Tag: human genome (page 2 of 2)

Laura Eisenhower: Unity consciousness will collapse military-industrial complex


Alfred Lambremont Webre

Seattle Exopolitics Examiner January 17th, 2011 11:47 am PT

In an exclusive interview on ExopoliticsTV released January 17, 2011, Laura M. Eisenhower, the great granddaughter of US President Dwig...

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The Rulers Of The World – The Interview

{mainvote}This is a highly recommended interview from Bill Ryan to watch. A 'must see'!Click on "Read more..." to watch the embedded video below.EagleEyes  THE RULERS OF THE WORLD: a new Project Avalon video interview Some preli...

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Reversing the Curse

What has the Annunaki got to do with your C1 (atlas) bone? This bone is the bone that connects the skull and the spine. And why is this bone somehow misplaced in almost everyone? What consequences does it have? Is there a way to permanently correct ...

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OS IV: the divine-human upgrade

Friday, September 3, 2010

A few days ago I was laying on my bed watching some resistance in me rise while thinking about the many years I spent staring at the same spot on my bedroom ceiling...wondering which day and when I would be ab...

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DNA’s Healing Layer Nine

a message from Kryon channeled by Lee Carroll

Friday, 14 May, 2010  at Moscow, Russia  (posted 29 July, 2010)

Greetings, dear ones, I am Kryon of Magnetic Service. There are some who say it ...

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The Solstice Reconnection Completion

It has recently been brought to my attention by the Pleiadian High Council that as of the 3d week of May, the bulldozer brigade (aka path-pavers) have been undergoing an intense reconnection of their 12th strand of DNA.

I am told that the rec...

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Kryon – DNA Revealed

Greetings, dear ones, I am Kryon of Magnetic Service. This is a family gathering; at least, that is the way I see it. It's a precious gathering, for if you really truly understood what was happening in this moment, I think you would be surprised. However, it seems so linear. A man sits on a stage, the music plays, and Spirit comes forth... and there is reverence, blessed energy, and respect. That's the way you see it.

What is really going on here is so much bigger, for this day there's an allotment, a permission that you have given for this energy to visit you from the other side of the veil. This doesn't happen without people in front of my partner. He cannot do this alone. He cannot speak out loud with the voice of Kryon unless you are here, and he never has. This should tell you that there are some attributes in the process that require a "give and take," and there are.

You see, from my perspective, the entourage comes in and waits for permission. It's not a man on a stage. It's not necessarily a presentation. It's a reunion. For in the chairs in front of me, and reading and hearing, are ones I have known for eternity. All of you are eternal in both directions. There is no beginning of you. Think of this! That should tell you the essence and the core of what is inside.

In this moment, in these times, in this brief thing you call channelling, there is energy given. It is information in English, but while it is given and while the energy is there, the third language is above you all. It visits every chair and asks the question, "Do you remember?"

The Human Being is not built for total spiritual recall of who you are on the other side of the veil. If we offered empirical proof that this channelling was true, there would be no test at all. In addition, the crowd would be so much larger, you know? If there was proof, everyone would be here. No, instead it requires individuals to go inside and ask for discernment. "Could it be that all that is being presented here is accurate and true? Could it be that it's exactly what Kryon says it is?" This is the discernment we have spoken of often, which the Human Being has available.

So in these moments, there is, indeed, energy flowing from this crack in the veil that you have given permission to open. From that crack pours the energy of home. Just for a moment, with this third language, just for a moment, let it fill your heart. And if you're paying attention, it ought to fill you up with truth that you're more than you think.

All around this planet there is an awakening going on. It doesn't make a big noise, for there are no advertising campaigns or television shows that announce it. Slow, it is. Since 1987, it has been growing, and you feel it. Humanity is more aware of this shift now than ever before. Many around you are starting to accept what you in this room have accepted. Oh, they may not believe what you believe, but they are seeing who you are. They see a peaceful Human Being sitting among those who are in turmoil. They see the way that you handle life and others around you, how that makes a difference. There's a prophet inside each of you and we want to talk about that tonight. It may not seem like we're going to talk about a prophet inside when I tell you the subject, but there is. The subject is again DNA.

So we would like to explain some things, and continue the teaching of only a few weeks ago that we gave in the top part of Earth [northern hemisphere], which we now bring to the bottom [Australia]. But, of course, that's if you look at Earth in a linear, popular way. For who is to say what is up and down? Perhaps it's even left and right? [Kryon smile]
DNA Teaching Continues....

DNA - The very letters ring with the complexity and chemistry of high biological science. In actuality, there is a lot more to it even than science sees, for it is doubtful that science will ever see what I'm about to tell you. There are components of your DNA and attributes that are simply unseeable in 3D. I have told you in the past that what is missing at this moment in scientific endeavor, which would literally change everything, is an instrument that would measure an interdimensional field. Once that instrument or scenario is developed, and it will be, it is the closest thing you'll ever have to proof of all that we speak of. For the instant that instrument is turned upon the various things of the planet, including Human biology, there will be revelation in science, everywhere. Energy that is invisible will appear, or will at least show its shadow. It will then be real, where at the moment it is only conjecture.

Interdimensionality is here today in so many ways. Gravity is an interdimensional force. Magnetism is an interdimensional force. Even light has components of it... all invisible and unexplainable to you at the moment. But like so many other things, you use it every day, and your bodies are also part of it.

Let me explain some things to you that enhance what I've already given. In order to do this, I must review. I will briefly review what I have given before so that I may expound upon it and give you things you have not yet heard.

The Review

To you and science, the very premise of DNA is bio-chemical. That is, what you have in your body, what you believe is responsible for the blueprint of life, is totally explainable by science through the chemistry and biological processes. But there are attributes within DNA that I wish to again discuss. There are interdimensional spiritual attributes within DNA that are quantum. The actual majority of the chemistry that you can see in the Human Genome is in a quantum state. Although your science cannot measure a quantum state at this time, nor the field around it, there is evidence of it within the puzzle of the Human Genome.

