Tag: guise (page 1 of 2)

20 Lies Everyone Should Know

In our world of progress, law and industry, most citizens of the United States live under the guise of sovereignty and freedom. Most were raised to believe that America is the greatest country in the world, that its government works for the people and is formed by the people, and that they are the example other countries strive to follow.Then, the mass awakening began. People started to find little truths, or little lies, that have been used to manipulate them and create a&nb [...]

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The Future of Technology in 2015?

Excerpt from

The year gone by brought us more robots, worries about artificial intelligence, and difficult lessons on space travel. The big question: where's it all taking us?

Every year, we capture a little bit more of the future -- and yet the future insists on staying ever out of reach.
Consider space travel. Humans have been traveling beyond the atmosphere for more than 50 years now -- but aside from a few overnights on the moon four decades ago, we have yet to venture beyond low Earth orbit.
Or robots. They help build our cars and clean our kitchen floors, but no one would mistake a Kuka or a Roomba for the replicants in "Blade Runner." Siri, Cortana and Alexa, meanwhile, are bringing some personality to the gadgets in our pockets and our houses. Still, that's a long way from HAL or that lad David from the movie "A.I. Artificial Intelligence."
Self-driving cars? Still in low gear, and carrying some bureaucratic baggage that prevents them from ditching certain technology of yesteryear, like steering wheels.
And even when these sci-fi things arrive, will we embrace them? A Pew study earlier this year found that Americans are decidedly undecided. Among the poll respondents, 48 percent said they would like to take a ride in a driverless car, but 50 percent would not. And only 3 percent said they would like to own one.
"Despite their general optimism about the long-term impact of technological change," Aaron Smith of the Pew Research Center wrote in the report, "Americans express significant reservations about some of these potentially short-term developments" such as US airspace being opened to personal drones, robot caregivers for the elderly or wearable or implantable computing devices that would feed them information.
Let's take a look at how much of the future we grasped in 2014 and what we could gain in 2015.

Space travel: 'Space flight is hard'

In 2014, earthlings scored an unprecedented achievement in space exploration when the European Space Agency landed a spacecraft on a speeding comet, with the potential to learn more about the origins of life. No, Bruce Willis wasn't aboard. Nobody was. But when the 220-pound Philae lander, carried to its destination by the Rosetta orbiter, touched down on comet 67P/Churyumov-Gerasimenko on November 12, some 300 million miles from Earth, the celebration was well-earned.
A shadow quickly fell on the jubilation, however. Philae could not stick its first landing, bouncing into a darker corner of the comet where its solar panels would not receive enough sunlight to charge the lander's batteries. After two days and just a handful of initial readings sent home, it shut down. For good? Backers have allowed for a ray of hope as the comet passes closer to the sun in 2015. "I think within the team there is no doubt that [Philae] will wake up," lead lander scientist Jean-Pierre Bibring said in December. "And the question is OK, in what shape? My suspicion is we'll be in good shape."
The trip for NASA's New Horizons spacecraft has been much longer: 3 billion miles, all the way to Pluto and the edge of the solar system. Almost nine years after it left Earth, New Horizons in early December came out of hibernation to begin its mission: to explore "a new class of planets we've never seen, in a place we've never been before," said project scientist Hal Weaver. In January, it will begin taking photos and readings of Pluto, and by mid-July, when it swoops closest to Pluto, it will have sent back detailed information about the dwarf planet and its moon, en route to even deeper space.

