Tag: energy shift (page 2 of 2)

The Arcturian Group through Marilyn Raffaelle, April 3, 2011


My dear ones, you who are experiencing so much at this time.  We are here with you, we see your struggles and we ask you to be patient for all is proceeding according to plan. It seems often that there is no plan, however there m...

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Montague Keen – March 13, 2011


March 13, 2011

Your world progresses through the many changes that are necessary for you, to fully wake up out of the darkness, and see the Light that you have been deprived of, so that the Dark Cabal could keep you all in a st...

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Energy Shifts and Power Plays


a message from Jennifer Hoffman

Monday, 10 January, 2011  (posted 13 January, 2011)

Read all of the predictions for 2011 here.

In 2011, as in previous years, we will experience a number of vortex shifts and the influ...

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How’d we get so LUCKY to know you?



I just wanted to send another love note to you with some more tips for generating and creating a fabulous reality.  There’s several ways to use repetitive talk in our world.  Mantras are one way as in AQUAMANTRA water, like I AM LUCKY.  Did you know though, that you can also say I HAVE ALWAYS BEEN LUCKY?  Pick up your bottle of AQUAMANTRA and look to the right of your bottle. On the bottom corner it says just that. We tell the water it has always been lucky, sort of an infinity of the reality you want.  Some people say "I want to be lucky" but that is really outside of themselves right? It’s like reaching into the future, which is really a trap because the future doesn’t exist and you’ll never reach it. You’re always in the present.  This is why we promote using the mantra I AM LUCKY.  Even though the past has already come and gone, you can trick your mind into what the past could have been too.  

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Today’s Energy Shift is From an AM to FM Frequency

Posted: 02 Nov 2010 01:17 PM PDT

Channeled for Life Tapestry Creations.com by Brenda Hoffman

Dear Ones,

This is a difficult day for many of you. The energy patterns are shifting dramatically for those of you ready to receive the new waves. Ev...

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I’m Your Past Are You Going My Way?

a message from Jennifer Hoffman

Wednesday, 22 September, 2010 

I know I just sent out an Ascension Insight message yesterday but was guided to send this one today because what I experienced i...

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You Are Far More Courageous Than You Realize

Posted: 08 Sep 2010 01:24 PM PDT

Channeled for Life Tapestry Creations.com by Brenda Hoffman

Dear Ones,

This week may be uncomfortable for many of you. You may feel as if you are at the starting gate and the gun has sounded; b...

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The Infinite Human: Order

a message from Scott Rabalais

Thursday, 2 September, 2010 

The 2004 Indian Ocean tsunami took the lives of over 200,000 people.  The same can be said for the 2010 Haiti earthquake, which als...

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In the Flow of Lightbody

Sunday, 01 August 2010

This channel with the Goddess came as somewhat of the first anniversary from the time the Lightbody energy began to contact us.  We all have light bodies within and around us that work to support who we...

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Feeling the energy shift? We’re in transformation…

Greetings!     Hi everyone,   I rarely send mid-week updates but this is such an important week and we are in such transformative times that I wanted to reach out to you and let you know what is happening this week and why you may ...

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Latent and New Talents to Express Your Being

Posted: 03 Jun 2010 12:40 PM PDT

Channeled by Brenda Hoffman for Life Tapestry Creations.com

Dear Ones,

Those of you who follow various daily blogs and/or are attuned to energies know that you have again completed a major energy shift. As a result, you are able to perceive more and different information.

Many of you are concerned about death. Not necessarily what type of death you will experience, but when your death will occur. You will never experience death. You will experience transitions, you will experience the spirit world and any other world you wish to experience, but you cannot experience death.

Now that we have laid your fears on the table, let us continue with a thought about 2012. It is a transition. End of story.

Of course, your obvious question has to be, “What type of transition?” We reassure you that the 2012 transition has nothing to do with the end of the physical earth; and everything to do with your spiritual earth.

How you communicate, with whom you communicate, how you interact and why you interact with others will change dramatically. But the physical earth will remain much the same. We cannot guarantee that the physical earth will remain exactly the same – for change is the operative word of the Universe – but all in all, there will not be many changes on the physical earth.

Physical earth is not going to disappear. Or become so dramatically different as not to be habitable or beautiful. As you shift, so is the earth shifting. But you are not shifting into a giant blue creature with a pointy head – similarly, earth is retaining its current configuration. Even though there will continue to be earthquakes, volcanoes and human made disasters, the general configuration of the earth will remain the same.

In some of our earlier materials, we discussed that the earth itself  was the basis of study in previous ages. This age – the Age of Aquarius – is about the study of your spiritual realms. Therefore, there will not be awe-inspiring earth discoveries as was the case when the first known explorers discovered the Americas. You will be exploring, and therefore discovering, your inner workings – latent and new talents with which to express your emotions and to relate to one another.

Will such inner explorations change the basic appearance of humanity? Somewhat. But not for the reasons you might expect. Once you begin relating to others with love and openness, you will appear softer and more gentle. Overall, earth lives will be extended for your current need to hide this piece or that piece of yourself will be negated with the new systems of communication. These new forms of communication will encourage and in fact, force you to create or find environments that are compatible with your being.  Let us give you an example.

Perhaps you do not like your employer – you feel that he or she is self-serving. You remain at this job because you have bills to pay. In the future, you will find yourself communicating with an openness you currently dream of. If you do not like an employer, you will create a better environment for yourself. End of stress – and therefore, the opportunity and likelihood that your earth lives will be extended by decades in the not-too-distant future (most of you reading these materials will opt to reincarnate on earth at least one more time during this New Age just to explore how different it feels from the current heaviness that surrounds you).

Which is no different from what happened when the exploration of the earth and other arenas outside of yourself were highlighted. Initially, humankind had the life expectancy of a few decades. But with the advances of medicine and your physical living spaces, ten decades of life on earth are no longer that unusual. Those ten decades will again be expanded as your inner workings catch up with your physical environment.

But such thoughts are neither here nor there. For the purpose on earth is not to have a contest of who can live the longest, but rather who can fulfill their dreams. And as your communication channels open, you will find your dreams much more accessible in a much more rapid fashion. You will change the Universe.

This message is the opening salvo on your new you. Whether you have yet acknowledged it to yourself or others, you can already sense and feel more than you did a week ago. You are perhaps feeling delicate or even ill. All healthy indicators that your inner being is shifting. Think of how earth appears after a volcano. Entities surrounding the volcanic activity delicately return to their habitat. And so it is with you.

Your inner being has shifted and will continue to shift dramatically throughout the next few months. And with every shift, your inner communication systems will open a bit more until interacting with openness, honesty and joy are expected. A bit like the difference between airplane travel at the turn of the 20th century and today. You expect to find a flight where ever you wish to fly. And you expect that flight to take hours instead of days. Yet, 100 years ago no one could have conceived of such ease of transportation.

Allow your inner workings to shift. And know from deep within yourself, that you will reduce your fears and greatly enhance your life on earth during this lifetime and every lifetime thereafter. So be it. Amen.

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