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Offical Ashtar Command Release- Relationship Harmony

Ashtar Command
4/20/10 8:34:34 AM
Commander Ashtar
Offical Ashtar Command Release- Relationship Harmony

Greetings and Salutations Beloveds, I am Ashtar, I come with peace in my mind which allows my heart to be with unconditional love for harmonious and open communications. I have a few matters, which I wish to discuss with the collective of Angels (for all here are angels) on this planet for the planetary healing, which is occurring now.

Dear Ones, it is not without much heaviness in our hearts, we must allow for the belief points which structure the reality of the one co creating in the reality creation process. When one states truth is absolute this brings one unnecessary grief for if one cannot allow for a higher, wiser truth to flow into the awareness for the awakening process. How can one grow existing in such a manner? Please understand beloveds, I am not here to admonish anyone, or any ones truth by any means, more so to allow for the opening of the lines of communication with many on this planet once again. This often has meant in other similar process such as this, that the presence of our ships has assisted with the awakening process. When our ships are spotted over your skies, it often has caused much fear and pain, however this is not much longer the case. There is far too much public knowledge of our intergalactic presence for one not to be open to a higher truth, however there are far to many unconscious be-ings on the surface of this planet. Lord Sananda and I have spoken many times concerning this matter, what is in the highest good of the collective on Gaia as well as when to announce our presence.

We have increased our presence in the realities of the unconscious masses. This will continue through the next equinox as well as through out the remainder of the year as you perceive it now. WE shall soon be seen to all, without questionability. When WE present ourselves to the masses, the masses will be ready, no fear remaining in the hearts of the awakened ones. Dear ones, it is our wishes for you to collectively find the harmony needed which will allow us to de-cloak our ships in full for full reunion. This cannot occur until the masses have the levels of harmony needed.

Harmony levels needing to be achieved are much higher than less aware individuals would think. If one cannot offer up peace for harmony, one will not be in a functional collective consciousness. It is our ways of Be-ing, through the art of surrender we are self - conscious creator gods, Angels are creator gods. Those with a physical vessel for embodiment have asked for the highest of challenges by volunteering for this. Once the angel (those who read this) come to understand the nature of forgetfulness, then the angel can have remembrance, in turn bringing deliverance to the heart of the embodied angel incarnate. Love is all there is, no truth exist in illusion. Shadows contain the illusion, illusion is where the “demons” are allowed to play the interFEARing role of reflection. You see dear ones, when it comes to the reality creation process, in the collective sense of multidimensionality, one must come to the understanding for this free will construct, there are angels and there are demons. Angels are in the light of love, demons are in the shadows of illusion, both authentic realities of GOD, one simply named illusory for the fact which one should understand if one has been doing the processing WE of the angelic realms as well as the Ashtar Command have been guiding your way. Be with peace Beloveds, we have much planned for The Grand Illumination, of which this planet has a vital role in InterGalactically.

I leave you with these heart-felt words for contemplation as well as meditation. WE are here for you, simply call upon us with the highest of discernment, for we all have others who wish to project as us, however are truly not. Discernment beloveds, discernment is the process by which ones come to an assessment, which brings a realization. This time is crucial with the lower resonances doing all possible in last moment efforts to attach to you, keeping you in a lower resonance field. The last moments before we can move into the Golden Age of Peace is here, anchor life through the collectivity of the Sacred(high) Heart of Love. WE love you, I love you, Reflect the love for you (consciously with intent) and we can have much higher levels of harmony. It is our harmony we are seeking, with our Peace we now hold here. Ashtar

Offical Ashtar Command Release- Relationship Harmony


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Adventures of the New Human

Iterations of Release and Giving Over Authority to the Soul

My beloved ones,

Many of you are experiencing enormous cycles of letting go. 

This includes the past re-surfacing to be healed and released.  The present being shifted into a more perfect alignment as you let go and let yourself re-orient to your own natural frequency and functional focus.  The future being shifted as the dreams and intentions you held based on what you would term a “prior” self felt appropriate and delightful are recalibrated to support your increasingly clear sense of function.  As you more and more spend time knowing yourself as unified consciousness, as you try on and get used to the power of wearing the wings of the New Human, as you spend more time with your physical, emotional, mental and spirit bodies in unity, oriented from the heart chakra, more and more--the soul IS the navigational system for your journey and this changes everything!

With an increase in your vibration, comes an increase in speed of experience and manifestation and your point of view is expanded. 

If you are able to trust in yourself, you will naturally orient to these shifts simultaneously and thereby have an understanding of what transpires in your life, what shifts and creates space, what is being magnetized and drawn to you to support the fulfillment of your function—you will be able to feel and know all of this as one unified vector moving in alignment with the everything.

When, however, you doubt yourself—and depending on where this occurs—you may find your mental or emotional bodies out of alignment with your entire Lightbody and this creates much confusion, disorientation and a sense of loss.

Your Soul knows your function.  It blends in at the appropriate levels to fulfill your role in the process of dimensional ascension.  All-That-Is or Spirit knows itself as one-ness and in this orientation; it does nothing, it simply IS.  Spirit also performs certain functions—as the Archangel Michael for example.  The portion of Spirit performing the functional of the Archangel Michael changes all the time—yet this energy understands the function of the Archangel Michael and retains the appearance of consistency and continuity.

The same is true of you in your various incarnations of Spirit.  You, in your various reincarnational existences (physical and non-physical) co-occur.  In the gestalt of “YOU,” you recognize the “progress of your functional expression” and feel a sense of gratitude comparing “later” circumstances to “earlier” circumstances. 

The people you have been and are, are like the childhood you remember—part of you entirely, and yet also having gone their own way.  Pursued different expressions and yet all interconnected.  You experience, unconsciously of course, the collective unfolding of all of these aspects of yourself, as well as the unified expansive perspective of All-That-Is, which guides and informs your functional role in each point of focus continually.

The immediate sharing of all of this information, and the way in which it is known, understood, integrated and shapes your sense of focus and desire is beyond comprehension in your current vessel.  Simply know that it exists and it is always connected to what IS; and as such, timely, relevant knowledge about your own experience is fully available to you.  You only need to ask and to learn to listen to yourself and to cultivate the way in which this communication works best for you.

For example—Meredith has been asked by many experiencing break-ups of existing relationships to comment on this seeming “trend”…

Knowing as you do, that all is shifting in to alignment, the read on breakups is an easy-one; the functions are no longer aligned.  The vibrations are no longer in sync.  The shared purpose has dissipated and/or the individuals involved have shifted to a new focus as a result of their own growth and no longer is the functional overlap present which made the relationship so primary in the experience.

The more one grows and expands the more continual adjustments relationships must go through.  For some this ongoing stimulus and realignment is refreshing and exhilarating; to feel oneself in a never ending experience of unfolding, re-inventing, creation—a thrilling ride indeed.  In some of your relationships, you continually inspire and elevate one another.  Your purpose is ongoing and these shifts become a means of discovery together and a catalyst for each of you living a happier, more fulfilling life.  For those, these shifts are not as difficult and not as much of a surprise. 

It is for those who would like to experience the illusion of solidity and/or those who desire a slower pace to change and life that these shifts are either difficult and/or avoided/denied.  The challenge comes when one member of the relationship aligns with a pace and a frequency or vibration, which is significantly faster or slower than the other. 

And it is this differing response to life, which complicates the natural completion or shifting of priorities.  One who is in sync with all-that-is will feel their priorities realign as there are significant shifts and as dimensional ascension brings them closer to their soul signature and to their innate function being embodied more directly on the earth plane.  If they are “partnered” with one who is not aligned or significantly related to this emerging function and the related sense of lifestyle, and especially if the partner is not also experiencing their own shifts and realignment; then at first they will find their partner possibly feeling “abandoned”—as their energy and focus is withdrawn or diminished as it shifts to the new point of creation in experience.  If this is discussed, the emotional body may become triggered and there is often an imbalance then in the vibrational frequency, as the emotional body becomes out of sync—vibrating out of harmonic ratios with the physical, mental and spirit bodies.  Now orientation has been lost.  Which leads to a feeling of being disconnected in the one who was connected and therefore, shifted.  Then there is more emotion and confusion.  Which creates further imbalance.

The solution is to let go.

Once you let go, naturally you will align with your inner sense of things.  Allow the emotions to flow through you; trusting in all-that-is and knowing that all is well, even if you do not understand what is taking place.  Once you are re-oriented to self and your inner connection, if the purpose which led you “apart” is still clear and present, then allow it to unfold, at the rate you desire and trust that all is well for BOTH of you, and All-That-Is. 

Again, the challenge comes when one member of the relationship aligns with a pace and a frequency or vibration, which is significantly faster or slower than the other. 

You have, innately, your own frequency at which you vibrate.  You may not fully experience this when you are dis-allowing a full connection to your expanded self; but as blocks to clarity are removed and as the soul gains dominion in being your point of orientation, these natural frequencies appear and cannot be stifled, or adjusted significantly to keep pace with others, without significant negative experience within. 

Let go and BE YOU.  Trust in that way of being and all that is attracted and aligned with it.  Love everything with curiosity and interest; expecting something wonderful to unfold and rejoice in your own function!  Celebrate the variety of our purposes and rates of unfolding.  Invite grace into your life to smooth all of this out, and simply let go.

Becoming the New Human requires you learn to live from your soul perspective, fully conscious of your innate power and connectedness, as well as clear and allowing your unique function.  The wisdom as to how to blend your function with All-That-Is, moment to moment and point to point will be clear from within; much of this happens without evening needing to ask—it is simply non-verbal, non-thought knowing which leads you.  You only need trust your heart and move toward peace and what feels good next to stay in sync with this natural personal power through awareness which is YOU. 

Realize there is an enormous variance in our functions and frequency!  Let this be.  No.  Go further—love this!

