Tag: fit (page 3 of 9)

We know Earth is pretty small, but this small?

 Earth is not a large planet by any means, (and I personally believe it's not a large planet because most humans just aren't ready for anything much larger than a toy, or starter play set), but just how small of a planet is our current home anyway...

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7 Types of Non-Believers Who Don’t Need Religion

Valerie Tarico, AlterNetReligious labels help shore up identity. So what are some of the things non-believers can call themselves?Catholic, born-again, Reformed, Jew, Muslim, Shiite, Sunni, Hindu, Sikh, Buddhist…religions give people labels. The downside can be tribalism, an assumption that insiders are better than outsiders, that they merit more compassion, integrity and generosity or even that violence toward “infidels” is acceptable. But the upside is that religious o [...]

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Vegan Bodybuilding with Michelle Risley ~ All the protein you’ll ever need for a ripped bod!

Michelle Risley describes what motivated her to become a vegan bodybuilder. She tells us about her workout program, her nutrition, and how she transformed her body to stay fit and healthy. Follow her progress for her upcoming figure competition.Clic...

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What is Enlightenment?

Thomas Razzeto, GrahamHancock.comMy most passionate plea is for you to wake up to your true self as pure awareness. We have all heard it said that you are not a human being having a spiritual experience, but instead, you are a spiritual being having a human experience. Yet you are not a being of any kind, spiritual or physical. You are pure awareness! And most importantly, your awareness is the One Awareness – the Divine Awareness – and as such, it is the only reality tha [...]

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Modern Europeans’ gene pool an amalgam of three interbreeding ancient peoples

Modern Europeans may be descended from three ancient populations that interbred, a new study shows. Near Easterners, west European hunter-gatherers, and ancient Siberians all seem to have contributed to today's gene pool.techtimes.com A recent...

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Shipwreck that gave up ancient ‘computer’ to be re-explored

The Antikythera Mechanism on display


(NEWSER) – A shipwreck that yielded a 2,000-year-old "computer" known as the Antikythera Mechanism is being freshly explored using another remarkable piece of technology.
A new, spacesuit-like "Exosuit" is being worn by deep-sea-diving archaeologists searching a shipwreck off the coast of a Greek island over the next month. The $1.5 million suit "expands our capabilities" and will let workers "grasp, pluck, clench, and dig" around the 400-foot deep wreck for hours, an archeaologist involved with the Antikythera expedition tells AFP.

The main fragment of the Antikythera machine

A fragment of the Antikythera machine

Revealing X-ray of the device

The suit is like a "wearable submarine," a diving specialist on the mission told New Scientist earlier this year. "The pressure inside is no different from being in a submarine or in fresh air. We can go straight to the bottom, spend five hours there and come straight back to the surface with no decompression."
Replica of how the outside of the case would likely have appeared

So what are they hoping to find? The Antikythera Mechanism was discovered by sponge divers in 1900, and 82 fragments of it have thus far been found amidst the wreck of the Roman ship that foundered near the remote island around 60BC,News.com.au reports.

But the curator of London's Science Museum believes one fragment doesn't fit — indicating there could be a second mechanism. There could also be additional parts of the mechanism already discovered, researchers believe.

"There are dozens of items left, this was a ship bearing immense riches from Asia Minor," another archaeologist on the expedition says.

The divers will also search for evidence of a second shipwreck believed to sit a few hundred feet away.

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Heaven Letters May-10-2013

Heavenletter #4550 Dream a Dream of You, May 10, 2013
Gloria Wendroff

God said:
Good Morning, My Creation! What a beautiful day it is before Us! There never

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Galactic Federation of Light Saint Germain April-18-2013

Saint Germain through Valerie Donner: Use the Violet Flame
Thanks to Méline Lafont: http://pleiadedolphininfos.blogspot.com/2013/04/saint-germain-through-valerei-donner.html#more

Dear Ground Crew,

Here we are in 2013 and I wouldn’t exactly call these changing

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Heaven Letters April-08-2013

Heavenletter #4518 What Can It Be?, April 8, 2013
Gloria Wendroff

God said:
You know there is something you want, something you crave, and you don’t quite know

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Heaven Letters April-05-2013

Heavenletter #4515 The Reality of You, April 5, 2013
Gloria Wendroff

God said:
You, My Children, to Me, are like a field of buttercups! Your faces bob up

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Angel of March is Trust


By Kathy

Inspirational Message

Move from a place of knowing within you rather than as a result of adaptation to outer experience. Let go of you assumptions and need to control life's creative process. It does not ma...

