Tag: health_medical_pharma (page 2 of 3)

Cannabis & The Pineal Gland : Turn On The Third Eye

The Pineal Gland or the 'Seat of the Soul' as described by Rene Descartes, is the focal point of our spiritual guiding system which makes us go beyond the five senses of rationality and become multisensory, tuned into and aware of higher dimensions of consciousness within a holographic cosmos. Cannabis or Marijuana among other psychedelics facilitates the activation of the pineal gland and helps turn on the third eye or the mind's eye directing our spiritual evolution to wholeness.The pineal gl [...]

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3 Common Mental Health Issues Treatable with Psychedelics

Despite the complicated social perspective regarding psychedelics, more research and attention is being given to the use of psychedelic substances such as lysergic acid diethylamide (LSD), psilocybin mushrooms, and plants such as ayahuasca to treat mental illnesses, including depression, anxiety, alcoholism and drug addiction.Psychedelics interact with serotonin receptors in the brain and have a way of enabling people to consider new perspectives and possibilities in life. Unfortunately the pol [...]

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18 Amazing Health Benefits From Honey and Cinnamon

Drug companies won't like this one getting around.It is found that a mix of honey and cinnamon cures most diseases. Honey is produced in most of the countries of the world. Scientists of today also note honey as very effective medicine for all kinds of diseases. Honey can be used without side effects which is also a plus. Today's science says that even though honey is sweet, when it is taken in the right dosage as a medicine, it does not harm even diabetic patients. HEART DISEASE [...]

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Study Proves Extrasensory Mind-to-Mind Interaction at a Distance

A group of international neuroscientists and robotics engineers have discovered for the first time that human brains can indeed ‘talk’ directly to one another, even from thousands of miles away.A brain-to-brain communication study conducted in coordination with Harvard Medical School has proven that extrasensory mind-to mind interaction can happen over great distances by leveraging different pathways in the mind.The study, coauthored by Alvaro Pascual-Leone, Director of th [...]

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Scientists claim ‘telepathy’ success after sending mental message from one person to another 4,000 miles away

Scientists have sent a mental message from one person to another 4,000 miles away in the world’s first successful telepathy experiment.

They connected one person in India to a sensitive headset linked to the internet and another to a similar device in Paris.

When the first person thought of a simple greeting like “Hello”, the recipient in France was aware of the thought.

The subject receiving the message could not see the word itself but could correctly report flashes of light in peripheral vision that corresponded to the exact moment the word “Hello” was thought.
The ground-breaking experiment, after 10 years’ work on the subject, was carried out by a team lead by scientists from America’s Harvard University.

Physicist Giulio Ruffini, co-author of the research, said: “It’s a kind of technological realisation of the dream of telepathy but it is definitely not magical.

“We are using technology to interact electromagnetically with the brain.”

Co-author Alvaro Pascual-Leone added: “We wanted to find if we could communicate directly between two people by reading brain activity from one and injecting it into the second, across great distances, by using existing pathways.

“One such pathway is, of course, the Internet, so our question became, ‘Could we develop an experiment that would bypass the talking or typing part of Internet and establish direct brain-to-brain communication between subjects located far away from each other in India and France?’”
Dr Ruffini added: “We hope in the longer term this could radically change the way we communicate with each other.”

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Mind Messaging: Thoughts Transmitted by Brain-to-Brain Link

In an experiment that sounds more like science fiction than reality, two humans were able to send greetings to each other using only a digital connection linking their brains.livescience.comUsing noninvasive means, researchers made brain recordings o...

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Google company to launch new facility to research aging

By Richard Nievo cnet.com Calico, the life sciences company funded by Google, on Wednesday announced a partnership with the biopharmaceutical firm AbbVie to pour up to $1.5 billion into a research facility focused on fighting age-related diseas...

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Baptized By A Breath Of Light Healing The Disease Of Death

Baptized By A Breath Of Light Healing The Disease Of DeathEpisode IIwww.themasterteacher.tv

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Carl Jung ~ Death is Not the End

Carl Gustav Jung, often referred to as C. G. Jung, was a Swiss psychiatrist and psychotherapist who founded analytical psychology. Click to zoom

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Baptized By A Breath Of Light Healing Target: Lung Disease

Baptized By A Breath Of Light Healing Target: Lung DiseaseEpisode IIwww.themasterteacher.tv

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After ‘Jeopardy’ Win, IBM’s Watson Now Helping Fight Cancer

Scott Spangler, principal data scientist, IBM Watson Innovations, demonstrates how IBM Watson cognitive technology can now visually display connections in scientific literature and drug information. Tanya Lewis, LiveScience nbcnews.com Watch ...

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The Catalyst Of Forgiving Love – Healing Target: Heart Disease

The Catalyst Of Forgiving Love - Healing Target: Heart DiseaseEpisode IIwww.themasterteacher.tv

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Scientists now say they were wrong about inner Earth mantle

Illustration of inner Earthhuffingtonpost.comMaybe we were mistaken about Earth's mantle, the layer of our rocky planet that lies between its core and the thin crust on which we live. For years, earth scientists were convinced that the mantle's entire...

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