Tag: fourth dimensions

Communiqués: The Ebbs and Flows


Wednesday, November 23, 2011

The ebbs and flows of life, nature and creation are evident. There are peaks of activity and times of rest; there are moments of growth and times of breaking down. This cycle of creation and re-creati...

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The Ascended Masters: “Ascension Never Stops”


Oct 17

Posted by Wes Annac

 -Channeled by Wes Annac-

Dearest ascending souls of Planet Earth, we are the Ascended Masters. We are but a small collective of the Infinite ascended souls present in the higher ...

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A Special Interview with the Arcturians: The Countdown Has Begun!


Monday, October 3, 2011

9-17-11 Stargate 11.11.11, Ascension Process of Gaia and Humanity By Dr. Suzanne Lie and Dr. Georgi Stankov

Before reading this blog, I suggest that you read the Magnet Pole Shift and Elenin articl...

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Arcturian CORRIDOR – Your Multidimensional Reality


Inter-dimensional Communication

Blessings to our grounded ones, We meet once again inside our Arcturian Corridor. As a result of our many inter-dimensional meetings, you have learned to incorporate our Corridor i...

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Shadow Shapes – Morning Messages Peggy Black


10 July 2011  

Message 57

Shadow Shapes

The physical reality in which you are embodied has much beauty and wonder. It offers the opportunities to express gratitude and appreciation. From our perspective your physical ...

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The New Earth Energies April 2011


a message from Archangel Michael

channeled by Celia Fenn

Friday, 8 April, 2011  (posted 11 April, 2011)

Beloved Family of Light, you have truly experienced a Great Shift on your Planet, as you have shifted from the o...

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