Tag: ET’s

Wes Annac ~Played~Upon Separation and the Distrust of the Galactic Federation


By Wes Annac

Picture left: A Female-Human Extraterrestrial

This post originates from a comment I posted on Ashtar Command, on a blog post entitled ‘GFL Cover Up’.

In my opinion, that blog post is jus...

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Drunvalo Melchizedek on ETs, Historical Universal Evolution and 2012

This is an amazing interview. I hear stories about the Greys's and inner earth I have never heard of. Absolutely worth watching.


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A stitch in time would have confused Einstein. ~ Unknown



FRIDAY – July 16, 2010 – 2.00PM PST

My guest this week will be Devra Laval who 25 years ago had a miraculous healing take place after having an enlightenment experience of the Truth, in answer to the age old question "Who Am I". After this profound and transformative experience, she endeavored to integrate and deepen the experience into her everyday living, with the intention of serving others. She has written a book covering her experiences "The Magic Doorway into the Divine"  You will find more information at: http://www.themagicdoorway.com

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Started without you guys, hope you don’t mind…

With a blistering hot day, and no other 3D activity planned until the Sun cools down a bit, I figured I'd just get ahead on my oil spill conversion plan mentioned earlier... Flat on my back, on the bed, it isn't hard to imagine myself floating i...

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Another few hundred saved….

This picture is the view of the top left corner of my living room, from where I'm sitting to type this. Or at least it was up until ten minutes ago. It seems that no matter how I remove them, whether is is death by vacuum cleaner, mob, or deporta...

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Another Bright New Day

Been working again yesterday, for the first time in weeks. It went OK, just as I'd intended that morning. This morning I do not have to work, at least not for my boss. That meant waking up as I felt like, which in this case meant growing tired of lyin...

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Extraterrestrial A-Z!

Hello Gang!

I just came accross this information today. It is very interesting and somewhat mind opening. In case you haven’t noticed, lately in my art style I have been exploring beings from other worlds who are here assisting us. This guide book is sure going to make my art allot more interesting and hopefully with some good perception I will make a couple more artistic leaps in style along the way. I am committed to illustrating my perceptions through art with all of my communications and shareings. Be sure and keep checking back, becuase as my mind unfolds so does my art. And now… ET’s A-Z…

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