Tag: hybrids (page 1 of 2)


CONTACT NETWORK HISTORY PROJECT A Close Encounter of the Third Kind with Love. Joseph Burkes MD 2015 It has been said that consciousness is the “golden thread” that ties us to UFO intelligence. After all if the ET hypothesis is correct and UFOs are an extraterrestrial manifestation, then we are going to be very different […]

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UFOlidays… Greetings and Good Will

Happy Winter Solstice 2015 The year is winding down and we’ve had some major events that have rocked the world. In the US, we’re in the throes of campaignitis, where everyone gets a little crazy for a short time. I’m reminded of an old Latin saying, “Vocatus Atque Non-Vocatus, Deus Aderit.” What that means is, […]

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Aliens Among Us – Human Hybrids

Aliens Among Us – Human Hybrids This so reminds me of Ruth Montgomery’s book, and I hope if you haven’t read it that you do so. Alrightythen, the information this video presents I find to be personally conflicting with a vast experiential reality I know to be true for me. It includes several near-death experiences, […]

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Jurassic World of Genetically Modified Simulacra

Jay Dyer, GuestJurassic World is the sometime sequel to whatever the last Jurassic film was. InJurassic Park, a ill-conceived theme park based on genetic resurrecting of the dinosaur all-star team. Now, Hollywood shows it’s gone fully green in recycling the same plot for a new audience of zombieswith Frankensaurus Rex. While the JurassicPlot (that’s a joke) is only a sliver different from the first, this time around genetic modifica [...]

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Contact in the Desert 2015

Contact in the Desert – 2105 Contact in the Desert is growing into a premier Ufology event drawing thousands from around the world. When I first arrived on site in 2013 and ran ​into Paul Andrews, I was surprised. Then I decided to rekindle an association that started back in 1998. Paul had invited me to come […]

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Nephilim: TRUE STORY of Satan, Fallen Angels, Giants, Aliens, Hybrids, Elongated Skulls & Nephilim

Nephilim: Origin of Genetic Evil, the Nephilim. NEPHILIM (FULL) DOCUMENTARY - http://www.godinanutshell.com/project... into the world of Fallen Angels, Satan, Shadow People, Aliens, Demons, Anunnaki, Archons, Ancient Giants, "Ancient Aliens" & Genetic Hybrids. [...]

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Frequency and Fallibility

Frequency and Fallibility Humans are such strange creatures. We dance about, scream and shout and expect our inexperienced and traumatized rantings to overshadow everything. Whether it be a contact experience of non-linear and non-local nature, an NDE (near-death experience) or STE (spiritually transformative experience); they all have unique and similar responses in the consciousness of […]

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2015 IUFOC – from a patron

A moment in time… Many years ago the gentleman on the far left in photo, Jim Dilettoso, along with Ret. Col. Wendelle Stevens (RIP) organized the first International UFO Congress in Tucson, AZ. I was quite fortunate to have been able to be there, arriving in a limousine owned by a mutual friend, Roy Haddix […]

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The Red and the Blue

We have entered a new cycle, the Chinese year of the sheep. This is the time when victory is achieved by gentleness and not by brutal force:

Being in the new cycle, it is time now to release some intel about the Red and the Blue.
The Blue Dragons originate from secret Taoist groups connected with the Agartha network. Together with secret Pythagorean Order they have ignited the spark of Renaissance in Italy:
It may be interesting to note that Leonardo da Vinci was merely copying old Chinese texts for his famous »inventions«.
Nothing more can be said about the Blue, except that some of them are guardians of the portals. 
The Red Dragons originate from the military forces of the Ming dynasty. 
The Archons wanted to destroy the power of the Ming. Their first strike was to overthrow the Ming by Archon-controlled Manchu tribes that invaded from the north, took over Beijing and started the Qing dynasty:
Then Qing emperor Kangxi invited Jesuits to China:
The Red Dragons were working secretly in the Qing imperial court and in the military forces against Manchu and Jesuit invaders:

