Tag: emerge (page 3 of 5)

July 2010: Divergence

a message from Polaris channeled by Karen Murphy

Saturday, 10 July, 2010 

We spoke last month about a divergence in energy — internal vs. external — which continues on in the present...

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Participate in the Light Coming: the time is NOW

a message from Meredith Murphy

Thursday, 8 July, 2010  (posted 9 July, 2010)

Qualities of the New Earth 

Hello you beautiful beings, and friends, members of the Family of Light.

I c...

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7 July 2010 - 1:57pm

Channeler: Maureen Moss

Wow! What a time to be alive on Planet Earth. It's daunting and exciting all at the same time isn't it? On some days it feels like a liberating free fall into the ...

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It’s July! Here are the Keys to Your New Porsche

a message from Archangel Michael channeled by Meredith Murphy

Thursday, 1 July, 2010  (posted 4 July, 2010)

Clearing away anything which does not fit with your “future” incarnation...

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The Meaning of Deja Vu

"Déjà Vu" is a common intuitive experience that has happened to many of us. The expression is derived from the French, meaning "already seen." When it occurs, it seems to spark our memory of a place we have already been, a person we have already seen, or an act we have already done. It is a signal to pay special attention to what is taking place, perhaps to receive a specific lesson in a certain area or complete what is not yet finished.

In “Second Sight” I describe many theories to explain déjà vu: a memory of a dream, a precognition, a coincidental overlapping of events or even a past life experience in which we rekindle ancient alliances. What matters is that it draws us closer to the mystical. It is an offering, an opportunity for additional knowledge about ourselves and others.

During a trip to Africa, Carl Jung described a feeling of déjà vu when he viewed a slim, black man leaning on a spear looking down at his train as it made a turn around a steep cliff on the way to Nairobi. He writes, "I had the feeling that I had already experienced this moment and had always known this world." Although this world and this man were something alien to him, he saw the whole thing as perfectly natural. He called this a recognition of what was "immemorially known."

In Western culture, we are brought up to consider anyone who isn't an immediate member of our circle of friends and family to be a stranger. Yet at times, you meet people whom you feel as if you have known for years. You can talk to them about anything and they understand. You laugh easily with them. The tone of their voice, the way they take their coffee, all seem commonplace. It isn't that they remind you of someone else or that their qualities are simply endearing. You relate to them not as strangers, but as people with whom you have shared history, members of the same tribe.

A patient of mine named Shannon knew that she was going to marry her husband the day that they met. She had dated a lot of men following her divorce, but none of them felt right. Then, she met Bob. There was something about the way he smiled, the glint of his hair, his voice and the shape of his hands, that made her think that they had known each other before. After talking it was clear that their paths had never crossed, but after their first lunch date, they became inseparable. What Shannon and Bob immediately felt for each other was more than just physical chemistry. It was a natural compatibility and a depth of intimacy that usually emerges after couples are together for many years. They were married two months after they met and have been together now for ten years.

I’m often asked how to tell the difference between a feeling of déjà-vu when we first meet someone and an attraction stemming from an addictive obsession. Some addiction specialists say that whenever you meet someone and an explosion of fireworks go off, this is a sign not of true love, but of one neurosis meeting another. They suggest that you run as fast as you can in the opposite direction.

Based upon my work with the recovering community, I agree that there is a strong tendency among addicts and some non-addicts to try to "fix" themselves with love and sex, rushing prematurely into relationships inspired only by intense physical attraction. They often have nothing to do with déjà-vu, but stem rather from a basic emptiness that longs to be filled. There is no true bond between the people involved, they hardly know each other, and these partnership attempts fail miserably when the pink glow of newness wears off.

The fact that an encounter feels compelling or immediate doesn't necessarily mean that it is healthy or unhealthy. The experience of déjà vu must always be approached discerningly. However, mostly déjà-vu experiences are not obsessive or compulsive. They rather convey a quality that is quiet and solid..

The possibility of having a déjà vu is inherent in partnerships of all kinds, particularly the more intimate ones. It can occur in business, friendships and family, often leading to pivotal outcomes that can impact the direction of our life.

There are situations that are glitches in time, when the rules bend and the mystery takes hold. Enchanted moments that sparkle. These are deja-vus. They can take place anywhere, at any time and with anyone. Your real estate agent might show you a house that feels so familiar and right, you instantly know it is yours. Or perhaps you are in a restaurant and sense an inexplicable kinship with a woman sitting in the back corner booth. Don't let these possibilities pass you by. Take notice; investigate. There is no way of predicting where each might lead or what it will teach you. Summoning the courage to take a chance and act on synchronicities, to have faith in what is not yet visible, will make the experience your own.

Adapted from Second Sight: An Intuitive Psychiatrist Tells Her Story and Show You How to Tap Your Own Inner Wisdom (Three Rivers Press, 2010) by Judith Orloff MD

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Win or Loose? Who cares! (is God lazy?)

Recent event have gotten me to see things differently. My idea in writing my second novel is that beings from the far future are somehow responsible for tweaking our reality so it gets better and better. But why does it have to be the far  future? Anybody who can anticipate, is properly equipped to tweak. And that's what I see happening: numerous myth and scams have emerged in the past, even more so since our field of interest became global with the advance of computers. We've got viruses, russian brides, the dotcom hype, spam, lotteries,  all stories of which we have collectively seen enough experiences to consider them real.

But why are some people literally under siege from viruses and hackers, while others like me couldn't care less? Why do I always narrowly escape the negatives, even though I hear about others getting taken to the cleaners? Am I that lucky? I used to think myself unlucky for not getting into the big positives, but untill I started considering myself lucky to escape the negatives, I wasn't really alive. A psychic once asked me this: "When will you stop surviving, and start living?" He was right, and I've taken this long to consciously realize it. The moment you stop worrying about losing, you start winning! Big win scenarios are still a dream of mine, but I never could figure out how I'd beat the odds. How to win the lottery? How to become a big name in writing? I never figured it out.

But today I realized something about me: even though nobody would really call me lazy, I actually am: I love beauty (both experiencing and creating it), but I abhor (grind) work. A perfect programmer in other words!  But since I am God, and God is me, is God lazy? Dare I call him that? Well, I shouldn't, because he created it all! How's that for a lazy guy, riight? But He (or She)  created it all, and so knows how it works. We on the other hand, are behind the veil, trying to figure it out as we go. And I find that the more I find, the closer I get to finding I've really got nothing to lose! And because I no longer have anything to lose, winning becomes unimportant! But then, that might just be the missing ingredient that was needed to create the perfect winner: gives his all, without needing anything in return. Simply  because he knows he's already won. 

And then al of a sudden you find there's always someone somewhere to take up the slack: I botched a PC cleanup the other day, accidentally wiping a lady's mail program from her computer. I did ask her if she used Microsoft Office, while I knew she used Outlook. That Outlook belonged to Office was something I also knew, but at that point was not aware of. When I got home she called, not being able to check her mail. I felt real bad, because she of all people didn't deserve such a setback. I offered to try and fix it remotely through TeamViewer, but being quite afraid of computers, she refused. So we planned on getting me out there live somewhere this week. But just now I got a call from a gentleman she'd called in, and he had a very straightforward solution he wanted to run by me. I figure this just might work, which means I've yet again escaped an unpleasant situation: no need to travel there, and the problem is still fixed. 

So don't worry, there really is someone out to watch your back!

Love your Light, and our Oneness. 


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13 – 33 – 333 Number Sequences – New Earth Codes

We are sharing a series of esoteric transmissions, invocations, activations of the sacred Divine feminine of Shekinah through Blue Ray to assist you through the great shift of 2012 and beyond. You the Blue Ray and many Light Bearers carry the new earth frequency of ascension through the sacred heart of the holy divine feminine.

As you read this information know that it is your own knowledge awakening, your sacred heritage and lineages. You the Blue Ray and the many Light Bearers true divine nature have been undercover of your full expression, gifts, talents and abilities, and as this information is being revealed so are you.

