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The Wesak Festial – Christ and Buddhic Energiess

Sunday, 02 May 2010

This channel is about the energies of Wesak.This is a festival that arrives during May which is the return of the Christ and Buddhist energies to the Earth.They do so by creating an alignment where one energy flows through the other and creates a beam of light that transmits into the earth.This is thought to take place in the Himalayas.During the channel the place was called Shambhala.Some say this occurs on Buddha's birthday from his last lifetime.Others say it occurs in the full moon of Taurus. I have always felt the festival and energies to occur in early May, so perhaps they meant the full moon during the month of Taurus.But as you know, the days are not as important as the energies themselves.Your intention to align takes you right there!

During this channel Christ came through to speak a message of light and energy.He spoke of how the actual Earth is releasing through the earthquakes and volcanoes.He spoke of the transition taking place in humanity.He also told us that he has be returning to walk upon the Earth more than he ever has before.Now is the time of his presence.

The energies shifted and then Buddha began to speak.He spoke of the alignment he has with the Christ energies.He spoke of the joy of being human.He encouraged everyone to truly enjoy your experience and allow yourself to expand as much as possible.He spoke of us stair stepping through the dimensions as we ascend.He reminded us that our life is our choice and our creation.

Thirdly the Lightbody energies came forth to speak.They were so different from the Christ and Buddhist energies.They were filled with a dynamic energy.They sparkled and danced around each of us.It is through the Lightbody energies that everyone was able to more deeply align during this process than ever before.They spoke of how the Christ and Buddhist energies were already fully within you through your Lightbody vibration.

This is truly an amazing journey!As you read or listen to it, I encourage you to let the energies flow through you in such a way that you transform into all that you are seeking to be.


Wesak Festival - Christ and Buddhic Energies

Nama sika; venia benya I AM the one, I AM the whole

Hello beloved family.I reach out to each one of you, sending forth my greeting; sending forth my awareness of who you are.I am with each one of you as you move through your days.

The energies upon the Earth continue to transform at an amazingly quick rate.Some of you have a sense of feeling as if you've jumped upon one of those moving sidewalks and it's going too fast, and you wonder how do I get off?How do I find the way to fully integrate?How do I do whatever it is that you may feel you need?

I invite you to always remember to take some deep breaths because those deep breaths are the ways in which you draw your own energies back within.When it feels as if your life is out of control or moving too quickly, what goes along with that is that your energy bodies are way over expanded.

Therefore, as you consciously take a deep breath in you're drawing all those energy bodies back within you.You're breathing them down through your body and you're letting yourself once more re-focus and re-connect within yourself.Feel what this is for you.Feel how you can do that right now.Oh, there it is.

Now my beloved friends and family, I invite you to have a sense of consciously letting go of your physical body.As you do so you have a sense of letting your energy or your consciousness shift until it links with the magnetic grid.

As your energy moves into the magnetic grid you have a sense of feeling that alignment with your higher self.Allow your energies to expand.Feel the flow, feel how you are able to more completely know who you are in this life.Here within the magnetic grid you may also have a sense of sending around an impulse of light or an intention and then you practice feeling that come back to you.As this flow is moving through you, you recognise that deeper aspect of yourself.

From here I invite you to shift your consciousness so that you may expand into the crystalline grid.As you arrive here within the crystalline grid, feel how nice it is to have let go the magnetic pull of the Earth.There is so much that is here and available to you within the crystalline grid.

I invite you to take a moment and feel the flow of the essence and the flow of your focus as it moves through you.Then have a sense of reaching outwards as if to expand your consciousness or your awareness and let yourself feel even more of what is here.

This is a place where you may find yourself whenever you expand into your higher self.You've always had that sense of a home place within the magnetic grid but there is such a blending of energies now that here within the crystalline grid so too you have that sense of your higher self residing.

Feel what this is to you.As you are ready to do so, shift once more that you may arrive within the soul plane.Each of these stair steps of consciousness allows you to move with ease into the space of your divinity and the All That Is.

Here within the soul plane you are able to reach out to align with your divinity.Some of you may have a sense of your I AM presence coming up from within; others may have a sense of reaching out to embrace your divinity.

As you feel comfortable with these energies have a sense of reaching out so that you may blend more fully with my essence.I reach out to each one of you and I enfold you within my arms.As I do so a shift takes place that allows you to more fully move into the All That Is.

Here within this space you truly feel yourself in your expansion.You recognise how this is where you come whenever you are in a process of creation upon the Earth.This is where you have the opportunity to practice various potentials.It is also the place where you have the opportunity to more fully experience the angels, the teachers, the guides and the masters and much more of the essence or energies that come within this space so as to communicate with you.

With our journey tonight, we are going to create a link between a very ancient tradition and where you are right now.The Festival of the Wesak is coming up on your Earth plane within a few days.Most likely the majority of people as they listen to this or read it will have already passed by that actual day.It matters not.The energies are always there and always present for you if you so choose.

The Festival of the Wesak has taken on different tones or energies over the last several years; perhaps five or ten.In essence what happens is that there is an alignment between Buddha and the Christ as they allow their energies to more fully return to the Earth.When they do this they are using their lightbody energies so as to allow for that transmission of energy to take place.

Everyone upon the Earth has their own lightbody energy.Some are more aligned with or open to their own personal lightbody energy.We have worked with this in great detail over the last eight to nine months.We chuckle a little bit because it's closer to nine months which is the gestation of a child on the Earth plane.You could think of this as your own gestation for your lightbody energies although as you are aware it didn't take nearly so long for you to give birth to your alignment with your lightbody.

