Tag: Giza (page 1 of 2)

Acoustic Resonance Testing Inside the Red Pyramid of Egypt

The Red Pyramid  The Red Pyramid, also called the North Pyramid, is the largest of the three major pyramids located at the Dahshur necropolis. Named for the rusty reddish hue of its granite stones, it is also the third largest Egyptian pyramid, af...

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Ancient High Technology ~ The Temple at Baalbek

 Randy Koppang is the guest of The Spencer Grendahl Show, speaking about anomalies and evidence of high technology present in the construction of ancient megalithic sites of Baalbek, Lebanon and the Giza Plateau in Egypt. Click to zoom

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Explore Hidden Tunnels of the Giza Pyramids with Christopher Dunn ~ Part 2 of 8

CHRISTOPHER DUNN is an engineer with over 35 years of experience. His pyramid odyssey began in 1977 when he read Peter Tompkins' book, Secrets of the Great Pyramid . His immediate reaction to the Giza Pyramid's schematics was that this edifice was ...

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The Giza Power Plant ~ Chris Dunn Guests on Epic Voyages Radio ~ Part 1 of 8

EPIC Voyages Radio's Dr. Rita Louise flashes her hall pass to researcher Christopher Dunn for exclusive access to the Giza Pyramid's most secret hallways.CHRISTOPHER DUNN is an engineer with over 35 years of experience. His pyramid odyssey began in ...

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Is the long hidden secret of the great pyramid beginning to emerge through clever investigation?

Has a construction ramp been hidden inside the Great Pyramid for 4500 years? If we compliment Jean Pierre Houdin's theory ( video below) of an internal ramp hidden within the great pyramid with the most intriguing new theory of pyramid construction inv...

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Chris Dunn Discusses Gantenbrink’s Door & the Giza Power Plant on Red Ice Radio

Gantenbrink's Door blocking the main shaft of the Great PyramidClick to zoom

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Chris Dunn Lecture ~ The Giza Power Plant ~ Parts 1 & 2

Click to zoomClick to zoom

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Archangel Metatron Channel: The Ring of Fire Solar Eclipse


Feminine Balancing - The Cosmic Trigger Final Phase 

Archangel Metatron via James Tyberonn

  Greetings Dear Ones, I am Metatron, Lord of Light ! I greet and honor each of you in Unconditi...

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ELDERS DECEMBER 2011 TRANSMISSION Through Anrita Melchizedek


This is quite a long channeling...


Dec 8th 2011  

Welcome my precious family and friends,

Another earthly year is coming to an end, and yet in terms of Cosmic Consciousness awareness and non...

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AA METATRON – Revisiting the Story of the Law of One in Atlantis – Part 1&2


13 October 2011

Channeler: James Tyberonn

Archangel Metatron Channel

The Energy of the 11-11-11 The Platinum Crystal of Bio-Plasmic Interface (Revisiting the Story of the Law of One in Atlantis) Part One of a Three S...

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Aghartha In The Hollow Earth!


The Inner Earth & Realm of Aghartha

Aghartha In The Hollow Earth!

By Dr Joshua David Stone

The biggest cover-up of all time is the fact that there is a civilization of people living in the center of Earth, whose c...

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Metatron – Roslyn – The Sun Disc and Star Gate


Metatron Channel 

"Greetings, I am Metatron Lord of Light, and you are Beloved ! 

The energies of the areas within England and Scotland are among the most potent and active on the planet. ...

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Why 2012?

The End of the Mayan Calendar is scheduled for December 21, 2012 (give or take a year). The possibilities of what this “end” might mean is an increasingly hot topic on the Internet, in conferences, printed articles, and in discussions all over the globe. This is because it just might be an incredibly important moment in history — e.g., the end of history!
the Mayan Calendar is not your average, run-of-the-mill calendar. It is, among other things, reputed to be the most accurate in the world. This is due in part to the fact it is also a relatively complicated calendar, using cycles of 13 and 20 (weird!), relating to the cycles of other planets (e.g. Venus), and in general incorporating some 22 (at last count) different sub-calendars, such that every contingency can be accounted for.

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