Tag: grief (page 1 of 2)

Prayer for Paris

By Mercedes Kirkel November 13, 2015 My heart is in tremendous pain after hearing about the shootings and explosions in Paris today. There are many layers to my pain, which feels confusing and overwhelming. I want to go numb, curl up in a ball, or leave my body. Writing helps me to sort out the […]

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Does Death Exist? New Theory Says ‘No’

Excerpt from robertlanza.com

Many of us fear death. We believe in death because we have been told we will die. We associate ourselves with the body, and we know that bodies die. But a new scientific theory suggests that death is not the terminal event we think.
One well-known aspect of quantum physics is that certain observations cannot be predicted absolutely. Instead, there is a range of possible observations each with a different probability. One mainstream explanation, the “many-worlds” interpretation, states that each of these possible observations corresponds to a different universe (the ‘multiverse’). A new scientific theory – called biocentrism – refines these ideas. There are an infinite number of universes, and everything that could possibly happen occurs in some universe. Death does not exist in any real sense in these scenarios. All possible universes exist simultaneously, regardless of what happens in any of them. Although individual bodies are destined to self-destruct, the alive feeling – the ‘Who am I?’- is just a 20-watt fountain of energy operating in the brain. But this energy doesn’t go away at death. One of the surest axioms of science is that energy never dies; it can neither be created nor destroyed. But does this energy transcend from one world to the other?
Consider an experiment that was recently published in the journal Science showing that scientists could retroactively change something that had happened in the past. Particles had to decide how to behave when they hit a beam splitter. Later on, the experimenter could turn a second switch on or off. It turns out that what the observer decided at that point, determined what the particle did in the past. Regardless of the choice you, the observer, make, it is you who will experience the outcomes that will result. The linkages between these various histories and universes transcend our ordinary classical ideas of space and time. Think of the 20-watts of energy as simply holo-projecting either this or that result onto a screen. Whether you turn the second beam splitter on or off, it’s still the same battery or agent responsible for the projection.
According to Biocentrism, space and time are not the hard objects we think. Wave your hand through the air – if you take everything away, what’s left? Nothing. The same thing applies for time. You can’t see anything through the bone that surrounds your brain. Everything you see and experience right now is a whirl of information occurring in your mind. Space and time are simply the tools for putting everything together.
Death does not exist in a timeless, spaceless world. In the end, even Einstein admitted, “Now Besso” (an old friend) “has departed from this strange world a little ahead of me. That means nothing. People like us…know that the distinction between past, present, and future is only a stubbornly persistent illusion.” Immortality doesn’t mean a perpetual existence in time without end, but rather resides outside of time altogether.
This was clear with the death of my sister Christine. After viewing her body at the hospital, I went out to speak with family members. Christine’s husband – Ed – started to sob uncontrollably. For a few moments I felt like I was transcending the provincialism of time. I thought about the 20-watts of energy, and about experiments that show a single particle can pass through two holes at the same time. I could not dismiss the conclusion: Christine was both alive and dead, outside of time.
Christine had had a hard life. She had finally found a man that she loved very much. My younger sister couldn’t make it to her wedding because she had a card game that had been scheduled for several weeks. My mother also couldn’t make the wedding due to an important engagement she had at the Elks Club. The wedding was one of the most important days in Christine’s life. Since no one else from our side of the family showed, Christine asked me to walk her down the aisle to give her away.
Soon after the wedding, Christine and Ed were driving to the dream house they had just bought when their car hit a patch of black ice. She was thrown from the car and landed in a banking of snow.
“Ed,” she said “I can’t feel my leg.”
She never knew that her liver had been ripped in half and blood was rushing into her peritoneum.
After the death of his son, Emerson wrote “Our life is not so much threatened as our perception. I grieve that grief can teach me nothing, nor carry me one step into real nature.”
Whether it’s flipping the switch for the Science experiment, or turning the driving wheel ever so slightly this way or that way on black-ice, it’s the 20-watts of energy that will experience the result. In some cases the car will swerve off the road, but in other cases the car will continue on its way to my sister’s dream house.
Christine had recently lost 100 pounds, and Ed had bought her a surprise pair of diamond earrings. It’s going to be hard to wait, but I know Christine is going to look fabulous in them the next time I see her.