Also in December, NASA made a first test spaceflight of its Orion capsule on a quick morning jaunt out and back, to just over 3,600 miles above Earth (or approximately 15 times higher than the International Space Station). The distance was trivial compared to those those traveled by Rosetta and New Horizons, and crewed missions won't begin till 2021, but the ambitions are great -- in the 2030s, Orion is expected to carry humans to Mars.
In late March 2015, two humans will head to the ISS to take up residence for a full year, in what would be a record sleepover in orbit. "If a mission to Mars is going to take a three-year round trip," said NASA astronaut Scott Kelly, who will be joined in the effort by Russia's Mikhail Kornienko, "we need to know better how our body and our physiology performs over durations longer than what we've previously on the space station investigated, which is six months."
There were more sobering moments, too, in 2014. In October, Virgin Galactic's sleek, experimental SpaceShipTwo, designed to carry deep-pocketed tourists into space, crashed in the Mojave Desert during a test flight, killing one test pilot and injuring the other. Virgin founder Richard Branson had hoped his vessel would make its first commercial flight by the end of this year or in early 2015, and what comes next remains to be seen. Branson, though, expressed optimism: "Space flight is hard -- but worth it," he said in a blog post shortly after the crash, and in a press conference, he vowed "We'll learn from this, and move forward together." Virgin Galactic could begin testing its next spaceship as soon as early 2015.
The crash of SpaceShipTwo came just a few days after the explosion of an Orbital Sciences rocket lofting an unmanned spacecraft with supplies bound for the International Space Station. And in July, Elon Musk's SpaceX had suffered the loss of one of its Falcon 9 rockets during a test flight. Musk intoned, via Twitter, that "rockets are tricky..."
Still, it was on the whole a good year for SpaceX. In May, it unveiled its first manned spacecraft, the Dragon V2, intended for trips to and from the space station, and in September, it won a $2.6 billion contract from NASA to become one of the first private companies (the other being Boeing) to ferry astronauts to the ISS, beginning as early as 2017. Oh, and SpaceX also has plans to launch microsatellites to establish low-cost Internet service around the globe, saying in November to expect an announcement about that in two to three months -- that is, early in 2015.
One more thing to watch for next year: another launch of the super-secret X-37B space place to do whatever it does during its marathon trips into orbit. The third spaceflight of an X-37B -- a robotic vehicle that, at 29 feet in length, looks like a miniature space shuttle -- ended in October after an astonishing 22 months circling the Earth, conducting "on-orbit experiments."

Self-driving cars: Asleep at what wheel?

Spacecraft aren't the only vehicles capable of autonomous travel -- increasingly, cars are, too. Automakers are toiling toward self-driving cars, and Elon Musk -- whose name comes up again and again when we talk about the near horizon for sci-fi tech -- says we're less than a decade away from capturing that aspect of the future. In October, speaking in his guise as founder of Tesla Motors, Musk said: "Like maybe five or six years from now I think we'll be able to achieve true autonomous driving where you could literally get in the car, go to sleep and wake up at your destination." (He also allowed that we should tack on a few years after that before government regulators give that technology their blessing.)
Prototype, unbound: Google's ride of the future, as it looks today Google
That comment came as Musk unveiled a new autopilot feature -- characterizing it as a sort of super cruise control, rather than actual autonomy -- for Tesla's existing line of electric cars. Every Model S manufactured since late September includes new sensor hardware to enable those autopilot capabilities (such as adaptive cruise control, lane-keeping assistance and automated parking), to be followed by an over-the-air software update to enable those features.
Google has long been working on its own robo-cars, and until this year, that meant taking existing models -- a Prius here, a Lexus there -- and buckling on extraneous gear. Then in May, the tech titan took the wraps off a completely new prototype that it had built from scratch. (In December, it showed off the first fully functional prototype.) It looked rather like a cartoon car, but the real news was that there was no steering wheel, gas pedal or brake pedal -- no need for human controls when software and sensors are there to do the work.
Or not so fast. In August, California's Department of Motor Vehicles declared that Google's test vehicles will need those manual controls after all -- for safety's sake. The company agreed to comply with the state's rules, which went into effect in September, when it began testing the cars on private roads in October.
Regardless of who's making your future robo-car, the vehicle is going to have to be not just smart, but actually thoughtful. It's not enough for the car to know how far it is from nearby cars or what the road conditions are. The machine may well have to make no-win decisions, just as human drivers sometimes do in instantaneous, life-and-death emergencies. "The car is calculating a lot of consequences of its actions," Chris Gerdes, an associate professor of mechanical engineering, said at the Web Summit conference in Dublin, Ireland, in November. "Should it hit the person without a helmet? The larger car or the smaller car?"

Robots: Legging it out

So when do the robots finally become our overlords? Probably not in 2015, but there's sure to be more hand-wringing about both the machines and the artificial intelligence that could -- someday -- make them a match for homo sapiens. At the moment, the threat seems more mundane: when do we lose our jobs to a robot?
The inquisitive folks at Pew took that very topic to nearly 1,900 experts, including Vint Cerf, vice president at Google; Web guru Tim Bray; Justin Reich of Harvard University's Berkman Center for Internet & Society; and Jonathan Grudin, principal researcher at Microsoft. According to the resulting report, published in August, the group was almost evenly split -- 48 percent thought it likely that, by 2025, robots and digital agents will have displaced significant numbers of blue- and white-collar workers, perhaps even to the point of breakdowns in the social order, while 52 percent "have faith that human ingenuity will create new jobs, industries, and ways to make a living, just as it has been doing since the dawn of the Industrial Revolution."

