Tag: energy transmissions

Thought Fields


23 March 2012

Channeler: David Miller

Copyright © 2012 David K. Miller davidmiller@groupofforty.com www.groupofforty.com

Greetings, I am Juliano. We are the Arcturians. Thought fields are an important aspect in un...

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Self Love or Will Evil people Ascend?


by Selene Aswell

Will the whole world go to the 5th dimension, if there are evil people in the world?

I AM Adama, High Priest of Telos, and I want to say first, before saying anything else. . . I love you. All of you. Eve...

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We Once Powered the Whole Planet


Adama through Diane Robbins, Jan. 2012


Greetings, our dearest soul daughter on Earth. We are the Crystal Kingdom [Agartha] yearning to continue our dialogue with you. Know that we do rememb...

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DL Zeta – Steps to Navigating Summer 2011’s Celestial Portals


Summer 2011’s celestial portals kick off today with a new moon partial lunar eclipse in Gemini. Today’s celestial portal sets the stage for a sequence of summer openings that include a June 15 total lunar eclipse in Sagitt...

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For Lemurians, Atlanteans, and All Humanity


*   *  *  * Attention Lemurians and Atlanteans *  *  *  *

Wow, wow, wow!!!  As you have already heard, the first call in my new Webinar series, ...

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Awakening the Lemurian Contract Webinar

Posted on March 10, 2011 by My Greater Presence

I AM Karen LaRue Moye and I AM My Greater Presence today and everyday.


Awakening the Lemurian Contract

A Webinar from Kauai, Hawaii

with Karen LaRue Moye

On the ...

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10-10-10 Stargate – Lightworker to the New Human

Ashira - Sm Vertical copy

Message from Naeshira | Ashira

Telepathic transmission 15 September 2010

Meredith Murphy | www.expectwonderful.com

The remaining aspects within the year are for reminding you of y...

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Our Inner Stability

Often when preparing to write my monthly article, I will awaken with a song playing in my head or even an image that I want to use. I have learned to trust these gentle nudges knowing it will all fit and flow together. The morning of the auspicious full moon of May 27, I awoke hearing the tune "June is busting out all over." It's a song from the 1960's musical Carousel that I remember seeing as a child. Its one of those uplifting tunes that is easy to whistle - something I seem to do a lot. Another beautiful song from the same musical is "You'll never walk alone." Both of these lovely tunes speak to the energy and feeling of June's energy.

June IS busting out all over and opens to the door to yet another dramatic energy change - something all of us have been feeling as expectation for the past few months. As we step into June and the many powerful alignments it brings, we are being charged to hold consciously and with intent "our inner stability." In many ways, June will feel like a completion of the multitude of energy changes during the past five months and at the same time begins a new set of vibrational opportunities that will converge during the next three months.

I have written often on the increased vibration, frequency and light that is streaming to us through our sun via the Central Sun. Many have written recently on the increased solar flare activity and pulsing of energy coming from our sun. This energy is the precursor for the energy of June and the coming months.

We are all aware of the dramatic earth changes occurring, earthquakes, and volcanic eruptions and of course the dramatic oil spill wreaking havoc in the Gulf of Mexico. The extent of the damage to oceans and wildlife is difficult to comprehend, and can throw us into a feeling of hopelessness. So much is changing on our beloved Mother Earth; our evolutionary path is moving a break neck speed. During the month of May, it felt that the energy fluctuations were occurring almost hourly and challenged the very core of our Inner Stability. It was physical and emotionally challenging to hold our balance.

We are walking between the two dimensional worlds of 3D and 5D. We have effectively reformatted our inner relationship within our sacred heart space, and created a deeper awareness of what we are vibration ally a match too and with. We have begun a quickening of our Lightbody that has created waves of vital energy woven with the quantum light from our sun. Our brain activity is changing, our nervous system is being bridged with these light frequencies, and our physical body has to adapt daily as the energy illuminates, transmutes and transforms. Many found there cognitive thinking was gone, unable to put thoughts together or remember simple tasks. Periods of "daydreaming" into nothingness was also common.

Fatigue, sleep interruptions, feeling unplugged, headaches, body pain were also felt. May energy changed almost hourly, where energy seemed to be flooding in or we felt we just needed to rest, be quiet, and not think. Our Inner Stability is indexed directly to our emotions, and how we "feel" about every thought we have, the words we speak and more importantly the energy behind our words. We are in relationship to everything and everything has changed, hence the feeling of completion.

In June, we will begin a new relationship that is much more internal and focused on how we adapt to the increased frequency that will continue to escalate over the coming weeks. Our thought patterns and beliefs are melting away as new patterns form, nudging us to operate more from within our heart. We are multi-dimensional beings always have been and always will be. We operate through a complex matrix of communication between our higher dimensional selves and our current 3D model.

