Tag: energy vibration (page 2 of 2)

Fear of the Unknown by Master Serapis Bey


1 May 2011  

Channeler:  Natalie Sian Glasson


Fear of the Unknown by Master Serapis Bey

Channelled through Natalie Glasson-01/05/11

Every human being upon the Earth appears to hold the e...

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Letting Go By Master Jesus


28 February 2011 Channeler:  Natalie Sian Glasson

Sacred School of Om Na and Wisdom of the Light Weekly Channelled Message www.omna.org

Letting Go By Master Jesus

Channelled through Natalie Glasson-28/02/11


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You Are Developing Your Individual SunLight


a message from Archangel Michael

channeled by Ronna Herman

Friday, 28 January, 2011

Beloved masters, the Creator’s breath is the fuel of existence and you are the flame it feeds. It is important you understand that ...

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White Beings: The Energy of Judgment

White Beings: The Energy of Judgment Channeled through Natalie Glasson 20/09/10

We, the Celestial White Beings bathe you in our heavenly pure white light, let the purity and simplicity of our light wash over and through ...

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Seeds for Growth by Lady Mary

Channelled through Natalie Glasson- 05/07/10

The warmest and deepest of loving blessings extends from my soul to all of creation on the Earth. My fondness and devotion for the Earth and its humanity is abundant and ...

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AHA Event Audio – The Sound of Light – Judy Satori


Hello Everyone

Two weeks ago I presented an event for the Association for Higher Awareness in New Jersey focusing on ascension information and advice and energy preparation to assist us all through Earth’s ascension process.

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19 May 2010 - 6:15pm
Channeler: Blossom Goodchild

