Tag: highs


"We learn through pain until we evolve to learn

through joy."

Funny thing is,

that some people hold on to pain like an old friend,

and they cannot tell the difference

between the open hand that lifts up,

and the back hand that beats down.

I pray to not be that person.

And I pray that I would rather be poor

with a soul that is open to receive

and express all the highs and the lows of this life,

than the most successful

and renowned professional

that sold his soul and trampled

over the remains of others.

~The teachings of Buddha~

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A New Spin on Earth

This channel showed the group at their best with a very direct channel to the citizens of planet Earth. Normally I would call this one "Earth Shattering" but I think we will find other words now, especially after this message. The spoke of the recent earthquakes and how it has shifted the earth to a new rotational axis that has changed our experience of time and gravitational pull. They said several interesting items that they said our sciences now agree with and several that they don't yet know. It will take us years to uncover all the events that took place in that one series of adjustments.

They spoke of what was ahead for humanity and directly ahead for our economies and especially the US. At one point they warned the leaders of planet Earth of what is ahead. They likened this a wave of energy coming in rearranging everything in its path. They talked of the sexual energy entering the planet as they described three years ago. This is why everywhere you look in the news there is some sexual incident being uncovered.

They also said the economies of the world will take another hit soon as the US will soon experience great difficulty unless it balances. At one point the group spoke directly to the leaders of the planet warning of the severe effects of polarity thinking. They challenged each of us to search for these beliefs within ourselves and all begin to look for ways we are alike instead of separate. The ride is less scary if we all hold hands.

Big hugs. Have a great month!


(You can watch the video version of this channeling)

Greetings from Home

We visit with you this day to tell you about what is taking place on planet Earth. First, let us share with you, dear ones, that you have already changed the outcome of planet Earth. You have already shifted the highest potential, for humanity is no longer limited by what you used to call your highest potential. There are opportunities now to find passion in ways that you only dreamt were possible. Each and every one of you has come with a part of Home that you need here to put this grand puzzle together in order to create Home on Earth. Some of you think you do not have anything. What do you have to say that has not already been said by someone else? Every one of you has a very unique piece of that puzzle and all of those puzzles are needed right now. Yet, it is becoming difficult. Not only are you transitioning and evolving incredibly fast, but so is the Earth.

Most of the changes that have already happened have set into motion some things which will affect all of you over the next 100-200 years. So, let us explain a little bit of what is ahead in a couple of different areas and how this will affect each of you personally. Let us go back a few weeks and talk about the Earthquake in Chile which was,one of the largest earthquakes you have had in this millennium.  Not only has it changed the face of Earth, but it has shifted more than you know and has actually confirmed a few predictions previously made. One of these shifts is that the atomic clocks on Earth will soon need constant adjustment. Your atomic clock is no longer accurate on planet Earth.

Inner Earth is Growing

The inner core of Earth is what you call metal. It is actually an iron core. The next level, which is actually a very good part of the Earth, is what you would call molten or liquid metal. This liquid metal has always allowed the inside of the Earth to travel at a different rate of speed than the outside of the planet. Although the inside of the Earth is actually spinning faster than the outside, recently it has sped up and is moving even faster. It could even be said that the inside of the Earth is pulling the rest of the Earth into its orbit. This has been known for a very long time. However, what we wish to tell you is that this energy is now changing and has been speeding up. Your sciences do not agree with this yet, but we will tell you what they do agree with and what they do not. They have not found this to be true, but we are telling you that it is absolutely true.

The other thing that is happening is that this ball of molten metal has been growing. As it reaches certain levels it hits pockets of emptiness, or pockets that have formed through volcanic activity. This is what you are starting to see as the eruption of the Ring of Fire. There is much more to come. You are going to see activity in the middle of the Pacific Ocean. You will also see further activity in the Atlantic Ocean, but it will be less at this point. These are triggers and things we spoke about so very long ago. Now they are happening and your world is changing on a regular basis.

New Human Templates

Understand, dear ones, you are at a similar point where the dinosaurs disappeared from planet Earth but that is not going to happen to humans. Two things are happening: the Earth is changing to house a higher vibration not only of herself, but of humans, animals and every other part of it. The entire game is changing to begin a new game at a higher vibration. Secondly, your physical re-wire—your own physical bodies—are changing so that you can carry more of your own light and your higher self. Only a very small portion of your higher self is housed within the body for the temporary duration that you call a lifetime. Literally, only a small piece of it does…it is easy for you to see that you have one higher self and 11 aspects on Earth. So, 11 parts of your higher self goes into each one. However, the vast majority of your higher self does not fit into any of these aspects, including all of them together. That is about to change. You are now going to be able to carry more light than ever before in your physical body without having to go Home and without having to rid the Earth of the human race.

You will make this evolution while you are standing, walking, sleeping, playing, and loving on planet Earth. That has never been done before. That is the reason that all eyes in the universe are upon planet Earth right now. The six parental races that helped you form these physical bodies that you hold right now are back again to help. The interesting part is that they are fighting over who can help the most. But they are all here to work with you, because you are no longer limited by the same 500 human templates that you had in the beginning. You are no longer limited to that, which is part of the reason that your physical bodies are changing and your emotional bodies are growing.

Does Anyone Really Know What Time It Is?

We wish to tell you that the Earth has changed its relationship to time. Your relationship to time will also change, and what you do not know about it at this point is that you have control over how that changes. If you do not take charge in any way, the default answer is that time will shrink. Time has a natural tendency to shrink anyway. It is the nature of humanity because everything is relative. If you go back to when you were one day old, that one day is 100% of your lifetime. If you go back to the time when you were one year old that one day is only a very small percentage of your lifetime, so it has a tendency to naturally shrink as you age. Now we tell you that even the atomic clocks are noticing the difference. Big changes have happened as a result of the shift in Chile. Number 1: The Earth has changed axis; it is not on the same axis it was before. It has already shifted and your scientists are scattering frantically trying to figure out by how much and how we can measure it accurately, as they have noticed a major difference. It has been reported all over the world because the sun used to enter a window at a certain time of day and it now it is on a different schedule. Those times have changed throughout the entire world. Your scientists are looking for answers to describe what has taken place, but let us give you the short answer so that you can see what is happening.

We told you the molten part of the Earth has become larger inside the Earth and that part has been growing over the last few hundred years—especially over the last 60 years. As that has grown, the Earth itself is not as solid as you thought it was. The earthquakes in Chile and the earthquakes around the Ring of Fire, including the one in Haiti, have caused a shift of the planet not only on the axis. It has actually elongated the planet a little bit, almost as if was squished in the middle and got a little bit longer. Again, this is a point your scientists do not agree on, but we tell you that the process of making the planet just the slightest bit longer has also made it smaller around the middle. This means it rotates faster which is changing your relationship to time as we speak.

We encourage all of you to play with this concept you call time. Go back to some of your basics, for you have all studied ways of controlling time and learning how to project time into the future. You know that so much of it is held within your own belief systems. You believe it is accurate and you must live by this. The atomic clocks will not work for much longer, because they will need so much adjustment for what is ahead on planet Earth and some of the changes that are taking place. Embrace them. Do not fear these changes, for your reaction is actually what the earth needs to settle. Your reaction is the stability that you offer as Lightworkers not only with the Earth, but with other people around you.

