Tag: Houston

Pipeline Spill Dumps 105,000 Gallons of Oil on California’s Coastline

Oil from a broken pipeline coats miles of the Pacific Ocean and shoreline near Goleta, Calif., May 20, 2015, after a 24-inch underground pipeline broke May 19th and leaked into a culvert leading to the ocean. Houston-based Plains All American Pipeline said an thousands of gallons of oil were released before the pipeline was shut down. Photos by Jonathan Alcorn/Greenpeace. Steve Horn, DeSmog BlogUp to 105,000 gallons of oil obtained via offshore drilling have spilled from a p [...]

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Dying With Dignity

 Excerpt from huffingtonpost.comBy Debbie FinkCo-authored by Karen Bloch MorseThere is nothing easy or natural about watching your 41-year-old friend (of 41 years) -- who, by all counts, looks healthy -- ...

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"Catastrophic end" for out-of-control space cargo ship ~ Video from Spacecraft Cockpit

Excerpt from cbsnews.com A Russian Progress cargo ship bound for the International Space Station spun out of control Tuesday. Engineers were unable to direct the wayward ship and soon gave up any hope that it would be able to dock t...

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Striking Similarities Between Brain Cells and Our Universe

The two pictures below illustrate the similarities. The top picture shows the neural network of a brain cell; the bottom picture shows the distribution of dark matter in the universe as simulated by Millennium Simulation.

Excerpt from  themindunleashed.org

The structures of the universe and the human brain are strikingly similar.

In the Eastern spiritual discipline of Daoism, the human body has long been viewed as a small universe, as a microcosm. As billion-dollar investments are made in the United States and Europe to research brain functioning, the correlations between the brain and the universe continue to emerge.

The two pictures below illustrate the similarities. The top picture shows the neural network of a brain cell; the bottom picture shows the distribution of dark matter in the universe as simulated by Millennium Simulation.

The pictures show a structural similarity in terms of connections and distribution of matter in the brain and in the universe. The photo on the left is a microscopic view, the one on the right is a macroscopic view.

The brain is like a microcosm.

A study conducted by Dmitri Krioukov of the University of California and a team of researchers published in Nature last year shows striking similarities between neural networks in the brain and network connections between galaxies.

Krioukov’s team created a computer simulation that broke the known universe down into tiny, subatomic units of space-time, explained Live Science. The simulation added more space-time units as the history of the universe progressed. The developing interactions between matter in galaxies was similar to the interactions that comprise neural networks in the human brain.
Physicist Kevin Bassler of the University of Houston, who was not involved in the study, told Live Science that the study suggests a fundamental law governing these networks.

In May 2011, Seyed Hadi Anjamrooz of the Kerman University of Medical Sciences and other Iranian medical scientists published an article in the International Journal of the Physical Sciences on the similarities between cells and the universe. They explain that a black hole resembles the cell nucleus. A black hole’s event horizon—a sort of point of no return where the gravitational pull will suck objects into the black hole—also resembles the nuclear membrane.

The event horizon is double-layered, as is the nuclear membrane. Much like the event horizon, which prevents anything that enters from leaving, the nuclear membrane separates cell fluids, preventing mixing, and regulates the exchange of matter between the inside and outside of the nucleus. Black holes and living cells also both emit pockets of electromagnetic radiation, among other similarities.

The researchers wrote: “Nearly all that exists in the macrouniverse is mirrored in a biological cell as a microuniverse. Simply put, the universe can be pictured as a cell.”

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Japanese probe’s study of asteroid matter could help explain Earth’s evolution

Excerpt from 

The Hayabusa 2, a robotic Japanese spacecraft is due to launch on Monday in Japan from the Tanegashima Space Center. The take-off was originally set for Saturday, but because of unfavorable elements it was not able to launch. Fortunately, on Monday, the launch of Hayabusa 2 will continue and in mid-2018 it will reach its destination, Asteroid 1999 JU3.

Asteroid 1999 JU3 is 3,000 foot in circumference and circles the sun on an orbit that crosses through Earth’s. In past research, the belief that organic matter existed on JU3 was brought up by NASA, the U.S. Air Force and the Massachusetts Institute of Technology. Carbon, amino acids and water-rich minerals were all believed to be located on the asteroid, which might help to provide fundamental evidence on evolution and where oceans were first created on Earth.

