Tag: emerging (page 2 of 5)

Is a trip to the moon in the making?

Excerpt from bostonglobe.com

Decades after that first small step, space thinkers are finally getting serious about our nearest neighbor By Kevin Hartnett

This week, the European Space Agency made headlines with the first successful landing of a spacecraft on a comet, 317 million miles from Earth. It was an upbeat moment after two American crashes: the unmanned private rocket that exploded on its way to resupply the International Space Station, and the Virgin Galactic spaceplane that crashed in the Mojave Desert, killing a pilot and raising questions about whether individual businesses are up to the task of operating in space.  During this same period, there was one other piece of space news, one far less widely reported in the United States: On Nov. 1, China successfully returned a moon probe to Earth. That mission follows China’s landing of the Yutu moon rover late last year, and its announcement that it will conduct a sample-return mission to the moon in 2017.  With NASA and the Europeans focused on robot exploration of distant targets, a moon landing might not seem like a big deal: We’ve been there, and other countries are just catching up. But in recent years, interest in the moon has begun to percolate again, both in the United States and abroad—and it’s catalyzing a surprisingly diverse set of plans for how our nearby satellite will contribute to our space future.  China, India, and Japan have all completed lunar missions in the last decade, and have more in mind. Both China and Japan want to build unmanned bases in the early part of the next decade as a prelude to returning a human to the moon. In the United States, meanwhile, entrepreneurs are hatching plans for lunar commerce; one company even promises to ferry freight for paying customers to the moon as early as next year. Scientists are hatching more far-out ideas to mine hydrogen from the poles and build colonies deep in sky-lit lunar caves.  This rush of activity has been spurred in part by the Google Lunar X Prize, a $20 million award, expiring in 2015, for the first private team to land a working rover on the moon and prove it by sending back video. It is also driven by a certain understanding: If we really want to launch expeditions deeper into space, our first goal should be to travel safely to the moon—and maybe even figure out how to live there.
Entrepreneurial visions of opening the moon to commerce can seem fanciful, especially in light of the Virgin Galactic and Orbital Sciences crashes, which remind us how far we are from having a truly functional space economy. They also face an uncertain legal environment—in a sense, space belongs to everyone and to no one—whose boundaries will be tested as soon as missions start to succeed. Still, as these plans take shape, they’re a reminder that leaping blindly is sometimes a necessary step in opening any new frontier.
“All I can say is if lunar commerce is foolish,” said Columbia University astrophysicist Arlin Crotts in an e-mail, “there are a lot of industrious and dedicated fools out there!”

At its height, the Apollo program accounted for more than 4 percent of the federal budget. Today, with a mothballed shuttle and a downscaled space station, it can seem almost imaginary that humans actually walked on the moon and came back—and that we did it in the age of adding machines and rotary phones.

“In five years, we jumped into the middle of the 21st century,” says Roger Handberg, a political scientist who studies space policy at the University of Central Florida, speaking of the Apollo program. “No one thought that 40 years later we’d be in a situation where the International Space Station is the height of our ambition.”

An image of Earth and the moon created from photos by Mariner 10, launched in 1973.
NASA/JPL/Northwestern University
An image of Earth and the moon created from photos by Mariner 10, launched in 1973.
Without a clear goal and a geopolitical rivalry to drive it, the space program had to compete with a lot of other national priorities. The dramatic moon shot became an outlier in the longer, slower story of building scientific achievements.

Now, as those achievements accumulate, the moon is coming back into the picture. For a variety of reasons, it’s pretty much guaranteed to play a central role in any meaningful excursions we take into space. It’s the nearest planetary body to our own—238,900 miles away, which the Apollo voyages covered in three days. It has low gravity, which makes it relatively easy to get onto and off of the lunar surface, and it has no atmosphere, which allows telescopes a clearer view into deep space.
The moon itself also still holds some scientific mysteries. A 2007 report on the future of lunar exploration from the National Academies called the moon a place of “profound scientific value,” pointing out that it’s a unique place to study how planets formed, including ours. The surface of the moon is incredibly stable—no tectonic plates, no active volcanoes, no wind, no rain—which means that the loose rock, or regolith, on the moon’s surface looks the way the surface of the earth might have looked billions of years ago.

