Tag: gillian (page 2 of 2)

Every Thought Is Priceless

A few weeks I saw a site that scanned other websites, analyzed their files, and estimated each site's income. Snoedel was there too, but Tubelawak pulled in vastly more with relatively  fewer visitors. I'll have to go talk to her, because accor...

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When you See a Need Fill it

a message from Gillian MacBeth-Louthan

Wednesday, 22 September, 2010 

Each of you holds your personal 'vision in invisibility.'  Every great person that has existed on this earth has held the vision...

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The Mechanics Of Creation

a message from Gillian MacBeth-Louthan

Friday, 27 August, 2010 

The opulence, the prosperity, the role of Creator-ship that you so seek is within the cellular structure of your being.  It is n...

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Seeking the Proof of the Pudding

a message from Gillian MacBeth-Louthan

Monday, 28 June, 2010 

As the sands of time slide through the entrances and exits of all that is sacred, seen and unseen, humanity’s future is u...

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You Are Vast Beyond Your Ability To Measure

We come forth to unseal the envelope of your light. We ask you as you sit on this threshold of starriness and to see each and every one of your selves as a galaxy, as a constellation, as a star in the heavens.  For one day each one of you will be exactly that. Just As Mother Earth is on her way to becoming a star through all of her seven  billion plus children, you too are programmed to seek to become more. One day you will become as an Earth or a planetary event that ascends through all of your inhabitants. 

As you move into the stellar  horizon of becoming a constellation, or becoming a star –you will exceed  the expectation you have of your self  this very minute of time.  You see yourselves as meek and mild and incomplete.  But we see you as tiny seeds of galaxies yet to come, of stars yet to be born, and of constellations yet created.  You are vast beyond your ability to measure.  You are vast beyond your ability to remember And you are vast beyond your ability to see.  We ask you to see yourself as a nebula, a star nursery.  See within that nursery, the seed of your future.  You are not a twinkle in some man’s eye or some women’s body – you are a twinkle in God’s Heart.  For you are not just a human ascending,  you are seedling stars and galaxies and universes.  You have not crawled from the sludge of the earth.  you have come from the beginning of Light.   It is there that you search for your mirror reflection. 

you now enter into a new remembrance of just how simple it is to instruct the molecules of thought into matter.  You do not have to wait for a planetary line up or a holy day.  You do not have to wait until someone on the Internet tells you it is time to pray and  line up your axional event.  You do not have to wait until Sunday to be holy.  For you are the Light  Event that you so seek.  Do not allow the instructions and intentions of others to tell you when to birth your dream.  . 

You have each beaten a path forward in time beyond the mass consciousness, beyond the mass understanding.  You streak as a falling star towards what your heart yearns for.  Do not stop and wait for the mass consciousness to catch up – because you will sit on your laurels through many a cold winter and hot summer.

You each march to a different drum that is how you were created.   you are strong of nature and heart on purpose. In the time that comes you will be instructed in the ways of receiving.  Receiving entails more than a gift, a compliment, a free meal – receiving is everything that gives to you, All of life.  Receiving is vast and cannot fit into a box.  Receive from the wind, the night, and the stars.  Every time you come together, you create a bountiful portal where anything and everything is possible.  Within that portal is a doorway of creation. 

You are given opportunity after opportunity to shift, to change, to grow, to become more.  Do not forget to accept the gifts that life gives you.  The bounty that this land that you live upon, gives you, the gifts that are just for you and you alone.  We are the Pleiadian energies.  All of life asks you to receive.   Look at your world.  Stretch your wings.  Stretch your perimeters examine the limitations that you have placed around your self.  as creator why have you chosen this experience? For when you stretch yourself, you will truly appreciate whom you are, what you have, and where you live. You are the true treasures.  You are the true riches. you are what you seek. 

Gillian MacBeth-Louthan - PO box 217 - Dandridge, Tennessee 37725-0217 - www.thequantumawakening.com thequantumawakening@hughes.net

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More Defined Lines of Manifestation

The financial consciousness of planet earth changes into a higher brighter light exhibiting finer more defined lines of manifestation.   In the past you have always looked to others for support and a foot up – now as the worlds face confusion you worry like an old woman, who asks, ‘Who will be there if I fall?’ Fear lines your thoughts.

The question, little ones, is why do you want to fall at all?  Are you or are you not in charge of creating your life? Or you just a victim of happenstance?   Why do you want to fuel your life stream with such down trodden thoughts and creations?  You are just learning to fly, leaving the nest of what was your safe space and building a place even the Angels would be jealous of. 

So many of you are ready to leap and risk leaving the nest; so many of you are ready to really learn to fly.  No more straddling the razor blade fence of indecision.  Grasp what is golden about you and your world and your decisions.  Hold on for dear life and swing into a bright shiny future. 