Due to the substantial evidence brought back in the original Hayabusa mission, JAXA and the Japanese Aerospace Exploration Agency have partnered with planetary scientist Paul Abell from NASA’s Johnson Space Center in Houston. They are to carry out the Hayabusa 2 mission on Monday in hopes that the H-2A rocket will bring back evidence of organic material on Asteroid 1999 JU3.

With the right samples and evidence, they may be able to prove the correlation between asteroids, how the solar system formed, and how life started on Earth. This could greatly impact the theories of evolution and the solar system. The Hayabusa 2 mission for organic matter on the JU3 is important for furthering scientific study.

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Is a trip to the moon in the making?

Excerpt from bostonglobe.com

Decades after that first small step, space thinkers are finally getting serious about our nearest neighbor By Kevin Hartnett

This week, the European Space Agency made headlines with the first successful landing of a spacecraft on a comet, 317 million miles from Earth. It was an upbeat moment after two American crashes: the unmanned private rocket that exploded on its way to resupply the International Space Station, and the Virgin Galactic spaceplane that crashed in the Mojave Desert, killing a pilot and raising questions about whether individual businesses are up to the task of operating in space.  During this same period, there was one other piece of space news, one far less widely reported in the United States: On Nov. 1, China successfully returned a moon probe to Earth. That mission follows China’s landing of the Yutu moon rover late last year, and its announcement that it will conduct a sample-return mission to the moon in 2017.  With NASA and the Europeans focused on robot exploration of distant targets, a moon landing might not seem like a big deal: We’ve been there, and other countries are just catching up. But in recent years, interest in the moon has begun to percolate again, both in the United States and abroad—and it’s catalyzing a surprisingly diverse set of plans for how our nearby satellite will contribute to our space future.  China, India, and Japan have all completed lunar missions in the last decade, and have more in mind. Both China and Japan want to build unmanned bases in the early part of the next decade as a prelude to returning a human to the moon. In the United States, meanwhile, entrepreneurs are hatching plans for lunar commerce; one company even promises to ferry freight for paying customers to the moon as early as next year. Scientists are hatching more far-out ideas to mine hydrogen from the poles and build colonies deep in sky-lit lunar caves.  This rush of activity has been spurred in part by the Google Lunar X Prize, a $20 million award, expiring in 2015, for the first private team to land a working rover on the moon and prove it by sending back video. It is also driven by a certain understanding: If we really want to launch expeditions deeper into space, our first goal should be to travel safely to the moon—and maybe even figure out how to live there.
Entrepreneurial visions of opening the moon to commerce can seem fanciful, especially in light of the Virgin Galactic and Orbital Sciences crashes, which remind us how far we are from having a truly functional space economy. They also face an uncertain legal environment—in a sense, space belongs to everyone and to no one—whose boundaries will be tested as soon as missions start to succeed. Still, as these plans take shape, they’re a reminder that leaping blindly is sometimes a necessary step in opening any new frontier.
“All I can say is if lunar commerce is foolish,” said Columbia University astrophysicist Arlin Crotts in an e-mail, “there are a lot of industrious and dedicated fools out there!”

At its height, the Apollo program accounted for more than 4 percent of the federal budget. Today, with a mothballed shuttle and a downscaled space station, it can seem almost imaginary that humans actually walked on the moon and came back—and that we did it in the age of adding machines and rotary phones.

“In five years, we jumped into the middle of the 21st century,” says Roger Handberg, a political scientist who studies space policy at the University of Central Florida, speaking of the Apollo program. “No one thought that 40 years later we’d be in a situation where the International Space Station is the height of our ambition.”

An image of Earth and the moon created from photos by Mariner 10, launched in 1973.
NASA/JPL/Northwestern University
An image of Earth and the moon created from photos by Mariner 10, launched in 1973.
Without a clear goal and a geopolitical rivalry to drive it, the space program had to compete with a lot of other national priorities. The dramatic moon shot became an outlier in the longer, slower story of building scientific achievements.

Now, as those achievements accumulate, the moon is coming back into the picture. For a variety of reasons, it’s pretty much guaranteed to play a central role in any meaningful excursions we take into space. It’s the nearest planetary body to our own—238,900 miles away, which the Apollo voyages covered in three days. It has low gravity, which makes it relatively easy to get onto and off of the lunar surface, and it has no atmosphere, which allows telescopes a clearer view into deep space.
The moon itself also still holds some scientific mysteries. A 2007 report on the future of lunar exploration from the National Academies called the moon a place of “profound scientific value,” pointing out that it’s a unique place to study how planets formed, including ours. The surface of the moon is incredibly stable—no tectonic plates, no active volcanoes, no wind, no rain—which means that the loose rock, or regolith, on the moon’s surface looks the way the surface of the earth might have looked billions of years ago.