NASA still launches regular orbital missions to the moon, but its focus is on more distant points. (In a 2010 speech, President Obama brushed off the moon, saying, “We’ve been there before.”) For emerging space powers, though, the moon is still the trophy destination that it was for the United States and the Soviet Union in the 1960s. In 2008 an Indian probe relayed the best evidence yet that there’s water on the moon, locked in ice deep in craters at the lunar poles. China landed a rover on the surface of the moon in December 2013, though it soon malfunctioned. Despite that setback, China plans a sample-return mission in 2017, which would be the first since a Soviet capsule brought back 6 ounces of lunar soil in 1976.

The moon has also drawn the attention of space-minded entrepreneurs. One of the most obvious opportunities is to deliver scientific instruments for government agencies and universities. This is an attractive, ready clientele in theory, explains Paul Spudis, a scientist at the Lunar and Planetary Institute in Houston, though there’s a hitch: “The basic problem with that as a market,” he says, “is scientists never have money of their own.”

One company aspiring to the delivery role is Astrobotic, a startup of young Carnegie Mellon engineers based in Pittsburgh, which is currently positioning itself to be “FedEx to the moon,” says John Thornton, the company’s CEO. Astrobotic has signed a contract with SpaceX, the commercial space firm founded by Elon Musk, to use a Falcon 9 for an inaugural delivery trip in 2015, just in time to claim the Google Lunar X Prize. Thornton says most of the technology is in place for the mission, and that the biggest remaining hurdle is figuring out how to engineer a soft, automated moon landing.

Astrobotic is charging $1.2 million per kilogram—you can, in fact, place an order on its website—and Thornton says the company has five customers so far. They include the entities you might expect, like NASA, but also less obvious ones, like a company that wants to deliver human ashes for permanent internment and a Japanese soft drink manufacturer that wants to place its signature beverage, Pocari Sweat, on the moon as a publicity stunt. Astrobotic is joined in this small sci-fi economy by Moon Express out of Mountain View, Calif., another company competing for the Google Lunar X Prize.
Plans like these are the low-hanging fruit of the lunar economy, the easiest ideas to imagine and execute. Longer-scale thinkers are envisioning ways that the moon will play a larger role in human affairs—and that, says Crotts, is where “serious resource exploitation” comes in.
If this triggers fears of a mined-out moon, be reassured: “Apollo went there and found nothing we wanted. Had we found anything we really wanted, we would have gone back and there would have been a new gold rush,” says Roger Launius, the former chief historian of NASA and now a curator at the National Air and Space Museum.

There is one possible exception: helium-3, an isotope used in nuclear fusion research. It is rare on Earth but thought to be abundant on the surface of the moon, which could make the moon an important energy source if we ever figure out how to harness fusion energy. More immediately intriguing is the billion tons of water ice the scientific community increasingly believes is stored at the poles. If it’s there, that opens the possibility of sustained lunar settlement—the water could be consumed as a liquid, or split into oxygen for breathing and hydrogen for fuel.

The presence of water could also open a potentially ripe market providing services to the multibillion dollar geosynchronous satellite industry. “We lose billions of dollars a year of geosynchronous satellites because they drift out of orbit,” says Crotts. In a new book, “The New Moon: Water, Exploration, and Future Habitation,” he outlines plans for what he calls a “cislunar tug”: a space tugboat of sorts that would commute between the moon and orbiting satellites, resupplying them with propellant, derived from the hydrogen in water, and nudging them back into the correct orbital position.

In the long term, the truly irreplaceable value of the moon may lie elsewhere, as a staging area for expeditions deeper into space. The most expensive and dangerous part of space travel is lifting cargo out of and back into the Earth’s atmosphere, and some people imagine cutting out those steps by establishing a permanent base on the moon. In this scenario, we’d build lunar colonies deep in natural caves in order to escape the micrometeorites and toxic doses of solar radiation that bombard the moon, all the while preparing for trips to more distant points.
gical hurdles is long, and there’s also a legal one, at least where commerce is concerned. The moon falls under the purview of the Outer Space Treaty, which the United States signed in 1967, and which prohibits countries from claiming any territory on the moon—or anywhere else in space—as their own.
“It is totally unclear whether a private sector entity can extract resources from the moon and gain title or property rights to it,” says Joanne Gabrynowicz, an expert on space law and currently a visiting professor at Beijing Institute of Technology School of Law. She adds that a later document, the 1979 Moon Treaty, which the United States has not signed, anticipates mining on the moon, but leaves open the question of how property rights would be determined.

