Tag: energy returning

Galactic Federation of Light Mary Magdalene April-07-2013

Pamela Kribbe — Mary Magdalene: Feeling at Home on Earth
Thanks to Wes Annac: http://aquariusparadigm.com/2013/04/07/pamela-kribbe-mary-magdalene-feeling-at-home-on-earth/#more-20924

Mary Magdalene: Feeling at Home on Earth
As channelled by Pamela Kribbe — February

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Montague’s Message for Sunday, 19th February 2012


My dear Veronica, as I told you this week, the Sword of Truth is cutting through all the corruption and exposing it. You received a copy of David Icke's new book, REMEMBER WHO YOU ARE. This book covers everything you need to know,...

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Healing Power of Animals Part 1


29 September 2011

Channeler: William LePar - The Council

In the next two postings William LePar's spiritual source, The Council, discusses animals and healing. They also point out that a person's attitudes towards anim...

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Higher Ground (Part 2)

~continued~ read this first…

The next morning, I slept in through the hours that I like to be conscious (04:00-06:00), and awoke heavy.  I went to my practice, doing a sweep like I usually do and I found something.  I began to work on it, but something distracted me.  Refocus, distraction, refocus, distraction, refocus, whisper, refocus, statement, discussion, slight argument, discussion, agreement…  It was over…  I had fallen.

It happens…  And so commenced 4 days of darkness culminating in yet another release and big soul recovery.  The days were grey, my energy low, and I was convinced my life was in a disarray.  And in an instant, it was… Everything halted, all progress that was made to that point, seemed as though a distant memory.  Thoughts, words and actions… you guessed it.  Corrupt.  I was suddenly disconnected from a source of information, knowledge and guidance  that I had come to know.  Where did it go?

Last week, A good friend of mine, in a coffee shop conversation said to me something like this, “I have experienced an enlightenment, the perfection of it all… the understanding and knowing that all is perfect, every experience… there is no good or bad… right or wrong, only being… now I will stop there, for respect to my brother’s words, but you get the idea.  It was what came next that went so deep as to plant the seed that would bring me to this moment, where with tears of joy and blissful laughter, I call my brother to thank him…  This is what he said.  But, I don’t feel it now…

the Buffalo Diaries 

Those words, that conversation… I get it now… again and I have remembered.  It is the difference between living in ordinary reality and non-ordinary reality.  I have experienced both and I can tell you with absolute certainty where the joy, happiness, bliss, nirvana… whatever terms you like, reside is where it’s at.  It is all available here in non-ordinary reality, including enlightenment…

I am so grateful for this experience, it has shown me so much.  During the “hit”, I was so heavy, burdened by the weight of nonsense, memories, mere perceptions of the past or fabrications based on fear about the future, it was really something.  In ordinary reality, or the realm of reason, they would say… take this pill, it’s depression or fellow commiserates would join for the afterwork cocktail that would extend into the late evening, where we would tell over and over again versions of the perception of some past or future…  Both a waste of energy, I am so grateful to be out of that trap…

But during the “hit”, there I was having a pity party and sending out invitations!  Any takers?  Those closest to me would take the biggest brunt of my delusions and my energy rippled throughout all Creation, resonating with this dense vibration.  All creativity stopped, the universe responding to me… Just as the Prince came to show me, I was creating my reality… And it happened instantaneously!

Ok, I have to interject some non-ordinary reality observations.  While writing this I have experienced tears of Joy and Happiness, Laughter for no reason, an outpouring of Love and Appreciation, the song another chance, and the word count at two significant insights were 777 & 1212 respectively..

So, I am onto something and back to being connected!  YAY!!!  But back to the recount…

Everything was devoid of life and my alignment was with anti-creation.  My partner, an extraordinary human being and shaman, brought her incredible presence, knowledge and experience to the situation, along with hours of soul retrieval.  She is a true angel and inspiration and I am Grateful beyond these words for her support.  But I continued to act out the destruction present in my field, anti-creation is like that… It suffocates, smothers and in all ways is a remover of life.

