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Safety Board Cites Improper Pilot Command in Virgin Galactic Crash

Excerpt from

wsj.com By Andy Pasztor

Accident Sets Back Ambitious Timetables for Space Tourism and Other Commercial Ventures.

MOJAVE, Calif.—An improper co-pilot command preceded Friday’s in-flight breakup of Virgin Galactic LLC’s rocket, according to investigators, when movable tail surfaces deployed prematurely.

Two seconds after the surfaces moved—with SpaceShip Two traveling faster than the speed of sound—“we saw disintegration” of the 60-foot-long experimental craft, according to Christopher Hart, acting chairman of the National Transportation Safety Board.
The co-pilot died in the accident, and the other pilot was severely injured.

The sequence of events released by the NTSB indicates that the rocket ship separated normally from its carrier and the propulsion system worked normally until the tail surfaces, called feathers, deployed.

The disaster, coupled with the explosion earlier last week of an unmanned Orbital Sciences Corp. cargo rocket destined for the international space station, has set back the ambitious timetables embraced by space-tourism proponents and other commercial ventures seeking to get beyond Earth’s atmosphere. Some in the industry predict difficulties obtaining additional private-equity funding for startup ventures, while others worry about nagging propulsion problems and public confidence. 

“Recent events bring home the reality that we’re in a very dangerous phase” of pursuing space activities relying on the private sector, said Howard McCurdy, a space history expert at American University. Launching rockets and vehicles “is always a very risky business,” he said, and no amount of ground tests “can duplicate the aerodynamic stresses and other conditions” of actual space flight.

Virgin Galactic had initially hoped to start commercial service by 2008, but persistent development and testing challenges have repeatedly pushed back the date. Before the accident, company officials were talking about inaugurating service by early 2015, with company founder Sir Richard Branson and members of his family slated to take the first ride. Now, the initial launch date is uncertain because the probe is likely to stretch for many months.

How much the fledgling industry is set back may depend on what investigators determine caused the two accidents. Some industry officials and analysts predict that Virgin Galactic’s fatal mishap may have a long-term residual impact as dramatic as the fallout from the 2003 in-flight breakup of the space shuttle Columbia, which killed all seven crew members. 

“It’s clearly bad news for commercial space,” said one veteran industry official affiliated with another commercial space company. “But from the beginning, people recognized a fatal event on some spacecraft was inevitable.” 

Earlier Sunday, George Whitesides, Virgin Galactic’s chief executive, defended the company’s safety procedures and indicated that the rocket motor on the craft that crashed was a derivative of a design that had been successfully tested on the ground and in the air for years.

“At the end of the day, safety of our system is paramount,” he said in an interview. “The engineers and the flight-test team have the final authority” to determine when and how experimental flights are conducted.

Virgin Galactic has pledged to cooperate fully with the probe, which also includes experts from the Federal Aviation Administration and Scaled Composites, a Northrop Grumman Corp. unit that designed and is testing the Virgin crafts—SpaceShip Two and its carrier aircraft, dubbed WhiteKnight Two. The pilots on Friday’s test flight were Scaled Composites employees.

Mr. Whitesides, a former senior NASA official, is in charge of the roughly $500 million project intended to take passengers on suborbital flights for more than $200,000 each. He said last week’s test flight wasn’t rushed. “I strongly reject any assertion that something pushed us to fly when we weren’t ready,” he said.

SpaceShip Two’s fuel tanks and engine were recovered largely intact. The hybrid motor fueled by nitrous oxide and a plastic-based compound was found some 5 miles from where large sections of the tail first hit the ground. Sections of the fuselage, fuel tanks and cockpit were located some distance from the engine itself.

The condition and location of various pieces of the wreckage suggest there was no propulsion-system explosion before the craft started coming apart miles above California’s Mojave Desert, according to air-safety experts who have reviewed the images.

“It’s hard to figure how an engine explosion” could produce such a debris field, said John Cox, an industry consultant and former accident investigator for the Air Line Pilots Association.

The rocket ship was equipped with six onboard video cameras and many sensors feeding data to the ground. The flight also was followed by radar, and was filmed from the ground and by a plane flying close by.