There are lots of reasons the moon may never realize its potential to mint the world’s first trillionaires, as some space enthusiasts have predicted. But to the most dedicated space entrepreneurs, the economic and legal arguments reflect short-sighted thinking. They point out that when European explorers set sail in the 15th and 16th centuries, they assumed they’d find a fortune in gold waiting for them on the other side of the Atlantic. The real prizes ended up being very different—and slow to materialize.
“When we settled the New World, we didn’t bring a whole lot back to Europe [at first],” Thornton says. “You have to create infrastructure to enable that kind of transfer of goods.” He believes that in the case of the moon, we’ll figure out how to do that eventually.
Roger Handberg is as clear-eyed as anyone about the reasons why the moon may never become more than an object of wonder, but he also understands why we can’t turn away from it completely. That challenge, in the end, may finally be what lures us back.

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Google to lease former Nasa airfield for space research

Hangar One
Google will restore Hangar One which has become a landmark in Silicon Valley

Excerpt from


Google latest "moonshot" is an apt one - it is investing in a Nasa-owned airfield to expand research into space exploration and robotics.

Planetary Ventures, an offshoot of Google, will take over management of the Moffett Federal Airfield.

The airfield is already regularly used as a landing strip for the private jets of the firm's billionaire executives.

Google has not divulged exactly how the site will be used.
But, according to a Nasa press release, the site will be used for "research, development, assembly and testing in the areas of space exploration, aviation, rover/robotics and other emerging technologies".

For Nasa, the sale offers rich pickings - the agreement will provide it with $1.16bn (£731m) in rent over the initial 60-year lease term.

"As Nasa expands its presence in space, we are making strides to reduce our footprint here on Earth," said Nasa administrator Charles Bolden. 

And for Google, the investment represents an opportunity to restore an iconic building.

Part of the deal includes the restoration of Hangar One, an important landmark in Silicon Valley. Built in 1933, it is one of the world's largest free-standing structures.

Moffett Federal Airfield golf courseThere is also a golf course on the site

Planetary Ventures plans to invest more than $200m in rebuilding Hangar One and two other hangars on the site.

It will create an educational facility where the public can explore the site's legacy and the role of technology on it.

Very little is known about Planetary Ventures, the firm behind the deal. Press reports describe it as shell organisation for real estate deals although the name hints at something more. 

The base, previously maintained by Nasa's Ames Research Center, is located four miles from Google's Mountain View headquarters.

Space Projects

It is not the first time Google has invested in unusual purchases. Two mysterious barges that appeared on the coasts of San Francisco and Portland, Maine, last year turned out to be Google-owned.

It emerged that Google intended to use them as floating showcases for new products such as Google Glass and its self-driving cars. The project was later abandoned after coastguard officials deemed them to be a fire risk.

(It is not) the first time that Google has worked with Nasa. Back in 2005, Google built an office at Nasa's research facility in order to co-operate on a range of projects.

More recently, the two teamed up to launch a new laboratory, focused on advancing machine learning, also based at Nasa's research centre.

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Peace Through Synchronized Global Meditation

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7 Ways Cannabis Legalization Has Already Benefited Colorado

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NASA Discovers Hidden Portals In Earth’s Magnetic Field

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Hello dear ones, I greet you today from a place very close

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Beloved Children of the Beloved Creator
We are the Energies of those who you call as Archangel Raphael and

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13 Cib, 4 Kank’in, 9 Eb
Selamat Jarin! We return! Let us begin today by reviewing what has transpired so far. As you know,

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Thank You Thursday: Our Divine Purpose

a message from Hillis Pugh

Thursday, 14 October, 2010 

Be thankful this day for divine purpose.

As we go through life we carry out multiple purposes and experience various lessons for each purpose. Through life, each experience ...

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It’s July! Here are the Keys to Your New Porsche

a message from Archangel Michael channeled by Meredith Murphy

Thursday, 1 July, 2010  (posted 4 July, 2010)

Clearing away anything which does not fit with your “future” incarnation...

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It’s All Illusion….

