Tag: healer (page 2 of 2)

Cosmic Weather Report May 2011


a message from Sarah Biermann

Thursday, 12 May, 2011  (posted 13 May, 2011)

I've written and spoken about this being a very physical year. (Read The Energies of 2011.) Since the new moon on May 3rd  we've be...

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Floating on the Aries Wind


a message from Sarah Biermann

Sunday, 1 May, 2011  (posted 2 May, 2011)

Earth Changes in the Physical Year of 2011

It’s pretty obvious that we are having lots of physical changes, both to the planet and to our...

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Confessions of a Spiritual Teacher


a message from Sarah Biermann

Wednesday, 16 March, 2011  (posted 28 March, 2011)

Thank God(dess) I Don't Have to be Perfect

Perfection (doing it right) is not required to be a Spiritual Teacher. Actually, imperfe...

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Our Beautiful Planet is Moving!


a message from Sarah Biermann

Tuesday, 1 March, 2011  (posted 8 March, 2011)

I mentioned during the teleseminar in January that I thought the Sun was in a different place. I see the sunrise from the window in ...

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Energies of 2011


a message from Sarah Biermann

Friday, 18 February, 2011

Has the New Year Started Yet?

The beginning of 2011 has been about releasing old stuff (yes, still!). A lot of us have been saying “goodbye” to people, p...

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HEAVEN #3697 Love Is the Healer, January 8, 2011


God said: O, My beloveds, sit here now and hear what I say to you. I am your heart speaking. This must be so because I am the Heart of the World. My heart is yours, as your heart is Mine, as We are One-Heart. Can you imagine the love i...

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I am very pleased with this piece of artwork and alignment meditation visualization aid!

When preparing myself for collective lightwork I often create artwork to assist me in the visualization process.  I see what guides, spirits and beings are here to assist me on my journey and welcome them with love and gratitude.

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Re-Assess Your Responsibility

a message from Archangel Uriel channeled by Jennifer Hoffman

Monday, 9 August, 2010  (posted 17 August, 2010)

Your responsibility as healers is a serious one and you fulfill this in ways that have o...

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Spaciousness and Choiceless Awareness

St. Francis through Anina Davenport

Many of you who have been raising frequency for years report a feeling of spaciousness in your bodies. Where does this come from and what does it mean? Space is what you are. Space, love, emptiness, consciousness...

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this message came as a direct result of my having asked Jeshua

"what can i do to extend my love into this appearance "  (the oil spill)

what you will read below is jeshuas response as to who we are and

how t...

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Universal & Spiritual Laws


Universal & Spiritual Laws of the Cosmos

Star Laws of the Wheel of Humanity

Universal Law of Free Will

TUNKASILA – Protects Personal Freedom

ARCTURUS – Invokes the Freedom Ray

QUAN YIN – Accesses Great Karmic Council

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Extraterrestrial A-Z!

Hello Gang!

I just came accross this information today. It is very interesting and somewhat mind opening. In case you haven’t noticed, lately in my art style I have been exploring beings from other worlds who are here assisting us. This guide book is sure going to make my art allot more interesting and hopefully with some good perception I will make a couple more artistic leaps in style along the way. I am committed to illustrating my perceptions through art with all of my communications and shareings. Be sure and keep checking back, becuase as my mind unfolds so does my art. And now… ET’s A-Z…

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Messages from Ker-on & Atmos 17/18 Jul 06

Messages from Ker-on & Atmos


Ker-On  | 17-July-06


We could always see that events would get worse before they got better. Out of the situation that now faces you in the Middle East, will come the opportunity to move politicians towards the understanding that the people involved seek a peaceful outcome. There is a lot of pressure from inside the countries not to just stop the confrontation from escalating, but to bring a halt to it for all time. Out of a difficult and delicate situation you will find it is possible to prevent it drawing in other countries.

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