SpaceShip Two’s rocket motor received considerable attention immediately after the accident. Industry officials and news reports concentrated on the fact that it was burning a new type of plastic-based fuel for the first time in flight.

The new engine-fuel combination was tested on the ground about a dozen times in the months leading up to Friday’s flight.

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Space Station’s ’42’ Crew Takes a Page from ‘Hitchhiker’s Guide to the Galaxy’

Image: Expedition 42 poster
The official crew poster for the International Space Station's 42nd expedition parodies "The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy." NASA astronaut Terry Virts and Russia's Anton Shkaplerov portray the two-headed Zaphod Beeblebrox, Russia's Alexander Samokutyaev is Humma Kavula, NASA's Butch Wilmore is Arthur Dent, Russia's Elena Serova is Ford Prefect and Italy's Samantha Cristoforetti is Trillian. NASA's Robonaut 2 guest-stars as Marvin the Paranoid Android.

Robert Pearlman, CollectSpace.com 

What do astronauts and cosmonauts, a towel and a paranoid android have in common? The answer is 42. 

The International Space Station's Expedition 42 crew members, who are due to assemble aboard the orbiting laboratory in November, have embraced the connection between their numerical designation and "The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy," the Douglas Adams sci-fi franchise, by adopting its imagery and slogans for their official poster and unofficial patch.
"I was super excited when I was assigned to an [space station] expedition, mostly because I was assigned to an ISS expedition, of course, but part of the excitement was that it was 42," Samantha Cristoforetti, an Italian astronaut representing the European Space Agency, said in a recent press briefing. "I am a big science fiction fan, and one of the things I really love is this 'trilogy in five parts' that some of you might know." 

"The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy" is the first of five comedic science fiction books penned by Adams, as well as the title of the book within the novels. The story follows Arthur Dent as he narrowly escapes the destruction of the Earth and, with his friend Ford Prefect, explores the galaxy in search of a decent cup of tea and the meaning of everything. 

"In this book, it is kind of funny, but '42' is the 'answer to the ultimate question of life, the universe and everything,'" Cristoforetti said. "Now, nobody knows what the question is, but 42 is the answer."
Following a trend that began during the now-retired shuttle program, the Expedition 42 crew — Cristoforetti, together with commander Butch Wilmore and flight engineers Terry Virts, Alexander Samokutyayev, Elena Serova and Anton Shkaplerov — selected a movie poster to parody for their official crew poster.

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India’s Mars mission a step closer to success with engine test

India's Polar Satellite Launch Vehicle (PSLV-C25), carrying the Mars orbiter, blasts off from the Satish Dhawan Space Centre in Sriharikota, about 100 km (62 miles) north of the southern Indian city of Chennai November 5, 2013. REUTERS/B...

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Gaining the Strength to Reach Your Limitless Potential

The stroke of midnight is here. Prepare yourselves for a quantum leap in consciousness. …..What is next for us cosmically? The huge Mayan shift back in 2012 has definitely left us with something to think about, but is anyone really aware of just what that shift filled with subtle nuances entails? How do we identify with anything subtle in this not-so-subtle world?Why aren’t we seeing the effects of a shift in the world? Doesn’t it feel as if things have just gotten far w [...]

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Weekly LightBlast: Emotional Healing


a message from Jamye Price

Thursday, 22 September, 2011

We are preparing for a massive opening with the 11/11/11. Neptune is nurturing the salty disappointments, fears, misperceptions and abuses that have separated us from ou...

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Participate in the Light Coming: the time is NOW

a message from Meredith Murphy

Thursday, 8 July, 2010  (posted 9 July, 2010)

Qualities of the New Earth 

Hello you beautiful beings, and friends, members of the Family of Light.

I c...

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You Have Arrived ~ Channeled Message by Archangel Gabriel

Channeler: Shelley Young

Many enlightening human beings have a reluctance to see themselves as the truly amazing souls that they are. They fear that looking at themselves in such a way would mean falling into ego. This is not about puffing oneself up with delusions of grandeur. This is about looking at yourself from a higher perspective and truly seeing, recognizing and honoring who you really are.