NASA still launches regular orbital missions to the moon, but its focus is on more distant points. (In a 2010 speech, President Obama brushed off the moon, saying, “We’ve been there before.”) For emerging space powers, though, the moon is still the trophy destination that it was for the United States and the Soviet Union in the 1960s. In 2008 an Indian probe relayed the best evidence yet that there’s water on the moon, locked in ice deep in craters at the lunar poles. China landed a rover on the surface of the moon in December 2013, though it soon malfunctioned. Despite that setback, China plans a sample-return mission in 2017, which would be the first since a Soviet capsule brought back 6 ounces of lunar soil in 1976.

The moon has also drawn the attention of space-minded entrepreneurs. One of the most obvious opportunities is to deliver scientific instruments for government agencies and universities. This is an attractive, ready clientele in theory, explains Paul Spudis, a scientist at the Lunar and Planetary Institute in Houston, though there’s a hitch: “The basic problem with that as a market,” he says, “is scientists never have money of their own.”

One company aspiring to the delivery role is Astrobotic, a startup of young Carnegie Mellon engineers based in Pittsburgh, which is currently positioning itself to be “FedEx to the moon,” says John Thornton, the company’s CEO. Astrobotic has signed a contract with SpaceX, the commercial space firm founded by Elon Musk, to use a Falcon 9 for an inaugural delivery trip in 2015, just in time to claim the Google Lunar X Prize. Thornton says most of the technology is in place for the mission, and that the biggest remaining hurdle is figuring out how to engineer a soft, automated moon landing.

Astrobotic is charging $1.2 million per kilogram—you can, in fact, place an order on its website—and Thornton says the company has five customers so far. They include the entities you might expect, like NASA, but also less obvious ones, like a company that wants to deliver human ashes for permanent internment and a Japanese soft drink manufacturer that wants to place its signature beverage, Pocari Sweat, on the moon as a publicity stunt. Astrobotic is joined in this small sci-fi economy by Moon Express out of Mountain View, Calif., another company competing for the Google Lunar X Prize.
Plans like these are the low-hanging fruit of the lunar economy, the easiest ideas to imagine and execute. Longer-scale thinkers are envisioning ways that the moon will play a larger role in human affairs—and that, says Crotts, is where “serious resource exploitation” comes in.
If this triggers fears of a mined-out moon, be reassured: “Apollo went there and found nothing we wanted. Had we found anything we really wanted, we would have gone back and there would have been a new gold rush,” says Roger Launius, the former chief historian of NASA and now a curator at the National Air and Space Museum.

There is one possible exception: helium-3, an isotope used in nuclear fusion research. It is rare on Earth but thought to be abundant on the surface of the moon, which could make the moon an important energy source if we ever figure out how to harness fusion energy. More immediately intriguing is the billion tons of water ice the scientific community increasingly believes is stored at the poles. If it’s there, that opens the possibility of sustained lunar settlement—the water could be consumed as a liquid, or split into oxygen for breathing and hydrogen for fuel.

The presence of water could also open a potentially ripe market providing services to the multibillion dollar geosynchronous satellite industry. “We lose billions of dollars a year of geosynchronous satellites because they drift out of orbit,” says Crotts. In a new book, “The New Moon: Water, Exploration, and Future Habitation,” he outlines plans for what he calls a “cislunar tug”: a space tugboat of sorts that would commute between the moon and orbiting satellites, resupplying them with propellant, derived from the hydrogen in water, and nudging them back into the correct orbital position.

