Tag: grows (page 2 of 5)

Heavenletter #4191 A Great Magnanimous Event, May 16, 2012


God said:

Let go of the idea of fault, that it is your fault or someone else's fault. There is no fault, unless you call the state of being a human being as a fault. You have, haven't you? You have thought it is a great ma...

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HEAVEN #4042 Enjoy the View, December 19, 2011


God said:

Look into My eyes. This is to say: Give Me your attention. This is to say: Bathe your face in My light. This is to say: I love Myself. This is to say: Now love yourself.

When you truly love yourself, love yourself mo...

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Aghartha In The Hollow Earth!


The Inner Earth & Realm of Aghartha

Aghartha In The Hollow Earth!

By Dr Joshua David Stone

The biggest cover-up of all time is the fact that there is a civilization of people living in the center of Earth, whose c...

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The Source of All & the Multi-Dimensional Nature of the Universe

We are multi-dimensional beings and the fundamental ‘Source’ or ‘Universal Life Force’ energy is reflected through us on EVERY level of our being. This ‘Source’ may be known by many other names: Universal Love, Universal Light, God, The Goddess, The Divine, Spiritual Light, Spirit, Chi, Ki, Prana, Odic Energy, Orgone Energy, Ond…the list is virtually endless.

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HEAVEN #3756 An Ever-Blooming Rose, March 8, 2011


God said:  

Flowers are meant to blossom, and you are meant to blossom the same. So then, blossom.

How simple is life when you remember that you are a flower that grows to the sun and blooms. It is a simple task. It is ...

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HEAVEN #3742 Put Your Hand over Your Heart , February 22, 2011

{mainvote}God said:  

When you are aggrieved, put your hand over your heart, and your hand will be over My heart. We share heartbeats. You are in My heart always. When your hand covers your heart, you have also captured Mine. You plug in....

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You Are Limitless, Access The Wisdom Of The Cosmos

a message from Helios channeled by Michelle Coutant

Thursday, 29 July, 2010  (posted 7 July, 2010)

Dearly Beloveds,

I am Helios, the Solar Logos of your Solar System. I greet you with great ...

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Feng Shui for Better Living

a message from The Brotherhood of Light channeled by Edna G. Frankel

Sunday, 4 July, 2010 

Greetings, dear ones, from the Brotherhood of Light! We are excited and delighted to be sharing e...

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St. Germain: Emotional Freedom Leads to Unconditional Love

Channeler: Peter Phalam

Unconditional Love, Dear Ones, Such a large word, for such a simple, pure gem. I share with you what it truly is, for masters have for ages been trying to bring its essence to you. It is a departure from everything you've known and felt because all of those feelings you have placed in that realm have been surrounded by circumstance. You have created them through desire and moods, yet have overlooked the simple moments when you have taken a breath because that is involuntary by nature.

You have chosen to live in a world where the masses cannot believe or are very skeptical about its existence. You have believed in a God that giveth and taketh away. You have invoked a belief in sin and forgiveness and feared what you cannot understand. Yet the breath continues and in its simple existence is the presence of unconditional love. For it is involuntary and goes beyond ones ability to shape it or define its boundaries.

As we are drawn involuntarily to where it exists, we can barely see it for self chooses to discern its existence and grade this treasure next to what we have known. Yet in your search you have forgotten the Universe of Love and that it is only attracted to its own vibration. So if you prepare for love you will receive love in preparation. If you grade the potential for love, you find graded love and if you discern the visibility of love, you will love only discernment. So you cannot detract from love one sense, not seeing, feeling, smelling, tasting or touching, and understand love. It is all or none as is the breath when it occurs. And as it occurs all the rules that denied its existence vanish, all the inhibitions around how it can occur fall into surrender. It seeks only the smile of contentment and the purring of the soul. It sets sail in an endless wind with an endless thirst.

It knows neither time nor space yet knows within every moment it can expand, for in all of us it wishes to grow. Love is not needy, yet never desires not to be. So as a source of love moves away even for a short time, love immediately grows impatient for touch, for taste, for smell. You see, Dear Ones, it is the most primal instinct we possess and that instinct is realized through emotional freedom.