A New “Wobble’’

These changes and the ones to come may create great fear throughout many different places. You are the ones that can hold that energy, the ones that can help to make it very positive evolution. Let us tell you this as well…because of the planet changing her axis slightly, what happened is that there is now a wobble. There has always been a wobble in the Earth’s rotation. It is nothing secret. It has always been known, but now that the wobble has changed and this can create a circumstance for you that we wish to tell you about.
As we mentioned before, you have these up and down periods that you are all going to be experiencing. But now it has become much stronger than we ever thought possible. Some of the physical reactions to this new wobble will be experienced as emotion. At times it will be uplifting, such as joy or exhilaration, while other times you may feel depressed as if you cannot seem to get out of bed. Those are simply normal cycles, because you are a part of the Earth and she is a part of you. As she is going through these changes they mimic and mirror themselves in your bodies. This is part of how you can help to ground this change and center this energy with her. Know that has affected you and find the ways it can affect you positively.

Riding the Wave

There are points on this planet where you can now launch yourself. This has been done before through using astronomy and astrology to help find the perfect time to start your new business or a new project. You would always know the rotation of the sun around different planets, their alignment and how that could or could not support you. Now in addition to that, there is an entire wave of energy that slides the rug beneath your feet and shifts it in such a way as to send a wave down its length. The pull of that carpet will create high and low spots, as well as spots where you can launch yourself very effectively or be wrapped up in it and shut down. Once you are aware of these highs and lows you can learn the timing needed to make the highest use of it. We ask you to be very aware of how you are feeling, where that passion is and how you get this in the outside world, as well as your effect on other people around you. That will tell you whether you are doing your work or not. Position yourself so that instead of being wrapped up in this carpet as the big wave comes through, and instead of being overwhelmed and having to protect yourself from it, you are in just the right spot to be launched by it. That is why you are here.

You are the ones that carried the secrets from Home—from Lemuria and Atlantis—in hopes that humanity would ever reach a stage where you could come back and do it again. You are here. You made it. Each one of you has this opportunity right now to step into this energy and to position yourself at that launching point. We will tell you, dear ones, it takes tremendous courage to do that for you can see the energy moving. Some of you might want to put your little toe in, but you are not so sure about jumping into the water completely. We will come along and push you, if you only try to put your toe in. It is time. Each and every one of you came with specific timings that you wanted to be here at this exact time, because this is the time of the big shift. This is the when it is said that the shift is really going to hit the fan.

It is the time where you are going to be finding things changing in every place that you have been talking about for centuries on this planet. You find yourself in a position to put yourself on that curve. This is on a personal basis for each and every one of you, for if you try to use the normal standards that you have used for your own evolution they are not going to work the same way. In other words, you cannot count the vibrational lines of your evolution the way it used to be done. During these times we ask you to be kind and understanding of each other, as tempers can flare easily.

Economics of Earth

We also wish to speak of economics on planet Earth. You have many systems in place that have allowed you to exchange energy and to exchange money. You have a system called the stock market. We are so fascinated by that, for is so interesting to us that you have built an entire system based on the perception of perception of perception. We would never have dreamt to do that. It took humans to invent this entire process. Because of that, you have a perception of perception which is what your economies have been based on. You have gone through one of these ripples, dear ones, and it has affected the entire planet. You have had an economic event on planet Earth and it is one of these ripples that have gone through. We tell you, there are more of these ripples coming. In fact, there is a big one that is liable to come very soon. We cannot tell you when it is, because you are the ones that have the perception that determines when it is going to be. We also tell you that it does not need to be negative, for it can be a positive event. That is entirely up to you, but what we do tell you is that change is imminent in this area.

You had opportunities as this wave came through which took the air out of the balloon. All of a sudden this overinflated balloon shrank down to practically nothing. Now you are perceiving an economic recovery. You are seeing it because you perceive it. That is the way your system works—because you want to perceive it. That is exactly what is happening, yet the underlying fundamentals that had a chance to change during that explosion did not actually change. For that reason, until you see some fundamental changes in the way you do business on planet Earth you will experience more difficulties in these areas.

We also wish to reach into an area that the Keeper loves to stay away from, and we are going to talk about politics for just a moment. You are seeing a very interesting thing happening. It is occurring all over the world, but you can see it in the United States very clearly. It has happened since the incredible pull into polarity. As the new field of triality starts to come in and you have three positions from which to view things instead of just two. You have a new perception to see everything from. Yet it is difficult to truly grasp that new perception, to trust it, to understand what it means and how it works. We tell you that many of you are going through your a time where your own perception, ideas, and relationships are going to change, but that also happens on an economic level throughout the world. One thing you have all learned from this recent economic stretch is that all of your economies are connected. That is incredibly beautiful, dear ones, because it really means that you can no longer have a world war. Who would you be bombing? Yourselves? That is perfect because the blending together is what will change all of this. There are many high level officials that are now looking for this to happen, but the changes on planet Earth are occurring very radically and very quickly. Not only does this include the changes in the planet, but the changes in you, as humans, are also happening very rapidly. Because of that the economic systems that have supported you are likely to experience another one of these. However, if you know about it and are aware, you can put yourself in the highest position to create something positive instead of something negative. There will be difficulties with your systems on planet Earth. Now, how do you fix them? How do you change that? We can tell you what it looked like in the days when these systems worked, when you had empowered societies and that was the essence of the society. It was not, “How do we make money? How do we support ourselves? How do we live better?” Instead it was, “How do we empower the people around us?” That was the key element that existed in the days of Lemuria. It happened so clearly that there was no need for laws and you only had customs. It was incredibly beautiful and those days are returning.

The Soul of Business in the New Energy

You have a challenge in the way you define business so far, so let us speak first of the challenge because each person who makes up one of these collectives that you call business has a soul. The overall corporation whether it is made up of one person, five people or 500 makes no difference, for that company has a soul because it has an energy that acts as one. The moment you identify that place in the world, you can change the whole prospect of the company from the top down…all the way. What we are telling you is that companies that have only been in business for the purpose of making money will no longer be able to do that, because you are finding out it is an empty shell. There is no soul there. In the future we see a time when in order for governments to issue a permit for starting a business, it will also require that the company has a consciousness and that the company will do the best for humanity even if it is against their own profit. The company will bear the same responsibility that each and every one of you has as you walk down the street and past other people. That has not happened at this point on planet Earth. Now is the time to consider what you can do at your individual level wherever you work, whatever companies you own, or in whatever structures whether it is government or religion. These are the collectives of humans that will have to evolve very quickly.