The tradition with the returning of Buddha and the Christ is that they take place in the mountains in that space known as Shambhalla.Allow yourself to let your essence shift so that you may join with us in that space.You are still here in the All That Is, yet an aspect of your vibration or your energy is also located on the Earth plane in the space of Shambhalla.

Here within the All That Is, see walking into this space the Christ energy.He walks in, stopping along the way to greet each one of you.He takes his time with everybody and then finds himself here beside me.He wishes to speak with you for a moment so I will step to the side and allow him to give you his message for this year.

Christ speaks:

‘Greetings, greetings, beloved family!Another year has gone by on your Earth plane.Another thousand years you could say or the equivalent of has gone by in my space.Time for us on this side of the veil is a non-issue, we simply know that we work with or do whatever and when it's done it is complete.

Upon the Earth plane, especially during this past year, tremendous change has taken place.The Earth itself is letting go of old energy through the earthquakes and volcanoes.The collective consciousness of the Earth is shifting through the many, many ways that people are either transitioning, becoming sick, letting go of old illnesses so that they are actually more healthy.It has manifested in myriad different ways.

How about you in your life?How has the shift in consciousness over the past year affected you?Consider the essence of the Christ energy.When I walked upon the Earth as a human, as everyone is well aware it was quite different than what it is right now.

With the shift in energy that is taking place and so many more of you expanding your vibration in the ways in which you have, I am walking upon the Earth in a physical manner more and more than I have for almost 2,000 years.

You may wonder what I mean by that - yes, there are occasions on which I manifest a physical body so as to walk and communicate.I am here and available for you to create the alignment but then I accept that and so through my various alignments with individuals I'm able to flow my consciousness down within and I walk along with you.

Sometimes this takes place through a conscious intention.Sometimes it takes place through prayer when people are desperate.It can be joy; it can be any reason at all.As always I am here for you and I am more readily available than ever before due to the shifting of consciousness upon the Earth.

We are coming up to the Wesak and so my brother Buddha is also coming to share some conversation with you.He is now entering this space.As he does so he greets each one of you just as I did.And as he comes up beside me he indicates that he too would like to share a message with all of you.'

Buddha speaks:

‘Greetings my fellow souls walking upon the Earth.This language through which I'm communicating right now is a little bit different to me so it does not flow perhaps as easily as some of the other energies that speak through Shelly.But I know that you can feel my energy, you can feel my essence, and you can feel the message that is so much deeper than the words I speak.

I have to take a moment to laugh about how I have evolved according to those of you upon the Earth; the laughing Buddha, the big huge Buddha, the rich, the poor, the essence, the vibration.

One of the joys that I had - of course I had many different lifetimes upon the Earth - but the one that was known as Buddha was my last or shall I say it was the last time I lived an entire life upon the Earth.So I come and I stand with you in this space of the All That Is and share a little bit of who I am and where I have been.

As you feel my energies flowing through you, open up and awaken to what I represent.As you feel my love and my presence flowing within and around all of you, allow every cell within your body to feel that alignment.

I was always a human; I was always divinity.So my message any time I come to speak with people is about realising the value of being human.Embrace your humanity; embrace whether you are male or female, well or sick, rich or poor.Embrace the fact that you have this lifetime that you are living.

You chose it.You've chosen it step by step.It is yours and as you are finding out even deeper who you are.I was there simply to show you that you can do it too.I was human, I knew my divinity and I learned how to embrace my divinity.

There is of course a great deal more than these simple words that I have spoken to you, but this is the impact or the aspect that has not changed.You are still a human walking upon the Earth seeking self-actualisation as your divine essence.

So many of you have already accomplished this.What you have that was not as readily available to me is the opportunity to simply shift into another dimension as soon as you're done.It's as if each one of you is stair stepping through the dimensions available to you upon the Earth.This is your ascension.

As you have completed an aspect or an energy, you automatically shift into something new which gives you the feeling of beginning again, or gives you the feeling of having to do what you've already done or been doing time after time after time after time.The difference is you are now in a different state of consciousness.You now have all the experiences under your belt.You are now moving forward again and again.

There is always movement.There is always transformation that is taking place.Now as my friend Jeshua and I stand here in front of you we create a space where your lightbody energies may also speak with you.'

Lightbody energies speak:

‘Hello, here we are.We always feel as if we come into this place dancing; as if we come in expanded, jumping, leaping, flipping, twirling.This is just so much fun!You remember when we first came into your consciousness? Or we came into this gathering like this and we could barely speak to you because our vibration was so different than what you were used to and what we were used to.

But now it's cool.It's rad.We've been playing around with those different expressions from the Earth.What you see gathered in front of you, many of you perceive like a brilliant sparkling light; yes that's us.We sparkle, we glow.

But we are also the combination of all your energies so if you reach out to touch our essence you will find that it feels exactly like you.You will find that you allow yourself to expand into that part of you that is more of your divinity; it's more of your humanity, it's that new energy body around you that allows you to be more fully crystalline.Yep, that's us.

So we're here.It's not just the two of them this year. I'm here too. And what we are doing is creating a triangle.We've created a triangle that's larger than everyone who is present and everyone who will be present somewhere in the future.And as this triangle is forming you will have a sense of me sending my energies to Buddha, Buddha to Christ, Christ to me.