We have told you that the DNA in your body carries with it a tremendous amount of unseen information and energy. We speak of DNA as an entity, not as a chemical double helix. That is to say, 100 trillion loops of DNA all work together as one energy to be called "your DNA." This group is unique. It has to be, for it is absolutely, 100 percent you. Because of the quantumness of DNA, it can contain a huge part of your spirituality. This will be defined in the publication that my partner is working on now [Kryon Book Twelve]. Not only does DNA contain the record of all that you have been on the planet, but your relationship to Gaia as well. It contains all that you have ever done and the spirituality of what you've learned in every lifetime. This information is literally imprinted within it.

Now listen to me: Over eons, no Human ever loses any spiritual revelations they have ever had. Do you understand? With intent, any Human can awaken to the point at which their DNA holds what they've learned over all lifetimes. You awaken the DNA itself with your intent and epiphany of God inside. All of the spiritual things that you have learned will come flying back and be yours again. How could they not? You opened the door originally and you own them. This has to be good news to the individual who wonders what it's going to be like if he comes back. Will he have to start over? Will he have to go through the things again that he's gone through this lifetime? The answer is no. It remains free choice, and many lifetimes might go by without any kind of spiritual quest, but in this shift, many are beginning to "remember" who they are and what they know.

Some of you have actually said that you do not choose to come back again, for it has been difficult this time. There is an intrinsic, innate feeling to some of you that this is your last time. Yet I will tell you, dear ones, that this is what you said the last time! Here is what happens: The first thing that masters and old souls want to do when they arrive on the other side of the veil is come back... and that's you! Most of you will, and when you do, you will pick up where you left off, not restart. That's in the DNA. It's beautiful. The wisdom of the ages is imprinted within the DNA. It's quantum, and therefore huge. The crystal in the Cave of Creation stores this for you and activates your DNA when you return within a different Human body.

Isn't it interesting that now that humanity has seen the Human Genome, they see how unique it is? Isn't it interesting? DNA is totally unique. Not one Human Being has DNA like the other, not even identical twins. Only a fraction of it is identical in twins (less than 5%). But not the non-protein-encoded quantum parts. They are absolutely unique to each Human.

There is more. Within the DNA are attributes of the piece of God that you are. The imprint of the Higher-Self is there. The angelic name that I call you is there. That name is not a name in linearity or one spoken in the air with vibration. Instead, it is a name that we sing in light. And when it is spoken, it vibrates with majesty. That's the truth! Feel it! The imprint of who you really are is in there. You carry with you pieces and parts of the lineage from another planet and other areas of the Universe. The energy of those who helped seed you with humanity's spiritual portion are there as well [Pleiadian]. Appropriate, it is. Beautiful, it is. Loving, it is. All of that is there within your DNA, and in order for it to be there, it has to be a quantum energy.

Now, let us again speak of the 3D biology. When the Human Genome Project was finished, all the chemicals in the double helix had been identified. In that very, very small double helix, three billion chemical parts were then known and identified. It is so small that this DNA molecule must be seen via an electron microscope. So complex it is that it has three billion in chemical parts. Then the task began of identifying what the parts did, and science began to study the enormity of what was there. They were looking, indeed, for that which created more than 23,000 Human genes. So they looked for the coding, the linear protein coding, so that they could understand how these things worked.

Science had waited a long time to see "the blueprint in action," and they did. But the shock came when less than five percent of the DNA created genes. Indeed, they saw linearity and they saw the coding in the protein-encoded portion of DNA. This small portion created the genes, but the rest of it seemed to be random, even chaotic. More than 90 percent of DNA seemed to be scrambled and useless.

My partner talked about that today [in lecture] where a quantum state appears to be chaotic. It appears to be random, for there is no linearity to be discovered in a true quantum reality, none at all. One of the things that keeps you from seeing a quantum state is the linearity bias that you have in your 3D reality. So you, indeed, stare at that which is quantum, but to you the concept of what it might be is invisible. This DNA attribute of randomness could not be taken lightly, for science was looking at something that was unexplainable. Imagine, 90 percent of DNA seemed to do nothing at all! The biologists knew better, but there simply was no explanation at hand.

On to New Information

So we start from that point in order to reveal a few things that you need to know, many of which will be eventually confirmed. When it is, you'll remember where you heard it. [Kryon smile]

DNA is far larger than you think, and even today science is starting to acknowledge that the 90 percent of DNA that is seemingly random may not be a language or code at all. Instead, it may be what they would call "influential chemistry" that somehow modifies or configures the five percent that is the engine of the genetic blueprint. The irony here is that this is exactly what's happening, but not in the way science is looking at it.

The 90 percent of DNA is a reflection of your spirituality. The Akashic Record, the Higher-Self, that which you seek that you call "a portal to the other side," is there. In a quantum state, these things are not actually in the chemicals at all. Think of all of those chemicals together as a bridge, somehow a pipeline, a portal or quantum pointer to everything. Instead of thinking in a linear way that there is a compartment or a box where your Higher-Self is, think of a doorway. If you could go there and see the quantum state of it, you would enter a pipeline that takes you to everything that is. So understand that this 3D/quantum chemical bridge is a sacred influencer of the genome, and it's very large, containing most of the information in the Human blueprint of life.

DNA is More Than You Think

Now, let us speak of DNA as you've never heard us speak before. We desire that this is published and is part of the compilation that my partner is putting together. We present it almost last in the three-year series of teaching, in the year of the three, for Kryon Book Twelve, a three in numerology. So there is 333, which represents the completion of the information this year. It is time you knew the rest of the story.

Science considers your brain to be the center of consciousness, but it is not. The brain, the highest ordered neurological group they can see, is filled with a complex synapse. Therefore, it must be responsible for what is called Human consciousness. It is not. The brain is only the 3D engine that responds to the 90 percent quantumness of DNA. It is the engine of the synapse and it's vastly complicated. But the brain is only the receiver of information to create electrical signals that do as they are instructed, as influenced by the DNA.

One hundred trillion parts of DNA working together communicate as one. Did you realize that? Science doesn't know how this happens, and the communication link from your head to your toe somehow has one purpose. Is that your brain? No. It's the DNA all together, creating the Human Being. DNA "knows." It all works together. This isn't something you are going to find in the medical books, but it completes a large missing link that science gives no credibility towards. DNA communicates with itself! It has one "mind" and it "knows" what is happening in every part of your body.

