where an angle of 90° would be viewed directly from the side). Analysis of the cross-sectional shape of the galaxy appears to demonstrate a pronounced, S-shaped warp, rather than just a flat disk. A possible cause of such a warp could be gravitational interaction with the satellite galaxies near M31. The galaxy M33 could be responsible for some warp in M31's arms, though more precise distances and radial velocities are required.

Spectroscopic studies have provided detailed measurements of the rotational velocity of M31 at various radii from the core. In the vicinity of the core, the rotational velocity climbs to a peak of 225 kilometres per second (140 mi/s) at a radius of 1,300 light-years (82,000,000 AU) light-years, then descends to a minimum at 7,000 light-years (440,000,000 AU) where the rotation velocity may be as low as 50 kilometres per second (31 mi/s).

Thereafter the velocity steadily climbs again out to a radius of 33,000 light-years (2.1x109 AU), where it reaches a peak of 250 kilometres per second (160 mi/s). The velocities slowly decline beyond that distance, dropping to around 200 kilometres per second (120 mi/s) at 80,000 light-years (5.1x109 AU). These velocity measurements imply a concentrated mass of about 6 x 109 M in the nucleus. The total mass of the galaxy increases linearly out to 45,000 light-years (2.8 x109 AU), then more slowly beyond that radius.

The spiral arms of Andromeda are outlined by a series of H II regions that Baade described as resembling "beads on a string". They appear to be tightly wound, although they are more widely spaced than in our galaxy.

Rectified images of the galaxy show a fairly normal spiral galaxy with the arms wound up in a clockwise direction. There are two continuous trailing arms that are separated from each other by a minimum of about 13,000 light-years (8.2E+8 AU). These can be followed outward from a distance of roughly 1,600 light-years (100,000,000 AU) from the core. The most likely cause of the spiral pattern is thought to be interaction with M32. This can be seen by the displacement of the neutral hydrogen clouds from the stars.

In 1998, images from the European Space Agency's Infrared Space Observatory demonstrated that the overall form of the Andromeda galaxy may be transitioning into a ring galaxy. The gas and dust within Andromeda is generally formed into several overlapping rings, with a particularly prominent ring formed at a radius of 32,000 light-years (2.0x109 AU) from the core. This ring is hidden from visible light images of the galaxy because it is composed primarily of cold dust.

Close examination of the inner region of Andromeda showed a smaller dust ring that is believed to have been caused by the interaction with M32 more than 200 million years ago. Simulations show that the smaller galaxy passed through the disk of Andromeda along the latter's polar axis. This collision stripped more than half the mass from the smaller M32 and created the ring structures in Andromeda.

Studies of the extended halo of M31 show that it is roughly comparable to that of the Milky Way, with stars in the halo being generally "metal-poor", and increasingly so with greater distance. This evidence indicates that the two galaxies have followed similar evolutionary paths. They are likely to have accreted and assimilated about 1-200 low-mass galaxies during the past 12 billion years. The stars in the extended halos of M31 and the Milky Way may extend nearly one third the distance separating the two galaxies.


M31 is known to harbor a dense and compact star cluster at its very center. In a large telescope it creates a visual impression of a star embedded in the more diffuse surrounding bulge. The luminosity of the nucleus is in excess of the most luminous globular clusters.

In 1991 Tod R. Lauer used WFPC, then on board the Hubble Space Telescope, to image Andromeda's inner nucleus. The nucleus consists of two concentrations separated by 1.5 parsecs (4.9 ly). The brighter concentration, designated as P1, is offset from the center of the galaxy. The dimmer concentration, P2, falls at the true center of the galaxy and contains a 3-5x107 M black hole.

Scott Tremaine has proposed that the observed double nucleus could be explained if P1 is the projection of a disk of stars in an eccentric orbit around the central black hole. The eccentricity is such that stars linger at the orbital apocenter, creating a concentration of stars. P2 also contains a compact disk of hot, spectral class A stars. The A stars are not evident in redder filters, but in blue and ultraviolet light they dominate the nucleus, causing P2 to appear more prominent than P1.

While at the initial time of its discovery it was hypothesized that the brighter portion of the double nucleus was the remnant of a small galaxy "cannibalized" by Andromeda, this is no longer considered to be a viable explanation. The primary reason is that such a nucleus would have an exceedingly short lifetime due to tidal disruption by the central black hole. While this could be partially resolved if P1 had its own black hole to stabilize it, the distribution of stars in P1 does not suggest that there is a black hole at its center.

Artist's concept of Andromeda galaxy core showing a view across a

mysterious disk of young, blue stars encircling a supermassive black hole.

Discrete Sources

Multiple X-ray sources have been detected in the Andromeda Galaxy, using observations from the ESA's XMM-Newton orbiting observatory. Robin Barnard et al. hypothesized that these are candidate black holes or neutron stars, which are heating incoming gas to millions of kelvins and emitting X-rays. The spectrum of the neutron stars is the same as the hypothesized black holes, but can be distinguished by their masses.

There are approximately 460 globular clusters associated with the Andromeda galaxy. The most massive of these clusters, identified as Mayall II, nicknamed Globular One, has a greater luminosity than any other known globular cluster in the local group of galaxies.

It contains several million stars, and is about twice as luminous as Omega Centauri, the brightest known globular cluster in the Milky Way. Globular One (or G1) has several stellar populations and a structure too massive for an ordinary globular. As a result, some consider G1 to be the remnant core of a dwarf galaxy that was consumed by M31 in the distant past. The globular with the greatest apparent brightness is G76 which is located in the south-west arm's eastern half.

In 2005, astronomers discovered a completely new type of star cluster in M31. The new-found clusters contain hundreds of thousands of stars, a similar number of stars that can be found in globular clusters. What distinguishes them from the globular clusters is that they are much larger ­ several hundred light-years across ­ and hundreds of times less dense. The distances between the stars are, therefore, much greater within the newly discovered extended clusters.

Future Collision of the Milky Way with Andromeda

The Andromeda Galaxy is approaching the Sun at about 100 to 140 kilometres per second (62 to 87 mi/s),[56] so it is one of the few blue shifted galaxies. The Andromeda Galaxy and the Milky Way are thus expected to collide in perhaps 2.5 billion years, although the details are uncertain since Andromeda's tangential velocity with respect to the Milky Way is only known to within about a factor of two.

A likely outcome of the collision is that the galaxies will merge to form a giant elliptical galaxy. Such events are frequent among the galaxies in galaxy groups. The fate of the Earth and the Solar System in the event of a collision are presently unknown. If the galaxies do not merge, there is a small chance that the Solar System could be ejected from the Milky Way or join Andromeda.

Andromeda's Satellite Galaxies  Wikipedia
Like the Milky Way, Andromeda Galaxy has satellite galaxies, consisting of 14 known dwarf galaxies.

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Channeler: Suzanne Ward

Chile earthquake manmade; Illuminati failings; positive developments in many areas; effects of goddess energy; women’s self-perception; opposition in political arenas; timeframe determination difficulties; the Vatican; various destinies of souls

1. This is Matthew, with loving greetings from all souls at this station. From entertainment to the economy to earthquakes, the darkness in some individuals has been motivating them to create distractions, disruptions or destruction around your world. The peak members of the Illuminati are tenaciously grappling with the ever-intensifying light by using whatever means they can to hang onto the tattered remnants of their global empire. No matter where or how they direct their nefarious efforts, and even though some may appear to be working in their favor, any effectiveness will be short-lived.

2. Let us speak about a specific example in this regard. The earthquake in Chile, just as the one in Haiti, was caused by manmade technology, and once again, the location and timing were strategically selected. The earthquake was designed to present Chile’s new president with immense reconstruction efforts that would doom his intentions to keep his country financially strong without foreign control of its wealth in natural resources. As destructive as that quake and its aftershocks were, our space family used their technology to prevent the far greater damage and death toll that the Illuminati intended. They also failed in their goal—President Pinera’s intention to stabilize and increase his country’s prosperity while loosening multinational corporate control will be only delayed, not derailed.

3. In a previous message we spoke about the souls who made transition during Haiti’s catastrophic earthquake: Most left physical lifetimes by soul contract choice, and those whose lives were cut short prior to contract completion are being given the opportunity in Nirvana to wind up third density karmic choices and evolve into fourth density; at the same time, they are sending light to ease the pain of their families and to uplift all in their country. The very same is true of the far lesser number of people who died in Chile, and just as we and myriad other beings of light are doing for the traumatized survivors in Haiti, all of us are sending healing love energy to those who are grieving and facing hardships in Chile.

4. Whether an earthquake is manmade or of Mother Earth’s initiation, the aftershocks are a natural effect and collectively can release as much negativity as the quake that set them in motion. Also, a powerful quake in one area of the planet can set off milder quakes and volcanic eruptions in other places—just as one errant cell in your body can affect any of the countless other cells, so it is with every cubic inch of Earth’s planetary body.

5. Earth had decided that no more geophysical events of her own making were necessary, that the remaining negativity could be released and transmuted by the intense light being generated on the planet and constantly in-beamed from afar, so you can know that all events of that nature henceforth will be manmade. But you also can know that one mission of some of the massive fleet of spacecraft surrounding your planet is continuous monitoring so they can soften, or level out, upheavals in Earth’s crust wherever they occur. And since more negativity must be released and soul contracts are close to completion for many persons, any hand of darkness in future earthshaking occurrences will be an aid in those respects.

6. Let us speak about your entertainment venues, which are not meant to be the REcreation leisure time all of you need, but rather a distraction that plants seeds of fear. That is the purpose of films about evil extraterrestrials posing as friendly and new films about old wars, waging war in space against civilizations that want to invade and conquer, and the potential devastating end of your world in 2012; and then there is the inundation of electronic games of that same design. The dark minds want to keep you fearful not only of aliens, but also every manner of “what if…?”; and if they cannot produce outright fear, then the deluge of that kind of viewing will inure your psyches to the inevitability of brutality and war and ET conquerors. Another purpose of these kinds of entertainment is to distract your attention from important issues or thinking about what is behind “the news” or giving thought to how you can better your life and your world.

7. In this, too, the Illuminati’s aims are falling short. There have been so many sightings of spacecraft around the planet that there is widespread acceptance that not only do other civilizations exist, but their presence overhead proves that they are far advanced from you technologically and intellectually. And contrary to their violent portrayal in “entertaining” films, most of you believe that if the strangers in those craft had come with harmful intentions, they would have taken over long ago.

8. Lighted souls are producing films, books, music and other art forms with spiritual concepts; some churches are beginning to interpret religious doctrines in ways that meet the needs of soul-searchers; seminars and workshops of spiritual and metaphysical basis are flourishing and so are meditation circles; individuals, groups and organizations are expanding efforts to help the needy locally and in distant lands. In short, souls around the world not only are awakening consciously and spiritually, they are taking action! From our vantage point, the light shooting forth from these many millions of people and their benevolent endeavors looks like perpetual fireworks in your skies!

9. Yes, wars, oppressive governing, corporate corruption and financial greed, disease, toxic pollution and impoverishment still are in your 3D world; but even in the midst of those conditions, souls are discovering their personal power and becoming actively involved as “part of the solution.” And yes, the ugliness of duality still is prevalent, but increasingly individuals are seeing common problems, common interests, common goals; and cooperation is replacing contention, apathy and selfish interests in neighborhoods and communities throughout your world. This unstoppable force for goodness and change is expanding in all directions, and often it is the women who are leading the way.