Still, for all of the startling skills that robots have acquired so far, they're often not all there yet. Here's some of what we saw from the robot world in 2014:
Teamwork: Researchers at the École Polytechnique Fédérale De Lausanne in May showed off their "Roombots," cog-like robotic balls that can join forces to, say, help a table move across a room or change its height.
A sense of balance: We don't know if Boston Dynamics' humanoid Atlas is ready to trim bonsai trees, but it has learned this much from "The Karate Kid" (the original from the 1980s) -- it can stand on cinder blocks and hold its balance in a crane stance while moving its arms up and down.
Catlike jumps: MIT's cheetah-bot gets higher marks for locomotion. Fed a new algorithm, it can run across a lawn and bound like a cat. And quietly, too. "Our robot can be silent and as efficient as animals. The only things you hear are the feet hitting the ground," MIT's Sangbae Kim, a professor of mechanical engineering, told MIT News. "This is kind of a new paradigm where we're controlling force in a highly dynamic situation. Any legged robot should be able to do this in the future."
Sign language: Toshiba's humanoid Aiko Chihira communicated in Japanese sign language at the CEATEC show in October. Her rudimentary skills, limited for the moment to simple messages such as signed greetings, are expected to blossom by 2020 into areas such as speech synthesis and speech recognition.
Dance skills: Robotic pole dancers? Tobit Software brought a pair, controllable by an Android smartphone, to the Cebit trade show in Germany in March. More lifelike was the animatronic sculpture at a gallery in New York that same month -- but what was up with that witch mask?
Emotional ambition: Eventually, we'll all have humanoid companions -- at least, that's always been one school of thought on our robotic future. One early candidate for that honor could be Pepper, from Softbank and Aldebaran Robotics, which say the 4-foot-tall Pepper is the first robot to read emotions. This emo-bot is expected to go on sale in Japan in February.

Ray guns: Ship shape

Damn the photon torpedoes, and full speed ahead. That could be the motto for the US Navy, which in 2014 deployed a prototype laser weapon -- just one -- aboard a vessel in the Persian Gulf. Through some three months of testing, the device "locked on and destroyed the targets we designated with near-instantaneous lethality," Rear Adm. Matthew L. Klunder, chief of naval research, said in a statement. Those targets were rather modest -- small objects mounted aboard a speeding small boat, a diminutive Scan Eagle unmanned aerial vehicle, and so on -- but the point was made: the laser weapon, operated by a controller like those used for video games, held up well, even in adverse conditions.

Artificial intelligence: Danger, Will Robinson?

What happens when robots and other smart machines can not only do, but also think? Will they appreciate us for all our quirky human high and low points, and learn to live with us? Or do they take a hard look at a species that's run its course and either turn us into natural resources, "Matrix"-style, or rain down destruction?
When the machines take over, will they be packing laser weapons like this one the US Navy just tried out? John F. Williams/US Navy
As we look ahead to the reboot of the "Terminator" film franchise in 2015, we can't help but recall some of the dire thoughts about artificial intelligence from two people high in the tech pantheon, the very busy Musk and the theoretically inclined Stephen Hawking.
Musk himself more than once in 2014 invoked the likes of the "Terminator" movies and the "scary outcomes" that make them such thrilling popcorn fare. Except that he sees a potentially scary reality evolving. In an interview with CNBC in June, he spoke of his investment in AI-minded companies like Vicarious and Deep Mind, saying: "I like to just keep an eye on what's going on with artificial intelligence. I think there is potentially a dangerous outcome."
He has put his anxieties into some particularly colorful phrases. In August, for instance, Musk tweeted that AI is "potentially more dangerous than nukes." And in October, he said this at a symposium at MIT: "With artificial intelligence, we are summoning the demon. ... You know all those stories where there's the guy with the pentagram and the holy water and he's like... yeah, he's sure he can control the demon, [but] it doesn't work out."
Musk has a kindred spirit in Stephen Hawking. The physicist allowed in May that AI could be the "biggest event in human history," and not necessarily in a good way. A month later, he was telling John Oliver, on HBO's "Last Week Tonight," that "artificial intelligence could be a real danger in the not too distant future." How so? "It could design improvements to itself and outsmart us all."
But Google's Eric Schmidt, is having none of that pessimism. At a summit on innovation in December, the executive chairman of the far-thinking tech titan -- which in October teamed up with Oxford University to speed up research on artificial intelligence -- said that while our worries may be natural, "they're also misguided."

