Tag: excuse

Vitamin B17: The Greatest Cover-Up In The History Of Cancer

Daud Scott, Reset.MeThe phrase ‘Let food be thy medicine and medicine be thy food’ could not hit any harder, especially when it comes to the present discussion related to cancer and our present state of nutrition and health. I do understand that venturing into this discussion may be touchy due to the fact that we have only allowed medical doctors to dictate the present cases, acceptable cures and latest treatments regarding cancer; while the everyday citizen wit [...]

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Should Humanity Try to Contact Alien Civilizations?

Some researchers want to use big radio dishes like the 305-meter Arecibo Observatory in Puerto Rico to announce our presence to intelligent aliens.

Excerpt from space.com
by Mike Wall

Is it time to take the search for intelligent aliens to the next level?
For more than half a century, scientists have been scanning the heavens for signals generated by intelligent alien life. They haven't found anything conclusive yet, so some researchers are advocating adding an element called "active SETI" (search for extraterrestrial intelligence) — not just listening, but also beaming out transmissions of our own designed to catch aliens' eyes.

Active SETI "may just be the approach that lets us make contact with life beyond Earth," Douglas Vakoch, director of interstellar message composition at the SETI Institute in Mountain View, California, said earlier this month during a panel discussion at the annual meeting of the American Association for the Advancement of Science (AAAS) in San Jose.

Seeking contact

Vakoch envisions using big radio dishes such as the Arecibo Observatory in Puerto Rico to blast powerful, information-laden transmissions at nearby stars, in a series of relatively cheap, small-scale projects.

"Whenever any of the planetary radar folks are doing their asteroid studies, and they have an extra half an hour before or after, there's always a target star readily available that they can shift to without a lot of extra slough time," he said.

The content of any potential active SETI message is a subject of considerable debate. If it were up to astronomer Seth Shostak, Vakoch's SETI Institute colleague, we'd beam the entire Internet out into space.

"It's like sending a lot of hieroglyphics to the 19th century — they [aliens] can figure it out based on the redundancy," Shostak said during the AAAS discussion. "So, I think in terms of messages, we should send everything."

While active SETI could help make humanity's presence known to extrasolar civilizations, the strategy could also aid the more traditional "passive" search for alien intelligence, Shostak added.
"If you're going to run SETI experiments, where you're trying to listen for a putative alien broadcast, it may be very instructive to have to construct a transmitting project," he said. "Because now, you walk a mile in the Klingons' shoes, assuming they have them."

Cause for concern?

But active SETI is a controversial topic. Humanity has been a truly technological civilization for only a few generations; we're less than 60 years removed from launching our first satellite to Earth orbit, for example. So the chances are that any extraterrestrials who pick up our signals would be far more advanced than we are. 

This likelihood makes some researchers nervous, including famed theoretical physicist Stephen Hawking.

"Such advanced aliens would perhaps become nomads, looking to conquer and colonize whatever planets they could reach," Hawking said in 2010 on an episode of "Into the Universe with Stephen Hawking," a TV show that aired on the Discovery Channel. "If so, it makes sense for them to exploit each new planet for material to build more spaceships so they could move on. Who knows what the limits would be?"

Astrophysicist and science fiction author David Brin voiced similar concerns during the AAAS event, saying there's no reason to assume that intelligent aliens would be altruistic.

"This is an area in which discussion is called for," Brin said. "What are the motivations of species that they might carry with them into their advanced forms, that might color their cultures?"

Brin stressed that active SETI shouldn't be done in a piecemeal, ad hoc fashion by small groups of astronomers.

"This is something that should be discussed worldwide, and it should involve our peers in many other specialties, such as history," he said. "The historians would tell us, 'Well, gee, we have some examples of first-contact scenarios between advanced technological civilizations and not-so-advanced technological civilizations.' Gee, how did all of those turn out? Even when they were handled with goodwill, there was still pain."