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MARY MAGDALENE: Resolving Issues With Family

  Received by Mercedes Kirkel On June 11, 2014 [Note from Mercedes: This is a personal message Mary gave to me. My father has been recovering from surgery and I was feeling upset about not being included in some decisions relative to his circumstances and care.]   Blessings dear one. This is Mary Magdalene. You […]

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Heaven Letters May-01-2013

Heavenletter #4541 God Leaves Out His Answer, May 1, 2013
Gloria Wendroff

God said:
Where are you looking from, and what do you see? When you look out

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Heaven Letters April-21-2013

Heavenletter #4531 Loving and Appeasing Are Two Different Things, April 21, 2013
Gloria Wendroff

God said:
Sometimes you have to draw the line. Sometimes you have to say

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Heavenletter #4185 The Prime of Life, May 10, 2012


God said:

What wonderful words will I speak today? From where within your heart shall I approach? Ah, yes, it is you who must come to Me because I am already here. Drag yourself over to Me. Or leap over to Me. I am here. I am neve...

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The Real Fountain of Youth

a message from The Council of Light channeled by Rebecca Couch Beloved, we will say it again and again until it “locks in”: there is nothing outside of you. So when you are in pain or grief of any kind: look within. The external forces are there...

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HEAVEN #4112 You Are Not Humpty-Dumpty, February 27, 2012


God said:

It is easy to be happy when you are happy. It is natural to be happy when everything falls into place. It is less easy for you to be happy when you hit snags.

In theory, you understand that it is your place to have h...

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Galactic Federation Of Light Ascended Master Serapis February 18 2012

Galactic Federation Of Light Ascended Master Serapis February 18 2012

http://lightworkers.org/channeling/153101/determined-excellence-fueled-love-serapis-bey Always a pleasure to converse through our lovely vessel that has accepted to receive me tod...

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Aghartha In The Hollow Earth!


The Inner Earth & Realm of Aghartha

Aghartha In The Hollow Earth!

By Dr Joshua David Stone

The biggest cover-up of all time is the fact that there is a civilization of people living in the center of Earth, whose c...

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Offical Ashtar Command Release- Relationship Harmony

Ashtar Command
4/20/10 8:34:34 AM
Commander Ashtar
Offical Ashtar Command Release- Relationship Harmony

Greetings and Salutations Beloveds, I am Ashtar, I come with peace in my mind which allows my heart to be with unconditional love for harmonious and open communications. I have a few matters, which I wish to discuss with the collective of Angels (for all here are angels) on this planet for the planetary healing, which is occurring now.

Dear Ones, it is not without much heaviness in our hearts, we must allow for the belief points which structure the reality of the one co creating in the reality creation process. When one states truth is absolute this brings one unnecessary grief for if one cannot allow for a higher, wiser truth to flow into the awareness for the awakening process. How can one grow existing in such a manner? Please understand beloveds, I am not here to admonish anyone, or any ones truth by any means, more so to allow for the opening of the lines of communication with many on this planet once again. This often has meant in other similar process such as this, that the presence of our ships has assisted with the awakening process. When our ships are spotted over your skies, it often has caused much fear and pain, however this is not much longer the case. There is far too much public knowledge of our intergalactic presence for one not to be open to a higher truth, however there are far to many unconscious be-ings on the surface of this planet. Lord Sananda and I have spoken many times concerning this matter, what is in the highest good of the collective on Gaia as well as when to announce our presence.

We have increased our presence in the realities of the unconscious masses. This will continue through the next equinox as well as through out the remainder of the year as you perceive it now. WE shall soon be seen to all, without questionability. When WE present ourselves to the masses, the masses will be ready, no fear remaining in the hearts of the awakened ones. Dear ones, it is our wishes for you to collectively find the harmony needed which will allow us to de-cloak our ships in full for full reunion. This cannot occur until the masses have the levels of harmony needed.

Harmony levels needing to be achieved are much higher than less aware individuals would think. If one cannot offer up peace for harmony, one will not be in a functional collective consciousness. It is our ways of Be-ing, through the art of surrender we are self - conscious creator gods, Angels are creator gods. Those with a physical vessel for embodiment have asked for the highest of challenges by volunteering for this. Once the angel (those who read this) come to understand the nature of forgetfulness, then the angel can have remembrance, in turn bringing deliverance to the heart of the embodied angel incarnate. Love is all there is, no truth exist in illusion. Shadows contain the illusion, illusion is where the “demons” are allowed to play the interFEARing role of reflection. You see dear ones, when it comes to the reality creation process, in the collective sense of multidimensionality, one must come to the understanding for this free will construct, there are angels and there are demons. Angels are in the light of love, demons are in the shadows of illusion, both authentic realities of GOD, one simply named illusory for the fact which one should understand if one has been doing the processing WE of the angelic realms as well as the Ashtar Command have been guiding your way. Be with peace Beloveds, we have much planned for The Grand Illumination, of which this planet has a vital role in InterGalactically.