For some their natural frequency is so rapid that what you experience as a lifetime is known in what you would call a moment.  {Can you imagine?  Ha!}  Since all lives are lived simultaneously, then any separation experienced is but a psychological one.  Your “future” personalities are as real as your “past” ones.  After a while, this will no longer concern you and you will live increasingly “in the flow” concentrated on the activity that is at each point, the perfect expression of your unique aspect blending and harmonizing with All-That-Is. 

These messages, your inner sense of things, the mingling of reality and experience, these messages from one system to another occur in various ways continually, emerging in your experience in one guise or another—as inspiration of many kinds.  All are doorways.  The door to the soul is open, and it leads to all the dimensions of experience.

The soul stands both within and without the fabric of life as you know it.  It is your point of power, peace, clarity and connection.  I invite you to let go and be SOUL; be who you are.

I AM the Archangel Michael.

© 2009-2010, Meredith Murphy, Expect Wonderful | Modern Paradise Publications http://www.expectwonderful.com – You are free to share, copy, distribute and display the work under the following conditions: You must give author credit, you may not use this for commercial purposes, and you may not alter, transform or build upon this work.  For any reuse or distribution, you must make clear to others the license terms of this work. Any of these conditions can be waived if you get the permission of the copyright holder.  Any other purpose of use must be granted permission by the author.

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How To Stop Absorbing The Energy of Others

How do you constructively deal with intuitive empathy? What practical methods can you employ to avoid becoming overamped or depleted? I'm going to present some strategies I use. Try them. See which appeal. One is not more preferable than another. Most important is if your choice works.

Walk away

Let's say you're chatting with a man you've just met at a conference and your energy starts bottoming out. Here's how to tell if you're being zapped: Don't hesitate to politely excuse yourself; move at least twenty feet from him (outside the range of his energy field). If you receive immediate relief, there's your answer. Most people are oblivious to how their energy impacts others. Even energy vampires--people who feed off your energy to compensate for a lack of their own--aren't generally intending to sap you yet still they do. Obnoxious or meek, vampires come in all forms. Watch out for them. For years, reluctant to hurt anyone's feelings, I needlessly endured these types of situations and suffered. How many of us are so loathe to appear rude that a raving maniac can be right in our face, and still we don't budge for fear of offending? Whenever possible--if your well-being feels at risk with an individual or group--give yourself permission to make a tactful and swift exit. In a spot, physically removing yourself is a sure quick solution.

Shield yourself

A handy form of protection many people use, including healers with trying patients, involves visualizing an envelope of white light (or any color you feel imparts power) around your entire body. Think of it as a shield that blocks out negativity or physical discomfort but allows what's positive to filter in. For instance, your sister is on the rampage. She's about to blow up; you don't want her anger to shatter you. Now--take a deep breath, center yourself, engage your shield. Literally picture it forming a fail-safe barrier around you which deactivates anger. It simply can't get to you. Shielding is a deliberately defensive technique aimed at guarding your feelings, not repressing them. It works by establishing a perimeter of protection around you that functionally doesn't permit harm in.

Practice vulnerability

One tenet of my spiritual practice is to remain as vulnerable as I can to everything; not to shield, the antithesis of defense. Some people prefer my strategy, some don't. Use it if it succeeds for you. Here's the premise (not madness) behind this: if we solidify our bond to our inner self, we'll become centered enough not to need to defend at all. Thus, the best protection turns out to be no protection--a stance that initially alarmed me. It didn't seem possible I could do hands-on energy work with someone who had cancer or depression, for example, without absorbing their symptoms myself. But it was. What could be more liberating than to find I could hold my own and still remain open! Too often we're taught to equate vulnerability with weakness. Not so. I like being vulnerable and also strong. This disarms people. To me, the appeal of such an approach is that it's a non-fear-based way of living in the world. It requires that, increasingly, you harmonize with whatever you confront, let it flow through you, then recenter again, stabilized by your own resilience. Pace yourself. A vulnerable posture will feel safer the stronger you get. It is a choice and a life-long practice.


To cement your inner bond and hold your center in any situation, I recommend a daily practice of meditation where you focus on the spirit within. Doing so gets you into the habit of connecting with yourself. Start with a few minutes, then gradually increase the duration. The technique is simple: follow your breath and explore the silence. It is not void or empty; that's the mystery. As thoughts come, and they will, continue to refocus on your breath. Every inhalation. Every exhalation. The spaces between thoughts are where your spirit waits to be discovered. There is something real in there worth finding. My spirit feels like a core of head-to-toe warmth vertically aligned though the center of my body. Imbued in the warmth itself is an intelligence and intuitive responsiveness to my rhythms and questions. It speaks only truth, which resonates like a chiming in every cell. Silently become acquainted with your spirit. You can return to it to reinforce who you really are--not just the self you present to the world, but that part of you that is timeless. Make room to pursue it.

You can also see the video of this message here

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A Life of Joy, Living in the Moment

Shelly Dressel

This channel had a number of interesting energies, the essence of which is learning how to live in the moment.As you are aware, your past is over, your future has not arrived; all you truly have is this moment.  When you are seeking to manifest or create within your life, you can only do so through the moment in which you are living.  Do you have a story, something that represents the experiences that have in some ways defined your life so far?  It could be based on pain and suffering, perhaps a time when you did or experienced something marvelous.  The point though is that your life today is focused upon what happened in the past.  Until you let go of whatever it may be that happened, you will be remain in a place of resistance. 

What is compassion?  Can you look at your life and accept that it is that it is? When you infuse compassion into your life you open to even greater potentials. Therefore you may keep the memories but you let go the energies that tie you to the past.  For many people if you take away their ‘story' they feel cut off and adrift.  So open to feel the true you that lives behind or beneath your ‘story'.   

Lastly if you choose to have joy become the focus of your life, everything that you are seeking will come with greater ease.  And if the perception is that it's not... then at least you can have fun along the way!!  I'm told time and again by the Goddess that we humans take our lives and ourselves too seriously.This is a reminder to find joy in whatever way that we can and allow it to flow through our lives.


Nama sika; venia benya      I AM the one, I AM the whole

I greet you, beloved family.  I welcome you with open arms to our time together.  I reach out to each person who is here; I say to you welcome.  I thank you for taking the opportunity to reach out and align with me.  I thank you for seeking to create a transition within your life and doing so with me. 

I feel as if there is such a glorious light and energy that is moving in to the Earth plane at this time.  You hear constantly about the transitions that are taking place; you hear constantly about vortexes of light and energy.  You hear about things that are happening to people in various ways, shapes, forms.

All of it is real; all of it is a part of the experience that people are having.  It is this and even more.  We have spent the last few weeks speaking about Ariellis.  Feeling her energies; feeling what it is to you and recognising how much everybody is having an impact upon how that planet is going to be used in the future. 

The greater ease that you have in flowing your energies from here where you are on Earth onto Ariellis creates more and more pathways of transition.  This is what is creating the greater ease.  There is more going on than what you realise. 

I have spoken of Ariellis as a separate planet from yours, which it is. I have spoken of it as something that you transition towards or into.  You leave your planet and go to that one, as indeed you can.  Part of what is occurring as a result of what everyone here is doing, plus all the others who are working with this energy, is that it is creating a better alignment that allows for Ariellis and the Earth to blend as if one is superimposed upon the other or perhaps to consider it as if one is manifesting within.  There's not an in and an out, an up or a down, although it makes it easier for each of you to have a greater understanding by thinking of it in those terms.  For yourself, consider what that means to you.  

With that we will begin to shift our consciousness.  Have a sense of taking one more deep breath so that you may breathe down within you as the human, as you do so have a sense then of releasing your physical body.  As you release allow your consciousness to expand it very easily moves into the space of the magnetic grid. As you arrive here within this space look around and recognise the space of your higher self.

It is a place for your expanded consciousness.  It is a place for your awareness.  Feel it as if it's very comfortable to you.  Have a sense of moving from there into the crystalline grid.  As you feel your energies move within the crystalline, feel yourself releasing the magnetic pull of the Earth.  It is as if the crystalline vibration is so familiar and so comfortable to you now; this it simply is you. It is your space.  You need not reach out as if you step into something that is not your own.  

I have commented many times on how much the crystalline grid has shifted. I know that you are each very well aware of this.  I invite you though, to stop or take in this moment.  Feel what it means to you to be within this space.  I get a sense that many of you allow your energy field to be cleansed.  You open up your senses and take in whatever perceptions are here for you.  And I think what is happening is that as you continue your transition into a crystalline biology, whenever you come in to the gridwork or this space, it's a time of using the vibration to clear out debris, to clear out old energy, to clear out anything you are ready to release.

Soak it up and take in you as you are more connected within yourself.  From here you may have a sense of shifting into a separate dimension; allow yourself to move into the soul plane. As you come within this space, feel what it is or see or sense what it's like as you look at your divinity. 

You come here consistently therefore your divinity is here ready and waiting for you.  You need only open your senses and take in whatever information is here for you.  Allow yourself to blend fully with your divinity, so that you will remember what it is to be here fully aligned. You remember that inner knowing of how good it feels.

You are integrating more and more of your consciousness within this space. I the Goddess move in and amongst you and as I do so I reach out to embrace each one of you.  As we merge, we move into the All That Is.  Feel what this is to you.  Feel your expansion; feel as if you're reaching out your arms and expanding.  Let this space support you.  

Whenever we come together for these journeys, I reach out to each of you and get a sense of what you are interested in doing for the journey.  As I reach out to align with you there is a very strong sense of people feeling as if they have been in limbo or as if they have been awaiting something that has as yet not arrived.