Higher Realms Number Code Sequences Activation

The higher realms, ascended masters, the Light and your guides communicate with you in many ways in your world and life. We are in constant communication and communion with you. One way that is increasing with momentum is through the sacred number sequences. They are more than mere numbers. They are sacred codes, energetic frequencies of dimension and light. These sacred codes of communication form sacred geometry and gateways, creating activation of your higher nature.

How the sacred numbers activate you

It is not that you are looking for the numbers or just seeing them, it is an activation and remembrance as you and the higher realms, the masters of ascended light and love, are aligning at a divine configuration of reality of time and space. It is a holy moment when this occurs. As you acknowledge this communion, it builds a stronger vibration of higher light in your energy field and life.

For some time now, many of you have been seeing the sacred number sequences occurring frequently in your life. It may have become such a common occurrence that has been easily discounted to, "Ah yes, I see the numbers all the time and that is all."

Downloads from Spirit 44

If you have a connection with spirit in this way, we wish to remind you to stop for this holy moment and take it in. We know that many times you are busy with your life, and

through mental processing may feel you cannot take time to be activated by the higher realms. Know that you are in a holy moment beyond time and space, a place of divine power, where a moment can become many hours, days or even years. When you return to this time space you will see that it was only a moment or minute in this reality.

Ah, yes, you can stop and stretch time and this is only the beginning of your unlimited potential multidimensional divine power. 55 It is why the power elite of times ago did not want the general public to know this esoteric wisdom. And why they created fear as a deterrent in ever seeking this knowledge and deeming it unholy. These age-old energies are leaving with the shift and emerging of the new earth. 44

Sacred communion with the higher realms and Masters of Light and love through the number sequences

You will see, hear or read a certain number sequence coming to you over and over. The number sequence will keep coming to you everywhere you go: when you check out in the store, on license plates, clocks, TV, movies, media - spirit will find clever ways to get your attention. It makes you stop for a moment; there is a knowing, a recognition that you are in communion with spirit; you feel it in your body and that is your confirmation. Trust this direct knowing through the sacred vehicle of your body, as it tells you of a meeting of two worlds, your holy moment. 13

You are now being given more information, energetic transmissions on the sacred number sequences. You can use them 44 to ride the information matrix, giving you exactly what you require energetically at any time. 333

Codes of the New Earth through sacred number sequences

13 –33-333 represent the new earth, golden age of Gaia through the sacred heart and the Christed female - the return of the Goddess, Shekinah and Sophia, the sacred divine feminine.

It is divinely powerful when you see these combinations of 13-33 together and 333 each one coming to you throughout your day. Together they are telling that you are a sacred way shower, a frequency holder of the new earth, that cellular rejuvenation of your light codes is taking place.

The Sacred Power of 13

13 is "The Return of the Goddess in all things"

Unity and balance, the natural order of life through the Holy Divine feminine and through the Sacred Heart. 13:13 and 10:10

The Sacred Power of 13 brings and carries the frequency resonance of Transcendence of matter and the embodiment of ascension, the new earth frequency code, Unity and Oneness, Mary Magdalene, Mother Mary, Shekinah and Sophia; natural rhythms coming into balance and sacred order; taking back your power through the sacred divine feminine.

Mary Magdalene represents the 13 and the shift of 2012 that will bring the new earth codes. She and her essence have re-emerged at a time when earth and the people would be ready to receive her lost knowledge. This will bring the Christed female of the holy spirit of the embodiment of Shekinah.

13 is a unifying vibration, it is the Christ with the 12 disciples.

There are 13 lunar cycles in a solar year that honor the sacred divine feminine and at one time you followed here on earth.

13 was the sacred number of the ancient Egyptians, part of the sacred geometry of Creation to activate their sacred light body.

The Mayans, many Native Americans, Lemurians, Atlantean and ancient sacred cultures used the holy code frequency of 13.

The turtle represents the primordial goddess of 13; many turtles have 13 segments on their shells.

Mother Mary of Fatima appeared to the children of Fatima on May 13, 1917, for 6 consecutive months on the 13th day of each month. Her presence will come again on that day of 13 through Shekinah in the coming shift of ages.

13 has a secret divine power and esoteric frequency of the Mother essence to transform all things. In the past, the 13 number vibration was one of fear. As the power elite of the time wanted to steer you away from its true direct connection with source creation. It is why they distorted the truth creating instant fright around 13.

Your indigenous and ancient cultures used a different system of time and communion with the cosmos, life and Spirit that was more in tune to the natural rhythms of Creation and heartbeat of Gaia. This holy way of balance is returning through the great shift of the ages. The 13 vibration is a part of the holy alignment and healing.

Sacred code frequency meaning of 33

33 is the sacred heart, ascension, the masters of ascended light and love, the return of the Shekinah, the holy sprit heart flame of the Mother of Creation.

Sacred code frequency meaning of 333

333 means cellular activation of your light codes and you are working with the teams, legions of the masters of ascended light and love and higher light beings and realms.

We will continue to give you information through the Blue Ray on the esoteric hidden information of the sacred codes to assist the activation of your divine original blueprint. This will be a series of the sacred number frequency vibration of activations, invocations, esoteric wisdom and information that is now ready to be released. 11.11

You are being activated by reconnecting to the true meaning of the holy numbers, transmuting fear that brings holiness back to your cells and to God’s true nature. You are divine; we bless, honor and thank you. All of God and Creation are reaching out to you in the highest Light and Love empowering you. You see, we are One! 13

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Day 4 – Reclaim your Body Temple

Today we begin… Right here and now, we take total personal responsibility and cancel contracts, etc.  We breathe and find our center.  We meditate.  With these simple steps we have opened a doorway to reclaim our minds.  The past two days experiences have given a glimpse of what can be achieved with daily practice.  As we progress, weave the previous days experiences into more intricate patterns during your day.  Catch yourself as you commute to work.  Someone challenges you on the road, send Love.  Breathe consciously for a few minutes for every hour worked.  Bring these new awarenesses into your life.  We have started to reclaim our mind and now we begin to support our bodies.

What do you eat?  Do you know where it comes from?  Do you know what it is made of?  Can you pronounce all the ingredients?  Do you look at the ingredients?  Are you completely aware of the food and beverages you ingest on a daily basis?  Are you conscious in this area of your life?  Is your food prepared in a Loving manner?

This can be a very profound experience, so here we go…

Shine the light of your awareness into the area of your personal diet, eating and drinking habits.  Begin your quest for the Truth.  Come to know the things that you put into your Temple, the Body.  Become intimately aware.  If you don’t know what it is, find out.  Perhaps you will be surprised to find out that much of our mass processed and distributed “food” is pretty devoid of nutrition and more importantly, life energy.

So, today I ask you to take stock of the situation.  Get your journal to the ready, keep it close by all day and become an investigator.  Check everything you are inclined to eat and drink. Know what it is before.  Ask the questions…

From personal experience I can share that I was very addicted to fast food and other very unhealthy and “unnatural” foods.  Today I can barely eat out with the rampant infusion of artificial ingredients, corporate greed and unconscious food preparation so prevalent in many restaurants today.  I have seen the food services industry in a new light and it has completely changed my life, health and vitality.

So, please become keenly aware of your intake.

Today, find and commit to a detox program.  There are many products and supplements out there, find what resonates with you.  Drink lots of clean, pure, fresh water and label your water bottles with short inspirational inscriptions or words such as Love, Gratitude, Peace, Balance, Abundance, Success, Highest Good, Trust…  You get it.  Water becomes structured and takes on the resonant frequency of these words, so when you drink it your body which is mostly water takes on these frequencies as well…  Investigate… google: messages from water

Consider everything…  Start right now.  What did you eat and drink since you got up this morning.  Write it down.  A pattern will emerge.  You will discover something about yourself that was previously not known.  You will awaken in you a desire to know what is going into your Temple and as your practice deepens your tolerance for impurity may and likely will change.

