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Still Waters Run Deep

by Alec Christos Gabbitas

After the zenith of the still bubbling Spring Equinox with all it's trimmings and penultimate realisations that have yet to clarify and emerge from the depth of each and every soul on planet this very day.The masses of like-minded ones, stretching into every 'nook and cranny' over hill and dale, far into every corner of the beloved planet with all her mighty and majestic light bearers' crystalline energies sufficing for all her needs at this now time of imminent change and transition.

These are the times of assimilation and assessment, as each seed particle duly co-created and co-directed by the spiritual hierarchies, both off and on planet, are realising the 'actual quotient' of achievement and prowess. It is yet only a few linear days and these are then moments of the in-breath of the gradual reaping into the total encompassment of re-established Oneness.

On each occasion that there is an energy injection and subsequent alignment; there are ever increasing levels of Chi that is inherited by all of humanity,and also to all manner of elemental and nature spirits in their various expressions. It is likened to the 'global melting pot' as it heats up, it then rises to a higher or finer level that accommodate everything upon and within the planet per se. These days are the In-breath moments which become a levelling out of that grand injection of Equinox energies, thereby affording a grand realignment as the fulcrum or meniscus aligns itself concave. These days of assimilation are soon to be realised as the magical momentum of all our glorious tomorrows' resumes in an ever perfect and divine order. Life is exact, precise at all times.

As we together progress along life's ever continuing journey, do we become even more conscious and sensitively aware that that which we consider to be of God without, is emphatically God within, and it is dawning upon us that we are intrinsically interconnected with and interdependent upon each other, for the greatest and most simplest truth that we can ever learn is that God and I are one! Be still and know that I Am God! It is in these now times of continual magic and momentum, that we have a brief or maybe not so brief, insight into the bigger picture, for lo and behold we see the simplistic beauty and reality of pristine, diamond, crystalline purity - that you and I are ONE, or maybe God and you are One. There is an intrinsic moment of intense, total recognition, that we are all indeed, God Itself, and so it surely is!

So now we see the way it is, we accept the endearing realisations that...Yup.. OK.. we are One and the same, so life never stays the same any more! How on Earth can it, or should we rather say, 'how in Heaven' could it? So, what on earth - or heaven- are we doing down here, readdressing our sovereignty and reasserting our beingness? What on earth is our 'mission,' what on earth can it be? And the only reply that we can gift ourselves with is that our mission is truly realising the simple truth that yes, We ARE One.Yet we might need just a little while longer to readdress our current situation, thereby becoming at very long last WHOLLY ONE WITH GOD! Let us accept that therefore our mission is ever always of 'loving self' and honouring the preciousness of whom we all are!

We have a mission, a forte in life! It is ever obvious! it is the qualifying art of allowing the beauty of whom we really are to magnetise and animate the very heart and soul of our beings into remembering whom we are, and whom we will ever be! it is in ALLOWING ourselves to acknowledge that we are each a unit of purity and pristine perfection, and on that level will we surely return to and surely realise once more. Can we do it? YES WE CAN! it is written in our blueprints; it is indelibly etched within that brilliant spark of life that is the foci infinite, tangible and magical residue that transfixes us, ad-infinitum, to the Oneness that evolves through a Supreme Creator born of Ultimate Being.

We are here in our wisdom, we are realising now the long hidden attributes that have for an age upon age been suffocated with shortened breath. We are here now en-masse, to rebuild Troy to it's former glory, and rebirth Eden into it's pregnant promise of divine fulfillment. We are here now in these so grand and magnificent of times simply TO LEARN TO BE, becoming a Samson with inimitable strength or power; becoming as Jesus whose supreme gifts of pure love and life eternal echo still throughout the universe; become as Daniel in the lions den where fear was intangible and love excelled. Let us perhaps be Alexander the great, whose worldly zeal and prowess could be transformed into less world ruling but world giving. Let us become maybe Mother Theresa whose gentleness, compassion and reverence to all life afforded many respite and hope. Let us be as Lady Diana whose heart embraced all in need...

No, let us become whom we truly are, forgoing all those attributes that others have so grandly portrayed. Let us unlock from within the multitude of gifts and blessings that we may, within our own signature of being and divine blueprint, be privileged to issue forth into the world, in the utmost of divine highest good! We are all wondrous beings of wonderful potentiality, so let us quietly go our God Blessed way sharing the gifts that we had forgotten perhaps where there!