The new information is that DNA provides a "field" around you that is interdimensional. That field is your consciousness, not your brain. That which your brain does is in tandem with the DNA. Your brain dreams... or does it? The synapse is there to show it, and in your deepest REM sleep, out comes so many complex things. Those things are all in your DNA, supplied to your brain. So the DNA even supplies instructions and influence to your brain's dream activity for you. These things are difficult to explain, since we are not speaking about linear things, but that which is quantum.

All of you dream in a quantum state. That is why there's no linearity, and things don't always make sense. Those who have passed away and those who have not are all together in your dreams, yet they are looking at one another. Dreams don't make sense because they're not in the reality you are used to. That's your DNA talking... the Akashic Record coming forward and playing "the tapes" to your brain. Science does not acknowledge this, for it cannot see the field, but the DNA is Human consciousness and the brain simply is the 3D engine of the synapse that supplies the bridge for your reality.

"Kryon, is there evidence of this?" Oh, yes. Very much so. When a Human Being has an accident and the spinal cord is completely severed, it leaves the body innate. This is the paraplegic who can no longer move anything - not a finger, not a toe. And yet the heart keeps beating, does it not? Digestion continues, does it not? The kidneys and other organs function, do they not? Even reproductive activity is possible! Everything keeps going, yet you learned in school that the brain sends electrical signals through the spinal cord and keeps your heart beating, doesn't it? Well, if the spinal cord is severed, what keeps your heart beating? I will tell you - it's the blueprint of DNA!

When the engine of the synapse is broken, the DNA finds other pathways and instructs the body to continue the life force. That is why the organs continue even though control of the muscles do not. Interesting, is it not? There is proof there if you look. Science finds it curious, don't they? Therefore, you might say that your DNA is actually an esoteric, ethereal brain, containing things that your regular brain does not contain. You'd be right. There are all manner of very spectacular attributes in your DNA that are here to look at, which current science has yet to even see.

DNA "Knows"

The biggest attribute that we wish to discuss is this - this interdimensional DNA field is knowing. That is to say, it is built to extend life. It knows who you are. It contains the blueprint of your sacredness, and is one of the largest tools you have for health, for joy, for opening the door. It is in the DNA field, not the brain. That's where it is. And in that truth, there is celebration. For it releases you from having to create what you think you need.

Let me give it to you this way. If you're going to use that field as a tool, now that you know what it does, you're going to work with your cellular structure to manifest things. The normal Human experience is to gather knowledge on how. "How do I communicate? What is the best thing to ask for? How do I specify it so the DNA will know what I'm asking? Do I have to be a certain way or be in a certain place? Do I follow many steps that will open the door?"

None of the above! If you could visit your cellular structure, your Akash, your sacred life lesson, don't you think it would know what was happening? It does, perhaps even more than you do! All you have to do is speak to that which is the quantum part of you and it knows what you need. So we are asking you to relax the linearity of the lists that you give to God. For suddenly, we're telling you there is a quantum energy that is the sacred you who knows what you need.

Therefore, your meditations and prayers could be shifted to become wiser as you speak to your own cellular structure, to your own Higher-Self. You might say, "Dear Spirit, dear DNA, examine the life that I have and give me those things which will enhance it." Perhaps that's the healing you came for, dear one? Don't you think I know who's here? Perhaps that's a miracle that will give you joy in the face of the sorrow that you're in right now? Don't you think I know who is here, what you've gone through in these last days? I counted the tears when they fell, and so did the DNA field! You feel so alone, not understanding there's an entourage around you the whole time, and they would love to touch that field that is your DNA! They'd love to touch it. But not unless you say it's OK to do so.

Understand this: DNA is more than chemistry! It is a field and a portal. These things are the mechanics of Spirit. We're starting to give you advanced information and there have been those who have known how this works and assigned sacred geometry to all of it. They're accurate and it's correct. But it's a field.

A Master's Ascension

Let me review something with you that's ancient, wise, and tells a profound story. In your own scriptures in the western world, there is a story of a master named Elijah. This was the only Human Being in history to select his time of ascension without death and have it recorded by the one who would take his place. Therefore, you could see it within the writings of the one who witnessed it. I want to review it, for even all the way back then, there is proof of the field.

They say Elijah stepped into an opening, asking Elisha to record what was going to happen. Now Elijah was a master with great wisdom and knowledge and he is today what you would call an ascended master, and Elisha loved him. In the linearity of humanism, there is an entire group of people who expect his return. I have some news for them. Get out of your linearity, for he's been back a long time! For the energy of the masters are part of the energy of the great shift that is upon you. They intermingle with the vibration of this planet. They're all back, and it's what you're feeling. In a quantum state, they're in your DNA. Don't you sense this? There is so much expectation around 3D things that were never meant to be 3D. So much information is given in metaphoric terms, so you might understand that perhaps prophesy itself could mean things outside of your linear reality.

Elijah walked into the open with Elisha watching, but he did not die. Instead, he claimed his sacredness. Indeed he left, but not without some fireworks. For Elisha indicated that he turned into a chariot of fire, accompanied by three entities. In the best that he could see and describe in his linearity, Elisha described what it looked like and what it felt like. Now, take a look at this, for you will find that it was not necessarily angels from above who came and got Elijah. Instead, something happened on the ground and Elijah turned into light and he left.

Let me tell you what that was. That was Elijah energizing his field of DNA! This field has a name, the name given at that moment Elijah was riding a chariot of light. The name was given in Hebrew: Merkabah. And I will now reveal to you, as I have before two times, that your DNA field is indeed your Merkabah. It has sacred geometry connected to it, for this interdimensional field has structure. If you could see it, you'd see the structure of the double tetrahedron, and it's beautiful. It's not just a ball of light. The name Merkabah would indicate that something rides within it, and it is the chariot of your divinity. Each Human Being has this, recorded by Elisha watching the master ascend. In addition, the chariot contained three parts, which was the reunion that I have spoken about in the past of the three parts that split from you when you arrive on the earth, and recombine when you leave. I will give more about this in the next channelling. That's what we want to share in these moments, for that's what each one of you has - exactly what Elijah had.