Growing out of Polarity

This is a time where you can make a lot of these changes to result positively, rather than experiencing the cycles of fear and challenge. When you had an election in the United States, dear ones, you could not decide who was going to be president. One moment you found an extra vote over here and the next moment you found an extra vote over there. That started a stretch into polarity that was almost as if you were grasping for it. You started to move into a field of triality, but grasped for that old, familiar part. You hung onto it so tightly, that the whole world was laughing at your election and what was happening with it. Did it make any difference who won? Not really, because the reality of it showed the duality and the difficulties. In the United States you have not evolved past that, but now is the time to start doing this quickly. Dear ones, especially those in the United States, you have a very short time-frame that you can take hold of this and make something of it. We pray that the leaders can hear some of this message, because you have stretched so far into polarity that you do not know where the middle is any more. It is very important to come back to a point where nobody is right and nobody is wrong. It is a time to start figuring out how you and your neighbors are alike, instead of how you are separate. It is time to start figuring out how you can empower your people instead of spending your energy trying to lead them. Re-member, you have some of the greatest spirits on Earth and they are just waiting to go to work and spread light on this planet. If you make a space for that to happen, you will see great changes throughout all of planet Earth. It is happening now. It is taking place in many cultures, very quietly for most. Make your voices heard.

Now, how does each one of you deal with it? You say, “What can I do? I am not a leader of a nation. I am not a politician.” Dear ones, every one of you has a strong hold in the field of polarity. Every one of you believes something is right or something is wrong. It is so interesting to watch your news now, because the fight has gone on so long that no one can even re-member what the original argument was all about. So much fear has been created intentionally to dissuade all of the information on planet Earth that you are all in danger of losing your grip on reality, because you are believing and buying into the fear. Enough! You can see what is happening. There are no more secrets on planet Earth. Trust your heart. Do not allow yourself to get wrapped up in fear, for that is a luxury you can no longer enjoy…no longer afford. It is time to get serious about what you wish to do on this planet. It is time to know that you have the power to create your reality. It does not matter where you are in this ripple, what is taking place with planet Earth, what is happening with your relationships, your job, your home life, or your work life. You have an opportunity to put yourself at the pinnacle, and to actually do what you came here to do. We are behind you 1,000 percent, because our job is not to be here to tell you which way to turn or what to do. Our job is to help you re-member who you really are, because you came here with a very specific purpose. We love you more than you could ever know. It is not easy taking your wings off and pretending to be a human. You walk into many walls that way and we love you for it, for this job can only be done in the way in which you will do it.

We leave you with three little reminders. Treat each other with the greatest respect you have. Nurture one another and empower each other every chance you get. Play well together.


The group

(You can watch the video version of this channeling)

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Wake Up!

Channeler: sheryl pedersen

A message from Mother Mary

You are all moving into a time of rapid change and I just wanted to share a few words of encouragement so that this does not catch you off guard.

A download of light energy and light codes has been happening,accelerated around the time of your solstice. This has been affecting many of you in different ways, the most noticeable for many has been highs and lows of emotional energy. Many have been shifting rapidly between extremes with no real reason that you know of. You may cry at the slightest thing and be really upset and then quickly shift into feeling so happy you think you may burst.

This is a result of the light energy waves that pull many of you along in an emotional way, through ups and downs. For each of you this experience will be different depending on how ready your physical body is to handle this type of light energy wave.

I want to assure you that nothing is wrong with any of you. Everything is right, in fact it is perfect for this time in your evolution. Indeed from our perspective, most of you are actually ahead of schedule in your spiritual progressing that you designed for yourself.

Now for a sort of warning for so many of you. Be prepared for all that is not light to be coming to the surface and into your awareness for healing. This is a supreme wake up call happening across your planet to shake up your complacency and move you into action. It is important that you get all of the crap so to speak out of the way and get on with what you really came here to do. Your soul work is needed NOW, thus the somewhat urgent wake up call.

What will happen for many of you is that seemingly out of the blue an issue will surface. You will most likely feel this as a very strong uncomfortable feeling in reaction to something another says or does or a situation in the world. This is the wake up call, that strong uncomfortable feeling. This is a clue that there is something within you that is ready to be healed.

For those of you that work with me directly in any capacity, know that I am not fooling around at this time. You have been sent subtle clues of the healing that needs to happen and if you have been ignoring them, you will be getting a very strong and firm wake up call. This may come as a message from a being in spirit, or may be triggered by events in your life. And, if you don't hear the call the first time, be assured that it will be repeated in a louder and bigger way so that we indeed get your attention.

Some will perceive this to be a punishment of some sort or unfair in some way. That is not the intention nor has spirit any intention to cause harm to anyone. We just want you to be aware of what is happening inside of you that you are not always consciously aware of. Sometimes it is necessary for you to feel pain which is the greatest motivator for you humans to take action. You so much want to be free of pain and these wake up calls are an opportunity for you to move fully into the glory and brilliance of who you really are.

And know also that you planned these wake up calls for yourself before you came here on the planet. You knew in a general way what you were coming to do and what issues you would be dealing with . This is your life lesson and life purpose. This is part of your plan for your soul in this incarnation.

You made sure that we would assist with setting the alarm clock to go off at a certain time if you fell asleep, which many of you have done. We are just assisting with helping create the situations for the alarm clock to go off. And if you ignore it the first time it rings, there is another and another ring until you do wake up.

All of you reading this and all of you who attend the live sessions that we do in Kingston are high spiritual beings who have particular work that you came here to do and now is the time to do it. You will begin to see so much more resources to help you identify why you are here and what you are to do, again your life lesson and life purpose. We are rapidly training individuals to do this work so that you are prepared to start your mission helping the planet transition smoothly into the 5th dimension.

I am available to work with all of you at any time, all you need to do is ask and I will be there with you to guide you through this process for it may be a challenge for those of you who have experienced great pain in their lives. It is time to bring all that is not light to the surface so that it may be cleansed and released to reveal the brilliance of who you are.

We are here to support you and guide you. Some may feel the need to reach out to other people to help them in this transition and individuals are being trained and prepared to do this work with you. Just let us know that you are ready to let go of the past and live in your brilliance and we will guide you in the perfect direction.

And a reminder that this process of being woken up is done with the intention to do no harm, but with the intention to bring you to a place of peace and joy beyond your current understanding. It is just time to stop sleeping and wake up to a new world of possibility and purpose.

Blessings, Mary, your divine mother


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April 2010: Anticipation of Change (Polaris)

30 March 2010 - 10:35pm
Channeler: Karen Murphy

The energy this month can be described as “Anticipation of Change.” We have described in the past the sensation many people feel of late, that things in their lives are changing, moving, perhaps in ways that feel a little outside their control. This anticipation of change will be following many of you this month as you stand on a precipice, wondering what it would feel like to jump.We have used this analogy before, when we spoke about the overall energy of this year. This month, then, April, brings with it a heightened sense of what is yet to come. But now, some time has passed since you first thought of 2010. You have dug down, gone within, and come up again for air with a new sense of perception of yourself and the world around you. You have a greater sense of what is yet to come, of the direction you wish to take in the eight months remaining to the year. Time is passing! Yet each moment brings you new discoveries, new pathways, new joys.
Personal Anticipation of Change
On a personal level, you may expect to experience some of the following:

Sense of purpose
New connections to people
Wistfulness or nostalgia for what remains in the past
Anger or frustration about where you are vs. where you wish to be
Childhood emotions playing out in new ways
Sense of “rightness” with the world
Feelings of injustice
A call to action
Feeling connected to guidance in ways that are new for you

As you can see, you could be all over the metaphysical map this month, so expect highs and lows as you proceed. Remembering that nothing remains the same, even the feelings you wish would last forever, will be useful this month. Everything changes. Impermanence. Darker emotions and childhood emotional patterns may come up for you, yes, but on other days this month you’ll feel inspired and connected, filled with joy in the simple act of breathing.
How to make this month’s energy of Anticipation of Change work for you on a personal level:
We’ve designed a simple practice you can engage in this month to keep you feeling grounded and anchored while leaving you open to the possibilities that you create in each moment.