Love most likely exists in the midst of the sum of all your fears, the place you'd least expect to fill you up, for why else is it not completely you. Emotional freedom is the willingness to become a student of love with a very short memory. All the paths to love have been seemingly chapters of love gained and love lost but I tell you it is better to have loved and lost than to have not loved at all. It’s just that you cannot write the last chapter, for the inner child knows the sun is not seen in a cloud, and the rain cannot feed us under a roof. Unconditional Love is a fully exposed, untethered privilege of grace and selflessness. As we create random acts of kindness in our search, we understand unconditional love. We cannot retrieve love once it truly starts as we cannot stop breathing. Once we decide to be unconditional, we print on the window pane of the Universe that it is at long last free within us. And through that window patiently waits souls who have gone before. Though they are few in number, they are absolute in purpose. Understand the feelings that inhibit this level of surrender are the reasons you cannot be loved. They are the same reasons you have failed to love yourself. Namaste

Excerpt from Peter's Book of Channelings
For more information, visit http://www.celestialvision.org

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El Morya – Exquisite Ascension Guidance & Life Cycles as Reflections of Soul Cycles

Channeler: Marie Mohler

Blessings friends! This is another beautiful channeling that came through this week. This light-filled message offers an exquisite, higher lens - through which to view our inner rising/ascension experiences. If you seek additional positive messages and/or channelings, please visit my website at www.shineyourlightgifts.com. Heart blessings and light today! Namaste, Marie

Dear Ones,

It is I, El Morya, Keeper of the Golden Flame. I am here to assist with the ascension process, as a keeper of this Sacred Flame and as an ascended master myself. All who seek to know the riches of the kingdom within will walk a similar path. Some by sea, some by storm, by rugged path, or by small stair-step fashion. But all who seek to know thy self – will walk the age-old journey – that brings them home.

Why? “Why?” – so many are asking. It is a fascinating concept – beyond most’s comprehension. But to a soul – that is perfect Source essence in every way . . . the desire to deeply know itself – calls into question – that which is NOT like itself. To understand light, is to call to understand dark-ness. To understand full, is to call to understand hungry or empty. To understand prosperity, is to call to understand poverty. Each of these shadow sides are simply that – the other side of all light. So on the other side, or on extensions, of light . . . exists these contrasts.

To a soul – whose warm-hearted perfect center is Source essence – a desire to know thy self bursts into the ethers – at some point in one’s development. At first, soul play and soul essence and soul existence are enough. But the soul graduates at some point – to a new bigger reality . . . of wanting to know more. Wanting to know deeper. Wanting to experience – and to know itself more deeply and more completely. Just as an infant likes to be held and satisfied completely by its loving parents, eventually . . . the baby child will feel called to break out beyond this loving protection, safety, and existence – by exploring . . . toddling . . . and beginning to take its own steps. Making its own choices. And so each of you, as perfect essences of Source . . . each – in your own Soul’s development – graduated – to wanting to know more of your own inner essence – by seeking to stray from this utopian safety and make choices . . . to experience choice. To experience creation. To experience contrast. To experience light and dark, and all shades in between. For experiencing is a deeper form of knowing. By experiencing – a soul grows into a new level of becoming . . . Becoming EXPANDED Source Essence.

Expanded Source Essence is different you see from Beginning Source Essence – because it experientially knows more of its truer self. Make sense?

So as infants rest in the comfort of having all needs perfectly provided – toddlers begin their desire to choose for themselves their experiences. Tasting everything. Trying. Working. Moving. Maneuvering. Attempting. Falling. Getting up again. Attempting Anew. This is the journey that in many ways is what takes place in 3rd Dimension. It is the journey that represents these aspects of the human lifespan.

Only mastery, in this context, requires a soul’s expansion to rise to a stage – where they see again – through human physical eyes . . . the inner eyes once more --- that recognize the chosen path of "experiencing" – to better know one’s true self. An ascending master begins to remember – its own Source Seed origins. It remembers how all was one, and true, and perfect – when infinitely and eternally connected to Source and Source embrace. An ascending master sees through new eyes once more – without returning to infancy. But [rather] in choosing a conscious rebirth; As One IS – and "The New" – [that] One is expanding to become. A new graduation unfolds for the rebirthing soul. A graduation that cumulatively collects all wisdoms of the earth’s evolutionary journey, and begins to look for the new inner rising experience unfolding within – that fully promises to bring new expansion experiences. To the soul, there is nothing more delightful than to expand itself. For in expanding itself, it is deepening its sense of Source within. It is becoming an expanded sense of Source Essence itself. Each of us then is a growing, expanding, evolving unlimited essence of Source essence. And as we expand, so too does Source energy itself. Every expansion brings expansion. And the cycle and circles grow, and continue . . . rippling infinitely and eternally – bringing more and more of the core Source essence in all of us – TO LIGHT!