I have come to discover that our bodies are made to function perfectly.  We just need to fuel them in the right way.  So, today… Eat something local, organic, fresh and prepared consciously.  You will find it or you will make it, either way bring consciousness into your diet, find and start an internal cleanse program and become a food investigator.

It’s your body… the only one you get this go ’round.  No matter where you are on your path your body will respond to this change.  Take notice now and commit to the practice that brings purity to the food and drink you put in your temple.  You are,  Worth it!

Please share your experiences in the comments or on Facebook!   I know there will be a great many discoveries to share.  Some fascinating information and deeper understanding can and will come in your investigation.  Welcome it.  Open to it.  Share it.  I am very interested in comments relating to HFCS and wheat and gluten allergies… Thank you and Blessings on your Journey, my Brothers and Sisters.

Love and Kindness,


Heroes of the Now

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We are Light in Action – channeling April 3, 2010

We are Light in Action - channeling April 3, 2010

Yes, Dear Ones and Beloved Brothers, the unconditional love can be felt by all. You are the Power and Light of God Father/Mother, trust your senses. Listen to your deeper feeling and you will find that always ... ALWAYS ...you will be in contact with the Divine Light.

The Light is present in this time of peace and union. Union which will be make more and more important in every day that pass by, because in each day that pass unconditional love will lead you to the truths that are hidden during centuries. The doors of mercy and truth will be open in front of your eyes, my Dear Brother. There are many people now who are being connected and call to these truths, but one sense of low vibration prevents these truths to be accessed in your source of wisdom and connection with the creation. Every time that you feel this type of frequential standard of energy,the connection will be more hard,so Dear and Beloved Brother,do not give your heart to emotions of low vibrational pattern,always be light and aspire trust in yourself , in God that is inside of you,the answers will be found inside not out........

I will leave you in the light of the unconditional love of God Father/Mother.

I AM Elohim

Dear Brothers of the Light

My dear children, pay attention to the internal work, we are teaching you in a form subtle to break free of the constraints that were imposed on you , be steadfast in your daily work procedure, ask for our help when you feel that you are tired to walk alone, we are with you.
We are all Light of the same fire that burns in the heart of the creation. We are love that live in various dimensions. We are the expanding in cadence of the Divine Light of the Father / Mother Universal. We are the work from within to out the real condition of the brothers and of all mankind, even the brothers who are still in the darkness of evil qualify lenses, we are with you.
When you are living day to day. to work, to relate, look around and feel the vibrations of intention of the people, just feel, take off the lenses of your glasses, look as observers, do not scattered over
and you will feel your real purpose of the day.
Choose your vibration in the first moments of the day when you open your eyes early in the morning. Feel your connection with your I Am presence and choose your mission of light, choose to be love that touches all in a silently way. Choose to be compassionate light that purifies all silently. Choose to be the living God who dwells within each one of you, the wisdom will be palpable from the inside out and even when the truth is hard, will be clear to your eyes and ears and heart. You will know to discern everything that you need to finish your mastery in 3D.
Your Guardian Angels rejoice with your development, we are all very happy. I had the honor of being together with our Master / Brother Jesus a long time ago and now I have the same honor with you, because I am together now with a human Angel of Light / Jesus Christ, who is alive inside of your heart.
I am walking along with humanity for many eons and I thank all the Lightworkers who are struggling and looking for your light every day, follow today and always, climb the ladder of your ascent.
I Am Mother Mary and I love you, stay in the holy peace of God within each one of you.

Greetings Lightworkers, dress yourself of blue, dress yourself of peace and proclaim the Light Proclaim the new. Proclaim the peace.
Here is a Brother of Light,I am a Brother of Light,which arrive here to share, to speak to you about Light,the Lemuria Temple,forgot a long time who now emerge inside of you Ligthworkers.
Our home was simple but in deep charm. The Forest of tall trees ,the holy ground still the same. Remember the palace between the forest, the temple of light that we pass and contemplate the lighthouse to share the light. Earth you still the same priceless charm and beauty. I still love you earth that one day shelter me. Today I return to wake 144 thousand Angels of Light. I wake up. You are Light. Return to your Home. Remember who you are, that what you have inside of you.
The Light share ,be a sign. Look beyond. Remember your Light. How this is beautiful ,this union of Brothers of eons ago been together .
I will speak of love and peace ,seed of Light,seed of peace, look to the new sun inside of you,praise the Master Jesus who planted the seed and sowed of LOVE. The House of the Father has many places, here is one more .
Peace and Light, Galactic Brothers.
I am a intergalactic being of the blue ball of purifier fire of peace. I Am what I Am. I Am light and Love as well as You.
May the sun of each one of you shine so bright that illuminate the world around You.
The Intergalactic Confederation salute You, Brothers of Gaia.

Channeling of the Group We are Light in Action on 03/04/2010 - Brazil

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New Beginnings

This channel took place on the evening after the Spring Equinox. The energies were powerful and intense. Many people had been experiencing dramatic changes in their lives. Many people had feeling out of balance and energy for a while. Much of that is transitioning. The four transformations of the seasons; spring and fall equinox and summer and winter solstices are always opportunities to create better balance in your lives. During this journey as you stood on the cusp of the equinox you could acknowledge what it was within your past that was ready to be released. You also had a chance to create for the future, to set the energies for the next six months. Through it all the message is about balance.  Step into these energies and let go of anything that is outside of yourself or not your own. Create your intention for the next several months as you manifest greater balance within yourself ~ Shelly

Nama sika; venia benya

I AM the one, I AM the whole  

I greet you beloved family. I feel as if I'm coming into your group, as if I'm lighting in upon a wave of energy that is associated with the spring equinox. Feel that wave of energy as it moves through you. Feel yourself as you are fully present here within your body. Let yourself go within and feel just how alive you really are.

I thank you for coming to share this time with me. I am so very excited about all that is taking place upon the earth. Whenever we get together around either the equinox or the solstices, there is an immense flow of energy that's moving within and around everything upon the earth and in the universe.

This is about balance. Today as you stand on the balance of letting go the last six months, opening to the next six months, consider this a new beginning, and so breathe that within yourselves. Breathe in, feeling all that energy move through you. As you are ready to do so, I invite you to have a sense of shifting your energies so that you may release your physical body and allow your consciousness to move into the space of the magnetic grid. Feel what this place is to you. Feel your higher self as it resides within and around you here within this space.

The magnetic grid has had an immense purpose throughout the many thousands of years upon the earth. It has transformed and become what it is today through the immense work of the millions of you upon the earth, who are shifting your consciousness.

I the Goddess in conjunction with all of those who work with the earth from the other side of the veil have been working from that perspective and everything has been coming together so beautifully over the last 15 to 20 years. So look around you, feel what this place is to you, recognize how you are linked with other people. There is a link to the collective consciousness and is all readily apparent within here.

As you are ready to do so, shift your focus as if going outward so that you may link with the crystalline grid. As you arrive within this space, allow yourself to feel the flow and the energies that are present here within.

You come into this space on a very consistent basis. You come here as a means of balancing your own crystalline energies. This is also a place that you reach out or you reach into whenever you seek to expand in a new and different way. You may find that you also link with the soul plane with other dimensions of awareness, but most especially, you have the crystalline grid. This is something that you move through or you blend with any time that you have a sense of leaving the consciousness of the earth.  It's here, it's available for you. You may utilize it as much as you so choose. Feel the flow of energy as it moves through here.

As you are ready to do so have a sense of shifting your awareness so that you may move your focus into the soul plane. As you arrive within the soul plane, feel how your energy expands. You immediately become aware of your I AM presence. You may have a sense of it coming up from within you; you may have a sense of walking towards it until you reach out and blend. Feel how your divinity fills you up. Feel how you have a sense of going even deeper within yourself as you merge fully with your divinity. This is you. Your I AM presence is that unique soul essence that is only you. It contains the multitude of various experiences that you have had. You as your divinity are immense.

