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Water Power & Free Energy

This week we deal with the subject of energy. Something that the Sumerian tablets describe very clearly, when they talk about the Anunnaki settlers on Earth using water as fuel. For decades we have ignored the information captured by scribes some 4000 years ago but the latest discoveries in science are forcing us to reconsider the ancient message.

Ancient knowledge - new discovery?
The more research I do on alternative energy sources, the more horrified I become at the emerging evidence of some kind of very powerful clandestine movement to suppress new discoveries in this area. There are reports of a diverse number of free energy sources that have been presented by scientists and ordinary men over the past 150 years, and yet, the world is trapped in an energy crisis that is very quickly affecting all our lives and our evolutionary ability. But the effect goes well beyond the social well-being of people of the world. The consequences of the greedy manipulation and control of energy is rapidly affecting global climate and the planet as a whole. On a spiritual level this kind of manipulation has invisible but tangible effects on humankind as it quietly and cunningly keeps us enslaved to an invisible group of individuals who wield power in ways that the majority of us cannot understand.
So why is the control of energy so important? Because everything around us today requires energy. Progress and evolution requires energy. Our homes, cars, water, coffee, hair salons, phones, industry, space explorations, and the list goes on.
Therefore, access to free energy would give people the freedom to become self sufficient to a large extent and live wherever they want and pretty much be able to do what they want. Energy is the ether of the universe. It exists everywhere and it cannot be destroyed. I am not the only one who believes that the global petroleum giants have been keeping new forms of energy well wrapped up until such time that they have exhausted the financial benefits from fossil fuels.
We have to ask ourselves, are they somehow linked or answerable to the original creators of the Homo sapiens? Are they now
performing the role of slave master over humankind? Doing everything in their power to prevent humans from achieving this major step in evolution that would possibly enable us to rapidly conquer space exploration and start asking more challenging questions about our status on this planet?

Nikola Tesla 1856 – 1943 was possibly one of the most important inventors and scientists ever, but his name was taken out of school books in the early fifties and most of us have never heard of him. He has about 200 patents in his name. He invented the radio, the telephone, the TV, AC poly phase, 60 cycle electricity, fluorescent and neon lights, the brushless motor, wireless communications, the Tesla coil and all coils we use today, transformers and just about everything you will find at a power plant. Hydro-generators, Laser beams, particle beams, helicopters, robotics and many more inventions. But just like most great thinkers he died a poor man. But his main obsession was free energy for all. He had developed a system where everyone could tap into a free energy source that could be distributed through the air, with power towers scattered around the world. It could power cars, trains and airplanes, boats, buses, etc. A totally clean and safe power source.
During the summer of 1931, Tesla demonstrated the first car that drove on free energy or electricity if you want.
It was a Pierce Arrow, one of the luxury cars of the period. The petrol engine had been replaced with a round and completely enclosed electric motor of approximately 1m in length and 65cm in diameter, with a cooling fan in front. It retained a clutch, gearbox and transmission to the rear wheels. The "energy receiver" or gravitational energy converter was built by Tesla himself. It was installed in front of the dashboard. A heavy antenna of approximately 1.8 metres came out of the converter. Two thick rods protruded approximately 10cm from the converter housing. Tesla pushed them in saying "Now we have power". The motor achieved a maximum of 1800rpm and Tesla said there was enough power in the converter to illuminate an entire house, besides running the car engine. The car was tested for a week, reaching a top speed of 90 miles per hour effortlessly drawing its power from Tesla's Tower.
But for inexplicable reasons the funding was stopped by JP Morgan and Tesla's free energy tower on Long Island was taken
down. Who got to JP Morgan? While the US government took control of the generators designed by Tesla at Niagara Falls, they knew that they could never control cars running on free energy. What happened to the car and the technology? No one seems to know. It is however highly suspicious that when Tesla died penniless at the age of 86, all his documents were confiscated by the authorities.

Today we now know that even at absolute zero temperature of -273 Celsius elementary particles continue to demonstrate energetic behaviour. This is called ZPE or Zero Point Energy and has created much excitement in scientific circles. Scientists believe that it is possible to tap into this universal pool of energy to allow the possibility of space travel. But ZPE theories also suggest new ways to understand inertia and gravity and thus potentially controlling these forces. It goes much further however, as we start to talk about far-out possibilities such as "warp-drive" space propulsion systems.

