Tag: energy portals

Galactic Federation of Light Matthew May-12-2013

Matthew Ward

Higher perspective of Earth; violence, duality; CIA, Boston marathon bombing; Zionist movement; UFO hearings; climate changing

With loving greetings from all souls at this station, this

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Marilyn Raffel – The Arcturian Group – May 21st 2012


MAY 21, 2012 Dear ones, we come again to remind you of the many changes you are about to see and are now seeing upon your planet. Changes are now taking place within the hearts of many who before this time seemed oblivious, allowing...

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Marilyn Raffaele – The Arcturian Group – May 21st 2012


MAY 21, 2012 Dear ones, we come again to remind you of the many changes you are about to see and are now seeing upon your planet. Changes are now taking place within the hearts of many who before this time seemed oblivious, allowing...

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Power Path ~ New Moon/Partial Solar Eclipse Update May 20, 2012


17 May 2012

Channeler: Lena Stevens


Dear Friends,

The New Moon and partial solar eclipse is Sunday May 20, at 5:48 PM Mountain Daylight Time. This is a very intense time that can bring breakage, conflict...

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2012 Network of Consciousness by Archangel Michael


Natalie Sian Glasson

2012 Network of Consciousness by Archangel Michael

22-04-12- Channelled through Natalie Glasson

With angelic love I come forward to connect with your energies, uniting the Creator aspect within us as o...

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Lisa Gawlas – Magnetic Accelaration = Earth Events. A Message From The Guardians and Pleiadians – 6 April 2012


April 6, 2012

A message from the Guardians and Pleiadians:

In this super accelerated time on earth, every thing is changing rapidly. Altho it is amplified most especially within this month of April, the acceleration...

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Passing through another energetic “Gateway” Portal

Remember in the movie “Papillon” (if you don’t remember this movie or it was before your time, google it and watch it. Its great!) when Steve McQueen had to go into solitary confinement (no! not that time in “The Great … Continue reading

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Kris Won, November 10, 2011


Greetings from Alpha Spaceship!

We are entering a new stage in the process of Ascension as a human race on this planet. We could say, without wishing to exaggerate, that the time you are in at this very moment is of enormous impor...

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Oct 10, 2011

Day Seven: A channeling by the Elders, ancient, celestial Beings and High Council Members to the Order of Melchizedek

By Anrita Melchizedek

Welcome sweet ones, it gives us great pleasure to be ...

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Power Nodes and the Various Dimensional Shifts and USING Your Power!


24 September 2011

Channeler: Lisa Gawlas

I so love this universe, multi-verses that we live and love within, so very much! I have said many times before, ask, and you shall receive every single time, without fail... just not a...

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1.11.11 – The Gateway of Power


a message from Archangel Gabriel channeled by Shanta Gabriel Tuesday, 11 January, 2011

Gateways of Power are moments of clear invitation when Divine energies are aligned to support you. The Archangels hold the pillars of this ga...

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2011 Predictions with Uriel

4 January 2011 – 2:10pm | Rosalie

Channeler: Jennifer Hoffman

2011 Predictions

We are once again at the dawn of another year, which is another opportunity for us to fine-tune the integration of lessons we have been learning for several decades and beyond that, multiple lifetimes. What 2011 brings is more clarity, understanding, transformation and growth as long as we approach this from the point of detachment, observation, unconditional love and acceptance. These will be our big lessons for this year because wherever we remain connected, involved, unforgiving and unable to accept and release is where we will receive more lessons that will show us how to integrate these things in our life. We can no longer pretend we don’t know what we are doing—we are entering our mastery and it is time for us to accept its responsibilities.

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