Tag: Gulf of Mexico (page 1 of 3)

Archangel Metatron Channel: The Ring of Fire Solar Eclipse


Feminine Balancing - The Cosmic Trigger Final Phase 

Archangel Metatron via James Tyberonn

  Greetings Dear Ones, I am Metatron, Lord of Light ! I greet and honor each of you in Unconditi...

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Dutch Documentary: The dirty oil from Shell

The eyes of the world have been focused on the Gulf of Mexico, where BP took several months to stop an oil leak deep under the sea surface. In the meantime, a 50 year oil disaster is happening in Nigeria.. Since SHELL started their hunt for oil in Nige...

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Mira the Pleiadian: All Masks Will Be Removed


2012 January 31 Channeler: Valerie Donner

A Message from Mira, from the Pleiadian High Council

Dear Ground Crew:

Has this past month or so been challenging for you? Are you feeling physical pain, having ...

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PlasmERG’s Revolutionary Engine Getting Ready to Rumble


The Nevada based company PlasmERG, with their sister company Inteligentry, is prepping for the testing and manufacturing of their Noble Gas Engine. The first test engine has been assembled, and the electronic control system will soon ...

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Too Big to Fail: The Movement of the 99%


A Movement Too Big to Fail by Chris Hedges l Truthdig

There is no danger that the protesters who have occupied squares, parks and plazas across the nation in defiance of the corporate state will be co-opted by the Democratic ...

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June 13, 2011

By Allison Rae

Like the persistent blossoming of a lotus, the galactic heart opens. This week’s full moon lunar eclipse is the cosmic centerpiece of a volatile eclipse season and a moment of revel...

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Power Path: New Moon/Eclipse Update June 1, 2011


This is a bit late, but still relevant. EagleEyes  

31 May 2011  

Channeler:  Lena Stevens

Dear Friends,

New Moon is Wednesday, June 1 at 3:03 PM Mountain Daylight Time. This signifies the begi...

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About those eclipses


a message from Allison Rae

Sunday, 22 May, 2011  (posted 23 May, 2011)

Don’t you love how life gives you exactly what you need, exactly when you need it?

For weeks now, people have been asking me abo...

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Sheldan Nidle – May 10, 2011


May 10, 2011

9 Oc, 8 Moan, 7 Ik

Selamat Jarin! We return! The Ascended Masters continue to assert themselves on your world! Our Earth allies, with their divine help, are readying for the grand transformations that are shor...

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Matthew’s messages April 23rd 2011


First, I want to caution the readers about these messages, because, in my opinion, the previous message contain erroneous information about the reason for Libyan war and Qaddafi. Matthew stated that for the first time in his...

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The Stabilized Passageway Zoosh through Robert Shapiro


7 April 2011   Channeler:  Robert Shapiro

Hi everyone, from most precious Zoosh through Robert Shapiro from the latest Sedona journal, talking about a new earth active now and also talking about Vertical time, meaning on...

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Breakdown to Breakthrough is Possible Now


Astronaut and Professor Brian O'Leary says that burning uranium and hydrocarbons is very, very bad for our health and the environment, and is utterly unnecessary. Clean breakthrough energy is on its way with the Rossi Cold Fusion ...

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Hutchison Gives Instructions for Earth Radiation Shield from Japanese Fallout


For those with electronics and radio knowledge...


Preface by Sterling D. Allan Pure Energy Systems News

I received the following email from John Hutchison and Nancy Lazaryan.


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