Contributions to this field have been done by such pioneers as Nobel laureates Ilya Prigogine, Dirac, John Wheeler, Puthoff and Julian Schwinger. There is a whole group of scientists that have conclusively shown the world new innovative ways of generating safe energy by demonstrating devises where the power output exceeds the power input. Some of these researchers include Nikola Tesla, Moray, DePalma, Newman, Boyer, Puthoff, Fleischmann, Pons, Bearden, Graneau, Patterson, Ward, and many others.  
It is Pons and Fleischman that created much excitement in 1989 with their demonstration of what came to be referred to as
"cold fusion" by generating energy in a laboratory without heat or any dangerous byproducts. But Patterson took the work even further by achieving significant results in both energy production and the transmutation of elements. Scholars now also believe that by means of a simplified extension of Electromagnetics and Classical Mechanics we could develop an energy system which requires no fuel of any kind, and a propulsion system which requires no propellant mass. Such an energy system need not burn, transform, or modify a fuel and thus create no waste products like pollution. The propulsion system would actually transcend so-called "anti-gravity" systems or levitation devices because the new inertial propulsion system would not require a gravity field such as the Earth in order to achieve significant propulsive thrust.
But water has been the focus of attention for a long time as the primary source of energy for unlimited applications. Its components, hydrogen and oxygen, have a great potential to change the way the world operates. While we are led to believe that it is very complicated to utilize the latent energy trapped in every molecule of water, there are many individuals who have developed innovative devices and breakthrough technology to use water as an extremely effective energy source.
Sadly, none of these devices and discoveries has ever come close to reaching the global population. And while two thirds of
the world is covered by water and more water arrives on Earth from space all the time in the form of comets, water will remain the most lucrative source. And therefore also the most guarded technology by the petroleum giants that control the status quo on Earth. They are not prepared to give up the multi-trillion dollar industry and the control over their enslaved earthlings before all the fossil fuel is completely exhausted. It may cause a global economic meltdown in the process but this is obviously not their concern.
In 2004 I saw a documentary about the first "water" car made by Mercedes Benz, as they tested it on the roads of Iceland. The
driver and presenter was highly impressed saying that there was no difference in its performance. It all seemed so simple and I assumed that we would see these cars on the roads in no time. So where are they? Or did the petroleum companies get to the Merc board of directors with an offer they could not refuse? Then out of the blue an American engineer called Denny Klein shows his amazing skills by turning water into an energy source for a number of applications. From a blow torch reaching a temperature of over 5000 Celsius, to propelling his car. Should we be surp rised at these discoveries? Of course not. The Sumerian tablets talk about the early settlers on Earth using water as a fuel source to propel their space ships. But this has always been too incredible for historians and scientists to swallow and stories like these have ignorantly been written off as mythology.
It seems that we are finally rediscovering things our pre-historic ancestors knew very well. But there is a lot more to this
fantastic story which I will share in my next article. For now, let me leave you with a news clip video of Denny Klein. My prediction is that just like all other discoveries of this nature, we will probably never hear of Denny Klein again, or he will be ridiculed by the scientific media and reduced to ongoing research in some backward village. I have also included a link to a manual with instructions on how to convert your car to running on water. There are plenty more on the net.
Please click here to share my articles with your friends who you know will appreciate them.
Keep exploring
Michael Tellinger
August 2006 - www.slavespecies.com

See video of Denny Klein and his water power.
Convert your car to water power.

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Out of the comfort zone?

Today I was off, because I'd worked three days worth on monday and tuesday. The maintenance crew of a hospital had shut down an air conditioner, without knowing their actions would fry a RAID5 system in an IT room serviced by that very air conditioner. There was a backup, but access to it was too slow for the doctors' tastes. They never were very 'patient', that's why they're doctors. Since I'd written the original jukebox software, I was called in to write a restore program to bring back to life the 4.5 Terabytes (4.947.802.324.992 bytes) of medical images.  It worked, so today was my day.....

Woke up at 7:30AM, filled to the brim with energy. Did the laundry, and moorelife.nl, and then sat down to write, with the media player on Ayreon. I just love that music. And then it occurred to me that we lightworkers have it easy: we see connections instead of boundaries and obstacles, which kinda gives us the edge. Because let's be serious: if you voluntarily limit yourself to a subset of the whole, how can you hope to defeat that very same Whole? By divide and conquer maybe, but no matter how tough your boundaries are, there's always someone or something able to pass them. This was most eloquently described by a Dutch band called the 'Small Orchestra': They sang about the Berlin Wall when it was still very much a reality, except for the birds: they don't care about a bunch of concrete that stops ordinary men and women! They just fly from East to West whenever they feel like it.