Sit or lie down comfortably and take a few deep breaths. After a moment, as you release each breath, allow yourself to make an audible sound. Ahhh. Breathe in again and release, again with an audible sigh. Ahhh. As you sigh, feel the vibration in your throat. Feel this vibration move down from your throat into your chest, your heart, your solar plexus. Feel the sigh fill your body.

Keep breathing and releasing audible sighs, moving the sense of vibration down your charkas as far as you can. Can you reach the soles of your feet? Try this now, releasing a breath and allowing the vibration from your audible sigh to move slowly down each chakra and out through the soles of your feet.
Now breathe in through your nose, still releasing each breath audibly. Feel now the echoes of the audible breaths being released all over the world. Connect your vibration to those and feel the song you sing together.

Now breathe in through your crown chakra as you pull in air through your nose, moving the breath now through your 3rd eye before it reaches your throat and down. Imagine now that you are breathing as part of a great spinning circle, that the breath moving out through the soles of your feet and the breath coming in through your crown chakra are connected, one enormous circle, and your breath and audible sighs are making the circle spin faster.

You can speed the circle up or slow it down. You are in control of this enormous circle. Play with the speed of its spin until you feel comfortable. Set your intention that this circle keeps spinning at the same rate even without your perceptible attention. You may change the rate of spin at any time.
Now, even when you feel ungrounded or not in synch with your life and your internal guidance, you have a way to reconnect and set things to your liking again. Try this practice on a daily basis for a while and notice what changes for you as a result.
Global Anticipation of Change
On a global level, things are boiling just under the surface. We’ve talked before about increased volcanic and seismic activity throughout the coming year, and while we are not presently expecting any major events this month, with the increased pressure below the surface of the earth there will certainly be a major and perhaps catastrophic event occurring in a populated area within the next few months. Italy and the area surrounding the Adriatic Sea are at potential risk in this time, as are Malaysia and the Phillipines.
The below-the-surface boil continues on in other ways. A major American political reversal is on the horizon, as is the potential of an assassination of a world leader. Overall tensions remain at a strong point, suggesting that events that create a sense of resolution to the constant under-surface tension is close at hand, though likely not this month.
To put global anticipation of change in perspective, understand that the tension of expected change is magnified when on a large-scale or global level. It is one thing to feel for yourself that things are moving. You can explain away your discomfort with the level of lack of control that you feel about personal change.  Larger entities like countries, kingdoms, and corporations have no such luxury, however. When tensions increase to a certain point, something must be done to relieve the pressure. You cannot suggest that France, for instance, begin a meditation program in order to better deal with political and religious tensions that bubble just under the surface of everyday life. France, as an entity, is an amalgamation of many things including individual people, their expectations, past patterns, and a sense of propriety for maintaining a particular image that others have come to associate with France. Every country, kingdom, and corporation is much the same, and as such is affected differently by under-surface tensions. Things tend to erupt, then, in often surprising ways with these larger entities.
Possible global symptoms include:
Systemic starvation
Corporate failure, buyouts, mergers
Religious terrorism
Political “spin”

Sound bleak? Not really. These things are present all the time; most people are either unaware of them or choose a low level of awareness of such activities.
Assisting Change on a Global Level
While you may be feeling unempowered about helping to create change or to support the sense of anticipation of change on a global level, we can assure you that you do indeed have the ability to effect assistance on this global level. You only need to do one simple thing.

Engage your personal creativity.

That’s right: paint, dance, sing, sew, write. Whatever creative pursuit makes you feel balanced, whole, and happy. This is an especially fruitful time for creativity, so make use of it! And you’ll be assisting the global community as well.
How? Because all this anticipation of change is built upon a great deal of energy accumulation. By tapping into and creating movement with this energy, you create a cumulative effect of movement in all this “excess” energy, and help create a platform upon which the energy can begin moving in a large-scale way.
Take charge of your personal precipice, then, and jump with your eyes wide open.
This was originally posted at http://www.polarisrising.com/april-2010-anticipation-of-change.html

Polaris is a group of entities (of which Seth and Michael are part of)  who have moved beyond physical reality. They have united in order to teach a message of self-awareness and to give tools to help the manifestation of your deepest Self and to allow you to step into what they call "the flow of your life"  To see past channelings, or to subscribe, see http://www.polarisrising.com/All-Channelings.html.

© 2009, Karen Murphy

You are welcome and encouraged to distribute this channeling elsewhere if you include copyright and include a link to the Polaris website at http://www.polarisrising.com

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Easter 2010: Ascension, Transformation and Coming into “Right Relationship”

It is hard to belive that it is that time of year again! The Easter week-end is approaching. Here in South Africa it is a four day holiday when everyone "takes off" for the coast for a last celebration of relaxation in the sun before the cold weather sets in for Winter. Last year, at this time, I was in Brazil, and so much seems to have happened to me in the last year. We are certainly changing and transforming at high speed!

But, back to Easter. In the traditional Christian community, it is the celebration of the Death and Resurrection of Jesus. But, in reality, it is a reworking of the ancient archetypal story of the death of the masculine principle and its miraculous rebirth and resurrection through the Feminine principle. This story is as ancient as the Sumerians, where the Goddess Innana descends into the underworld to rescue her mortal husband and return him to life, or the Egyptians where the Goddess Isis finds the scattered limbs of her murdered husband, Osiris and conceives a miraculous child called Horus who rebirths the masculine spiritual warrior principle.

So, how did this ancient story become a central part of the celebrations of the Christian year? In the case of the Christian story, there was indeed a masculine and a feminine principle incarnated in Yeshua and Mary Magdalene. They came to the Earth as Avatars to bring the seeds of the New Consciousness, that which we call the Christ Consciousness, to the western world. This was done through the work and teachings of both of them in Israel, and later by Mary Magdalene in France. The Seeds of the Christ Light that are flowering now were laid down two thousand years ago.

So, how did Easter and eggs and rabbits get mixed up with the coming of the Christ Light. Well, Easter is a form of the name of the Goddess, Astarte, another form of the name of Innana, and she was celebrated as the Goddess of Fertility and Creation. The eggs and the rabbits are obvious symbols of procreation, and these were grafted on to the story by the Catholic Church, as it took over Pagan Europe in the name of Christianity. The Catholic principal was to merge the Pagan iconography and symbols with the new teachings. And so the ancient fertility celebrations were connected into the story of the death of Christ and the process of Ascension.