Blossom:Ok. Here we are again then! Lately my heart has been going nuts. There must be a shift going on surely … either that or I am about to have a cardiac arrest! And also  …  a great amount of releasing taking place too and I ‘m not even sure what I’m crying about. Sometimes the actual physical pain in my heart is so uncomfortable … I mean, is this all necessary? It’s very hard to FEEL full of LOVE and to FEEL that you are playing your part well in the Ascension process with all this going on. And for how long? For the last ten years we seem to have been moving from one shift to another! Is it going to carry on like this till we get there?  And does this continue once we are there … wherever ‘there’ is?  I sound like I’m moaning … I am! No, seriously, can you say we are really making progress? I still FEEL so ‘lost’ in all of this. Ok … done … your turn if you’d like?FEDERATION OF LIGHT: We thought you would never ask!  As you sit and write you can feel almost a burning in your heart chakra can you not?
This is absolutely a necessary change in your makeup. From what you once were in human form, to what you are becoming in the new form of human. It is taking place continually at this time and without wanting to disappoint you, yes, it will carry on in this fashion for quite a while to come. We are aware of these discomforts, yet we say that what is taking place is so profound that this releasing and adapting must be treasured  … for the transformation when complete will …  you will find …  be worth every tear shed.
In a way that we might assist we would remind you that your Higher self is fully aware of that which this smaller aspect of you has chosen to undertake. Therefore , being fully connected to this Higher self, one may find it acceptable. Although we do not underestimate the magnitude of these discrepancies, we would say also for you to ‘brush them off’. Allow them to Be, then let go and give thanks that yet another segment of ‘the old’ has transmuted into Light through YOUR doing. Recognise these ‘odd feelings’ as they pass through you and KNOW that by accepting them in GRACE you are playing your part in the changing of all that is of lesser Light into its brightest form. YOU ARE DOING EXACTLY WHAT IS REQUIRED OF YOU. EACH ONE OF YOU.
Maybe. It just doesn’t always FEEL that way. It sometimes feels like a never ending waiting game.
What is it that you are waiting for?
The transformation into the NEW WORLD. The time when we no longer are among all the ‘downfalls ‘that humankind has created. I don’t understand how different this New World is going to be, but … actually, never mind … you know what I mean. We have travelled this road before … and I have learned that we cannot know what this New world will be like until we get there. So I’ll ‘zip it’, and ask if you would kindly move on to a topic of your choice?
You’re kidding! Must we?
You invited us to choose.
Mmm! Just wondering what ‘YOU' wish to discuss about ‘ME’
We consider YOU to be a representative of OUR TRUTH.And in this you have not faltered. You decline from offers made by others to deny these Truths and remain steadfast in your loyalty to that which you TRUST to be OF TRUTH. In reference to that which did or did not take place on your given date by us of Oct 14th in your year 2008 we would like to clarify a few things … on your behalf. Would this be of providence?
Although I know what providence means, I wasn’t sure how it would work in the sentence just given. So I looked it up and it said “preparation for the future” ‘knowledge of the future’ Is that what you meant?
Have you known us to say something we did not mean?
Nope. Just checking we were on the right track. And it’ s very nice of you , because obviously  it is very clear that you are able to take note of my thoughts of late and that whole episode seems to be coming back to ‘haunt me’ in various ways. So yes, please, go ahead. I will be interested to hear what you have to say, as I am having to make sure my ‘ego’ has left the building practically all the time and sort of ‘get over myself!!!’
Do you Blossom, believe that we came on that date ?
 In what capacity? Yes, for me, without doubt you showed up to many in various ways. But not in the way that you had PROMISED and therein lies my demise!!
And do you accept the explanation given by us after the event?
My heart accepted it, although my mind questioned it.
 Then let us elaborate on the events now that time has elapsed and the ‘hype’  … as your world would say  … has settled into a place where one can understand on a deeper level.
FIRSTLY LET US SAY …. WE WERE THERE. Our vast ship as promised WAS THERE in your skies.
Oh I must have been looking the other way! With respect … and simply trying to make Light of this.
 There is no need to Lighten this up dear one. We are here to reveal what was. We now feel we are able to break through … for it is time.’