I leave you with these heart-felt words for contemplation as well as meditation. WE are here for you, simply call upon us with the highest of discernment, for we all have others who wish to project as us, however are truly not. Discernment beloveds, discernment is the process by which ones come to an assessment, which brings a realization. This time is crucial with the lower resonances doing all possible in last moment efforts to attach to you, keeping you in a lower resonance field. The last moments before we can move into the Golden Age of Peace is here, anchor life through the collectivity of the Sacred(high) Heart of Love. WE love you, I love you, Reflect the love for you (consciously with intent) and we can have much higher levels of harmony. It is our harmony we are seeking, with our Peace we now hold here. Ashtar

Offical Ashtar Command Release- Relationship Harmony


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Bridges to Light

“You must dissolve the borders of your perceptions that more and more of what IS can come into your conscious knowing…” IRSHA

I am a channel, though perhaps an unlikely candidate to fulfill a role as mysterious as many seem to perceive it to be. For more than twenty years, I had a successful business career in sales and field management, including a number of years as Vice President with an international research firm (very left brain.) In addition to my business career, I played the roles of wife, mother, grandmother and single parent. In order to raise my three sons – now grown – I have, at different times, worked as a writer, seminar and conference leader, professional singer and fashion model. I have also appeared on radio and television.

Six years ago, Beings of very powerful energy began to broadcast through my body for verbal communication into the dimension of human life experience. It was explained to me to be a mutual agreement made many lifetimes ago in preparation for this most important time this NOW – for human kind. The purpose was described as a necessary re-interpretation of ageless wisdom for contemporary understanding and application. New models, new myths, and new metaphors have been transmitted to provide ways to apprehend the unknowable, the unnameable.

From a basis of beginning to sense and comprehend realities not experienced through the filter of our five senses, the choice can be made by each to release attachments to things, places, beliefs and people which inhibit the evolution of conciousness. Introduction: Elmarilla’s Story

My creed for many years has been: GOD/ GODDESS is – therefore I am – and all that is! Spirit is REAL, vital and at work in the Universe and in us. Life has meaning and each of us has purpose. My purpose is to fully realize/actualize my Self and to make my contribution. I cannot fully realize my Self without making my contribution, and I cannot make my true contribution without realizing my Self. I am responsible for my Self – not my parents, my upbringing, the environment, the government, or what I had for breakfast. In suffering the pain of my own mistakes and in forgiving myself for me, I can learn to love my Self and others unconditionally, and to grow, and to serve.

It is my choice to be actively involved in this process until the day of my death/transition, and beyond. This process I see as my odyssey.

My odyssey is very personal (as it is for each of us) and is travelled inwardly before the changes in direction in the outward journey manifest. In fact, the signposts – symbols – of the inner journey indicate those directions for my outward way.

I feel somewhat ill at ease in sharing some of them, since I am basically a private person, but chose a number of years ago to plunge into the “sea of life” and run the risk of drowning, rather than watch in safety from the shore. I had a powerful and beautiful dream about that very figure of speech. It is still vivid in my mind and gives me the courage to risk to be open – letting myself out and allowing others in.

My journey started in the Midwest – lowa – on a farm. My childhood could be perceived as mostly idyllic: climbing trees, jumping into the hay from the rafters in the hayloft, riding ponies, swimming in a creek, picking wildflowers in the woods. Various life traumas occurred: the usual childhood diseases, including rheumatic fever at age 12; our home burned with all possessions lost at ~ 3; suffered through adolescence; experienced my first loss of a loved one – my very dear Grandfather; accumulated the wounds of life that happen to us all and got sidetracked for a while onto the “conform; do your duty; don’t feel too much; play it safe” track. Now and then my Self would pop out as when in the seventh grade Methodist Sunday School class, the teacher passed out W.C.T.U. commitment cards for us to sign, stating that we would never “touch a drop.” I refused to sign on the grounds that although I didn’t drink then, I might want to try it some day. I was not popular in the class after that.

