Tag: energy fields (page 1 of 11)

Galactic Goddess

As the energies from the Galactic Center intensify, it is important for the people to be aware of the Galactic Goddess. In the past, people were aware of the masculine energies from the Galactic Center, which manifest as Galactic superwaves, capable of shifting planetary poles, triggering drastic climate changes and making species extinct. It is time now to become aware of the Galactic Goddess, the feminine aspect of the Galactic superwave, which will manifest itself as Love, never before known on this planet.
This energy will ease our breakthrough at the time of the Event and effectively cancel out the vast majority of negativity at the peak of the transition.
More than people are aware of this energy and are able to channel it through their energy fields and their bodies, more it will be able to soften our global collective path.
This is one example how it can manifest:
It would be good if as many Sisterhood of the Rose groups as possible are formed worldwide to channel this Galactic energy. If you would like to form a group in your area, you can go here:
The following groups are not directly connected with the Sisterhood of the Rose but are very well aligned with the essence of the Goddess and are a good example how Sisterhood of the Rose groups could operate:
The Cabal is very well aware of the power of the Goddess energy in manifesting the Event and although we are not in the Middle Ages anymore, they are still suppressing it:
Most likely you have noticed that no significant intel was released in the last few weeks. Most reliable intel sources have not received anything significant or have been asked not to release anything significant until certain operations of the Light forces are completed. This has made room for heaps of disinfo and blogosphere is full of speculations which are mainly not based on reality, and also full of people accusing each other of being »AI / mind programmed«. Please be aware that on this planet obviously everybody is mind programmed to a certain degree and yet most people are good in their essence and they try to do their best to improve the situation. This is where our focus should be. 
The situation is expected to improve in a week or two as a certain phase is completed, new intel is released and happenings from behind the scenes finally get released into the blogosphere. 
The Breakthrough is near!

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The Holographic Universe ~ Part 2

The Holographic universe suggests that the physical world we believe to be real is in fact illusion. Energy fields are decoded by our brains into a 3D picture, to give the illusion of a physical world.Click to zoom

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Do We Exist in a Holographic Universe? ~ Part 1

The Holographic Universe suggests that the physical world we believe to be real is in fact illusion. Energy fields are decoded by our brains into a 3D picture, to give the illusion of a physical world. Click to zoom

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Sirian High Council, Morpheus June-11,12-2013

Morpheus Sirius ArchAngel
Dear ones i enter your presence now with unconditional love i would like to talk to you about the externalities that are interjecting communication streams from the higher

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Galactic Federation of Light Arcturian Group May-19-2013

Galactic Federation of Light Jesus May-15-2013

It is as though you had confined yourselves within a minute dwelling with no windows
May 15, 2013 by John Smallman

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Galactic Federation of Light Hilarion April-21-2013

Hilarion — April 21-28, 2013
Thanks to Oracles and Healers
Original Link: http://www.therainbowscribe.com/hilarion2013.htm

Beloved Ones,

The times that you are living in are wrought with both the greatest

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Galactic Federation of Light Sheldan Nidle April-09-2013

Sheldan Nidle’s Update for the Galactic Federation of Light and Spiritual Hierarchy

You are to rejoin the ranks of a magnificent array of Spiritual Hierarchies and Life Streams

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Sheldan Nidle: My Time with Supa


Excerpt from "Living With Sheldan" by Colleen

Supa became a frequent visitor in our home. I was curious about her personal life, her culture and her Earth experience as a “Light Body Assistant”. In the beginn...

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Are You Tired of Clearing Yet?


a message from Archangel Michael channeled by Carolyn Ann O'Riley

Friday, 27 April, 2012  (posted 3 May, 2012)

Greeting and Salutations! My Beautiful Beings of Light. You all look a bit haggard and worn for wear with...

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~ focus on the heart ~


~ Focus on the Heart...~

( as you read this ...know you are taking in the

frequencies of home that are within and behind

the words...)

Greetings unto you my beloved brothers and sisters


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Ships of Song: Juggler


Wednesday, April 11, 2012

All are juggling both positive and negative energies in their lives. So much so that the negative makes it difficult, at times, to maintain spiritual balance. So there is value in laying...

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Message from the Masters, April 10, 2012


Message from Dr. Meg:

Online Messages April 10, 2012

Greetings to each of you. What wild times we are in! What perfect yet intense changes everyone is going through! I apologize for the delay in this transmission. I have been ...

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