Tag: example

Progress Report

 Our meditations have managed to somewhat stabilize the positive path towards the Event. A few days before exact Eris-Pluto heliocentric square meditation on August 31st, cloudships and rare multiple rainbows appeared in Taiwan:   The So...

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Progress Report

 Our meditations have managed to somewhat stabilize the positive path towards the Event. A few days before exact Eris-Pluto heliocentric square meditation on August 31st, cloudships and rare multiple rainbows appeared in Taiwan:   The So...

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Galactic Federation of Light ~ Morpheus Sirius Archangel June-10-2013

Morpheus Sirius ArchAngel
5/10/2013 – Morpheus sirius.
In the infinitude of existence time does not exist but due to the universe density levels, the strata of energetic streaming through alternate vibratory densities

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Galactic Federation of Light Jesus May-10-2013

The emotional issues coming up for you are your attachments
May 10, 2013 by John Smallman

Humanity has always been enveloped by, but unaware of, the divine field of

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Galactic Federation of Light Ascended Masters May-10-2013

The Ascended Masters: Positive Change is Unavoidable by Wes Annac

-Channeled through Wes Annac-

The Divinity and sovereignly of humanity will be understood in the time ahead

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Galactic Federation of Light Montague Keen May-05-2013

Montague Keen,

Many people are having difficulty coming to terms with the information that is being made public at this time. What was suppressed is now leaking out.

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Galactic Federation of Light Archangel Michael April-26-2013

Spiritual Protection for the New Age by Archangel Michael Channelled through Natalie Glasson www.omn.org
Thanks to Méline Lafont: http://pleiadedolphininfos.blogspot.com/2013/04/spiritual-protection-for-new-age-by.html#more

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Galactic Federation of Light Montague Keen April-14-2013

Montague’s Message for April 14,2013

There will come a time in the near future when you will have to make a decision as to whether to stand up

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Galactic Federation of Light High Council of Orion April-12-2013

12th April 2013 Channeled by Holly Hawkins Marwood
Transcribed by Paul Marwood

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Galactic Federation of Light The Angels April-06-2013

Wake up Call: Archangel Michael – Dec 30, 10


I am Archangel Michael, and I wish to tell you of something that is taking place in the skies around your planet. There has been an ongoing tirade of energy taking place in the cosmos. With this tirade has been an ongoing example of what it will be like on earth in the coming months. Look to this winter to be one of cleansing and movements within earth’s crust that will dispel any lost incidences of old negativity that may be trapped within the regions in the crust that have sealed over.

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SaLuSa | September 10, 2010


There it was, hidden in alphabetical order. – Rita Holt

SaLuSa | September 10, 2010

Let no one deny you your rights to your own beliefs, but honor another soul who has chosen a different path. It should be possible to exist side by side, without causing issues that bring about confrontation. It may be hard at times to observe others who follow their faith that involves persecution of their own kind. However, it must be borne in mind, that all souls are following a path that they have chosen for themselves. It is therefore important that you do not interfere with them, even although your motives may be of the highest order. You experience what is necessary for your spiritual evolution, and there are no exceptions to it. So Dear Ones, you may ask how are you to deal with such a situation, and the answer is simply by example. If you believe that by doing so you can influence another person for the better, that is as much as you can do.

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World Gratitude Gathering | Day 3 | GATHERING MASTERS


artwork source:  spiritus sanctus


  Greetings Gratitude Masters,   Today, consider twelve people who have profoundly influenced and inspired you … be these friends, family, authors, explorers, artists or leaders … remember, these may be any number of INFINITE possibilities.   Call to them with your heart, giving thanks for their presence in your life, sending a wave of energetic appreciation their way.   Now, invite these Masters to guide you through these 42 days of World Gratitude – energetically connecting to their wisdom, example and experience – in order to form a circle of support, intimately familiar to YOU, that will ultimately serve everyone at World Gratitude.   By giving thanks to, connecting with and inviting in these powerfully influential beings, our gathering exponentially shifts, our affinity range expands, and our collective field of consciousness is flooded as we re-awaken to the power of full-spectrum living – Univeral Humans, infinitely connected to One Source, One Heart, One Love, One NOW.   As you choose … spend some time reflecting on the Wheel of Transformation asking:
  • What areas are represented by their influence?
  • What are your current areas of strength?
  • Where might you choose to grow, expand, and integrate
    (k)new areas of awareness?
  • Who will arrive to assist in this process?
  • When might you be called to do this for another, too?
* Concept by Barbara Marx Hubbard *
* Artwork by Carol H. Grey *
    Congratulations – our three days of preparation are complete.   Remember, throughout the 42 days of World Gratitude (and beyond!), intentionally focus on Gratitude as you Wake to Dream and Drift to Sleep, continually holding a silent prayer in your heart, blessings all bodies of water with your Love and Gratitude.   Just imagine where we will be when we reach Day 43!   ***   26 Gemini, The Angels of . . . Spiritual Families   Beloved,   "Ye must be born again."   We teach and inspire those who have experienced rebirth into spiritual awareness, the "second birth".   In utero and infancy, the Delta brainwave state of pure being and oneness with Divine Consciousness and Life and unity with all Creation is natural, effortless, and dominant. Spriritual awareness requires regaining this deep brainwave state of 0 to 4 oscillations per second, so that pure being and unity with Divine Consciousness and Creation is experienced as the ground of being in everyday life.   In this deep brainwave state, complete safety and timelessness are experienced, the body is alkaline, and omnipresence, omnipotence, and omniscience are accessable.   We keep these spiritual families (in Gratitude) so that a state of complete safety is maintained, allowing the deep delta brainwave state to continue without interruption.   Therefore we guide them to form … societies or families for the purpose of  co-creating, knowing, feeling, and manifesting in form, the splendor and majesty of Divine Life together.   "Build your house upon a rock."   The other brainwave patterns are built upon this delta brainwave foundation and flow from it. These are deep inner divine thought or Theta brainwaves, pure flowing divine feelings or Alpha brainwaves, and divine logic, memory, and sensation of the Beta brainwave state.   We carefully guide Children of Light and Love who have been reborn in this way into spiritual families and communities that nurture the Divine Kingdom.   "On Earth as it is in Heaven."   Through resonance and art, these individuals and families guide others into full awakening.   Divine Patterns are recursive embedded fractals.  This means that every Divine Pattern is repeated over and over again, in ever larger sizes, into infinity, according to precise mathematical formulas.   It is for this reason that an atom looks like a solar system and that it has been written that each Child of Light is made in the image and likeness of The Divine.   "As above, so below."   However, even though fractals are similar, each one has unique features. Everything in Creation that is an expression of Divine Consciousness and Feeling is therefore individual and one of a kind. This is a most important polarity: sameness and uniqueness. Therefore, the ONE BEING expresses through Universal Life which is made up of many continuums that express polarities.   ~  spiritus sanctus, www.spiritussanctus.com     **********************************************************

World Gratitude Gathering  ~

~ Enlightening the World with our Gifts of Gratitude ~

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