Several of the party invitations were met and advice given.  I started to see a way out and began to act…  I had asked for 3 signs to show me the way and there they were (or so I thought…), the song that was playing on the radio was the first sign.  The second was a jacket that had been stuffed in my truck for months had been peed on by our cat and lastly I lit a cigarette backwards.  My partner called it, but when it came up again later… I was convinced I knew what to do…  The advice I sought confirmed my notions and I began to make things happen.  The level of complexity ramped up immediately and the number of people involved grew, I was paddling upstream.  A dispatch came in for assignment, but in order to fulfill it enormous effort was needed.  I am so grateful to those who pledged there support for the endeavor should it be needed.

At some point that ran out and I started to vacillate.  I was starting to see through all this nonsense at that point, but was still with the anti-creation energy enough to go back to the misguided action.  As soon as I began the next phase, I cried.  Now,when I say this, let me describe the sensation first.  It felt as though the energy was being displaced so far askew in my heart center that my physical body pain receptors told my brain via instantaneous communication that my heart was being ripped, nope not enough… ripped out of my body.

Now, let me take a moment to tell you how disconcerting this was.  I was genuinely concerned with the heart thing, but the sound that was coming from my mouth was the wail of a dying mythical beast, prehistoric perhaps.  I have to laugh now, understanding the perfection of the setup.  Creator is amazing that way…  Perfectly crafted for my learning the lesson at precisely the exact moment in time that I needed to.  And, learn it I did.

Plodding aimlessly through the tasks before me, sobs wracking my ribs, gulping air not getting the exchange, did I mention the hand that was gripping my heart pulling agony through the center of my chest.  At some point, I stopped and sat down, started my breath-work, power animal digging for the roots and when Deva jumped in, we had it.  She backed me up and I went after it, what followed can only be described as an inter-play of light and dark, colors and shapes colliding brilliant spectrum light delights the senses tuned to my energy returning.  In it came, my authentic energy returning from a lifetime of trauma to my soul.  I remembered flashes confirmed back to 3 years old and multitudes of in-between… yes, there were flashes of the ancient canyons of the SW, Mayan and Egyptian… Beyond maybe, but can’t be certain.  And it all came back, and I talked with my Soul again…

And it was shown to me how important discernment is.  The signs I asked for… let’s check again.  The song… easily interpreted either way, however the cat pee… She only pees in the house when she senses darkness, in particular she is extraordinarily sensitive to anti-creation energy and is very discriminate if she senses it letting the one carrying it know for certain what she thinks about it.  And the cigarette… lighting it backwards a definite indication of anti-creation.  The signs were there all right, but hijacked for sure by the darkness that pervaded my non-ordinary reality.  Lesson learned and integrated…

Today, I was guided to a video excerpt that discuss acting from the heart.  If it felt good in the heart space he would act, if other than good he wouldn’t and he described energy and information, synchronicity, right place, right time, etc.  That was all I watched, but I had to laugh today… Fully in my Authentic Power and Grace, when yesterday  the choice I made nearly pulled mine out of my chest, rather painfully I might add… So, my Soul told me last night what was needed and I listened.

This morning my partner woke me up at 04:00, saying it was time to go to work…  I rolled over, scanned the perimeter, checking in with Creator and grounding to Mother Earth, I stood on the floor.  There was something amiss.  Together we cleared the house and drank tea and talked about Creation, continuing to cross over the energies of the early morning hours.  Following my heart and the rise and fall, grace and ease of the Waltz, my day unfolded miracles.

The wonderful folks at Red Rock Coffee in the VOC were awesome and the energy there was vibrant and alive.  We found a healing room/office.  Seeing my good friend, Ben at Ravenheart… And my Brother Joseph, blessings and thank you for your wisdom.  The writing flowed and the day has been and is perfect in every way…

I realized today the necessity to stay connected, unfettered and free to Creation.  Aligned to the Universal energies and flowing with the flow, waltz-like in nature, the natural way unfolds with no effort and joy and abundance abound.  This I have witnessed, participated in and created.  This I know as Truth.  And I know how to stay here, it takes work and practice,free will and diligence to the way; staying clear, so in the presence all is seen, all is known and complex patterns are understood.

I have made it to higher ground.  Thank you Creator and I now see the fall as a brilliant creation for my learning.  I trust myself now, far more than I ever did.  Ultimately that is what all my teachers have been suggesting, but as I have said all my life, I remember now, I have to see it for myself.  And I have and I remember so much now!  I will continue, I am…

Love and Kindness, Marc

the Buffalo Diaries

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Day 8 – Forgive and Release

We are energy beings; vibrating at different frequencies we move through this experience aware or unaware of this fact. There are many scientific proofs of this, however certainly hasn’t been consider mainstream science. There are those out there in the world today who are living examples of this phenomena. They are the Heroes of the Now. They are the ones who are bringing consciousness to Humanity. We can look to these beings who have truly embraced a new reality that has been available for all time and see what is in store for the Human Race.