In your human reality many, many things can get in the way of manifesting what you seek to have.  Sometimes it might be the vibration that you emanate and that is a reflection of your thoughts, your emotions, your intentions.  There is always resistance. I hear over and over from people that they want something so bad, they want it, they've wanted it for so long, so why hasn't it happened?  This is a form of resistance.  

Other times people are seeking to have something within their life and perhaps there's a sense of them that says ‘hey, that would be nice but I don't know if it's for me'. That is a form of resistance.  Indecision - do I want it or do I not?  This is a form of resistance.  It could go on and on.  And it may be that as I'm speaking there is something within what I say that resonates with you.  It may be that nothing in that form resonates with you; you have moved into a different place.

Whatsoever it is, I say let's just bring it up while we're here within the All That Is.  Let's begin by bringing up one thing or perhaps a series of things if it takes a series to get to the end result.  But bring into your consideration something that you would like within your life.  As you think about whatever this might be, let it come in with as much energy as you can come up with.  

Make it as real for you as you can.  The more real that this becomes, the more you have to create an alignment with.  Consider as if you are a third party, as if you are separate from yourself, and you see yourself where you are right now and you see where you would like to be.  There are threads of energy and light that move back and forth.  You may have one or two thin little threads; others have as if a solid wall of energy that aligns you with whatever it is that you seek to have.

Here in the place of creation, allow yourself to consciously release anything that may be getting in your way.  You may know very well what it is, you may not have a clue. It matters not. Simply let go and allow yourself to step into what you seek to have and as you're stepping into whatever this scenario may be, feel as if you reach out and you touch whatever it is. Feel as if you are talking, laughing, enjoying the moment because it's here, it's happened.  I hear some of you saying ‘finally'.  So you take it in.  You allow.  

Let that slide away from you.  As you do so you may have a sense of sending it downward. So that it comes into and around you in your physical place.  As it moves into wherever you are there may be a need to send out threads of energy that link whatever your creation is from you to whomever it whatever it may be so those threads of energy and light move out from your physical reality. 

There, it's done, it's complete!  It's as if there was a burden or an energy that was there almost like sitting on your back or sitting in your consciousness as if it was keeping you from being able to look at other things until you completed that. It's done, so release it as if you are blowing out a big breath of air; just release it and let go and clear out any of those old particles of energy or light.  

This is now a time when you can think about what's fun.  How much fun do you have in your life?  How much joy is there in your daily activities?  Let yourself feel as if you are soaring through the Universe simply for the joy of it.  Feel what it is to let your consciousness expand in every direction just because.  What would it be like to live without expectation; to live without the burden of having to ‘heal' something, ‘fix' something, ‘do' something? 

What is your life if all you need to do is feel joy?  In this moment as you are here in the All That Is or soaring throughout the Universe as some of you did, let joy come up even bigger and more expanded than it was.  As if you are riding upon a wave, as if joy is limitless.  And as you feel this joy moving through you, let go anything else, let go of anything except the feeling of joy.  

What a relief that is!  It's a relief to feel that deep of a sense.  It's a relief to let go  those burdens you've been carrying around.  It's a relief to let go of the expectation that you have had.  Oh boy, life without expectation.  As you consider life without expectation or without anything except to be in a space of joy, it transitions many, many things or opportunities.  Let us shift onto Ariellis again.

Having released in such a way and then aligned yourself with joy, what is your perception of this space? Um hmm, joy is the foundation of the energy for Ariellis.  Living without the same kind of rigid guidelines is another experience here.  I so very much love the human experience because I find I am seeing it already, that if there is a total space of joy or lack of expectation, people consider it boring. People say ‘well, what do we do with ourselves?' 

It's as if simply existing and emanating who you are is not enough; you need more. And that's okay. Because that is so much a part of what the human experience is upon the Earth it's okay to let that be a part of your life.  But I invite you to come here and have a hiatus; take those little mini vacations.  Be in this space of Ariellis where you can walk around, you can experience your life, you can practice whatever it is that you may want to practice, then take it all back into your daily life.

As you stand here upon the surface of Ariellis and as you're looking around, ask to look with your inner eyes just to see the earth.  What is your perception?  Does it give you some assistance in expanding your perception by viewing it in this manner?  You may look around at the Universe.  You may have a sense that there is so much energy moving towards and around the Earth at this time.  Here from within the space of Ariellis, you put forth the intention to align with whatever that energy is and you can feel it coming within you.  

As you align with whatever this energy may be, feel how it gives you a sense of vitality.  Feel how it strengthens and enhances everything that is you. Let this flow through you as these energies are making their way onto or into the Earth.

As you think about your life.  You have your story; you have a lot of drama or a little drama.  As you look around, how is that story impacting you within this place?  It has had a significant affect upon you in your time on Earth.  Sometimes even when you go beyond Earth, returning back within your I AM presence, it still has an affect upon you.  There are many, many things that seem so intense and so important to you in your daily life. Yet when you take a step back, it's a little blip, it's a little bump.  

As you stand or move through this space where joy, love, awareness is the foundation, and where you are without any structure; have a new perspective for the drama experiences of your life.  Sometimes this will give you a greater clarity that will help you understand.   Other times it may help you to see it's much better to let it go, just drop it, just let it go. Breathe in awareness.  Breathe in understanding.  Breathe in complete love and acceptance.  This is you.  This is you all the way down to the smallest particle, all the way up through your physical being and beyond.  Breathe and allow.

Do you have a sense of how Ariellis is beginning to feel much like the All That Is or the crystalline grid or the soul plane?  It is as if the energies as they overlap are blending and creating alignments that allow for there to be a greater ease in moving, moving your consciousness, moving your awareness, shifting energies.  The more that you are in the moment, allowing your focus to be here within this space and allowing yourself to feel the joy, the easier it is to shift. 

Come with me; feel yourselves for a moment, here in Ariellis and then feel the soul plane.  Look around, have a sense.  It is different.  There are similarities.  Shift into the crystalline grid; feel the huge variation of energy that is represented here. From there shift back into the All That Is; feel this too as each of these have had their very subtle differences. 

And then reach towards the Earth.  Because you are human, because you are living upon the Earth, you get the greatest differences in perception.  Look at how much of these higher vibrational energies infuse more and more of the Earth-bound reality.  What would you like to see for yourself? The joy and the awareness of being who you are; just simply you are that you are. This allows you to experience a greater and greater depth. 

So coming back around into the All That Is, you have the ability to shift as easily as that anytime that you seek to do so.  You have the ability to let go the drama of your life.  You have the ability in each moment to be focused upon a joyful existence and then everything else falling into line from there.  Yes, this can be your reality!

So with that, come back together as a group.  See this hologram of the Earth.  You see the hologram of Ariellis.  But this time it's as if there is a sense of all that various energy that is coming from the Universe also coming into these holograms.  It is all related. It all has a sense of alignment.  As you allow your energies to be transmitted into the hologram, infuse the energy or shall I say infuse the knowledge that you have within your life what you seek to have.  If there is anything less than that, breathe in the joy and consciously release resistance. 

Do you see how the holograms transition as I speak of this?  It's as if they reflect the varying light and energy as each of you shifts your consciousness and your intention.  See it with the holograms and so too that is what occurs upon the Earth. It is much more than what you realise.  It is also much simpler than what you anticipate.

So release these holograms; allow them to move through.  They move in every direction, moving out through the Universe, moving down around the physical Earth, around Ariellis and they are actually moving through each one of you.  Feel yourself as if you are looking down or looking inward, then open to ask is there a message.  Feel it, allow it, experience it.

Allow your consciousness to begin to move back into the soul plane.  You pause there for a moment and then you shift your focus into the crystalline grid. As your energy flows through the gridwork it comes into contact with the magnetic grid.  Here once more you feel the pull of the Earth; you feel the pull of the gravity.   But it is different, it is shifting.

Allow yourself to continue to move downward.  Feel as your consciousness fully returns within your physical body. As it comes back within your physical body, adjust your shoulders, your back, your head your neck; whatever it may be.  Breathe deeply breathing all the way down within yourself.  As you do so you begin to anchor these energies.  You anchor the consciousness of joy.  You anchor how it feels to have let go the drama or the story of your life; you anchor how it is to live in the moment and allow joy to be your guidance.

You also anchor once more what you created at the beginning but look - there are subtle changes, because now you have let go your story or your drama.  Allow that all to flow through you; experience it for what it is.  Continue to anchor your energies. Continue to allow yourself to come back within your physical body and as you do so you are welcome to come back within this room. 

I open to receive any questions that you may have.  You may press *7 upon your phone and that will put you into the queue so that I may speak with you.  As we await the first person I invite you to also focus upon feeling joyful in this moment.

Question: I would like to know what would be most beneficial for my continued spiritual growth at this time.

Answer: Alright beloved, as I'm linking with you I get a feeling of  a couple of different things I'd like to share.  First of all, you are much further along your path than you give yourself credit for.   I have a sense as I'm looking at you that there are so many ways you receive communication and so many ways that you communicate with your divinity, with your angels, with your higher vibration.  Then when it comes into your human self, she is not always picking up on or realizing that is where that is coming from.  So it feels to me that the  next step you are taking is to first of all acknowledge that you have already done a great deal of education on and within yourself.  By accepting and acknowledging that it will take you on the next step of your journey which is to have a human personification of all this ability that you have.  Does that make sense to you at all?

Yes it does, I do feel that.

We feel also that you don't need to do as much of the external work as you do creating of the alignment.  What we mean is that if you take a class; by all means do so for the joy and fun of it.  But don't feel you have to take a certain number of classes, take a particular course or get a particular attunement; you don't have to do any particular process. You need only do what feels good and then open to the acceptance of that. Beloved, as I'm saying, you are much further along than you realize. 

Thank you.

You are very welcome. Whew!  We felt this surge of energy go through as you said that thank you.  It was as if you opened and accepted at that moment and then a surge went moving through you.  So we simply say be open and allow.

