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In the illusion time is a cruel master

03/10/2010 by John Smallman

In the illusion you spend a lot of time waiting for things to happen, or waiting and hoping that certain things do not happen. Either way you do a lot of waiting, which is stressful, boring, and unprofitable. In the illusion time is a major issue for you and seems to control your lives – because without it there would be no cause and effect.

In Reality there is only the eternal now. Here, cause and effect are one, ever present, undivided. Being so immersed in the idea of time you cannot conceive of life without it, let alone imagine what that might be like. In Reality you have no needs, so time would be irrelevant. In the illusion time is a cruel master whose slaves you all appear to be. You are governed by the passing of time because what you have waited for with joyful enthusiasm will pass on with it, leaving you once more bereft and discouraged.

Living in the now moment — accepting what is, without concern for what has passed or has yet to arrive — is the way to peace. It takes a lot of practice, but if you persevere it will become second nature. Children do it all the time when they are left free from the constraints and pressures of the adult world — a world which adults are so keen to impose on their children! When you live in the now you are relaxed, and your creative ideas flow much more smoothly and easily than when you set yourselves goals and dead lines to meet.

In the illusion it seems counterintuitive to attempt to live outside of time — in the now moment — and yet you do see people doing it, very happily, and you wonder what is the matter with them! If they realized how insane it was, then they would be worried! (How come they do not realize how impractical it is? And why are they not worried and pressured?) This obsession with time is endemic in the industrialized areas of the planet, where you are all crowded together and seemingly getting in one another’s way. So you build more roads and airports to enable you to move out and find more space for yourselves, but it does not work, as you then spend even more time travelling — which is also a form of waiting — to places where you work, live, or just visit. And time rushes on, leaving you anxious and confused, so you rush about some more, worrying all the while. Who is it that is insane?

In Reality all is sublimely content and at peace, as there is no time threatening you with wastage of it or with the deadlines it imposes on you. Reality just is. This is a difficult concept to grasp when you are so deeply immersed in the illusion. The illusion places stress and anxiety upon you because it can offer no certainties. At any moment catastrophe might strike — you see it happening to others every day — and so you have to take all kinds of preventive precautions. These are then found to be inadequate and new ones have to be devised. Life is a constant struggle to provide safety and security, and in the illusion this is impossible. You distract yourselves with grandiose plans and schemes that seem to work, and then yet another unforseen and unforseeable event occurs, throwing you once more into a state of perplexity and distress, in which you feel a strong need to fix on someone to judge, blame, and punish.

To awaken and let go of the illusion is the path to joy and freedom; and you are going to awaken — it is unavoidable. To help pass the time until that moment arrives, practice living in the now moment. As you become more accomplished at it you will start to find peace and joy, even within the illusion. Your energy signature will change as your stress dwindles and your serenity increases, and this will be sensed by others below the level of their conscious awareness.

Wherever you are, you will extend a palpable field of calm effectiveness that will bring a most beneficial consequence to all with whom you interact, be it from a brief passing on the street, from thinking about someone or e-mailing them, or through a more extended physical encounter. When others call you to mind, the overriding impression they will have will be one of a calm and peaceful nature that is without any need to judge, condemn, or find anyone unacceptable.

If you continue to do this during the remaining time you spend in the illusion, you will be adding most helpfully and powerfully to the intensity of the divine field that envelops the planet and which is assisting in the awakening process. And of course you, too, will reap the benefits of this satisfying way of living. You will find that the involuntary judgments and condemnations you are accustomed to making will occur far less frequently as your acceptance of what is intensifies, bringing you an increasing sense of peace and an increasing awareness of it, as you approach the moment of your glorious awakening into full consciousness.

You are all divinely loved and cherished in every moment, and you are infinitely honored and respected for the path you have chosen to follow — a path that is leading you unerringly out of the illusion and towards your heavenly destination.

With so very much love, Saul.


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Loving kindness is a state of being

Channeler: John Smallman

Good Morning Saul My Dear Friend. Thank you for your last message. My pen awaits your guidance.

Good Morning John.

When you sit down to write I can help you relax to receive our communications, as you well know. It’s important that you do not try to intuit or guess where the message is heading, as it interferes with our channel. I know you know this, but you still need to be reminded because you tend to get anxious and feel inappropriately responsible for the substance of what you write. So remember we are both only links in the divine chain of communication ― I am the messenger and you are the scribe. Just allow, and the flow will be quick and effortless.