And these impulses of light move faster and faster until it's at a point that you cannot even consciously perceive.So it's as if there is this brilliant light that surrounds you.Now I ask each of you within this light to allow yourself to really fully expand.Truly feel your lightbody energies.Feel the uniqueness of it, feel the crystalline vibration of it, feel everything that is here for you.

As you take in your greater alignment with your lightbody energies, recognise how the Christ energy is already there completely there within you.How the energies of Buddha are also completely there within you.And the biggest thing of all is that there is that complete balance.They, you, your lightbody; it is all equal.You have such an amazing amount of divine experience that's coming forth right in this moment.

Let yourself feel it.Let yourself know.I'm going to shift back so that the Goddess is able to continue on with what's going to happen next.'

Goddess returns:

Is this not a beautiful sight?The light, the iridescence, the sparkle, the colors are all simply exquisite.You are very much a part of what makes up this beauty.Now as I mentioned this is the time of the Wesak.

We are going to shift time and space so that you once more allow your consciousness to be there in Shambhalla and as you look towards the sky, just as the planets and as everything comes into alignment, you see that beam of light that comes down.

This beam of light is even more brilliant than it has ever been before.Within this beam of light, you recognise all the various lightbody energies of you; you, the people who have come to this festival, you the people working and aligning with your lightbody energies upon the Earth.

As that beam of light becomes more brilliant you begin to see as if the figure of Jeshua descends from the heavens onto the Earth. He takes on the image similar to what he looked like in that lifetime, only because that is how people expect him to look.I ask you to look beyond; look beyond the image and see him for who he truly is.Feel it within yourself.You can feel his presence anchoring upon the Earth.

Through that same column of light descending towards the Earth you now see the essence of Buddha.As he descends towards the Earth he comes down very gently moving through this energy until he finds himself standing also upon the Earth.He too has the image that is expected of him so I once more invite you to look beyond, to see him for who he truly is.

Through this alignment with the Universe also lining up to create this intense influx of energy, you see as they step to the side from this column of light and as that column of light seems to dissolve in front of you, look; look for yourself as your lightbody energy.

You as your lightbody energy comes down to walk with Jeshua and Buddha.As you walk with the Christ energy, the Buddhic energy and your lightbody, you can feel that alignment that's taking place.As you are here in this sacred space upon the Earth you recognise how the flow of energy from the Universe into the Earth can be accomplished with greater ease.

Indeed it is partly due to the alignment of the Universe, it is partly due to the fact that this is a space where so many have infused high vibrational energies.It is also due to the recent shift in the collective consciousness; the collective consciousness is rising at a very rapid rate.

Some of you may say that they do not see a difference. Some of you may think that this is not going to take place any time soon.But it has.And especially at this time of the Wesak with this huge pouring into all of you of these energies, you can feel it for yourself; you can know it for yourself.

So take your every day person and merge with these energies.Is there anything within your life that can be enhanced through opening up to these energies?Is there anything in your life that you would like to let go?Now is your time to do so.You can hand them over to these energies or you can consciously take them and toss them up into this brilliant magical energy that is flowing through this space.

You may come here as often as you would like.This window for the flow of energy is not open for a long period of time but through your intention you can shift into this space and tap into it at any point from here forth.

Look around at the mountains; look around at all the people who have come.Some are there in a very physical manner.Some are there as consciousness.Feel all of this flow through you. You find that that column of light reshapes or reforms and you see Buddha first of all stepping forth into the column.His essence ascends.

You feel Christ as his energies blend with the column and he too ascends.You see both of them holding hands with many, many people as they choose to ascend at this time.If it is your choice, reach out and allow it to take place.

As this is complete have a sense of saying goodbye to Shambhalla.Allow your energies to return to the All That Is.As you do so open to perceive your difference.You have let go of whatever you were ready to release; you have allowed in an even greater amount of your lightbody energies.Feel this experience for what it is.

I invite all of you to form a group or a circle.Although you just a moment or so ago ascended from the physical Earth, have a sense of feeling the hologram of the Earth come up within all of you.As this hologram comes up within, look at the changes that have taken place.

For the past perhaps six months or so, you've had a sense of two holograms that are distinct from one another; the Earth hologram and Ariellis or the New Earth hologram.

As you look at this now perceive the deeper blending that has taken place between Ariellis and the Earth.This has been accomplished in this hologram.So too this has been accomplished upon the Earth.So infuse into the hologram who you are in this moment; infuse that deeper awareness of your lightbody energy.Infuse you as accomplishing everything you seek to accomplish.

As you do this, have a sense of the hologram itself shifting.It moves downward.It first of all aligns with the crystalline grid.You may have a sense of a shift taking place that allows for the energies of the New Earth to shift in one direction while the energies of the Earth shift in another.

Each one links with the physical Earth and for you this goes down within your physical Earth moving all the way in to the core essence until it blends with or aligns with the crystalline essence.From there it moves outward, it comes back out, moving through the Earth itself coming back up and moving through the water, the grass, the trees, the flowers.It moves through everything.

So I invite you to open up and feel it come up within you.Your own energy that was infused into that hologram has been anchored within the Earth and it now comes up and anchors within you.Feel your lightbody energies expand.Feel who you are having walked and talked with Christ and Buddha.

And as you allow yourself to connect with and anchor with these energies, let your consciousness once more come back out within the All That Is; and you may release the group there as you allow your consciousness to once more flow through the soul plane.As it moves through the soul plane, it then goes down linking with the crystalline grid, moving through there and through the magnetic grid until everything flows back down within you.