Question: Hello Goddess?  With tonight's channeling I would like to ask how much it has helped my physical body with its transition. 

Answer: it feels as if you physical body is holding onto old energies of this lifetime.  By that I mean if feels like there has been a great deal you've gone through physically, mentally, emotionally; your physical body that has manifested the emotional and mental trauma or experiences also.  What I saw you doing tonight during the journey as you were letting go of the pathway you have been upon.  You were letting go of your story. You were letting go of the past in essence, what you were doing was also creating a shift in your molecular structure so that it could allow you to manifest a more healthy, but that's not really the word we want.  We see your body as more crystalline.  It's as if in the integration of the crystalline body you are releasing and letting go of more and more of the density. You have already done a great deal of it.  You are in the stage of integrating further and further what you seek to have in the future. Does that resonate with you?

I hope so!

It doesn't feel that way to you? Even with this journey tonight?

I can feel my molecules vibrating very good.  I've done so much work and I've felt lately a couple symptoms that have thrown me off track. 

So those symptoms you are feeling that make you feel as if you are thrown off track, recognize that that is an occurrence that is happening simply to give you a heads up to reaffirm what you want to have, to reaffirm what you know you have within yourself.  You know right in this moment.  So if you forget at some point which is basically what happens when you get thrown off track; you acknowledge that experience for what it is and then you bring yourself back into balance once more.  We see that it is happening less and less often and when it does happen, you are coming out of it more quickly.  Is that your experience also?

Ummm, yes.

So that's the best way to look at it we believe; that feeling or that sense that you can come back into balance with greater and greater ease. 

Thank you.

Just one last thing, you are also living your life with greater and greater percentages of a balanced life.  

Thank you.

You're welcome.

Question: Goddess, I accepted an offer on my house and it looks like I have to be out by the 30th of this month.  I am wondering if my next step is exploring New Mexico.

Answer:  Let's see what we find for you.  We feel as if there is some resistance in you. We think its fear because you don't really know where you're going to go or what you are going to do.  This fear that we see as we look at you right now is holding you where you are rather than opening to potentials. So let me breathe with you for a minute beloved.  Let both of us just breathe in slowly and deeply.  As you are breathing within yourself, feel my energies as I merge with you.  As you breathe out, consciously let go the fear, let go the resistance, let go of anything.  (Shelly took a deep breath in and out.)  There, okay now it's much more open!  Now we have a sense of seeing several different opportunities.  As soon as we looked at you, we saw Oregon come up, we saw New Mexico come up, we saw LA, we saw the Sedona area like Flagstaff and then we even saw Colorado.  We felt as if from where you are, these shooting stars went out to multiple different places.  The sense we got from that is that you can choose any one of them to be your next place to go.  They all have potentials and opportunities.  So when you go back within yourself, when you think of what is joyful to you and what would make you happy to go do; let that be your guidance.  It feels to us as if you've been holding up a burden for a very long time and the burden is about to be released with the sale of your house.  That is the final closure.    

We sense the next step for you is about finding the place where you can just let yourself go.  You can let yourself relax, you can let yourself unwind.  It feels like there is a friend around you and you are staying with this friend.  She is someone who really knows you, she knows you deeply, deeply, deeply.  You don't have to be strong any more.  You don't have to do all these things. You will stay there at least a few weeks if not a month or even two months.  From there it feels like you can get a better balance of where you might decide to permanently move.  For the first step that's what it feels is going to happen. 

Is this my friend in Arizona, Prescott Arizona?  (In Flagstaff?)  No in Prescott, Arizona, my friend in Prescott Arizona. 

Okay, let's see.  It feels like that but it feels different.  Tell us her name and let us see if that gives us a better sense. 

Tory Bowen.

You know, it does not have a great resonance around it.  It feels like there's a potential, but it feels like there is someone else.  It's so hard to describe her!  To us it feels like she is very much in alignment with you, it feels like she is standing here with us right now.  It feels like.... Um.... We're asking her why hasn't she sent the invitation yet and it feels like she's been doing something or something was going on and she didn't realize you were so close to selling your house.  We're trying to get her name.  It's coming out like Anna or something like that.  We have a sense of dark hair, glasses and like she's jabber, jabber, jabber, jabber; she's talking a lot.  Anyway, we do feel some resonance around your friend in Prescott; it's just not a bright light resonance.  So we would say keep your resonance open.  Maybe go down through your address book and kind of revisit people who have been good friends to you.  It may be that you have kind of lost contact with her over the years, but it's the kind of friendship that is never fully gone away even if you don't talk to each other for a time.  We just sense that you will know.  We wish we could give you a better name or idea.  If indeed it is this friend in Prescott, then go for it.  Go for what YOU know to be your truth and your instinct.  Alright beloved?

Thank you very much.

You're welcome. We feel that with answers like that it's clear a mud!   We're sorry that sometimes that is the way it comes out, but that's the best we can do in certain circumstance. Sometimes days or a week or two needs to go by before more and more becomes apparent.  So give it that time and allow things to unfold as your best bet.  Alright beloved.

We had a bit smaller group tonight and it looks like we have called on everybody.  We ask you not to ask a question if you have done so recently, but please go ahead.

Question: Hi Goddess, I have a question.  Today I felt such overwhelming sadness that just goes to the depth of my being.  I noticed that this has been going on with me for a long time, it's getting stronger I think because I'm working with Shelly, things are coming up.  I have a really abusive mother and sometimes I feel such deep sadness.  I'll be going through the day and doing okay and all of a sudden I feel this wave that is so overpowering and it's getting stronger.  You know Goddess, I feel so broken, so dysfunctional. I'm wondering if you can help me with this.  

Answer: First of all beloved, let us reach out.  I am opening up my arms, we're reaching out our energy and I'm flowing my energy into and around you.  Let us first of all come in and create a space of support for you so that we can support you, can flow this energy; can help you let go of this deep sadness and pain you've been experiencing.  The next thing we want to do as you allow that to flow within you --- we know that you have been working a great deal with me and with the group as you work with Shelly--- but in the space where we are right now, we're going to work again with releasing any lingering energies that have to do with your mother; letting go anything at all that has to do with past experiences.  This journey in particular for you is very profound.  We think that is one reason you were feeling that sadness all day is because you were having an opportunity to let go that past experience.  As you are breathing deeply within yourself, you link to that story that you had in this lifetime, the experiences of this lifetime.  You release that. You step out of that book and into a new book, one of your creation, one that you start from scratch, one that begins right here, right now!  You are now going to be writing a book of your life that is filled with joy; every thought, every idea, every experience is based in joy.  As you move forward, if you have sadness or anything that lingers from the past, then recognize it is over, it is past, it is done! You are going to breathe in the choice that you are moving forward.  You are breathing in that you choose joy, you choose love, you choose a new beginning for yourself.  Can you feel those energies shifting beloved?

I feel the warmth coming through.  Sometimes it's so overpowering I ask the father to take me home because I just can't be here anymore.  It hurts so much and I just can't take it anymore.  In my heart, in my being, every cell is suffering.  It's just too painful to be here anymore Goddess. I'm so sorry.

So use this as a moment to release all of that.  Let it go, let it flow away from you.  Of course if you did choose to transition, God is here, Goddess we are always ready to receive you with open arms.  But we both see that you have a life that is filled with experiences of what it is like to be beyond this; of what it's like to be fully healthy and fully cognizant within yourself, for you to be in that space where your heart center is open and your love and awareness flows through your heart at all times.  So you are moving past this, you are moving through this, you are creating a new beginning. 

It's just so hopeless.  I got broken when I was young and I'm just not fixable.  You know I missed the beginning of your conference because it was playing music.  So when you did the releasing thing, I missed it.

Well, you still experienced it.  We talked about creating a new story for yourself.  Yes all of these things happened.  Yes they had a humongous impact upon your life.  But it does not have to be that way going forward from here.  You've done all the work, you've done a tremendous amount of work.  So remind yourself that you do have those moments when you feel good.  You do have the time when you feel things throughout you.  Let those moments be what grows bigger and bigger. 

What about this sadness?  It's so overpowering.  Why does it come upon me?

Because you are releasing it, because you are bringing it up.  As you continue to release the layers that held it intact, or held it to you;  it's as if it's an old memory or pattern that comes around.

Can you help release or clear whatever needs to be released so it can't hook on?

We don't have a sense of it hooking onto you anywhere. We don't know why you are feeling it so strongly today.  To us as we look at you and see you, we see you as a bright light that is there within you shining forth.  We see as if it's a small aspect or one or two aspects of you that feel that sadness or old lingering pain.  If anything, breathe within yourself with the conscious intention to align with the rest of you that you may release this energy and release this sadness.  You can do it and you are doing it. 

Thank you.  Do you see hope for me?

Always, there is always hope for everybody. 

Question:  It was a great experience for me tonight and my brain felt like a cell phone! Like it was going from one side to another.  Then I felt a pressure and pain in my gums.  I'm wondering if this problem or energy that is stuck there will be released now. I have a problem all the times since I exist. 

Answer:  You mean gums in your mouth? (Yes) It feels to us as we look at you as if, it's like those stories or those various life existences have been lingering with you or sticking to you more than what you realized.  It feels as if you've let them go and let them go, stepped outside; but yet something within you was still holding on, perhaps more than what you realized.  It felt like with this journey tonight you were releasing those last threads of something you had released before.  It feels when we look at you now as if there is much greater clarity.  Almost when you came back as if you said ‘well wait a second, who was that person, was that somebody different, was that my sister, was that somebody else?' It feels as if there was a much greater clearing as if a profound transformation has taken place.  As we look at you now, we see you with the much greater balance and awareness. 

Thank you, that's what I felt, that finally something was released. 

