Tag: Fisher

Archaeologists find two lost cities deep in Honduras jungle

Archaeologists in Honduras have found dozens of artifacts at a site where they believe twin cities stood. Photograph: Dave Yoder/National Geographic
Archaeologists in Honduras have found dozens of artifacts at a site where they believe twin cities stood. Photograph: Dave Yoder/National Geographic
Excerpt from theguardian.com

Archaeological team say they have set foot in a place untouched by humans for at least 600 years in a site that may be the ‘lost city of the monkey god’

Archaeologists have discovered two lost cities in the deep jungle of Honduras, emerging from the forest with evidence of a pyramid, plazas and artifacts that include the effigy of a half-human, half-jaguar spirit.
The team of specialists in archaeology and other fields, escorted by three British bushwhacking guides and a detail of Honduran special forces, explored on foot a remote valley of La Mosquitia where an aerial survey had found signs of ruins in 2012.
Chris Fisher, the lead US archaeologist on the team, told the Guardian that the expedition – co-coordinated by the film-makers Bill Benenson and Steve Elkins, Honduras and National Geographic (which first reported the story on its site) – had by all appearances set foot in a place that had gone untouched by humans for at least 600 years.
“Even the animals acted as if they’ve never seen people,” Fisher said. “Spider monkeys are all over place, and they’d follow us around and throw food at us and hoot and holler and do their thing.”
“To be treated not as a predator but as another primate in their space was for me the most amazing thing about this whole trip,” he said.
Fisher and the team arrived by helicopter to “groundtruth” the data revealed by surveying technology called Lidar, which projects a grid of infrared beams powerful enough to break through the dense forest canopy.
The dense jungle of Honduras. Photograph: Dave Yoder/National Geographic
The dense jungle of Honduras.Photograph: Dave Yoder/National Geographic
That data showed a human-created landscape, Fisher said of sister cities not only with houses, plazas and structures, but also features “much like an English garden, with orchards and house gardens, fields of crops, and roads and paths.”
In the rainforest valley, they said they found stone structural foundations of two cities that mirrored people’s thinking of the Maya region, though these were not Mayan people. The area dates between 1000AD and 1400AD, and while very little is known without excavation of the site and surrounding region, Fisher said it was likely that European diseases had at least in part contributed to the culture’s disappearance.
The expedition also found and documented 52 artifacts that Virgilio Paredes, head of Honduras’s national anthropology and history institute, said indicated a civilisation distinct from the Mayans. Those artifacts included a bowl with an intricate carvings and semi-buried stone sculptures, including several that merged human and animal characteristics.
The cache of artifacts – “very beautiful, very fantastic,” in Fisher’s words – may have been a burial offering, he said, noting the effigies of spirit animals such as vultures and serpents.
Fisher said that while an archaeologist would likely not call these cities evidence of a lost civilisation, he would call it evidence of a culture or society. “Is it lost? Well, we don’t know anything about it,” he said.
The exploratory team did not have a permit to excavate and hopes to do so on a future expedition. “That’s the problem with archaeology is it takes a long time to get things done, another decade if we work intensively there, but then we’ll know a little more,” Fisher said.
“This wasn’t like some crazy colonial expedition of the last century,” he added.
Despite the abundance of monkeys, far too little is known of the site still to tie it to the “lost city of the monkey god” that one such expedition claimed to have discovered. In about 1940, the eccentric journalist Theodore Morde set off into the Honduran jungle in search of the legendary “white city” that Spanish conquistadors had heard tales of in the centuries before.
He broke out of the brush months later with hundreds of artifacts and extravagant stories of how ancient people worshipped their simian deity. According to Douglas Preston, the writer National Geographic sent along with its own expedition: “He refused to divulge the location out of fear, he said, that the site would be looted. He later committed suicide and his site – if it existed at all – was never identified.”
Fisher emphasised that archaeologists know extraordinarily little about the region’s ancient societies relative to the Maya civilisation, and that it would take more research and excavation. He said that although some academics might find it distasteful, expeditions financed through private means – in this case the film-makers Benenson and Elkins – would become increasingly commonplace as funding from universities and grants lessened.
Fisher also suggested that the Lidar infrared technology used to find the site would soon be as commonplace as radiocarbon dating: “People just have to get through this ‘gee-whiz’ phase and start thinking about what we can do with it.”
Paredes and Fisher also said that the pristine, densely-wooded site was dangerously close to land being deforested for beef farms that sell to fast-food chains. Global demand has driven Honduras’s beef industry, Fisher said, something that he found worrying.
“I keep thinking of those monkeys looking at me not having seen people before. To lose all this over a burger, it’s a really hard pill to swallow.”