Before you go any further, let’s clarify that shall we. My thought when that last sentence came through about ‘breaking through’ was not that you would ‘break through’ the mists, not that you are about to ‘decloak’ type of ‘breaking through’, but that you can break through verbally and let us know the next level of understanding of the incident.
Either way.
Your words, not mine.
At the time of the event taking place there was a darkness unseen by the human eye. In the same way that it then became necessary for the vessel in which we had chosen to display to remain unseen also. It simply was necessary for the saving of your planet. This may seem drastically dramatic, yet it is so. WE DID NOT REVEAL OURESELVES ON THAT DAY AS PROMISED IN ORDER FOR YOUR PLANET TO REMAIN IN TACT.
We had been informed of a counter plan by those energies that would choose at all costs to human life ….  to destruct themselves as well as millions of souls rather than allow this event to take place.
 Yet you said you had every possibility covered and it is known that you are able to dismantle/disarm nuclear weapons ….  If this is what you are talking about?
And yet, you are underestimating the vast implement that was intended to be used. We spoke to you regarding this THREAT, being treated merely as that … a THREAT, and we wrongly assumed that the human level of these lost struggling energies within the human form would stoop to this lowest degree in order to protect themselves from their inevitable self destruction. To lose their power … to be shown in their TRUE form, for the deepest greed that they have become … seemed incomprehensible to them at this stage in history. For indeed they have mastered their control to the highest degree. They felt it agreeable amongst themselves to lose everything rather than be uncovered by the one thing they fear above all … THE LIGHT.
We spoke that ‘agents’ informed us that indeed they would carry out this THREAT of mass destruction should we  follow through with our promise to the world. Put yourself in our shoes … what would you have done?
Our mission, our Divine purpose is to assist your planet and the Loving human Beings upon it to rise into a NEW WORLD … A Higher level of Vibration … so that once again the Love that you are can be exposed by the self and TRULY ENJOYED.
And yet it has come to this … that it FEELS like a burden at times.
So, you couldn’t have disabled whatever weapon it was that the ones of lesser Light said they would expose?
The preparation by them was too far advanced.
In what way?
By that we mean that it would have been improbable that we could have affect on the situation devised by them.
I keep half seeing as if this ‘devise’ was/is underwater … in the ocean somewhere. Like in a … I want to say … ‘substation’…
  And you would be correct in what you are picking up from us. Although we are far advanced in our technology from that of your ‘current ‘ race, remember also that there are certain laws in place that cannot be tampered with. There are laws that WILL NOT AND CANNOT be broken. This would take our topic into unchartered waters shall we say, and we prefer at this juncture to leave that for a much later time. Therefore we would conclude that our choice to remain ‘invisible’ … we still heed to be of the best one. The decision was not one taken LIGHTLTY or by just a few over a cup of tea at a board meeting! We make Light of it also … on your behalf.
This day shall be replicated , yet the outcome shall be one of TRIUMPH.
And yet, with certain TV programmes etc, those of lesser Light are certainly doing well in spreading the fear.
Are you afraid?
Not at all.
Then know that there are many in place just like you. Unafraid and in position. Ready to disperse fear. Ready to teach Light. Ready … simply ready. You are aware Blossom, for it has been spoken of many times … of the armies of Light that are in position for when these great changes take place on your planet.  At this time many wonder why they are here. They KNOW they are here to be part of something profound … yet they cannot find their way. We tell you … in your future days … when we visit in LOVE … each soul shall have their duties awakened from within. A vast awakening will take place on a scale as yet unimaginable … KNOWLEDGE shall be redeemed for some instantaneously … and it is for those warriors to take their command and lead those who are afraid and lost BOLDLY into THE NEW WORLD … and dearest souls of earth, we shall proudly be by your side.
Dearest souls of elsewhere …. We SO look forward to it!
In Love … from a heart down here that is full to the brim with many things … and in amongst it all is the deepest LOVE for your ‘giving’.  Thank you.
And our gratitude to each one that allows us the privilege to continue, by the support given.
Bye. Until next time then.