You are a brilliant vibrant energy! Here in the space of the soul plane you have a better access or a better ability to see the higher lighter vibrations that are a part of your consciousness or your presence. The more that you expand upon the earth, the more that your vibration rises to be in alignment with what you are here or who you are here; then the greater that this energy or essence is able to move down and become a part of your existence on the earth. So feel that flow, feel all of that as it moves through you.

Now I the Goddess come within this space. You may feel my energies as I move in and amongst you.  I reach out to embrace every one of you who are here present at this time. Well, that also includes anyone who is reading or listening to this at a different time, because if you are hearing or reading these words, you are present. So allow yourself to expand.  As I merge with you, I am able to amplify all that is you. I reflect back to you and share a vision of who you are.

As you find yourself within this space, look around, have a sense of the ways in which your energy expand. This is the All That Is. This is where you come when you seek to create within your life. This is where you come sometimes in your sleep state. This is here as a means of creating profound changes both in the universe, and upon the earth.

We stand here as the spring equinox is on the end of its energies. This is a time that I would like you to consider what have you had hibernating within you during the past several months. Or perhaps you can think of it as an incubation period. Howsoever it may come across to you, what has this winter been like for you?  As you consider whatever this may be, let yourself in this moment acknowledge, feel, perhaps, what is keeping you from feeling that completion.

I do not wish for you to focus a large amount of energy upon it, but I do believe that if you take a moment to bring it up, look at it, perhaps energetically shake your fist at it, as if to express that you are frustrated, howsoever you picture it in your own mind or in your own way, experience it for yourself and then have sense of letting it go. What I see all of you doing is as if you are suspended in the universe and so you just drop that down away from you. You let it go; you release it, you allow those energies to flow away from you and anything that may have been attached with them. As you do this, have a new perspective of your life. Have a new perspective of perhaps why you've had those experiences. As if you are turning 180° you look in another direction, open up to the new beginnings that are present here for you.

As you look towards the next six months of your life look from this higher perspective, giving you the big picture of things. Look to see all that is here. Are there perhaps experiences from the past that are coming back to revisit you with a greater understanding?  Is that perhaps the time that you manifest in the physical form all that you've been seeking to have? Is now the time that you allow yourself to feel the complete satisfaction that you have been seeking to have? As you allow yourself to look towards the future, as you stand here in this space of immense flow allow yourself to open and see what it is that's available to you.

As you stand in this space, feel what it is to have accomplished whatever it is that you seek to do. Does it make you feel different? Does it satisfy an urge that you've been feeling within yourself? Do you find that this, whatever it might be that you have been seeking to have, is going to finally bring you the satisfaction that you desire?

We have spoken many times about manifesting, about timing, about what you are seeking to have within your life. In every person, that feeling of connection with your divinity gives you that feeling of completion.  No matter what may be going on in your physical reality, that constant flow of source energy coming to you from your divinity gives you that feeling of well-being. It gives you that sense of awareness, that sense of perspective. If you find yourself in chaos perhaps at the workplace, perhaps within your family in whatever the situation may be, breathe down your divinity, breathe down your I AM presence and let that nurture you, filling you up. Feel what that is to you.

Therefore as you consider the new beginnings, let's open up a door to allow a greater amount of potential to come your way. As we arrived within this space, there were a number of teacher and teachers and energies that were here waiting for you. They walk forth and make themselves known to you. There are some extraterrestrials and these energies are different than the light body energies. They too represent light energy but they perhaps come about it from a different perspective. If you feel drawn to one of them, then ask to know how they are going to be working with you.

The light body energies have been merging with me every time that I've come and spoken with you, since they have come into your life. Some of you seek a deeper resonance with them. They are here and present for you. Others of you are seeking out the Angels, Sananda, Mother Mary, Kwan Yin. All the other energies of light, those that are without specific names are all present. So as if you are opening up your consciousness even further open and allow this energy to come closer or to create an alignment with you. As you allow yourself this alignment be open to receive the flow of energy as it moves within and around you. Yes, it is moving through your consciousness, but it is also moving up and down through your I AM presence.

There have been so many influxes of energy over the last several years. There have been the peaks and the valleys when things flow smoothly or when there is a seemingly lack of flow, but it is always here, it is always present and the connections that you make at a time such as this are what allow you to be able to more fully feel the alignment at later times.

I stand here as if before you, speaking with you, looking out. As I do so, I see each one of you as the brilliant light that you are. As I see the flow of the universe all around, it is as if there is a wave of sadness that is moving through.  This is a little bit, catching me off guard so to speak as it may you, but the sense that I am receiving, is that some of you have been feeling this sadness while others have created such an opening through compassion that there is an immense release that is taking place from that collective consciousness.

Ahhh this has been building and building for the last several weeks upon the earth. It's been building up here in the universe and as each one of you stood here and let go of energies from the past as you opened to what you seek for the future; it got to the point that this swell of sadness just peaked and now it is draining off. Feel within yourself, let go any sadness that you may be feeling. As you let this go and allow it all to flow away from you, ask yourself; is this sadness related to you or to something else?

As I look at you I have a very strong sense that many of you, who have been feeling this sadness within and around them, have been feeling it because the collective consciousness has been releasing. What happens in that case is that as the collective is releasing an emotion it aligns with whatever may be happening in your life and either accentuates what maybe there or create something that was not there.  So release this and let it go completely. As you do so, feel how different you are, feel how light, how vibrant your energy is. You may have a sense that you can move with greater agility as if suddenly you are more limber and everything moves through you with greater ease.

There may be those upon the earth who will continue to feel whatever it may be in their lives or they may continue to feel what was released from the consciousness but you may assist them in recognizing that it is not always there's. It may very well be this energy from the collective, so, having released all that, as you come back again with your teacher or with these energies of light, open to see if there is a greater awareness of perception that is available to you.

Are you finding that there is more that you have available to you because you are now this lighter, finer vibration?  Why not ask for more? Why not invite even more to come within your life filling up and creating a more solid expanded consciousness within you?  I have a sense of opening up as if the energies part and as you look out have a sense of looking out over a part of the universe. As you look, let your focus move towards the earth, take in any information or any sense that you have as you look at the earth from this space.

I invite you next, to put your intention towards looking at Ariellis, as you do so; to many it may seem invisible. As you look out at all that is flowing, within and around Ariellis; have a sense of looking even deeper within. Put forth the intention to shift your consciousness in such a way that you are in alignment and then suddenly you see the planet that we call Ariellis. 

Many may have a sense that it is even bigger than the earth; others may have a sense that it is more transparent or invisible. The reason for this is because of the vibration that is within and around the planet itself. When you choose to visit Ariellis and allow your consciousness to spend some time there, you are doing so through your I AM presence and the higher vibrational energies of your consciousness. As you look at Ariellis some of you have actually linked with it and allowed your consciousness to move down as if you were walking upon it. Let your perceptions flow through you, feel how your vibration is shifting.

I see many of you walking upon the earth as you continue to have conversations with whatever guide or teacher has been there with you. As you allow yourself to open to the flow, feel the energies as they move through you. You may ask why would I link with this space, what would be my intention?  Well, as you live your life upon the earth, you are seeking to live your life as the expression of your divinity.

The experience of Ariellis and the alignment that you may receive allows you to more fully integrate this expanded awareness. Anything that makes you feel good is assisting you in your personal growth. Anything that allows you to feel the expansion, to see between the dimensions, to see the higher lighter finer dimensions, allows you your continued spiritual growth. So take in a breath, breathing deeply within yourself, knowing that you are consciously choosing to experience these higher perceptions and awareness.

I invite you to shift your focus once more, that you may all come back within me, All That Is. The alignment that you have formed during this experience will always be there and available to you. Allow your more expanded awareness to flow through you as if you are fine-tuning your own consciousness and we see coming up within the center of the group a hologram that represents the earth and the second one that represents Ariellis.