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Aghartha In The Hollow Earth!


The Inner Earth & Realm of Aghartha

Aghartha In The Hollow Earth!

By Dr Joshua David Stone

The biggest cover-up of all time is the fact that there is a civilization of people living in the center of Earth, whose c...

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FREE  SEMINAR – In Torrance, California

presented by Patricia Diane Cota-Robles

April 3, 2011
Sunday, 10:00 a.m. to 3:30 p.m.
Torrance, California
Doubletree Torrance Hotel South Bay
21333 Hawthorne Blvd
Torrance, CA 90503
Please let people on your mailing list who live in or around Torrance, California know about this opportunity. Thank you!
This is a time of new beginnings. We have all been going through a purging process that has pushed to the surface anything in our lives that is not serving our highest good. This necessary cleansing process is often confusing and sometimes even overwhelming, but we have no other option than to walk through it. We are not being given the luxury of ignoring our dysfunctional relationships and our negative situations any longer. If we try to, more painful things surface to get our attention and to motivate us into action. This awakening process is being orchestrated by our God Selves, which is the Divinity within us that is always striving to move us forward in the Light. If we want the insanity to stop, we must remember who we are and why we are here.
The good news is that we are not being given anything that we cannot handle, and we have everything we need within us to accomplish this facet of our awakening process quickly and relatively easily. We have just forgotten how to do this. It is time for us to realize that we are not our fragmented, fear-based human egos. We are Beloved Sons and Daughters of God, and we are powerful beyond our knowing.
In this Free Seminar you will be reminded of the techniques that will allow you to clear the surfacing negativity quickly. You will also remember how easy it is to create the life you want.
This seminar is a gift from my heart to yours. Please do not let this opportunity pass you by.
Limited space. To guarantee seating, please call to register now:
Phone # 888-310-4488
If our seminar is not in your area, please help us add to the Light of the World by joining with us through our Global Online Radio Program. The information for the Radio Program is listed below.

Awaken Your Divine Potential
Host: Patricia Diane Cota-Robles
The program airs on Tuesdays at 10:00 a.m. Pacific Time or 1:00 p.m. Eastern Time
You may access the radio program directly from our website: http://eraofpeace.org
Or you may go directly to our On-line server:    STATION 1 http://bbsradio.com
After the radio show airs, it will be available through the archives at http://bbsradio.com
This is a commercial-free hour during which we join hearts with thousands of Lightworkers all over the planet. Together, we invoke the Company of Heaven to add to the Light of the world. As we share the sacred knowledge that is being given to Humanity by the Beings of Light in the Realms of Illumined Truth, we remember who we are and how to fulfill our purpose and reason for being.
Brief Bio:
Patricia Diane Cota-Robles
Patricia was a marriage and family counselor for twenty years. During that time she cofounded the nonprofit, educational organization the New Age Study of Humanity’s Purpose. Patricia is an internationally known teacher and author. She has written the ten books listed below and produced tapes, CDs and DVD’s that supplement her work. For over 30 years, Patricia has been helping awakening souls all over the world take charge of their lives.
Books by Patricia Diane Cota-Robles
Take Charge of Your Life
The Next Step
Your Time Is At Hand
The Awakening…Eternal Youth, Vibrant Health, Radiant Beauty
Stargate of the Heart
What On Earth Is Going On?
It Is Time For You To Be Financially Free
HOME…Heaven On Mother Earth
The Violet Flame…God’s Gift to Humanity
I AM Cocreating the New Earth…A Book of Invocations
Who Am I? Why Am I Here?    (NEW)

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