Tag: guided (page 1 of 7)

Meditation to Escort Donald Rumsfeld into the Galactic Central Sun

Donald Rumsfeld, architect of the Iraqi war, has been removed from the planet:https://www.rt.com/usa/528041-defense-secretary-donald-rumsfeld-dead/   The Light Forces are asking everybody who feels so guided to participate in the meditat...

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Urgent Message to the Surface Population

The Light Forces are in the middle of the main offensive of clearing Chimera underground bases.Since 1996, the Chimera has captured many Pleiadians and Resistance members, took them underground, and as their last line of defense, the Chimera are now us...

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Urgent: Ongoing Meditation for the Situation in Washington D.C.

This is the moment that has the same historical impact and significance as the storming of the Bastille which started the French Revolution:https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Storming_of_the_Bastille Many pro-Trump protesters have managed to enter the ...

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A Short Message to the Surface poulation

Dark force occultist are using the coming Saturn-Chariklo conjunction on September 21st to enforce second wave covid lockdowns and implement draconian control measures against the surface population. Their plan was already leaked in August.https://tran...

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Age of Aquarius Final Update

Time is approaching our Age of Aquarius activation and the energies are rising as more and more people have made a decision to join us and we are gaining momentum. We have a real possibility of reaching the critical mass.Next 60 hours will be decisive ...

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Ascension Timeline / End of Coronavirus Meditation Preliminary Report

This meditation was our most successful meditation ever! The critical mass has been reached many times over, with over 1 million people meditating. To properly evaluate such a huge achievement some time is needed, and a full report will be posted withi...

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A New Cobra Interview And a Short Message to the Surface Population

A Cobra interview has been created by We Love Mass Meditation to bring more clarity in the current planetary situation and to help spread the word about our coming Ascension Timeline meditation.You can listen to the interview on Youtube:https://www.yo...

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Blue Dawn

Age of Aquarius meditation was very successful and we have reached the critical mass, albeit barely. Around 150,000 people were actively participating:https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=33Yb3_60gwE&feature=youtu.beThis was just enough to push us over ...

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On the cosmic scale, the shift into the next cosmic cycle continues. Areas completely free of quantum fluctuations primary anomaly that exist mostly in intergalactic space (called Islands of Paradise) are still not stabilized, but interstellar intel s...

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Urgent Request-Time Sensitive

Isis Astara has left the physical plane. Please visualize immediately her safe passage through plasma plane into the Light to higher etheric and astral planes by surrounding her in white and pink Light and Love and protection. Visualize her being safel...

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Cintamani Grid

Since my last Cintamani update, the Cintamani grid on the surface of the planet was strengthened significantly.Two pieces were strategically positioned on certain key points in Antarctica:  Many pieces are now being positioned on the ocean floors ...

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An Encounter with Our Helpers

By Mercedes Kirkel   This past week I went on a hike with my good friend, Susan. We chose a trail by the San Francisco Bay that Susan used to frequent but hadn’t been on in a number of years. The weather was beautiful, the wildflowers bursting forth, birds gracing our path, and all seemed […]

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Akashic Record Readings for Practical Living

Akashic Record Readings for Practical Living offer you the most intrinsically pure resource for practical and spiritual guidance that a person can access today. When I read your Akashic Records, I transcribe exactly what they are revealing to you in the moment.  This process leaves nothing up to interpretation.  You will receive clear, concise and […]

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