So – why? “Why” is the question many ask today. And today I say – think of your sense of self as an infant. While you liked the safety and security of your early embrace, did you not love the freedom and independence of toddlerhood? And thus expanded then – in girl or boyhood, or childhood? And then more and more – expanding your experiencing in bigger and newer and broader ways – as teenagers? And again – graduating to even more experiences and expansions – in early adulthood? And then maybe [onward] to birth a cycle of witnessing and nurturing your own children’s cycles of expansion and experiencing. To watch and participate in their expansion and unfolding. To ultimately know your self more deeply and truly.

The life cycle itself is a wondrous example of your journeys here, and their purpose. To assist your deepening experience of your Source Essence within your essence.

And now – as many of you are individually and collectively awakening, rising, and re-collecting the gifts of all this wondrous experimentation, experiencing, and expansion, it calls you once more to go within – to your Source Seed within – to tune into the new birth on the horizon . . . in the womb of your own Soul’s desires.

This is the platform of viewing life on this earth planet at this time. Many are seeing their soul desires [already] expanded . . . which is calling out a greater desire – to expand in community. To expand in group consciousness. To release the consciousness of Source separation and other-separation. And to expand into a greater state of Source-beingness with other Source-beings, [who are] also experiencing and expanding Source-beingness.

On this platform, you may be seeing others in different stages of life cycle development, chronologically and soulful-logically. Allow this all to be. It is the divine design. There is Source perfection in all that is.

An ascending master – sees without – the power of a Source Seed’s desires to expand itself – in all aspects of contrast to its original Light. And an ascending master – hears within – its own timing – coordinating with the infinite sense of group timing – that a developmental or essence-tial leap is upon and within them. Ready to burst forth – in new birth – of new desires – to more deeply know its Source essence through an expanded sense of Source-beingness, in higher rates and vibrations of love, . . . now that the contrast of the light is deeply known to them.

When Source-essence-energies act in good intentions of light and love and greater good for all, an expanded experience of the richness of Source in the inner kingdom of all becomes the greatest desire . . . and the drawn experience. The soul then rises into a new earth experience, or new birth experience, with a new level of sight, and an expanded sense of Source essence and perfection in the All That Is.

Judgment fades from consciousness, for Light is the inward sight - and this outer expansion experience. Light is all there is. And Light becomes the teaching tool for this stage of Soul-Mastery, reflected within the hearts of all joined in conscious, loving, co-creation together.

For now – this is a time of practice – to release judgment of the contrast. To honor it as a part of all souls’ journeys – to expand in depth of knowledge . . . of the soul as Source. And to further attend and focus on the Light – as much as can be found – in all things. These are the birthing practices – that help [and ease] the labor involved – in producing a new inner vision and a new earth’s birth.

We are ALL Ascending Masters. Just in different aspects and angles of the life cycle process – that birth’s higher and higher levels of consciousness . . . and Light in All That Is.

Call on the Golden Flame – if you find yourself in need – in a situation of darkness – [where you are] without a quick light to see – [in order] to release the contrast in your experience. The Golden Flame thus is an Ascension Flame – for all on the path of releasing and rising – to be their greater inner Source Flame. Expanded and more deeply known now within.

That is Grace. That is Prosperity. That is why we all make these incredible journeys. And this rediscovery to YOU – is as great – as the first baby steps for a soul JUST entering third dimensional awareness and experience.

So you see – Compassion is having True Sight in all things – even if no light appears to exist. Hold your Light. Be your Light. And allow it to fill your sight and full experiences.

Blessings One and All! A great message of heart – this is for All! Namaste.