Feel yourself as coming together; feel yourself within your physical body as being fully aware of your physical self, mental, emotional, spiritual and your lightbody essence as if everything is here.It's balanced and in alignment within and around you.

You've arrived.It is accomplished.Go forth into your days with this innate knowledge within you.Your time upon the Earth is about allowing yourself to fully experience everything that comes your way.Let that all move through you.Know that you are never alone; especially after this experience you are even more deeply aligned with these two glorious energies of light.

Within and through them you have access to everything or anybody that you may seek to create an alignment with.

All right beloved family, feel your energies coming back together.Feel yourselves coming back down into whatever space in which you find yourself.Allow your energies to ground and as you do so I am open to receive questions if you so choose.

Question: Hello Goddess, thank you that was so lovely.My question is kind of mundane tonight.We've been having trouble selling my house for the past 5 months and we have an offer now. It's been a difficult negotiation unfortunately.I guess I just wonder if you see it going smoothly now we have six weeks to close.

Answers:Alright now, it feels as if there is still an attachment to this house.From you, but also from your daughter or other family members, maybe your husband; it feels like there is still attachment to this house and it's kind of kept it isolated or not in the flow of being able to get it sold.We think that is one of the reasons why it's been so slow to sell.What we would recommend that you do and we know not all your family members would be open and do this, so you can do it for everybody.Have a sense of gathering all who have lived there as if gathering them in a circle and you have them with you in a small little group there.As if everyone is together and making a conscious choice that it is time to move on in your life. You then invite them and we flow energy and support around all of you.But then have a sense of being grateful about the times that were good for you and the times that were less than good.Whatever it may be that is holding on to each one of you, let that come up at this moment.As you consciously breathe in and release, so too is everybody else who's been living in that house.Let that come up at this moment.As you consciously breathe in and release, so too is everybody else who's been living in that house.As everyone breathes out and release, have a sense of just letting go of what has been, letting go of that period of your life, letting go and allowing it to be open and in the flow of light so that everything will progress with greater ease.There, it felt to us as if something shifted. We think perhaps your husband or ex-husband; it was a male energy that was holding on more tightly than anyone else.It feels with this, even though he wasn't consciously present, he was enough present from his higher self that he could make that conscious release.Can you feel that difference beloved?

Yes I can, but I thought it was me!I've been releasing, releasing, releasing so I don't know.

And that's why you have been. We see that you have already been releasing. That's why it felt as if it was more so him than you.Perhaps there was that little part of yourself that was also holding on.But it feels to us as if going forward from here, once this house is completed things will shift back into a place of greater ease.So what we're going to do is flow energy down the next 6 weeks, just flowing energy that everything will fall into place.I don't know, this sounds crazy but we're hearing 4 weeks; as if something will happen within 4 weeks instead of six.Don't know what that's about.But anyway, we have a sense this is going to take place, that things are going to fall into place. New we have a sense of reaching out towards the family moving in, of reaching out towards them that they too will be in the flow and everything will happen with ease.We do see the closing as taking place.

Thank you,

You are welcome.

Question: Hello Goddess? This November I had a very hard time sleeping.I have been unable to sleep at all and sometimes only a little.I'm very exhausted, crazy and in pain.Can you tell me more about what that is and how I can get out of it?

Answer: as I'm looking at you beloved, I have a sense of an electrical energy going through.It's like those images that they have on cartoons when someone sticks their finger in a socket and they are electrified.That's what your energy looks like to me. We sense it's one of the reasons why you have been unable to sleep.It's like there's a constant vibration that keeps you from sleeping, keeps you from finding balance and keeps you from being more comfortable in your life.Where this comes from is an influx of energy you have invited to come into you that is a higher vibration than where you have been in your physical body.So that misalignment has created a static electricity and that is what we're picking up on as your energy field.Does that resonate with you?

Yes, totally.How can I integrate it better?

We'll help you right now.We actually have a sense to send a shout out that other people are feeling things similar to this.So what we would like you to do and anybody else who is out of balance in integrating energy is for you to first and foremost breathe in.Breathe in through your nose, down into your lungs and into your heart center like we did at the very beginning.Allow yourself to take some deep breathes in so really begin to feel your heart center as it gets bigger and bigger.It's like a swirling light that is moving through your heart center and constantly expands.Then as this expands, you consciously bring up within your heart center anything that has to do with your past, anything that has been holding you back, anything that keeps you from being in the moment.And then you send it out from your heart as if in a wave.You let it go, let it go, let it go...........whew!As you are letting that flow away from you it is creating little pockets that are opening up within you.As you breathe down this higher vibration you have been bringing in, it's as if it's been standing up above your head like a cloud.You breathe it down inside of you and you feel that soothing, flowing energy as it moves down throughout your whole body.You breathe it in through your breathe going through your lungs into your heart center.You can also see it as coming down through your head center.It flows through you all the way down into your feet. Then as you do this, you are allowing that higher vibrational energy to fully integrate within you. Then consciously send it all the way down into your cells.As it goes within your cells we have a sense of a calming energy flowing through you.Are you able to feel that calmness that we speak of?

Yes and I know what was blocking it was a lot of guilt that was planted.

Okay.Guilt is probably one of the strongest energies that creates blockages in people.Guilt is never ever something that is enhancing in your life.So whether it's guilt or any other emotion; for you we have a sense that you might do this several different times and guilt may come up again and again.Don't worry about it if it happens like that.Just as many times as you need to release it; release it until the day comes when you realize it's just gone.There may be something else that comes up for you, but you will find that you are sleeping better, that you are more integrated, that you are calmer and feel better within your physical body.