Biology and Intent

Let's talk more about biology because now it gets a little more complex. There is an intermingling of the 3D and the quantum that we wish to describe to you now. It's something that is new, for the vibration of this planet and of humanity, especially of those who are working with the light, is creating a new tool set. You're going to start to see it and it's going to be visible through examination of the 3D chemistry of DNA, even at the 3D level.

Science is now looking at what they call markers in the protein-encoded DNA, which creates the Human genes. These markers, as they are described by science, are those that are the pieces and parts that would indicate predispositions - attributes that might weaken certain cells so that later in life they would allow disease, such as cancer. They're starting to see these markers, perhaps in certain families where mothers and daughters and their daughters and their daughters all had the same kind of disease. They're starting to see the genetic markers that create predisposed weakness.

Let's talk about the markers, for this is the first time we have disclosed this. First the premise: For years we have told you that your intent to talk to your cellular structure has power. This intent is your communication to the DNA field to alter something within the 3D cellular structure. You might say it's your own interdimensional "voice" giving instructions to the quantum part of your DNA, which then results in the actual chemical changes that are occurring in the codes within your 3D genome. But now the results are going to be seen, and you can begin by removing the markers, and when you do, they stay removed. This means that something quantum you do today can change the chemistry of your gene-producing DNA so greatly that it will NOT be passed to your children. You can break the chain.

Blessed are the Human Beings who realize that as they purify their lives with the light of the Creator, it will affect the biology of the protein-encoded parts. You can erase the markers. It's one of the first times that the 3D has intermingled with the quantum so that science can someday look at the same Human Being over time, knowing that DNA never changes... yet it did! It's yours and it's unique and you changed it. There will be no answer for them, but the 3D facts will show it, that you eliminated the marker.

The joy of this and the beauty of this is that the lineage of the young women who do this will be shown, for their daughters will not have the disease, nor will the daughters of their daughters. It's a new gift and reflects the power of the times. Can you really change those who are your children-to-be? Indeed!

I know what you are thinking. The crowd who sits here says, "Well, it's a little late, Kryon. I've had my children. So why do you sit here and tell me these things?" Are you not understanding where this message is going? Are you not understanding the profundity of what happens when old souls allow us to give this information to Earth? Do you not understand your energy has generated the allotment of allowance for us to come in today and give you this, so that young women and young men who are Lightworkers each will hear it and know what it means to them? Do you understand you're your own ancestors? Has this occurred to you? I see you as actual history, sitting in the chair, from all over the world! That's what I wanted to tell you today.

You don't each have one name to me. I don't even see the gender that you are. I see you in a quantum state and that's why it's so profound that you would let us come in and visit you in this fashion. The woman sits in the chair in front of me. She has no idea the warrior she's been, or how big she was when she was a man. Yet she carries around with her the feeling of the warrior and she knows she's strong. I look at the big, burly man and I see the mother toiling with all those children and the man knows it. He can feel it. He's sensitive and can actually feel the love of a mother. Who is it he used to be? And how has it affected him today?

Old soul, it's affected you today because every single lifetime gives you layer upon layer of wisdom. It has brought you to the chair today or reading this today. For this is the lifetime where you have awakened and realized there is more, a lot more. It brings you as a seeker to a place where you can say, "What can I do for myself and the earth?"

I'll tell you what you can do. You can become compassionate on this planet. You can walk around and show your light on this planet. You can change the markers in your own DNA! Think of who's listening to this message and what it might mean to their children and their children's children. These are the tools we spoke of so long ago, and the proof will come down the line of the reality of this message.

All of this that I have told you today is correct and real, and will be seen naturally in its own way. But I wanted you to know the sacredness that is here within a structure you thought was only chemical based. DNA is far larger and more sacred than anyone has ever imagined.

So what are you going to do with this information? Why don't you walk out of this place different than you came in, feeling a little more enabled? Perhaps you will feel a little better about the possibilities before you? Perhaps you might even know that what happened today is real.

And so it is.


The information is free and available for you to print out, copy and distribute as you wish. Its Copyright, however, prohibits its sale in any form except by the publisher. 

Lee Carroll

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Rewriting Our Hologram

Channeler: Suzan Caroll Ph.D

MARCH 2010

Step 20


Welcome back to the threshold of the sixth dimensional expression of our Arcturian Corridor. It is from this frequency/expression of our Corridor that you can re-enter the sixth dimension to rewrite the holographic projection for your current third dimensional reality. You have heard the “theory” that your third dimensional world is actually a holographic projection. 

The Truth is much greater than that, but a “holographic projection” is, indeed, a good metaphor for third/forth dimensional life. From our perspective in the eighth through tenth dimensions, which flow and intermingle as ONE, we perceive the fourth dimension as the “aura” of your third dimensional reality. Hence, when we speak of the third dimension, we include the fourth as the etheric emanations of the physical world. This fourth dimensional etheric reality connects you to the higher worlds of the fifth dimension and beyond.


The process of raising your Kundalini and opening your Third Eye activates your pineal gland, which is the hyper-dimensional stargate built into your human physiology. Kundalini activation is the result of balancing all of your chakras and raising the feminine force of Lady Shakti from your Root Chakra into Divine Unity with the masculine force of Lord Shiva in the Crown Chakra. This blending and balancing of your feminine and masculine energies, known as the Mystical Marriage, opens your Third Eye and fully activates your “pineal stargate.”

With the opening of your pineal stargate, you can accept the multidimensional, torsion waves directly into your daily consciousness and earth vessel. Furthermore, different DNA is turned ON or OFF by different frequencies of light. The third dimensional spectrum of light turns ON the 2% to 3% of your human genome DNA, which runs your Third-dimensional Operating System. This Operating System is based on the illusions of separation and limitation that arise from a strongly polarized reality. This system can only accept, integrate and utilize light that is limited to the small spectrum of the physical reality.