Many have learned to play the part of martyr and savior, whipping post and slave - now its time to try on the costume of Deserving.  We see within the souls of so many of you how life has hurt you, how you’ve been raked over the coals and burnt. With a higher thought you can whitewash the broken fence of your heart.  You have the ability to the heal past all soul scars. 

Your Universe, your God does not hold you to your past.  the universe  lives in the present moment.  It is time for you to release your past, for even the very Gods themselves do not hold it against you.  Your past is held in a holy repository and you have the only key to open that drawer- even the Creator does not go there.  Nothing of divine holy light will ever point out the past to you.  Move up and out of what has caused you pain and sadness and anger.  Do it thought by thought, decree by decree. 

With a flip of a switch in your next thought you can either turn on the light or continue to sit in the dark room developing negatives.  If your heart truly desires something, just give it to yourself.  First with a thought, a permission and a deserving to have it and then allow the rest to follow.  If you want a new car, give it yourself first verbally, out loud.  Whatever you speak, the Universe hears and mirrors back to you. 

Gillian MacBeth-Louthan - PO box 217 - Dandridge, Tennessee 37725-0217 - www.thequantumawakening.com thequantumawakening@hughes.net

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The Temple of the Dolphins

We come forth from the watery depths of the river of your souls and the inner abyss of your being.  We come forth to help you breathe deep.  Forget about your humanness and breathe deep with your heart entering a place of pure joy.  you sit upon the shoreline watching the other aspects of yourself play, For too long you keep yourself in suits and zippers and shoes when the very Being within you just wants to be set free. 

Many of you have worked in the 'Temples of the Dolphins in ancient Lemurian and Atlantis.   The sea is a part of the very fabric of your being it lives within you.  Your blood and glands pulse with the Sea from time immortal. Listen within for the Ancient Ocean breaking on the walls beneath the cliffs  Hear the sound of the birds and your heartbeat as we (the dolphins) escort you back into time, a time when you were more fluid, a time when you were bendable, more pliable. Let us swim you into a time when you enjoyed every inch of your body and your life. 

The energy of play is something that you have forgotten as you are so busy being grown up, so busy being official, so busy acting the title of your job, the title of your name, but not the 'title of your soul'.  We ask you to strip down and let the glistening essence of your celestial Dolphin come out.  Do not come out in fear of being slaughtered or being made into tuna, do not come out in fear of being in toxic waters or toxic shame.  Do not come out unless you are willing to be free, free of what haunts you, free of what burdens you, free of what keeps you in between the lines of your life.

Open up your chakras allow us to align them.  Imagine one of us from your dolphin star family, standing in front of you, body to body, chakra to chakra, heart to heart, as we blend and become One you are set free from your human constraints.  You have forgotten how simple life is, you have forgotten that all of your needs will and shall be met when you fully believe it is so.  You have forgotten about all the original love that birthed you, This love is fluid and free moving as are we; it is not to be locked away or boxed up kept on a shelf for a rainy day. It is to be shared with everyone and anyone. You have forgotten to acknowledge your brethren in the same part of the sea that you live, in your neighborhood, in your city in your country, they too are your family. 

In Mother Ocean there are no fences, no walls nor doors to keep anything out or anyone in, everything is a part of the One Ocean.  We have no enemies in the ocean because we believe it is so.  Even those that would like to make us prey, do not – because our intention is as such.  We believe we are not endangered from man, from sharks, from the larger members of our own families.  And it is so. 

We are not here for ourselves, nor have we ever been.  We are here for you.  Eventually (sooner than you realize) you will come to a point of realization that you are within all species and all species are within you, then there will be no need for us to continue our teachings in physical form.  The evolutionary patterns will shift into the next notch.   We are the dolphins.  We leave from this body, but we stay with you.  Remember our words.

Gillian MacBeth-Louthan - PO box 217 - Dandridge, Tennessee 37725-0217 - www.thequantumawakening.com thequantumawakening@hughes.net

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Portal of Choice

We are connected to everything in the Universe; everything flows through us and to us. Our energies, our thoughts, and our words flow through all of life, on Earth and elsewhere.  There is not an end to us, or a beginning, but a continual flow of life, changing form over and over again.  We are continually perfecting our form in each and every incarnation, whether that is as an element, plant animal, human, star, or galaxy.  We deliberately challenge ourselves to become all we can become.  There is no failure in this type of existence only evolution. 

You are in a time of birthing yourself into higher light at a different octave of truth. As you sit in the womb of No-time, No-space, you try to stretch, but the walls of illusion, keep you confined in an invisible prison.  You push and push but you are not able to stretch into the vastness you innately know yourself to be.  When a child is in the mothers womb, the child’s spirit has the ability to reach out past the limitations of the physical womb, skirting about in the parent’s lives, reaching into the past, and future, overcoming space and time.