Out there already

Vakoch and Shostak agreed that international discussion and cooperation are desirable. But Shostak said that achieving any kind of consensus on the topic of active SETI may be difficult. For example, what if polling reveals that 60 percent of people on Earth are in favor of the strategy, while 40 percent are opposed?

"Do we then have license to go ahead and transmit?" Shostak said. "That's the problem, I think, with this whole 'let's have some international discussion' [idea], because I don't know what the decision metric is."

Vakoch and Shostak also said that active SETI isn't as big a leap as it may seem at first glance: Our civilization has been beaming signals out into the universe unintentionally for a century, since the radio was invented.

"The reality is that any civilization that has the ability to travel between the stars can already pick up our accidental radio and TV leakage," Vakoch said. "A civilization just 200 to 300 years more advanced than we are could pick up our leakage radiation at a distance of several hundred light-years. So there are no increased dangers of an alien invasion through active SETI."

But Brin disputed this assertion, saying the so-called "barn door excuse" is a myth.

"It is very difficult for advanced civilizations to have picked us up at our noisiest in the 1980s, when we had all these military radars and these big television antennas," he said.

Shostak countered that a fear of alien invasion, if taken too far, could hamper humanity's expansion throughout the solar system, an effort that will probably require the use of high-powered transmissions between farflung outposts.

"Do you want to hamstring all that activity — not for the weekend, not just shut down the radars next week, or active SETI this year, but shut down humanity forever?" Shostak said. "That's a price I'm not willing to pay."

So the discussion and debate continues — and may continue for quite some time.

"This is the only really important scientific field without any subject matter," Brin said. "It's an area in which opinion rules, and everybody has a very fierce opinion."

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Elusive dark matter may be detected with GPS satellites

This two-clocks-illustration shows the pattern of how two atomic clocks would desynchronize and then resynchronize due to a lump of dark matter sweeping through a Global Positioning System or other atomic clock based network. Photo courtesy of Andrei Derevianko, University of Nevada, Reno.

Excerpt from

Global Positioning System, or GPS for short, devices are typically used for navigation purposes. But this satellite network could also alert us to something else: the presence of dark matter.

Dark matter is thought to form 80% of the universe, but is difficult to detect because it rarely interacts with ordinary matter. Its makeup is unknown, as it has never been viewed by science. Some have suggested that dark matter is a particle; however, a new study indicates that dark matter may consist of kinks in the quantum field.

According to Andrei Derevianko at the University of Nevada, Reno, and Maxim Pospelov at the Perimeter Institute in Waterloo, Ontario, Canada, dark matter may be made of quantum field cracks that can be detected by GPS. The theory is a revolutionary one, and would change the nature of time and space where the kinds are located.

One of these elements is time, which is tracked by the extremely accurate GPS system. With a network of satellites spanning 50,000 kilometers and traveling through space at 300 kilometers a second, a cosmic kink could disturb the GPS clocks. This quantum crack would require 170 seconds to jump across the networks.

GPS clocks could be interrupted by other factors, but Deverianko and Pospelov believe that only dark matter could disturb the system’s timekeeping in a certain way.

Derevianko is currently pulling data from 15 years of GPS records to search for signs of dark matter’s presence. If no fingerprints are detected, he will use the ground-based atomic clocks belonging to the Network for European Accurate Time and Frequency Transfer.
If dark matter is nothing more than cosmic kinks, it could give some people a new thing to grumble about. “I hear these stories about people getting lost using GPS,” said Derevianko. “Now they could have another excuse: maybe it was dark matter that caused them to lose their way.”

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From Excuse-itarian to Vegetarian ~ Colleen Patrick-Goudreau

Colleen Patrick-GoudreauClick to zoom

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7 Types of Non-Believers Who Don’t Need Religion

Valerie Tarico, AlterNetReligious labels help shore up identity. So what are some of the things non-believers can call themselves?Catholic, born-again, Reformed, Jew, Muslim, Shiite, Sunni, Hindu, Sikh, Buddhist…religions give people labels. The downside can be tribalism, an assumption that insiders are better than outsiders, that they merit more compassion, integrity and generosity or even that violence toward “infidels” is acceptable. But the upside is that religious o [...]