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Heaven Letters May-11-2013

Heavenletter #4551 The Sun Shines Today, May 11, 2013
Gloria Wendroff

God said:
The sun shines today, and so must you. This is your privilege, this is your

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Galactic Federation of Light The Landing Party Part 3 April-30-2013

Suzanne Lie: Galactic/Earth Alliance — The Landing Party Remembers, Part 3
Thanks to Wes Annac: http://aquariusparadigm.com/2013/05/01/suzanne-lie-galacticearth-alliance-the-landing-party-remembers-part-3/#more-22123

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Heaven Letters May-01-2013

Heavenletter #4541 God Leaves Out His Answer, May 1, 2013
Gloria Wendroff

God said:
Where are you looking from, and what do you see? When you look out

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Heavenletter #4079, Hearts, January 25, 2012


God said:

How beautiful are My dreams of you. You come before Me as visions I have had. I see you clearly now, yet you do not see yourself. You may not even see yourself as beautiful. What a pity that is, for you are the apple of ...

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Would it Work? Hardcore Service to Others…

I'm not happy with my attitude these last few days, but I figure I wasn't really conscious of it before either. 100% StS I'm definitely not, but 100% StO was also something I never even came close to, regardless of all the stuff I do for others: becau...

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Oneness of All, Arcturians July 6th, 2010

Greetings to all. 

We come today to tell you of much that is about to occur.  We are seeing many of you very confused by  happenings on earth at this time.  What is happening is that you are evolving;  seeing and experienc...

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4 July 2010 - 11:10am

Channeler: Blossom Goodchild

July 4, 2010

Blossom: Good morning to you. I wonder if I could bring up the issue of the ‘activation’ in our last communication? Many experienced ...

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Seeking the Proof of the Pudding

a message from Gillian MacBeth-Louthan

Monday, 28 June, 2010 

As the sands of time slide through the entrances and exits of all that is sacred, seen and unseen, humanity’s future is u...

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Adventures of the New Human

Iterations of Release and Giving Over Authority to the Soul

My beloved ones,

Many of you are experiencing enormous cycles of letting go. 

This includes the past re-surfacing to be healed and released.  The present being shifted into a more perfect alignment as you let go and let yourself re-orient to your own natural frequency and functional focus.  The future being shifted as the dreams and intentions you held based on what you would term a “prior” self felt appropriate and delightful are recalibrated to support your increasingly clear sense of function.  As you more and more spend time knowing yourself as unified consciousness, as you try on and get used to the power of wearing the wings of the New Human, as you spend more time with your physical, emotional, mental and spirit bodies in unity, oriented from the heart chakra, more and more--the soul IS the navigational system for your journey and this changes everything!

With an increase in your vibration, comes an increase in speed of experience and manifestation and your point of view is expanded. 

If you are able to trust in yourself, you will naturally orient to these shifts simultaneously and thereby have an understanding of what transpires in your life, what shifts and creates space, what is being magnetized and drawn to you to support the fulfillment of your function—you will be able to feel and know all of this as one unified vector moving in alignment with the everything.

When, however, you doubt yourself—and depending on where this occurs—you may find your mental or emotional bodies out of alignment with your entire Lightbody and this creates much confusion, disorientation and a sense of loss.

Your Soul knows your function.  It blends in at the appropriate levels to fulfill your role in the process of dimensional ascension.  All-That-Is or Spirit knows itself as one-ness and in this orientation; it does nothing, it simply IS.  Spirit also performs certain functions—as the Archangel Michael for example.  The portion of Spirit performing the functional of the Archangel Michael changes all the time—yet this energy understands the function of the Archangel Michael and retains the appearance of consistency and continuity.

The same is true of you in your various incarnations of Spirit.  You, in your various reincarnational existences (physical and non-physical) co-occur.  In the gestalt of “YOU,” you recognize the “progress of your functional expression” and feel a sense of gratitude comparing “later” circumstances to “earlier” circumstances. 

The people you have been and are, are like the childhood you remember—part of you entirely, and yet also having gone their own way.  Pursued different expressions and yet all interconnected.  You experience, unconsciously of course, the collective unfolding of all of these aspects of yourself, as well as the unified expansive perspective of All-That-Is, which guides and informs your functional role in each point of focus continually.

The immediate sharing of all of this information, and the way in which it is known, understood, integrated and shapes your sense of focus and desire is beyond comprehension in your current vessel.  Simply know that it exists and it is always connected to what IS; and as such, timely, relevant knowledge about your own experience is fully available to you.  You only need to ask and to learn to listen to yourself and to cultivate the way in which this communication works best for you.

For example—Meredith has been asked by many experiencing break-ups of existing relationships to comment on this seeming “trend”…

Knowing as you do, that all is shifting in to alignment, the read on breakups is an easy-one; the functions are no longer aligned.  The vibrations are no longer in sync.  The shared purpose has dissipated and/or the individuals involved have shifted to a new focus as a result of their own growth and no longer is the functional overlap present which made the relationship so primary in the experience.