The events that took place in the Qing imperial court in the 18th century have much more influence on the present geopolitical situation than most people realize.
During early 19th century, the Rothschilds took control over China through the Opium wars:
The Red were forced to keep a low profile, but disguised as Eight Trigrams secret society they still managed later to organize the Boxer rebellion, an attempt to throw the Jesuits and the Rothschilds out of China:
The Rothschilds, however, tightened their grip over China in the 20th century:
Most intel in the above article is correct, except that Chiang Kaishek in reality was never supporting the Cabal, but the Dragons instead. 
Here, a few explanations are necessary. The triads are NOT working for the Dragons, but mostly for the Cabal. However, many Dragon agents have infiltrated the triads and recenly, some or even most triads may or may not be secretly assisting the overthrow of the Cabal:
The Rothschilds still have quite much control over mainland China, with many agents infiltrated into the government structure, with their operating base in Hong Kong. However, lately the Red are giving tactical support to the Chinese government to weed out Rothschild infiltration. 
Macau is the operating base for the Black Nobility and Jesuit operations in China. Henry Breakspear, the head of a major Archon bloodline, lives in Macau.
Taiwan is the operating base for many positive Dragon families. They were forced out of mainland China after the communist revolution.
The Red Dragon families originate from the positive faction of the Draconian race. Their purpose is to defeat their archenemies the Jesuits (Andromedan/Orion hybrids) and the Rothschilds (Orion black magi). They are valiant protectors and guardians of justice.
You need to understand that Red Dragons today are not the same as soldiers of a Ming emperor. They have kept up with the progress of technology and they have access to a considerable military power in a way that will not be described here. Also, their computer specialists are savvy enough to reset the global financial system with the push of a button if the need for that arises. 
Since the Chinese new year, the Red are becoming more active. They have their own plans with the unholy four. They are the secret force behind Putin:

The Breakthrough is near!

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Convincing UFO Response

Continuing the Convincing of UFOs … a convincing response to Dr. Joeseph Burkes Ah, the photo from the first IUFOC poster back in 1991. It was a grand event in Tucson, a collaboration initiated by Retired Col. Wendelle Stevens, Bob Brown and Bob Dean (I think)… with a little help from Ted Loman and Jim Dilletoso. […]

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Contact in the Desert – New Dates

Contact in the Desert New Dates Now in its third year amidst the desert background in the Joshua Tree area, Contact in the Desert is moving the the end of May. Patrons are getting their wish as the previous August dates, even with the Perseid meteor showers, was challenging to heat-sensitive folks. It’s a beautiful […]

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Study reveals Clownfish can swim 250 miles to find new home

Clownfish can swim 400km to find new home, New Study


Tiny clownfish larvae can swim up to 400 kilometres in search of a hospitable anemone – an epic ability that could help them adapt to environmental change, research has found.

The clownfish migrations were discovered by Steve Simpson of the University of Exeter who analysed the DNA of two separate populations.

The groups, from the Arabian Sea, off Oman, live 250 miles (400km) apart.

Mr Simpson and his colleagues captured 136 clownfish from a northern group and 260 from one which lived further south and compared their genetic make-up.

They found one of the clownfish had migrated north from the southern group and 14 had travelled south from the northern group.
A small number of the fish in each group were hybrids, suggesting that some of the incomers had bred with natives from the group.
Mr Simpson said the fish migrate huge distances in order to share their genes, which helps strengthen their populations.

He suggests the finding could be good news for fish as they face a number of threats from global warming, including the heating up of their habitats and the acidification of seawater.

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Extraterrestrial A-Z!

Hello Gang!

I just came accross this information today. It is very interesting and somewhat mind opening. In case you haven’t noticed, lately in my art style I have been exploring beings from other worlds who are here assisting us. This guide book is sure going to make my art allot more interesting and hopefully with some good perception I will make a couple more artistic leaps in style along the way. I am committed to illustrating my perceptions through art with all of my communications and shareings. Be sure and keep checking back, becuase as my mind unfolds so does my art. And now… ET’s A-Z…

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