Thus, we can relax, and just go about our business: not only does not worrying give you much more energy left over to work on stuff that really does make a difference, but it focusses you on the tasks at hand in a far more effective way.  Today's writing session thus proved to be highly effective, leaving me a manuscript that for the moment covers no less than 146 pages, with ideas to easily reach 300 pages, which is my minimum target.

But an observation has crept into my awareness: I'm no sensation writer! My stories don't revolve around all out drama and disaster. Just can't do that, because it takes me out of my comfort zone. Some writers are great at that, Stephen King comes to mind. And though I at least enjoyed him immensely in the past, it just isn't my cup of tea anymore. Mine is a world of Innuendo, just like the Queen album that currently playing on my media player quite by accident. I'm a guy of synchronicities, wanting to show that deep and intimate interconnectedness of the world around us. 

Heck, even love between my two main characters doesn't exceed PG13! Not that I wouldn't love to, but it is not within my comfort zone to write about that stuff to untold millions, without first having created that same comfort zone around it. And that zone is hard to capture in the written word. Maybe I'll succeed, who knows. But for now, I'm just trying to finish this novel.

Laura told me something interesting the other day: That it is not all that difficult to become Holland's most famous scifi / fantasy writer: she went looking for Dutch writers in this genre, and came up blank! Well, that at least lowers the bar. Unless of course I crank it way up there again by wanting to rub feet with Asimov and Heinlein....

Love your Light, 

Dre', a.k.a. Sander R.B.E. Beals

P.S. For the introduction of the novel my publisher eventually requires fifty valid E-mail addresses of people willing to receive a one time promotional E-mail about the novel when it comes out. If you're game, please mail me your willingness at andre@moorelife.nl. Your mail address will not be used for any other purpose.

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The “A team “

Received by Alec Christos Gabbitas

March 6. 2010

Greetings to you all from the 'A' team which is as ever ready to communicate with you in these trying and quite testing times that you are working through. There is much to be taken on board and yet much more that will be presenting you with even further moments of shock and/or associated heartache. These ever continuing shifts and the repercussions of same are always challenging to the soul whose heart is open to the pain and ensuing discomfort to others. As you are now working mostly on a collective level are you then sharing the load of seeming catastrophes, so in one aspect are the pains relieved to a minor or minimal degree. Many hearts creating a cradle of loving support for your fellow travellers whose role it is to honour perhaps the ultimate sacrifice.

Greater scenes are to be experienced and supported collectively by planetary light workers, whose unconditional love and firm inner resolve are the healing balm and foundation of these mighty rescue efforts, equalled 'man to man' by the numerous fleets of light/mother ships that are lending their collective love, light and expertise. Seen with the 'mystical' eye would it be quite some 'light show' in the heavens, as all are double parked and overseeing that which is taking place, thus lending their supportive spiritual and technical muscle as the occasion so permits. Their work, unobserved by planet earth dwellers at this present or now moment of time, is of a true guardianship role that silently and surely awaits in the heavens in the shape of the Galactic Federation of stars and planets,and the intergalactic / inter dimensional councils or Flight Commands.

Time, as known upon beloved planet earth, is rapidly collapsing and ever in a continual filtering into a 'no time or null zone,' which is par for the course. The heavens are filled with our beloved fellow travellers, they whom we call the Ascended Masters and/or the Great White Brotherhood. Archangels, Angels, Devas, Fairies and Elementals, with multi-energies of other Lords and Ladies within the great hierarchal structures and with the Elohim, Time lords, Karmic Lords and so forth. All merge and blend into an exceedingly multipurpose and competent 'A' team that patrols and animates your mighty local universe with an air of pure unconditional love. They light up the ethers with an harmonic pulse within the sacred geometries of the day, embellishing the great tapestry of life in and with its myriads of life-forms and multi universal life equations.

Metatronic Keys of mystery, enhanced more so by the Cube of Metatron with dynamic crystalline energetic's that are spiraling forth into life's eternal dream, and thus reinforcing the soon to be receding Merkaba. This is to be systematically transforming into more refined, more precise relevant crystalline light bodies which will be more appropriate for the ever heightening energies of crystalline expansive light bodies.The three expansive steps will be to the Merkiva, then to the Merkava and then further to the Merkana. Crystalline and crystal clear as the Metatronic Keys play out in perfect precision and momentum, and as ever in perfect harmony, expansive into ever greater climes and geometries.In days of old when so much was in transition and progression, was the deity of Metatron linked with an ultimate reverence to him being called the 'Father' figure!