Since the fall of Atlantis, and especially during the last two thousand years of the Piscean Age, the higher dimensional light has been lost to most of humanity. However, now, you are entering the Golden Age of Aquarius and Gaia has moved into the flow of torsion waves emanating from the Galactic Center. These torsion waves of multidimensional light turn OFF your 3% of human genome DNA and turn ON your 97% of “Junk DNA” as they enter through the small quantum vortexes of the Junk DNA.

Once the multidimensional light is accepted and integrated into your earth vessel, it turns ON your new Multidimensional Operating System, which is stored in your Junk DNA. Then, the multidimensional light slowly takes precedence over the physical spectrum of light and the Third-dimensional Operating System of your 3% DNA begins to turn OFF. This is why so many of you have an ever-decreasing interest in the third dimensional reality and deeply long for the multidimensionality of the fifth dimension and beyond. Fortunately, during your transition, both Operating Systems will be operational, allowing you to simultaneously live in both realities.


Before the Mystical Marriage of your inner feminine and masculine energies and the opening of your Third Eye, your earth vessel can only perceive, integrate and utilize the limited light spectrum of the third dimension. Your First, Root Chakra accepts and reflects the spectrum of red light, which connects and grounds you to Earth. As your Kundalini rises, this red light merges into the orange light of the Second, Navel Chakra, integrating the frequencies of red and orange light. Then, as your Kundalini rises into your Third, Solar Plexus Chakra to merge the red and orange with the yellow frequency of light, you combine and integrate your “Lower Chakras.”

The combined frequency of light of your Lower Chakras then enters your Fourth, Heart Chakra to intermingle with the green frequency of light. Via your Heart Chakra, you connect your Lower Chakras with your “Higher Chakras.” The light of the first four chakras then moves into your Fifth, Throat Chakra to intermingle with the blue frequency of the third dimensional light spectrum. Your Kundalini then moves into your Sixth, Brow Chakra to unite the red through blue expressions of light with the indigo frequency of this chakra.

The Seventh, Crown Chakra resonates to violet light, which is the highest frequency in the third dimensional light spectrum. This violet light serves as a bridge to connect the white light, the unity of all colors of light, into your earth vessel. With Lady Shakti awaiting her groom in the Sixth, Brow Chakra, Lord Shiva in the Seventh, Crown Chakra calls forth the opening of the Pineal Gland Stargate to accept the multidimensional light of the higher through quantum frequencies of reality. The multidimensional light enters your Crown much as the groom (masculine, Lord Shiva) walks into the Chapel to await his bride (feminine, Lady Shakti).

The bride then walks down the aisle (through the pineal gland of the Brow Chakra) to join her groom at the Marriage Alter (third ventricle of the brain) to enter into in their Mystical Marriage. With this Marriage, the seven octaves of the physical spectrum of light (Shakti’s Bride’s Maids) unite with the multidimensional light of the ONE to join the Spirit of the ONE into the Matter of your earth vessel, as well as the earth vessel of Gaia.

This Mystical Marriage of your inner masculine and feminine energies opens your Third Eye and High Heart, which have been latent within your earth vessel since your birth. This opening then allows you to begin the gradual unveiling of the illusions of your third dimensional reality. With the opening of your Third Eye and High Heart, new brainwaves come online in your computer/brain that can access and utilize your Multidimensional Operating System. Furthermore, because of your Mystical Marriage, you can now accept and integrate multidimensional light, which commences turning ON the Junk DNA in which your new Operating System has silently been stored. BRAINWAVES AND OPERATING SYSTEMS  

As your Multidimensional Operating System comes online in your computer brain, it is your new brainwaves, which allow you to consciously understand and utilize the multidimensional light that invisibly swirls into and through the third dimension. One of these newly accessible brainwaves, Gamma brainwaves (40 cps), are associated with the brain function that creates a holographic synthesis of data stored in various areas of the brain to fuse them together into a higher perspective. It is this higher perspective that allows you to consciously perceive the fifth dimension and beyond, while still wearing a human earth vessel. 

The extremely high brainwaves of Hyper Gamma (100 cps) and Lambda (200 cps) and the extremely lowEpsilonbrainwaves (0.5 cps) are associated with higher states of SELF-awareness. This awareness encompasses the ability to access superior levels of information through insight, psychic abilities, and out-of-body experiences to assist in the brain’s holographic packaging of information into coherent images, thoughts, and memories.

Hyper Gamma, Lambda, and Epsilon frequencies are linked together in a circular relationship. Hyper Gamma and Lambda brainwaves are so fast that they appear to be embedded in the extremely slow Epsilon brainwaves. Simultaneously, the extremely slow Epsilon waves are so slow that they appear to be riding on the crest of the very fast Hyper Gamma and Lambda waves. In the same manner, your multidimensional senses are embedded into, and piggybacked onto, your third dimensional five senses. These brainwaves allow you to use your expanded perceptions while you are in your mundane consciousness.

The higher dimensional realities have always existed, but they were beyond the perceptions of your Third Dimensional Operating System, because the expanded states of consciousness of your Multidimensional Operating System were not yet “online.” Therefore, these dimensional realities were forgotten. Fortunately, your potential to perceive these dimensions remained latent within your biological computer brain, awaiting the activation of your Multidimensional Operating System. 

At first, both the Third Dimensional Operating System and the Multidimensional Operating System will both be online. Eventually, the Multidimensional Operating System will be the main system, which means that your primary reality/consciousness will be in the fifth dimension and beyond. Yet, you will still be aware of the third and fourth dimensions. This process has already begun for those of you in our Corridor, although you may not be fully aware of it in your mundane states of consciousness. From the sixth dimension, you will be able to read the holographic projection of your current reality to assist in updating your computer/brain to the Multidimensional Operating System.


The rise of your Kundalini, Mystical Marriage, activation of your Pineal Stargate, expanded consciousness, and the recognition and integration of your Multidimensional SELF, expands your consciousness enough to encompass the sixth dimension. It is from the sixth dimension that you can write, or edit, your holographic program for your third dimensional, grounded self and/or selves. To better understand what we are saying, let us divert from our journey long enough to explain to you how a holographic projection is created. 