[Deep breath] As you gather your thoughts, your intention together, once more affirm your presence within your divinity, affirm how good you feel and whatever it is that you are giving birth to for the next weeks or months upon the earth. Let all of that flow down within these holograms, and as if coming from between all of you there is another beam of light that comes within this space, flowing energy and awareness within. This beam of light represents the energy of the universe as it is supporting you.

 It represents the light body energy as it continues to expand upon the earth and all of that moves through these holograms and you have a sense of releasing them. They flow down through the crystalline grid, and as they are moving through the crystalline grid there is a sense of one shifting towards Ariellis and the other shifting towards the Earth.  As this hologram moves down it moves into the core of the earth. There is a blend of energies that links with the crystals and all of that radiates outward. Expanding out it goes through the earth itself and it comes out upon the top of the earth. It comes out through the grass, the trees, the water; it comes into each one of you within your physical form. Feel it as it moves within and around you.

I then invite each one of you to have a sense of shifting back. That you may move back within the soul plane, as you do so, you can feel an even greater perception of your I AM presence. You are more fully integrated than you have ever been before. Let that flow with you; feel as if you are bringing more of your divinity back with you, as you move through the crystalline grid. Here within the crystalline grid there is an adjustment that takes place that helps you to balance these energies so that they may more fully integrate with you upon the earth. As these balanced energies move through the crystalline, they also move down to the magnetic grid.  As they come within the magnetic grid they spread out surrounding the earth.

You have a sense of your higher self linking with and aligning with these energies, and once more let your divinity flow downward until it flows within and around you, the human. You may have a sense of adjusting the energy bodies around you as you feel your energy coming back within. As you feel your consciousness anchoring back within you, let it flow through you. It anchors within your heart and it moves beyond anchoring within your physical body, but it is also creating an alignment with your mental, spiritual emotional and your light body energies.

All of this is here and present for you right now.  As you allow yourself to once more anchor within your physical being, take a moment to acknowledge what it is to be fully content within yourself, to feel what it is to have everything flow around you in a way that is completely supportive of you. Feel all of that move within and around you and it does so with ease. As you are putting forth your new beginning, know that it is integrated; it is within you right now and feel what that is to you. 

As you continue to integrate these energies, I invite you to come back within the room. You may press *7 upon your phone, that will allow you to come back within this room. You may ask me questions if you so choose. As you continue to integrate these energies feel your own expansion, as you are here upon the earth.

I don't know if people are not asking questions or if there's a glitch with our program tonight. We will still continue to flow these energies, even though sometimes the electronics don't keep up with all that we are doing.

Yes, both of our pages went blank, Vilma and I are communicating so please have patience. Please give us a second.

All right, so as she is making some technical, ah, rebooting or whatever it is that they do upon the earth, I am going to just continue my message a little bit more and when people come, get to the point that they can ask questions, then we will shift over to that.

So here you are back upon the earth, you're back within the physical body, you're back where you feel as if you're in that space, perhaps of waking up, perhaps of coming out of a meditation, what so ever it may be.

Hi Goddess...ups... okay, hold down just a minute please, we...we will be right with you, just let me finish this thought okay?...okay

So as you are feeling who you are as a physical person, as you allow yourself to express in the moment, feeling your presence, feeling your awareness, feeling the knowledge of who you are as an individual then open to feel the flow of your divinity and allow it to feel you up.

[Deep breath] All right, so, having finished that thought, I am welcoming this phone call go-ahead beloved.

Question:  Hello, thank you.  I was just wondering what you see as coming up in the fairly near future for people who are unemployed or afraid of what their job is, and also for those people who may be trying to start a new business or just whatever we are all trying to manifest.  What do you see basically coming up. 

Answer:  All right beloved we will look at the broad view and then we'll come back and look at you as the individual.  First of all, the broad view that I have is that I am looking out at the world itself, not only the United States in which you personally live, but looking at the worldview.  There are parts of the world that are more so in the economic front and parts that are coming out more fully.  So, this is the way that the flow of energy is quite often occurring whenever you look at it from a worldwide perspective.  The sense that I have is that everything is already becoming stronger and that there are jobs becoming available.   Because of the number of people out of work right now it may feel to individuals like there is one job to 100 people.  But the truth of the matter is that, as I am looking out at things, the sense I get is that companies are becoming more confident again.  Companies that have cut back to the bare bones are now saying ok we can expand once more.  So over-riding everything else is a deep, deep sense that the worst has occurred, and everything coming forth from here is about going back and expanding and growing, and moving into a new growth.  There has been so much restructuring of organizations that it's had a profound effect worldwide. 

Now coming back to you beloved we have a sense of you doing temporary work.  We have a sense of you doing work that sometimes lasts a week or so and it is not the type of work that you are trained to do.  But it feels more like you go into a project, when you've finished with it, it is done.  It also feels like it might be more like office management or office assistant type of things.  It feels like it is still in the business world, but only because that is what your background has been in.  So it gives you the ability to be able to have that experience and step into that.  So this is what we see happening for you right now.  What we would like to do with you and everybody else who is in this place where that fear comes up - where that energy of worrying about your bills and everything else - just take a deep, deep breath in, breathing it all up within you and consciously take your fears, your bills and everything and WHEW...... and have a sense of releasing it and letting it go out.  As you are release it - as you let it go - then consciously breath down your divinity; breath down that sense of inner knowing; breath down that peace that joy that expansion that you felt for yourself when you were in the all that is.  Then as you go about looking for a new job - as you look for new things - when you come from that space of interconnectedness that is away from fear and lack it  allows you to see things from a new perspective.  If you find yourself going into fear remember to come back and do this breathing and to consciously come back within this space of bringing in your divinity.  All right beloved. 

Thank you very much

You're welcome.  Can you feel the shift that took place in you.  We could feel it.

Yes I did, very much.

Good.  Oh we're sorry we just remembered one last thing that we did want to share with you.  We do have the sense that you have been seeking to do something different and it feels like it's something that has to do with healing, or it's more creative, or it's something that is outside the regiment of business.  Because of the sense of needing to do something right now we feel as if the business stuff takes precedence, but once that gets settled, we feel like you are already setting up the foundations of what you truly want to do - what's your heart's desire.  So that feels like it will come together more fully over the next 6 months.  That is a part of what you are giving birth to today.  We do have the sense for the potential that if you focus only on that, that it will actually expand quite nicely, but we also can appreciate that it feels like it is slow to bring an income so do whatever you feel like you need to do so that you can be comfortable.  Does that resonate with you.

Yes it does, thank you. (Excellent you're welcome)

Question: Oh hello Goddess. (Hello) I feel like so much has been happening to me on an energetic level and I am just wondering if you see my life changing on a more physical level.

Answer:  It feels like you're standing in limbo.  It feels like we see you there, like a runner who is poised to begin a race, as if you are ready to go and you are just frozen in time.  So our sense is that yes the time is here; yes the time is right; yes it is time for these things to come into your physical reality.  So let us work with you for a second and help you to get out of this limbo or this frozen state.  So consciously take a deep breath in breathing down within your lungs and kind of linking down through your heart centre, and as you do feel my presence more fully within you and I and the Angels around you we are just going to shake things up - shift things a little bit - Whew...... and then take another breath in and as you breath out consciously just let it go.  Let go everything that may have been holding you back, any resistance, anything that kept you kind of frozen.  There we go.  And it felt like Poof!  It felt like there - it felt like  - I don't know - Poof is just the word that is coming to us.  But it felt like that created like a little shift and now we actually see you moving.  We actually see movement in you.  We see movement in your energy and movement in your life.  So what you have been waiting for has always been there.  It is just that you weren't in an alignment to receive it and this feels like it is in much more of an alignment to receive it.  Does that resonate with you.

Yes I think I'll be feeling it as the night goes on thank you very much. 

Exactly, and when we work with such a thing, and also the energies of this journey were also amplifying that for you and assisting and bringing it in closer for you.  So allow it to unfold.  We think actually over several days and see what comes your way.