Archangel Metatron is also one of the deity whom channeled through to our scribe of today, Alec Christos Gabbitas, and along with Sanat Kumara and several other deity's of the day was shared in detail the location of the crystal portals that were closed down at the end times of Atlantis. In precise, intrinsic manner were the exact locations transferred through, giving him the sequence and times of the 18 dimensional and 9 inter dimensional crystal portals to be reopened or rebooted.He (we) redefined in precision the crystal grid system of the planet and it was once more 'up and running!' The first portal to be open was Ithica in the Greek Islands, supported by Maitreya and Melchizidek and Michael, and the many beings of Greek deity and the hosts of heaven itself! The trigger point of the Crystal Portal Activations was in Alaska in 2000 AD.

Life is but one continuous sequel of events, in harmonic momentum and all in the great divine scheme of events, in highest good. When you accept whom you are beloved friends, you will recognise the beauty and the perfection that you truly ARE, and in total truth you have such a 'pedigree of grandness' that you will be overwhelmed with whom you really and truly are! This is no way an egotistic or heady acclamation but a simple introduction to you of beauty and love that is your central function of being.You are the chosen ones, yes, we have shared this with you before, and we shall again as we together enjoin and walk this pathway home.You are beautiful - warts and all! See your selves just shining from out your eyes, feel yourself in every call of a bird in the trees, listen to yourself as you tarry awhile by the stream as it's tinkling melodies echo on the ripples. Recognise yourself as you observe the gull in happy flight perceiving it's elegance and rhythm flight upon the thermals. See yourself in the eyes of the little child and it's purest laughing innocence beaming back at you. Allow yourself the gift of feeling JOY - for JOY is the so precious love that enhances every atom of your wonderful pristine being!

You are the most loved commodity in the universe, believe it 'cos it's true! Believe in yourself as we believe in you, for in you do we see a mirror image of ourselves. Allow yourself the love that you so easy gift to others in so many unplanned little things, for you my friend are truly worth it...who says?..God says..and he told me so! You have surpassed all that was 'expected' of you and you are in fact quite a bit up front, paving the way,clearing a path, making splashes or ripples where NO ONE has ever before achieved! You are the sunshine in our lives and you are the moonbeams to so many others.You are the star that continually shines putting to shame the stars up in heaven. We think that you have done A OK, 'cos 'til now you've held your ground and paved the way. There's no one has the 'up' on you, because your blooming wonderful and THAT IS TRUE!

Your light and grace is ever evident and as the sun rises on another glorious day and opportunity, the skies fill with a rich ambience and a special kind of love that reflects the beauty and the gift that you, yes YOU, have co-created! A time has come when the forces of the universe watch and wonder at the joy that is in store for you. A time has come when the muscle and spiritual power of you all, the lightworking fraternity with beloved Mother Earth, has held forth on high the true divinity of your sacred prowess and the sheer grit that has no equal and no cause to regret or rue the day.Word flows around the universe(s) that a new day is being born, a new start is being prepared, a new life is seen to be in the making and a new Being will surely manifest out of sheer pristine love and understanding. For so it is... and so shall it surely be....

We are the A team, we are your fellow travellers who assist you in Ascension.

(c)2010 Alec Christos Gabbitas for the Universal Mind. * 17 Viking Ct, CT10 1RF, England, UK. 20.7.07, 01843- 866875 * Email: gabbitas1@aol.com * (please copy and share, affording due credit to it's source, and also to Lady Isis and The Light Circle Ezine) *

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Diane – 29 August 2008

Because things are the way they are, things will not stay the way they are. – Bertolt Brecht



You are on your way, as you might say to the Promised Land and it will far exceed your expectations. After all of the turmoil you have experienced with the prospect of Mankind entering a period of collapse, it will be so uplifting to be able to put the past behind you. You have moods of consciousness, and presently there is much despondency at the direction the world is heading.  Yet within all of it a bright new dawn is emerging, that speaks of unity and a great coming together of all people. Changes are occurring all of the time, but hope is there that they will lead to new pathway that will put the past behind you.

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11:11 Master Numbers!

Created, Channeled, Written, Published and copyrighted by Gillian






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Message from Diane 13-July-06

Diane Re-minds Us!


With all the attention on the anticipated act that will remove the last cabal, do not forget to concentrate on your own development. This may be the end of their reign, but it is the beginning of the most exciting period in your life, indeed it will be extraordinary. You have expectations, because along with the many teachers we have prepared you for this time.

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