I went to college – studied art, music, psychology, teacher education; got married; gave birth to three fine sons and did everything that women of my generation were “supposed to do.” I never became angry – I did have stomach problems and heart palpitations. I was very very “nice” the perfect daughter, perfect mother, perfect wife, perfect ministers wife. My ex husband had gone to graduate school and then to seminary after we married. We were on the staff of various Methodist churches in Arkansas, New Orleans, Louisiana and Minneapolis, MN. for a number of years. I (my Sell] gradually began to emerge again and to question and to form my own beliefs about life in the Spirit and life in general.

My experience of the organized church was stifling. Operating within a structure which preached love but generated guilt and fear of failure to conform to the “shoulds” and “oughts” did not make sense to me. I could not comprehend a relationship between this kind of “Love” and the unconditional Love that it seemed to me was spoken of and demonstrated by Jesus and the other Masters.

Finally, after 19 years, my husband, the church and I parted company. It was a bitter experience which took some time to recover from. The shock and sorrow of suicide ended a brief second marriage with a mate who turned out to have a severe illness. I still love both men dearly and realize that I magnetized these situations into my life as necessary experiences for my preparation.

Irsha has given that, “… Grief has a sharpness to it like a wound from the thrust of a knife; sadness is personal with hard edges; but sorrow is attuned to the collective of human kind, so therefore is vast with soft borders and has within it the core of compassion and unconditional love.”

In the meantime, I raised my sons (all three today are genuinely caring, authentic, contributing human beings), I formed relationships (some brief – lives just touching in passing, but significantly so – and some lasting) with other honest, searching persons who accepted my eccentricities without judgment.

I embarked full steam upon a career in the business world that eventually led to a position as a vice president with a research firm in New York City. I took up the cause of women without becoming a flaming feminist by mentoring others and by example. In addition to my business career, I also worked at various times as a writer, seminar leader, professional singer and fashion model.

You may wonder how a so-called “career woman” involved with statistics and research suddenly became a channel for cosmic mind. My extra-curricular interests have expressed in the realm of spiritual/metaphysical studies for at least 20 years. However, the channeling started spontaneously six years ago with very little warning. I was ,guided to turn on my tape recorder and meditate. My consciousness stilled and upon coming to sometime later, discovered a lengthy teaching had been recorded. Since then, profound change has been my experience in life. I was directed to leave my career and my home – all that meant security to me, and for a Capricorn, that’s a “biggie” – and allow myself to be used as a channel for the reception and transmission of information and energy by unseen beings from another dimension. Those of you who come to experience or read about this kind of “unusual” event always bring a host of questions, especially if this is new for you. These are the ones most often asked:

Why do you do this?

Who is IRSHA, and where do they come from? How does it work?

How does it feel?

When did it begin? Where do you go? Could we be channels? How does this fit with Christianity, Judaism, Buddhism, etc.?

Are you possessed, Crazy?

How do you know the information is true? How do we know the information is true? What is your background for this?

Here are the answers, and I hope that the reading of them will remove the mystique usually associated with channels and channelled information.

I do this because it gives me a sense of fulfillment of my purpose.

The process is relatively simple when it is understood that all that exists is of energy and that the human is an energy field living in an assortment of slowly moving molecules called a body. The energy field (Spirit) is part of All that Is. Our human consciousness doesn’t remember this, so we think ourselves separate. A leap of faith reestablishes the connection in conscious awareness – then it’s just a process of allowing oneself to be used. It’s literally becoming as a radio receiver and transmitter for other dimensional frequencies. The more refined and powerful the vibrational frequeny, the higher the consciousness being transmitted.

The Irsha energy flows into my body (circuits) at the back of my head through the occipital lobes into the pineal gland and then through my body like an electric current, but pulsating like radio waves. The frequencies are translated into words and broadcast through my mechanism.

It is a feeling of ecstacy – unconditional love – and very powerful. When channeling, it flows through my hands and into the room and is reported as being experienced similarly by those in the audience.

As channeling is occurring, my consciousness could best be described as in a timeless, spaceless condition. I do not usually have a sense of what is being said, so I always tape record for later listening.

If you are alive and here on Earth, you are channeling. Your body is a channel for your own life energy. It has been given that all who are opening will channel higher frequendes in this new time, each expressing according to his/her agreed upon life purpose (whether it be as teacher, healer, musician, artist, gardener, animal husband man, food preparer, poet, storyteller, and so forth) for your greater joy and the enhancement of your service.