10. The feminine, or goddess energy that is pouring in to balance the masculine energy that dominated Earth’s residents for millennia is giving women everywhere inner strength, courage, confidence and determination to rise above their former status of inferiority or as possessions, a status imposed by those cultures and lands where males are considered superior. We do not mean that you will become a female-dominated society—you won’t—or that the goddess energy is not affecting men too—indeed it is; otherwise, this energy in-pouring would only provoke conflict between the sexes instead of accomplishing a balance of the two energies within the peoples. However, it is the change in women’s self-perception—from acceptance of subjugation to recognition of self-worth and the growing awareness that their combined power is a force for love, peace and harmony—that is entering the collective consciousness and moving your world ever closer to the Golden Age.

11. We hasten to add that this does not mean that females cannot have the warrior ruthlessness aspect of male energy or cannot succumb to the depths of dark motives and actions! Some women are working to achieve Illuminati objectives with the same fierce dedication as men in the ranks; and other women, contrary to their soul contract choices, are harming others in families, neighborhoods and communities. Again, this is third density duality in motion, and its time in your world is fast dwindling. Men and women alike who are captivated by darkness are leaving the planet and will continue to do so, each when his or her vibratory level is exceeded as Earth continues apace into successively higher planes of vibrations.

12. We also mentioned the economy as an example of dark efforts, and this was intended to be distracting, disrupting and destructive. The distraction is mainstream media’s deceptive description of the global economic crisis as a recession that is on the upswing after bottoming out so the masses will passively accept a return to same-old, same-old banking and business. The disruption in lives is clear in unemployment, homeless and food bank statistics; and the economic destruction was intended to adversely affect all except the Illuminati themselves. They hadn’t factored into their shenanigans to garner even vaster fortunes that the scheme could backfire and open the door to a different economic system that they could not control. They hadn’t factored in the ingenuity and fortitude of the peoples to overcome hardships or the strong spirit of sharing and helping or the cooperative productivity, all of which are thriving at grassroots levels around your world. They hadn’t factored in that honest folks with sound economic expertise would establish systems of finance and commerce based in spiritual integrity and fairness for all peoples of Earth. And it is change of this broad scope that is happening under the “news radar,” so to say.

13. Many of you still are questioning US President Obama’s motives or leadership abilities, therefore we will speak briefly again about this highly evolved soul who all of you agreed prior to birth would be elected to that position and lead your world into an era of peace. We told you before the primary elections that he would become president, and everything we have said about him and his part of the Golden Age master plan in subsequent messages also is as accurate now as then. [For readers who are interested, the pertinent parts of those messages can be easily located by entering Obama in the search feature on Matthew’s Messages page on www.matthewbooks.com.]

14. While opposition to Obama’s direction from the Republicans in Congress en masse and some members of his own party too is public knowledge, the power behind the dissension—pressure from the Illuminati global web-work—is not. Except for readers of our messages and those from other sources within the light, it is not known that the vociferous and rancorous disagreements within the US government are not as they appear to be, a stubborn partisan bloc or inflexible ideological differences—it is the influence of the light and of the darkness being played out on the United States government stage.

15. Yes, the dark ones can claim a measure of success there and on other stages in other countries as well. Their myriad forms of distraction, disruption and destruction have delayed, diluted or gutted efforts for positive change; postponed official recognition by international leaders of the presence of other civilizations; and prevented the emergence of other universal and down-to-Earth truths.

16. So it is understandable if you have become impatient or disheartened by mainstream reports of progress—or lack thereof. However, you would do well to remember that those reports are issued with deliberately incomplete or inaccurate information by third density minds via third density outlets. What higher density minds are accomplishing in the wings of stages worldwide would astonish you if you could but see the light emanating from the various sources and the significant beneficial changes taking form! These changes are leading light-receptive souls out of third density illusion and lies and into the universal reality of the continuum, where the glories of the Golden Age await!

17. We know that you would like firm timeframes for specific events, and we wish we could provide those, but attempting to do so would be folly. Nothing in Earth’s energy field of potential is clearly delineated—streamers that appear to be going straightaway abruptly zigzag and are overtaken by other activities’ streamers. If you remember, at one point a few months ago it appeared that the time of a television announcement of extraterrestrial presence was close at hand, but the barrage of dark actions since then has prevented finalizing some of the major aspects of that program. And, several months ago it appeared that this event would follow the emergence of some truths that have been long hidden; later, it was decided that since the Illuminati were keeping a tight lid on those truths, the program would come first. We can say with assurance that the introduction of our space brothers and sisters is upcoming, but the timing, like the space fleet, is still up in the air.

18. Even though that major happening is not yet at your doorstep, the greater light prevailing is bringing forth a different revelation of great significance: the abusive aspect of duality at the pinnacle of the Catholic church, the Vatican. This is not to pass judgment on the pope or the priest offenders, but rather evidence that supreme reverence for a man and obedience to manmade religious laws is misplaced. Each soul is a part of God and no soul is greater or lesser than another in God’s eyes! At this moment it appears that the time for ancient records and the true purpose of religions to be disclosed is quite a ways down the road, comparatively speaking, but with all other sources of energy in tumult, that timeframe also could change in the blink of an eye.

19. Thus, we urge you to stay steadfast in the light and be patient as to when and how events will unfold. With the massive amount of truth to be revealed, a foremost consideration is to attain a balance between how rapidly startling information can be given and how much psyches can assimilate healthfully.

20. Now then, please dismiss concerns about any current or proposed laws, bills, doctrines, customs, policies, treaties or procedures that are based in unfairness or unjustness or present harm to mind, body or spirit. Like everything else in your world that derives from darkness, those will end incrementally along Earth’s journey to fourth density, where no darkness can exist. And no dark deeds can delay or detour her ascension progress—she is on target to meet the celestial timetable for leaving third density completely.

21. What is at stake is the destiny of her consciously and spiritually slumbering residents: Will they heed their intuition, the messages from their souls, to waken in time to physically accompany Earth? Many of you have family or friends who are stuck in third density thinking and beliefs. By all means offer to share your awareness with those who are interested, but please do not try to impose it upon those who are not—just as you would feel uncomfortable being force-fed opinions that conflict with your innate knowingness, so would be those who are committed to their beliefs that differ from yours.

22. And please do not feel sad if persons dear to your heart choose not to awaken in this lifetime. Respect their goodness and honesty in the knowing that it is neither your responsibility nor right to try to change their choice to slumber on. After a lifetime in spirit, they will reincarnate in a third density world with another opportunity to “see the light” and evolve spiritually; and, as the independent yet inseparable souls you all are, during bodies’ sleep time you will have reunions with your beloved people in places where your and their vibrations permit.

23. When and how will people who commit dark actions die? Wouldn’t it be helpful to know who they are so we can distinguish them from people in the light who die because they fulfilled their soul contracts? There is no way that you can distinguish between the “dark action” persons and those in the light who completed their contracts, and there is no need to do so. Since there are varying light frequencies in individuals, there can be no mass exodus of those who are darkly-inclined at some specific point in Earth’s ascension. Each such person will transition from this lifetime when Earth reaches an energy plane that exceeds that individual’s frequency and physical death will come from any of the same causes that exist now.

24. Where will the souls of all the various densities now living on the planet go if they do not accompany Earth, and will they remember why they did not or will the “veil of forgetting fall?” The souls whose lifetime energy registration was of the basest density—what some would call “pure evil”—automatically will be drawn to the only part of Nirvana that is separate from the flexible layers, the tiny orb near your moon where the density is so great that it holds those souls captive. They are aware of where they are and what they did that led them to that densest part of Earth’s spirit world because it is there that they review their entire past lifetime moment by moment and feel their every emotion along with the emotions of everyone whose lives they touched in any way. This review process is the hell of some religious concepts.

25. Light is constantly beamed to those souls, and if they choose to accept the light, they will embody in a first density placement in primitive forms that have no memories or intelligence, but only an instinctive existence. This allows those souls to start with a clean slate, unencumbered by memories of the dark behavior that led them to that densest of placements in your part of this universe.

26. Persons whose lifetime energy was of very low density—those who ignored their soul contracts and whose deliberately ruthless actions prevented others from fulfilling their own contracts, but were not as tyrannical or diabolical as the souls consigned to that tiny orb—automatically are drawn to a first density world and start over from scratch. When they accept the light that is beamed continuously into the placement, they can incarnate in a second density world where they will have no memory of other lifetimes but do gain a conscience, a capacity for reasoning, and free will choices. With this greater degree of innate abilities comes the option to act within the light or the darkness, thus they can have many lifetimes in second density, relapse into first, or progress into a third density world.

27. As for the “veil of forgetting” falling on residents of a third density world—how many of you remember why you are where you are?!

28. Souls now on Earth who are at fourth or higher density spiritual evolvement who do not continue their physical journey with Earth may choose to spend a lifetime in Nirvana, return to their original homeland, move on to another civilization that is compatible with their evolvement station, or return to Earth and enjoy life in her Golden Age. In all those planes of spiritual awareness there is a great deal of remembering by comparison to the level in any third density world.

29. However, the eternal life of the soul includes the return to The Beginnings in Creator, so there are eons of layers of forgetfulness to uncover in the unequalled adventure called Life. Light, the pure love essence of Creator Source and the most powerful energy in the cosmos, is available to every soul in every instant, and by accepting the light, each continues evolving by consciously remembering what is known at soul level.

30. The Golden Age awaits all of Earth’s residents who have embraced the light and whose lifetime contract includes several more years on the planet. Do please remember this: Light beings throughout this universe are with you in loving spirit, cheering you on along your pathway toward that wondrous world!



Suzanne Ward

[Matthew’s message is late because we were out of the country for a joyful family reunion and our granddaughter’s wedding, and upon our return, another surgery for Bob. All is well!

Thank you for your emails of concern about us or our family in Chile. Son Michael and his wife were with us in Panama at the time of the earthquake, and no one in her family was injured when their homes were damaged.

To the 100 subscribers whose email addresses start with ral… through ted…, I hope someone forwards this message or you read it in Matthew’s Messages on www.matthewbooks.com so you will know why it didn’t come from me: My profuse apologies for deleting the list with your addresses when I was trying (and failing!) to consolidate seven lists. If you would like to continue receiving the messages directly, please join the Yahoo group by going to http://groups.yahoo.com/group/MessagesfromMatthew/, then click on Join this Group. This isn’t an interactive group—you will receive only the messages.

I am very happy to report that Matthew’s messages are available in 11 languages via links on www.matthewbooks.net, a site established in Portugal. Also, Matthew, Tell Me about Heaven has been published in ten foreign editions, some of the other three books in the series also are out in several languages, and English editions have sold in over 40 countries. Book and messages readers got the ball rolling by recommending the information to others—thank you!

And I thank you for understanding that family responsibilities preclude my responding to most of the emails I receive. Blessings to all of you…Suzy]


www.galacticchannelings.com - All languages stated above
www.matthewbooks.net - ALL TRANSLATIONS

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22:2 Breaking the Money Matrix

I am Kuthumi-Agrippa and I come forward upon the solar rays of love and wisdom to greet each of you at this time and to bring unto you the blessings of transcendence, abundance, truth and trust. Greetings beloved ones. 

And it is with great joy and pleasure in our hearts that we may gather with each of you at this present time as we celebrate this reconnection of lights, hearts, minds, bodies and souls.