Thank you so much (You're very welcome.)

Question:  Hello, Goddess. (Hello.) Hi. This is my first call with you, and I want to thank you and all the Lightbeings for this truly beautiful and loving and transformative experience. I feel like dancing.

Excellent, Beloved. I'll dance with you!

Alright. Because this is my first call with you, I'm not familiar with Ariellis. I've had a sense of the presence, but I don't know a lot about it, and I was wondering if you could direct me to a site or some information you have about it, so I can learn more.

Answer:  Ariellis is a name that I have given the new earth. (Oh!) That's probably why it seems familiar to you?

Right. I do know about the new earth, I just hadn't heard it called that before.

Well, it was a name that kept flowing through my consciousness, and I personally got a little tired of always saying, "the new earth, the new earth, the new earth." And so that's when Ariellis began to come through, and I tried to push it through Shelly a couple of times and she was holding back. But the sense that I get is that you will actually hear, begin to hear different people calling it different things, and there's no right or wrong. It's about the energy behind it. So if you hear it called something else, then reach out to feel the energy behind it, and see if you don't resonate with that. But Ariellis is the new earth, and of course you have lots of places you can find out about that on the internet, but also we've worked with it consistently for the last three or four channelings, so if you'll go back to my channelings in the website you can read more about them there also.

Thank you so much. That's lovely. Thank you.

You're very welcome.

Question:  Hi, Goddess. (Hello.) This is Amanda, and I was wondering if you had any information that you'd like me to know right now.

Answer:  Okay, Amanda. Take a deep breath in and allow me to come more so within your presence and let me see what I see around you. Oh, Amanda, it is like there is this big, huge flower! I don't know, we just keep seeing, like, a sunflower behind you, and it's radiating, like, a golden light. And we have a sense that what this is representing is the energy of, I don't know, I'm kind of stuck here on that golden, on that sunflower thing. But we know that that's not the thing, it just is representing a flowering and perhaps it has to do with the equinox and you know the flowers that are going to be coming out as spring emerges. But the energy behind that is that you have recently stepped into, or acknowledged, a greater amount of your divinity. And as a result of that, it feels as if there's suddenly all these mystical or kind of magical type energies that are taking place within and around you. With a sense of seeing in you an awakening to seeing auras, an awakening to hearing things with your inner sight, or seeing things with your inner sight, and it's as if all of your senses have awakened, and you just kind of feel that flow or that flood of that as it's going through you. This is what comes to us first and foremost, and it feels that as a result of these things, everything else in life is shifting. It feels like work, relationships, your homeplace, all these other things are also shifting in this new alignment. Does that resonate with you?

It does, yeah. I'm starting massage school tomorrow. I'm really excited.


Unsure about where I am with relationships with people.

Mm-hmm. Well, we feel that there is a lot that you've been integrating, and you have a little bit been . . . We don't want to use the work "keeping to yourself," but it feels as if you've felt either different from the people around you, or just different from your own. self. It's like when you go inside and you want to connect, it's like, "who am I anymore?" has been a little bit of the energies that we feel. So as you more fully accept or allow this expansion that's taking place, you've been asking for it, and it's here, it's here now. The sense that we get is that it's just going to amplify everything else around you. We think this massage school is a very good move for you. We think that you are actually going to be doing a lot of energy work in addition to the massage work, and so be open and aware of how much. It's as if as you learn about the massage, it's as if that opens up doors and allows for all of these other energies to also come down within you, so the sense that we get is that it's going to impact you in many different ways.

Mm-hmm. Do you see me working in massage soon? I'm just wondering if you see a new employment for me.

It feels . . . we see a lot of the school around you, and beyond that it's hard to say. We do have this sense that ultimately we see you getting work with this. We see you working for an organization as opposed to working for yourself, and that that gives you a stepping stone in that eventually you go out and you work for yourself. But, yes, we absolutely see you getting employment with this, and but it feels like a lot of schooling right now. It doesn't feel as if the employment is right now, unless it's . . . it just feels like school. It doesn't feel like the employment is right now.

Okay. That makes sense. Thank you.

Okay. You're welcome, Beloved.

Thank you.


We'll take another one Vilma.

Question:  Hello Goddess!  (Hello) A couple weeks ago my sister had suggested to my mum and I that we get into buying properties, fixing them up, then putting them back on the market.  Basically I'm wondering if this is a short sited impulse or if it's divine guidance; perhaps a response to our prayers.

Answer:  Could you please tell us where you are located so we can get a better feel for your area? 

I'm in Toronto.

The sense we get of the housing market is that it's been flat for a while but it feels like there is an influx of people being able to purchase homes.  This is like that very first question about the economy and people getting jobs.  It's like everything leads to the next.  People are getting work therefore more people are looking to buy homes. Therefore it looks like there will be a greater demand for people to purchase homes. Overriding everything the housing market in Toronto is opening up.  As far as you and your mother purchasing home, remodeling them and turning them around; it feels like an opportunity and you could make money that way.  But there is heaviness around it.  What that says to us is that it's a potential and opportunity, but it doesn't feel light and like it would move quickly. Perhaps you would turn them around quickly, but they would perhaps not sell as quickly as you would like them to.  So even with the increase in the housing market, we would say to you take a little more time and look at the numbers and houses in particular that you are considering.  It feels like some will do very well and others will sit on the market a long time.  We sense this has a lot of ambivalent energies around it and it needs some more investigation.  Does that resonate with you?

Yes, it certainly does.  We are giving ourselves until 2013 to save up money and purchase our first place.

Ohhh, 2013 you said?

Yeah, it's not something we are going to do right now.  My sister has her own place and she is going to move back home and rent out her home to save some money.  We can save money as well.  So we hope by 2013 we will hopefully make our first purchase. We intend to start out with condo's rather than homes. 

Absolutely when you look at a 5 year plan we absolutely see it has a lot of energy and potential around you.  We thought you were ready to purchase right now and get into it right now.  We think you'll be doing it before 2013; what year is this again?  Oh, 2010.  That's three years, not five years.  I always get disoriented when I get earthbound time. (Chuckling)  Well then that makes 2013 a little more doable.  We were going to say two to three years were what we felt would be a time frame you would be planning on this. We would say to you; when you get that sense ‘is this divine guidance or something else'.  If you get a sense that it is divine guidance then oftentimes, yes it is.  The next thing we would say to you is then use your discernment and decision making as a human to really look at it more closely and get a better feel for what that might be for you.  That's our sense with this.  This is exactly what you are doing.  So give it some time and see how it unfolds. We have a sense it has a very high potential of doing well for you. 

Okay and one more quick thing about me personally.  I intend to offer my services in a healing realm.  I'm doing it very slowly ....

Excuse me! I hate to interrupt you but I thought you were asking for clarity of the same question.  I can't answer two questions because others are waiting to ask their questions. 

That's fine, thank you, thank you very much.

You're welcome.

Question: Hello Goddess?  Thank you for our lovely journey.  When you spoke about sadness tonight, I was one of the one's who for the past two weeks has felt very sad.  But it's because my 14 year old cat has been severely injured by another cat, in his eye and I thought he was dying.  My question for you would be, would you mind sending my cat some healing energy and ask his spirit if it is time for him to transcend?

Answer: Okay, can you tell us your cat's name?

Well, we call him Kitty. (laughter)

A 14 year old Kitty!!

He was sent to me as a special gift from Isis to hold her energy for me.

We could feel that his energy was very powerful and strong especially when we linked with the name Kitty.  We absolutely can see the energy of Isis that is still within him and that link to you.  It feels as if he has done what he needed to do, he actually completed it a couple of years ago.  You have stepped into or manifested whatever it was that you were seeking to have from her, whatever that flow or that energy was.  It feels as if that's absolutely working and going well for you. 

Is it his time to transition?  There's a part of him that is very tired and feels that it is time for him to go, but the stronger sense to us is that it's not time,  he's going to be staying here with you.