Loving kindness is a state of being

Life is eternal because it was given by the Father to His Son and nothing that He creates will ever end or die. God is Love, infinite, unconditional, and eternal, and that is what you are because everything that He creates is like unto Himself. The perfection that is God completely envelops and suffuses His Creation, because He is His Creation, All That Is.

Consequently, every sentient being is perfect unconditional love. However, in the illusion — the dream state in which humanity has chosen to hide itself — this is not apparent. Occasionally, loving acts occur which inspire those who become aware of them to do their own loving acts. But what needs to happen is for humanity to move out of the illusion, to awaken from the dream, so that their lives may become once more lives of continuous loving kindness.

Loving kindness is a state of being. It is not doing good deeds, offering help, treating others with respect. Those are activities that flow naturally from that state, but they are also frequently undertaken for the benefit or honor that the person undertaking them hopes to receive.

It is a state in which what you think, what you say, and what you do is directed by the energy of unconditional love that flows through every sentient being who allows it. You are all unconditionally loved by our divine Father, but in the illusory reality in which you appear to have your existence it is very difficult for you to accept that infinite abundance of love. If you accept it, it flows through you without interruption and with tremendous vitality, washing away all grudges, resentment, judgment, unacceptability, and suffering, replacing them with peace, joy, and the inner knowing — not a belief — a true knowing that you are one with all sentient beings and with God.

Knowing this, it is no longer possible to live in anything other than a constant state of love, acceptance, and peace because you have become aware of the oneness of all. Any state other than this is obviously insane, because any form of judgment or attack would be judgment and attack on yourself — if that were possible, which it is not. It is the state into which you are to awaken when you become fully conscious, and its brilliance, its vitality, its enthusiasm, and its joy will fill you with infinite delight. It is your destiny — the divine destination at which you cannot fail to arrive.

So relax, allow the abundance of God’s unconditional love to flow through the conduit that you are, as you and He have always intended. When you do so, miraculous things happen, just as they should. The power that suffuses your entire being and flows through you as you live in complete acceptance of and harmony with the divine Will is astounding. There is nothing to which it can be meaningfully compared as it is far more efficient, effective, and finely focused than anything your most brilliant scientists could possibly imagine.

You are truly powerhouses of infinite potential through which your Father can create universes. Yet while you hide in your tiny illusory reality, doubting God’s power and existence, you effectively limit the flow of energy through you to little more than the drip of a leaking tap or faucet. Turn to your Father, to the inextinguishable divine flame within you, and allow the warmth of His love to flow through you freely and without restriction once more, as He and you have always intended. Then watch with joy as miracles occur!

With so very much love, Saul.


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Ready for Dimensional Living?

“A blow with a word strikes deeper than a blow with a sword.”  -Robert Burton
(And when you truly begin to understand and know multidimensional consciousness you imeaditly understand the impact every unaligned thought creates.  These basic ‘private’ thoughts have created much of our demise not re-membering the power we each hold.  ALL-ways OBSERVE | EXPLORE!)

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Spiritual Weariness?

By Dr Joshua David Stone

Many lightworkers on this Planet are feeling a little“Spiritually Weary or Fatigued”! This chapter is dedicated to discussing, understanding and trying to remedy this most interesting issue!Let me begin first by saying this is a “multi-faceted” issue that must be approached from a “multi-faceted perspective!”There is a small part of this understanding that is normal for everyone. I say this not in terms of feeling anything negative, but rather everyone knowingand understanding on some level we are visiting here. We have all come from GOD and Heavenly Realms in our Creation, so it is normal for everyone to have a Spiritual Desire to return home so to speak! This is not to say, however, that we cannot fully 100% enjoy Earth Life, for we can, and we need to fully Realize GOD on all levels!

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Your Future, Your Choice!

Ker-On | 04 September 06

Dear Ones, as you perceive your world at present, there is so much turmoil taking place. Yet out of all that is happening there is a new Earth emerging. From it you will see that the necessary changes are beginning to occur that will yet lead you to happier times, and outline the path to Ascension. This current period is rather lengthy, because those that oppose changes are allowed to resist them. There is no forcing the issue, and your freedom of choice is still paramount whether you are of the dark or Light.

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