Tag: Go Gratitude (page 1 of 2)

World Gratitude – Day 12 – (H)EART OF YOU

Nobody realizes that some people expend tremendous energy merely to be normal. - Albert Camus


*image courtesy of Daniel B. Holeman* Gratitude is a gift of Love, flowing from our sacred heart space ~ a timely reflection of our heavenly presence on earth. [...]

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World Gratitude – Day 5 – (K)NEW BREATH OF YOU

In a mad world only the mad are sane. - Akira Kurosawa


Imagine … As (k)newly born beings, we begin by first receiving,

accepting a naturally abundant source of support ~ the Breath of Life ~ only to immediately return this gift … and then begin again. Give and Receive Accept and Release In and Out Beginning to End [...]

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This is our year to SHINE!


Humility is the embarrassment you feel when you tell people how wonderful you are.

– Laurence J. Peter

Greetings and glad tidings ~

May this message find you well and thriving!
It’s been awhile since our last wave wrapped up, and worlds
within worlds have changed and rearranged to deliver us
here Now.  What a blessing it is to be connected and sharing
this amazing journey together!
We have completed our long-awaited move to the Southwest,
now calling the Valley of the Sun, in Arizona, our home.   We
have much to share on both a personal level AND on our upcoming
World Gratitude Wave.  Keep an eye out for an invitation in
the coming days, including some massive shifts in our program,
onward path and new possibilities to play together in co-creative
Many of you have been busy, too … sharing insight into your
passionate pursuits, keeping us abreast of manifested dreams
and emerging visions that spring from an awakened heart — One
that lives, breathes and embraces the power of Gratitude.
One example is Eliana Gilad, founder of Voices of Eden,
peace-maker,  conscious-voice advocate and Sister of the Heart
who recently reconnected to announce (and celebrate!) the
completion of  a project she’s been soulfully co-creating, called
Finding InnerPeace in Troubled Times.
When Eliana first began the project, she invited us to be a part of
her vision and it was an inspired YES! that began our journey
together. Today, we’re delighted to share her master-peace
with you, as well as a special offer especially for World Gratitude.
To find out more on Eliana’s profoundly empowering Peace project,
including a clip from our interview where we discuss Children and
the power of Gratitude, go here:
There is sooooo much more to share, and even more to be grateful for!
Until next line … ever inward and onward, Beloveds!

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World Gratitude – Day 16 – SYNTROPIC GRATITUDE


*source ~ www.the-arcturians.com*

Greetings Beloved One-ness,

Today marks our evolution beyond personal to communal
Gratitude.  Congratulations and Thank you for your
presence on this amazing journey!
For the past 12 days our primary focus has been on Self,
creating a greater connection to what IS, allowing
our  Love to BE and granting Gratitude the power

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World Gratitude – Day 15 – THANK YOU FOR BEING YOU


Just for today:
Thank you for being YOU.
Fully, completely, ever-so-sweetly let this
flow of Love and Gratitude permeate every

nano-aspect of the Divine being called You.
In every way possible, spend today giving thanks
to you … Remember, as you do, you are setting a
pattern for others to follow, too.
Go Gratitude!
To expand and magnify this exercise:

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World Gratitude – Day 14 – SOLE GRATITUDE

Nobody realizes that some people expend tremendous energy merely to be normal.

– Albert Camus



*artwork by Douglas Blair – "Barefoot in the rain"*

Our bodies are animated earth, embracing Love’s light.
Our feet ~ the seat of under-standing
and platforms for graceful landing ~
give us the ability to quickly shift, to raise our view,
to travel, dance, and explore the (k)new.
Just for today …
Consider directly connecting feet to earth,
grounding yourself in Gratitude. As you do,
imagine a vortex of light flowing through your
soles to the center of the Earth.
Now witness this flow returning to you,
sole-fully connecting all who stand as Gratitude.
Go Gratitude!
Remember, our feet represent our under-standing,
our ability to perceive the wisdom of the journey

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World Gratitude – Day 13 – EYE AM GRATITUDE

It is easier to forgive an enemy than to forgive a friend.

– William Blake


*image ~ Stacey Robyn. "Eye Love you, Alex" 2005
Upon arrival in physical time we daily change,
re-arranging shape, form, and feature …
our bodies growing by divine design
to support our wishes, dreams, and adventures
Now consider this – from birth on,
all dimensions change in our physical
frames ~ all except One …
The EYE.
From first blink to final wink
this window of time remains one size
offering a steady view of timely Life.

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World Gratitude – Day 12 – (H)EART OF YOU

Nobody realizes that some people expend tremendous energy merely to be normal.

– Albert Camus


*image courtesy of Daniel B. Holeman*

Gratitude is a gift of Love,
flowing from our sacred heart space ~
a timely reflection of our heavenly presence on earth.
So let’s consider a (k)new view,
that perhaps the heart of the earth is YOU.
here we GO …
simply move the first to last, like this:
worlds within worlds,
micro to macro ~ AlphaOmega ~
begining to end
~ we are connected as ONE.
Go Gratitude!

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World Gratitude – Day 11 – ENTOPIC GRATITUDE

The world is full of willing people, some willing to work, the rest willing to let them.

– Robert Frost


Ready to create ecstatic change,
blissfully spinning into a trance-like state?
Simply focus on Gratitude.
You see …
spirals, circles, dots and grids
are all geometric signals of a happening shift
~ as seen by the minds eye~
entopic forms transporting us beyond the norm
to worlds of wonder, bliss, ecstasy and JOY
all present within YOU
opening through this symbol of Gratitude.

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World Gratitude – Day 10 – GRIP ON GRATITUDE

I think it’s the duty of the comedian to find out where the line is drawn and cross it deliberately.

– George Carlin


ArtPeace by Rassouli

Make a right-handed fist … now cup this curled grip with

your left fist and voila!

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World Gratitude – Day 7 – LOVE, RESPECT AND GRATITUDE

Life is a long lesson in humility.

– James M. Barrie


Daily Self-Love, Self-Respect and Self-Gratitude will re-arrange
watery worlds within … opening space for peace to BE,
intentions to manifest and abundance to freely flow.

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World Gratitude – Day 5 – (K)NEW BREATH OF YOU

In a mad world only the mad are sane. – Akira Kurosawa


Imagine …

As (k)newly born beings,

we begin by first receiving,

accepting a naturally abundant source of support

~ the Breath of Life ~

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World Gratitude – Day 4 – BIRTH OF GRATITUDE

Never have children, only grandchildren.

– Gore Vidal


Allow Gratitude to guide you through NOW to the

moment of your conception, your earthly Being-ness.

As you journey through to the beginning of YOU let Gratitude

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