Ascension is the ability to move beyond the duality of the Third Dimension and into the Miraculous flow of Love and Miracles at the Higher Consciousness of the Fifth Dimension. This was taught by the Christ Avatars with their focus on the Heart, Unconditional Love and the Oneness of All Things. But, it also seems fitting that the ancient teachings of the redemption of the Warrior by the Goddess should become part of the Ascension story and that it should be brought into consiousness now. Everything has a purpose and a reason!

In the case of Yeshua and Mary Magdalene, after the death of Yeshua in the Holy Land, it was Mary Magdalene as the Feminine principal who carried the Seeds of Light to France and nurtured the Christ Consciousness in the western world, until the time was ready for the "second coming" or the "Ascension" of Humanity to the level of the Fifth Dimension or the Christ Consciousness. The "Child" that was born of their Sacred partnership was a symbolic child, the New Earth Consciousness that would lift Humanity into the Fifth Dimension after a period of darkness.

So, for me, this time of Easter is always a time to give gratitude for the life of Yeshua as the Masculine Christ energy that brought the Seeds of Light. But it is also a time to celebrate the life of Mary Magdalene as the Feminine Christ energy, who took those Seeds to Europe where they were nurtured by those who carried the Light in their DNA and ensured that at the right time the "Child of Light" would be born in the Hearts of Humanity, and that the powerful energies of the "end time" cycles would ensure that the "Child" of the New Consciousness would be birthed as a New Consciousness of Love and Unity.

The Essence of this Easter time, and the story of the Christ energy, seems to me to also be summed up in the Native American term "Right Relationship" or what I would call "Sacred Relationship". This is where the energies flow in perfect Harmony and Balance with Divine Will, so creating Divine Harmony and Joy. As I wrote in an earlier Log, in our lives on this Earth, everything is a matter of Relationship and Partnership! Our lives and our creativity are connected with our ability to co-create with others. To fully enter into the Fifth Dimension means to bring those Relationships into Right Balance and create Sacred Relationship.

In this period from now until 2012, the focus will definitely be on this aspect of our Spiritual Growth and Evolution, finding Harmony, Balance and Right Relationship. This will especially be part of the way in which we create relationships that embody the interaction of the Masculine and Feminine principles.

In the past I have done much work with the Twin Flame energy, which is another way of describing the power of Sacred Relationship or Union between Soul Partners who embody the Masculine and Feminine principals within themselves and their partnership. I found that there was much misunderstanding and distortion in the way people perceived these partnerships. Firstly, many people seemed to think that a Twin Flame relationship was a Romantic relationship that ended in marriage and parenting and happy ever after in the surburban nuclear family image of pop culture. That is probably because our culture is so grounded in the nuclear family economic model that people find it difficult to conceive of a relationship that might go beyond these parameters. The whole idea of the "family" is a matter for the "parenting contract" between those who seek to have children and the souls that desire to incarnate through them, and it is not part of the Twin Flame or Sacred Union. The purpose of Sacred Union is to incarnate the Masculine and Feminine principals as a direct mirror of the Union of the Divine Energies in the Source. This creates a tremendous field of creative power that expresses the Love of the Divine and can bring people into the Awakened state of Higher Consciousness very rapidly. It is a gift from the Divine and should be treated with deep respect and great honor.

Of course, when you enter into a romantic relationship, or a parenting/family contract, these contracts need to also be honored and treated withy deep respect for the gifts within them, and being in Sacred Relationshiop extends to all levels of our lives.

Now, to return to the Twin Flame or Sacred Union Relationship. After people realized that the Twin Flame aspect of Sacred Union was primarily a merging of Soul Energy, there developed also an unfortunate tendency among awakening beings to get "high" on the soul merging energy and to desire to repeat this energy "merging" with as many people as possible. This is, of course, all in divine order. Awakened Beings enjoy merging their soul energies and experiencing the bliss of communion on the deeper levels, but this is also not Sacred Union. It is just a kind of Sacred Family Hug.

Sacred Union is when two Conscious Beings merge their energies at the Heart Center and then extend that energy into the Soul Sphere and Ground it into the Earth Sphere, so that they represent the merging of Divine Love, the Masculine and Feminine principles expressed as Divine, Unconditional Love. The "Flame" that is created, which is called the "Golden Rose Flame", is held in the High Heart of each individual and in the Joint "Heart of Hearts" that is created when the two energies become One with the Divine Heart and create a Sacred Union Light Body that is an expression of the Merging of Heaven and Earth within their partnership.

Yes, this is a wonderful experience! Yes it is becoming available to more and more Conscious Beings at this time of Change and Transformation. But, yes, it also requires commitment and focus and courage. It requires the courage to develop a deep intimacy with one person, and to forgo the "highs" of moving from one person to the next in a series of "non attached" energy mergings that are considered to be Sacred Union, but are empty of the depth and intimacy and grace of true Sacred Union when it is in Right Relationship.

It is not so much a matter of finding the "right" person, but a matter of having the courage and strength to surrender to the Process of Love as it finds you. Love is always seeking for you and asking for you to allow the deep surrender into Sacred Union. It is not something that is difficult and that can only be found by the fortunate. It is a natural process, like breathing, but breathing very deeply so that you expand and grow!

When we forgo the Hollywood/Bollywood formulas for the expression of love through Sex and youthful Beauty and Procreation, we will enter a new level of consciousness where we will flow into the Expression of Love as a Sacred Gift that merges Heaven and Earth in many ways and according to Sacred Contract. For those wishing to experience Divine Sacred Union, it is not a matter of searching for the right partner, but of being willing to "die" in the Will (the masculine principle within) so that you may be reborn through Love (the feminine principle within).

When the Will comes into Balance with Love as expressed through the Soul and Spirit, then you can be reborn to Higher Consciousnes and experience Love on the Higher Octave of the merging of Heaven and Earth. You can ascend into Harmony with the Divine Will and express the Divine Love through Balance and Partnership.

So....here is to Easter.... that time of the year when Sacred Love, Rebirth and our Ascension into Divine Will and Harmony can be Celebrated!

© 2006-8 Celia Fenn and Starchild Global http://www.starchildglobal.com - You are free to copy, distribute, display, and perform the work under the following conditions: You must give the author credit, you may not use this for commercial purposes, and you may not alter, transform or build upon this work. For any reuse or distribution, you must make clear to others the license terms of this work. Any of these conditions can be waived if you get permission from the copyright holder. Any other purpose of use must be granted permission by author.

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Happy, Joyous and Free!

I am on a quest for the Truth. My journey has led me to discover a great deal about myself and the world around me. I have come to see, know and understand many of the great mysteries that eluded me before. Why was I like that before? Why did I have troubles in various aspects of my life? Why did I feel pain and suffering? Why could I not accept or receive Love, nor give it unconditionally? These are but a few of the questions I have had, there are more of course, but the point is... I want to know!I have always looked at babies with fascination as they are so open and receptive, as well as filled with knowledge. I wonder what they could tell us if they could speak immediately after being born? WOuld they tell us of the wonders of it all? There has been research into near-death experiences, but could there possibly be research that could discover what new-life experience is like? Perhaps... But for now, I look at babies with continued awe. Look into their eyes, into the depths of their knowing and you can see it. Past the subterfuge, created by unknowing parents bent on doing the best they can to raise a child in the world today.