Okay, thank you so much.

You are welcome. We see that quite a bit helped tonight because you had already let go of many of these energies on the journey.So by consciously doing it in this moment, it was like you were doing the last half of that equation, the last part of letting go.

Okay, thank you.

You are welcome.

Question:Hi, I'd like to know; I've been sick for a few years with fibromyalgia and different other illnesses and muscle weaknesses.I've been to a few different doctors and no one's been able to help me.I'm wondering what the root cause is and where I can go to get help.

Answer:My perception of this when I link with you is disconnection within yourself.How very interesting that we have two people back to back expressed the same; well the root cause is the same but expressed in such totally different ways. Well not totally because she had a lot of pain also. Basically that is what we see is the root cause of this; that within yourself you have been on a very deep and we know this sounds very dramatic to say this, but we feel like we have to say tortuous journey in this lifetime.By that we see it as a path where you turn a corner, there's a wall; turn another corner, there's a wall, then again and again.It feels like much of your life was about running into walls, starting over and creating changes.It feels like that was especially so in the past.That was ultimately what led you to make the decision of finding out ‘how can I find some peace in my life, some love in my life, some sort of a connection to who I am'.In the doing of that you began this spiritual journey that you are on for what we see as two to five years.During this journey as you've been opening up we see so much energy that you have been bringing into your body.We have a sense you've learned so much and have come so far.But yet there is still within you, like a very solid hard pit.It's like those fruit that have a pit inside of them.That' s what we have a sense of seeing inside of you.That is what keeps you from fully integrating these energies of self love, these energies of acceptance, these energies of believing and trusting in yourself.Does that resonate with you beloved?

Yes it does.

So our sense is that it may very well be that you know what that pit is inside of you.Or it may be that that is a blank space inside of you.If you can work with that part of yourself, breathing into your heart center then let that flow of energy flow down around your solar plexus. Go down around your solar plexus and envision in your mind that pit or what that seed looks like and surround it with love, with warmth and with compassion.Each time you do this and consciously love and nurture this part within yourself and what it represents then it will begin to soften, to loosen up and to release.We have a sense as we speak of this that there's a part of you that there's a part of you saying ‘oh heck NO! I'm not letting that out of the bag'.It's as if it contains so much pain and sorrow you don't want to go there.What we would like to say is that if you set up the space when you are going to be working with this part of yourself really bring in your angels, really bring in the light, really bring in everything you've worked with all these years.Then let that be there, let yourself consciously feel and know that it is there with you.Then when you open the door or tap into that which is so hurtful then you will find you will be able to release it.Absolutely 100% we can tell you beloved, you will live through it and come out on the other side feeling so much better.There is no doubt.That is our sense of what is causing all of this and how to take care of it.You may ask then if there is something in medicine or the traditional world that you can also look at; is that what you are also asking?

Yes, is there a healer?I've been with many different doctors and I don't know.There's a new doctor that I am considering going to or if I should work with healers.

This is something that we would happy to work with you through Shelly if you so desire.You can check with her later.We do work with people in similar situations and we're familiar with it.We think a non-traditional healer is what you need now.We have nothing against traditional medicine, we think it all has its place and its purpose.But looking at you and where you are in your life, you've done that, you've gone this route before, it's gone as far as it can for you.While there may be some medicines that will help you in the short run what you are seeking is to resolve this in the long run.You can do this by working with whomever you trust or whomever you feel comfortable working with.

So doing herbs and stuff is that considered traditional or do think that's......

We absolutely think that's a great way to go.We were thinking more about the traditional chemical medicines that have been created over the last 5-6 years.Herbal supplements that support your physical body as you go through the release is what can assist you.

How long will this take?

We can't say at this point.We see that this can resolve in as little as one or two weeks, but we see you've been on this path for a very long ti

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Love has many facets

Greetings Dear ones for I am Kryon of magnetic service.

We’d like to say how beautiful and wonderful it is to be here in Devon, England, this afternoon, for there is much love, softness and tenderness in the air. The energies are changing not only for you but for the entire planet and a new world is coming, and a fantastic new point of view. We tell you that you are only dreaming, there is a whole new world coming, a world filled with love and joy and freedom; it is an honest world filled with integrity. As you release whatever you need to release to set yourself free from whatever binds you, you come closer to the divine and you come closer to the very truth of who you are.

Allow the love to flow. Close your eyes and go inside and feel the love flowing through your hearts. Love is not a new energy, but to allow love to flow easily is quite a shift for humanity to make, and there are new varieties of love on the way and there will be love flowing through you and flowing into your inner child and family constellation. This will dissolve issues very quickly and the closer the planet gets to 2012 the easier and easier love will flow through you and dissolve whatever resistance you have to love.

Forgiveness will flow easily and you will let go of what you need to let go of, for clinging onto things is the root of all human suffering. If you cling onto something that is old and decaying it does not allow you to connect with the new you, the part of you that you came here to this earth to experience; to experience the truth of yourself, your authentic self, for that is what we are doing here today; allowing you to let go of what is not authentic and allowing you to connect with your Spirit guides and with the energies of love and deep divine connectedness. The more deeply you connect to the divine the easier you will find life; you will be guided more deeply, and at the same time that you the receive your guidance, the fear, the anger and the resentments will also be let go of and these feelings are what stop you going forward into your truth and into a new world.