So coming back to your gums and teeth; it feels as if there has always been a sensitivity about that and it will continue. But it doesn't feel like it will be as painful as it was in the past. 

Thank you very much.

You're welcome!

All right beloved family, thank you as always for coming in and sharing this evening with me. As you are living your life I remind you to let go the drama, let go the story, let go the past existences that may keep you turning around and turning around in that same space. 

You have the ability to create your life. You have choices in your life, so open and allow those choices to be based on joy and based on love.

I am ever with you and within.


This is Shelly Dressel channeling the Goddess of Creation; the feminine aspect of source essence, for the free teleconference offered on the first and third Sundays of each month. All rights are reserved. You are welcome to share this information; we just ask that you keep it intact. For further channels and information on both the Goddess and Shelly please see our website:  www.goddesslight.net

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2010 Spring Equinox: Saturday, March 20

Channeler: Barbara Hand Clow

see chart:

The Spring Equinox has arrived, the beginning of the solar year in the Northern Latitudes. It is time to decide what you want to create this year, and then use manifestation to empower these ideas. If you want to have an ordered intentional life, choose your projects in the spring, deepen this work during summer, and then balance these creations with the other aspects of your life during fall. From the Winter Solstice until spring, we naturally fall into deep contemplation about what we are creating in the world. If you live this way, you will find yourself moving into attunement with Nature.

Since Christmas 2009, many of you have let go of old judgments and sureties about what you want to do with your life. Now, you are pristine, you are a fertile field for new intentions. This is especially true this spring because Mars went direct in Leo a few weeks before the ingress of the Sun into Aries. This "popped" many hidden things into the light that will be cleared away, which will make space for new ideas.

When the Sun moves into Aries, the potential for manifesting new realities is always very powerful. Whatever you intend during the Spring Equinox tends to happen easily and forcefully. And, whatever is in your mind tends to happen without you even intending it, so it is wise to be very clear about what you are thinking about right now. Sort out what you'd really like to be involved in this year, now that you are emerging from deep winter contemplation. You are an empty wineskin waiting to be filled. Our ancient ancestors discovered that they could create almost anything by using the powers if the Spring Equinox. In modern times the Easter Bunny and/or the Resurrection draws our attention away from this opportunity. Meanwhile, choosing three things you want to create during the Spring Equinox really works! So, begin a few days before spring actually arrives by making your list of three and have them ready for meditation.

About fifteen minutes before the solar entry into Aries, sit alone or in a circle with friends, and then bring out your list. Writing things down ahead of the time is a good idea. My favorite manifestation technique is described in detail in The Alchemy of Nine Dimensions on pages 131-32 of the first edition and pages 133-34 in the newly-released second edition. Here is a quick summary: Beginning with the first intention you think you want to create, read it, then close your eyes and imagine yourself actually having it; feel what this would be like. Then say to yourself, "If I could have it, would I take it?" You may be surprised to discover that sometimes you don't want something, while knowing what you do want clears your head. If you honestly can answer yes to having this thing, then go on and manifest it. Otherwise, drop the idea.

With your wish in mind, do three visualizations of scenes that portray this creation actually happening in your life. Never include people who might make this possible for you because that is influencing others, or conjuring. First of all, it doesn't work, and secondly, you are interfering with others. As you visualize each scene, see each image in front of your third eye. Once it is clearly visible in your third eye, transfer this picture to the back of your skull right above the top of your spine (medulla oblongata), and see your medulla as a television screen and transfer the image onto it. See it as clearly as possible, make it crackle, and then go right to work on the next scene. Once you've visualized all three scenes, say, "So be it!" Then use the same visualization process with the two other things on your list. Put your list away somewhere for reference during the year. I have a special box for mine.

You may also want to have the Spring Equinox chart and this reading with you during the Equinox meditation. For some people, understanding the quality of the energy that exists enhances their manifestation powers. The Spring Equinox chart describes an energy field that will have great influence over the next three months, leading up to the Summer Solstice. First a creational field sets into the planet during the Equinox, and then it just keeps on developing and recalibrating during the three New Moons that follow. Nature invents new worlds during the spring, so by manifesting things at this time, you are putting in your "order" on the hot list, so to speak. Most people who use this technique for a few years are shocked by how successful it is. So, watch out for what you ask for!

This year's Spring Equinox is very formative, because Mercury/Sun in Aries conjuncts Uranus in Pisces and opposes Saturn in Libra. And, Pluto in Capricorn forms the head of a T-square to this intense opposition of four planets. The energy intensity is the strongest between the close opposition of the Equinox Sun to Saturn in 1 degrees of Libra. Saturn retrograde in Libra is pulling away from its exact square to Pluto on January 31, and its final square will be on August 21. There is also a very close square to Pluto from Mercury in Aries, which locks in the intensity of this T-square and accentuates the developments inspired by the great Saturn/Pluto squares.

This means spring 2010 will be a tense, combative, change-oriented time that will shift many entrenched realities. I will discuss a few specific issues that suddenly popped into the limelight when Mars went direct. In my reading for the Pisces New Moon (March 15), I noted that recent earth changes are going to pressure our species to stop wasting precious resources in warfare, because so many people on the planet are suffering calamities. Well, this Equinox T-square is going to push relentlessly for the end to this profligate waste.

Saturn-square-Pluto was very close together from November until now, and it is only moving apart for a little while this spring. The current T-square involving five planets (Mercury/Sun/Uranus/Saturn/Pluto) locks in the influence of Saturn-square-Pluto all the way through the spring season. Saturn in Libra (October 2009-October 2012) pushes Pluto in Capricorn's struggle to transform economic and societal structures into a balancing mode. Regardless of Saturn's struggle for harmony, the Sun in 0 Aries demands we just get the job done. This Equinox is going to be characterized by a resounding scream for action, deep change, and new pathways, a shift that already started when Mars went direct on March 10. This process actually began when Pluto went into Capricorn in 2008, and then it deepened during the first Saturn/Pluto square in November 2009. Systems that have been tottering are going to crash, such as the Catholic Church under the pressure of clerical sexual scandals, and the many countries that are threatened with economic collapses. Mercury in Aries ahead of the Equinox Sun suggests that many people know exactly what is going on, and they are fostering these collapses because they seek new ways to create what they want in our world. Uranus in late Pisces just before the Aries Sun means that the spiritual awakening of Uranus in Pisces (2003-2011) is culminating this spring. Just imagine how new spiritual pathways will open when Uranus goes into Aries during Spring Equinox 2011!

This great T-square heralds a great crisis in consciousness that can shake up dysfunctional systems. The Galactic Underworld time acceleration (1999-2011) has been exposing many of the abusive systems that have been used to manipulate people, such as medicine-for-profit. The Roman Catholic Church has manipulated people for two thousand years, but now the priestly sexual-abuse scandals are penetrating the Vatican and rocking the Petrine throne. Clerical sexual-abuse scandals and huge payments to the victims have been weakening the American Catholic Church for more than twenty years. In the last few years, Ireland has been rocked by 15,000 abuse complaints. In Germany, the Vatican has been on the defensive since 170 former students of Catholic schools came forward with abuse claims in Church-run orphanages and schools.

Bishop Giuseppi Versaldi of the Pontifical Gregorian University in Rome announced that the Pope has been "a vigilant shepherd of his flock decisively denouncing the filth in the priesthood." Strangely, on March 13, just after Mars went direct, the Munich archdiocese reported that when he was the Cardinal Archbishop of Munich, Joseph Ratzinger (now called Benedict) had approved therapy for a priest known to be an abuser in the 1980s. Then Ratzinger transferred the pedophile to Upper Bavaria, where he was soon convicted for abusing minors. Ratzinger knew this priest was an abuser, yet he allowed him to continue in his ministry. Some writers, such as John Clooney, are already saying that Ratzinger's position as Supreme Pontif could become untenable. These transits are tearing up institutions that have been controlling human access to divine consciousness for too long.

The Equinox Moon gives us a reading for the condition of the public mind. The Moon in 26 Taurus is in a tight square to Chiron/Neptune. Stolid Moon in Taurus tells us that our spiritual healing crisis, inspired by the long-lasting Chiron/Neptune conjunctions in Aquarius, is coming to a head this spring. The great wise bull has the depth and patience to cry "Enough!" The public is not going to be patient with platitudes and procrastinations now; they will demand that heads will roll. The Moon in Taurus trining Saturn in Libra means that our feelings will be strong and confident this spring. Simply put, the public is going to be demanding and irate, and they are going to throw off their oppressors.

Newly-direct Mars in Leo is the real key to the spring because it aspects so many other planets, like a musician playing all the octaves. Mars closely trines the Sun going into Aries, a very benefic influence this spring. As each one of us strives to do things in new ways, Mars trining the Equinox Sun will give us strength and will power, a clear sense of direction, and the ability to just put ourselves into first gear. Saturn in Libra closely sextiles Mars in Leo, so we will have harmonic structural support when we use our will power to get what we want. Mars in Leo also sextiles the Moon in Taurus, which means we will be emotionally stable while undertaking difficult things. Pluto in Capricorn is quincunx to Mars in Leo during the Equinox. This firey and earthy quincunx is exact in mid-April, and then Pluto goes retrograde until mid-September, right before the Fall Equinox. While we consider the deep structural changes inspired by Pluto, Mars in Leo will nudge and push us to get involved in these processes. People will tend to just charge forward in spite of any obstacles because retrograde Pluto in early Capricorn will be constantly reminding them it is time to change.

When Mars went direct on March 10, all kinds of blocked processes began releasing, such as the Arab/Israeli stalemate. Just when Vice President Joe Biden completed talks with the Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas, Israel announced they were building 1600 more homes for Jews in East Jerusalem on Palestinian land. This was a slap in the face to official American policy, as well as an act of utter rudeness. Biden responded to this insulting behavior by arriving at a state dinner with Premier Netanyahu ninety minutes late, a radical way to show displeasure in the Middle East. As I write this file, Hillary Clinton is being very vocal about this insult to America, while the media calls it the "New Chill". Well, if the United States changes its policy toward the Israelis, it would influence all policy in the Middle East; this Spring Equinox chart predicts such great changes.