They know, babies do... I can see it in their eyes. This is what I am remembering. I am remembering a time, a place where Love is all there is. There is no fear, anger, hatred, violence, greed and deception. Where compassion, joy and bliss are the natural states of being and all recognize that. Where people are connected in Spirit and long to help one another, as though helping themselves. A place where all is perfect and right knowledge prevails.

This place does exist as a dimensional reality, I am certain of this. However, the current situation in the world today has precluded most from seeing this. To say that it has happened over time and from acceptance by most participants is true, I believe. However, I don’t believe that is all there is. I have come to see that we can bring that dimension into our current reality, a “Heaven on Earth” as it were, just by shifting our awareness to the higher frequencies. By cleansing ourselves of the detritus built up over a lifetime of unconscious acceptance to the way things are.

This is what my journey is all about. Reclamation of my Soul Sovereignty and non-acceptance of the current state of affairs. I refuse to believe any more that the way things appear to be is the way it is going to stay. By healing myself with Soul Retrieval, I am coming into a wholeness of being that is showing the way to continued growth and healing. I am working the energy as it comes in, questioning why things are happening and being guided to the answers.

This is truly an unplugging from the Matrix as it were, a knowing that I can and will make a difference in my life and a knowing that if I live my life to my Soul’s Purpose, it will be a happy, joyous and fulfilling experience. It is always exciting, and as long as I stay in Love and Kindness and Total Personal Responsibility, I am better able to interact with the world around me. In fact, carrying the peaceful vibrations seems to have an impact on those around me and they too have begun to experience things differently.

So, I continue... And know, deep inside I know this is the right path. It is liberating... Far more liberating than other paths I have walked in my life. Actually, the other paths I followed degraded my energy so much as to require a great amount of healing and work. This is what I am writing about... The breaking free of the “Norm” to become the authentic expression of my Soul. So, it is challenging... and to some it may sound as though I am sick or depressed or any other societal/medical definitions. But therein lies the conundrum, this is what I am trying to break free of.

There was a time many years ago, that I turned to my doctor and said I was having problems adjusting to a traumatic experience, stacked upon other traumatic experiences. She pulled out a questionnaire and left me alone to answer the questions. 30 minutes went by... you know doctor’s offices, and when she returned looked at the answers and proclaimed “you have clinical depression”... She whipped out the prescription pad and voila, I was to be cured! Take these and we’ll reconnect in a month. But be sure to come in immediately if you are feeling angry, suicidal, aggressive or otherwise not right... Wow...

Dutifully, I took the remedy... What happened. Well, it actually got worse for a while. I did have suicidal thoughts, I was angry and aggressive and was actually worse off and kinda scared. I called, got appointment and out came the pad again. Marc, Prozac is not going to work for you, but don’t worry we will try this... and if that doesn’t work, then there are other pills that we can try...

Well, suffice to say... Eventually I got to the place where I was numb. The pills took out the highs and lows and I was just numb. Nothing really mattered and I DIDN’T HAVE MY POWER... That went on for a while, but eventually I saw that it wasn’t giving me what I truly needed.

This practice that I have found works. It is based in and promotes SELF-EMPOWERMENT through DIRECT EXPERIENCE. It is holistic and inclusive and I decide what is to be done for my highest good. I am the pilot of this ship... Some days I flounder in rough seas and others the wind is at my back and I cover great distances. But I look back on the last 3 years and my growth has been remarkable. I am different thanI was in so many ways.

I am happy, joyous and free. Even during the challenging times I prevail... Because of my effort, my insights and my quest for the Truth. I am getting better, stronger and vibrant. This I like, this I love... My life is perfect in all ways and I am so thankful and grateful. Thank you Creator!!!!!

Blessings everyone!

Love and Kindness, Marc

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The Cosmic Tsunami Begins

a message from Karen Bishop

Friday, 19 March, 2010

This is an exciting time indeed. How blessed are we to be participating in a rare and pivotal time with a massive re-structuring of our earth, ourselves, and the cosmos? All in preparation for a very new way of living and being in a very new reality and dimension.

We may have been able to tap into many of these magical and higher vibrating states of living and being in times past, as vibrating higher always gives any given individual access to a higher dimensional experience, but what is different now, is that the entire planet is beginning the process of this very new existence…and this also means that the energy we are completely surrounded by will permanently sustain the higher energies with absolutely no effort….yes, it is an exciting time indeed. We have finally arrived and are completing the process.

This process, as most processes with ascension, is occurring piece by piece and step by step. With each earth change or movement of the earth at very deep levels, we then begin to experience more of the higher vibrating energies. So then, as the earth re-structures herself, she is then re-aligning in order to be in alignment with and to receive these new and higher frequencies. At the same time, everything in the cosmos is re-aligning as well. As the beautiful and specific energies of the cosmos, its planets, and the celestial bodies adjust, energy and movement then ripple outward, and a wave of new vibration is created and secured.

As each Earth movement or change occurs as well, a summoning then takes place, and the new energies arrive. But at the same time, the newly arriving energies are creating the earth movements. So which comes first, the chicken or the egg? As with all of creation, everything happens all at once and meets in the middle, culminating with a creation or movement and change. “Everything” happens all at once at times when everything is ready and willing, and thus, a massive plan or agreement at higher levels and a very loving interaction is at the helm. Again, this is how creation always happens, only this time, much of it is happening with massive bodies of energy, or rather, the cosmos…and every living thing at every level of existence will then have no choice but to participate. This is what we have been waiting for…what a time for celebration!

So then, the first ripples of the cosmic tsunami are beginning to be felt. This is a very interesting and rare time, as this process is quite amazing, no doubt. Much of the interesting part comes from the fact that we started a new earth, or Earth Two (a dimensional overlay), and had to begin with literally no foundation. In this way, we are creating piece by piece, making this a slow process. This means that the equinox of March 20th, will certainly have its effect, but the effect is determinant upon how much of the new earth we have created so far. Meaning exactly what?

If we were to look out at an expanse of energy and creation timeline for the earth, we would easily see that from March onward, everything looks very expansive, linear, and simply reaches out for what looks like infinity with no ups or downs, or rather highs or lows with creation. In other words, there are no new platforms of new creation present. But come June, everything changes, and we will then experience a massive new “anchoring in” once again, along with huge manifestations of new creation that take hold.

So then, the beginning ripples of the cosmic tsunami are at hand, along with the energies of the March 20th equinox. These situations are creating a lot of energy right now. But they are manifesting in different ways. And how does this movement affect us at our personal and experiential levels?

