Tag: great white brotherhood (page 2 of 2)

The Feather and the Sun Shield


a message from The Star Elders

channeled by Aluna Joy Yaxk'in

Wednesday, 16 March, 2011  at Egypt  (posted 18 May, 2011)

The following is the 6th message that we received in Egypt.  It might ...

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Neptune in Pisces: The Renaissance of the Soul


Posted: May 3, 2011

The greatest spiritual renaissance in human history has officially begun with Neptune's transit into Pisces, the archetype of the Christ Consciousness. In essence, Neptune's energy will effec...

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4/2011 What Is Becoming of this World?


Messages from the Great White Brotherhood through channel Patricia Beirne.

Subscribe to receive messages free by email http://www.omegapoint-now.blogspot.com/

Dear Ones,

In truth, “What is Becoming of this World&rdqu...

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28 March 2011


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Saint Germain on Operation Terra

8 November 2010 - 5:37pm Channeler: Aruna Byers

Compte de Saint Germain´s Blog

Question by a reader:

I hope that Aruna have recovered her health. Best wishes.

Saint Germain, a group of friends, myself included, would appreciate if you co...

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When You Pass – What Happens?


Master Kuthumi, could you explain what happens to a soul after it leaves this life, and if our loved ones can still see and hear us. Also how long does the soul hold onto their personalities after death, and will they remember other past lives, and loved ones from those lifetimes as well.

Kelly L. Canada

I am Kuthumi of the Great White Brotherhood, the Council of Light. I come in answer to my messenger’s call to answer this question from one desiring to remember.

I thank you for this question as my answer will assist many in this time of remembrance. Firstly I must explain that you are all souls as you travel the dimensions and the great web of Light. You are inter – dimensional beings of light. The body you use is simply an overcoat. Yes, an overcoat which houses your entirety of bodies including the power centre's and your personality.

When you breathe your final breath, an aspect of you rises to the next plane of vibration, the next dimension. The silver cord which has held you to your physical body is broken. There can be no going back once this occurs.

You are met with much light energy, and all aspects of you are united at this point. The memories of the personality are incorporated into the soul memory, the akashic records.

The physical body is discarded for it’s purpose is done and the physical matter returns to the Earth. No material possession can travel with you as you cross. All is left behind. After all, you were only the guardian of those things. You only possessed them for a speck of time. You see now where your true treasure lies. How much light energy do you bring with your soul? Have you stored your riches in Heaven or Earth?

And let me ask you, “ what do you call Heaven. Do you think it here – in my realm, far away from you. Out of reach. Do you think it is bargained for?”

My friend, I tell you truth. Listen to my words, please. Heaven is available to you now – right now on your planet. You do not need to wait until you pass over, no. I will tell you the secret. It is you who creates your own Heaven, yes indeed. It is so. Some of you may be disbelieving of me. To those I say, “ open your eyes, open your heart. Seek truth.”

Heaven is not far away from you. It is true in other dimensions you are able to create at will – but only if your heart is open, loving and your soul light strong and radiant. For it is then that you are open and flow with the Source. So you can create anything with a pure desire, a thought. For no negative emotion resides here. I spoke previously of your shadow self, the final challenge to overcome. Now I tell you of the rewards when you overcome that challenge. This is possible to accomplish now on your Earth plane.

Seek to raise your own vibration. Allow another the responsibility for themselves. Turn away from all lower vibrations and emotions. As you do this you begin to ‘store your riches in Heaven.’ You understand every physical instrument you use is only yours for a time, to make your journey on Earth easier.

You cannot take anything with you. Therefore live simply, in peace. Respect all life. Grow in light, in truth.

As you so this, you go through a transformation process. You begin to create your own Heaven. As I have said in previous teachings, light, carried within the soul is the only energy you bring with you when you cross over. This is your ‘treasure.’

All memories of previous incarnations and experiences are held within the soul memory. It is this vast soul library you are able to connect to in a past life session. You travel the time lines also. The soul is a moving energy form of light. Therefore you can easily travel to past, present and future options and experiences. During such a remembrance some loved ones from past experiences – lifetimes – may be remembered, but not always. You have interacted with many other souls, mostly from your soul family, and not all can come forward in a session. Some may have already chosen to incarnate for further learning and expansion.