Perhaps women like Hillary Clinton will be able to cause change this spring. Venus in 16 Aries squares the lunar North Node in 18 Capricorn and the South Node in 18 Cancer. When the nodes are in Capricorn/Cancer (August 2009 through March 2011), we are inspired to construct new structures and systems that work for us by letting go of old security and nurturance. We are in the middle of this process, and Venus in Aries squaring the lunar nodes suggests a karmic crisis this spring over the role of women and power in society. As we come to the end of the Mayan Calendar and as the National and Planetary structures are falling, the patriarchy that created them also must go, yet many men just don't know how to change. Women need to assume more power this spring to function as guides while these structures fall away.

Jupiter in Pisces is not aspected during the Spring Equinox, which means its spiritual and tectonic force is weak this spring. Perhaps, and I am only speculating, religious tension will calm this spring, and certainly the tectonic factor needs calming. I wrote a lot about the high level of earthquakes in the Pisces New Moon reading, and the quakes are continuing with a 6.6 quake in Japan on March 13. I am very concerned about these quakes, and I am sure you are too. So, I'd like to end this reading with a very funny commentary on my favorite subject, sex.

A report on sex and aging from the British Medical Journal was released on March 10, just when Mars went direct, so the information in this report is very relevant. I want to report on it here because the global-elite-run media will probably be directed to not discuss it. It contains some very damaging information about the use of recreational sex drugs, such as Viagra and Cialis. It caught my eye because there has been almost no discussion about what is really going on with these drugs since they were introduced in 1998 (Galactic Underworld stimulants!). Yet, these drugs are widely advertised in seductive ways, causing doctors to hand them out like candy, yet there are no public studies of how they affect health.

The researchers found that men tend to be sexually active until they hit 70 and women until they are 66. For those women who were sexually active at age 75-85, only half reported their sex lives were "good", yet men had more favorable reports. There are obviously many ways to interpret these findings, but several things really stand out for me. First of all, many women end up being single after they are 60 because they lose their partners to death or younger women. Meanwhile, many men want to keep themselves sexually active, especially if they have younger partners. Erectile dysfunction (ED) drugs have really changed the playing field since 1998 by creating a sexual renaissance during the Galactic Underworld. Yippie!

But, there is a dark side to all this fun between the sheets-heart attacks for older men, not to mention trips to the chiropractor! In Switzerland, a country that tends to take responsibility for its citizens, brothels are being required to train their prostitutes to use defibrillators to help prevent clients from dying in the throes of passion! Well, here is my issue: Practitioners of alternative medicine are forbidden to prescribe many substances and to use alternative techniques because somebody might get hurt. Yet, the truth about the real dangers of ED drugs is suppressed. How many men are having heart attacks while using these drugs? Since this is often embarrassing for families, the old guy just gets sent quietly off to the undertaker. Big Pharma doesn't want to lose profits and maybe some elderly old men just want to blow themselves away in bed? The problem is, men and women who might benefit from ED drugs have no way to evaluate their safety, and should not use them until the truth is told. Maybe nobody is paying attention, since they are the only legal way to commit suicide right now? With that happy thought, let me wish you a happy spring!

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WE the PEOPLE…Founders Think, Speak and Act Now!

  “If you think nobody cares if you are alive, try missing a couple of car payments.” ~Earl Wilson

We the People?

There is NO more Perfect Time for True Change than this very Moment NOW!

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Monjoronson Talks About Population & Earth Changes

Monjoronson Talks About Coming Changes!

Lesson preceded by centering and construction of the merkaba. There were numerous celestial beings present, some standing behind each one of us, with their hands on our shoulders. A ball of brilliant white light descended into the middle of the group. The merkaba whirred into action like a big dynamo and we connected the heart line, mind line, and became “one with each other, in mind and heart.” The group then used the merkaba for good, by bending its energy beam to wherever it was needed—for healing, abundance, prosperity, correct action, fulfillment, etc. We were surrounded by light and wisdom, an abundance of the universe radiated into each of us. Some of our work is to radiate that abundance back out into the world to those who need assistance and wisdom.

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Message from Porf June 29 2006

Porf Fills in History!

