Tag: illusory (page 2 of 3)

Enlightenment is Heaven. To get there, become like a child by dropping your conditions!


When Jesus declared that only those who become like little children can enter through the gates of heaven, he was repeating the same thing all the ancient and living enlightened mystics tell us about realizing enlightenment. That...

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SanJAsKa: Many Souls are Awakening to the Realities of Ascension


Mar 26

-Channeled through Wes Annac

As all of the pieces of your beautiful Divine puzzle begin to come together and fit into your overall Life and ascension plans, the power that you hold within is increasing exponentially in ...

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Part 1 Of 2 Galactic Federation Of Light The Pleiadian High Council March 24 2012

Part 1 Of 2 Galactic Federation Of Light The Pleiadian High Council March 24 2012

http://lightworkers.org/channeling/155500/pleiadian-high-councilyour-power-held-within-expressing-itself-marvelous-ways http://aquariuschannelings.com/ The illusion is...

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SAUL – In God’s Reality, pain and suffering cannot exist – 11/06/2011


11/06/2011 by John Smallman

The waiting is almost over as you prepare to terminate your support for the illusion and allow it to dissolve into nothingness. It was but a brief idea with which you played for a moment and is soon to ...

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Jesus: Hate and anger are incompatible with Love


 September 18, 2011 by John Smallman

Waiting can seem interminable if what you are waiting for is intensely desired, and yet time itself is but a further illusory concept within the illusion that you experience as reality. An...

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Saul – The most important step you have ever taken to intensify your spiritual evolution


07/17/2011 by John Smallman

The barriers to humanity’s awakening are being demolished as more and more of you allow God’s Love for you to suffuse you, and you then share that Love widely with everyone you know. This op...

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Jesus through John Smallman – To present divine events as occurring at specific moments in time is meaningless


July 10, 2011 by John Smallman

The awakening of humanity into its natural fully-conscious state will occur as planned, because God’s divine Will is always realized. Your intent to awaken is an essential and irreplaceable ele...

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Intuitive glimpses of Reality keep rising to the surface of your conscious awareness


06/19/2011 by John Smallman

The children of God are dearly loved, always, without interruption, by their ever-loving Father, because He created them in Love, perfectly, and nothing can alter the reality of the moment of your creat...

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Jesus through John Smallman – Imagination is the way out of the illusion, and also the way to travel further into it


June 1, 2011

by John Smallman

You – the human children of God, part of our Father’s divine creation – are in the process of awakening from the illusory dream that you built for yourselves to prove that you ha...

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Death is just as illusory as your bodies


05/22/2011 by John Smallman

Your expectations are intensifying in anticipation of the moment of your awakening.  You have been asleep for what seems to have been eons, even though it has been but an instant, and you are, very...

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To rejoice is the only activity that makes any sense


05/11/2011 by John Smallman

Humanity is at a most important stage in its awakening process.  In time – which, as many have shown you, is illusory – you have been asleep and experiencing fear, pain, suffering, gene...

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Loving acceptance of everyone is your natural mode of being


04/17/2011 by John Smallman

Life as a human is strange. You are born helpless in a tiny body, totally dependent on your mother for the first few years of human life, but you are constantly encouraged to develop an individual perso...

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The Love presently enveloping Planet Earth is the key to your awakening


04/10/2011 by John Smallman

You are all following your divine path, the one you chose, with divine guidance and approval, before you incarnated as humans.  You are doing what you chose to do to learn the lessons that life in ...

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