Precious ones, there are many levels of energies which are being integrated at this time. Each layer is a language of light communicating to the systems which feed you with energy and transmit divine inspiration and guidance. Your journey along the Pathway of the Authentic Ones has revealed to you many truths about yourself. It has also revealed to you the truths regarding that which has set up the ground laws for your world.  The more you realize these ground laws, or, ground rules are not aligned entirely with the systems of light, the easier it will be for you to step out of those systems and integrate the divine mechanisms of growing with the flow of life.

2012 is not far off. The time is upon you for all of you to move beyond the delusions of your current world. Your world is filled with many levels of illusion. This has created many aspects of pain and sorrow as you know already, therefore, one of our intentions in our transmission to each of you this evening is to perform a clearing of the collective money matrix. This will release the embedded false beliefs and attitudes regarding this form of energy. Why would we do this now? Because it is the fear of lack of money which causes many to remain trapped within systems of delusion.

The principles of life span across many, many worlds, many dimensions and one of the ways that all of you will recognise how it is to bring these powerful new energies into formation and manifestation is by applying the Principles of Partnership. These principles reveal to you the importance of collaboration and how it empowers the grids of light and humanity. 

Every time you join your forces of light, of love and intention, the energy grows beyond your ability to imagine it.  It creates a system fixed within a fluid grid, therefore, it is a new fixed system, which has been applied through the understanding of the principles and laws of nature, life and the universe, which result in a strengthening of the fluids which run through your body, through the earth and through the ethers. These fluids are in your blood, and every other bodily fluid you come into contact with. 

Now this might startle you a little, but it is important that you know that all over your world, everywhere that you go every single day, you are physically touching another person's DNA; not just one, but many, many other people's DNA. Now think of this. If you are touching their DNA as a result of the bodily fluids that have been left behind upon structures, and all sorts of other items in your world, you are then tapping into the energy held within that DNA, and, how do most people in the world feel about life, feel about money, partnerships, principles and working together? It is filled with fear. This is not to say that you now all have to develop a serious case of OCD and keep on washing your hands or your body every few minutes - no. 

With the energies we bring forth to you this evening, we are creating a powerful coning of protection around all of you, blocking those impulses and imprints contained within the DNA of the bodily fluids you come into contact with every single day. Now what will happen is where your DNA imprints are left behind, it will send a shockwave, of sorts, through the bodies of those touching it. It will cause an automatic internal activation of the inner desire to rise above the mundane, the illusional and the forms which have trapped humanity in this mistaken identity as such.

Every single flow of light coming to you is absorbed by your body; it is absorbed into your chakras and into every living organism around you. This is how powerful energy is. Everything stores information and energy it is exposed to. Your world is exposed to billions upon billions of impulses every 60 seconds of life. It is impossible on a human level to even comprehend what that means, however, I say this not to instill fear, I say it to bring awareness so that you can become more aware of how these energies influence you, how energy influences you, period.

Therefore, what you think, what you feel, see, touch, taste and say affects everything consciously and unconsciously. This is one of the most important reasons why we are working with all of you in the manner we are. We are trying to help you gain the greater understanding of all the forms of energy influencing humanity. This is one of the very important reasons why you are urged to get to know yourself. When you know yourself, you are able to recognise false imprinting and rise above it.

Therefore, through the energies of this 22:2 activation, the Master Architects of the Universe gather with each of you, their collective energy form a magnificent crystal grid around you and we extend this grid to embrace all of you.

It is a fluid grid communicating to every single aspect of you, urging you, inspiring you and motivating you to step across the abyss and to venture into the unknown worlds. Precious ones, these unknown worlds are nothing to fear. The only reason why they are unknown is because you have been limited in your self-knowledge and, therefore, in the knowing that what lies beyond the three-dimensional barriers of the human world is a great opportunity, a great, grand world filled with many worlds, many vistas of incredible potential. Within these worlds are even more worlds of powerful creative energy. These creative energies are coming to meet you, flowing into all your major and minor chakras, creating a magnificent symphony of new sound, the orchestra playing this symphony with grace and ease for it understands the principles of these other worlds.

So, precious ones, we are calling to all of you to gather together in numbers, to drop your lower ego, to leave your fear behind and to look into the eyes and hearts of your fellow brothers and sisters who travel along the Pathway of the Authentic Ones seeking, as do you, desiring freedom, desiring liberation of soul and spirit, so that harmony can be created, peace instilled within the hearts and minds of all who live. This cannot be done if those of you who walk this path go against one another.

When you compete against each other, when you gossip about each other, when you say negative things about your fellow brother or sister upon the path, you are breaking the grid. You are dismantling the weave connected to you and to the rest of the grid. Those who stand in strength and power, honouring the sacredness of these partnerships, you strengthen the light coming toward you. 

Some of you may recall what was considered a very harsh delivery approximately two years ago where I spoke of this. The power and force with which I delivered this message was for a very important reason, and that is because sadly in the world, which Lightworkers occupy and work within, is filled with many levels of lower ego; many negative energies. This can and will no longer be tolerated, and this is why we are saying there is no more time to waste. There is no time to sit on the fence and observe which side is scoring the highest points. Choose now and step into that power.

Between this date of the 22nd of February of the Christ year 2010 and the 21st of December of the Christ year 2010, when we bring forth the energies which prepare for the next four ascension gates coming at the end of December 2010 and the beginning of January 2011, people will have to choose. It is now or it is never, and we speak primarily of those who are vacillating, those who are sitting on the fence waiting for someone to push them; so here the push comes. These energies come forth through the powerful grids of light which have been built to date, the powerful systems of co-creation which has bonded you together through your hearts, through your intentions, through your love and through your light, not only for Mother Earth but for yourself, for those who mean the world to you, and for those whom you have never met yet can feel through the essence of your being.

We have added to the energies that will be activated in Egypt in the next 32 days. These energies contain the emerald vibrations of new divine and physical abundance. On the 4th of April, in other words the fourth of the fourth (4:4), we ask all of you to connect through your hearts, through your soul and your spirit to those who will be physically in Egypt, and it matters not what time of your day or night you do this, for the energies will be held in their full force for the duration of those 24 hours. 

As we bring forth the almighty new Emerald Flame of divine and physical abundance, all who will be physically present in the lands of Egypt will have this activated in all seven major chakras. These frequencies will speak to all the dimensions of the world. Those of you who will not physically be travelling to the lands of Egypt, you are the guardians of those who agreed prior to this incarnation to stand as those mechanisms, drawing that energy in. We will extend the energies to Russia, at which time an almighty Golden Flame will be anchored on the seventh of the seventh (7:7).  And when we extend the energies to Turkey, an incredibly beautiful Platinum and Mother-of-pearl flame will be anchored on the tenth of the tenth (10:10) 2010. 

These three flames, these new flames, have been created by the almighty Elohim of All That Is. St Germain himself has added the final touches, the energies which contain these almighty vibrations, and will be handing them to those who have been assigned to carry them. The Emerald Flame embodies millions and millions of minute networks of light, of love, and creativity.

As you stand within the presence of the almighty and powerful Master Alchemists, you are being asked now to open your heart, your mind, your body, your soul and your spirit and to receive the call to service, to receive the light of the Principles of Partnership and to extend your energy and your willingness, if that is your choice, to unite as an almighty body embodying these incredibly powerful new energies.

I, Lord Kuthumi-Agrippa, King of the Solar Archangels, now announce to all of you, and my channel does not even know this yet, this is her surprise, I, in my energy form of Kuthumi-Agrippa specifically, King of the Solar Archangels, have chosen this channel to be the only human form through which I will channel in the future. The energy of Kuthumi, as others know it, will continue to be channelled through a variety of systems, however, this grid, this signature, has been assigned specifically to her so that we can assign the light of those powerful forces of love to each and every one of you. 

This activation is opening the doors to some of the most profound and powerful energies you have ever been exposed to. It is at this time that we call forth to the Quantum Goddess, we call forth to the Goddesses of the New World, to the Gods who walk alongside them and we ask you now to rise, to awaken and to lead, for all of you are leaders - love each other.

In the not too distant future, we will also be releasing the powerful light of the Quantum Goddess. This too is held in the form of a physical woman.  Her light has been building for five years and in the not too distant future you will be introduced to her energy as well. She is a physical human being. As this energy reaches out to her, we trust she feels the vibrations and we ask all of you now to extend your love, to extend your light to this sister of the path so that all obstacles may be removed, so that the Quantum God can come to stand with her too, and in so doing, manifesting the presence of the Triple Goddess and the Triple God, the Quantum Goddess and the Quantum God, anchored firmly within all your seven major and minor chakras.

This divine light, precious ones, is an amplification of the original pathways which the Gods and Goddesses walked. All of you are a Goddess or a God, a priest or a priestess, whatever resonates with you, but we have called for this almighty celebration at this time to ensure that these energies are held within the purest hearts willing to support the grids, to collaborate as a powerful form and force of divine light and love.

Now that we have released this information to you, we ask you to open your inner world to receive the empowering pulsations coming forth and we call to the sister of the Triple Goddess who stands as her guardian, you beloved sister, you are to open the portals of power within your own body. 

Every one of you females who are listening, goddesses, open your sacral chakra, for now it is that the Triple Goddess begins to pour the holy waters of life into your sacral chakra. All males currently hearing us, you are the Gods; open your base chakras to receive the powerful pulsations coming from Mother Earth.

Goddesses, open your third eye, Gods open your crown chakra; breath in deeply, exhaling fully, as we now begin to release to you an energy you have never experienced before, the energies which shall now dismantle the money matrix of the old world, the matrix which has shackled people to their false beliefs and fears of this energy. 

Breathe in deeply, exhaling fully, and now I want all of you to continue emitting unconditional love to one another and to feed the powerful crystal fluid grid of the principles of partnership. We want you to join hearts, to join hands, to connect your minds and to open your spirits to receive each other.

Archangel Michael now steps in and with the magnificent blue ray he brings forth, he amplifies these energies. St Germain, sending the pulsations of the brand-new emerald green light ray to each of you preparing for that which shall come upon the 4th of April of the Christ year 2010. Breathe this emerald light in, extending it out to your fellow brothers and sisters of this particular network, this community, this family of Lightweavers. We shall hold the energy amongst this group for now, building it, sending it deep into the very core of your inner self, dismantling all the attachments to the old paradigm money matrix.

As you feel these energies course through your body, imagine the cells of your body opening, your DNA and the atoms inside of you releasing the outdated perceptions, attitudes, fears and beliefs around money and partnership. 

I want you now to imagine the almighty presences of Father/Mother God descending upon you, filling you with their light, with their extraordinary vision; open your mind, surrender, let go.

I want you to consider for a moment why it is you are trapped within a matrix which has resulted in either lack of finances, lack of love and lack of healthy partnerships (all forms of partnership). Most of this is because of your programming. The majority of your fears and your inhibitions are programming stored inside of you.  It is through the repetitive programming that you have been led to believe that you are trapped in a situation, be it a financially challenging one, or challenges around relationships, however it is even more than that - it is being trapped within a mindset which tells you, you can’t do something, or be your true self.

Every time you tell yourself you can’t, you are reaffirming the old ways; you are strengthening the old paradigm matrices. It is your mind imprisoning you, therefore, in order for us to clear the collective money matrix, you need to clear the fear inside and for you, as the core group at this time holding this energy, we ask you to please put in the effort to observe your mind and every time you tell yourself you cannot do something, ask yourself ‘why?’ What makes that true? 