We are from the generation of Tibetan connected to the salutary historical system, which is an offshoot of Ramadan. My name is Porf and I will be doing most of the translation.
We have nothing to do with the Anunnaki race of people. They did ask us if we would give you an unbiased opinion of some key historical facts that have taken place in your inundated frequency. Our responsibility is to help you mentally clear a path that will permit patterns of clarity into your mentality, allowing you to be aware of what perfection is.
In order to pass through prismatic motion, which is a vibrational light prism that the dimensional consciousness is changing into which allows an energetic view of the new conscious ladder that you are stepping onto, you must be in control of all your automatic response systems. Many of you are aware of this, at this time.
Also, I'm going to repeat what you have been told. It is not you who are not waiting for the planet to change into a fifth dimensional
sequence; it's the planetary system waiting for you to move into a fifth dimension since it already knows how.
What do you think this 2012 interaction is all about? All the talk is about everything going into a new dimension. In actuality, everything going on at this time will be finished by 2012.
Another thing most of you have heard, that I'm going to repeat, is to remember that all conflicts entering into your circle of containment are presenting themselves to you at this time for you to learn allowance of energy. Remember this when people that you interact with become adversarial. It has nothing to do with somebody purposely trying to defraud you. This interaction can only enter into your life zone if you need this adversarial action to become part of your experience.
This is not our job to explain universal laws because this is what you're working on right now. We thought we would add a little to it. Basically, we are what you call historians. What we would like to do is present a picture of creation that has never been fully understood by the frequency that you preside in.
The only history that you know is the last three to five thousand years. Much of it has been misdirected. A lot of the reason for this
is the iconoclastic type people that tried to rule the world by telling their own story of historical facts. Many of these facts have
some validity, but the overall view of what has transpired in your past has been extremely misrepresented. One of the reasons is that a 3-D understanding of anything is limited to small pieces of the puzzle.
Now we have a captive audience that understands the multiple processes that take place for life to exist. Take for an example, a square block of wood, with six sides. Look at it. You only will see three sides at a time. When you rotate this block, you understand that there are more than three sides, but you'll still only see three sides at a time, which is only part of the picture. Some people will not even rotate the block, so they stay in the third dimensional view. The information we're giving you now would not interact with the consciousness that they preside in. So be prepared to turn the block.
The first thing that needs to be addressed is this stupid aging thing you have inundated yourself with. You have a perfectly functional physical vehicle that has been designed to basically function forever.  You then shut it down and do not let it do the job it was designed to do. This was accomplished by destroying your male and female connection with the mother planet. As you reconnect, as many of you are at this time, you will understand the real process of perfection. Start living it at this point and you will draw to you your counterpart, the one who is your true physical and spiritual mate. At this point you will make a complete balance.
The first thing that will go is this ridiculous aging concept that you were programmed to believe. You were first brought to mother earth's frequency approximately 68,000 years ago, not including the time loops you have been rerunning in a groundhog movie-like way. You know the movie that I am referring to.
You just think it is a silly story, but it was intentionally introduced, as are many different films, to the subconscious to open
up new avenues of concepts and reform. There are two groups that have their fingers in the film industry. One tries to control the masses with fear. The other opens up avenues of probability for you to explore.
Yes, that is us restructuring the intercom system of your computer. I understand there has been many changes to your verbal actuator device from every source of life. Oh well, it is our turn now. Have you noticed how quiet your processor is running? We have developed a system to balance it to the frequency that you're working with. It was basically working its ass off to keep up with your information. I think it will be OK now.
Before we go any further, I want to answer some questions that I am being asked. I am supposed to be some sort of a historian, but I will answer these questions first. “What is pain?” This is a very very good question.
When you are out of balance and your body starts physically breaking down, it sends you a message to where this inflection is taking place. Therefore, when you feel pain, instead of thinking that something is wrong, mentally focus on the point that is in pain. When you reach this point, understand what the discomfort really is. See that you have an unbalanced thought. In most cases you're allowing someone or something to make you feel out of balance or negative. Once you allow any situation or other person to gain your power point, you start losing your clarity. At this point discomfort, weakness, depression starts to set in.
Now let me see if I can get my empathic engineer to trust what I am presenting to him as historical facts. He knows what I am talking about because he has this big concern of misdiagnosing the information that he is being introduced to.
One of the most confusing aspects of comedic times is learning to understand that no matter what information you receive, the same information can seem like an entirely different story. This all stems from the view of what level of inept probabilities you are
experiencing.Anunnaki creational patterns.
I know, what the hell is that? Always remember your friend's favorite saying. “Everything in creative form is a vibrational frequency that is the result of a thought.” What a thought does is take the microns of energy, the responding pieces of non matter, and place it into a functional picture that fits whatever belief pattern you have inherited, from whatever program you have experienced in any vibrational form that is in a non-conscious creative condition. In other words, you're running around creating without realizing that you have the power do so.
The reason I'm going through all this rhetoric is that when you're explaining anything that is out of your immediate vibrated frequency, everyone who sees the picture will have a somewhat different explanation due to the vibrated pattern that this person draws to them. These are from whatever experience they have had in an elliptic viewpoint of whatever is being presented.
Confused? Let's try this! Everything you see visually or feel intuitively has only one channel to go through to process that which
you have stored of acquired experiences. Stop.let's see if I can get through!
For example, if you use a dictionary to find a word that is not included, the first thing you say is, “There is no such a word!”  Well, what does this mean? It means that whoever inspired the dictionary into a creative pattern of learning only had enough knowledge to fill one small book.
So, what about the rest of the information that is out there? You cannot be introduced to this information because the dictionary does not have a word that explains whatever you're seeking. This is what a third dimensional view does. It stops looking if it has no reference points to cause it to continue.
Now that you're expanding your points of reference, many of you are able to see a picture that could not be presented before. How many times have you heard somebody say, “Why don't the UFOs just land on the White House lawn and communicate with us?” My answer is this. They would be glad to if you would acknowledge their existence.  However, because you ran out of dictionary, you have no place to draw upon. So, you just shut everything down.
One thing I must say is that it will not be long before many of you will experience this new process. Actually, all that's in the way for many of you right now is still fear. Just keep on working on this and you will have amazing results.
Next, my friends and I will introduce a pattern of thought to you at a level of understanding that will have to be carefully processed. You are not allowed to go into a fear pattern of right and wrong. As long as any of these inept processes are in motion, they will interfere with staying in synchronicity with the velocity of the planetary alignments that allow dimensional change to rapidly fall into place.
In the beginning God created the earth. OK, right off the bat, creation has no beginning or end. Everything is in a constant flow,
regenerating itself. If there was a beginning where would it start from? If there was an end, what would be its destination? Where would it go?
If you look at everything in a third dimensional projection, you would only see three sides of a square block, believing of course, that everything has a beginning and end. Now you are working past this old concept, even though you can only see three sides of the block at one time. At least you are aware that there are three more sides.
Guess what? Once you find all six sides, creation will exponentially align itself to a process that will continue into infinity, which is
unbounded by space, time or quantity. It allows you to see the never-ending sides of the block.
I understand this goes past everyone that has a physical body and uses brain cells to cognate and process data. So let's just back up and use the six-sided block concept. This is where we will introduce this new information from. See how complex it can get to just get started with the history of a physical realm of existence? So what we will do, since we're working in time and space, is try to work from the biggest picture in this area. Sometimes it is necessary to drift in and out in order to get answers to some questions.
I was just asked a question if Atlantis and Lemuria were part of what we are today? Yes they are! Also there was Anoxia, Tryoden and Emesela, before that, and the list goes on and on. Humans have come and gone on this planet continuously. There never was a time when man was not. Many times humans had to return and experience technological restarts and some of these restarts are what you see in your historical fossil beds. This doesn't allow you much clarity on the historical facts of your ancestors.
If you could travel from planet to planet and see the infinite amount of different coagulations of atmospheric processes that are taking place, it would be quite overwhelming to comprehend. Each planet has a specific quality of uniqueness that the others do not.
Mother Earth has hers in its Elines Basela, which you refer to as gold. This is the energetic force that keeps all creative energies in flow, allowing the planet to function in a parallel expression of its original blueprint. This is why recently you have been told that any gold that has been taken off the planet immediately will replace itself, so that it can follow that original blueprint. I do not want
to get into the process of gold or we will never get any farther.
When different species of life realized the energy field that gold produces and what could be done with it, they came in droves to
harvest this precious commodity. I think this would be a good place to start. It is far enough back to give you a historical picture and give you a start on understanding what really took place in your history.
There are not many physical beings that have to deal with the load you carry on planet Earth. It seems like you created a special domain to come and experience everything in one place. It all stems back to when you each arrived here from many different planets and cryonic paths. At this point you were introduced to the earth's force field, which allows you to be able to adapt to the frequency of this planet.
To clarify a question, “Yes you can travel to other planets, but if you're not adapted to that frequency, in other words, if you do not
have a vibrational match to that planets frequency, you will not experience what the true aspects of life are in that domain.”
OK, now back to our train of thought. There was a group of people at that time that transported many different physical beings from many different planetary structures to create the life process that you're involved in at this time. They were basically brought here against their will to perform different projects for the Sumerians, who transported them to this planet.
When you look at the different races on your planet, it doesn't seem like that many. But actually, there are hundreds because the first arrivals interbred for thousands of years and looked like a single race. Now the second arrivals are in the process of doing the same. What the Sumerians did without realizing it, is allow these different races to combine their energetic fields. This combination gave them a conscious understanding of spiritual knowledge that can only be interacted into the system with a “We” complexity of creative thinking.
So there are two conducted processes going on in the same frequency. One of them is a group of beings that want to confiscate the precious metal from the earth's life form for their own benefit. They have brought many different cultures to your planet for this to take place.  The overall view of the original intent is to allow all these different human species to blend together producing a tremendous creative mental force that has not been attainable in this frequency, to this point.
In the last hundred years, without you realizing, mankind has spiritually risen above any point prior to this physical life's
experience. Each race of people that has been brought to your planet has brought a unique and precious commodity to enlighten the mental force field that inhabits the earth plane at this time.
For thousands of years mankind has gone through many trials and tribulations, allowing this segment of life force to adjust and
understand how to process thought without being controlled by others.  If you notice, all the way through your history there's always somebody or something in control.
Now if you pay attention, you'll see this is starting to change. This allows the new children to come in and prepare themselves to teach a new world an entirely new process of survival. These children would not be able to integrate into the system unless the system had prepared itself for it.
After many years of bringing different races of beings to the earth,  the Sumerians devised a method to keep track of the earth's progress by erecting Pyramid's in a certain order. This would allow them a visual advantage of earth's progress. As you were told earlier, the sole reason for bringing in millions of different beings from all over the Galaxy was to harvest all the gold that was available, as well as create a system that would be self-sustaining allowing the Samaritans to be in full control. They could then go back to their planet and everything would run automatically. They would not have to stay here to oversee the progress.
Well, for thousands of years this worked pretty well until they decided to build a tracking device using the geometric Pyramid energy. This allows all annonic wave motions to be detected from great distances since they only return approximately every 3,500 years; this is when their planet was aligned to allow this. After each trip they could return home with their precious commodity.
Now if you notice, all throughout the history that you know of, gold has been the most precious and sought after commodity in existence. So when the Sumerians first set up housekeeping and created a system that allowed everyone to survive in, they injected into your system a tremendous and overwhelming desire for gold. This desire is still is in place to date.
When they made the decision to erect the Pyramid's, the slave labor that they brought here had no means of constructing such a tremendous monolithic monument. Therefore, they introduced the process of levitation. This allowed these great mammoth shapes to be erected. This all worked very well for them. The Sumerians gave them the technology and taught them the means to erect these structures. They then returned to the 10th planet.
When they returned approximately 3500 years later, they noticed that they were starting to lose control because the technology they had given the slaves was being used in ways that weren't conducive to their project. So now they had to introduce a new process that wouldn't stop the progress of gold mining. At this point they created fear and added religion, governments, kingdoms, and even sports, because they knew the tremendous egotistical passion these people had.  These things would put them back in control. This is where the enlightened ones started their venture. This venture was later called the Illuminati.
Now, I want to inject a little wisdom into your intellect so that you will not start forming a negative mental image of all of this information. We're keeping this story in the highest collectible conscious frequency that we can. This allows us to tell a factual story. This is a process, a part of history that took place without a right or wrong concept as part of its demeanor.