Within us are all the attributes of the 'well known,' dear ones, and it is now, in these now times that we are 'allowed to allow' ourselves to bring them out of the closet and into the world that we are so blessed to be part of. Lets gift also the universe in like manner with the presence that we ultimately are. We are all accounted for, and we all count; and are equal to the 'grandest' and to the 'not to grand,' for ALL of our aspects are here to be harmoniously aligned and ascended into the One. Yes, Still Waters Run Deep and all is mirrored within the vast oversouls interplay and co-creation of the One, and of all.

Be still and know that I Am God... Be still and know... Be still... Be.. Namaste.

Alec Christos Gabbitas for the Universal Mind and an ever United Kingdom.

(c)2010 Alec Christos Gabbitas for the Universal Mind. * 17 Viking Ct, CT10 1RF, England, UK. 20.7.07, 01843- 866875 * Email: gabbitas1@aol.com * (please copy and share, affording due credit to it's source, and also to Lady Isis and The Light Circle Ezine) *

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What if?

artist unknown
what if....
what if i told you
that all that you see here
in this dimension of creation
is not real...
what if i told you
that all that you see that
can bring you an awareness of form...

all that arises and passes away
is an illusion...
and yet...oh dear one
look within and behind all things
and what "is real" will be revealed to you...
that which "brings all form forth"
is what alone is real...
eons ago i walked this your beloved planet earth
and spoke words....words that were often changed
yet the meaning behind them can never be lost...
how could love...true knowledge..
 ever be lost...
so...that being said
allow me to give you my final teaching...
"there is nothing outside of you"
and you are but love...
that must mean that all that is arising
and passing away
is so embraced in the arms of love
that all of it is perfectly okay...
what does exist here
is the "presence of love"
to see all within the "singular eye"
which is the eye of the heart
will open up your pineal gland
which will in turn slowly reveal the
real world to you
right here...right now...
there is no other...dear one
there is only ~one ~  here...
in your now moments ...in your personal movie screen..
your personal universe
the one in front of you is you...
yes...yes...many aspects of you come and go
as you...you change your level of light
by your allowance of love...
today one may be there....simply bring your love
to that one...
tomorrow that one may leave...seemingly leave your field
of awareness dear one...
yet never can they leave your heart
which in truth is the only reality there is...
bring your love to that moment also...
love that too...
for you see dear one...
you are only loving yourself
coming and going..
it is all you...
~love does not "attach itself" to anything~
that belief that love can be owned
has brought you so many now moments
of feeling unloved...is this not so???
so...whose "game" must that belief
belong to????         hmmmmm...
love is the power that births all things
and exists within all things...
love allows all "to be free to be"
thus dear one
you will now understand my meaning
"love the one you are with"...
that one could be reflecting
something deep within you
that is in need of your embrace
and love...
that one could be there simply
to bring you comfort and compassion...
they are all you...
I AM the voice of love
that lives within all of you
and I AM the truth of who you are...
what other "master" could you possibly seek
for you see dear one
to seek is the most cunning game of the little self..
it keeps you out there searching...looking
it knows
that all along
you have never left this voice
and all that is needed
is for you to find
Me/You again...
for you see
you never left...
that is the biggest
illusion of all...!!!!
i await your knock...
i await your remembrance of me..
 love is patient...
love allows all things
trusts all tings
transcends all things...
i see only that which YOU ARE...
i await you to discover that again
in union with me...
come within dear one...............there is no where else
to go....!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
~the voice of love ~
i am simply a vehicle thru which love can extend itself...feel free to pass
these along...simply be sure to keep my email address available.
if your heart has been touched this day...extend the embrace to another...
together as one heart we lift the whole of creation with each loving thought..
each loving gesture...each smile...each embrace... 

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11:11 Master Numbers!

Created, Channeled, Written, Published and copyrighted by Gillian






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Commuincation with Orem

Orem Becomes One!

“We begin this transmission with you Dear Ones. Orem speaking directly around you at this time, into your space, into your awareness and thoughts and come with me as we link in with the greater group – the connected Brotherhood of Light serving the purposes of the Universe in upliftment of consciousness. Together we travel into the communication chamber.
Be aware that there are many being drawn in at this stage and the chamber encompasses all who are drawn in and all who wish to be understanding more of the pattern that is occurring around the Earth at this time.
Be still and listen and let your awareness absorb the inner messages both for you and for those around you, and take part again in this restoring of a higher frequency. The energy passing through you as you absorb it, takes away the layers of conditioning of Earth and helps you to be fully connected with that powerful golden light energy form that we see you as – a pure energy that exists within and separate from the vibrations that might be seen as thought patterns and emotional patterns, back to the Creative Power of the Universe. This then prepares you to move into the receptivity of the higher aspect that I bring through, connecting you with The Elders who, encompassing you as they do, can lead you into further areas well beyond the Earth dimension.”

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