Tag: heart of hearts

Galactic Federation of Light Yeshua May-08-2013

Yeshua: Move Into Your True Center~ As Channeled Through Fran Zepeda ~ May 8, 2013


Hello dear ones, I greet you today from a place very close

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Expanding the Light Body


7 November 2011 - 11:35pm | jimmy

This is so awesome I had to share it. As many of you know, last week I had an incredible mystical experience where I downloaded the crystalline matrix (the 11/11/11 code) and released the metatron...

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HEAVEN #3838 You Need to Know the Love in Your Heart , May 29, 2011


God said:  

When I gave you the gift of life in the world, you eagerly accepted the gift. Now you have second thoughts. Now you talk behind My back, so to speak. Of course, you may rant and rave at Me, and you are sure that...

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HEAVEN #3792 God Holds You in His Heart, April 13, 2011


God said:  

I would like to write a tribute to you. A salute to you. You have stayed on Earth through thick and thin. You accepted your assignment, and then you came, and then you stayed. You have given your heart-given tri...

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HEAVEN #3783 Turn On the Lights, April 4, 2011


God said:  

Automatic. Love is automatic. Only you have stepped in and tried to boss love around. You want love to appear on signal. You want to dress it up. You want to whip it into shape.

The word love may be too much...

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The Freeway of Love Heavenletter #3778 March 30, 2011


God said:

Lift up your head. Lift up your eyes. Life up your heart. Let your heart dance and sing. You are the decider of your heart. The world is not. The world does not have the last say of your heart. Your heart is within your ...

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HEAVEN #3732 This Moment of God , February 12, 2011


God said:

You know out of sight is not out of mind. Past and people occur to you again and again. I would say that, on one level, nothing is out of sight. When something does appear to your conscious vision, you may well have a sp...

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HEAVEN #3722 God’s True Love, February 2, 2011


God said:  

Welcome to My heart. Here is where you belong. If you have been seeking where you belong, I am telling you that you belong right here with Me where you have always been and never left. You always belonged.


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10-10-2010 : A Day Of Conversion

17 September 2010 - 11:07am

As received by Gillian MacBeth-Louthan

The vibrations of 10-10-2010 are all about conversion, changing from one form into another. A time where miracles come to life and breathe deeply of the broken ...

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“Happiness is a perfume you cannot pour on others without getting a few drops on yourself.”




“I (WE) AM!” an illustration by SethD8 – 25 Feb 07

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Observe the Perfection of Change!

Update by Sheldan Nidle for the Spiritual Hierarchy and the Galactic Federation
        12 Kan, 2 Tzotz, 2 Ik        

Greetings, dear Hearts! We come again with more to discuss with you! Presently, your world is caught in the final moves of a grand chess game between the forces of Light and dark. What is to be remembered about this time is the length of this chess match and how the Light finally outsmarted the dark. It will be seen that the key to all this was the overdrawn position accepted by the dark. Everywhere, holes kept popping up in their defense strategies. Eventually, these growing gaps led to their downfall. When you look upon the true history of this world, you can see how the dark was compelled to allow its entourage to become more internationally diverse. The dark’s intention was to forge a series of interlocking groups whose purpose was to manipulate and secretly control international banking and commerce. These groups were to report to a ruling directorate based initially in Europe and later also in North America. This directorate became very powerful. In the late 1990s, threats to its power started to appear first in Asia and then in Eastern Europe. These puny challenges were the beginnings of a broader power struggle.       By the start of this decade, these challenges to the dark’s dominance were strengthening. This did not go unheeded by the dark cabal’s ruling directorate. Its response to these provocations was to stage a massive event known as 9/11. It was specifically engineered to lead to a state of global martial law and the formal declaration of a new world order. Most of the conditions necessary for this state were complete by the Gregorian year of 2002. However, the final objectives of this goal were not quite achieved. Instead, the forces of Light had managed to keep a number of their strongholds intact and began to create new alliances with former members of the dark’s various international banking and commerce cartels. These coalitions were to increase both in number and in membership over the next few years. What was forming can be likened to a volcano before an eruption: a dome in the floor of the crater can temporarily contain an upsurge of magma, but in the end it blows. Until that point, all seems normal and quiet to a casual observer.