FIRST a single laser beam is split into two separate beams.
The first beam is bounced off the object whose image is to be recorded.
The second beam is recorded on a mirror and allowed to collide with the reflective light of the first beam
THEN the interactions of the two beams are recorded on a piece of film called a holographic plate or matrix.
The PATTERN that is recorded on the plate looks like chaotic swirls and concentric circles until another laser beam is used to illuminate the film.  It is then that a hologram of the original object occurs.

In other words:
The light of your Soul/SELF copies a portion of its light from the unity of the ONE to become two sixth dimensional beams of light.

This FIRST part of the sixth dimensional light beam is bounced off the object, thought-form of your Multidimensional Soul/SELF, whose image is to be recorded.

The SECOND beam of sixth dimensional light is recorded on a mirror and allowed to collide with the reflection of light bounced off of the “object”  (your Multidimensional SELF).

Then the interaction of the two beams (light wave interference) is recorded on a piece of film called a holographic plate  (matrix of third dimensional Earth)

The pattern that is recorded on the plate looks like chaotic swirls and concentric circles until another laser beam is used to illuminate the film.

This “other” beam is your fifth dimensional SELF’S intention to observe your physical ego/self.
It is then that a holographic projection of your original sixth dimensional SELF occurs on the Holographic Film Plate as a physical reality.

To summarize, in order for your Multidimensional SELF resonating within the ONE to observe it’s reflection in a third dimensional form, it had to split its light into “the observer” and “that which was to be observed.” Therefore, your Multidimensional SELF needed to create a Divine Ideal for the form it wished to observe in its holographic projection of life in the lower dimensions. Consequently, your SELF created a thought-form of a human body, which became the object off which the first beam of light would reflect.

Then, the second beam of light was infused with unconditional love and multidimensional consciousness so that once it reflected off the mirror and intermingled with the first beam (human body) on the holographic plate, the purity of the multidimensional light  and unconditional love would be maintained.

Then the projections of light needed to be unified on the holographic plate (planet Earth) to manifest as a member of that physical reality. At this point, your Multidimensional Soul/SELF needed to observe you so that the swirling circles of energy could become form. In this manner, your form was held and the illusion of your physical reality was maintained.


When you were young children, most of you could still see the world from the consciousness, belief, expectation and perspective of your Multidimensional SELF. In other words, you believed that you had full control of the creation of your reality. You had this belief, expectation and perception because your Multidimensional Operating System was still fully activated. Unfortunately, it was very difficult to maintain the expanded state of consciousness that activated this Operating System while incarnated in your third dimensional form.

Overtime, your consciousness lowered, your Multidimensional Operating System turned OFF, and your Third-dimensional Operating System took precedence over your beliefs, expectations and perceptions of reality. Then, you accepted the collective belief that you were a separate being living in a dense, physical world and expected hardship and limitation. Consequently, that is what you perceived. Your childhood world of magic and imagination still surrounded  you, but it was just beyond the limitation of your third dimensional perception.

This limitation created a strong inner yearning to “go Home,” but you soon forgot where Home was. You just knew that something was missing, and that some day you would find it. That day is NOW. However, in order to return Home to your true Multidimensional SELF, you have had to find a way to connect with your SELF while still in your third dimensional form. Fortunately, you learned that if you expanded your consciousness beyond the confines of the physical reality, you could perceive your Multidimensional SELF from the perspective of your third dimensional self. To accomplish this task, you had to break the chain of illusion.

It is through your observation of your Multidimensional Soul/SELF in the ONE from the perspective of your ego/self in the third dimension that you have broken the chain of illusion to see your self (projected light) as your SELF (light united in the ONE). When YOU (the holographic projection) can observe your Divine Matrix in the sixth dimension (your SELF in the ONE) while still holding your holographic form, the third dimensional veils of illusion are released. You can then eternally commune with and return to your SELF who lives eternally in unity with the ONE.

It is at this point that you fully remember why you have chosen to “log-in” (project your SELF) into the third dimensional hologram. The ONE does not want to extinguish its many expressions of light. Instead, it wishes them to return to the full awareness of their Multidimensional BEING while maintaining their sense of individuality. In this manner, “Individuality within Unity” is created.

This process of maintaining your Personal Consciousness within the ONE begins with the maintenance of your personal earth vessel while you fully grounding your Multidimensional SELF into your third dimensional holographic self. Therefore, your unity with the ONE begins with your unity with your physical reality. Through uniting with your third dimensional reality, while observing and communing with the ONE, you learn the power of manifestation in your physical reality.

This power of manifestation is based on the Knowing that YOU are your Multidimensional SELF. Then you, Multidimensional/SELF, remembers that you, ego/self, have the innate ability to observe the many swirls of light on your holographic plate to create your reality of form. Hence, when your Multidimensional SELF is fully grounded in your ego/self, YOU create your reality by the simple act of observation.


The above youtube is created by some of today’s most awakened minds.

Some of their most important points are outlined below:
The ocean of consciousness is the source of all matter.
 There is no matter. 
All physicality around us is the result of a frequency of resonance.
If you amplify the frequency, the structure of matter will change.
This self-contained system is a “super hologram,” and everything within
it is an expression of that hologram.

Since reality is a hologram, every particle is a vision of the whole.
      In other words, the entire whole is contained in every particle.
We can’t find one particle, as it is a reflection of ALL particles.
If we change any small component of the hologram,
it is reflected in the whole.

The substance of the Universe is Consciousness.
Fear-based consciousness holds the belief that the substance of the Universe is matter.
If the Universe is matter, then the believer needs possessions and riches.

Remember that all physicality is a frequency.
Fear is a slow, dense vibrational state.
If we hold fear, our consciousness lowers and the frequency of our reality is dense and slow.

Within a holographic reality, what you believe, you create.
Reality is built out of thought.
Every thought is like a spider, spinning a web in the holographic matrix.

The Matrix of a hologram is information.
When you put information into your hologram, you create fractals, unending and
 ever-repeating patterns, in your matrix.

These fractals change your matrix.
When a system becomes highly destabilized, there will be random shifts that suddenly self-organize into higher states of complexity.