Because we have not created much quite yet, the equinox energies are creating situations where there is a lot of energy moving, but it can only interact with what is present at the time. This means that we are needing to tend to things that are already here, or that need our attention before we really anchor in and move forward in June. For example, we may find that we are suddenly having to fix things (but know as well, that when we move into new spaces, we are no longer in alignment with much of anything, and this frequently creates situations where everything breaks or needs our attention for repair or replacement). In this way, we may find that we are securing our foundation, or rather adjusting these frequencies through repair or replacement, so that we will be firmly ready and in alignment as more and more earth changes occur.

We may feel as though we are going in circles, with lots of energy flowing, but not much being created. We are simply experiencing an arrival of equinox energies that have nothing much to interact with except what is already here. We cannot move forward just yet, as the earth and cosmos are still adjusting and remolding themselves so that they can better receive and accommodate the higher vibrating energies that are arriving in slow and steady increments.

So how might we be feeling and experiencing all this strange rambling you just read? How are all these changes or movements affecting many of us?

As the earth and cosmos re-align and adjust, so do we, as we are all one. Body aches and the old familiar leg and foot pain are still present. These uncomfortable experiences of our lower extremities will continue to occur at intervals for quite some time… simply because the new reality has a lot to do with grounding into the new earth and claiming it as our true and rightful heritage. Just wait until the solstice in June!

Sweating and hot flashes are still occurring for many. We are burning off any lower vibrating energies within us as we adjust. If ever I have a lower vibrating thought where I beat myself up or do not honor myself, or if I have a fear or negative thought that cannot exist in this reality, immediately, I will become excruciatingly hot and begin to sweat. At least these hot flashes and sweats serve as great barometers and training and alignment tools!

When we are in between worlds, or rather when we do not have much to anchor into yet, we become vulnerable. This manifests as having issues with boundaries (as not much knows where it belongs just yet), having unpleasant energies in our spaces, and feeling like we are naked and hanging out there for the taking. This particular scenario can make some of us want to stay home, or even encourage us not to be “out there” in all ways. If you are one who is generally more sensitive to the unseen world, you may have unwanted visitors in your space who are not of your liking. According to one of my readers, many are having experiences of cloaked figures peering at them in the night! I had this experience once myself, and in times past, have noticed some interesting visitors in my home on other occasions as they peer and become curious about my guests. These experiences are temporary. I simply tell these unwanted visitors to "get lost" and then I ignore them and pay them no attention.

With so much energy moving of late, we may feel as though we are hyperventilating and cannot sit still. We may have what feels like nervous energy and feel that we need to be doing something all the time, with an inability to settle down. Add to this an unusual or strange craving for junk food and sweets, and we have a recipe for nervous tension needing an outlet.

As we move into more of a permanent residency in a higher realms reality, we begin to have the fun and beautiful things happen as well. Creating the New Reality explains a lot of these experiences that seem to occur all on their own. We are creating very rapidly now, and simply having a casual thought can bring something into our spaces in record time. In addition, as we begin residing in this new and higher vibrating dimension, we very easily come to see that absolutely everything is vitally connected and supports a whole. In this way, we very naturally find ourselves in states of gratitude and great love.

Another common occurrence right now is in regard to our personal energy. We can easily become aware of how we may have been running our energies in “out of balance” or inappropriate ways, even though we usually do what we do because we feel it is the “right” thing. The higher we vibrate then, the more we are able to “see” from above, and know that we did our best in our lower dimensional experience, but that this is not the way it is in the higher realms. It is time to change our behavior, as we come to see what it is that needs to change.

At other times, we may feel our energy suddenly drop for no apparent reason and feel a distinct depression, futility, and funk, but in a matter of hours or perhaps with the onset of a very new day, we are once again flying high, connected to the new energies, and experiencing the fun and adventure of the process of arriving in a new reality. The more we progress in relation to anchoring into and creating the new reality, the more we will continue to experience the fun of it all, while these drops occur less and less until they finally cease to exist.

All in all, we will continue to see-saw our way into the higher vibrations, along with all of the cosmos, and as always, come to know that everything is and always has been in divine and perfect order.

With much love and gratitude,Karen

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Synchronicity: How We Relate To This Mystical Law

As most of you can tell by now, I love a good conversation. To me, dinner with people who know how to discuss delicious topics is one of the great pleasures of life. I don’t even have to include dinner – I just threw that in. A great conversation can take place anywhere, anytime. What makes a conversation “great”, as it were, at least for me – is that my imagination is animated, or I am inspired to think about something in a way that I had not considered it before, or I learn new facts, or I discover a whole new field of information, or I encounter someone who thinks in a way that is so unique that I just want to listen and observe his or her mind in action. So the other day I had the opportunity to have one of those great and delicious conversations with someone who had imagination and depth and wisdom, and so off we went into a discussion of the nature of mystical laws. The conversation didn’t start out exactly on that topic. It began with this question that he asked me, “Are you more fascinated by what you can see or by what you cannot see?”

Now how many people would think to ask you that?

As soon as I heard the question, I almost swayed into another dimension: Am I more fascinated by what I can see or by what I cannot see? I replied that I was more drawn to the dimension of the unseen. He asked for an example and that’s when I submitted as article number one: The Mystical Law of Synchronicity. I said that I was fascinated by that law and how its alchemy comes together within each of our lives. As a visual, imagine this law as an alchemical dynamic comprised of several chemicals that may or may not create a spark overhead. Conditions have to be perfect – but what exactly are those conditions? Imagine, then, that you want to interact with those conditions – you want to become an active variable in the creative dynamic of the law of synchronicity. Is that even possible and if so, what would you have to know and become – not do – but become in order to interact with the law? How intriguing is this? (Said another way, how could such a question not intrigue someone?)

Carl Jung brought the mystical law of synchronicity into common parlance and then it made its way into mainstream awareness. Commonly understood, it refers to a coming together of events that happen to coordinate or parallel with something that you are experiencing at that same time. Sometimes a synchronistic event is localized, meaning that the psychic event and the physical event occur in the same place at the same time. Jung called that the first category of synchronistic events. Thinking of someone and then seeing that person one minute later or receiving a phone call from them five seconds after you thought of his or her name are examples of what he would call the second category of synchronistic events; that is, two people having mutual thoughts of each other separated by distance.

We have all experienced synchronistic events – some on a small scale, some on a grand scale. They happen all the time. Can a person influence the Law of Synchronicity? How fascinating is that question? What makes a synchronistic event or moment come together? And are some people more receptive to synchronistic events than others? All of those questions are worthy of an afternoon’s lecture (which is why I’m doing a workshop on the Mystical Laws in April), but I’ll address each one in brief. (Other Mystical Laws include the laws that govern Fate and Destiny, the Mystical Laws of Healing and the Mystical Law of Transformation).

Why is knowledge such as this so important? Because you interact with these laws with every breath you take. Nothing about your life is casual or happenstance. On the other hand, literature abounds about how you can “create your own reality” just by thinking “positive thoughts”. How many positive thoughts? One? Two? Is creating your whole reality really that simple? What about all your negative unconscious thoughts – what happens to them? The tendency in this contemporary spiritual society is to take these extraordinary Mystical Laws and reduce them to a user’s guide to happiness - not that there is anything wrong with happiness. But you miss the whole galaxy by focusing on only one planet, if you see what I mean. These laws govern the invisible universe and suggest that an ideal harmony (not happiness but harmonious balance) coexists between the soul realm and the physical. That same relationship in the macro realm is what each person contains in the micro as an individual and thus these laws operate as a mini-universe within each human being.