Okay, that's very good news! I've been very, very upset about that.  Could you help heal him dear Goddess?

I have been flowing energy to him as we spoke.  He still has that connection to Isis and feel her energies have been a bit stronger around this. When something like this happens in such a manner it's to bring the focus to you about connecting inwardly and connecting with your divinity and allowing that to flow more freely through you.  Recognize that the job he came in for is done so everything is just pure love of you and the situation that is keeping him here.  He gives us that sense of; you know those cartoons or those pictures of the cat on the big cushion with all the elegant trimmings? He feels like that, like the king cat.  He lays around and gets all sorts of attention reaped upon him.  (OHHh yes!) So he likes that and that's what's keeping him there.

Okay so I should just continue on with him and he will probably slowly heal. 

Yes.  It feels like there's a potential he might lose the vision in that one eye, but it doesn't feel as if he'll transition. 

Alright, well that is a big weight off my mind.  I've been losing sleep over it! I've now released the energy of sadness.

Excellent!  Excellent.

Alright, thank you very much.

You are welcome.

Alright I guess Vilma we'll take one more.  Shelly seems to have lots of energy tonight. Maybe it's that equinox energy she was talking about earlier. 

Question: I've been feeling really stuck and frustrated and I'm hoping that you can give me some clarity.  I've been looking for work in the past year but in that time I've come to feel that my heart is really telling me I don't want a job I want to stay home and raise my son and have another child even.  I feel somehow that's it's possible for me to even get an income without a job per se, but I've been aligning and visualizing, envisioning and nothing is moving.  I'm just feeling at a loss.  I was wondering if you could shed any light on what is going is going on and if I am even hearing the right inkling.

Answer:  We feel a couple of different things as you've been speaking of this. Absolutely people have the ability to create an income as if out of thin air.  So we do see that that is absolutely an opportunity.  It feels as if it's you aligning with a higher vibration of yourself to set this up and make this happen.  Then as we look at the situation around you like your more earthbound physical reality and it feels like that is not in alignment to accept something like that.  Even though you are consciously asking for it, you are consciously wanting to bring it in, you are consciously saying this is what I want in my life; it feels as if there is still some discordance between that and your everyday life.  That's why you feel as if things are in limbo or things are not happening for you.  Let us see if we can't just blend with you for a moment.  Take a deep breath in and feel my energies as I come within you, I move within and I go within your heart center.  As I do that, have a sense of consciously taking another yet another breath in.  Then as you breathe out, we're going to send out a ball of light.... whew... it goes out and expands from your heart in every direction.  It was like there was a shell around you or something that was holding in your energies.  It blew that apart and opened it up and like a vacuum that has been released, we feel this flow of energy like a wind that is blowing through your hair. We have a sense of seeing you now standing in a flow.  Whereas before you were separated and isolated, you are now connected in the flow. 

In saying that, as we look around you, is there something you do on the computer? It feels as if it's something you're doing, transcribing or writing.  There is something we see you doing on the computer for other people and getting paid to do it.  Not sure if that means anything to you. 

I have been doing some transcription just as a favor.  I have been doing some web design, but that doesn't feel in alignment anymore. 

Okay, well perhaps it's the websites you were looking at. We think what we were picking up on was the transcription. It feels like there's more of that or something different, but similar to that that might be available to you.  That is the first thing that comes to our awareness.  Then we had a sense of looking out from you or looking at the area around you to see if there was a different type of work or income for you.  Haven't we had a sense of you moving before? We have a sense of you possibly moving. 

Yes, there's been a sense but I haven't found the opportunity or gotten the invitation as yet.  But there has been a sense of something. 

We still have that sense of moving. The feeling I get for you is that it's important to bring down into your everyday reality that intention to live and work in such a way.  Let your focus be upon having it accomplished or something in your life that lets you feel good and in alignment and gives you that sense of your divinity.  We think that part of the reason that discrepancy was created was because your focus began to be on what was not happening and what had not worked for you, as opposed to what you wanted.  It's very hard as humans not to go into that mode.  I understand it completely and it's kind of natural that people go that route.  But it's important when you consider your vibration, when you consider manifesting, when you consider alignment that you make sure you are open to receive, that actually the flow of energy and light and that you consciously let your focus every day be upon anything and everything that feels good to you.  Alright beloved?

Thank you so much Goddess. 

You're welcome.  The reason we don't have any more specific information to give to you is because it feels like a nebulous energy out in the ethers.  So take the time to consider what do you like to do, what is fulfilling to you, what allows you to have the flexibility during the day for your son yet also be working at other times.  Maybe come up with some new ideas or new potentials.  It feels as if everything that we've been feeling has that old energy connected to it.  Whew, alright, well considering that I've started coughing, it's time to bring this evening to a close!  Beloved I see you in the flow and I see you in the light. 

Thank you.

You're welcome.

All right, so with that I thank all of you for coming and sharing this time with me. [Deep breath]  Once more breathe in the energies of the equinox, feel yourself creating your new beginning, whatever it may be in your life. Remember to breathe in and feel the presence of your divinity and let that be the core aspect of your day. Let every day begin having the center and end with that feeling or that knowledge that you are aligned and fully integrated with your divinity.

I am ever with you and within.


This is Shelly Dressel channeling the Goddess of Creation; the feminine aspect of source essence, for the free teleconference offered on the first and third Sundays of each month. All rights are reserved. You are welcome to share this information; we just ask that you keep it intact. For further channels and information on both the Goddess and Shelly please see our website:  www.goddesslight.net

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We begin right here, right now…

Today we begin a journey into expanded consciousness.  We start right where we are, right now…  Take a couple of minutes to allow yourself to be in your body and breath.  Deep breaths into your belly allowing it to expand, filling your lungs deeply and fully.  Cycle a few of those and be…

Over the next two weeks, I will be posting here daily.  A theme for the day will emerge from the practice and I will share my experience with it and guide you, the participant through an experience of letting go and remembering.  This is a transformational practice and much healing can and will occur if one is willing to do the work and go deep.  We must let so much go in order to remember, so that is what we shall do.

 Today we be begin.  Right here, Right Now…  Commit to this practice for the next 2 weeks.  Stand up for your inner being and say I accept.  We come to the practice as we are right now, carrying all the experiences that we care to remember, or not remember into this moment with us.  So, take a look…

  • Was it easy or difficult to find a moment to just breathe and be?  How long did it last?
  • Was your mind still or filled with thoughts?
  • Were you able to shut out the external world or did it invade your space?
  • What emotions were just under the surface?
  • Were you skeptical or resonant?
  • Was there judgement or blame of self and others?
  • Was there Love and Kindness?  Joy or Happiness?

Don’t let these questions be your only guide…  Merely allow yourself to take stock of where you are at.  Acceptance is a good practice now.  Accept the way things are in this moment as you enter your practice.  This is the way we come to it, as we are…  The better we can accept that the smoother things will be and easier it will be to raise our vibrational frequency.

So, take a look today as you move from experience to experience, moment to moment and pay attention to what comes up.  Allow for an intuitive experience to come to you, stay open and bring awareness to the present as often as possible.  And we begin, as we are right now.

Prepare for the journey by starting your own journal, gather your supplies… pen and paper, open a word document and save it, find your tools of expression and gather them to you.  Perhaps a video and or blog comes of it or it comes from the ethers and returns to, it’s up to you.  However, you do need to document this journey for yourself…  So, come to peace with that and find your means of expression, call it out and embrace it for it will be your companion and guide for the next two weeks.

I welcome feedback and comments, please share your experiences here and/or at the Facebook fan page.  This experience is for all to share, learn and grow…  To understand that there is community in this peaceful endeavor.  In beauty we walk together and create synergy as we all come to faster vibrational frequencies and higher consciousness our light shines bright!

Now go into your practice again and take a few minutes to meditate, begin by focusing all attention and awareness on the breath.  Expand your being through your breath, rising into higher frequencies of Love and Kindness.  Feel it move through you in this breath.  You may choose to use a guided meditation to assist you in your practice, awesome… A sample from Heavenly Hygiene a shamanic meditation that is a stand alone World Peace Meditation is available here.