In the long term, the truly irreplaceable value of the moon may lie elsewhere, as a staging area for expeditions deeper into space. The most expensive and dangerous part of space travel is lifting cargo out of and back into the Earth’s atmosphere, and some people imagine cutting out those steps by establishing a permanent base on the moon. In this scenario, we’d build lunar colonies deep in natural caves in order to escape the micrometeorites and toxic doses of solar radiation that bombard the moon, all the while preparing for trips to more distant points.
gical hurdles is long, and there’s also a legal one, at least where commerce is concerned. The moon falls under the purview of the Outer Space Treaty, which the United States signed in 1967, and which prohibits countries from claiming any territory on the moon—or anywhere else in space—as their own.
“It is totally unclear whether a private sector entity can extract resources from the moon and gain title or property rights to it,” says Joanne Gabrynowicz, an expert on space law and currently a visiting professor at Beijing Institute of Technology School of Law. She adds that a later document, the 1979 Moon Treaty, which the United States has not signed, anticipates mining on the moon, but leaves open the question of how property rights would be determined.

There are lots of reasons the moon may never realize its potential to mint the world’s first trillionaires, as some space enthusiasts have predicted. But to the most dedicated space entrepreneurs, the economic and legal arguments reflect short-sighted thinking. They point out that when European explorers set sail in the 15th and 16th centuries, they assumed they’d find a fortune in gold waiting for them on the other side of the Atlantic. The real prizes ended up being very different—and slow to materialize.
“When we settled the New World, we didn’t bring a whole lot back to Europe [at first],” Thornton says. “You have to create infrastructure to enable that kind of transfer of goods.” He believes that in the case of the moon, we’ll figure out how to do that eventually.
Roger Handberg is as clear-eyed as anyone about the reasons why the moon may never become more than an object of wonder, but he also understands why we can’t turn away from it completely. That challenge, in the end, may finally be what lures us back.

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Sunday, May 13, 2012



After the great success of World Liberation Day, our efforts for planetary liberation continue. This time, we will meet in groups large and small, as in...

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Cobta: World Liberation Day 5-5-2012


April 24th 2012

It is time to take action! It is time to take the destiny of our world in our own hands! Therefore we will meet in groups large and small, as individuals and couples, at the exact time of full moon this May. Millio...

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The secrets of the REAL Ron Paul


Posted By: Watchman Date: Sunday, 11-Dec-2011 11:15:17

Long before he discovered Friedrich Hayek and other free-market economists, Ron Paul got a lesson in sound money from his oldest brother, Bill.

It was the height of Worl...

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The Prototype


Published October 21 2011

All Articles 2012 , Crystal Skulls Leave a Comment Tags: 11-11-11, Crystal Skulls, MAX, Nick Nocerino, Sha Na Ra

Please repost with this link at the...

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Energy Update: Dreams

a message from Karen Murphy

Monday, 27 September, 2010 

Has this been an intense week or what?

My experience of this past week, not yet resting from the urgency of September and with the energies ...

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The Perfect Storm – The Increasing Spin of the Earth

Greeting Beloved! I am Metatron, Lord of Light, and I welcome you to  this NOW moment, as I encircle each you with Celestial Light.   And so Dear Ones, we tell you that there is even greater life that circles about and above you, above the sacred Earth , and these energies are now flowing into your planet and available to enter your field of awareness. It is light of a subtle nature. It is not the light of expectation, it is does not hold logic, rather it is the light of wellness, and indeed carries the energy of 'home' of the angelic realm.

We will say to you upon this special planet of duality, this beloved and sacred Earth, that all who open and allow this Celestial Light to enter their sphere of influence, their field of consciousness, will immediately find themselves blessed in spirit, and glowing in divine serenity. This energy is quiet, this energy is reconciling, and this energy connects your chakras with your celestial home. It is available to all who come here, and readily so. This light, this energy encompasses and creates a place of healing and wellness. Humans on the path as yet do not always seek to include wellness in their search for understanding, but all of you should, as it is complimentary to truth and all parts of your trinity being cry out for it.