If the reader of this information has any problem or connection with the concept of right or wrong, this information will not be allowed to inject into their mentality. This is nothing to do with whether you believe it or not. We are not concerned about how you process this in your belief system. All we are telling you are that if you're experiencing a disorder or mental conflict of how any of this information is portrayed, everything in your mental storage will shut down.
Let us go back to when you were first brought to Mother planet. When the word mother is used before the word planet, it means she has the capability to reproduce whatever she needs to keep survival in contact. When what you call the human race first arrived to Mother Earth, they were first taught how to manifest so they could create an environment that fit their needs. This was necessary because of the tremendous difference and variety from what they originally came from.
They brought many different ideas and processes from their original planets. Because they had the ability to manifest, they started rebuilding and duplicating what they had left behind. This is why there are so many different and plentiful new varieties of animals.  They also had to connect with the God force, which is the spirit world, so that they could line up each animal to match the sole purpose from the higher realms that each animal came in to be.
In other words, even though humans created animals, the original design and purpose had to originate from a creative intent. Understand that this is a new concept for you. The whole idea of this information is to train your mind to float with this information without having an opinion one way or another. This comes from an old Teradyne traditional prayer that goes like this; Mazade porede la paneled bucha pravaset tre, lile comred to corset . Is always keeps you in a place of allowance without control.
Teradyne is the group of people that was brought here in the very beginning of human transformation. This group has had the job of keeping in place a spiritual overtone so humans do not lose touch with the original creative force of humanity. Even though there is a historical view of what has transpired on the planet Earth, there is also a bigger creative power that put everything in place.
This has nothing to do with religion because religion is based on nothing more than a belief system that people tend to create. The result is the many of them that now exist, and will exist until the true meaning of creation is comprehended.
The true understanding of creation can only be comprehended when all beings in physical form have the same understanding of a creative force. This then allows everything to go back to one; this is the whole understanding of the God experience. In other words, nothing can function in perfection if all the parts are not there. This is what you're in the process of injecting into your consciousness; allowing all the nomenclature of understanding to create a view of knowledge which will allow you to step into a higher frequency of experience.
Yes! I will answer the question, “Does this continue forever?” My answer is, “Yes, only if you preside in time”. Remember, their never was a time when man was not. This is a metaphysical expression explaining that other aspects of life can take place without the use of time. Time was introduced into the third dimensional process of life so physical beings could learn to relate to a structured society. This is why people studying quantum physics have difficulty shifting to these new aspects that don't relate to time because they can only relate to their understanding of time.
Another aspect I would like to make clear is that everything we are discussing about your history is all based on the third dimensional viewpoint. There are many factors that are constantly working with all of you, all the way from cross-dimensional consciousness giving spiritual input introducing this third dimensional information to you.  There are many other levels of communication putting in their combined injection of knowledge.
When humans first experimented with cross consciousness between animal and human, as in many of the mythical stories you've heard, it actually took place, but not in the physical reality that you preside in. At one time mankind could phase in and out of these different vibrational experiences of life. This is where the half human-half animal aspects have their derivative roots.
The myopic understanding of Rainagod, the figure in Egypt which you have named the sphinx, is a good example of the connection between these two different vibrational systems. It was originally constructed by the Sumerians as a testimony of ownership, similar to how you would plant a flag today. They constructed an illusion of consciousness exchange to prove that they have the process of interlocking human and animal life force.
The Sphinx also is a landmark of where they have their akashic library, currently unexposed underground. It can be visited if you're properly identified as having Sufi thought patterns.
I understand your struggle with getting this information. Don't feel alone. We are so limited with these aspects of communication, but that's all we have, so we'll deal with it. What many of you are trying to do at this time is reconnect with this human and animal connection because of the tremendous understanding that interlocks between the two.
You know, I was just thinking how much information you have been deprived of because of the third dimensional connection you have with
the universe. Each one of the subjects that we introduced to you has a huge story in themselves. This might sound strange, but sometimes I am confused how far to go. I know you're looking at us as an overseer of all knowledge because of the tremendous information we comprehend. However, we still have our limitations on certain aspects.
To be truthful with you, the bigger the understanding of creation you see the more you realize what a small piece you really have. Staying humble actually draws in the understanding of knowledge. All there is is the understanding that we're all working to obtain.
Another misunderstood concept of history is the story of the Ark of the Covenant. What this represents is a collection of energetic
forces that help introduce new creative concepts into the reality that draws it in using the heading of “I need to know”. We will get into this more at a later time. It becomes very involved.
Wow! We just had an interesting experience connecting with the different entourage of life that you have been studying with for the past few years as it has come through your computer. You have had much more exposure than we realize.
OK, now that we see a somewhat different picture, I will explain a few more concepts that will help you understand our purpose in presenting ourselves and this information to you. By the way, I know now you understand about the soft electron force field that is directly interacting with your computer. This is one of the reasons you were directed to extend your house so the computer would be placed in this strategic area. This is why sometimes that irritating sound is omitting from your transponder.
I want to explain one more factor before we get back to our history lesson. This is back to being controlled, which I know you understand and work at all the time. There's one aspect that is overlooked where right and wrong still flourish and is still in control. This is the concept of staying healthy.
There are many of these concepts out there which are absolutely worthless unless they match your vibration. There is no right or wrong way to eat. Each person has to understand where they are in their belief system and pursue their habits according to this. Remember how many times you've been told everything is qualified by whenever you believe. If information is somebody else's belief, how can it help you?
OK! I am finished preaching to you. The reason I do this occasionally is that the more clearly I can enhance the reader, the more I can introduced the information I am passing on to you.
There are so many different stories to share with you that you have never had a clue existed; but because of where you live in time and space, there is not enough time to fit everything in. What I would like to happen is have people ask questions and work from that perspective. The main reason we have presented this information to you is to shift your thinking out of the old controlled nonsense that the system has been feeding you for years, which is all based on fear.  Once you start realizing and understanding that there is something in control over the whole planetary system, you will realize that all this control system did is switch to fear, blaming its own power, which still kept you in fear.
Everything is blamed on the government or on some secret organization that controls the money, or some low-frequency that drives you crazy, or different chemicals put out by jet engines. All you have to do in a world full of fear is put this information out, in some written form and a good percentage of the populace will believe it. What you have now is back to full control. All they do is find out what game you are playing and what belief system you have, and then they make up stories of fear and introduce them into that belief system through the media.
If you are in control of the news media and the educational system, you pretty much have control of the entire planet. Some of you
remember when radio and television was first introduced into the system. No matter how poor a country or person was, they were able to afford these two items. This made it very easy to control the masses.
Take 9-11 for an example. Nothing in history has put more people in fear than the process they used for this venture. The reason they are getting so nervous is because they're starting to lose control. Basically, in the big picture, this venture is backfiring on them. They even used the date to match the emergency number.
This was all carefully calculated with a fear based conclusion. Everything was screwed down and controlled tightly, using the Muslim, Christian, Buddhist and many other religions, giving them the perfect control over humanity, as you know it.
The reason I am bringing this to your attention is so that you realize not to blame the Arabs or anyone for the situation the planet is in, at this time. What is happening is a last-ditch effort for the powers to be to stay in control. THE POWERS TO BE ARE NOT THE RESIDENTS OF YOUR PLANET. STAY AWAY FROM ANY BLAME. THIS JUST GIVES YOUR POWER AWAY. Most of this is controlled by the SUMERIAN race which we've talked about earlier.
Now this is a big one for you. What they did and are doing is all in perfection. So, look at the broad scale of everything. This is whereyour mind must venture to. See perfection in everything with no blame. Once you get to this point, the Christ consciousness is allowed to enter into your power point of awareness.
I know you have been told how the power point works. It basically works off nonresistance. The reason some of the great masters reached this point of enlightenment is because they were in control of their point of power and were able to start functioning in perfection by using the Christ consciousness.
Religions really don't have much information. They did hold a very important part of creation and that is why many of them stayed
connected to the source. The source understands that mankind cannot have the answers and really doesn't care. What the source goes by is the love feeling that is held in place. This allows a spiritual development to take hold. This actually now is a big part of the world's switchover; understanding truth and information that they have been using for years, but which was not a non-truth; it was just way short of the big picture.
In other words, if you had not have gone through the spiritual part of your incarnations with religion, you would not be where you are today. This was all set up by the original creator who understands that it has to follow its own blueprint to a final result.
A blueprint cannot be changed. It can be held back for some period of time, but once the gate is open again, it will continue on and follow its destination in perfection. No matter how disrupted anything in universal energy looks, it still is all perfect and the way it is happening is the way it was designed to.
Many of you have heard this a lot, but it still has to be said until people totally adhere to it and live it. The reason we are presenting this information to you is not to change your belief system but just to add to it. No matter what you have believed to this point, it is all true at some level. Once you get the entire story it will all make sense to you.
At some point this will allow you a mental freedom that was not attainable prior to this understanding. Once you have attained mental freedom you reach utopia. This is what the goal of physical form is at this point.
All mental freedom is nothing but allowing everything to be perfect. There is a man in your life experience at this point who has pretty well obtained this point. You can use him as an example. No, you figure it out! There is no lie, there is no truth. Everything is in the illusion that you are presiding in. It is in progress; a perfect experience of expansion.
No matter how bad or awful anything looks, the result of the experience is what you'll benefit from once you learn to experience
life in this manner. Do not see the bad situations as negative or positive, but as a way to get your attention. Learn to apply this to
the situation at hand and realize that without these different experiences your life adventure would be worthless.
This is the goal; handle everything that comes to you with eagerness and acceptance. Look forward to experiencing anything. Once you reach this point, all matter ceases as a disruptive pattern in your life, allowing a serene experience of life that's unattainable any other way. Thank you, Saint Germaine for your input.
Next we will talk about some of our early teachers that started your mental expansion. This was prior to Atlantis. The one you know as Thoth, who decided to incarnate at this time in a physical form and isnow walking among you as a child, at a certain point in the very near future will present himself to the masses.———— OK ! We have a situation here. We did not realize the connection you already have with this child. Give us sometime to check and see if he's the same one we're talking about.———————— boy did that one sneak in.
It looks like from here that we're talking about the same entity. I don't know if it's a good idea to print this. Let us leave it for now
we might have to delete this at a later point. What is your opinion?  I was just asked why this was a surprise to us, aren't we part of the spirit world? No we are not anything to do with the spirit world we still are a spiritual being with a physical connection not like yours but we still have to digest facts to see the bigger picture.
I understand you think we are infallible but we are just basically historians. Everything is pretty much the same as you are, except we have no veil between the physical and spiritual. You have to work much harder to see truth because of this veil, but in the long run it is worth the extra effort because of the tremendous knowledge that you have acquired through understanding without seeing.
Let me show you an analogy on this process. Would you follow a blind man who took you up a steep dangerous trail who never trips or falls and does this every day flawlessly? Or would you rather have a person with full vision who is constantly falling and getting hurt every time the ventures out on the trail?
Understand that we have the capability of interceding into your lives but we still have our limitations. Since you received an affirmative on leaving that piece in your ledger, we will go along with you and leave it in. I'm going to get off the track here a little bit and see if I can work through the receiver of this information's belief system about wasting anything.
Stop! The reason you can't understand what I'm saying is because you have a big block on this information. Now try it again! Most of you have been so programmed on how not to waste anything, especially food. I know, just flow with it! Think about it. How can anything be wasted if everything is constantly replacing itself? The only thing that can stop it is fear. If you have a fear of wasting, you stop the replacement flow.
Let's take food as an example. Everything you eat is grown from Mother Earth. The more that's used, the more she can produce. This is the same with currency. The more you spend, the more you draw to you—UNLESS— you have fear about it. I understand this is one of the hardest lessons to learn.
There is a famous saying, I worked so hard for this money and I have to be careful how I spend it, so it will last. This whole sentence does nothing more than stop the flow. Remember, everything is an illusion. Most of you have heard this before; it is time to start applying it.
This is going to be one of the biggest challenges you will have, getting out of a controlled environment/the third dimensional
viewpoint. You hear so much talk about the lack of, instead of the abundance of. I don't even know where to tell you to start, other
than to look at the law of attraction and understand the concept of this pattern. The new frequency that you are currently evolving into has to be a complete match to you so you can operate within these new energy patterns.
Sharing with you this information has been very enjoyable and we hope to get back with you soon so we can share with you one of this information.
– Porf

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