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Heavenletter #4128 Be Your Own Hero , March 14, 2012


God said:

Everything is not as you have thought it was. You are not as you thought you were! You are, at the same moment, far more than you have ever credited yourself with and, in the same breath, well, you may not be as marvelou...

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Our Purposeful Path


a message from Gillian MacBeth-Louthan

Thursday, 15 December, 2011  (posted 3 February, 2012)  

In order for the universe to create from a point of perfection it has to honor itself first. The sun must fully shine f...

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HEAVEN #3858 Your Belief in the Past, June 18, 2011


God said:  

Physical possessions are of the past. Even if you found a stone on the beach today, the stone is the past. Even if you bought a new dress today, the dress is already in the past. It is fair to say that all physi...

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Heaven #3506 Be a Delightful Surprise

a message from God channeled by Gloria Wendroff

Thursday, 1 July, 2010  (posted 14 July, 2010)

How necessary is it to you to take everything seriously? What if you didn’t take to heart every i...

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Seeking the Proof of the Pudding

a message from Gillian MacBeth-Louthan

Monday, 28 June, 2010 

As the sands of time slide through the entrances and exits of all that is sacred, seen and unseen, humanity’s future is u...

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Msg. from Ag-agria – 01 Aug 06

Ag-agria | 01 August 06

What is happening in the world at present is symptomatic of man during hundreds of years of greed for wealth and power. It has now reached its ultimate climax, and what happens next is destined to spell out your future. Without a change of direction you would be on a course that leads to oblivion. It is not however the intended path and for those who have lifted themselves up out of the dark, who have concentrated on their growth in the Light.

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Artistic Acceptance – My Journey