Planetary Change

Now most of you are well aware that your planet is undergoing many changes at present. We tell you that these are indeed appropriate. All are designed to clean, clear and up-shift the vibrations of the planet. Many humans feel the phenomenon of global warming , of hurricanes and quakes is to be feared and stopped. This is not the case. The melting of the polar ice caps, the winds, the shaking  and such are all quite appropriate These events indeed are quite necessary. Global warming brings about all of these, and as such  the very evolution. The evolution you call Planetary Ascension.   It receives the energies of the sun, melting the ice caps, as it were, releasing that which has been encoded, traveling through the waters and the fields of energy of the earth, attaching and activating all that touches upon it as well. In this way, even evolution, consciousness and such begins to move forward.
Many fear that the warming, the volcanic eruptions, the storms, the earth quaking, and the magnetic shifts will create a global cataclysm. We tell you that for now it will be more gradual depending somewhat on the reaction of humanity, whether it be with more fear or with a restructuring calibration. It is in fact humanities reaction that will determine whether there is to be a great cataclysm or small localized cataclysms. Make no mistake, Dear Ones, the changes will and must continue and if the masses were to be duly educated and open to the stance and vision of higher good, such appropriate changes could be made much more easily, and sooner rather than later.
Yet many among humanity are those who wish to 'save the planet' in your terms. Many misunderstand that the changes are requisite, and indeed the planet is not dependent on humanities salvation.   So the channel asks what is the nature of mans relationship to the living planet. It would be best if the relationships were to be synchronistic and be aware that truly a dialogue can take place now between the earth and humankind. For those of you who have spent lifetimes as the Earth-Keepers, the indigenous, the Druid, the Atla-Ra, indeed many of you such as the channel are here now specifically to hold the energy of these dialogues, and they are occurring.
Now, the difficulty with many others who are well intended, is that they are not in-tuned, not of a high enough light quotient to accept the true paradigm of the nature of reality. And so these masses , while they wish to assist, truly know not how. They believe that to prevent the change or to move it elsewhere is appropriate; better there than here, you see? Not all that wish to assist truly understand the greater good, the higher purpose of those events you term super hurricanes, volcanics, earthquakes and tsunamis.
So most simply react in fear to these events, and wish to be free of the anxiety. But to dissolve fear is not the same as understanding the fear and therefore the masses of humankind transmute and actually recreate it. To dissolve or to dissipate events of change is not necessarily of benefit, not to the earth and not to humanity.  The difficulty with those that wish to assist is that they believe they know better & believe they are more academic in their understanding. Yet they omit the divine, they omit the integrity of that termed spirit,  the metaphysical. They do not understand or see the perfection in what takes place because there is great difficulty for those in not understanding that all is in perfection, that all is in good order, then in essence, they do not add grease to the squeaky wheel, rather, they try to prevent the cogs which then become still and stuck and so the evolution becomes that much more difficult, you see? Always fear is the great culprit.