The more one grows and expands the more continual adjustments relationships must go through.  For some this ongoing stimulus and realignment is refreshing and exhilarating; to feel oneself in a never ending experience of unfolding, re-inventing, creation—a thrilling ride indeed.  In some of your relationships, you continually inspire and elevate one another.  Your purpose is ongoing and these shifts become a means of discovery together and a catalyst for each of you living a happier, more fulfilling life.  For those, these shifts are not as difficult and not as much of a surprise. 

It is for those who would like to experience the illusion of solidity and/or those who desire a slower pace to change and life that these shifts are either difficult and/or avoided/denied.  The challenge comes when one member of the relationship aligns with a pace and a frequency or vibration, which is significantly faster or slower than the other. 

And it is this differing response to life, which complicates the natural completion or shifting of priorities.  One who is in sync with all-that-is will feel their priorities realign as there are significant shifts and as dimensional ascension brings them closer to their soul signature and to their innate function being embodied more directly on the earth plane.  If they are “partnered” with one who is not aligned or significantly related to this emerging function and the related sense of lifestyle, and especially if the partner is not also experiencing their own shifts and realignment; then at first they will find their partner possibly feeling “abandoned”—as their energy and focus is withdrawn or diminished as it shifts to the new point of creation in experience.  If this is discussed, the emotional body may become triggered and there is often an imbalance then in the vibrational frequency, as the emotional body becomes out of sync—vibrating out of harmonic ratios with the physical, mental and spirit bodies.  Now orientation has been lost.  Which leads to a feeling of being disconnected in the one who was connected and therefore, shifted.  Then there is more emotion and confusion.  Which creates further imbalance.

The solution is to let go.

Once you let go, naturally you will align with your inner sense of things.  Allow the emotions to flow through you; trusting in all-that-is and knowing that all is well, even if you do not understand what is taking place.  Once you are re-oriented to self and your inner connection, if the purpose which led you “apart” is still clear and present, then allow it to unfold, at the rate you desire and trust that all is well for BOTH of you, and All-That-Is. 

Again, the challenge comes when one member of the relationship aligns with a pace and a frequency or vibration, which is significantly faster or slower than the other. 

You have, innately, your own frequency at which you vibrate.  You may not fully experience this when you are dis-allowing a full connection to your expanded self; but as blocks to clarity are removed and as the soul gains dominion in being your point of orientation, these natural frequencies appear and cannot be stifled, or adjusted significantly to keep pace with others, without significant negative experience within. 

Let go and BE YOU.  Trust in that way of being and all that is attracted and aligned with it.  Love everything with curiosity and interest; expecting something wonderful to unfold and rejoice in your own function!  Celebrate the variety of our purposes and rates of unfolding.  Invite grace into your life to smooth all of this out, and simply let go.

Becoming the New Human requires you learn to live from your soul perspective, fully conscious of your innate power and connectedness, as well as clear and allowing your unique function.  The wisdom as to how to blend your function with All-That-Is, moment to moment and point to point will be clear from within; much of this happens without evening needing to ask—it is simply non-verbal, non-thought knowing which leads you.  You only need trust your heart and move toward peace and what feels good next to stay in sync with this natural personal power through awareness which is YOU. 

Realize there is an enormous variance in our functions and frequency!  Let this be.  No.  Go further—love this!

For some their natural frequency is so rapid that what you experience as a lifetime is known in what you would call a moment.  {Can you imagine?  Ha!}  Since all lives are lived simultaneously, then any separation experienced is but a psychological one.  Your “future” personalities are as real as your “past” ones.  After a while, this will no longer concern you and you will live increasingly “in the flow” concentrated on the activity that is at each point, the perfect expression of your unique aspect blending and harmonizing with All-That-Is. 

These messages, your inner sense of things, the mingling of reality and experience, these messages from one system to another occur in various ways continually, emerging in your experience in one guise or another—as inspiration of many kinds.  All are doorways.  The door to the soul is open, and it leads to all the dimensions of experience.

The soul stands both within and without the fabric of life as you know it.  It is your point of power, peace, clarity and connection.  I invite you to let go and be SOUL; be who you are.

I AM the Archangel Michael.

© 2009-2010, Meredith Murphy, Expect Wonderful | Modern Paradise Publications http://www.expectwonderful.com – You are free to share, copy, distribute and display the work under the following conditions: You must give author credit, you may not use this for commercial purposes, and you may not alter, transform or build upon this work.  For any reuse or distribution, you must make clear to others the license terms of this work. Any of these conditions can be waived if you get the permission of the copyright holder.  Any other purpose of use must be granted permission by the author.