As we have said before, Britain has a very divisive and colonial past within its psyche and Britain is moving towards a rebirth, a new way of living, a new state of being, but first of all come you who are here to do the work for your nation, not only for your nation but for the planet. To bring back ancient knowledge that was here two thousand years ago but has been lost; this wisdom is being reignited inside all of you here today this day, this wisdom is powerful, it is true Christ consciousness.

We are here to expand this energy, so we ask that you drop down deep within yourselves and look within yours hearts for that spark of Christ consciousness. We are here today to expand that consciousness and dissolve the fear and whatever stops this consciousness being acted upon. So just go to this space where you can see this spark of light, the love light, and the light of Christ within your hearts; and even if you can’t see it, just feel it. Feel the light and feel the love and stay connected with your circle, allowing love to flow from you to everybody in the circle, and receiving that love and channelling that love into Christ consciousness and into what blocks you seeing and what blocks Christ consciousness flowing in your life. Just allow yourselves to feel the love and feel the oneness and feel the connectedness. Feel the connectedness with Stonehenge, and allow the feeling of Stonehenge to flow through your hearts and into this Christ consciousness, allowing Christ consciousness to be energized within your bodies and dissolving any obstacles in its way. Christ consciousnesses will once again be on this green and pleasant land and that connectedness and that movement into Christ consciousness is happening here in Tinmouth in Devon. There are many portals and gateways into the new energies, here and in this moment these gateways and portals are open and you have the opportunity to walk through them and access more of the truth of who you are.

The moon is almost full and the moon will take away what emotions do not serve you and allow you to connect deeper and deeper into your true self, into your masculine self and into your feminine self; healing the masculine and allowing the feminine to flow; allowing yourselves to be exactly who you are meant to be for in the darkness of your psyche live the gifts you have brought to this planet to be shared with the rest of the world. Allow yourselves to spend time in the darkness of your psyche, in the places that you’ve never ever been before, and just be inside yourselves, and feel where these gifts that you bring to this earth are. Allow yourselves to channel the love into dissolving the darkness around your gifts, around the success and joy that you seek for your life; as you unravel these gifts on the inside of yourself, that is where you will find your own joy, happiness and love.

Love is the only answer, love is the only way forward, love is the light that shines in the darkness, love is the light that dissolves your problems and love is the light that manifests your gifts. This part of the world is very old and has been known to man for a long long time, many things have happened here; many things have come and gone. Good things, bad things; but consciousness until now has been waning, consciousness will now begin to grow, to expand through your bodies and through this little town in Devon, a new consciousness is on its way and each one of you, as you manifest your gifts, will enhance the consciousness of this small town. You are moving away from mass consciousness into your own consciousness of Christ. There will be even more expanded consciousness to come, there is a completely new world of your own choosing to come.

We ask you to allow your vibrations to rise even more and absorb more and more of the love that is on offer here today, becoming like a sponge soaking up everything that belongs to you, that you need to make your life work, that you need to manifest these gifts here on earth to begin to make this place heaven on earth and to make this a part of the new world; a place of gentleness and kindness, a loving a place where the aggressive masculine is no longer dominant, a place where love an truth thrive, where they make the world a better place not only for yourselves and your children but for everyone in the community who will benefit as a result.

There is a new world coming, a world based in love and as you heal the inner mother, father and child, and you let the past loves come and go you will step into a world you never believed was possible; where you create purely out of love, love not only for yourself but for your fellowman, love is the only answer, love is the only way forward, love is love. Love has many facets but in its most powerful it is very gentle and very soft and very caring, like cotton wool. So we ask you to drop deeper and deeper into your bodies and allow yourselves to connect more strongly to Spirit. Allow the divine guidance to flow through you into your bodies allowing it to connect even deeper and deeper to mother earth and see under the soles of your feet the roots of connectedness going deep in to mother earth.

Feel the energy that surrounds you and observe what you are feeling. As these new energies come in the old ones must leave, and your cells will become more and more activated; your cells will face the light. The more that you face the light the easier your life will become, you will have the energy to do what you want to do with your life, you will have the energy to heal those karmic wounds of the past, and the wounds your families have carried for hundreds if not thousands of years; starting off in Africa and ending up in this lifetime. There is a new world coming and it is up to each individual to do his or her inner work to bring consciousness to their own bodies, to their own communities; but first it is healer heal thyself.

When you understand yourself you know yourself, and when you understand and know yourself, you understand the universe and the solar system and you will understand your neighbours and friends, and you will feel so much freer and more capable of living the life you have always dreamed of, in fact your life will go away and your life will become a dream. It will become like a river flowing into the ocean, your life will flow like a river, there will no longer be the wounded inner child to stop the flow, or your family karma getting in the way of the flow. Your lessons will get easier and easier, you will move into a completely new world taking yourselves into a very special place, feeling much love, your body feeling light and ecstatic as your thoughts will become your reality. Automatically your thoughts will begin got be more and more positive and more and more loving and your reality will become more and more loving. Whatever you give out you will receive back, so whenever you have the opportunity to give, give, for you can only truly give to yourself.

Continue to allow the love to flow; the energy of England doesn’t look too good on the economic front, but out of the chaos always comes order, there will always be somebody who will resolve the chaos and bring order. You have been tested an stretched and new ideas are coming of a new way of living, new ways to power the nation, new energies. This will all begin to happen and there will be a new order moving through England, a new way of government, a new way of understanding. The people and their needs and a recognition of the damage of the last two world wars to the psyche of Britain, this will also begin to be resolved.