"Tell us another thing!", you'll probably answer, because you've heard it all before no doubt. But how do you experience this illusion? Do you take the stance that illusion isn't the real thing, and therefor not worth the trouble of actively engaging in it? Kinda sounds like the Merlin quote we had earlier in the lightbox this afternoon: "If I can't use magic, I might as well die."  When in fact we use magic all the while, because how far does the Matrix really go? is it just a part of this world, this galaxy, or eventyually all of it?

Do we just keep denying illusion after illusion, calling it mere reality, in search of the ultimate experience? Why not simply enjoy the illusion while we're here, knowing we're the masters of it and can make it just as positive as we darn well please? Sure, lots of it is even more illusory than the normal reality, but in the end it all boils  down to this: we can call them good or bad illusions, but what we are actually saying is that some illusions are preferable, and some are not. Abraham-Hicks just now gave a perfect example of how 'bad' illusions are nothing more than the lack of good illusions: a serial rapist does not do these horrendous acts because he likes to, but because it feels better than having to live with the illusion he created by not choosing for his destined purpose.

Basically, he succumbed to fighting off the non-preferable illusions, instead of wholeheartedly choosing the one ultimate destination that is preferable, for instance because of that well-known but very damaging catch-phrase that says that "When something sounds too good to be true, it usually is!". Even I, who long ago inverted that claim into "When something sounds too good to be true, it can only be true", still get sidetracked by the numerous variations of these self-destructive spells we weave to keep us from getting into the Vortex (to use Abraham-Hicks terminology). Call it what you want, Zone, Vortex, Nirvana or Heaven, we all Know how it feels. But not all of us feel it all of the time....

My vortex (or vibrational escrow, as Abraham says) has finally taken the form where I can unequivocally recognize it as such. It used to be just loose ideas that felt nice, childhood dreams, that had no real leverage at becoming truth. Over time though, with passing experiences, these distinct ideas formed webs of synchronicity inside my mind, becoming much more of a plan than a loose collection of nice ideas. The fact I can pretty much designate how my ideal life (or at least the second half of it) is going to look, does of course not automatically mean it has to come true in just that way. Even wilder, I Know that it probably won't. But I also Know that no matter what else happens, I will enjoy it immensely more if I just keep working towards that dream image, that is emerging ever more solidly.

And knowing that, the haste of getting there is almost completely diminished. I can even enjoy the tight budget that still signifies the end of the month past the end of my money..... It's all just illusion anyway.

Love your Illusions,


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Dismantling the OLD? Like Hell I Am….

Where did this notion come from, that old is somehow less valuable than new? Surely if All is One, everything is just as valuable as the the next thing...

It was only when playing with my second novel, in the dual timeframe, that actually reverted both to delta-time that I noticed that anything just hinges on one thing: the appreciation of the individual. No suppression of the ego, but a rightful appreciation of what it is, regardless of the timeframe it came in. Because believe it or not, I've always been me, even though my temper used to be more violent. It just showed different aspects of itself:

Over time, I've used and abused various nicknames both before and on the Web, which were all employed because they felt well:

Acesoft - Used to be my 'brand' during the Commodore 64 days. The axxompanying logo bore an ace of spades, inspired by Motörhead's Ace of Spades, coupled with the fact I was a big softy by then. 

SelfAware - or at least becoming so right that very moment. My site than was called Selfaware's Special Spots, and was basically just a compilation of what I liked and loved. 

Paid2Think - focus on work, and being in a profession where I realised I was being paid to do just that....

Deviant - Feeling myself to be the odd one out, at the time writing my very first (Dutch) novel

Moorelife - One of the longer periods, but then you've experienced most of this live right here!

Nothere  - a very brief one last year, but very significant in what it evolved in

Make It Real - Title of my second novel, but also very much the central theme of my life right now.....

Do you see a pattern emerging here? But is any of it more important than the other aspects? I feel like no, All of it defines All of Me Now! But it also feels like it's come full circle, like the next time round, it'll be for real.....


Yesterday, the rest of the Make It Real cycle came into existence. I'll not spill the beans just uet, but the theme's for book two and three of the Make It Real cycle have been outlined Together, they in turn seem to outline  reality to me, which is way beyond my wildest dreams. And the weird thing is that it now looks like Analysis complete, ready for Design and Implementation. And of course after that, Test, Deployment and the Enjoy,emt of Use!\

Love your Infinite Light, 


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