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Separation and Devotion by Archangel Uriel and Archangel Aurora

Channelled through Natalie Glasson- 05/04/10

The Light of the Archangels and the Creator flows through our being now in your direction; we are transported to a great place of stillness and peace as this sacred light flows through our being. We hope that you are able to experience and open to our light also as we offer it to you with the purest quality of generosity and bounty. We are guardians of the Creator energy and the Angelic energy, therefore we are your guardians as you manifest as the Creator on the Earth.

The Creator’s love is abundant within all, we as Archangels are here to safeguard your Creator energy and encourage your immense source of Creator abundance until the time as a true realisation and manifestation occurs; until you accept yourself as the Creator wholly in body, soul, mind, emotions and consciousness. Allow us to be your bridge of connection, the light that inspires and energises you, guiding you forward to move from darkness, insecurity, separation and fear to unity, wholeness, love and peace. There is so much for you to discover as the Creator in manifestation on the Earth and the inner planes, and an abundance of energy and consciousness to accept and explore freely. Allow yourself to realise the intentions, actions and consciousness of separation in order to expand your energies and awaken the light of the Creator within you.
We are the united voice of Archangel Uriel and Archangel Aurora; we come to you as representatives of the Creator’s soul and hold numerous Creator qualities. We work closely with the sixth ray energies of the Creator, Master Lanto and of course the angelic kingdom. We are the carriers of the Creator’s qualities of devotion, truth, honesty and trust. These are such sacred qualities that all hold within them and yet because of their simplicity and power they can sometimes be neglected or ignored. While every soul holds the Creator’s qualities of devotion, truth, honesty and trust, not all place these qualities into actions within their realities or expand them beyond the pulsation of their hearts and souls. If this is achieved we see a tremendous alteration in the energy of a person, a new found power and a strength that is unbreakable. These qualities are connected to and manifest from the quality and energy of love, but they are such powerful qualities as they build a person’s connection with the Creator and allow an embodiment of the Creator. We wish for you to understand that it is your actions that energise and encourage your spiritual growth, holding a greater power sometimes than your spiritual practices and techniques. We must always remember that it is life itself that is a person’s process of growth and journey of connection with the Creator rather than their beliefs, practices and meditation level. This is so valuable to remember because we feel that as more and more people awaken on the Earth many are feeling as if they are being left behind or as if there is a mammoth learning process for them to achieve, but by focusing on your daily life you begin to realise that you are the Creator and that all that you desire for yourself is already within you. Allowing yourself to act with devotion, truth, honesty and trust throughout your day will allow you to achieve more than you could ever imagine spiritually because you will become these sacred qualities and therefore will return to your natural form of existing as the Creator.
When we hold the quality of devotion we can become devoted to our own needs, this is required in order to build our self belief and trust in our own intentions and connection with the Creator. Many people would see devotion to ones needs as a selfish act but when devotion manifest from love it is only a loving positive result that materialises. Devotion must also be placed with the Creator’s soul; to devote oneself to a unity with the Creator. Again this may be seen as a selfish act but by focusing on your connection with the Creator you are raising your vibration, realising your truth which is the Creator and inspiring or boosting the realisation within others. Devotion can also be placed in friends, family, loved ones, guides, the Earth and your reality around you. When devotion is placed in these areas we see devotion as an attachment of love. This form of devotion can seem generous and giving of yourself to others but in a different light it can also appear self-centred as there may be a sense of clutching to another for personal needs. We are analgising devotion in this way in the hope that you realise that devotion can come from a fear of separation. Devotion is to be attached where as separation is to be isolated. In our natural form we are the Creator and therefore one with all, but until we realise ourselves as the Creator we will feel the quality of separation within our lives, this is only natural and is a powerful learning process of growth. When devotion is born from love and from the soul of the Creator then its intentions and actions are pure but when devotion is born from separation this is when we can distract ourselves from our embodiment as the Creator. Our devotion must be a love for ourselves, the Creator and every soul around us whether we see them as good or bad through our perspective. A simple way of embodying the devotion of the Creator is to be conscious of acting with unconditional loving devotion throughout your day; this will actually dissolve fears, feelings, pains and limitations of separation.