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Liftoff! SpaceX Gets $1 Billion From Google and Fidelity

 Excerpt from  nbcnews.com SpaceX, the California-based rocket company that now has its sights set on a globe-spanning satellite constellation, says it has received a $1 billion investment from Google and Fidelity that values the c...

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This World Belongs To Everybody


a message from Kryon channeled by David Brown

Wednesday, 25 April, 2012  at San Jose, Costa Rica  (posted 15 May, 2012)

Greetings dear ones, for I AM Kryon of Magnetic Service.

Once again, it is wonderful to be ...

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The Priore Machine and Phase Conjugation


Tom Bearden

In the 1960's and 1970's, in France Antoine Priore built and tested electromagnetic healing machines of startling effectiveness.

In hundreds and hundreds of rigorous tests with laboratory animals, Priore&#3...

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Your heart knows everything

a message from Kryon channeled by David Brown

Tuesday, 15 June, 2010  at Munich, Germany  (posted 7 August, 2010)

Greetings dear ones for I am Kryon of magnetic service.

It is beautiful to...

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The Crossroads and the Way Forward

a message from Celia Fenn

Sunday, 20 June, 2010  (posted 21 June, 2010)

On this day before the Solstice, I am feeling more and more the tension and the anxiety in the Collective Consciousness, ...

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The Fisher King Wound

Greetings Dear ones, for I am Kryon of magnetic service.

It's wonderful to be with you all this night, this very night. And it is wonderful once again to be back here in Durbanville with this familiar energy, here in the Western Cape.

There are many, many changes happening on the planet; many, many changes. You are coming into a new world of love, a world of integrity, a world that is changing, a world that will know no boundaries, a world of love, of joy, of freedom. There is a completely new world coming; stress free with much love. We have always told you in these channellings that this day would come, but this day is getting closer and closer, where you create your own reality, a reality of your own choosing.

Many of you have been working on yourselves, working through your own issues. These are difficult times for there is much change and change is never easy. Change is always difficult, for you have to learn new things and you have to learn new ways to be within the new energy. Some of these ways will be like second nature. Just as you all know how to spend money, it's the making of it that is the problem, the unknown. But money will begin to come so easily as you change yourselves on the inside; your reality will begin to change on the outside; for the new world is coming where you will create your reality out of pure love.

You've noticed that your emotional state can be up and down, but the time is coming where it will no longer be up and down, there will be a smooth and gradual increase in vibration. Many things are to happen in this world; for instance between America and China there is to be a power struggle, and America will begin to loose some of the globe. South Africa being a nation whose power and influence, mainly through Africa, will increase. Brazil in Latin America will become a much stronger and more powerful nation leading the way for Latin America. India will also increase in power in the masculine realm, for the masculine real is what controls this earth. The more masculine you are the more femininity you can control; but that is not where you want to be on this planet for many things must change on this planet.

The way that the planet is managed is going to change, spirit is seeing to this. We can see in this hierarchical society that the bankers are taking a completely disproportionate amount of wealth from society and keeping it to themselves. This will happen for a little while longer, but slowly but surely a new energy will come to replace this, a new energy of smoothness and containment, an energy of love. The more work you do on yourself the softer and the more gentle you will become, and at the same time you will be able to maintain your boundaries more strictly. In the softness is the receiving and you will begin to receive what you are truly looking for. It is human nature to love and to be loved, but at the moment it does not work for everybody. In fact most people never truly experience love, most people don't understand love and don't know how to love and receive love or give love to themselves. This shift will be happening this year in 2010 whereby love will be on the increase for humanity, where there is a dawning of a new level of love and a new level of understanding.

There is much talk of the year 2012, and there will be significant changes to come in mass consciousness in the global energies in 2012, but the major changes are happening now, they are happening already as the planets move. There are many planetary shifts coming that are leading the way into a new world, a revolutionary new world. Your energies will completely change and the energies of the earth will completely change. We have always said in the channelings that love is the only answer. Love is what floats everybody's boat. Without the ocean there cannot be a boat to sail. The ocean is the love, the water is love, and once you begin to get the flow of love under control and allow it to move in a direction that you truly want it to, in the direction of your true dreams, that is when the old world will come to an end and the new one will begin.