Your life is similar to that of the unborn child.  You feel limitations, as if the very walls of your life grow steeper and steeper each time you try to scale them.  You grunt, you groan, you complain as the limitations become more and more animated.  You have the same innate abilities as the unborn child.  You are living in this dimension of matter and yet you are also living in spirit, in the light on a multitude of levels.  Your body seems limited and vulnerable, yet the spirit and light-force that inhabits that vehicle has magnificent and never-ending capabilities.

You enter a promised time where the limited perception of your humanness merges with the vast and all-knowing Spirit of Light.  Coming together Merging and then EMERGING into something much more.

Right now you all feel like a caterpillar, in early cocoon stage.  You know that you are destined to become more, YET EVERYTHING IN YOUR WORLD POINTS TO LESS THAN !! You feel deep within your being that if you tried, you could fly.  Then you take another look at yourself and see only the reflection of density, and human limitation. Yet in your heart you know you can fly past all these earthly limitations.

The Chrysalis shifts and the Cocoon around you thickens and hardens like the crust of earth.  There seems no way out!  Keeping you confined in a prison of your own thinking. One day out of the blue a small light appears on the horizon coming from a minute hole within the cocoon. Your heart races with possibilities as the illusion of limitation begins to crumble right in front of your eyes.

You all are just now seeing that small point of light, Showing you the way out, the way up and the way home.  The caterpillar looks at itself and says “how am I going to get through that small opening’?  The caterpillar must walk into a time of surrendering!  Surrendering his limitations to the divine spark within him.  Surrendering is accepting in the divine process that knows your every whim and need before even you desire it.  it is trusting!  It is knowing what is truth, when everything else reflects illusion.  The hole is small only in the mind of the caterpillar, not in the mind of God.  In the mind of God it is large enough to accommodate all the future butterflies of earth.

It is a time of surrendering  and trusting your process. The butterfly that you are inside this human caterpillar, is far greater than any illusion.  Let go and know that the divine plan will work no matter what.  The caterpillar is destined to become a butterfly it can be no other way!

The cocoon would never ever allow the caterpillar to be released, because that is what a cocoon does. it protects, it keeps bound.  Earth keeps you as a cocoon until you are ready to set yourself free.  The caterpillar knows that it must try, and try again, or it will die.  That is the point of reference that each and everyone of you sit at.  You feel you must try, or perish in the process.

Your Soul pushes you through that tiny hole into a Higher Light, just like the caterpillar is pushed by instinct.  You push back, saying ‘ No, I can’t fit, No I can’t jump, No, I can’t fly, NO I CAN’T !’ Spirit says, “ You can, you must, or you will perish.”   Earth is at a portal of choice, there will be a decision made by the mass consciousness. All of God’s creations sit upon this fence of decision.  All of life is “in decision”.

As we reach an apex in this level of evolution, we begin to realize just what the effects of our words; thoughts and fears have on this turning point of humanity.  We speak haphazardly, we create on a whim, and we prophesize out of fear.  We speak like our words don’t mean a darn thing.  Seeing them just as words and not realizing that worlds were created by a word, a thought a decree.  Seeing not the power we have available to us, to destroy everything or create a utopia, a paradise, a heaven on earth.  Sabotaging our own lives, our finances, our health, our marriages, and our futures. 

Every thought you have is alive.  Every word you speak is birthed into existence.  You free it from its internal domain.  Just like letting a Genie out of a bottle, your words, your thoughts wait for your command to come into the world of matter and do what they do best, create!   All creation is by you, for you, and through you!

The time between thought, and manifestation grows shorter and shorter, forcing everyone’s attention into the mirrored hallway of responsibility.  It is there that the reflections shout, “look at what you have created, look at what you have birthed!”  We give ourselves wondrous magical gifts every minute of every day just by the very words we speak. No one is out to get us nothing is out to destroy us, every situation is of our own making, a divine creation, a tool to escort us into a higher place of knowing.

We not only do this as individuals, but as countries, families, continents, and also as a world.  So many opportunities to learn and evolve and love.  It is as children playing with nuclear weapons, not knowing the power of the instrument at hand.  We do our best to fulfill ancient and biblical prophecy.  Believing on some level that those of the past knew more than we do.  Giving our power and our world away to the dried bones of the past.  If those same people prophesied today, we would laugh at them as eccentrics, or cult members.  Not honoring there words, or there fears. 

The external world but mirrors our internal thoughts and dialogue.  Life is not something that happens to us it is something that we create, continuously.  Knowing that we can and do collectively create everything and anything, lets get busy and create a world of love, of peace, of joy.  Where every child goes to bed with a full tummy, and every homeless person cashes in their cardboard home, for a real home.  Lets look at our world glass as always full instead of half-empty and halfhearted.  All livingness responds to your thoughts and your desires, especially a casual thought, or decree. 

