Tag: end product

How to Turn Milk Into Healthy Probiotic Medicine

Anna Hunt, Staff WriterOur sterile, pre-packaged, convenient foods, coupled with a diet high in antibiotic-filled, factory-farmed meats, have resulted in an increased need for probiotic-rich foods and supplements if we are to maintain a healthy gut flora. An ideal balance of good and bad bacteria in the digestive system means improved digestion and better body function in general.Probiotic supplements, such as the high-quality brands BioImmersion and Kla [...]

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You ARE a Lightworker God/Goddess


18 January 2012

Channeler: Brenda Hoffman

Welcome to Brenda's Blog

Channeled by Brenda Hoffman for www.LifeTapestryCreations.com

Summary of Brenda’s January 16, 2012, 15-minute, free, channeled “Creatio...

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Communiqués: Dance of Creation


Wednesday, October 19, 2011

The creative forces of the universe are beyond humanity’s ability to comprehend yet not beyond their ability to appreciate. The inability to fully understand the complexities of the uni...

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Energies of 2011


a message from Sarah Biermann

Friday, 18 February, 2011

Has the New Year Started Yet?

The beginning of 2011 has been about releasing old stuff (yes, still!). A lot of us have been saying “goodbye” to people, p...

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First draw 12 petals which are quite large. Next draw 12 more petals on top of these that are a bit smaller. Keep drawing 12 more petals until you have drawn 12 layers of 12 petals. Each layer of petals is a bit smaller than the one below it bec...

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The Multidimensional Potential of Human Beings


Most advances in science come when a person for one reason or another is forced to change fields.

– Peter Borden


by Alice Bryant and Linda Seebach

(Spanish version)
from BioMindSuperpowers Website


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