We would like to continue along this vein ~ giving yourself permission to see your own greatness. This is indeed such an integral part of the energies that we are in now. Many of you who have been walking your spiritual paths have worked tirelessly, driven, if you will, to reach the finish line. While we honor you for your diligence, many of you have embraced this rush and it has become a habit. You see, in the energies at the beginning of this process, many of you were feeling a great haste where you needed to enlighten, as did the entire world around you. And you were feeling as if it must be done NOW. That urgency that you all were feeling was an integral part of the process in order to make sure that critical mass was attained and the ascension process on earth assured. Because many of you stepped onto your spiritual path driven by this sense of urgency, you have accepted that this is the way the spiritual path always feels. In reality, there is no need to be carrying that sense of urgency anymore. The process is in action. You have achieved, as a collective whole, what you have set out to do, so that sense of urgency is really no longer required, but many still are holding onto it with all of their might. This makes it very difficult for enlightening human beings to accept moving into the energies of just Being. They feel as if there must be something wrong that they are just not getting. They are still feeling driven when there is nowhere to drive to. So, they feel, I must be blocked, I must be missing something, what should I be healing? What should I be doing? because to them, to stay in purpose they must be keep forging ahead. This is a fallacy. The ascension process on earth is assured. There is nothing that will stop it now as the momentum is in place. Rather than giving yourselves a wonderful pat on the back, you are falling into angst, looking for something to do. This is bringing many a sense of discomfort that is quite unnecessary.

If you could only see yourselves as we see you. If you could, you would see beautiful shining souls who have moved in courage and integrity and faith and allowed this magnificent event to happen. You would see souls who have lived up to their highest possible service and done it brilliantly. They have achieved what they have set out to do and may now enjoy the fruits of their labor.

Think of it this way. It is as if you have piled into your car knowing that you needed to reach a destination that was very far away. You have stayed in the discomfort of your vehicle as you have travelled the many miles to get there. Sometimes you were hungry or thirsty or desperately needed to use the restroom. Sometimes, your bodies ached from being in the confines of your vehicle and longed to get out and stretch. Some portions of your journey were long and boring and felt like they would never end. Other portions of your journey had you excited and filled with wonder as you looked out at interesting new landscapes. But finally, you have arrived at your destination. You can throw away the maps and the instructions. You have arrived where you have worked so hard to get! Now is the time to enjoy your destination. To move forward with a sense of wonder and plan your days according to what brings you the most joy and fulfillment. This is a time when you can joyfully meet up with others who have completed similar journeys and share the stories of your amazing pilgrimages. The traveling is done, Dear Ones. It is time to embrace and enjoy the promised land. This is all we have for you today.

Archangel Gabriel through Shelley Young
Transcribed by Terri DeMarco

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Mainstreaming Yogurt or Make Love Not War!

Posted: 13 Apr 2010 12:47 PM PDT

Channeled by Brenda Hoffman for Life Tapestry Creations.com

Dear Ones,

Today is a day of joy, is it not? Spring has arrived for many of you and joy has returned for most of you. Some of you are perhaps thinking that you are not feeling joy – and such might be the case for your physical being. But your inner being/soul most certainly is.

You may not be aware on a physical level that a giant Universal shift has occurred in the last few days, but such is the case. We have told you baby boomers that you have accepted, and in fact, have been instrumental in introducing the New Age on earth. What occurred most recently is that the majority of people on earth have now embraced the possibility. There is a great deal of difference from the introduction of a new product to general acceptance.

An appropriate example might be yogurt. Forty years ago, very few people were familiar with the term or the food. Of course, those familiar with a variety of cultures might have been knowledgeable about this particular food, but the general population did not conceive of yogurt as a standard lunch or snack treat. Today, no one needs to have yogurt defined.

When we initiated this blog last fall, we told you that the New Age had been introduced, which was similar to stating that yogurt is a new food product that you might like. What has occurred in the last few days is that the New Age has become general information to the inner beings of humans now on earth and therefore, the Universe.