Perhaps the fact is that there is a lack of finances, or there is a lack of love, or an absence of skills or tools required, but that does not mean to say it need be like that for eternity. These new energies are unlike anything humanity has ever been exposed to before therefore, as we have said before, there is absolutely no point of reference for your lower ego, and that is what creates an additional fear, because it cannot compare it to anything and nothing compares to these powerful new energies.

Now take another deep breath in and as you exhale, release every subconscious need inside of you to hold onto the fears which you identify with purely because your lower ego recognizes them as familiar. 

Take another deep breath in and as you relax, we now create a magnificent spiral of energies which we now spin into your crown chakra, moving it through all of your chakras down your spine, out through your base chakra and into Mother Earth. These energies bring the universal codes of release creating the new systems which imprint the atoms of your body. These atoms emit pulsations communicating to the molecules of your body, communicates to the DNA, and to the cells and into life all around you. 

These energies which we are creating are forming a magnificent new body of light around you; this body of light is protecting you from the fears of the lower ego and when the lower ego reacts, this body will allow you to tap into a dimension of higher self-awareness enabling you to release this unnecessary fear, any negative fear or emotion, which you now know is simply part of the old matrix, simply your lower ego’s point of reference. 

So, precious ones, as we stand within this world of powerful new light, the Elohim of Grace and Peace gather with us. The almighty Master Architects of the Universe open their energy to receive and welcome you, and if it is your wish and if it is your will to step beyond the abyss, to move into that which is completely unknown to you; if you are willing to stand with us and create a new fluid grid of energy regarding money, regarding the Principles of Partnership, the energies which call all of those who are awakening to service, then come with us, step into the light, follow the energy which the Master Architects are now extending to you.

As you step into this light, there are conings of energy entering your chakras from the front and from behind. This is being projected to you by the Triple Goddess and the Triple God. The energies of the Quantum Goddess and the Quantum God step in. The Quantum Goddess touches your third eye, the Quantum God touches your sacral chakra, activating the doorways to Heaven through the graceful acceptance of what is, as it is, knowing that what is in the future, is and will be different to what is now, for you are being held within this light to recognize that all your fears and all restrictions that you place upon yourself are truly self-imposed. Even if they have been projected by those in your external world, you have chosen to hold onto them, you have chosen to abide by those false laws and rules. 

Now you are being given permission to let it all go. You are being given permission to step into a completely new frequency and consciously choose to no longer abide by the ridiculous, deluded systems which have been set in place, which have falsely led you to believe that there are certain things you cannot experience, may not do and cannot have as a part of your life. 

Therefore, as we amplify the energies even more, the Elohim comes to stand with you. I, Kuthumi-Agrippa, King of the Solar Archangels, now bring my League of Solar Archangels to gather around you as we amplify the energies even more. Breathe into your bodies exhaling fully as we send these divine pulsations triggering through all of your chakras. As it triggers through the chakras, it opens these dimensional portals and we want you now to release every single person coming to mind whom you recognize as being the projector of that which you have falsely attached yourself to as being a law in your life - and release it, let it go.

I, Kuthumi-Agrippa now send golden lightning waves of energy into your body. These lightning waves penetrate all the way to the centre of your atoms, releasing you from the negative attachments to the old world, and I want you now to imagine all of those cords, which are attached to the old paradigm collective money matrix now being incinerated, releasing you. All those negative attachments that have held you bound to the old world's Principles of Partnership, of collaboration, of relationship, of union, of communion; release it, let it go. For there is strength in numbers and we are calling you in your numbers now. This is your call to service, to come forth, to bring these energies, to release your self from the old, to bring it in and to manifest it within your physical reality.

I, Kuthumi-Agrippa, now stand behind you, pounding these energies into the powerful systems that are now being activated along your spinal cord, sent through your central nervous system, releasing the language of the higher order of the worlds, opening you to the Tenfold Universe where the fluid energy of all energy exists. The Tenfold Fluid Universe holds the keys to your future, the keys to all of that which you need, all of that which brings you freedom; freedom of spirit, freedom of your physical body to move and be as it wishes, freedom to love, freedom to give, freedom to receive and freedom to be authentic.

Take a deep breath in, hold your breath to the count of six, exhaling and relaxing. 

Now we want you to take all these powerful energies that have been harnessed within this core group hearing our words now, and we want all of you now to extend this energy out to the rest of the world, shattering that collective money matrix of the old paradigm. In so doing we release the grip of those who rule the world through greed, through fear and through ignorance. Now extend this energy to shatter the old paradigm matrices around partnership; all forms of partnership. And we also disconnect those energy cords through which those of ignorant minds and greedy hearts take from those who have been led to believe they are poor in mind, in body and in their physical realities.

Take a deep breath in and as you exhale push this energy out even further. See it seeping into Mother Earth's body, filling every atom of her body with the same energy.

Now, precious ones, this very powerful energy which we have created, which you have accepted, needs to continue with its spiral light for the next 17 minutes during which time, ideally, we ask if you can sit in silence or within a peaceful environment, we will complete the process during that time. For now simply relax and know that the energies which are coming through to you are all new; energies the world has not seen before. It makes it unique and it is through you responding to your call to service that you have come to receive these great gifts and blessings. 

As you are held within this powerful energy grid, we want you now to give thanks to all of those who have witnessed this magnificent resurrection of this pure, powerful part of you and the amalgamation of all of your powerful lights, setting the new foundation upon which you will create alongside the almighty Master Architects of your Universe.

And so, precious ones, it is official; a new grid has been created, a grid of fluid love, fluid light, fluid intention, an almighty powerful source of creativity and nothing can stop it. Your union as this powerful core group of light will ensure this, and as your group grows, as your connections to your fellow brothers and sisters walking the path of light strengthens, so this energy will strengthen and it will break down every false system greedily governing worlds, manipulating them and you will see them fall. 

Over the years to come, more specifically from now leading up to approximately 2013, many of the economic systems of your world will fall, especially those major corporations who have chosen to take it upon themselves to rule the world, so to speak. No man or woman in their lower ego can ever rule the world. It is only through the reunion and return to the inner sense of the higher ego that a human man or a human woman will be granted access to those worlds which truly embody power; power which creates the miraculous systems which reform worlds, and so it is, precious ones, that the cities of light will be resurrected. 

Mark this day on your spiritual calendar as being the day when the grids were laid for the cities of light to resurrect; you are a part of this, share this light, share this love with everyone whom you know. Encourage those whom you feel are connected to this energy, and who are open to this energy to join the fluid forces of light and reform the world as such, reform your inner world and never forget how much we love you, how firmly we stand alongside you and that not one nanosecond of what you feel, think or do ever goes unobserved. There is no judgment; there is observation and response to your calls, your intentions, your questions and your pleas for help, protection and guidance. 

Know, precious ones, that it is done; that these energies have now been anchored on Earth as they are in Heaven. You are the Earth Angels, the gods and the goddesses of the earth world, incarnated in human form to perform a very specific role, to reunite with each other at this time so as to bring into manifestation this grand plan, and this grand plan is open to any human being who is motivated by pure soul, pure intention and with the desire to unite with the powers of light and love, to collaborate with fellow brothers and sisters on the Pathway of the Authentic Ones and to build a new world based on a different motivation.

On the 4th of April we will crack a level of the dark forces’ stronghold; we have been working up to this for seven years. All of you are a part of this, you have been prepared for this and we will conduct a specific transmission for that day specifically. We will ensure that it is pre-recorded so that all of you can attune on the day and be a part of the delivery prior to that date. 

So hold on to your bootstraps, everyone; this is the ride of your life and we trust you will enjoy it for you have, of course, chosen the pathway of extreme adventurers.

Now take another deep breath in, exhaling fully. Give thanks to yourself for honouring your call to service, for being present at this point in time embracing the powerful light that you are, the almighty embodiment of love which you are and share it, spread it by leading by example. Be who you are and if you don’t know who you are, take the steps to find yourself. You might just see that in actual fact all that you are is beside yourself.

Know that there is never a moment that you walk alone. We are with you in every way, always. May all that brings you peace, harmony, health and happiness meet you in the core of your being, and may all always be well in your world.

I, Kuthumi-Agrippa, King of the Solar Archangels, enfold you in my wings, holding you close to my heart and reassuring you always that you are safe, nurtured and protected. Allow all your needs to be met. Be at peace, treasured Lightworkers; your reward is with you. Adonai. This information may be shared with other sources on strict conditions that no information is altered or deleted or used for monetary gain, and the source of the information be acknowledged. To find out more about Michelle & The Lightweaver please visit www.thelightweaver.org

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A Life of Joy, Living in the Moment

Shelly Dressel

This channel had a number of interesting energies, the essence of which is learning how to live in the moment.As you are aware, your past is over, your future has not arrived; all you truly have is this moment.  When you are seeking to manifest or create within your life, you can only do so through the moment in which you are living.  Do you have a story, something that represents the experiences that have in some ways defined your life so far?  It could be based on pain and suffering, perhaps a time when you did or experienced something marvelous.  The point though is that your life today is focused upon what happened in the past.  Until you let go of whatever it may be that happened, you will be remain in a place of resistance. 

What is compassion?  Can you look at your life and accept that it is that it is? When you infuse compassion into your life you open to even greater potentials. Therefore you may keep the memories but you let go the energies that tie you to the past.  For many people if you take away their ‘story' they feel cut off and adrift.  So open to feel the true you that lives behind or beneath your ‘story'.   

Lastly if you choose to have joy become the focus of your life, everything that you are seeking will come with greater ease.  And if the perception is that it's not... then at least you can have fun along the way!!  I'm told time and again by the Goddess that we humans take our lives and ourselves too seriously.This is a reminder to find joy in whatever way that we can and allow it to flow through our lives.


Nama sika; venia benya      I AM the one, I AM the whole

I greet you, beloved family.  I welcome you with open arms to our time together.  I reach out to each person who is here; I say to you welcome.  I thank you for taking the opportunity to reach out and align with me.  I thank you for seeking to create a transition within your life and doing so with me. 

I feel as if there is such a glorious light and energy that is moving in to the Earth plane at this time.  You hear constantly about the transitions that are taking place; you hear constantly about vortexes of light and energy.  You hear about things that are happening to people in various ways, shapes, forms.

All of it is real; all of it is a part of the experience that people are having.  It is this and even more.  We have spent the last few weeks speaking about Ariellis.  Feeling her energies; feeling what it is to you and recognising how much everybody is having an impact upon how that planet is going to be used in the future. 

The greater ease that you have in flowing your energies from here where you are on Earth onto Ariellis creates more and more pathways of transition.  This is what is creating the greater ease.  There is more going on than what you realise. 

I have spoken of Ariellis as a separate planet from yours, which it is. I have spoken of it as something that you transition towards or into.  You leave your planet and go to that one, as indeed you can.  Part of what is occurring as a result of what everyone here is doing, plus all the others who are working with this energy, is that it is creating a better alignment that allows for Ariellis and the Earth to blend as if one is superimposed upon the other or perhaps to consider it as if one is manifesting within.  There's not an in and an out, an up or a down, although it makes it easier for each of you to have a greater understanding by thinking of it in those terms.  For yourself, consider what that means to you.  