We, as a species, are evolving into something new, something so beautiful and creative as to propel a giant leap in the evolution of mankind. We are at this place, teetering it seems on the fulcrum, at the tipping point with all the mass of the past pressing us to that place where it all changes. This, I have seen in my Journeys. This, others have seen, as well in their own way. The messages are clear and the guidance is strong.

We are moving towards the Shift, consciously or not, the choice is Now. Becoming aware of our True Nature and how we dance to the rhythms of Universe is a step on the way to Higher Consciousness. We have done that. We can look around, stripped bare to the Light of this Body and see the Truth of the Natural World. We are that, Nature. Look past the objects created for our apparent need and see the True Nature of All that IS.

Creation, it is all around, one must only look beyond the illusion created by the ego and influenced by mass consciousness and societal boundaries, to see it. Reach out right now with your hands, close your eyes and interact with the energy of creation. Like water in your hands, flowing through open fingers… cup your hands and hold it for a moment. With each breath feel it expanding and contracting, pulsing in your hands it is the life force, creation energy that surrounds and permeates all.

Today, on our Journey, as we take total personal responsibility for all our thoughts, words and actions, cancel contracts, vows and agreements and break all spells and curses recognize that in this moment you are free. You are part of Creation and Creation itself… On this Journey we must learn to Forgive and release those places in our past that we have bound ourselves to. We must let it go, through a process of forgiveness and release that is very personal in nature. It is your process… Stop here for a moment and breathe. Cycle through a few breaths and allow this to sink in…

This is your experience and you make it yours by doing. Today, create your process to forgive and release. You will know it is working when you get lighter. When your energy begins to expand in all directions and you can feel it radiating from your heart, you will know.

My experience with this process is that it is deep and transformative and much healing has come from it. I have found places that I was still connected to energetically that anchored my now experience to an event, situation or timeline in the past. I was experiencing something that was being filtered and influenced by the past and I found that I was not fully present. In Soul Retrieval, we Journey to search for those places and bring them into balance with Love and Kindness, returning energy to us now so we can become whole again. We use our emotions to serve as coordinates, markers that lead the way to the original fracture, so as to heal and bring the energy back into wholeness, rather than act out our them out in negative and harmful ways.

What releases the bind is forgiveness and release.

So, today we forgive ourselves… Go deep into your meditation today and align with Creation. Connect to the vibration of the Universe, the frequency of Love and work with it. See yourself as One with Creation, be One… There is no other and forgive. Let it go, see the chunks breaking free and falling away crumbling into nothing and everything returning to Creator for recycling stuck energy fades away and is replaced by the energy of Creation in this Divine Union with Creator.

Make it yours, work it. We call it doing the work for a reason, but what joyful and rewarding work it is. Come into alignment now with Creator, breath in the life energy that surrounds you always and let it go… See all the times in your life experiences where you have gone against creation and allow those blockages to dissolve, as you work the energy of forgiveness and release.

Forgive you. Say it out loud… I forgive and release you, your name   . Go where the energy guides you,  see your connections to those past events dissolve and the energy returning to you in a golden white light.  See it return to you and fill the spaces left by the releasing energy.  See this exchange in your own way and work with it… Coach and encourage yourself during this process, as you have access to your Higher Consciousness and Guides.  Allow this process to work as you work with it.  Allow the emotions to come into your awareness, connect to them only long enough to see what your need to see, then commence the forgiveness.  Ask Creator to show you the way, if you like.  Allow your True Nature to show you…  You know.

I am Love and Kindness… I feel Love and Kindness… I share Love and Kindness, I Love Myself completely, I Love all that I am, I Love all Creation…

I Forgive and Release myself from those times that I went against Creation…  I forgive and release myself completely.  I align to the Highest Good for all Creation.  I forgive myself…

See yourself standing tall in a golden radiating ball of golden white light and breathe…  See yourself whole and complete, One with all that surrounds you, One with all Creation… Creator.

Treat yourself well today… You deserve it.

Love and Kindness,


Heroes of the Now

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