What does such a statement mean in terms of your interactions with others or in the political, religious and economic arenas? Nothing immediately. Yogurt did not because a household product overnight – but “word of mouth” most certainly generated yogurt sales that today are far beyond what anyone would have imagined thirty years ago. And so it is for the New Age.

Humans continue to live in strife. They continue to protest this or that action. They continue to think that candidate or political party is evil. But there is now a message, accepted by the vast majority of humans, who find a greater need for cooperation and love than hate and anger.

What has occurred in the last few days is a dramatic sea change that will impact the earth for the remainder of time.

We and others have told you for some time that your inner voice is your most appropriate and truly only guide. Many of you embraced such messages to the best of your ability, despite chiding from friends and relatives for doing so. Following your inner guidance has become mainstream.

The vast majority of people on earth have now accepted the worth and the necessity of the New Age. By doing so, those now on earth will have a more difficult time overriding their personal New Age messages. Of course, there will be a number at first who are able to do so despite their deeply uncomfortable feelings. But the majority will no longer be able to ignore New Age.

Many of you are perhaps thinking of the current political scene in the United States. The deep divide between the Republicans and the Democrats. Or the seemingly constant terrorist threats around the world. Will either example cease to exist tomorrow? No. But such will happen within a few months. We have told you that the New Age will occur rapidly. And so it will.

Once someone’s soul/inner being accepts a philosophy that impacts the Universe, there is very little needed to move that philosophy forward.

Again, let us give you an example. You baby boomers in the 1960’s and 1970’s wanted love not war. The Vietnam war was raging and technically you had little power given your age and your income levels. Yet, through the resources you had available, you stopped the Vietnam war. Oh not in one day. And often, you felt the effort was futile. Who would listen to a bunch of radical youngsters? Of course, the rest is history.

This New Age shift will happen even more rapidly because it was initiated by the very same baby boomers. Only now you baby boomers are the people in power and have the largest bulk of financial worth in history.

Let us give you a brief overview of what is going to happen in the next few months. Then we will leave you with the thought that it is now time for you to celebrate. Once again, you have completed a very difficult task and you have done so without a shot being fired or any type of revolution other than one enmeshed with love.

You baby boomers are already comfortable with the thought of “make love not war.” Just as was true for you in the 1960’s and 1970’s, you are feeling thoughts that you are not familiar with. Those thoughts are urging you forward to disassemble those institutions and organizations and yes, even political parties that do not seem to “get it.” You are sending e-mails and creating blogs that encourage yourself and others to look at those institutions with new eyes. Just because someone you admire says something, does not mean that statement is your reality any longer. And so it will go. You will be more and more interested in surrounding yourself with like-minded people and institutions. Those people and institutions who do not act on your “love not war” philosophy will fade and fail.

We are not necessarily addressing the war in Iraq or any other conflict. But rather an overall philosophy of negotiation, hope, joy and yes, peace. That is the New Age. This is what you have long dreamed of. And this is what you have now created both within yourself and within the beings of the majority of people on earth.

Even though you may not yet have experienced it directly as of yet, we will tell you that your joy will start bursting forth with or without your current willingness to believe that such is so. Of course, there will yet be upheavals. Of course, there will conflicts for a bit of time. But underneath it all, know without a doubt that the majority of people on earth have accepted the New Age and all that entails.

Follow your inner voice and you will be a participant observer in the paradigm shift that is now occurring. Ignore your inner voice and you will be an observer in the paradigm shift that is now occurring. It will happen. It is happening.

For those of you who prefer an example of what we are discussing, think of the last few weeks as the time in which a major food producer first decided to introduce yogurt as a small product line. And then know, as you do, that within a couple of years, every major food producer will have to have a large yogurt product line to meet the demand. And so it is. Amen.

Ah. Brenda has a question. What if the majority of people had not accepted the New Age in the last few days? Nothing would have changed other than the introduction and acceptance of the New Age would have taken a bit longer in your terms and a few nanoseconds in ours. The New Age has been a given for a few years. Your acceptance was the question which has now been answered.