With that we will begin to shift our consciousness.  Have a sense of taking one more deep breath so that you may breathe down within you as the human, as you do so have a sense then of releasing your physical body.  As you release allow your consciousness to expand it very easily moves into the space of the magnetic grid. As you arrive here within this space look around and recognise the space of your higher self.

It is a place for your expanded consciousness.  It is a place for your awareness.  Feel it as if it's very comfortable to you.  Have a sense of moving from there into the crystalline grid.  As you feel your energies move within the crystalline, feel yourself releasing the magnetic pull of the Earth.  It is as if the crystalline vibration is so familiar and so comfortable to you now; this it simply is you. It is your space.  You need not reach out as if you step into something that is not your own.  

I have commented many times on how much the crystalline grid has shifted. I know that you are each very well aware of this.  I invite you though, to stop or take in this moment.  Feel what it means to you to be within this space.  I get a sense that many of you allow your energy field to be cleansed.  You open up your senses and take in whatever perceptions are here for you.  And I think what is happening is that as you continue your transition into a crystalline biology, whenever you come in to the gridwork or this space, it's a time of using the vibration to clear out debris, to clear out old energy, to clear out anything you are ready to release.

Soak it up and take in you as you are more connected within yourself.  From here you may have a sense of shifting into a separate dimension; allow yourself to move into the soul plane. As you come within this space, feel what it is or see or sense what it's like as you look at your divinity. 

You come here consistently therefore your divinity is here ready and waiting for you.  You need only open your senses and take in whatever information is here for you.  Allow yourself to blend fully with your divinity, so that you will remember what it is to be here fully aligned. You remember that inner knowing of how good it feels.

You are integrating more and more of your consciousness within this space. I the Goddess move in and amongst you and as I do so I reach out to embrace each one of you.  As we merge, we move into the All That Is.  Feel what this is to you.  Feel your expansion; feel as if you're reaching out your arms and expanding.  Let this space support you.  

Whenever we come together for these journeys, I reach out to each of you and get a sense of what you are interested in doing for the journey.  As I reach out to align with you there is a very strong sense of people feeling as if they have been in limbo or as if they have been awaiting something that has as yet not arrived.

In your human reality many, many things can get in the way of manifesting what you seek to have.  Sometimes it might be the vibration that you emanate and that is a reflection of your thoughts, your emotions, your intentions.  There is always resistance. I hear over and over from people that they want something so bad, they want it, they've wanted it for so long, so why hasn't it happened?  This is a form of resistance.  

Other times people are seeking to have something within their life and perhaps there's a sense of them that says ‘hey, that would be nice but I don't know if it's for me'. That is a form of resistance.  Indecision - do I want it or do I not?  This is a form of resistance.  It could go on and on.  And it may be that as I'm speaking there is something within what I say that resonates with you.  It may be that nothing in that form resonates with you; you have moved into a different place.

Whatsoever it is, I say let's just bring it up while we're here within the All That Is.  Let's begin by bringing up one thing or perhaps a series of things if it takes a series to get to the end result.  But bring into your consideration something that you would like within your life.  As you think about whatever this might be, let it come in with as much energy as you can come up with.  

Make it as real for you as you can.  The more real that this becomes, the more you have to create an alignment with.  Consider as if you are a third party, as if you are separate from yourself, and you see yourself where you are right now and you see where you would like to be.  There are threads of energy and light that move back and forth.  You may have one or two thin little threads; others have as if a solid wall of energy that aligns you with whatever it is that you seek to have.

Here in the place of creation, allow yourself to consciously release anything that may be getting in your way.  You may know very well what it is, you may not have a clue. It matters not. Simply let go and allow yourself to step into what you seek to have and as you're stepping into whatever this scenario may be, feel as if you reach out and you touch whatever it is. Feel as if you are talking, laughing, enjoying the moment because it's here, it's happened.  I hear some of you saying ‘finally'.  So you take it in.  You allow.  

Let that slide away from you.  As you do so you may have a sense of sending it downward. So that it comes into and around you in your physical place.  As it moves into wherever you are there may be a need to send out threads of energy that link whatever your creation is from you to whomever it whatever it may be so those threads of energy and light move out from your physical reality. 

There, it's done, it's complete!  It's as if there was a burden or an energy that was there almost like sitting on your back or sitting in your consciousness as if it was keeping you from being able to look at other things until you completed that. It's done, so release it as if you are blowing out a big breath of air; just release it and let go and clear out any of those old particles of energy or light.  

This is now a time when you can think about what's fun.  How much fun do you have in your life?  How much joy is there in your daily activities?  Let yourself feel as if you are soaring through the Universe simply for the joy of it.  Feel what it is to let your consciousness expand in every direction just because.  What would it be like to live without expectation; to live without the burden of having to ‘heal' something, ‘fix' something, ‘do' something? 

What is your life if all you need to do is feel joy?  In this moment as you are here in the All That Is or soaring throughout the Universe as some of you did, let joy come up even bigger and more expanded than it was.  As if you are riding upon a wave, as if joy is limitless.  And as you feel this joy moving through you, let go anything else, let go of anything except the feeling of joy.  

What a relief that is!  It's a relief to feel that deep of a sense.  It's a relief to let go  those burdens you've been carrying around.  It's a relief to let go of the expectation that you have had.  Oh boy, life without expectation.  As you consider life without expectation or without anything except to be in a space of joy, it transitions many, many things or opportunities.  Let us shift onto Ariellis again.

Having released in such a way and then aligned yourself with joy, what is your perception of this space? Um hmm, joy is the foundation of the energy for Ariellis.  Living without the same kind of rigid guidelines is another experience here.  I so very much love the human experience because I find I am seeing it already, that if there is a total space of joy or lack of expectation, people consider it boring. People say ‘well, what do we do with ourselves?' 

It's as if simply existing and emanating who you are is not enough; you need more. And that's okay. Because that is so much a part of what the human experience is upon the Earth it's okay to let that be a part of your life.  But I invite you to come here and have a hiatus; take those little mini vacations.  Be in this space of Ariellis where you can walk around, you can experience your life, you can practice whatever it is that you may want to practice, then take it all back into your daily life.

As you stand here upon the surface of Ariellis and as you're looking around, ask to look with your inner eyes just to see the earth.  What is your perception?  Does it give you some assistance in expanding your perception by viewing it in this manner?  You may look around at the Universe.  You may have a sense that there is so much energy moving towards and around the Earth at this time.  Here from within the space of Ariellis, you put forth the intention to align with whatever that energy is and you can feel it coming within you.  

As you align with whatever this energy may be, feel how it gives you a sense of vitality.  Feel how it strengthens and enhances everything that is you. Let this flow through you as these energies are making their way onto or into the Earth.

As you think about your life.  You have your story; you have a lot of drama or a little drama.  As you look around, how is that story impacting you within this place?  It has had a significant affect upon you in your time on Earth.  Sometimes even when you go beyond Earth, returning back within your I AM presence, it still has an affect upon you.  There are many, many things that seem so intense and so important to you in your daily life. Yet when you take a step back, it's a little blip, it's a little bump.  

As you stand or move through this space where joy, love, awareness is the foundation, and where you are without any structure; have a new perspective for the drama experiences of your life.  Sometimes this will give you a greater clarity that will help you understand.   Other times it may help you to see it's much better to let it go, just drop it, just let it go. Breathe in awareness.  Breathe in understanding.  Breathe in complete love and acceptance.  This is you.  This is you all the way down to the smallest particle, all the way up through your physical being and beyond.  Breathe and allow.

Do you have a sense of how Ariellis is beginning to feel much like the All That Is or the crystalline grid or the soul plane?  It is as if the energies as they overlap are blending and creating alignments that allow for there to be a greater ease in moving, moving your consciousness, moving your awareness, shifting energies.  The more that you are in the moment, allowing your focus to be here within this space and allowing yourself to feel the joy, the easier it is to shift. 

Come with me; feel yourselves for a moment, here in Ariellis and then feel the soul plane.  Look around, have a sense.  It is different.  There are similarities.  Shift into the crystalline grid; feel the huge variation of energy that is represented here. From there shift back into the All That Is; feel this too as each of these have had their very subtle differences. 

And then reach towards the Earth.  Because you are human, because you are living upon the Earth, you get the greatest differences in perception.  Look at how much of these higher vibrational energies infuse more and more of the Earth-bound reality.  What would you like to see for yourself? The joy and the awareness of being who you are; just simply you are that you are. This allows you to experience a greater and greater depth. 

So coming back around into the All That Is, you have the ability to shift as easily as that anytime that you seek to do so.  You have the ability to let go the drama of your life.  You have the ability in each moment to be focused upon a joyful existence and then everything else falling into line from there.  Yes, this can be your reality!

So with that, come back together as a group.  See this hologram of the Earth.  You see the hologram of Ariellis.  But this time it's as if there is a sense of all that various energy that is coming from the Universe also coming into these holograms.  It is all related. It all has a sense of alignment.  As you allow your energies to be transmitted into the hologram, infuse the energy or shall I say infuse the knowledge that you have within your life what you seek to have.  If there is anything less than that, breathe in the joy and consciously release resistance. 

Do you see how the holograms transition as I speak of this?  It's as if they reflect the varying light and energy as each of you shifts your consciousness and your intention.  See it with the holograms and so too that is what occurs upon the Earth. It is much more than what you realise.  It is also much simpler than what you anticipate.

So release these holograms; allow them to move through.  They move in every direction, moving out through the Universe, moving down around the physical Earth, around Ariellis and they are actually moving through each one of you.  Feel yourself as if you are looking down or looking inward, then open to ask is there a message.  Feel it, allow it, experience it.

Allow your consciousness to begin to move back into the soul plane.  You pause there for a moment and then you shift your focus into the crystalline grid. As your energy flows through the gridwork it comes into contact with the magnetic grid.  Here once more you feel the pull of the Earth; you feel the pull of the gravity.   But it is different, it is shifting.

Allow yourself to continue to move downward.  Feel as your consciousness fully returns within your physical body. As it comes back within your physical body, adjust your shoulders, your back, your head your neck; whatever it may be.  Breathe deeply breathing all the way down within yourself.  As you do so you begin to anchor these energies.  You anchor the consciousness of joy.  You anchor how it feels to have let go the drama or the story of your life; you anchor how it is to live in the moment and allow joy to be your guidance.

You also anchor once more what you created at the beginning but look - there are subtle changes, because now you have let go your story or your drama.  Allow that all to flow through you; experience it for what it is.  Continue to anchor your energies. Continue to allow yourself to come back within your physical body and as you do so you are welcome to come back within this room. 

I open to receive any questions that you may have.  You may press *7 upon your phone and that will put you into the queue so that I may speak with you.  As we await the first person I invite you to also focus upon feeling joyful in this moment.

Question: I would like to know what would be most beneficial for my continued spiritual growth at this time.

Answer: Alright beloved, as I'm linking with you I get a feeling of  a couple of different things I'd like to share.  First of all, you are much further along your path than you give yourself credit for.   I have a sense as I'm looking at you that there are so many ways you receive communication and so many ways that you communicate with your divinity, with your angels, with your higher vibration.  Then when it comes into your human self, she is not always picking up on or realizing that is where that is coming from.  So it feels to me that the  next step you are taking is to first of all acknowledge that you have already done a great deal of education on and within yourself.  By accepting and acknowledging that it will take you on the next step of your journey which is to have a human personification of all this ability that you have.  Does that make sense to you at all?

Yes it does, I do feel that.