As humans on the Earth separation is so powerful because your soul essence is contained within a physical matter, your mind is focused on physical matter all around you and your connection with the Creator seems distant because you have not yet realise how to recognise the Creator within and around you. If every person from their birth was taught or encouraged to recognise the energy, soul and consciousness of the Creator within everything around them then life on the Earth would be a completely different reality. Separation would be reduced and fear would be dissolved, love would be the power within and around all.
It is important to realise where you place the energy and quality of devotion and why you feel the quality of devotion. It is essential to realise where your devotions come from and to discover your understanding of separation with the Creator’s soul. Many people do not even realise that they feel a separation in their life because they disguise it with other qualities, emotions, situations and experiences. If we view devotion as unconditional love or an attachment that is loving but also free (meaning that the attachment can come and go without any upset building within you) then we are able to understand devotion more fully within our realities. When we speak of devotion we realise that devotion holds the qualities of truth, honesty and trust, these are divine Creator qualities that when embodied and enacted on the Earth allow a greater integration with the soul of the Creator. By stating these three qualities as separate and additional qualities to devotion we are emphasising their importance. To be honest and truthful are qualities that are taught to Earth children, but these qualities aren’t explored as fully as they could be. One could teach others to be honest with those around them and their self, to be honest with the Creator and to accept the honesty of the Creator, or to be truthful to others, with themselves, the Creator and to accept the truth of the Creator. These are such simple principals and yet they are not evaluated or enacted enough. Many people deceive themselves with the power of their mind and even conceal themselves from the Creator, as they are more fearful of acceptance of the truth than of separation from the truth. This is something that we wish for you to contemplate. Are your truthful and honest with yourself? Are you ready to accept the truth and honesty of the Creator?
A powerful energy which manifests from love and devotion is trust, this is something that we see so readily in the innocence of many children and yet trust can be discarded when one reaches adulthood. If we do not have trust in ourselves, in the Creator and those around us then we only have fear of ourselves, of the Creator and those around us, consequently we experience an enhanced emotion of separation and isolation. The quality of trust is a bond that builds bridges of light between people, energies, situations and yourself and the Creator. To trust is to live your life holding the Creator’s qualities of honesty and truth alongside love and devotion. I realise that I am encouraging you to analyse your own energies and that there will be many people who do not feel this is needed or appropriate but it is our wish to assist you in discovering more about yourself as this will aid your acceptance of the Creator within and around you.
To live your life with the innocence of a child is not to be weak or vulnerable but to hold a tremendous power within you, a connection and embodiment that is so pure and strong as it is an embodiment of the Creator’s soul. It is of most importance to be honest and truthful with yourself and those around you as this will allow you to place your devotion and trust where it is needed.
We ask that you begin your embodiment of the Creator by allowing us to channel into your being the four sacred qualities of the Creator that we have discussed with you today. You will discover that through the acceptance of these sacred qualities you will dissolve the barriers of separation between yourself and the Creator and replace them with a bridge of connection which will strengthen the more that you enact and radiate these qualities in your reality and existence on the Earth.
Allow yourself to sit peacefully and to gain a meditative state, trust that you are safe and protected. Then simply repeat the words that we offer you,
‘Beloved Archangel Uriel and Archangel Aurora, I honour your masculine and feminine angelic energies and invoke you to shower me in your loving light as you draw close around me. It is my desire to exist as an embodiment of the Creator on the Earth, I ask you to assist me in achieving this in a way that is appropriate for me. Please awaken the Creator presence within me and the Creator qualities of devotion, truth, honesty and trust, let these qualities shine brightly from my heart and soul, manifesting in my reality and through my actions in the purest of ways. I ask that you channel your energy deep into my soul, body and aura, let the light that you share with me flow directly from the Creator’s soul through you holding the sacred qualities of devotion, truth, honesty and trust.
I am Devotion, I am Truth, I am Honesty, I am Trust, I am the Creator.
Allow the energies of the Creator to flow freely overseen by Archangel Uriel and Archangel Aurora, Thank you, let blessings be.’
It is now time for you to sit in peace and allow yourself to be open to the energies within and around you.
Allow yourself to be constantly reminded of our words throughout your day and make a constant effort to enact our words within your reality as a process of growth and wholeness with the Creator.
We hope that our communication has been of benefit to you,
With eternal love,
Archangel Uriel and Archangel Aurora