Go play in the sunshine and rejoice in your concentrated and highly successful implementation of a new world. So be it. Amen.

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Day 8 – Forgive and Release

We are energy beings; vibrating at different frequencies we move through this experience aware or unaware of this fact. There are many scientific proofs of this, however certainly hasn’t been consider mainstream science. There are those out there in the world today who are living examples of this phenomena. They are the Heroes of the Now. They are the ones who are bringing consciousness to Humanity. We can look to these beings who have truly embraced a new reality that has been available for all time and see what is in store for the Human Race.

We, as a species, are evolving into something new, something so beautiful and creative as to propel a giant leap in the evolution of mankind. We are at this place, teetering it seems on the fulcrum, at the tipping point with all the mass of the past pressing us to that place where it all changes. This, I have seen in my Journeys. This, others have seen, as well in their own way. The messages are clear and the guidance is strong.

We are moving towards the Shift, consciously or not, the choice is Now. Becoming aware of our True Nature and how we dance to the rhythms of Universe is a step on the way to Higher Consciousness. We have done that. We can look around, stripped bare to the Light of this Body and see the Truth of the Natural World. We are that, Nature. Look past the objects created for our apparent need and see the True Nature of All that IS.

Creation, it is all around, one must only look beyond the illusion created by the ego and influenced by mass consciousness and societal boundaries, to see it. Reach out right now with your hands, close your eyes and interact with the energy of creation. Like water in your hands, flowing through open fingers… cup your hands and hold it for a moment. With each breath feel it expanding and contracting, pulsing in your hands it is the life force, creation energy that surrounds and permeates all.

Today, on our Journey, as we take total personal responsibility for all our thoughts, words and actions, cancel contracts, vows and agreements and break all spells and curses recognize that in this moment you are free. You are part of Creation and Creation itself… On this Journey we must learn to Forgive and release those places in our past that we have bound ourselves to. We must let it go, through a process of forgiveness and release that is very personal in nature. It is your process… Stop here for a moment and breathe. Cycle through a few breaths and allow this to sink in…

This is your experience and you make it yours by doing. Today, create your process to forgive and release. You will know it is working when you get lighter. When your energy begins to expand in all directions and you can feel it radiating from your heart, you will know.

My experience with this process is that it is deep and transformative and much healing has come from it. I have found places that I was still connected to energetically that anchored my now experience to an event, situation or timeline in the past. I was experiencing something that was being filtered and influenced by the past and I found that I was not fully present. In Soul Retrieval, we Journey to search for those places and bring them into balance with Love and Kindness, returning energy to us now so we can become whole again. We use our emotions to serve as coordinates, markers that lead the way to the original fracture, so as to heal and bring the energy back into wholeness, rather than act out our them out in negative and harmful ways.

What releases the bind is forgiveness and release.

So, today we forgive ourselves… Go deep into your meditation today and align with Creation. Connect to the vibration of the Universe, the frequency of Love and work with it. See yourself as One with Creation, be One… There is no other and forgive. Let it go, see the chunks breaking free and falling away crumbling into nothing and everything returning to Creator for recycling stuck energy fades away and is replaced by the energy of Creation in this Divine Union with Creator.

Make it yours, work it. We call it doing the work for a reason, but what joyful and rewarding work it is. Come into alignment now with Creator, breath in the life energy that surrounds you always and let it go… See all the times in your life experiences where you have gone against creation and allow those blockages to dissolve, as you work the energy of forgiveness and release.

Forgive you. Say it out loud… I forgive and release you, your name   . Go where the energy guides you,  see your connections to those past events dissolve and the energy returning to you in a golden white light.  See it return to you and fill the spaces left by the releasing energy.  See this exchange in your own way and work with it… Coach and encourage yourself during this process, as you have access to your Higher Consciousness and Guides.  Allow this process to work as you work with it.  Allow the emotions to come into your awareness, connect to them only long enough to see what your need to see, then commence the forgiveness.  Ask Creator to show you the way, if you like.  Allow your True Nature to show you…  You know.

