Tag: energy stream

Lisa Gawlas – Are You Ready To BE The Living Expression Of The Rainbow Energy?


Something special has indeed happened on our planet earth over the last few days. I pray with all my heart I can share what I understand coherently and clearly.

We have a new and permanent element on earth. Up until yesterday, our...

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Jafree Ozwald ~ Enlightened Beings ~ How To Access Your Magic Inner Genie ~ 28 February 2012


One who is connected to the Energy Stream is more powerful than a million who are not. And two who are harmoniously focused and connected to the Energy Stream brings about a co-creative endeavor that cannot be matched by anything ...

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A Super Activation for Everyone just after 11/11/11 and so much more!


17 September 2011

Channeler: Lisa Gawlas

Everything is moving faster with each accelerated day. The sheer diversity and yet similarities I am seeing now within the people I connect to, humbling. I laid down last evening and po...

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Surrender & Allow


a message from Goddess of Creation channeled by Shelly Dressel

Sunday, 5 June, 2011  (posted 17 June, 2011)

This channel is a little shorter than most of them, but it’s packed with some amazing energies!! I had bor...

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Soul Transitions Vibe Report April 2011


a message from The Vastness of Being

channeled by Nancy Leilah Ward

Wednesday, 20 April, 2011  (posted 21 April, 2011)


As above, so below. So much is happening and shifting on multidimensional levels....

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1.11.11 – The Gateway of Power


a message from Archangel Gabriel channeled by Shanta Gabriel Tuesday, 11 January, 2011

Gateways of Power are moments of clear invitation when Divine energies are aligned to support you. The Archangels hold the pillars of this ga...

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Eckhart Talks About Presence in Conversation

a message from Eckhart Tolle

Monday, 9 August, 2010 

Question:  How do I maintain a sense of presence when I’m in the company of another person?  How do I bring presence into conversat...

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Mission 1017 Explained!

In the great game of creation you are a Wayshower. In this position you are contracted by higher intelligences to manifest constituency. Wayshowers are to integrate one million followers into the space of the fifth dimensional awareness upon the Solar Alignment of Arcturus.
The Arcturian Alignment is the first major move of the Wayshowers in the game to create the new world of the Fifth Sun. At this point of time and space Ultraviolet is the most powerful cosmic energy stream of the Galaxy. The highest intelligences of this Universe through our twin universe record that an Ultraviolet beam of energy will enter this planet through the Arcturian Doorway. At this Libra 24 point in alignment with Arcturus this stream will invoke a massive increase in fifth dimensional light transmission. The planet will experience and pass through a highly charged membrane of photons which will expand, intensify and increase all thoughts, feelings and actions.

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