Now with your awareness firmly rooted, carry this experience throughout the day.  Notice and express, experience and journal…  Bring your consciousness, that which you just connected to into as many moments as you can today.

Blessings to you on your way…

Love and Kindness,



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SaLuSa 05-April-2010

Channeler: Mike Quinsey

This particular time in the Western calendar is one where there is much introspection, as the celebration of Easter is in remembrance of Jesus. It is perhaps sad that it focuses more on the crucifixion, and less on the works that this great soul achieved in his lifetime. Your history shows that periodically a leader emerges from within your midst, who is a Wayshower with teachings appropriate for the time. Jesus came not to start a religion, but show by his example the way Man should live. He was the perfect example of One who lived his word, and when he preached love that is exactly what he was - Love Incarnate. There is nothing else in your lives that is of such importance, and it starts by loving Self and then others. Since you are All One, why would you treat another part of yourself any differently from anyone else. Your principle lesson is to be able to express Unconditional Love, and when you can do so you can claim to have found the Way. We know that it is not easy to suddenly view life quite differently to what you have been used to, but if you are to progress you will need to change your beliefs.

You can stand still and even go backwards, but with the experience gained you will eventually go forward. The nature of duality is to help you confront what you call good or evil, so that you understand what it is like to experience lack and separation. These challenges further your spiritual evolution, and through your understanding you rise above your limitations. You too can then become a living example of the truth in action, and be assured that others will take note of it. Humans are surrounded by examples of falsehoods and outright lies, and there is a feeling that it is acceptable to achieve success in this manner. Even those you look up to and revere are often prone to giving out less than the truth, and honesty becomes a rare attribute. Try it dear Ones, go through a day without speaking other than the truth, it is far more difficult than you can imagine. Yet if you wish to rise up and attract the pure vibrations to yourself, you will need to aim for nothing less than a truthful relationship with all you meet.

We of the Galactic Federation have no such problems, because we have long gone beyond the ways of Humans. It may sound odd to you, but at our level only the truth can exist, because anything less is “felt” by a change in the energies accompanying the spoken word. It is also seen within your aura, as the purity of the colours looses its brilliance. This also applies to telepathic contact with each other, which is our normal means of communication. Do you see now that when we talk with your government officials, we cannot be fooled by any deceitful intent on their part? Most of your representatives have broken their oaths to serve you, and we are totally aware as to the ones amongst you who have your best interests at heart. When the governmental changes are made, as they will very soon, you may be sure that only those who are spiritually motivated will be reappointed.

Many of you wish to join us but that is not as simple as at may appear. You can do it through your application to raise your vibrations, in the manner we have informed you previously. As unless you can match the vibrations of the higher dimensions, you cannot move into them. Where it is your intent to do so you will be given every help, and in that event you would almost certainly be successful. Each of you has the potential to ascend but the desire has to be strong. You cannot approach it half heartedly, and it does require some work on your part to achieve your goal. It does not matter if you do not succeed this time round, as any progress you make will place your feet firmly on the next path to Ascension. The cycles of life continually give you the opportunity to evolve as no experience is ever wasted.

Theses times are exciting if you look at what lies ahead, because out the chaos will come a definite plan that all will understand. Once it gets going there will be one change after another all aimed at bringing in the New Age. You have a lot to catch up on, and it will lift your spirits in next to no time. The goals will be quite clear and you will be given sufficient information to help you understand. Anyone who follows the messages about Ascension will already have a good idea as where everything is leading. After many promises of action we can say that matters are coming to a head. The dark continue to be weakened by their lack of cohesion and power. For a time this makes them dangerous, as like a cornered animal they will lash out. However, we monitor their activities and do not expect any dramatic happenings. Our allies are well placed to contain any sudden move.

Let this period be one where you reflect upon your achievements to date, and if you take time to look at yourself open and honestly, you will know how far you have to go to be prepared for Ascension. Apply yourself to the task of going further with your preparations, as the rewards are so great. Right from the time you first dropped into the lower dimensions, you knew this period would release you from duality. So take it with both hands, knowing that you will not do have to do this journey again. Let the distractions pass you by, as they have no pull upon you unless you allow it. Indeed, you should by now have a strong defence against them, knowing that your willpower is all-powerful.

Dear Ones, you are generally so patient, and we still have some time to go before we can announce details of our presence. It is not that we consider it urgent, as there is already so much acceptance of us. However, a whole string of events are lined up, and once they become public knowledge they will go speeding ahead. We are in what you might call “nearly times” because on a number occasions we have been so near to making our announcements. Keep your eyes open and you will get wind of when something important is about to break.

I am SaLuSa from Sirius, and can tell you that the amount of Light on Earth has grown immensely just lately. So you can rest easy knowing that the vibration is rising as necessary to bring Ascension about. The shadows are dispersing as the Light penetrates every corner and transmutes the dark energies. Keep up your wonderful work, as you are all needed and much loved.

Thank you SaLuSa.

Mike Quinsey.

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Late News? or Good News?

Comments -

Blogger John MacHaffie said...
    This is what I responded to another reader.
    I wish I could post it now but I have been told to hold. IT IS WONDERFUL.
    It is not one of these 'deliveries tomorrow' messages.

    March 26, 2010 11:39 PM

Fulford mentions the 29th:


A major breakthrough in the financial logjam is imminent according to some separate sources: a Chinese politburo agent, a member of the British Royal Family and a CIA source. The CIA and British sources said some very powerful group had emerged and warned the European Royal Families to back off and relinquish control of the US and European financial systems. This group has also, according to these sources, given the Pentagon an ultimatum that it will be forced to obey. In addition, they said the world financial system would be reset to 1916 levels in a major jubilee. This would abolish all World War I and II related restitution payments among other things.

They both said a deadline had been set for this Friday or March 26th although it was possible no announcement would be made until the 29th. These sources have made many predictions in the past centering around specific dates only to find the Nazi cabal escape from yet another deadline using some new trick. That means we need to be very cautious about specific dates. Our policy remains: we will believe when we see it.

and of course Poof does as reported on 2/28:


The tsunami has gone on under the cover of the talking heads. The bankers know it and nervously make stupid statements about themselves and how they will be doing business. Oh yea, it's going to take 30 days to give you your money, sorry....wha??? Everyone with the stiff upper lip as they see the end right at the end of their noses. A release to deliveries has been given, but no one was sticking their neck out and proclaiming the moment of execution. It will remain a secret until the first letter arrives at someone's house. They got it done before, they'll get it done now. Stay loose is the best I can tell anyone, much has transpired to get the stabilizers in place because there's going to be quite the shock wave go across the planet. Be well, all of you, and 'keep your head'. See ya on the sunny side.

March 26, 2010 11:40 PM
rrobin said...
    Thank you, Mr. MacHaffie.
    I've pointed all the ghostfighters to your message, along with the observation that I trust you completely.
    Indeed, God is wonderful!

March 27, 2010 8:22 AM
Anonymous said...
    All in God's time, John.

    I can't wait for "a shot that will be heard-loud & clear-around the world and universe"

Anonymous Anonymous said...
    REALLY BIG, as in evidence of Light and Love, or BIG as in head for the hills?

March 27, 2010 11:15 AM

Blogger John MacHaffie said...
    Really BIG in Light and Love.

    Really BIG per the defeat of the Dark Side.

    March 27, 2010 11:19 AM

Blogger John MacHaffie said...
    I dislike false hopes 'like be ready, delivery tomorrow' or stand bye.
    All I can say now is the process is in motion and STILL A GO FOR 3/29 as of a few hours ago!!!

    The good guys don't want any last minute surprises and that is why I have been told to refrain from
    posting the info until now.

    What is it about?

    A hint - a reset for our country!
    187 countries are also returning to Soverign status!!! (Pal)

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