We feel also that you don't need to do as much of the external work as you do creating of the alignment.  What we mean is that if you take a class; by all means do so for the joy and fun of it.  But don't feel you have to take a certain number of classes, take a particular course or get a particular attunement; you don't have to do any particular process. You need only do what feels good and then open to the acceptance of that. Beloved, as I'm saying, you are much further along than you realize. 

Thank you.

You are very welcome. Whew!  We felt this surge of energy go through as you said that thank you.  It was as if you opened and accepted at that moment and then a surge went moving through you.  So we simply say be open and allow.

Question: Hello Goddess?  With tonight's channeling I would like to ask how much it has helped my physical body with its transition. 

Answer: it feels as if you physical body is holding onto old energies of this lifetime.  By that I mean if feels like there has been a great deal you've gone through physically, mentally, emotionally; your physical body that has manifested the emotional and mental trauma or experiences also.  What I saw you doing tonight during the journey as you were letting go of the pathway you have been upon.  You were letting go of your story. You were letting go of the past in essence, what you were doing was also creating a shift in your molecular structure so that it could allow you to manifest a more healthy, but that's not really the word we want.  We see your body as more crystalline.  It's as if in the integration of the crystalline body you are releasing and letting go of more and more of the density. You have already done a great deal of it.  You are in the stage of integrating further and further what you seek to have in the future. Does that resonate with you?

I hope so!

It doesn't feel that way to you? Even with this journey tonight?

I can feel my molecules vibrating very good.  I've done so much work and I've felt lately a couple symptoms that have thrown me off track. 

So those symptoms you are feeling that make you feel as if you are thrown off track, recognize that that is an occurrence that is happening simply to give you a heads up to reaffirm what you want to have, to reaffirm what you know you have within yourself.  You know right in this moment.  So if you forget at some point which is basically what happens when you get thrown off track; you acknowledge that experience for what it is and then you bring yourself back into balance once more.  We see that it is happening less and less often and when it does happen, you are coming out of it more quickly.  Is that your experience also?

Ummm, yes.

So that's the best way to look at it we believe; that feeling or that sense that you can come back into balance with greater and greater ease. 

Thank you.

Just one last thing, you are also living your life with greater and greater percentages of a balanced life.  

Thank you.

You're welcome.

Question: Goddess, I accepted an offer on my house and it looks like I have to be out by the 30th of this month.  I am wondering if my next step is exploring New Mexico.

Answer:  Let's see what we find for you.  We feel as if there is some resistance in you. We think its fear because you don't really know where you're going to go or what you are going to do.  This fear that we see as we look at you right now is holding you where you are rather than opening to potentials. So let me breathe with you for a minute beloved.  Let both of us just breathe in slowly and deeply.  As you are breathing within yourself, feel my energies as I merge with you.  As you breathe out, consciously let go the fear, let go the resistance, let go of anything.  (Shelly took a deep breath in and out.)  There, okay now it's much more open!  Now we have a sense of seeing several different opportunities.  As soon as we looked at you, we saw Oregon come up, we saw New Mexico come up, we saw LA, we saw the Sedona area like Flagstaff and then we even saw Colorado.  We felt as if from where you are, these shooting stars went out to multiple different places.  The sense we got from that is that you can choose any one of them to be your next place to go.  They all have potentials and opportunities.  So when you go back within yourself, when you think of what is joyful to you and what would make you happy to go do; let that be your guidance.  It feels to us as if you've been holding up a burden for a very long time and the burden is about to be released with the sale of your house.  That is the final closure.    

We sense the next step for you is about finding the place where you can just let yourself go.  You can let yourself relax, you can let yourself unwind.  It feels like there is a friend around you and you are staying with this friend.  She is someone who really knows you, she knows you deeply, deeply, deeply.  You don't have to be strong any more.  You don't have to do all these things. You will stay there at least a few weeks if not a month or even two months.  From there it feels like you can get a better balance of where you might decide to permanently move.  For the first step that's what it feels is going to happen. 

Is this my friend in Arizona, Prescott Arizona?  (In Flagstaff?)  No in Prescott, Arizona, my friend in Prescott Arizona. 

Okay, let's see.  It feels like that but it feels different.  Tell us her name and let us see if that gives us a better sense. 

Tory Bowen.

You know, it does not have a great resonance around it.  It feels like there's a potential, but it feels like there is someone else.  It's so hard to describe her!  To us it feels like she is very much in alignment with you, it feels like she is standing here with us right now.  It feels like.... Um.... We're asking her why hasn't she sent the invitation yet and it feels like she's been doing something or something was going on and she didn't realize you were so close to selling your house.  We're trying to get her name.  It's coming out like Anna or something like that.  We have a sense of dark hair, glasses and like she's jabber, jabber, jabber, jabber; she's talking a lot.  Anyway, we do feel some resonance around your friend in Prescott; it's just not a bright light resonance.  So we would say keep your resonance open.  Maybe go down through your address book and kind of revisit people who have been good friends to you.  It may be that you have kind of lost contact with her over the years, but it's the kind of friendship that is never fully gone away even if you don't talk to each other for a time.  We just sense that you will know.  We wish we could give you a better name or idea.  If indeed it is this friend in Prescott, then go for it.  Go for what YOU know to be your truth and your instinct.  Alright beloved?

Thank you very much.

You're welcome. We feel that with answers like that it's clear a mud!   We're sorry that sometimes that is the way it comes out, but that's the best we can do in certain circumstance. Sometimes days or a week or two needs to go by before more and more becomes apparent.  So give it that time and allow things to unfold as your best bet.  Alright beloved.

We had a bit smaller group tonight and it looks like we have called on everybody.  We ask you not to ask a question if you have done so recently, but please go ahead.

Question: Hi Goddess, I have a question.  Today I felt such overwhelming sadness that just goes to the depth of my being.  I noticed that this has been going on with me for a long time, it's getting stronger I think because I'm working with Shelly, things are coming up.  I have a really abusive mother and sometimes I feel such deep sadness.  I'll be going through the day and doing okay and all of a sudden I feel this wave that is so overpowering and it's getting stronger.  You know Goddess, I feel so broken, so dysfunctional. I'm wondering if you can help me with this.  

Answer: First of all beloved, let us reach out.  I am opening up my arms, we're reaching out our energy and I'm flowing my energy into and around you.  Let us first of all come in and create a space of support for you so that we can support you, can flow this energy; can help you let go of this deep sadness and pain you've been experiencing.  The next thing we want to do as you allow that to flow within you --- we know that you have been working a great deal with me and with the group as you work with Shelly--- but in the space where we are right now, we're going to work again with releasing any lingering energies that have to do with your mother; letting go anything at all that has to do with past experiences.  This journey in particular for you is very profound.  We think that is one reason you were feeling that sadness all day is because you were having an opportunity to let go that past experience.  As you are breathing deeply within yourself, you link to that story that you had in this lifetime, the experiences of this lifetime.  You release that. You step out of that book and into a new book, one of your creation, one that you start from scratch, one that begins right here, right now!  You are now going to be writing a book of your life that is filled with joy; every thought, every idea, every experience is based in joy.  As you move forward, if you have sadness or anything that lingers from the past, then recognize it is over, it is past, it is done! You are going to breathe in the choice that you are moving forward.  You are breathing in that you choose joy, you choose love, you choose a new beginning for yourself.  Can you feel those energies shifting beloved?

I feel the warmth coming through.  Sometimes it's so overpowering I ask the father to take me home because I just can't be here anymore.  It hurts so much and I just can't take it anymore.  In my heart, in my being, every cell is suffering.  It's just too painful to be here anymore Goddess. I'm so sorry.

So use this as a moment to release all of that.  Let it go, let it flow away from you.  Of course if you did choose to transition, God is here, Goddess we are always ready to receive you with open arms.  But we both see that you have a life that is filled with experiences of what it is like to be beyond this; of what it's like to be fully healthy and fully cognizant within yourself, for you to be in that space where your heart center is open and your love and awareness flows through your heart at all times.  So you are moving past this, you are moving through this, you are creating a new beginning. 

It's just so hopeless.  I got broken when I was young and I'm just not fixable.  You know I missed the beginning of your conference because it was playing music.  So when you did the releasing thing, I missed it.

Well, you still experienced it.  We talked about creating a new story for yourself.  Yes all of these things happened.  Yes they had a humongous impact upon your life.  But it does not have to be that way going forward from here.  You've done all the work, you've done a tremendous amount of work.  So remind yourself that you do have those moments when you feel good.  You do have the time when you feel things throughout you.  Let those moments be what grows bigger and bigger. 

What about this sadness?  It's so overpowering.  Why does it come upon me?

Because you are releasing it, because you are bringing it up.  As you continue to release the layers that held it intact, or held it to you;  it's as if it's an old memory or pattern that comes around.

Can you help release or clear whatever needs to be released so it can't hook on?

We don't have a sense of it hooking onto you anywhere. We don't know why you are feeling it so strongly today.  To us as we look at you and see you, we see you as a bright light that is there within you shining forth.  We see as if it's a small aspect or one or two aspects of you that feel that sadness or old lingering pain.  If anything, breathe within yourself with the conscious intention to align with the rest of you that you may release this energy and release this sadness.  You can do it and you are doing it. 

Thank you.  Do you see hope for me?

Always, there is always hope for everybody. 

Question:  It was a great experience for me tonight and my brain felt like a cell phone! Like it was going from one side to another.  Then I felt a pressure and pain in my gums.  I'm wondering if this problem or energy that is stuck there will be released now. I have a problem all the times since I exist. 

Answer:  You mean gums in your mouth? (Yes) It feels to us as we look at you as if, it's like those stories or those various life existences have been lingering with you or sticking to you more than what you realized.  It feels as if you've let them go and let them go, stepped outside; but yet something within you was still holding on, perhaps more than what you realized.  It felt like with this journey tonight you were releasing those last threads of something you had released before.  It feels when we look at you now as if there is much greater clarity.  Almost when you came back as if you said ‘well wait a second, who was that person, was that somebody different, was that my sister, was that somebody else?' It feels as if there was a much greater clearing as if a profound transformation has taken place.  As we look at you now, we see you with the much greater balance and awareness. 

Thank you, that's what I felt, that finally something was released. 

So coming back to your gums and teeth; it feels as if there has always been a sensitivity about that and it will continue. But it doesn't feel like it will be as painful as it was in the past. 

Thank you very much.

You're welcome!

All right beloved family, thank you as always for coming in and sharing this evening with me. As you are living your life I remind you to let go the drama, let go the story, let go the past existences that may keep you turning around and turning around in that same space. 

You have the ability to create your life. You have choices in your life, so open and allow those choices to be based on joy and based on love.

I am ever with you and within.


This is Shelly Dressel channeling the Goddess of Creation; the feminine aspect of source essence, for the free teleconference offered on the first and third Sundays of each month. All rights are reserved. You are welcome to share this information; we just ask that you keep it intact. For further channels and information on both the Goddess and Shelly please see our website:  www.goddesslight.net

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Sheldan Nidle Sirian Update – March 9th

Sheldon Nidle Sirian Update Mar 9/10

Update by Sheldan Nidle for the Spiritual Hierarchy and the Galactic Federation

10 Akbal, 6 Ceh, 5 Caban

Selamat Jarin! We return with more to discuss with you. At present, the Earth allies have instituted a worldwide Intelligence blackout to demonstrate to everyone that they are applying the necessary security measures in anticipation of the first domino of the changes. The "roadblocks" are now self-imposed as our Earth allies slow down their operations in order to make sure that all potential opponents are removed from any position where they could cause delays to the immense global changes. So far, the remnants of the dark cabal have shown no proclivity to further hinder our Earth allies' good works. The final agreements are in place, as are the funds to carry out the numerous governmental and financial changes. All is in readiness for the grand plan to be implemented. Meanwhile, our inner ring of ships around Mother Earth is prepared to carry out its many pre-landing assignments. Our Earth allies are fully aware that Heaven has given us all the "green light" to act when the time is ripe, and to this end, we have recalled our various planetary patrols and stand ready to act!