Artistic Acceptanceby Seth D8 July '06

+ Since about 1991 I have been on a journey of artistic acceptance.  It all started out my freshman year in high school.  I never had interest in the art, nor did I even conceive of myself being an artistic person.  I was a very outspoken, proactive and fashionable individual, but never as far as art was concerned.   I was taking a introduction to art class, taught by Lynn Saad, because I had to take credits for art in order to graduate.  Believe me when I say I had no interest in taking the class electively.  During the first have of the trimester I spent most of time socializing or making an excuse to get out of class.  I litterly did nothing, I was, I mostly always am, disengaged because I had no interest and did not serve me.   One day Mrs. Saad came over to have the, your failing and you better get your act together talk.  She brought me into another studio, which was empty, to have the talk.  She told me I was currently failing the class and there was no reason why that would be the case.  I quite rudely told her there was probably a slim chance of me getting a “D” because “I was not an artist or even inclined to be an artist!”   Mrs. Saad just looked at me, waited for me to finish, and with a warm loving smile began to speak.  She told me that everyone, yes, everyone is an artist.  The very simple act of living life gives you every skill you need to be an artist.  So if you are living, you are an artist of your life.  The only thing that translates what we recognize as an artist is their willingness to put their life into another form in any way they see fit.   She then grabbed a blank canvas and some acrylic paint and instructed me to stay in the empty studio.  She said observe your thoughts, what is the first thing that comes to mind, I want you to use this paint and just put it on the canvas.  Don't hold any judgment or attachment to what it looks like, just create.  I don't want you to come into the other room until you have create something.   I sat there for about 10 minutes all pissed off that this teacher was making me paint something.  I kept having all these feelings of superiority and judgment rise in me.  I had a ton of self doubt and my mind was swirling.  Then I just decided to give it a shot, what was the worst thing which could happen, I waste a canvas and some paint.   I took the paint brush an drew a crude outline, in black, of a face.  Then I began to color it in.  Some where between the black lines and starting to color it in with color I began to perceive my artistic side for the first time.  I wasn't sure where it was coming from, I just kept painting, and layering color after color.  My god, a really nice image was starting emerge.  After about 30 minutes I was finished.  I had just created an astonishing painting of a abstract man in a suit with wild multi colored hair.  I couldn't believe I had just painted the painting I was looking at!   I went and got Mrs. Saad and showed her the painting.  And again, with that caring loving smile, she said “See, I told you everyone is an artist”.  I brought the painting home after school and showed it to my parents.  They where amazed and promptly hung it on the wall above the couch where we all sit and watch T.V. everynight.  It still hangs there to this day.   I learned something valuable that day, that yes, everyone is an artist in their own right, it just their ability to perceive it that differentiates us.  I also quite quickly and deliberately began exploring everything about creating art in any form.  I was so excited about my new self discovery and on developing what was obviously my distinct style from my first painting.   I have always been a very prolific person, especially as a developing artist.  I took more art classes in high school.  I also, with the encouragement of Mrs. Saad, took two week long art seminars taught by north west artist.  One was for painting and the other was for print making.  During my senior year in high school I went into the running start program and began classes at a community college for both high school and college.  The program I was in focused on printing technologies and digital imaging.   This program was more geared towards getting you ready to work in the pre-press area of the printing industry, rather than on artistic development.  It was good because I quickly mastered the latest imaging technology and understood the technical requirements of producing an image from an electronic format to an actual piece of paper.   During my young adult life I went through spurts of creativity creating a series here and a series there, but still I hadn't fully built my awareness around the fact that I was an artist.  I just honestly felt that I was just a guy who could manage to make things look good on paper.  This continued over my 20's till this beginning winter, when I had officially turned 31.   I was really pondering where I wanted to create my life next, from my mid teens till now I had achieved so much.  I had owned my own company, been an executive for a multi-national printing company and I even managed to be a professional body pierce for a couple of years.  I spent allot of time observing myself, what made me the most joyous I could be and as little disturbance to my inner peace as possible?   Well, I do like creating images…But to do that as life's work I would have to be an artist right?  The experience of my entire life to this point finally had built enough awareness to realize that, YES, I AM AN ARTIST!  If I am an artist then I should really start BEING an artist.  My whole consciousness shifted and a completely new world suddenly opened up for me to see.   My spiritual life had progressed during all of this life living as well, so I decided to apply my spiritual beliefs around my new being an artist.  This period is allot like my coming out of the closet about my spiritual beliefs as well. I begun creating new imagery as quickly as I could perceive it.  I was always patiently observing ensuring that I wasn't holding attachment, possession or judgment towards anything I was creating on paper or in my life.  Observing my highest thoughts and instantly putting those thoughts into action without even a second guess.   WOW!  has it been an amazing year so far.  I am constantly perceiving new ideas, concepts and ways of being.  My artistic style has progressed along the same path.  I began building a artistic and spiritual presence in my world.  I have created multitudes or art sported around the world.  I have invaded as many spheres on the internet and community as I can possibly handle.   I have been sharing my creations and beliefs across the world landscape as not to leave anyone out.  I recognize that people are still living in the illusion of separation, so I must to live in that world at times as well.  This is why I have chosen to have so many blogs and places to view my creations, I can see that each of these sites speaks to a different audience, so the only way to break down the illusion of separation in to exist in all these separate sites at the same time, yet adjusting my style to fit their needs.   Since I have begun the process of truly realizing and being an artistic, expressive, no holds bar transparent person my life and perception of my universe has grown by leaps and bounds.  It is a very real situation to constantly amaze myself by what I have created.  I am truly reinventing myself to an even grander version in every moment their is.  I am so astounded by the possibilities which exist for me to perceive and experience sometimes I can hardly control my self.  But like devote person, I continually observe my universe, follow my highest thoughts and keep creating,, creating to my hearts content.   This has been my artistic acceptance up to this point. I encourage you to just start out the way I did and discover how to put your life into another form.  


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