We offer you some worlds of advice, and that is to let the material world go. Don't be too interested in the material world. Spend some time as these new planetary changes are coming about doing more and more inner work, for many things will change. David has explained about the solar system and how you have an inner solar system that is completely dependant on how your entire family relates. You will slowly begin to create love and peace and harmony throughout your family and the more peace and love and harmony there is in the outer world in your families, the more there will be with on the outside. Remember that your family are the closest things that you have to yourselves, the mirror reflection is very clear from family members. What you don't like in your family members, it's a good idea to acknowledge and work through. During your inner work allow more and more love to flow between you and those that are closest to you. This is not easy, it was never set up to be easy, but this is just the way it is, this is what your souls chose before you came to this earth. You chose your families and you chose those specific issues to work through.

Allow yourself to connect with each person in the room through your heart center and allow love to flow. Close your eyes and go inside, allowing your hearts to open. Send love to everybody in this circle and receive love from everybody in this circle. Allowing the love in this circle to grow bigger and bigger and becoming love. Acknowledge your spirit guides coming into the room, being at your feet, and feel them and feel the Kryon energy. Feel how the energies are beginning to change as you love what can be a perfect stranger next to you and that person loves you in return, for that is what you came to experience here on this earth. The forgetting of what love was was followed by the long journey and the remembering of what love is. Allow yourselves to visualise Mother Earth beneath your feet. See inside Mother Earth a beautiful pink heart. See that heart beating, and at the same time feel your own heart beating. Feel your own heart beating and observe that beautiful pink heart in the center of Mother Earth beating too. Allow yourself to descend into that beautiful pink heart at the center of Mother Earth and feel yourself held by beautiful pink hands. Feel held and absolutely safe and absolutely secure and absolutely loved by Mother Earth. Whatever you are feeling let it come, and let it go... there are new energies coming, but the first step is to be fully connected to Mother Earth, to feel the love of Mother Earth, to feel the caring and the support and the oneness. Feel held, absolutely safe and absolutely secure. When you feel the things in your body which are not love, just let them come, and let them go... feel the love, the love of Mother Earth and the love of this group, here in Durbanville, this night.

Allow yourself to connect to one another from this space of being held by Mother Earth. Now allow a connection from the heart of the Great Central Sun, and see at the heart of the Great Central Sun a beautiful lime green heart. Allow the energy of the Great Central Sun to flow through your crown chakra, through your third eye, through your throat chakra and through your heart through the solar plexus and through your second chakra. Allow this energy to energise your second chakra for a little while. Allowing it to awaken the Kundaleni, the two snakes that live in the base of your pelvis. Just feeling this energy moving and cleansing all your chakras and energising your Kundaleni. These two snakes have much to say if you give them a chance to speak. As they become energised allow these snakes of the Kundaleni to speak, for they have much knowledge and much wisdom. Allow yourselves to become energised. Be gentle with yourselves, allowing the energies to flow. Allow the energy of Father Sky to move through the second chakra and the base, connecting to the heart of Mother Earth. Just feel the love, for this is the love of the new world, the new age.

If humanity had behaved itself you could have had this energy two thousand years ago. This smoothness, this love, this joy. There is a story we will to tell you this night and this is the story of the Fisher Kings and the Fisher King's Wound. After Christ's Crucifixion, he and his family moved to France and England and they intermarried with the royalties in these countries. Out of these marriages came new religions, Celtic Christianity in Britain and the Cathars in the south of France. Celtic Christianity lived on for six hundred years before it was replaced by Roman Christianity, but in the south of France this energy and this new religion lived on into the twelfth century. These were the true descendants of Christ, this was the true Christianity and their beliefs were based in the true teachings of Christ. In the third century in Britain there was a Roman invasion and an attempt to break this Celtic Christianity. Slowly but surely this Celtic Christianity was dissolved and replaced by the Roman Christianity. This was a divine society based in love and connectedness and freedom and joy that had only lived for a few hundred years, it lasted a little longer in the south of France until the Roman Catholic church made a pact with the king of France; until genocide was committed against half a millions Cathars.