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SaLuSa 19-April-2010

Channeler: Mike Quinsey

We inform you so often that all is proceeding well and we really mean it, as you cannot know the full extent to which our allies and us are preparing a path for the many changes. There is an ongoing thrust to force a number of issues to be resolved, so that those charged with making important announcements feel safe to do so. There are certainly opportunities approaching that will strengthen the hand of our allies, and the energy with it is extremely powerful and will lead to the expected and required action. Each week that passes sees another step forward taken, and the announcement that is awaited draws ever closer. It is time to bring out the truth of your many Space friends and their links with Earth, and this will trigger many related issues that are hidden from you. It will also be instrumental in revealing who is behind the attempts to prevent you learning the truth, and also their reasons for doing so. The fight for control over you has gone on for a long time, and the dark ones were nearly successful. Fortunately, events have been used to limit the opportunities of the Illuminati to achieve any further progress towards their goal. They are struggling to maintain their stance, yet still plot to cause you chaotic conditions. However, they will not be able to achieve as much as they intended, as we are always limiting the likely effect of their covert actions.

Our allies are spread around the world which is very useful to our efforts to promote our own agenda. We have a number of options where the announcement is concerned, and in the ultimate it may come from a least expected source. What is certain is that it has become very near to being broadcast, and is one of the most important steps that we will be taken on your behalf. It has never been our wish that the truth is forced upon you, but we do want to feed you with information that will lessen the inevitable shock that some will experience. Not everyone is ready to have his or her beliefs shattered by learning too much, too quickly.

In recent years we have been able to influence your media and television programs. We have successfully been able to have our presence shown in such a way, that it reflects more truthfully what we are about and our peaceful approach to you. We have a mission that regardless of any interference carried out will proceed as planned, and we are motivated by our love and service to Mankind. You are for the moment like our children, but you will grow up at an exceedingly fast pace. The more you move into the Light, the more you are reaching up to the levels that we are from. It is our place to ensure that you travel the path to Ascension, and that all preparations are completed in time to include Mother Earth.

Each week that passes by is also another opportunity for you to raise your vibrations, as from outside of your Earth streams of high energy are being beamed to you. It is an ongoing process and you can so to say go with the flow, and be gradually uplifted so that you are ready when Ascension takes place. Simply do not allow yourselves to become actively involved in the negativity around you, but instead send it your Light and Love. You are becoming more powerful in this way, and perhaps have yet to realize your true potential. It applies for example to the healing of Self or others, and if you feel competent why not put your skills to the test. Become a channel of Light, and allow it to flow from you as you direct it into the aura of the person concerned. That is a very simple way to transfer healing energy to another one, or even animal if that is your desire. Accompany your healing with a mantra or prayer for help from a Master or Angel, and they will empower you.

You have untold powers that will come to you as you approach the end time, and you will take these with you and advance them to even higher levels. Healing for example would become instantaneous by the power of thought. Your creative skills will enable you to manifest exactly whatever you need, by pure thought. It will be the same when you need to move somewhere else, and that will also come through the use of thought. Even now you use such power, but you most likely have little or no idea of what you are really doing. Think of it this way, that whatever you place your focus upon will respond, and of course it can be for a positive or negative reasons. This is why you must guard against wishing harm to another person, as if you are responsible for something of that nature it will at sometime surely return to you. This is particularly true where you are dealing with those who are sufficiently advanced, to place protection around themselves. That person can be you if you remember to keep yourself surrounded by Light, and visualize it as a cocoon in which your body safely resides.

Your spiritual journey of many lives is reaching its end where duality is concerned. However, it will still continue with Ascension, and you will never stop learning as you make your way through the higher dimensions. That will take you further along your evolutionary path, until you reach the Source. You have all but finished the difficult bit by finding your way through the challenges of duality, and it has been a most trying time reaching up for the Light. Understanding the purpose of life is most important, and a step forward that moves you firmly onto your spiritual path. Also, accepting the Oneness of all life will raise you up to a point of higher conscious awareness. You can then express it by sharing your love and Light with all life forms. You will see things in a new light and separatism will no longer be something you contribute to, and it becomes redundant to your thinking.

I am SaLuSa from Sirius and must tell you Dear Ones, that when you can put others before Self, you are truly well advanced along the path to Ascension. When you can also allow for the experiences of others without judgement, and accept that they result from freewill choice you have jumped another hurdle. We of the Galactic Federation look down at Earth, and see the negativity that takes place, but we judge not and know that ultimately it will all pass by and you will all be the stronger as a result. In this lifetime you have probably learnt more than at any other time, because the vibrations have recently started to lift you all up into a greater state of awareness. As the Light grows more powerful it is accelerating your personal growth, and it is a wondrous sight to see the Light shining out from Earth where once there was so much was in the darkness.