At a sub-atomic, quantum level, reality organizes according to the expectations of the observer.
Everything in the Universe is composed of sub-atomic particles, whirling at lightening speed around huge empty spaces.

These particles are not material objects; they are fluctuations of energy and information in a cosmic void of energy and information.
When you change the field that the atoms are in, you change the atoms.
We are made up of these atoms.
Our feelings change the field of our atoms to literally alter our physical reality.

Our BODY is a biological computer.
WE are Consciousness.

Our WORLD is a tiny frequency range within infinite ranges of frequency.
LIFE is a holographic television station.

Our consciousness creates the channel, frequency, of the REALITY we experience.
We can’t imagine a reality that exists without us because...

The act of our observation allows us to create-as-we-go a participatory Universe.

We may never find the edge of the Universe or the smallest particle because...
Everywhere our consciousness explores with the expectation of perceiving
 something, there it will be, for we have created it. 
We are building the Universe as we go!

Consciousness is the programming language of our holographic Universe.
We are consciousness conductors.
Consciousness comes through us and emanates from us.
Therefore, humanity has the ability to create a new reality.

If we switch OFF our brains and hook our consciousness into the mainstream media of illusion, we are manipulated in a certain way so that the creation of our reality is not ours—but the reality of someone else.
            Therefore, we need to take control of our reality at a quantum level.

The world is just a ride, but we forgot that fact and began to believe that the ride is real. 


Dear Ones, now that you have awakened, you realize that the third dimension is a ride, a stage for your play, a virtual reality game, and YOU are the conductor, director and programmer.  Once you regain this multidimensional knowing, you are free to conduct, direct and program your Path Home to SELF. Now, the creation, you, are ready to unite with the Creator, you, to become “the hand drawing itself.” On your Path Home to SELF, you travel the vertical “elevator” up into the higher frequencies of reality on the horizontal planes of existence.

On each of these planes you find a form of your Multidimensional SELF. These forms were created on your first projection down from the ONE and into the planes of illusion and separation. Each form/container is a construction of the resonance of the light particles of that dimension/plane. In the case of your earth vessel, light is so slow that it becomes physical matter. In the realities higher up the vertical scale, your container is of a higher resonance.
Do you realize now what a great accomplishment you have completed? Do you realize now how truly magnificent you are to observe your SELF from the form of your self that your SELF is observing?  It is much like the famous picture by Escher of the hand drawing itself.

We will now resume our inter-dimensional journey through the Arcturian Corridor. As you step onto the threshold of the sixth dimension remember that Consciousness is the language that programs your hologram. Through the recognition and integration of your Multidimensional SELF, as well as your experiences in our Corridor, your consciousness has expanded from Personal to Collective to Planetary to Galactic Consciousness. When you participated in the opening of the sixth dimensional frequency of our Corridor (archived Multidimensional News, January 26, 2010), your consciousness expanded to Cosmic Consciousness.

Now, before you take part in the expanding of the Corridor into the sixth dimension, remember, if you can, when you were a young child and KNEW that Faeries and Angels were real.  In fact, you knew that you were a Faerie, a mighty Dragon, or a beam of Light soaring through the sky. You knew these things to be true, to be real. Unfortunately, over time, you wanted to be like “others,” so you pretended to just be “regular.” Then, bit-by-bit you began to forget what you knew as a child, and the memories of your Multidimensional SELF began to fade from your mind and leave an empty space in your heart. 

One day, your great Multidimensional Consciousness deflated so low that you found you were a victim. You were a victim to the demands of others and the rules and regulations of a world that limited your creativity and made you work hard to be good enough to get lots of money to buy stuff.  You needed the money and the stuff because the ache in your heart had become a painful longing for a place you once knew and a person you once had been. Nonetheless, you put your head down and tried to do what others wanted. However, each victory that you achieved was empty and only fed your longing. 

You began to discard the beliefs and expectations of others and sought to regain the peace and joy you knew when you were free to be alive in your imagination. Then, gradually, or all at once, you began to remember your SELF—the one who flew and fought for love and light. This knowing made you feel independent and gave you a strong sense of your own Personal Consciousness, which allowed you to release being a victim.

At first this new person, this SELF, was a secret. Then, the loneliness returned, and you knew you had to be your SELF in daily life—no matter what the consequences. To your surprise, the consequences were wonderful. As you came out of hiding, you found others who were also coming out of hiding. You opened your heart to these people, and your consciousness expanded from Personal to Collective Consciousness.

You, and the collective of awakening beings loved Gaia, for your Soul told you that She was you Mother Earth, as well as the higher dimensional expression of your Collective SELF. This love for all life expanded your consciousness to Planetary Consciousness. Via your Planetary Consciousness, Gaia whispered to your Soul about Her portals into higher worlds, and many of you found your way to our Corridor. You joined other awakened ones, and Gaia Herself, to journey through the Lower Astral Plane of the fourth dimension to clear your tunnel of light and enter your fourth dimensional reality.

You then entered your fifth dimensional reality to connect, commune and integrate your Multidimensional SELF. With this return to SELF you were able to recognize and begin a relationship with your great Galactic Family, which expanded your Planetary Consciousness to Galactic Consciousness.  With your first visit to the sixth dimension (See Multidimensional News January 26, 2010) your consciousness expanded to Cosmic Consciousness.

Cosmic Consciousness is the state of consciousness that allows you to fully perceive, accept and integrate the torsion waves flowing from the Galactic Center. Furthermore, from the perspective of your Cosmic Consciousness you can easily see through the third dimensional illusions of separation and limitation.  You KNOW that YOU are the creator of your reality because you are a reflection of your Multidimensional SELF in the ONE who cast the reflections of its Light onto the holographic matrix of your present incarnation.

You also KNOW that this incarnation—log-into the 3D Game of Separation—is special as it is the life in which you are to experience the joy and victory of raising your planetary reality into the fifth dimension. You will live within the Collective ONE and experience Being a planet, reunite with your Galactic Family and take charge of your reality at the quantum, sub-atomic level.