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True Freedom!

Update by Sheldan Nidle for the Spiritual Hierarchy and the Galactic Federation
        2 Ix, 15 Zip, 2 Ik        

Selamat Jarin! We return, dear Hearts, with more things to discuss with you! In our past few messages, we dealt with some of the financial and political ramifications of the program put together by our Earth allies. We talked about the ultimate importance to you of personal sovereignty and how the ending of global statute or military law is to set you free from the ominous designs of the dark. Let us look at this now in greater depth to understand more about sovereignty. All humans are born free with certain unalienable rights given to them by a gracious and Loving Creator. Among these are the right to Life, Liberty, and the pursuit of Happiness. This phrase given to the writers of the American Declaration of Independence by St. Germaine is not a mere grouping of ideals. Rather, it is the distillation of a greater discourse given by Lord Surea to the Councils of Heaven that deal with the spiritual evolution of humanity on this most luscious gem that you call Mother Earth. Never forget that freedom is the very core of your sovereignty. Freedom defines you and provides the means to sustain you in physicality.       Sovereignty is a direct by-product of freedom. When you are truly free, you are fully responsible for yourself and for your community. This goes hand in hand with your spiritual or consciousness growth. Divine service is to fulfill your community and to creatively use your ability to solve the various problems that daily surround you. You truly understand how connected you are to your fellows. This connection breaths forth a great desire to forge a Loving and sustainable environment for your community. This invites actions that enhance not only your efforts but also those put forth by the spiritual collective that is your community. Sovereignty is the divine and lawful means for carrying out these positive actions. Accordingly, sovereignty has possessed a special lawful status from the very beginning of Human community as initially expressed in Hybornea and later in Lemuria and the first stages of Atlantis. This status gives each Being an equality with each other. Sovereignty is the special foundation that your good works can be built upon. It is the means by which your full creative talents can easily manifest.

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Re-inventing Money!

Update by Sheldan Nidle for the Spiritual Hierarchy and the Galactic Federation
        13 Eb, 10 Zip, 2 Ik        

Selamat Jarin! We return with more to say! As always, events are moving forward at their own unique pace. This operation has been marked from the beginning by sudden, accelerated steps quickly countered by many forced steps backward. This uneven pace can be frustrating to the uninitiated. At present, we are at a stage where progress is being made on numerous fronts. When considering this incredible project, it is necessary to comprehend its vast international scope. As noted in previous messages, the intent is no less than to transform the global financial and banking system. Our Earth allies are saddled with literally well over a hundred countries and a plethora of banks, loan institutions, and similar financial organizations. A great deal of important, personal conferencing; protected, confidential memo-ing; and secured video-conferencing goes on daily between thousands of individuals involved in this procedure. The outcome of all this is a steady rate of progress toward your predestined victory. Let us look at some of the obstacles that have so far been cleared.       The most consequential one to date was achieved in the first two years of this decade. In order to challenge the “Dumbarton Oaks” agreement, it was first necessary to get some of the major central banks of Europe and Asia to decide to work toward creating a new global financial network. This goal was reached when Europe and a few major Asian banks joined together to form a secret task force to forge such a document. This working group swiftly grew in scope and in numbers in the last two years. Your world’s financial instability increases by the day, and this factor greatly accelerates the need to produce a new financial prototype. With this new model in mind, our Earth allies were able to make many political alliances. These, in turn, have made it possible for the IMF to declare the prosperity program allied with this monetary shift to be true humanitarian projects. By late 2005, the new financial plan had acquired a large degree of legitimacy, which was further bolstered by a number of conferences convened to address ways to dismiss the humungous third world debt. Everywhere, progress was being made and being made swiftly.

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