Tag: gnostic wisdom

Conversation with God – Is There a ‘Perfected’ Form, Fit and Function?

Coming of Age I’m not anyone special, though my experience is unique and weird. It started with a voice inside, advanced to trips to an orange cigar-shaped cloud a few years later and culminated in an NDE in college that presented a profound path...

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The New Science and Taking Life for a Spin around Self

Shaky Science with a little Spin around Self I’m not an astrophysicist, but the idea of a ‘nothingness’ like Smith speaks of resembles the notion of the Void… from which all things come, or so we believe. This idea of nothingnes...

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The New Science and Taking Life for a Spin around Self

Shaky Science with a little Spin around Self I’m not an astrophysicist, but the idea of a ‘nothingness’ like Smith speaks of resembles the notion of the Void… from which all things come, or so we believe. This idea of nothingnes...

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The Proverbial Question: Why Are Advanced Races Visiting Earth?

Acknowledging a Continually Evolving Reality In order to answer the proverbial question, we need some groundwork. Our present view from limited sight can only reveal so much. We have to be smarter in our universe view beyond the world view we have held...

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Correlating Material – Non-human Intelligence Conveys Communication

Non-Human Intelligence Conveys Unimaginable Truths Intelligence conveys that Ufology has long been plagued by the NHI side of the coin, beyond the nuts and bolts or the tangible evidence we tend to seek. The physical evidence is something we can touch....

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Happy New Year Earthlings! (exo)Politics Anyone?

New Year’s Resolutions – Timid or Transformational? Wasn’t the ending of 2017 an amazing experience, with all the disclosure inferences and shenanigans? Happy New Year, Earthlings… (exo)Politics anyone? We all know that disclosu...

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The Hypostasis of the Archons

The Hypostasis of the Archons An Introduction By Bernadette Rezak (with comments by Zen Benefiel) In this day there is much “talk” about The Archons mostly in the Experiencer circles and more widely in the UFO lingo when speaking about certain Aliens. Being an Ordained Gnostic Priest and serving as a High priestess since 1990, it […]

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