December 7, 2008


16.   Morning! Are you game for answering these questions that a 15 year old boy sent through? Would be something different don’t you think? I know you know many ask me to ask you questions … for some reason I know you want me to do this.
It would be interesting … for some of our ‘takes’ on the questions may differ from what their original intent is.
No matter. Let’s give it a go shall we?
We first of all ask you Blossom to go a little deeper within your position of your head space with us?
Did as I was asked. OK here goes.
1.What is their location in the universe?
The particular ship that we are communicating from has been circling your orbit for thousands of years. Therefore we do not have one position for we move when aptly convenient and necessary.
2. Are they much more intelligent than us?
We would say by your behavior as a species sometimes … YES. But in Truth …. NO. We KNOW of more things, but we would say that if the fullness of the human brain were to be in use we would be asking you for tutorage.
3. What do they look like?
We have stated before that aboard our craft there are many from many planets. Look at the differences within the human race and try to imagine the vast differences that may occur between those from different planets. We are from many places and each look very different. We say that some of us ‘put on’ an appearance in order to be accepted, as it is necessary to do so. There are those who visit us from THE HIGH COUNCIL that ‘adorn’ an appearance as they are simply DIVINE ENERGY. We, that are communicating with Blossom are a Conscious Energy. We embrace many. We are not necessarily as you may imagine. It is that we ‘give out’ an appearance in order to be recognized. We that are speaking now are an ‘All’.  Yet we present to Blossom of ‘Star-kind Beings' as in  … almost white transparency bodies, very lean, very tall, no hair follicles, with large eyes and a ‘line’ where ‘your’ lips are placed. Blossom is feeling LOVE more than the vision we present, as this is how we CHOOSE to appear for convenience purposes ... There is a large spectrum.
4. What exactly do they think of us?
It is not in the ways of your world. We do not form opinions or make judgments. WE LOVE YOU …EACH AND EVERYONE … for that is who we are and what we know. That is not to say that sometimes we find certain distinctions (?) baffling!
5. How many other intelligent species are they in contact with?
All. It is difficult for you to comprehend. For in a sense WE ARE All. WE THE FEDERATION OF LIGHT ARE PART OF IT ALL. From your position even trying to explain would not be understood. Please KNOW we are ALL … therefore in contact with ALL.
6. What are the other species like? What do the other species think of us?
We would be here for too long if we were to give you ALL of that information. And we would say there is too much to go into. Would we say perhaps, that any one thing that you could imagine or create in your mind regarding a species and a planet … Then there is one! From where you sit as humans, it is simply impossible for you to grasp the VASTNESS.  It cannot be done by you in your position. It is never ending. There are never ending planets and species upon those planets. It is so. And yet … there is a place within the soul self, a place that one can KNOW of EVERYTHING. This may not be understood on one level , yet ask yourselves if it is TRUE and the part of your Being that IS THIS KNOWING will tell you this is so.
7. Do any of the ET’s want to or have they wanted to destroy us?
On this matter we would say there are those who were once ‘detached’ from the human race who have chosen to connect with forces that do not serve the whole … but the individual groups that yearn for power. It is not so much of wanting to destroy as to control, which could involve destroying if it became necessary. Yet we say to you … these ones that have succumbed to greed and allowed the forces that are not of the Divinest Light to engulf them, shall in time return , as indeed all energy shall … TO THE LIGHT FROM WHENCE ITCAME. This is all we chose to say on this matter. Other than , we have those in place that spend a great deal of energy focusing purely on bringing these Beings out of the position they have trapped themselves within and back into their rightful place. This is no easy task as they have allowed themselves to enter into the vibration of your planet in a fuller way than is of safety to do so. Once this takes place, it takes much work to undo the ‘damage’ that has been done. And yet we say …. There are no mistakes. Life unfolds. All life. It is as it is. No more. No less.
8. Do they know anything about 2012?
Indeed. We wish those who read these words to know that 2012 is a ‘predicted’ space in your time. How YOU AS A RACE perform the necessary upliftment shall determine WHAT actually takes place and WHEN …. and HOW. It is up to you. Many fail to realize this.
9. What are their and other species religious beliefs (if any)?
10. What do they do in their lives?
Upon our ship, it is like your world. It has to function. Therefore there are many that are assigned to the continual upkeep of the energies of the vessel. And in answer to many … our particular ship IS an actual vessel. We live our lives via energetic vibrations. There are those whose task it is to keep these vibrations on their correct frequency etc. So many many things that we do in order to function and adhere to our mission. We do not need sleep as you on earth do. Yet we have … shall we say ‘switch off time.’
11. Do they have a "base" on our moon like me and many others suspect?
We would not call it a base. We would say there is a ‘set up’ there. Just as there are ‘set ups’ in your oceans and in your caverns. It is unknown by many exactly how close certain undertakings by others that are not of your species are involved with your race. And this does not mean simply on a telepathic mentality. You would be very surprised at how close physically some Beings are. It does not mean that they are of the same vibration as yours though and this makes a difference …. Regarding in your world you say …. Seeing is believing.