I am Love and Kindness… I feel Love and Kindness… I share Love and Kindness, I Love Myself completely, I Love all that I am, I Love all Creation…

I Forgive and Release myself from those times that I went against Creation…  I forgive and release myself completely.  I align to the Highest Good for all Creation.  I forgive myself…

See yourself standing tall in a golden radiating ball of golden white light and breathe…  See yourself whole and complete, One with all that surrounds you, One with all Creation… Creator.

Treat yourself well today… You deserve it.

Love and Kindness,


Heroes of the Now

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Of inner reflection
You are meeting your “self”
Coming and going…
You are a creator…
Yes….all that god “is” is within you
And it is time for you to fly
Dear one…
Yet to fly
Your wings must be “free”
Free of the thoughts of the world
That would convince you
That you are not free “now”…
These beliefs of this world dear one
Are the opposite of the real world…
To fly
You must fly “with me”
So…dear one…let go….
Let go of the “thoughts of the world”
And allow those very beliefs
To be embraced and dissolved
Within our shared heart…
To fly with me
Is simply
To be “grateful for what is”
For “what is”
No matter how it may appear
Is love…
God is love…
There is “no other”
Your belief that anything
Can be “other than what love is”
Weighs down your wings of freedom
And “constricts you”
The moment you feel constricted
You have “taken a thought”
Unlike love…
Right then…right in that moment
You and you alone
Have the very power
Of choice…
What is that choice??
Choose for love…
Say to the universe
“I am grateful for what is”….
That statement is a very powerful
Creative choice…
When chosen
It will “lift your wings”
And open your heart…
Love is expansion…
As a creator
You are here to expand
That which love is…
To express and then experience
Love is to allow only
Your loving thoughts…
To create is to express loves
Reality thru you…
Simply acknowledge that this moment
You have called to yourself
Out of our grandness
So that you can witness
And know again
The truth of love…
Yes…dear one
You are the creator of your
Own journey home to love…
You can never be a victim…
You call every experience
To yourself
So that you
Can “discover” every boundary
Every edge
That is in need of your love…
So that you can come closer
And closer
To your realization
That all along
You have been one with me…
I AM the you that you have
Been searching for…
To stop seeking
And know you have found
Is the doorway
To self love…
To value me
Is to love you…
To thank me
Is to honor yourself…

So…fly dear ones
Look at your reflection
In the picture above…
Your true self
Is that butterfly that is in
The waters of grace…
You are birthing that butterfly
With each choice for love
And granting it permission
To fly into eternity
Knowing that you
Are that ONE….

Peace be with you always
And in all-ways…



If you would like to be added to this list
Simply send along an email and you
Will be added “in love”…

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The Flame of the integrated Christ, bridge to the New Earth!

Master Sananda through Paschalis Kazakopoulos | Athens, 1 Apr. 10

Beloved light workers of the new dawn of the Light, I am here today among you to bring the message of change that is about to come in the global consciousness and the global collective unconscious. What is about to happen…

Beloved, your self is the bridge of change from one reality to the other. Many times, change is not easy and demands efforts. But these changes have been constructed and change is now in front of your reality. While the diamond codes of the Christ have been activated in your consciousness are embraced and wrapped now by the New flame of the Cosmic Christ consciousness; this pink rose-gold flame comes now to embrace you through the diamond Christ shape that you truly are, guiding you in the new reality in the New Earth.

Beloved workers of the new dawn of the light, of Earth, of the New Jerusalem; take now a deep breath through your heart, through the heart of the integrated Christ which burns inside you. Take beloved ones this deep breath and now come in the innermost of the interiors of your soul and let this pink-gold energy burn like a flame in your heart, and now see, see those light flashes which extend like lines in time-space.

Beloved ones, there are many realities. Which reality you will choose is solely your responsibility. There are realities which define the trail of Earth ending somewhere. There are realities where Earth is being destroyed. There are beloved ones, realities for heaven on Earth. There are beloved children of God, sons and daughters of God, the living and direct contact with the Source and the community of the light which is now being structured. There are also beloved ones realities of a hell on earth. There are many realities.