Why we tell you this story is because in the psyche of the West there is a problem; two thousand years later there is still one aspect of yourself that is the true Christ and then there is another aspect of yourself which tries to mimic Christ. The true Christ has to win and the Christ that is mimicking Christ has to move away, it has to dissolve. What we ask you to do is to find the true Christ inside yourself and allow your spirit guides to guide you to find the true Christ consciousness within yourself. This aspect of yourself can be quite angry, quite hurt, and quite wounded. The other side of yourself is the ancient Catholic Church that caused such devastation in the past and it is for you to observe these two aspects of yourself. These two cannot live together but they must understand each other. This is the journey of Western man, to overcome this collision between Roman Catholicism and the Cathars. You must sit and observe these two aspects of your inner self and be with these two aspects.

This is wounding on a global scale, this is mass consciousness for the West. This does not allow you to be whole. We ask that you allow love and true Christ consciousness and Catholic consciousness and the energies of responsibilities to flow through you. There has to be healing of this wound and you have to connect to the true divine, the loving divine. The western psyche is in this position at this present moment and will remain so until this wound is healed, until there is forgiveness all round. Let the energy of forgiveness flow around both aspects of your Christ consciousness, for in allowing apology to flow from one side to the other and back you will begin to release the anger and resentment held against these two aspects of yourself. Everyone in this room has had both lifetimes, as Cathars and as Catholics or as a Celtic Christians. You have experienced all these different aspects of worship and it is time for the truth to flow through. You may feel a little uncomfortable as you allow these energies to flow through the different aspects of yourselves. Just allow the love to flow, allow the apology to flow. Let it go where it needs to go. The energies of apology often release a lot of anger and a lot of discomfort and there is a lot of fear involved in resolving this issue. You are involving the masters of the world and the masters of your own universe, and those that have been mastered, suppressed, repressed and oppressed. Allow the energy of apology to flow through you and into the different aspects of yourself. Know that you will release negative energies and feel it releasing. Feel it coming; let it come and let it go...

As you release these energies you will be stepping into a new world, into a new state of being, a new state of consciousness. Let the next energy through, the energies of forgiveness, and allow all these aspects of yourself to forgive one another in the hope that they can live together. Allow the forgiveness to flow wherever it needs to for you are healing mass consciousness, you are allowing a new divine flow, a new connectedness, a higher level of connectedness to the divine, and you are healing a massive scar, a massive wound in the landscape of the psyche of Western man. There can be true love on this earth; peace, love, joy and freedom for all. It is a safe world for all, all peoples can become whole, can become one. There is enough for everybody, there will be a completely different world when whole-people walk this earth again.

It is not just those in the West who suffer with this wound, the Eastern religions also have their problems, they also have their disconnections and dysfunctions. So now let’s allow through the energies of the Sacred Embrace which will heal the trauma that has been caused through this fractured Christianity. It will reconnect you to the divine. Allow through the energies of the Sacred Embrace, allow these energies to flow through you and into your Fisher King Wound. This is where the stories of Arthur and the Knights of the Round Table began. Allow the energies of the troubadours and romantic love to return to your body and to your psyche. As this wound heals you will bring back into your bodies the energies of honour and respect and these new energies will be able to flow through you. Conflict will begin to dissolve.

On this planet that you live on there can be one truth or there can be a million truths, but there is one divine; an all pervading energy that brings love, connectedness and freedom into your bodies - The light that will replace the darkness. Allow the next energy, the energy of the Sacred Filter to flow through this conflict within. The sacred filter will filter out all the negativity from the past. It will either transform it or stop it. It will stop all good energies flowing into the past.

Allow for an anchoring of pure love into the ground here, into the floor here in Durbanville. Allow pure love to flow through your hearts, allowing it to dissolve the issues between Catholic and Cathar, between Catholic and Celtic Christians, allowing it to be dissolved completely. Allow your divine connection to become stronger and more powerful and allow yourselves to be truly connected and deeply, deeply loved. You are all loved for absolutely no reason whatsoever.

Feel the love that Spirit has for you this night in this room and feel this love. Let the love flow through your hearts, connecting to the beautiful divine. Your bodies will light up when you allow yourselves to become light, and in this light you will find your freedom and your joy. You will find your love for life.

Dear ones this is Kryon signing out, go well, God bless, and take care, thank you all.

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