Natalie Glasson, Wisdom of the Light, www.wisdomofthelight.com

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2010: A New Linear Cycle Spun by Ancient Technology

We are indeed embarking on a new cycle. A new cycle called 2010. It is the entrance into what is recognized as “a New Year”. Each new year; new cycle is the result of the culmination of all prior cycles. Cycles are segmented periods between two points…which we recognize as “time”; having a beginning and an end. It is within these two points that we experience our own cycles. Are we affected by the general cycle defined by the period known as a “year”? Yes indeed…why? Because we are wired into the cycles of the turning wheel.

Each cycle has its own theme; its own guidelines, its own rules by which the collective human experience is mapped. Simply put there are some base guidelines for operating in this system. The questions is, are we confined to the motion of this wheel; are we tied to the movement and the conditions of this wheel; this blueprint. No! However it is an essential guideline for the navigation of the dreaming human; it is an integral part of the game. It is a fundamental technology set in place for the navigation of the entire human experience.

We speak of ancient engineers and architects but never do we speak of programmers. As humans we fear the thought of a drop in the “value” principles which we have placed on ourselves as humans. The thought of accepting the realization that we operate in these uniquely engineered vehicles scares most as there is that sense of losing value. To become aware of such truths will actually open one up to the “observer” that you are, as you are only driven around in your body/vehicle.

There is a great technology at work and it is from this technology that we build our computers and our machineries. We speak of the Mayan Calendar and the calculations done by indigenous groups on the planet including the Sumerians and the Dogons, they speak of cycles. They speak of Gods, they speak of those from the Sky, but what and who are these forces that seem to enter this virtual world? Yes our virtual reality. How is the “space” called reality truly being run, what is the cosmic technology behind it. Do you want to know or are you simply satisfied with the fact that you were engineered by another set of beings? What is it that was engineered, was it simply the vehicle/body?

Most certainly…as consciousness cannot be engineered however the mind connected with the vesicle can be overshadowed or blocked due to the design of the vehicle/body. One might say well if it is only the body that has been engineered then why can’t I simply jump into a greater awareness? Well there is difficulty as humans have convinced themselves that they are completely their body. So all that is accessed is the programming of the body which is genius in terms of the extensive data that it holds and from which it runs itself.  

The body is then wired into the cycles which produce the concept we view as “linear time”. How is time “generated” in this turning wheel? An essential question that should be asked by those who are ready to step outside of their human programming for just a moment so that you can see more of the intricacies of this dream world you are in. Amazing, amazing, amazing! Scientists and others will tell you that you can’t see it but

I am here to tell you that you can see it once you can step outside of your program, not just your individual program but the collective human program. I will say this to you the current program being offered by this unfolding cycle is one of the “group mind” concept disguised as the “enlightenment” idea of merging into “oneness”. There is oneness always but not necessarily a complete integration which would set aside the individualized aspect of core consciousness. This individualized aspect as imagined by core consciousness is essential in the movement of its imagination through all of its potentials.

Now will there be some who will participate in this Borg consciousness? Most definitely! Remember that the potentials and possibilities are endless. You are part of a vast imagination machine. Is your fate sealed to move in this direction? No! Each of us is the face of “core consciousness”, we are each paradoxically core consciousness. Many would have you sign on for the “no choice” rule. Choice however is an intricate science as all choices being made by the dreaming human is tied to a vast stream of inherited codes and programs from which we each operate. This exceeds time and space as we know it to be.

The idea of being an awakened being requires so much more than the illusion by which many so termed “conscious people” are willing to explore. Well you might say, Sonia do you consider yourself to be an awakened being…well I will say this, I have discovered great many truths and continue to discover and awaken to knowledge that reminds me of just how deeply we have fallen asleep and that there is no room for complacency in my growth. Your journey and your desires may not be the same as mine and that’s ok. You are not running out of time no matter what anyone tells you. Neither do you need to spend your time trying to save the planet and chant for peace. Those are all external approaches and as always the greatest gift that you can give to this game is to focus on your own realization and your own awakening to yourself…you represent the whole! But should you desire to experience the game from that perspective you are of course welcome to that experience. You are here to enjoy yourself in whatever way unfolds in your mind…all levels of emotions. You don’t have to be anything for anyone!  

This upcoming cycle will bring new health issues as this programming is part of the cyclic theme unfolding. This has been in the making…an insert into the minds or the wiring of humans for the past few years. The health care bill is simply a code that will impact the entire planet as all nations will review their health care policies. This involves all people; those practicing alternative health and those practicing conventional medicine. There will be battle between the two minds and those in the alternative health consciousness will not realize that they too are part of the game. There is fear of germs, viruses, nihi and so many more new health scares that will be in store for the human mind. Many people will be distracted and become obsessed with staying healthy; we will argue over raw food or vegetarian, fruitarian or pescaterian…oh this is going to be funny! We are already doing this so this will be turned up a notch. We are a gullible group but don’t beat yourself up, this is all part of the dance. I have played it too and am recovering from it.  

Learn to do whatever it is you do simply because you want to not based on an over abundance of fear otherwise you will create more of what you don’t want.

Don’t set yourself up with New Year’s resolutions and then feel like a failure when you are not able to comply. Remember that 2010 can be different. You can utilize the programming associated with this cycle and begin a transition beyond the “linear time” programs designed for the human experience. 0 Point is not the final point contrary to what is “believed”. Let’s discover more in this fascinating expedition we call “reality”. Have a profound 2010! Much love to you all, my fellow explorer!

©2010 Sonia Barrett

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