How does this fit with the organized religions? The information given includes all – excludes none. Presently, our many different religious systems divide mankind rather than unite. Irsha’s teachings do not conflict with any except those notions in each that are divisive. Rather, Irsha reveals the thread of unity in the diverse and colorful tapestry of creation.

Am I possessed, Crazy? If so, it is with commitment and zeal; crazy about the beauty, wisdom and energy of Irsha. It rewards me continually.

How do I know it is true? Most of it has been, and continues to be, validated by events and circumstances in my own life and the lives of others, and it just “rings true” for me.

How do you know the information is true? You don’t, until in your experience it is supported by your own discoveries, or the teachings resonate with your own deepest knowing. Irsha says, “Don’t let your brains go soft – become your own Guru. Truth is truth and knowing of it is within each. If what we say is truth, it is that which you already know and the hearing of it simply calls it up into your own remembrance.”

What is my background for this? In my odyssey you discovered that my background is much like yours – adventurers in the unfolding drama of human life.

© 1993 by Elmarilla Bailey    http://irsha.com/

This entry was posted on Sunday, May 18th, 2008 at 4:30 pm.

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You are the ones who have to discard the illusion

Channeler: John Smallman

03/28/2010 by John Smallman

As you are very well aware, your lovely planet is enveloped in an energy field of a strength and intensity never previously experienced, to assist in and ensure your imminent move into full consciousness. The importance of this wonderful event cannot be overemphasized. It was planned at the moment of your apparent separation from God, in order to provide the most perfect and efficient way to awaken you from your deep and unhappy nightmare, so that you could enjoy once more the divine Reality in which you are eternally present.

You and your Father are One — eternally in each other’s Presence, and blissfully content in that perfect state of existence. The illusion that you appear to be experiencing , with its confusion, fear, and misery, is long past its “sell-by date” and needs to be discarded. You are the ones who have to discard it, who have to let it fall back into the nothingness from which you fabricated it. It is of no value to you, and yet you find it hard to release it or turn away from it. This is because you have become accustomed to its seductive distractions — distractions which constantly disappoint you as they fail to deliver the permanent satisfaction that you keep hoping in vain that they will provide.

The satisfaction, the happiness you seek can never be found in the illusion because it is a state in which you are asleep and dreaming nightmares of suffering, pain, grief, loss, and terror. It is unreal. . . it does not exist. . . and yet you continue trying to build it into something permanent, believing you can make it a sanctuary of peace and security, safe from those who you believe are trying to hurt and destroy you. But there is no one trying to destroy you — there is only God and you. . . in perfect harmony with each other.

You turned away from Him and built an imaginary reality in which it appears that you are legion, with a multitude of conflicting cultures, nations, tribes, and families, all of which have needs and desires that are mutually incompatible and unavailable. And so you live in distress and fear, engaging with one another in destructive arguments and unending conflicts. Occasionally these are temporarily suspended as you pause, exhausted by your efforts, to make a peace that cannot be maintained, as you will not and can not embrace the necessary trust and honesty such an agreement requires. As your exhaustion is relieved, the peace collapses because the trust required to maintain it dissolves, and you start to prepare for the next violent and apparently unavoidable engagement.

Within the illusion trust is a very great challenge because you see everyone as separate, different, with his own personal and exclusive agenda. It seems that each must watch out for himself at all times, or others will destroy him. These apparent threats, dangers, and lack of security should make it clear to you that the environment in which you are experiencing it all has —logically — to be illusory.

You know — if you will look fearlessly and honestly within — that you are the beloved creations of your infinitely loving Father, and that you have attempted to hide that knowledge from yourselves. Why you did that is of no importance, but what is important is for you to recall that knowledge. It is available to you in every moment because it is the experiential knowledge that you are eternally One with your Father from whom distance or separation is impossible. All that is possible is your momentary refusal to be aware of this! And it is only momentary, fleeting, and you will awaken into the joy of your divine existence at One with your Father. His Love for you is boundless, immeasurable, and without Him there would be nothing — not even your illusion — because He is the Life, the Consciousness in which your existence is maintained by His divine Intent. There is only His infinite, eternal Reality in which you are permanently contained and cherished in the abundance of His Love.

With so very much love, Saul.


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