Tag: energy system (page 1 of 5)

5 Ascension Insights Most People Aren’t Talking About: Insight #3

By Mercedes Kirkel INSIGHT #3: DON’T ASSUME YOUR PROCESS WILL LOOK LIKE ANYONE ELSE’S   Most, if not all, of the difficult symptoms people experience in the ascension process are signs of purification. As our energy system opens to stronger and higher frequencies, any blocks we have in our energy circuits are getting blasted with […]

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Lisa Gawlas – May 20, 2012 – The Beginning Of The End! – 11 May 2012


May 11, 2012

I am starting to notice a repetitive pattern in the field of light, in my readings.  It seems that when we (humanity) are on the verge of another avalanche of higher frequency Light energy, the field mo...

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Medical Intuition and Energy Medicine by Dr Liliana Cerepnalkoski


Medical Intuition and Energy Medicine From Ancient Spiritual Traditions to Modern Scientific Breakthroughs

Medical Intuition and Energy Medicine are emergent disciplines derived from ancient spiritual traditions. Today, these su...

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Liberating the Physical Template of the New Human


a message from Archangel Michael channeled by Meredith Murphy

Tuesday, 1 May, 2012  (posted 3 May, 2012)

Greetings Beloveds,

I come to you in peace.

I transmit today the Golden Light from the City of Light where ...

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04-04-2012 ~ The Fourth Initiatory Gateway of Light

~ 04-04-2012 ~ Fourth Initiatory Gateway of Light ~

You Tube http://www.youtube.com/user/AnritaMelchizedek

Mp3 download www.pleiadianlight.net/dl.htm

On April 4th 2012, we enter into the fourth initiatory Gateway of Light through the Overlighting of the fourth ray of harmony through conflict, and a beautiful Emerald Green Flame of Light, amplified in focus through the Christ Full Moon on April 6th, and taking us into deeper levels of the knowing of ourselves as these Christ Conscious Beings of Light. This initiation, esoterically referred to the Initiation of Renunciation, takes us off the Wheel of Karma onto the Spiral of Forward Evolution through our ability to let go of any perceived conflicts within our lives and experience a deeper expression of our creative natures through the wild man/wild woman archetypes. As co-creators to the Company of Heaven and these sacred transfiguring Flames of Divine Love, this ray offers us an opportunity to experience the Christed Timelines and New Earth Templates through a deeper understanding of our service work in peace, freedom and joy, creativity and Love; individual and collective signatures of our magnificence and preciousness, while bringing a focus to greater levels of universal abundance and interconnectivity with one another.

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Global healingsession for Mother Earth, April 6th


Dear members of the network,

Welcome to join us in the Mother Earth Network’s monthly global healing session for our beloved Mother Earth!

The session takes place Friday, April 6th, 8.00 pm - 8.30 pm Swedish time zo...

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Public channeling of Toisheeba from "Arrakas," channeled by Maria Bertram, Stockholm, Sweden, May 9th 2011



This document is created by Manne Lindberg and Maria Bertram, who run the global Mother Earth Network in Sweden outside of Stockholm. More information about the network follows the channeling.

This public channeli...

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Global healingsession for Mother Earth, February 7th


Dear members of the network, 

Welcome to join us in the Mother Earth Network’s monthly global healing session for our beloved Mother Earth!

The session takes place Tuesday, February 7th, 8.00 pm - 8.30 pm ...

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Next healing session for Earth January 9th + All dates for 2012!


Dear members of the network,

Welcome to join us in the Mother Earth Network’s monthly global healing session for our beloved Mother Earth!

The session takes place Monday, January 9th, 8.00 pm - 8.30 pm Swedish time zone ...

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2012 – A New Evolution of Consciousness


a message from Archangel Gabriel channeled by Shanta Gabriel

Friday, 30 December, 2011  (posted 29 December, 2011)

People of the world, unite in Divine Love, and let your hearts sing together in the Light of true Peace. ...

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High Council of Orion message for 28th december


28 December 2011

Channeler: Karen Doonan

We come to further support and guide as all are now beginning to turn their thoughts inwards, for many the dawning of a new calendar year is a time of deep thinking and we are here to h...

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17 December 2011

Channeler: Ute

Listen to this message on YouTube

Dear One, I am Lady Portia!

Can you feel my sweet light soothing your body and filling it with bliss? When St. Germain spoke to you last time, I, ...

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Kryon: "The Great Human Awakening"


Kryon ~ Channelled through David Brown 11 November 2011 at Santiago, Chile Greetings dear ones, for I AM Kryon of Magnetic Service.

It’s wonderful to be in Santiago on 11-11-11, and this channeling is by appointment only...

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