For her part, Mother Earth is accelerating the preparatory stage of a series of massive, global earth changes. Your planet and her Spiritual Hierarchy tell us that time is running out, and it is therefore essential that some sort of pre-evacuation warnings be issued. Pursuant to this, the waiting interim governments comprehend the need to reprioritize their schedule of changes, and we are working with them on plans that meet the Earth Hierarchy's criteria. The most pressing issue is to ascertain how best to prepare each of you for the much reduced time span before departure from the planet surface becomes necessary. A general intensification of planetary activity is also being noticed by your astronomers, who see an upsurge of unaccountable activity happening throughout your solar system. The heightened activity is affecting the space stations and shuttles in near-earth orbit and has lead to the cancellation of most rocket-propelled, manned space missions. In fact, your seriously panicked secret governments are using their antigravity fleet in a desperate bid to avail themselves of a hi-tech escape plan.

The dark cabalists' attempts to defy Earth's Spiritual Hierarchy are typical of them, but fear is now compelling them to physically challenge our clearly stated prohibitions: we have informed them in no uncertain terms that their operations are limited to the planet and its atmosphere; likewise, the Agarthans have banned the cabal's craft from Inner Earth. This puts the cabal in a predicament that has only one solution: to surrender, and to do so ASAP! Your lovely planet is turning to the Light and it is time for you to be informed of what lies ahead. Your dark elites' sources of information have made them vividly aware that their physical survival is now at stake. It is essential for them to surrender and permit our Earth allies to get on with the announcements detailing what is to happen and why. Mother Earth is in the final stages before serious earth changes begin. Further, Heaven requires you to be informed that you are not alone in the galaxy and that your space and spiritual families are here to bring you, with Love and grace, back into full consciousness.

This process of divine change has been tampered with by the dark and its endless infernal schemes. Our task has been to counter these infamous activities and to keep your changes to Heaven's timetable. Our multiple star-nation command board meets daily to put together programs ensuring that Heaven's decrees are carried out. No single star-nation has the power to thwart these divine operations. We are acting as one to guarantee that Heaven's commands are accomplished by means of this first contact mission. To this end, we have set up a series of guidelines that our diplomatic missions are extending to the Earth allies and various governments on your world. We have made it very clear that this is the time for action. Your long-suffering planet makes it evident, too, that the string of delays that has punctuated the recent past must end. We are advised to plan for all possible contingencies and to be ready to carry them out at a moment's notice.

Our fleets are at the ready, and we have compiled a series of back-up announcements to cover any eventualities we may face. These range from simple, forthright announcements informing you of our existence and the need to start mass landings, to emergency broadcasts warning you of imminent earth changes that require us to evacuate you from your surface homes. In the case of the former, we can then also address the secret technologies and set the timing for our arrival on your shores. In any event, we greatly prefer that these broadcasts be delivered by the interim governments. Mother Earth desires, above all, to see far more progress than is happening at present. Those actions that set the stage for an interim world need to happen. We cannot overstate the importance of this. Our purpose here is to shepherd what is now underway to a smooth and rapid success.

Our deep involvement in your affairs has afforded us many new and interesting insights into the dark's operation on your world. We were told about its modus operandi long ago and have spent the past two decades seeing it all in action. The extent to which the dark has been able to change you from a strong, integrated Being into a weak and compliant one that is so divided against itself that you actually "die" after a few decades is quite astonishing. Happily, Heaven is reintegrating and restoring you to your former power and abilities so that you can contribute significantly to the unfolding of the divine plan in physicality. We gleefully look forward to this wondrous transformation and intend to welcome you back with great fanfare. Your hard-won wisdom has the power to accelerate certain consciousness-oriented developments now brewing throughout this galaxy.

This galaxy is undergoing a vast transformation toward the Light. Everywhere, formerly dark star-nations and immense empires are becoming less dictatorial and more inclined toward personal sovereignty and individual rights. There, everyone is highly motivated to develop a Lightbody and to transcend the limitations of 3-D physicality. This longing has enticed many to focus on what you are going through, and so it is in everyone's best interests for us to advise and mentor you back into full consciousness. Besides, you are part of our space family. Humans were given the gift of a Lightbody and Heaven has protected it from destruction. The following chapter of our joint history is predicated on your return to the Light, so you can see that this sacred transformation of yours is most important to us.

The pressure-cooker that is first contact is boiling over! It is imperative that the agenda drawn up between our Earth allies and us now be completed. First, we need to get the waiting caretaker governments into power, together with the prosperity fund deliveries which will kick-start the gold-backed financial system. Then we are to co-sponsor the unveiling of a series of remarkable new technologies, adding ours to the pot. Third, we need, together, to address Mother Earth and quickly remedy her current condition. You need to adopt a whole new set of perceptions and come to honor her role in your evolution. She is a living Being and you are her invited guests. You need to become independent, and fully responsible guardians of her diverse ecosystems.

Today, we addressed various developments happening on your world and explained how these relate to the first contact mission. Mother Earth is subtly pursuing a course that is intended to force the hand of the dark and demonstrate how vital it is for our Earth allies to swiftly complete their complex agenda. Know, dear Ones, in your Heart of Hearts that the countless Supply and never-ending Prosperity of Heaven are indeed Yours! So Be It! Selamat Gajun! Selamat Ja! (Sirian for Be One! and Be in Joy!) info@paoweb.com

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Akashic Records on Love and Marriage

How important is it for a couple to be married before having children?

From the perspective of the Akashic Records, if you are defining marriage as a legal or social contract, it is not very important at all.  If you define marriage as a soul contract and a commitment that has been made between the two people, an energetic bond, then it is very important. 

Every child that comes into the world has a Divine, all-knowing soul and therefore every person in the world has a Divine, all-knowing soul.  Each of you chooses where to be conceived, how to be conceived and where and in what situation to be born.  You negotiate with your biological parents before you are even conceived.  At a soul level, you understand what their lives are meant to bring them and therefore, what being their child will involve for you.  Each of you sets yourselves up with a “perfect mess” -- the perfect situation that will bring your gifts, your strengths, and will also bring to you the sacred wounds and challenges that will lead you to those gifts and strengths.  Ultimately when a child is conceived you can trust that child chose to be conceived into that situation and that environment.

That being said, it is vitally important that the adults who are conceiving a child work with as much integrity as possible.  Meaning that as you choose to conceive a child, or choose to maintain a pregnancy, it is vitally important that you mindfully and consciously set up relationships that will support the child's life.  Those relationships are vitally important not only in regard to the fellow biological co-parent, but it is also true in regard to the relationships you have in your life that form the fabric of the life the child will come into.  It is vitally important that you be just as mindful of the other adults that you invite into the child's life as you are with the relationship with the co-parent or co-parents.  If you have a relationship that is unhealthy with a mother, a brother, a friend, then it is vitally important that you bring yourself into alignment with that relationship before conceiving the child or remove that relationship from your life before conceiving a child.  In a sense you could say that the choice to have a child creates a calling for you to live your life with more intention and integrity.

So in a sense, the question about marriage is actually a question about community.  It is the responsibility of every parent, either biological or adoptive, that you ask the same questions of all your relationships and you adjust those relationships so that what you might look for in a co-parent you also look for in the fabric of community that will surround you as a parent.  Make sure that you are an integrity and that you have asked for appropriate commitments from your friends and loved ones to support that child, or to stay out of the way or to cause as little harm as possible to the child.  Ultimately the legal contract of marriage matters far less than the energetic and social contracts that you make and hold together in your life in general and how those will affect your child. 

 here once was a norm in the United States that all children lived with a mother and a father.  The father worked and the mother stayed at home and raised the children.  Now it seems that most children are raised by two working parents or by a single parent who works.  Is this good for children or parents?  How can we make the best of this trend?

As with all things, this trend is occurring for a divine purpose and this trend is both a result of and a driving force for helping you expand and evolve as a human family.  You are in the midst of questioning and dissolving the aspects of the traditional marriage model that no longer work.  The traditional marriage model was not the original model for humanity.  Your original model was communal.  The earliest human beings favored communal rather than the biological relationships.  Community members may not have even remembered conceived the child because ultimately a child belonged to a community, and all of you belonged to each other. 

The model that favored the biological parents as being the primary caregivers evolved out of necessity when human beings met times of hardship that created isolation or dissolution of communities.  At first this happened only in great traumas when tribes were disbursed.  Over time that biological connections became privileged in different parts of the world among particular groups or communities. 

Over the process of tens of thousands of years, that biological connection became more and more privileged in some cultures, and eventually that biological privilege helped plant the seeds that eventually grew into patriarchy. 

Over time, as patriarchy evolved, as the oppression of women evolved in different ways throughout different societies, you eventually led yourselves to the model in which men were expected to fulfill a certain role in child rearing and women were expected to fulfill a different role in childrearing.  Men and women felt a great deal of pressure to fulfill those norms and therefore were unable to ask themselves that they as an individual unique and gifted individual, wanted most to bring the world and what role they most wanted to play. 

The focus on biological rather than community connection led to a set of limitations that worked well for many generations.  As you grow beyond those limitations, you eventually feel trapped -- whether it was trapped in the role of going away to earn money rather than being with your children or trapped in the role of being with your children rather than going out and doing other work in the world.  (The limitations you have grown out of are mostly based on sexism and it will serve you to listen to the Healing Sexism channeling on Ascension Radio in order to help you understand the potential benefits of dissolving the nuclear family model.)  The benefit ultimately is that it frees men and women to begin to resolve sexism as it has oppressed them in their lives and to find again, their unique individual power, their personal sense of worth and their personal calling in the world. 

Some of you are truly called to raising children; others of you are called to doing other things.  Most of you are called to do some of both.  Because a child requires full attention from adults, yet most of you are called to do things other than raising children, it therefore works best for you to cooperate as adults and raise children in communities or small groups so that a child receives attention, affection, and guidance from a large number of thoughtful, caring adults.  Each adult gives some attention to the child and other attention to their work.    

What you are finding yourselves doing is drawing yourselves back to a communal model of raising children.  The transition from the isolation that you experienced in this patriarchal of the nuclear family toward a communal family model is bumpy.  It involves you having to face the limitations you have been living under, to push up against them and remove them and then have to rebuild or creatively coordinate yourselves to build what is best for children and best for adults as they answer their true callings of the world.  Ultimately, what is best for children is to have enough loving, safe attention from adults that they feel constantly supported and they feel constantly that there is an adult they trust who is available to them. 

Some children find themselves coming to one or two parents who have the resources and the true calling to give that attention to their child all of the time so that some children will find themselves in the best scenario with just a small number, like three or four loving adults to give them attention.  Most children and most adults will find themselves best served by working in a group with something like fifteen to twenty people -- people who are trusted, people who have made true commitments to one another and to the children so that a child at any given moment is surrounded by adults they trust.  But an adult in any given moment feels free to invest in the child or to move in the world and do other work.  This occurs in extended families, it occurs in neighborhoods, it occurs in chosen communities based on a religion or based on some other endeavor or organizing factor. 