Britain stands proud in this world, a solid masculine nation with a very strong structure and that structure is now to be used to allow a different kind of energy to flow through the nation and through the world and that is the energy of ethics and integrity. It will not devalue the nation in any way, in fact it will increase Britain’s power in the world for the divine requires receptive energies to be able to work through and these receptive energies will begin to manifest themselves in positions of power and in fact this has already been happening. These new energies will take the place of the old energies which will make way for them.

Britain is no longer at the center of its empire but it is still at the center of many aspects of the world. It needs new ideas and new ways of doing thing, but these can only happen through pure love and true ethics. The banking system, if it does not become ethical will collapse. Money is an important commodity and is useful, but it is rather wiser to allow the financial system to become ethical than let it collapse. Spirit needs mediums to work through and money is a medium. If too much of this medium is diverted into the wrong areas then Spirit can’t use it and Spirit won’t use it. Spirit is all powerful and all mighty and if Spirit deems fit to stop using the financial system as it is today then it will collapse, make no mistake. It is for everybody to bring ethics into the world of finance and bring ethics into their hearts, money is not love; money can be a reflection of love but it is not love. Love is love and money is money, money won’t make you happy, but when you are happy you are likely to get money which will keep you happy. Love is love and love is what makes the world go around. Don’t let yourselves be mistaken about this, everybody needs money to live but everybody needs love, love is far more important than money; if you don’t receive love through your hearts you die.

Love is a very powerful energy and an energy that you fear, or, there would have been times that you experienced love and that love was taken away. Remember you gave yourself that love and you took that love away from yourselves. We ask you once again to let it flow, remember those times that you stopped loving, step by step of the way let them come and let them go. You are much older and wiser now and you won’t make the same mistakes once the love starts to flow again. Sometimes with age comes the fear of making the same mistake again. A mistake is a gift and a lesson; you won’t make the same mistake again, you might make another but not the same, so let go of your fears of making mistakes and allow the mistakes to happen until you get it right, until the flow of love continues to flow through your hearts incessantly with a force and with a power.

Love is the answer, love is the only answer. Love is your connection to the divine. Love is your journey into oneness, for you will find love; we have spoken earlier of consciousness and unconsciousness. Unconsciousness is made conscious by love, by loving actions and deeds and energies. Observe your behaviors and see to it you act with love and care and kindness, when you are being kind to yourself, you are loving yourself. Whatever is given is given to yourself.

Dear ones let the journey begin and let it continue. Go deeper and deeper and deeper into your own hearts and find our what is in your heart that you are afraid of; where is this fear of love, what is it? Let it come and let it go. The paradox is that love can dissolve the fear a little bit like the song of amazing grace; “once I was lost, and now I am found”, but it is amazing grace that lost you and found you. It’s the same energy flowing through you, you become lost and you become found, you became connected then disconnected.

So allow the love to flow, just let it flow like when you were a child, let the love flow for this is the energy of the new age, the energies of Christ consciousness and love flowing from eternity till eternity from infinity to infinity. Just know that there is new world coming; you are the new world you are on the cutting edge of the new world. Bring love and healing to your planet and your community. There is freedom, there is will, there is joy, and there is ecstasy to come. You will feel yourselves becoming stronger and stronger and stronger. Allow these energies to flow through you into the darkness that is hiding your gifts and allow your gifts to energize and manifest.

Dear ones without these gifts here on earth, the new age can’t begin. This is what we are waiting for, you are not waiting for Spirit, you are waiting for yourselves. We are waiting for you to manifest your authenticity on planet earth.

Allow the love to flow, feel yourself in the flow of love as if you are sitting in the middle of a river feeling the love like you feel the water against you. Feel it and the resistance you have to this love, and allow the resistance to dissolve into the flow. Allow the resistance to dissolve, just take your time, be patient; allow the love to dissolve the resistance, and see that your heart becomes more deeply connected to the divine and that your gifts manifest here on earth.

Go well, God bless and take care, for this is Kryon signing out. Thank you.

Copyright © David Brown.  All rights reserved.

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The Cosmic Tsunami Begins

a message from Karen Bishop

Friday, 19 March, 2010

This is an exciting time indeed. How blessed are we to be participating in a rare and pivotal time with a massive re-structuring of our earth, ourselves, and the cosmos? All in preparation for a very new way of living and being in a very new reality and dimension.

We may have been able to tap into many of these magical and higher vibrating states of living and being in times past, as vibrating higher always gives any given individual access to a higher dimensional experience, but what is different now, is that the entire planet is beginning the process of this very new existence…and this also means that the energy we are completely surrounded by will permanently sustain the higher energies with absolutely no effort….yes, it is an exciting time indeed. We have finally arrived and are completing the process.

This process, as most processes with ascension, is occurring piece by piece and step by step. With each earth change or movement of the earth at very deep levels, we then begin to experience more of the higher vibrating energies. So then, as the earth re-structures herself, she is then re-aligning in order to be in alignment with and to receive these new and higher frequencies. At the same time, everything in the cosmos is re-aligning as well. As the beautiful and specific energies of the cosmos, its planets, and the celestial bodies adjust, energy and movement then ripple outward, and a wave of new vibration is created and secured.

As each Earth movement or change occurs as well, a summoning then takes place, and the new energies arrive. But at the same time, the newly arriving energies are creating the earth movements. So which comes first, the chicken or the egg? As with all of creation, everything happens all at once and meets in the middle, culminating with a creation or movement and change. “Everything” happens all at once at times when everything is ready and willing, and thus, a massive plan or agreement at higher levels and a very loving interaction is at the helm. Again, this is how creation always happens, only this time, much of it is happening with massive bodies of energy, or rather, the cosmos…and every living thing at every level of existence will then have no choice but to participate. This is what we have been waiting for…what a time for celebration!