The Perfect Storm

Now one of the very important frequency up-shift mechanisms taking place on your planet are the super hurricanes. These are greatly misunderstood, and greatly feared. Again the fear. These are truly intended to charge the oceans with magnificent energies. They are not intended to be drawn to the lands. But it is as if the entire world becomes focused on where it will land, what destruction it will cause, and the experts predict where it will come to shore. And so with such global focus, indeed the hurricane is pulled into shore as expected by the humans who watch in fascination and fear, and as such draw it to them.
The true purpose of these storms, is to increase the energy of the waters and to allow it to electrically expand. If these remain at sea, then the electrical energy is simply conducted as gentle current waves to very great proportion of the planet. As such it is conducted to the land and peoples, not by wind and waves, but by its energy current so that it may reach that many more beings.    There is a perfection to it, you see? There is what is called the perfect storm in some ways, but the perfect storm is that which is the perfect blend of electromagnetic currents. As these then move through the fields of humanity, they are of benefit, for the frequential ascension of the planet and as such to the entirety of mankind.
Question to Metatron : There have been some very powerful hurricanes that occurred several years ago in the Gulf Coast, and there is one headed this week to Houston. Is it accurate to say that when energy amasses in such an organized fashion that it has a consciousness?
Metatron : It has an awareness , yes, correct, but to call it a consciousness is not appropriate. There is an awareness that comes together. Do you see the difference? An awareness is that which is a unit that works for a common purpose. A school of fish has an awareness, as a unit working in harmony toward a common goal, a common purpose, a single unit made of many individual components. This is not the same as a consciousness, a succinct energy that expands and becomes a mind, a very capable mind that truly wishes to become more, and is imbued with that termed Divine Mind. That is consciousness, you see?
Question to Metatron : There were and are literally millions of people, particularly on the Gulf Coast, praying to soften the impact of the hurricanes that occurred 3 years ago, and the one that is occurring now, and I do believe that this can have an impact. Is that correct?
 Yes. In essence, that which can be prayed as well, is toward highest good, and that is to allow the benevolent electromagnetic shift that are the true purpose of the hurricanes, but to have them remain at sea. To have them dissipate and decrease before reaching land. You see, they are very necessary, but they are not as necessary on land. Yet the reaction of the masses is to pray in FEAR. As we have said, what amplifies and draws hurricanes to specific locales is in part, man's fear, man's emotionally negative focus on them. A group consciousness , an enormous group mass field of FEARFUL EXCITEMENT is amassed that in fact draws them onto the land as well. 
As you say, there are millions praying, but what most are projecting is fear. "We do not want this, we do not wish this, send it away !"    But the major emotion behind their reaction is fear and that fear magnetizes the event, and fear attracts that which is feared. The entire hurricane occurrence becomes a media event, and the masses , particularly along the Gulf Coast become glued to the television screen and radios. The meteorologist draw direction models and make predictions of where landfall will occur, and the targeted area become magnetized. As such, a mass consciousness energy, of human emotional interference can become so enormous that it interfaces and effects somewhat the events natural course. Now of course the use of your technologies to give advance warning to people of coming storms is in itself quite useful, quite benevolent, but it is the dramatic aggrandizement by some media that to some extinct refashions the occurrence into an opportunity for sensationalism to capture viewer attention, and that is done in a manner that exacerbates fear and drama. Do you understand the difference.
It is not to say that human emotion creates the event, but rather that the amassed fear, when accumulated to a certain voluminous inertia can and will magnetize and attract the energy of the hurricane to varying degrees. If this massive emotional energy were not fear based, it could in fact have the effect of having the hurricane remain at sea, or to landfall in a much less potent energy. So were the mass reactions attuned to prayers of greatest good and harmlessness, without panic and fear, the effect would have a very beneficial influence on the 'natural occurrence'. It could dissipate it rather than amplify it you see.
Question to Metatron : What is the higher purpose of the hurricanes?
Metatron: As we have said, the purpose is to enlarge the harmonic energies and to expand the frequential increase and resonance over the water covered areas of the planet, which in fact represent two thirds of the earth's surface. Tornadoes fill that purpose over land. Cyclones, typhoons, hurricanes and tornadoes all have the vortexial spinning and that specific pattern both cleans and steps up energy not just on the surface seas and lands, but feeds it deep into the planet in the spinning vortexial format. The velocities and size carry specific ratios and are dispersed into areas far wider than just the areas that it traverses. They feed into ley and axialtonal; energies to a very great proportion that it may reach that many more beings. There is a perfection to it, you see?
So what is happening form the greater stance, from the higher perspective is in perfect order. This is then the perfect storm in the aspect of that which is the perfect blend of electromagnetic currents.  The imperfection that is attributed to it , is truly from the stance of duality, from misunderstanding, from fear. 