Thank you SaLuSa.

Mike Quinsey.

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B.o.B – Nothin’ on You

My kids are are weird about this clip, and I resisted at first, but it grows on you.....


and in fact, it is quite appropriate for the 'bind' that I'm in......

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Day 12 – Discernment and Highest Good

Blessings on your Journey, Brothers and Sisters!

You walk the path of Universal Knowledge and your energy is strong. You have come to a place of knowing of your Authentic Self during this Journey. You have greater access to your Higher Consciousness and this provides you with information from those higher sources of knowledge. As we continue developing our higher awareness, many insights about ourselves begin to reveal. We can see how our energy responds to situations and interactions around us. We are listening for the guidance from the Higher Consciousness and must learn to discern what supports the Highest Good for all Creation; doing what is in your highest good is supporting the highest good for all.

So, today let’s begin again with total personal responsibility, canceling contracts, etc and breaking spells and curses. Continue with forgiveness and release and call back your power to return to you and reunite with your Soul Essence. This is the foundation, stand tall on this foundation and expand your light, radiating bright. Share Love with yourself…

I am Love and Kindness,
I feel Love and Kindness,
I share Love and Kindness,
I Love myself completely,
I Love all that I am… I Love all Creation.

Feel your roots, deep into our Mother… expanding and networking deep into the Earth’s core. Release into the Mother and accept all that she has to offer, allow the abundance that springs forth naturally to be received by you. Forgive and release all the past and step fully and completely, alive, vibrating and free into this Now moment. Breathe…

Continue to develop a relationship with your Higher Self. Listen to what you have to say and more importantly, how you say it… What is the truth and how do I discern the Truth? Ask yourself these questions. What does the physical interface into the energy worlds tell me about my current moment? Is my body tense or relaxed? Awake or drowsy? Hot or cold? Guts churning or calm? Muscles twitching or prickly sensations? Come to know yourself… Higher consciousness communicates in many ways and is very personal in nature. You will be the one who knows

What brings you Joy? What brings you Bliss and Peace… Tranquility? What brings the abundance and how do you allow it to flow naturally into your life? When do you feel the most connected to your Higher Self? What activities have you done in the past that brings your closer to All that Is? What have you always wanted to do, but never felt you could? What are your dreams?

Bring yourself into relationship with yourself… How would you cultivate a new friendship in the external world? It is no different, you need to learn about yourself and as you do, you will naturally begin to develop tools of discernment that work for you. Discernment is the ability to see the truth and your higher self, guides and helpers are all there to assist us in this. We are all aware that there is a tremendous amount of disinformation available to us at this time, so it is imperative to our development to cultivate discernment. As the light grows strong, throughout all times it has been shown that there are those out there that wish to possess it for themselves under the context of some fear-based reality. To plug us in, so as to feed a mass consciousness that is self-perpetuating and promotes denser vibrations. I have seen this to be other than for the highest good of all Creation and continue to cultivate my relationship to my higher consciousness.

My Soul knows! This has been shown to me time and time again through synchronicity, signs and visions along the way. When I look back into the past, I see that they were always there… I was just to heavy and connected to a mass consciousness to be able to see them. It has only been since reclaiming my freedom from these systems and programming that I am more consistently able to see and hear everything that my Soul wants me to see. I continue to develop that relationship always and as it deepens I am brought to places of greater knowledge and understanding.

Follow your energy today… Come out of your meditations this morning, clean and clear, with your Authentic Self shining bright. Feel your aliveness and vigor and create a touchstone or benchmark. Note the sensations, the thoughts, the awareness, the entirety of your being-ness right now. Write it down, draw a picture, record your voice, write a series of reminders to yourself that you can access if this “feeling” slips… Listen to your Soul and create what it tells you. Ask yourself how to remember what to do when the energy drops and you are pressed to do something other than your highest good,… YOU know.

Life experience is Joy and Bliss and Creation! We are magnificent beings of Light and Love and are here to express that through the medium that is before us. When you find yourself in a situation where you sense there is a choice to make for your highest good, listen to yourself, connect to your Higher Consciousness and breathe… The answer will come to you, trust in you as you will know.

Then proceed, with Love and Kindness, knowing that your actions are for the highest good for all Creation, you are free…

What a beautiful day…

Love and Kindness,


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