In June, the communication will become clearer and more concise, our inner knowing more heightened. We have asked for this and prepared deeply for it, however it is new and requires discernment as so much information floods in from our own guidance and inner communication and that of others. This more than anything will forge our inner stability and trust, that we are right where we are supposed to be. That being said - how do we feel about where we are at?

How we feel is the magic indicator and most truthful communication we have as our constant companion. What we now know is that how we feel is completely our own personal choice. Our emotional body is our cosmic guide to our inner stability, when there is a congruent flow of energy through our spiritual, emotional, mental and physical body we feel balanced, and able to access more of our light.

The other tune from the musical I mentioned earlier is "You'll never walk alone." The lyrics are so simple yet offer hope for the new.

When you walk through a storm
Hold your head up high
And don't be afraid of the dark

At the end of the storm
Is a golden sky
And the sweet silver song of the lark

Walk on through the wind
Walk on through the rain
Though your dreams be tossed and blown

Walk on walk on with hope in your heart
And you'll never walk alone
You'll never walk alone

Rogers and Hammerstein.

How perfect and fitting a reminder for these times of uncertainty and great change. I realize this isn't news but it is a reminder that feels good. Remembering we chose to be here for the Ascension of our beloved Mother Earth, we aren't alone in any of this.

Let these words and others like it be our mantra for June and the coming months.

We know we are in a time of great transition and transformation. Our role for June is to focus on the "golden sky" or golden age that is coming and make it apart of our reality NOW. We do this by maintaining our inner stability within our heart as one of joyful, playful acceptance. Throwing off the shackles of old judgments and fear, shining who we are. It is our birthright to feel joy and contentment, this is the communication standard of our Lightbody.

During the past few months, we have effectively upgraded our operating system, through the many layers of vibrational upgrades. We often felt like we were slogging through mud, out of the flow of what felt good and uplifting.

The focused energy of June will be the call to place our attention and priority into the expansion of our Lightbody. Our beloved starseed families are The Arcturians, Pleiadians and others are beaming this transformational energy process NOW. Through our heart portal we access our 5D consciousness, allowing us to radiate who we truly are and communicate the wisdom, love and powerful energy of our grand non-physical self. Our awakening is a personal journey of immense proportion and requires attention and intention to trust in inner nudges and communication with our Lightbody.

The energy transmissions of June will be constant, like surfing giant waves. Our Lightbody interface is through our sacred heart, where the frequency birthright of unconditional love will continue to shift our human perceptions of love and open our vibration to the expansion of greater "inner stability"

The frequency and vibration of "unconditional love" is the life force of our Lightbody and the foundation/creation of the higher dimensions. We are merging more and more with this energy in our ascension preparation to fire our cells and bodies to light. We speak of unconditional love on our planet, but in truth, it is a difficult energy to hold in our 3D existence. We often receive snippets of this quantum energy and then must be diligent to re-calibrate our physical body. June will open more pulsing of this energy and we will need time to assimilate and merge within its wisdom.

Kind, gentle and allowing of this process is paramount, taking the position that this integration process is first and foremost in our service to our NOW self. We may require more quiet time alone in contemplative communication with our inner guidance. This can feel overwhelming if we are constantly doing and it is important to accept and allow how YOU feel in every given moment.

Several planetary alignments during the month will support and amplify this increased pulse of energy. Each Full Moon and New Moon offers a timing of profound change and an opportunity for review. The Solstice on June 21 is always a powerful time of celebration and ceremony. Solstice literally means "stand still of the Sun", where the sun rises and sets at the same place on the horizon for three days, appearing to stand still. This timing will be a potent pulse of increased frequency to the planet and our Lightbody.

We also have a partial Lunar Eclipse this month at the time of the Full Moon on June 26. A Lunar eclipse supports our emotional relationship with our self and others, and will be a time of further inner review.

All in all June will blast open change of many outmoded beliefs or limitations. It will feel intense yet filled with optimism if we choose to feel and allow the light attunements to articulate that expression. Our physical body as always will require support in whatever way you feel is right for you. Optimal mineral support in imperative for keeping our cells vibrant, and able to hold increased electrical charge. They also allow us to remain hydrated and support all body systems.

Stay relaxed and calm during the coming energy downloads, feel supported and allowing of the changes. Tune into the feelings emanating from your Lightbody of Love, Joy and Laughter - this vibration is the purest most powerful force in our entire universe.

Remember that laughter is the quickest way to feel our soul and a smile given or received - the kiss of an angel. We are all connected in this magnificent timing and journey together. 

Keep Shining your Gorgeous Light!

With Love and Blessings in Service


Copyright © Shala Mata 2009

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