Knowing how powerful ours words are 24 hours a day for all eternity, puts a bit of a damper on our joking around. What we may say even in play will ripple out through all space and time.  What we decree for another we gift to our self. Our angers, our fears, our jealousies are becoming animated alive and kicking us back to get our attention.

As you love, you attract. You are today where your thoughts have brought you; you will be tomorrow where your thoughts take you. You cannot escape the result of your thoughts; but you can endure and learn, accept and be glad.
You will realize the vision of your heart, not the idle wish. You will gravitate toward that which you secretly most love. In to your hands will be placed the exact result you earn no more, no less. Whatever your present environment may be, you will fall, remain, or rise with your thoughts…your vision… your ideal.

Gillian MacBeth-Louthan - PO box 217 - Dandridge, Tennessee 37725-0217 - www.thequantumawakening.com thequantumawakening@hughes.net

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Time Keeps on Slipping, Slipping…Into The Future

As the memory of what was, seems to drift like a dream in the morning, we continue to move quickly down the corridor of time. We are being ushered into time doors that swing both ways. Down hallways that never end into a place that has not been created yet.  All of us have seen and felt the difference and the trail of chaos it leaves behind. Time is like a wild horse that bucks the 24 hr system and continues to look for a way out of the dimensional corral.

We all run like hamsters in a clear ball bumping into walls paddling our little feet as fast as we can. Not getting anywhere and exhausted by all the energy it took just to get this far. Time brushes past us like a gust of wind, not asking our permission to do what it was born to do. Life pushes us harder into a corner of limited choices or so it seems, but it is us that has painted ourselves into that corner by our limited thinking. We can just as easily paint a way out if we choose.

Time has shifted as of the last quakes. It has quickened its pace, and all past alignments have shifted as well. Longitudes and latitudes dance to a new beat. Leylines and time markers are off line, sacred geometries are reset. An actual cog in time has been felt as the worlds walk into a new wavelength of Light.

We still biologically walk to the beat of the old drum when the band plays on in a different octave of time and light. Our perceptions are enhanced and we see in and out of time but are still not sure where to place each thought. Seeing between the worlds is not a place for those weak of purpose. One must hold tightly to the tight wire as time doors are opened and possibilities present themselves in a new array of colors. The unexpected is to be expected on a daily basis. People do there best to hide what ails them but actions are louder than any words.

This year of time asks one to get down to the business of picking up the shattered glass and like Alice, going into all facets and fractures of self.  Mirrors are a portal of transport to places that can not be seen with the naked eye. The place of mirrors comes to reflect what needs to be seen as one crosses the timelines into places that have not been created and await your first thought as seed.

Seeing into the future is not a place for those weak of heart or knee. As one walks thru the time doors many trap doors make themselves know. Dimensional black holes to other places of parallel time loops can create a dizzying effect in most unexpected places.. Time doors open and close faster than the blink of an eye. Truth and time are individual, and do not present a singular vow..

The unknowable becomes seen in the halls of time. That which has appeared emptied now becomes full, freeing itself from definition.  A shift of realm awakens from a long sleep to escort you into the nexus cornerstone where time and space meet. All limitations are transformed in this expanded version of reality. Do you have the courage to leap open-eyed into this fluid point of possibility? Your vessel of eternal self is being purified for the expanded energies and truths of the upcoming shifts from now to 2012.

You are an instrument of light that is being fine-tuned to play a new octave. Relax into the Shifts, look them in the eye seeing with the wisdom of a thousand angels. See beyond what you deem humanely possible. Look at all that happens to you in a deeper perspective and with such a deep seeing that you understand the totality of what comes to past before it has happened. Each situation has a million outcomes. It is up to the individual to pick energetically.  From that point of wisdom create from your heart in a freeform energy allowing the higher elements of light to take the form they seek to become.

Gillian MacBeth-Louthan - PO box 217 - Dandridge, Tennessee 37725-0217 - www.thequantumawakening.com thequantumawakening@hughes.net

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The 11:11 Gateways

“So this is how liberty dies. With thunderous applause” – George Lucas

by: Gillian MacBeth-Louthan

When the forces of Eleven become fully activated they have the power to change history in the making. Within the number and sequences of Eleven (29, 47, 38, 56, 74, 92, 83, 65) lives all answers and even more questions. Eleven teaches us every problem comes as a divine opportunity to learn. It shows us how to see beyond what is everyday and boring. It try’s and tests our faith and our belief system and our faith. It forces us to listen to that small still quiet voice within the silent witness. It reminds us we are all vast beings who have come to earth to help with the healing and awakening process starting with ourselves. It asks you to locate the light within and share it with all. Eleven is our Best Friend and Teacher.

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11:11 Master Numbers!

Created, Channeled, Written, Published and copyrighted by Gillian






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