So then, the first ripples of the cosmic tsunami are beginning to be felt. This is a very interesting and rare time, as this process is quite amazing, no doubt. Much of the interesting part comes from the fact that we started a new earth, or Earth Two (a dimensional overlay), and had to begin with literally no foundation. In this way, we are creating piece by piece, making this a slow process. This means that the equinox of March 20th, will certainly have its effect, but the effect is determinant upon how much of the new earth we have created so far. Meaning exactly what?

If we were to look out at an expanse of energy and creation timeline for the earth, we would easily see that from March onward, everything looks very expansive, linear, and simply reaches out for what looks like infinity with no ups or downs, or rather highs or lows with creation. In other words, there are no new platforms of new creation present. But come June, everything changes, and we will then experience a massive new “anchoring in” once again, along with huge manifestations of new creation that take hold.

So then, the beginning ripples of the cosmic tsunami are at hand, along with the energies of the March 20th equinox. These situations are creating a lot of energy right now. But they are manifesting in different ways. And how does this movement affect us at our personal and experiential levels?

Because we have not created much quite yet, the equinox energies are creating situations where there is a lot of energy moving, but it can only interact with what is present at the time. This means that we are needing to tend to things that are already here, or that need our attention before we really anchor in and move forward in June. For example, we may find that we are suddenly having to fix things (but know as well, that when we move into new spaces, we are no longer in alignment with much of anything, and this frequently creates situations where everything breaks or needs our attention for repair or replacement). In this way, we may find that we are securing our foundation, or rather adjusting these frequencies through repair or replacement, so that we will be firmly ready and in alignment as more and more earth changes occur.

We may feel as though we are going in circles, with lots of energy flowing, but not much being created. We are simply experiencing an arrival of equinox energies that have nothing much to interact with except what is already here. We cannot move forward just yet, as the earth and cosmos are still adjusting and remolding themselves so that they can better receive and accommodate the higher vibrating energies that are arriving in slow and steady increments.

So how might we be feeling and experiencing all this strange rambling you just read? How are all these changes or movements affecting many of us?

As the earth and cosmos re-align and adjust, so do we, as we are all one. Body aches and the old familiar leg and foot pain are still present. These uncomfortable experiences of our lower extremities will continue to occur at intervals for quite some time… simply because the new reality has a lot to do with grounding into the new earth and claiming it as our true and rightful heritage. Just wait until the solstice in June!

Sweating and hot flashes are still occurring for many. We are burning off any lower vibrating energies within us as we adjust. If ever I have a lower vibrating thought where I beat myself up or do not honor myself, or if I have a fear or negative thought that cannot exist in this reality, immediately, I will become excruciatingly hot and begin to sweat. At least these hot flashes and sweats serve as great barometers and training and alignment tools!

When we are in between worlds, or rather when we do not have much to anchor into yet, we become vulnerable. This manifests as having issues with boundaries (as not much knows where it belongs just yet), having unpleasant energies in our spaces, and feeling like we are naked and hanging out there for the taking. This particular scenario can make some of us want to stay home, or even encourage us not to be “out there” in all ways. If you are one who is generally more sensitive to the unseen world, you may have unwanted visitors in your space who are not of your liking. According to one of my readers, many are having experiences of cloaked figures peering at them in the night! I had this experience once myself, and in times past, have noticed some interesting visitors in my home on other occasions as they peer and become curious about my guests. These experiences are temporary. I simply tell these unwanted visitors to "get lost" and then I ignore them and pay them no attention.

With so much energy moving of late, we may feel as though we are hyperventilating and cannot sit still. We may have what feels like nervous energy and feel that we need to be doing something all the time, with an inability to settle down. Add to this an unusual or strange craving for junk food and sweets, and we have a recipe for nervous tension needing an outlet.

As we move into more of a permanent residency in a higher realms reality, we begin to have the fun and beautiful things happen as well. Creating the New Reality explains a lot of these experiences that seem to occur all on their own. We are creating very rapidly now, and simply having a casual thought can bring something into our spaces in record time. In addition, as we begin residing in this new and higher vibrating dimension, we very easily come to see that absolutely everything is vitally connected and supports a whole. In this way, we very naturally find ourselves in states of gratitude and great love.

Another common occurrence right now is in regard to our personal energy. We can easily become aware of how we may have been running our energies in “out of balance” or inappropriate ways, even though we usually do what we do because we feel it is the “right” thing. The higher we vibrate then, the more we are able to “see” from above, and know that we did our best in our lower dimensional experience, but that this is not the way it is in the higher realms. It is time to change our behavior, as we come to see what it is that needs to change.

At other times, we may feel our energy suddenly drop for no apparent reason and feel a distinct depression, futility, and funk, but in a matter of hours or perhaps with the onset of a very new day, we are once again flying high, connected to the new energies, and experiencing the fun and adventure of the process of arriving in a new reality. The more we progress in relation to anchoring into and creating the new reality, the more we will continue to experience the fun of it all, while these drops occur less and less until they finally cease to exist.

All in all, we will continue to see-saw our way into the higher vibrations, along with all of the cosmos, and as always, come to know that everything is and always has been in divine and perfect order.

With much love and gratitude,Karen

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