Tag: holistic health

Smart Meters and Domestic Surveillance

Catherine J. Frompovich, GuestTalk about copycats! Whoa! Someone did a rather convincing job of that, I’d say. It’s the Internet site “Domestic Surveillance Directorate. Defending Our Nation. Securing The Citizen,” which identifies itself as a “parody” on the NSA (National Security Agency). The parody site does an excellent job, so I encourage readers to study it thoroughly, as it contains too much information to talk about here [...]

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Why Do We Still Vaccinate? – 25 Questions From A Former Vaccine Advocate

Brian Rogers, Prevent DiseaseI used to be pro vaccine. I know the feeling of thinking others were just plain crazy and wrong for not vaccinating their children and themselves. ‘Irresponsible!’ I said when pointing my finger. I’d use the same old arguments about polio and small pox and how vaccines saved us from all those horrible diseases and just swallowing and regurgitating the propaganda I was brought up with. It was only recently, in 2009 that I started question [...]

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Flawed Medical Research May Be Ruining Your Health & Your Life

Robert Oliva, Collective-EvolutionThere is a cancer eating at the core of medical research.You’ve most likely heard of medical reports touting the effectiveness of a diet plan, a new drug, a supplement, or medical procedure. You may have even decided on a course of action based on these findings, only to find out later that they have been refuted by new studies.Strikingly, the odds are that the studies that influenced your decision, and possibly the decision of your doctor, wer [...]

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Nosodes: The Homeopathic Alternative to Vaccines – by Celeste Yarnall, Ph.D


by Celeste Yarnall

(NaturalNews) Vaccination has become a highly controversial subject, those of us who challenge the concept are treated as if we are against apple pie and motherhood. I consider conventional vaccines to be extre...

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Triphala is the miraculous Ayurvedic herbal remedy


by Dr.Sanjay Pisharodi See all articles by this author Email this author

(NaturalNews) Ayurveda, one of the oldest health sciences, is based on the understanding of a relation between the human body and the universe as a micr...

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Cellular Memory in Organ Transplants


Leslie A. Takeuchi, BA, PTA

In my experience as a physical therapist assistant, I have come to acknowledge the relevance of thoughts, emotions and spiritual beliefs to healing. I recognize the art of physical therapy to be based u...

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Why and how microwave cooking causes cancer

by Paul Fassa, citizen journalist See all articles by this author Email this author

(NaturalNews) The fact that modern mainstream medicine can`t fathom a connection with microwaved foods to cancer is simple: Orthodox medicine thinks nutriti...

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