Global Warming & The New Spin of the Earth

We have told you that the primary cause of global warming is the increase in spin of the inner molten core (iron-nickel) of the earth. The accelerated spin, increases the inner & outer core mass. The heat generated has a profound effect on the mantle, and effects axial rotation ratio. It is the very mechanism of this torque change that is increasing the flash of linear time sequence on your planet. It is also the expanded mass of the inner core that  subsequently amplifies the anionic discharge you term the Schumann Resonance, axial tilt, and indeed the very polarity of the planet.
At present this adjustment is not complete. And as a result  there is currently an imbalance within the center of the planet, within the very core. This imbalance is caused by the instability created by the fore mentioned increased spin;  how the core spins both clockwise and counterclockwise .   And so then there must be a balancing upon the earth as well. Otherwise, without such balance the earth cannot truly move into its higher octaves in requisite preparation for recieval of higher dimensions. So in truth and in irony, the paradox and greater reality unknown to masses of mankind is that without such balancing of the electromagnetics, there would be even more earth changes.    There would be first an earthquake, then the hurricane and tornado to balance, you see? Then another earthquake, then the hurricane and tornado creating a pattern of its own, which would not be of assistance. In this way, then, there is an anticipatory energy of how electromagnetics move about the planet, circulating about the grid system and then permeating the earth and then balancing within as well. It is not done necessarily to prevent earth changes, but to bring balance where balance is appropriate. The imbalance, left unadjusted, we assure you, would lead to cataclysm on the macro scale. Better then that the micro events occur to bring the balance and in so doing prevent the macro you see.
In kind, there have been coronal mass ejections, solar storms creating what is called solar winds that have been greater and greater and greater in intensity ,some of the largest ever recorded. So you ask what is the role of the solar winds, or the coronal mass ejections on the ascension of the planet? We tell you these are changing the vibration that affects the earth. They change the frequencies at which humanity's minds operate. They provide the interface to higher dimensional access.
How does this work? The energy that comes from the coronal mass ejections is being absorbed into the tectonic plates of the earth and increasing the vibratory resonance of the earth through that method. These work particularly with certain power points and sacred sites. Particularly those of geometric crystalline overlay. .
These then move through the entire node systems of the earth. If such coronal mass ejections create such a vibration, then the entire electromagnetic flow of the earth is affected. The tides are affected, the tectonic plates, the mind of humanity is affected, how humanity creates the reality in which it lives, the illusion it believes, how it feels toward its own life, how there is a community of beings or individual beings. All of this is affected by that which comes from the sun, that which comes from the solar wind.
Question to Metatron: Many people have had great concerns about global warming and concerns about a cataclysm that was going to occur on the earth. Is there going to be a cataclysmic event or will it be a more gradual change?
Metatron : As mentioned the current probability is that it will be more gradual depending somewhat on the reaction of humanity. There is a greater light quotient on the planet now, than any other time in the planets history, and so the Ascension is assured. The likelihood is that the restructuring will occur in the micro. But to some degree mans reaction can influence the course, will man resist, react in fear, or toward the higher good ? This will influence to some degree whether there is to be a great macro cataclysm or a small regional micro cataclysm. It is the Law of Attraction you see. What will mankind draw to himself? Make no mistake, Dear Ones,  the changes will and must continue and if the public were to be duly aware of their co creation, such appropriate changes could occur more easily. 
Indeed, there are myriad other energy sources that are having a great effect upon the ascension, beyond coronal mass ejections. It is best to say that the sun coordinates all the others as well. When there are other rays of influence, even these are absorbed, coordinated and reflected by the sun.
Now the other celestial bodies, other planets also effect and influence your planet. This has long been known, but greatly misunderstood, greatly discounted. The channel asks how, exactly, do the gravitational influences from other celestial bodies affect the earth?
We tell you they move outward in rings of intention that are then carried by celestial intent, as it were, toward the earth. Some of these are magnetic, some electromagnetic, others of a more subtle matter, that of zero field energy.
Now the greatest mechanism of these energetic and frequential distributes are what you term power points. Particularly, as mentioned, those of geometric overlay are among the greatest of these. It is the crystallization, the sacred geometric matrix that both receives, refines and distributes these harmonics. This planetary node system of sacred sites, grid points and power points are is greatly involved in the ascension process. Both for the planet and for mankind, you see.   The Head of the Dove
Now we will add one piece. The area of Galveston Island is in truth the 'Head of the Dove'. This was shared with you through Enoch. The bountiful and profound book, "The Keys of Enoch" channeled by a great Master, has within it diagrams that map this. The area of Galveston is the closest area to Houston that is capable of carrying the celestial Light that we have spoken of at the beginning of this assay. Upon the Island are three modern Pyramids, called Moody Gardens. One is a botanical garden containing massive crystals , one an aquarium with dolphins, another dedicated to science, all created for the greater good. We tell you that when the channel and Ronna Herman took a group to align intent to these enormous glass pyramids two years ago, it created a spiral, which has been growing. That spiral counters the thick energy of the energy industrial complex of Houston. 
It is well to note that the massive Hurricane you humans called 'Ike' that devastated much of buildings on Galveston Island, did no damage to the structure of these 3 massive Pyramids. Does that give you an idea of their importance in energetic terms?   The storms, the hurricanes offer further clearing, and soften and brighten these energies. Not as a retribution, rather as a recalibration, rather as a softening of the pendulum of duality. Indeed many of the industrial cities in the Americas are being so effected. You see as those termed the Indigos and Crystal children come into power, this area will serve as a beacon in the New Energy.
The Earth is an omnipotent presence. The Earth cannot be destroyed. Whether you accept it or not, nothing is taken from the Earth that the Earth does not allow. Man cannot destroy the earth, only his ability to live on her. The Earth was just as conscious as a burning sphere of lava, as she is now. The changes that are coming are agreed to by Gaia, by mankind's Higher Consciousness and indeed to a great degree orchestrated by the sentience of earth, sun and that you term Creator God. Know that all is in perfect order.
It is the Perfect Storm. Fear not.
I am Metatron, and You are Beloved."
and so it is.  

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