We are born knowing this truth, though not in the intellectual detail with which I am now communicating it. Rather, we are born with an inherent awareness of these Mystical Laws. We are born with a type of yearning to experience awe and to be blown away by greater-than-ordinary events. And if they do not happen naturally or supernaturally (as in Divinely inspired), then we create them just to get our adrenalin going at max speed because that part of us longs to break through the barrier of “earth speed” in order to touch mystical weightlessness. Ask anyone who pushes the envelope why they risk their lives doing the most outrageous sports, for example, and their responses hint at a longing for a mystical experience. Many speak of “losing themselves in the moment” or “feeling weightlessness” just for a second, as if time stands still. That’s a description of a mystical experience, not a physical one. It’s the best a person can achieve on his or her own without the addition of maximum “grace speed”, but it’s most certainly a taste of the thrill of “mystical weightlessness”. No wonder athletes get addicted to the “high” of those experiences. They literally and symbolically are “highs”.

The Law of Synchronicity, then, is one of many Mystical Laws that govern the invisible world. These Mystical Laws work in partnership with the laws of the physical realm, such as motion, speed, gravity, etc. The Mystical Laws work in subtle ways, but they are as intimate as our breath. When are we not “thinking” or “emotionally reacting” or stressed or unstressed or creating or angry or not angry or in love or broken hearted? We are, in other words, always “in psychic motion” and our energy is at least a part of the substance these laws use to function within our lives.

Just like the athletes experiencing a weightless high during a peak experience, it’s possible to sample that same sensation when you become aware that you are in the midst of a synchronistic event. Immediately your senses become more alert as you shift from just glancing over the environment you are in to scanning in for miniscule details, each one on reserve for potential symbolic significance. Instantly you begin to wonder about the “meaning” of that particular moment over the other ordinary moments of that day when nothing synchronistic occurred. Such questions lift your thinking above the ground. Where? To mystical heights – a synchronistic event ultimately makes you wonder about purpose, meaning, significance, fate, and destiny. Granted, your wonderment will not always be overwhelming with each synchronistic event but because these are, in essence, mystical sparks – a merger of the psychic and physical realms coming together – you are experiencing a mystical law in motion acting directly through the corridor of your life. And that is awesome.

As I briefly describe my own observations about the Law of Synchronicity, I want you to think of yourself as an active variable. You are the X-factor in your own life, an active ingredient that can initiate a synchronistic event or dispel the energy of one. You are the object, then, that needs to be understood in addition to the Law of Synchronicity.

  1. Can a person influence acts of synchronicity; that is, are some people more likely to experience synchronistic events, and if so, why? We can and do influence all the Mystical Laws, including the Law of Synchronicity. This particular law seems to be far more animated around a person who lacks a heavy emotional/mental/psychic history. Said another way, a person who lives primarily in “present time” is living in harmony with the natural energetics of this law.
  2. Adaptability and respond-ability are two qualities that seem to magnetize synchronicity. A person’s willingness to adapt to the opportunity that a synchronistic event presents with minimum hesitation jumps right into the magic of the moment. That person has “respond-ability”. This is a big deal as most people hesitate out of over-caution and fear of the consequences of their actions. As a result, most people continually look to their past for inspiration as to what to choose next, and many times they end up stuck. The ability to recognize an opportunity as a synchronistic “Divine set up” and then respond to that moment in a way that grounds that opportunity ensures a person of a “follow-up” synchronistic experience, if not a series of them. This is a person who is now living in the flow of a mystical law.
  3. A person cannot make a certain type of synchronistic event happen. We have no control over the types of events or the timing of them.
  4. Why and when synchronistic events happen seems to be connected to greater or lesser choice points in a person’s life. The significance of these choice points varies but the common thread is that a synchronistic moment or experience is a choice point.
  5. You as the active variable should take time to reflect upon whether you are a psychic anchor in your own life or someone who is capable of an immediate and dynamic response. That is a question worthy of hours and hours of reflection and not just as regards the Law of Synchronicity, but all the other Mystical Laws as well. Specifically, someone who fights change, who fears the unknown and new ideas and suggestions weakens or depletes the energy field required for synchronistic events.

Continuing on with my conversation:

My friend and I chatted for quite some time about the Law of Synchronicity and my observation about how being in present time increases the likelihood of synchronistic events. How can that not happen? It’s so energetically logical. Of course, our conversation had to include this question: Can and do people know when they are sabotaging a synchronistic event? Fascinating question. I’ll have to ponder that one and save the answer for my upcoming workshop on the Mystical Laws.

Meanwhile, let me leave you with this insight: When a synchronistic event/moment occurs, it does so because certain elements of the psychic realm and the physical realm match. I always take that as a signal that I am standing at a crossroads, a choice point. That choice may not be huge – or it may be. But I always ask myself during a synchronistic moment, “What choice occurs to me?” and then I act on it.

This Universe is a mystical wonderland, to say the least. So I will leave you with the question that started my conversation with a dear friend, “Are you more fascinated by what you can see or by what you cannot see?” Reflect upon that, now imagining that there is no such thing as empty space.

Love, Caroline

© 2009 Myss.com - Caroline Myss is a New York Times best-selling author whose books include Anatomy of the Spirit, Why People Don’t Heal and How They Can, Sacred Contacts, and Entering the Castle. Defy Gravity: Healing Beyond the Bounds of Reason, will be published by Hay House in October 2009.
Listen to Caroline every week on www.HayHouseRadio.com

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Life in then Cosmos!

“I am not a vegetarian because I love animals; I am a vegetarian because I hate plants.”

~A. Whitney Brown

“HAMANITIES NEW RECORDS”    illustration by SethD8 – 15 Feb 2007


Diane 7 February 2007

Your expectations are now rightly high as you cannot help but note the changes that are occurring all around you. It matters little what level they are taking place, the collective effect is one that can be felt and seen. Outwardly you see moves within the political circles, suggesting that a common consensus of opinion is developing. One that augurs well for bringing a halt to the escalation of the war in the Middle East. Inwardly you feel a releasing of the pressure brought about by negative energies that impound upon you. You find a resilience that comes of having built up a resistance through raising your vibrations.

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WE the PEOPLE…Founders Think, Speak and Act Now!

  “If you think nobody cares if you are alive, try missing a couple of car payments.” ~Earl Wilson

We the People?

There is NO more Perfect Time for True Change than this very Moment NOW!

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Discerning Yourself!

Diane | 06 September 06

From the source of the many messages you receive, you get a measure of what is being done on your behalf. It has been a feature of this period, that many people have been enabled to make contact with Beings that are off Earth. Never before have so many become awakened, and it is a sign of the growth of consciousness that is taking place. For those who knowingly work with their Higher Selves, it is a small step to open up a line to other Beings.

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