You ask if those who pass (die) can still see and hear you. The answer is, of course. One of the benefits of returning home is that you can travel on most of the dimensions. Certainly you are able to visit loved ones you know and love from your previous incarnation. Notice I use present tense here. The love does not cease when you cross. It goes on. You go on – in a different form. The soul never forgets. This is why a soul can become concerned when a loved one is very overcome with the grief and tears at their passing.

The crossed soul still has love for those left behind, and does not wish them to be sad. So they come around, often hoping their energy will provide comfort.

The crossed soul still has love for those left behind, and does not wish them to be sad. So they come around, often hoping their energy will provide comfort. Sadly many are not aware of their presence as they are as yet unable to see and feel their presence. It is only when you open, study and learn to open your higher senses and thereby enter enlightenment that you are able to see spirit, and hear and feel loved ones passed over.

There is no need to fear, no. Yet many experience this emotion because they are not ‘awakened.’ Many relay through my messenger ( Lynette) that they often feel my energy, my presence as they read my words. They do not fear me. Yet you cannot see me – though I know some of you can. I urge you not to fear other dimensions or those who have passed. May I say also that certain TV programmes dramatizing this realm often assist in increasing fear of others who have passed. These program creators truly store their treasures on Earth in the form of money. At best they do provide you an example of this.

I hope my answer gives many of you a greater understanding of some of the process when crossing over, and of spirit, thereby alleviating any fear. I have also given a meditation for those who wish to travel the time lines of knowledge and experience.


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The “A team “

Received by Alec Christos Gabbitas

March 6. 2010

Greetings to you all from the 'A' team which is as ever ready to communicate with you in these trying and quite testing times that you are working through. There is much to be taken on board and yet much more that will be presenting you with even further moments of shock and/or associated heartache. These ever continuing shifts and the repercussions of same are always challenging to the soul whose heart is open to the pain and ensuing discomfort to others. As you are now working mostly on a collective level are you then sharing the load of seeming catastrophes, so in one aspect are the pains relieved to a minor or minimal degree. Many hearts creating a cradle of loving support for your fellow travellers whose role it is to honour perhaps the ultimate sacrifice.

Greater scenes are to be experienced and supported collectively by planetary light workers, whose unconditional love and firm inner resolve are the healing balm and foundation of these mighty rescue efforts, equalled 'man to man' by the numerous fleets of light/mother ships that are lending their collective love, light and expertise. Seen with the 'mystical' eye would it be quite some 'light show' in the heavens, as all are double parked and overseeing that which is taking place, thus lending their supportive spiritual and technical muscle as the occasion so permits. Their work, unobserved by planet earth dwellers at this present or now moment of time, is of a true guardianship role that silently and surely awaits in the heavens in the shape of the Galactic Federation of stars and planets,and the intergalactic / inter dimensional councils or Flight Commands.

Time, as known upon beloved planet earth, is rapidly collapsing and ever in a continual filtering into a 'no time or null zone,' which is par for the course. The heavens are filled with our beloved fellow travellers, they whom we call the Ascended Masters and/or the Great White Brotherhood. Archangels, Angels, Devas, Fairies and Elementals, with multi-energies of other Lords and Ladies within the great hierarchal structures and with the Elohim, Time lords, Karmic Lords and so forth. All merge and blend into an exceedingly multipurpose and competent 'A' team that patrols and animates your mighty local universe with an air of pure unconditional love. They light up the ethers with an harmonic pulse within the sacred geometries of the day, embellishing the great tapestry of life in and with its myriads of life-forms and multi universal life equations.

Metatronic Keys of mystery, enhanced more so by the Cube of Metatron with dynamic crystalline energetic's that are spiraling forth into life's eternal dream, and thus reinforcing the soon to be receding Merkaba. This is to be systematically transforming into more refined, more precise relevant crystalline light bodies which will be more appropriate for the ever heightening energies of crystalline expansive light bodies.The three expansive steps will be to the Merkiva, then to the Merkava and then further to the Merkana. Crystalline and crystal clear as the Metatronic Keys play out in perfect precision and momentum, and as ever in perfect harmony, expansive into ever greater climes and geometries.In days of old when so much was in transition and progression, was the deity of Metatron linked with an ultimate reverence to him being called the 'Father' figure!