12. How do their crafts/UFO's work?
Energy powered from crystal. Too large a matter to enter into. These crystals are our lifeline so to speak. That is another ‘job’ for many. These crystals are what we would call ‘sacred’ to a certain degree. They are strongly guarded and maintained.
13. What exactly is their plan for "fulfilling our planet's destiny"?
To assist. Only to assist. To show a better way. A way that is of Love. That is our plan in its simplest form.
14. How, why and when did they find out about us? Did they help in our evolutionary process?
Some of us created you! We have known of you since the beginning of you. We have been closely observing you ever since your creation. It is part of the plan when you were created to be observed in this way. To see how the experiment panned out.
15. Are they of the same or very similar race as we are?
Some on our ship are quite similar in appearance and yet with all respect we would say it is of appearance only in which there are similarities. You must try to understand that this ship we speak of is not small. It is probably beyond your comprehension. There are ships used in this ship to travel to different locations upon it.
16. Do some of our governments know about them? Are some of our governments involved with them or other ET's?
All of your governments know about us. All of your governments have been in contact with us. So much is to be revealed to you as your time in the near future of your days unravels. It is inappropriate to speak more of this at this time. The TRUTH will be revealed. There is a sureness of this.
17. How do most of them communicate?
Telepathically. It is quickest and clearest. Much can be transferred in one thought form. Words can be misconstrued. Feelings cannot.
18. Do they admire any of our inventions, art, abilities or accomplishments?
Your inventions were from us. Ideas put into your heads. That is not to underestimate the inventors! The ones on your planet who brought these ideas into palpable matter. Who made something from a thought, become a reality. Is this not ‘life’? For Art … we indeed are overcome with emotion at times (although many of you believe us not to have such a thing.)  The beauty that is brought forth from the depths of Love within the soul into creations for another to purvey is indeed a human quality that thrills. It Lightens your planet. And accomplishments? Of course. We often find ourselves like proud parents. The bravery of some of your race is far beyond expectations and it fills us with hope. For indeed … YOU ARE PART OF US … JUST IN ANOTHER FORM AND DIMENSION. That is all.
19. Are they in any way sexually attracted to humans?
We are not of that way with the human race. Sexuality is a certain energy vibration upon your planet and it is not of our vibration. It holds a certain frequency. May we say … what was ‘designed’ with the creation of the human was something beautiful regarding sexual attraction and its activities. Much has been lost from its original intent and lesser Light forces have taken it from its place of beauty into a place that we do not consider to hold any light at all sometimes. Yet, would we say … those who take these activities within LOVE  … experience a High level of the vibration for which it was originally intended. It indeed can be a place to ‘go home’ for a while. Freedom of choice. Some upon our vessel have ‘needs’ that are similar, yet different. Others are beyond this and have no necessity for it in their energy.
20. Will they accept any humans into alliances or relationships with them?
We will accept ALL those willing.
21. What sort of animals are there outside of our solar system?
It would depend on what dimension you are residing within!! A vast amount of different ‘animals’ exist. Although not necessarily the name that is given for such energies elsewhere. Again this is a subject that could take an eternity to embark upon.
22.  What is in store for our race in the future?
That is entirely up to your race. You choose!
WELL ... THANK YOU ! Just thought I’d go for it. Variety is the spice of life. In case you don’t know the young man’s name is Curtis.
We knew.
 Thought you might! Till next time. Gotta go or I might topple of me perch!
One more thing … When each one of you takes a silent moment to connect with us … notice the ‘feeling’ in your Being. We are saying HELLO.
Cool. And I’m saying goodbye!
How many of you really know why you are here? It seems to us that you invent scenarios to play out games that are of NO VALUE to your actual purpose on your earth plane. These scenarios do not benefit yourselves or anybody else …. OR your planet.
 And yet you continue to spin around on a Ferris wheel of pointlessness.
Are you generalizing? … Not all of us folk are like this …. Are not there more and more Light workers on the planet who are waking up and doing the exact opposite of what you are saying?
To a certain degree. And please accept that given the formation of the matrix that you are within, we understand that it is a different form of dwelling from that in which we dwell , and therefore we are not able to understand ‘FULLY’ that which you upon earth must undergo.
Forgive me … but I have understood you to be very Enlightened Beings … I would have thought that you WOULD know of such things and understand them.
Being aware of certain matters is not quite the same as experiencing them for the self, do you see?
Yes, I get that.
There are many things that we observe and although this means we KNOW of them, it does not mean that we grasp the point of them.
Tell me about it!!!
You see dear ones … We fully acknowledge our position within the grand scheme of things at this given moment. We proceed with our ‘callings’ and take them to the limits of possibilities …  In the KNOWING that our purpose is to bring you of earth into your next phase. This we have been committed to. This we shall steadfastly adhere to. This mission of ours. This mission of yours. We each have our part to play. Just as you Blossom have your role in all of this.