See yourself at the threshold of a holographic matrix that directs you into and through the ribbons of Light Language, which moves into and out of your potential form. Take a moment to find one of the ribbons, and attach your consciousness to it with the intention of entering the vortex. As you surrender to the feel, color and tone of multidimensional light, its resonance of unconditional love pulls you into and through the vortices of light. Faster and faster, you travel into and through myriad possible, probable and even “impossible” realties.

Beyond the speed of light, you now flash past planets, solar systems, galaxies, nebulas, black holes, white holes, voids and universes. All that you perceive is real because you have chosen to observe it. It is the act of your observation that has created these realities, although they were always there as potential. Logical thought and human emotions cannot adhere to your consciousness. You are too expansive and too small.

You are your thoughts made manifest, while your emotions hone your course towards your present life, the one you had before you became pure light. As you enter that matrix, the force of your unconditional love intertwines you into the sixth dimensional holographic projection of your present life. From the perspective of the sixth dimension, you see your grounded self on third dimensional Earth.

Using the Cosmic Consciousness of your programmer SELF, you send a beam of unconditional love and multidimensional consciousness from your sixth dimensional SELF to the heart of your grounded one. Allow this beam of light and love to create a constant communication between your programmer SELF who projected you into your reality, and your grounded self, who is returning from a long journey into polarity.

Now, take a moment to review the files of that life. Then, any fear-based virus can be erased by your unconditional love, while the light of your great Cosmic Consciousness can raise your resonance beyond the polarity of fear. See the “file” your “child of knowing.” EXPAND this file with your unconditional love, and SAVE it with your Cosmic Consciousness. As you do so, you feel your Multidimensional Operating System begin its download.

When did that knowing disappear?  What were the fear-based emotions that caused you to forget your SELF? The antidote for fear-based thoughts and emotions is unconditional love. HIGHLIGHT that fear and DELETE it with unconditional love. Then, SAVE that change with your Cosmic Consciousness. As you do so, your Multidimensional Operating System comes online.
When did you realize that you had become a victim? Use your unconditional love to AMPLIFY that moment of awakening. Remember the fear that created your becoming a victim and DELETE that file with your unconditional love. With the language of your Cosmic Consciousness, change your programming from “I can’t control my life,” to “I am the creator of my reality.” SAVE these changes and feel a moment of joy as you catch a glimpse of reality through your Multidimensional Operating System.
When did your awareness expand to Personal Consciousness?

Review this return to SELF and AMPLIFY it with unconditional love, as you use your Cosmic Consciousness to SAVE these changes. As you do so, your Third-dimensional Operating System gradually begins to switch OFF, while your Multidimensional Operating System gradually turns ON.

When did your awareness expand to Collective Consciousness?

FEEL the Collective Consciousness of humanity about you. With the force of your unconditional love, DELETE all fear stemming from this Collective and SAVE those changes with your Cosmic Consciousness. Take a moment to send a ripple of unconditional love into that collective reality to assist others to DELETE their fear. Now, merge your Cosmic Consciousness with the Collective Consciousness to assist in raising the resonant frequency of all humanity.
When did you embrace Planetary Consciousness?
AMPLIFY that process and share it with Gaia. Then, use your unconditional love to DELETE the fear and heal the damage that has been done to Her planet, as well as to your personal earth vessel. Use your Cosmic Consciousness to raise the resonance of personal and planetary bodies, as well as to SAVE those changes in your earth vessel and in the area of Earth in which you live.

When did you embrace Galactic Consciousness?

Use your unconditional love to welcome the closest members of your Galactic Family into your daily life. Using your Cosmic Consciousness, SAVE that connection on the “Desktop” of your Third Eye and High Heart. “Back it up,” on the hard-drive of your Junk DNA to expedite your process of returning to Lightbody.

FEEL your Cosmic Consciousness as it begins to close down your Third-dimensional Operating System and fully activate your Multidimensional Operating System. SAVE this shift with your unconditional love. Take some “time” each day to acknowledge the great change that is ongoing in your consciousness and, hence, in your reality. Vow, again and again, I AM my SELF.

With the programming language of your Cosmic Consciousness, you have programmed your Third-dimensional Operating System to turn OFF and your Multidimensional Operating System to turn ON. Since your new Operating System is multidimensional, it functions for the third, as well as for the higher dimensions. Therefore, you will still experience the third dimension, but will no longer be limited to it.

With you Cosmic Consciousness, which is inherent within your Multidimensional Operating System, you have access to all the files of third dimensional illusion, as well as the files of multidimensional awareness and perception. Unfortunately, the virus of fear has entered the computer brain of your grounded one and needs to be continually purged. Nonetheless, your Multidimensional Operating System can use its sixth dimensional component to purge these fearful illusions, which will reveal the Truth to of your expanding perceptions. This System will then SAVE these changes to your Third Eye and High Heart.

Your Cosmic Consciousness and unconditional love may need to go deeply into the ones and zeros of these files to clear the many lives and parallel realities in which your grounded one suffered under the illusions of hard work, limitation, fearful thoughts and emotions, as well as separation from your true, Multidimensional SELF. Fortunately, with your Multidimensional Operating System online, all you need “do” is:

Be still within your mind, and open in your heart.
The Path of ONE may seem alone, but only at the start.

Each day you walk along this Path, you KNOW it’s filled with love.
This love resounds from deep within, as well as from above.

Reach down inside and all around, to see what you desire.
To find the life that you’ll create, and BE who you admire.

Accept this life and give it thanks, each day and every hour.
Then, just relax and watch the show, as your new life comes to flower.

It may take some third dimensional “time” for your grounded one to be aware of your shift. Therefore, with the unconditional love of your Cosmic Consciousness, you whisper into the heart of your grounded one,

“NOW, you are awake. You are your SELF! 
Separation is an illusion. Limitation is a state of mind. 
YOU are the creator of your life. 

Consciousness is the programming language of your reality, and 
YOU are Consciousness!”

We are The Arcturians.


Thank you for joining us in the Arcturian Corridor. 

If you are new to our journey please find the previous steps as a free download at http://www.multidimensions.com/TheVision/books.html

Step 14 on are in the archived newsletters, starting with July 2009 at: http://www.multidimensions.com/TheVision/integration_newsletters.html

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