Archangel Metatron is also one of the deity whom channeled through to our scribe of today, Alec Christos Gabbitas, and along with Sanat Kumara and several other deity's of the day was shared in detail the location of the crystal portals that were closed down at the end times of Atlantis. In precise, intrinsic manner were the exact locations transferred through, giving him the sequence and times of the 18 dimensional and 9 inter dimensional crystal portals to be reopened or rebooted.He (we) redefined in precision the crystal grid system of the planet and it was once more 'up and running!' The first portal to be open was Ithica in the Greek Islands, supported by Maitreya and Melchizidek and Michael, and the many beings of Greek deity and the hosts of heaven itself! The trigger point of the Crystal Portal Activations was in Alaska in 2000 AD.

Life is but one continuous sequel of events, in harmonic momentum and all in the great divine scheme of events, in highest good. When you accept whom you are beloved friends, you will recognise the beauty and the perfection that you truly ARE, and in total truth you have such a 'pedigree of grandness' that you will be overwhelmed with whom you really and truly are! This is no way an egotistic or heady acclamation but a simple introduction to you of beauty and love that is your central function of being.You are the chosen ones, yes, we have shared this with you before, and we shall again as we together enjoin and walk this pathway home.You are beautiful - warts and all! See your selves just shining from out your eyes, feel yourself in every call of a bird in the trees, listen to yourself as you tarry awhile by the stream as it's tinkling melodies echo on the ripples. Recognise yourself as you observe the gull in happy flight perceiving it's elegance and rhythm flight upon the thermals. See yourself in the eyes of the little child and it's purest laughing innocence beaming back at you. Allow yourself the gift of feeling JOY - for JOY is the so precious love that enhances every atom of your wonderful pristine being!

You are the most loved commodity in the universe, believe it 'cos it's true! Believe in yourself as we believe in you, for in you do we see a mirror image of ourselves. Allow yourself the love that you so easy gift to others in so many unplanned little things, for you my friend are truly worth it...who says?..God says..and he told me so! You have surpassed all that was 'expected' of you and you are in fact quite a bit up front, paving the way,clearing a path, making splashes or ripples where NO ONE has ever before achieved! You are the sunshine in our lives and you are the moonbeams to so many others.You are the star that continually shines putting to shame the stars up in heaven. We think that you have done A OK, 'cos 'til now you've held your ground and paved the way. There's no one has the 'up' on you, because your blooming wonderful and THAT IS TRUE!

Your light and grace is ever evident and as the sun rises on another glorious day and opportunity, the skies fill with a rich ambience and a special kind of love that reflects the beauty and the gift that you, yes YOU, have co-created! A time has come when the forces of the universe watch and wonder at the joy that is in store for you. A time has come when the muscle and spiritual power of you all, the lightworking fraternity with beloved Mother Earth, has held forth on high the true divinity of your sacred prowess and the sheer grit that has no equal and no cause to regret or rue the day.Word flows around the universe(s) that a new day is being born, a new start is being prepared, a new life is seen to be in the making and a new Being will surely manifest out of sheer pristine love and understanding. For so it is... and so shall it surely be....

We are the A team, we are your fellow travellers who assist you in Ascension.

(c)2010 Alec Christos Gabbitas for the Universal Mind. * 17 Viking Ct, CT10 1RF, England, UK. 20.7.07, 01843- 866875 * Email: gabbitas1@aol.com * (please copy and share, affording due credit to it's source, and also to Lady Isis and The Light Circle Ezine) *

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Extraterrestrial A-Z!

Hello Gang!

I just came accross this information today. It is very interesting and somewhat mind opening. In case you haven’t noticed, lately in my art style I have been exploring beings from other worlds who are here assisting us. This guide book is sure going to make my art allot more interesting and hopefully with some good perception I will make a couple more artistic leaps in style along the way. I am committed to illustrating my perceptions through art with all of my communications and shareings. Be sure and keep checking back, becuase as my mind unfolds so does my art. And now… ET’s A-Z…

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