And many like me … I am aware of the changes within myself … and indeed those around me and those who contact me to let YOU know of the change within … It has come to be known as THE ACSENSION I believe. Can you tell us more about all this … if it is appropriate?
As you look around your planet, as you observe through your computers, you do … in a fashion … exactly what we do. You observe what is talking place upon it. You learn of good things and you become aware of the not so good. Each and every one of you as an individual is responsible for your own Ascension. You cannot simply hope that you will be taken along with the tide … it is not like this. For you cannot move into a vibration unless the entirety of yourself as a soul sphere (?) is able to sit comfortably in that new place. It simply does not work in a way that would allow this to beTherefore …. This is why we are asking those of you who ARE aware to assist. This is why you are here.  Not just for yourselves, but for your world as a whole. As a ONENESS. It is essential for those in the KNOW to liberate those who are not yet able to understand this movement into Higher Realms. It is interesting to us, that some have slipped away from reading our words, for they are not to do with what you in your world express as UFO’s and all the phenomena that goes with it. And yet …. What theses souls do not understand is that these words of LOVE that we offer is exactly what all this UFO phenomena is about!!!! So many of you want to see for yourselves … these wondrous ships in your skies … to PROOVE to yourself that there is more … more to your earthly existence than just that of the goings on upon your planet. You need the proof. This is what you desire. And yet, what many of you cease to understand, is that until there are a certain amount of souls that can ‘anchor’ our vibration we cannot present ourselves on a continual basis. Yet we know that more and more are Ascending. This is not to be confused with the actual ASCENSION … which is in preparation at all times as you move forward.
So, the Oct 14th appearance that didn’t appear? You have explained in latter days that those down here would have caused much destruction if you had revealed yourself and therefore you made the decision to abort … for now… and yet … were there enough of us who were of the correct vibe to allow your appearance to happen and anchor you ?
Initially. For the first “WOW”! Yes indeed. And yet we were also aware of matters that derived during those months prior to Oct 14th that were of a fearful nature regarding economic crisis etc that were creating mass fear within those who were already so fearful. Many things are now in place that were not before. The wise Energy that you know as White Cloud has taught many that there is reason in ALL things and that ALL IS AS SHOULD BE. We say to you that when we say ‘Hello’ …  when we stream down into your atmosphere with a GLOW that Brightens the entire planet … that it will be understood by all that indeed this BELOVED Energy is indeed ALL KNOWING.
 I can feel you wanting me to ask this … so I’ll go along with you … This feeling I have of  ‘KNOWING’ you will present yourself as you have promised … why do I (of all people) also feel like … ‘whatever .. if you do you do, if you don’t you don’t’… Is this because I am … dare I use the word … ' afraid' of the same outcome as last time? … Disappointment? … So in a sense,I just allow all things to unfold and simply get on with life? And yet, if that is the case … why do I still sit here and do these channellings with you … I mean where is it all leading ?
It is leading you into The Ascension. It is leading you into a place that will show that who we are and what are intentions have always been will come to fruition and that we would not desert you after all you have done. We would not allow a soul of any caliber to serve us in the way you have, only to be throttled (?) and left to deal with the aftermath. Do you think this would be so?
It really is ok. Truly. I have dealt with what I had to deal with, and I believe I am a stronger person for it. And besides it wasn’t just me! Many put themselves on the line within their surroundings and within their friend and family circles and had to deal with the same ‘humiliation’. People say to me … ‘weren’t you just al little angry with the federation?’… To which I say …‘Not really. It was more confusion and questioning of Trust etc etc’. You see, as you know, I can FEEL your LOVE; therefore I continue to communicate with you in this way. Where it leads I have no idea, and really it isn’t about ‘validating ME’. It is about our world and making it better … and somehow… we all know you are not coming to save us … but … if you were to show … I think it would help us so much… It would change things … but I guess when you are ready you are ready. And I cannot deny that 'SOMETHING' … whatever that 'SOMETHING' is … FEELS/KNOWS that one day you will present your ship to us, and a ray of LIGHT LOVE AND HOPE will  shine down … and those of us who KNEW of this in the core of our Beings will fall to our knees in wonderment.
Your world is changing and we are effervescing with the progress that is taking place due to each one of you changing. Each one shall find their place in this New World. Each one has the choice to be part of it. We say to you before we part this day …
BELOVED ONES …. There is a LOVE that is to enter into your Beings that is the TRUTH of your soul. It is the recognition of yourself as you are in your LIGHTNESS.
YOUR LIGHTBODY. THIS IS YOUR ASCENSION. Returning into your LIGHTBODY. As you radiate LOVE so shall you Ascend. This is so.
Many thanks. Swords of Light to the skies… always!! Golden Rays!

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