This is what all of you are building is both the ability to discern who is safe and who is divinely connected with you and the ability to draw boundaries and eliminate those fellow adults who are not safe for your child.  It is then necessary that you listen to and follow your own true calling, which might involve childrearing and something more to do in the world.  This is true for both men and for women.  Men are not born biologically with less inclination to be bonded with or spend time with their children.  In fact, many men are born with an individual contract and an individual calling to spend most of their time with their children.  Women, in the same way, are not born biologically with a calling to spend more time with children.  Instead, it is different for every individual.  This is why it is vitally important that you work with the situation that evolves in your life rather than trying to force yourself into a two-parent model or force yourself into a community model that does not feel right. 

Work with the people in your life.  Assume that the people that come into your life are there for a reason, and using your own intuition and logic, develop a sense for whether a person is really meant to be connected with your child or not.  Use your interpersonal and negotiating skills to develop a relationship in a commitment with that fellow adult to play some role in your child's life.  Whether it is helping you by spending time with your child, whether it is offering a certain kind of support to your child, you will find that different people come to your life from various directions to be part of the fabric of community that helps you raise your child. 

This is the way that humanity is evolving, particularly in western cultures that operate in the isolation-based model of the nuclear family.  These guidelines are also true for those communities or those cultures where the extended family is the norm.  It is still vitally important that you take a look and find integrity in the relationships that your child will encounter.  Eliminating those people or creating space between you and those people who you sense are not healthy for you and your child.  This is the ultimate information here, is that all of you are moving into what you would call a marriage contract with many people -- with a fabric of community rather than with a single individual.  This is true whether you are raising children or not. 

What guidance do you have for people who are exploring relationships outside the one-partner model?  It seems as if we do not often get it right in dealing with one partner.  Would it not be even harder to be mature, respectful and caring when there are additional people involved?  Can it be easier?

As you move through Enlightenment your hearts expand and your consciousness expands making it possible, even likely, and important for you to expand the way you love.  The expansion occurs in both the intensity with which you love, and the number of people with whom you fall in love.  This is true whether you define a relationship as romantic or not.  Inevitably, as you move through Enlightenment you will find your ability to fall in love expanding.  While you could always feel love for a friend, a parent or a child, these kinds of relationships have been limited.  You saw them as being smaller than romantic love.  You have created a unique experience that has been defined in human society, particularly in western society, as falling in love.  You have allowed yourselves a form of intensity in a romantic situation in which you turn yourselves over to Love.  You allow the experience of Love to become so big that it eclipses other things in your life and that is what you call “falling in love.”  Falling in love occurs when you CHOOSE to fall into it.  You allow it to eclipse other things so that feeling of love becomes your primary experience,

As you move through Enlightenment you will find that experience of falling in love, that feeling of falling in love will no longer fit in a single relationship for you.  You will find yourself feeling that Love in many ways and toward many people.  You feel it toward friends and loved ones, and sometimes even strangers you meet on the street. 

This choice to fall in Love and live in Love was embedded in the parable of the Good Samaritan in the New Testament.  It is a theme that is played out in many spiritual stories.  It is the story of choosing Love first because you feel so deeply for another human being regardless of whether you know them or not.  The truth embedded here that what you are capable of and what you are meant for as a human being is to turn yourself over to Love so that the experience of falling in love occurs all of the time in all kinds of different contexts.  That feeling and all of the choices involved, in which you surrender yourself to Love rather than making choices to back away and withhold yourself from people, that becomes relevant in all directions in your life.  What used to be unique to romantic relationships is no longer unique to romantic relationships.  You feel that feeling and you make those choices based on Love outside of your one single romantic relationship. 

For many of you this will lead you to feel less interested in romantic relationships.  For others, it will lead you to feeling romantic and making romantic relationships or partners with multiple people over time or sometimes at the same time.  How you choose to negotiate that depends on what you are here to learn and what you are here to work with.  You will find that more and more people across the planet find themselves feeling deeply attached and committed, deeply in love with, two or more people at the same time. 

This is happening because your hearts are opening like this.  It is giving you material to further your own Enlightenment progress in that when you find yourself in love with two or more people at the same time, you have a new set of choices.  You can lock yourself into a duality where you imagine that those two people are pitted against one another, that somehow your love is finite and so as you give love to one, you cut yourself off from another.  Ultimately that will lead all of you to getting hurt and that choice will lead you to being secretive and playing games; all those types of things.  Or you can choose to try stepping outside of duality.  This also poses challenges.  You can choose to be honest about your feelings with each person involved and let them make their own choices as to how comfortable they feel staying connected with you as you are honest about the feelings you are feeling for others.  What you are finding is that those of you who are meant to unravel the old romantic boundaries, those of you who are meant to explore how you can commit life partnerships with multiple people at the same time, you will find yourselves being drawn together so that often if you find yourself feeling love for multiple partners, you will find that at least some of those multiple partners will have an interest in exploring the possibility of building romantic partnerships outside of a single monogamous box. 

Many of you are not meant to work with multiple partners, but you are meant to step beyond the limitations imposed by the romantic storyline.  Instead, you will find yourselves more comfortable choosing a single partner for a romantic or sexual commitment, but you will still find it necessary to fall in love non-romantically or non-sexually with many other people and beings in your life.  Ultimately, Enlightenment leads you to reducing the uniqueness of romantic love so that you feel the intensity of loving connections in many different situations and contexts.  Another way to say that is you feel your heart open to a lot of different people and situations.  You feel your heart breaking for those people because you love them so dearly and so much.  Some of you will choose to maintain singular, romantic partnerships and some of you will find yourselves exploring and developing multiple romantic partnerships. 

The most important thing that you can do as you move through Enlightenment with this particular question of romance is to be honest with yourself about what you feel, what you are interested in and to honest with your partners about what you feel and what you are interested in.  When you ask about that ability to be mature, respectful and caring in relationships with many people, we will say it is vitally important that you strive to be all three of those things regardless of your situation.  For those of you who are meant to or will do your best work in a singular relationship, you will find that it becomes more difficult to be mature, respectful and caring when you have other partners involved. 

For those of you who are meant to or who will be best served by exploring multiple partners, you will find that having two partners who are committed to you in a lifelong relationship in an honest way can make more room for caring.  If you have three or more partners, you will find that if two of you have a conflict, you have immediately a mediator available who loves you both, who cares for you both, who can help to see the best in you both.  You can encourage each other to be mature, respectful and caring. 

Stepping beyond the duality of a single partnership requires a high level of maturity.  It requires a higher level of respect and caring and it requires a great deal more trust and faith in yourselves and a very high level of honesty or transparency.  It is not more evolved to have more partners.  It is simply a matter of what your soul is here to work with and here to learn.  The reason the Keepers have brought the idea of multiple partnerships into the dialogue is that more of you are finding it necessary to develop multiple partnerships or to address the question of multiple partnerships because all of you are blurring the boundaries of what used to be a very unique and closed system of romance.  All of you are blurring those boundaries because your hearts are expanding and you will find that the romantic storyline no longer satisfies your larger capacity for Love.  (March 2010)

Copyright © Akashic Transformations 2005 - 2008 All rights reserved.

The Monthly Message Preview was channeled from the Akashic Records by Jen Eramith, M.A. Permission is given to copy and redistribute the Messages Previews provided that the contents remain complete, all credit is given to the author, and it is freely distributed. http://www.akashictransformations.com

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Channeling by Bashar – Others Civilizations – Consioussness Evolvement

Bashar: To the images we are imparting to them, telepathicly, that you look of course very different then they do, and actualy they are even wondering how you can even stand up.
Men: I wonder that myself.
Bashar: its not that they have not encountered other by penal forms, but because they are so initiatly 4 legged, it always seems a little bit mysterious to them and curious to them that something can actualy balance on 2, and so they wonder it that, and it is part of theire appreciation of the differences.
Men: Now tell me this for that creature to be that type of creature, it had to start from some level of consioussness first right, just like we started from a level of consioussness, that then produced my being?.

Bashar: Well if you mean it that way yes, altough remember that on the spirit level we are al the same kind of consioussness, choosing to experience incarnations in a variety of forms, but as you mean the consioussness of the material evolutionary world it self yes, there where what you would call primary forms, before the form that is now in existence.
Men: I see, and that primary form is the same for all species throughout the entire universe.?
Bashar: No no no no no, i'm saying that in theire environment there was an initial form that actualy had 8 legs, and over time evolved into that wich has 4, and has grown larger in its domain, and has become in your terms capable of supporting incarnational spirit mixed pressing inteligence in a way that you would recognize, as a civilization.
Men: Ah okay!! well its true that everything is expressed from consioussness first?
Bashar: Well everything is Consioussness, of course on that context yes, if you wanna call that the primal form then yes, everything starts from the same primal consioussness, but it doesn't realy express itself as one form ,per say, Its formless, does that makes sense?.
Men: Yes, then it could choose the form that wants to matter.
Bashar: Yes and it chooses all forms, The primal Consioussness chooses all forms that it can choose.
Men: So thats why there is no limitation to it.
Bashar: Correct!!.
Men: You know thats the one thing i was getting from your talk earlier that, We are Un-godli , Un-limited and its so.
Bashar: Un-godli?!!.
Men: Well you know what i mean, and its so interesting that we realy boxed ourself into this quote on quote corner of humanity.
Bashar: Yes.
Men: Why, when we are so much bigger then, Its amazing.
Bashar: Thats the mystery of it and the fascination of it and the beauty of it and the power of it, is that you can do that, being such unlimited beings, thats why you are so fascinating to so many species, cause thats why we call you the Masters of Limitation.
Men: Yea i heard you say that several times.
Bashar: Theire are not many civilizations we have encountered that have imposed the same degree of limitation upon theire experience of life and this to us is a form of mastery
Men: Because the default behavior is to not be like that?.
Bashar: In that sense you can call it the default behavior yes, The default state of being is to be unlimited but also at the same time to experience absolute limitation asswell thats the polarity, and everything in between, but as you meant it yes, Recognizing that puts you in a state of higher awareness yes.
Men: Wow, cool, this has been a very interesting seminar so far so thank you.
Bashar: Thank you.
Men: Have a good day.
Bashar: I will.

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Harmonic Shift 7|7|7 on >07-07-07<

“The bananas were like that when I got here!”
         -Humpty Dumpty
“HS-777-MI-ACURTURUS”                                             illustration by SethD8 – 16 Feb 07



Harmonic Shift 7|7|7 on >070707<

should the transcript here come across as what you term as “wishy- washy” … repetative or incoherent … do not cast aside the importance if this message and the harmonic-shift 777 event …  for the limitations of your landguage and those self-imposed by our host (raphiem) are unable to clealry translate and articulate the levels of unified awareness we are communicating to you and your greater selves and souls in this moment  …

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Evolving Reality!

Ela | 29 August 2006

Because you live in a reality created by yourselves, no one is allowed to interfere or alter your destiny. That is except you, or those who preside over your evolutionary path. Perhaps this will answer some of you who feel that intervention on your behalf should take place now. It is not that sympathy or compassion is lacking, far from it, and every opportunity is taken to make your path as easy as possible. 

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