Choose now the reality which this flames reflects, this flame of the integrated Christ. This rose pink-gold energy which burns now in your hearts while change is being completed. And this flame wraps the diamond codes of the Christ you hold.

Come now, embrace this reality. Breathe in through this reality and see everything around you through this reality. See yourselves too…

-How do you see yourself in this new reality?

-How is your life beloved ones, in this reality? Is it joyful?

-Is it aligned? Is it integrated?

If so, see with the eyes of this reality!

Release any guilt syndrome, every shame and sin being held in your consciousness because this does Not exist. It is the complex of fear that lead you there in order to control you loved ones. Now come, let yourself to resurrect, through the sea of the Spirit and begin your course for this reality.

Now as never before is the time to make a step forward without need to look back because this step is a new page in your integrated reality which doesn’t share with any egoic syndrome. It shares with the Divine Presence and co-creates and moves forward to have a beginning and a target. Many times you move without having this compass in your reality.

I Am the Way, the Truth and the Life!

This is what is being radiated within you, by this rose pink-gold energy as it wraps the diamond codes-carriers that you are.

Open now your heart and receive this awakening within the innermost of the interiors, because beloved ones, you are this bridge, you are the builders and now the bridge is built. The time has come to cross over. And so you pave the way for those to come and follow you, and that’s what you do.

I now open the heart of the integrated Christ in the heart of the planet, while all these flames awaken like seeds and embrace the diamond Christ carriers of the Light you carry, on a planetary level. This is about to complete till the month of June, this year.

Beloved ones, know that we support you and push you in this step with all the love, with all the support and with all the blessings of heaven because you deserve it. Because you are the bringers of the Light. The Light of the World. Now this pulse is transmitted. Those who attune with it awaken from sleep, or in a better way, from a nightmare. Give them time, help them, support them, embrace them, as Spirit embraces everything.

May you be the example of the New Earth for this transition.

Teaching Alpha and Omega.

Jesus/ Yeshua/ Sananda

Channeling from the School of Mystery, 31 Mar. 10, Athens
Website: www.angelicreiki.eu

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You are Free to: Print, save in your P.C., share with friends, according to the following conditions: You must mention the author, the creator of this work and the website www.angelicreiki.eu

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Dear one
Much light has once again been delivering
The consciousness of christ
Upon the shores of time and the shores
Of non-time…

This light of purification is now effecting
All things on your beloved planet…
All forms of life are being purified
By the divine waters of grace….
This may be known to you as a “bubbling effect”…
There are rumblings and  earthquakes
Desiring to be released
Thru your bodies at this now moment
Yes….you are one with your mother earth
And she is preparing along with you
To “move into her new dimension
Of love and light”…
Flow with them…dear one
Flow with them…allow the bubbles to arise
And burst
For they will bring much clarity and wisdom
Long remembered
With each allowance of the “burst”
Thus allowing your Mother Earths
Transistion to be softer and gentler
For all upon her…

These bursts are simply old beliefs…
Thoughts and beliefs held deep…deep
Within your sub conscious which are
Ready to be released and let go of….
This is an “inner journey”
Know this dear one…
Any reaction to “any moment”
Is coming from within you
And it is yours to embrace
And bring within
To this shared heart of love….
All…all is transmuted and made whole again
Thru this very process…
So…dear one…do not hold back…
Allow the rumblings and inner quakes
To arise….
Embrace them…
Bring them within to our shared heart
Where all will be made “new again”
You see
You NOW have the power of your full Self
Within you
It is the very power of love ….
The only true power there is…
What is bubbling up
For you to remember and recognize
Within yourself
Is that anything other than
The power of love…
The presence of love
Is not real
And is holding you back
From your greatness…your divinity…
This very divinity is alive and well
Within you now
And if you will simply bring all unlike
What love is
I will
All you need do is embrace them
And bring them home to love…
This is a truth yet it must be practiced
To be re-alized….
Love’s perfect solution
Is within you now
As it was before you took
The thought of separation
From me…
All the reading and seeking
Will not actualize this truth for you…
It is for you to re-discover it
And then to take the action
Of “doing it”….
For you are love
And love always
Seeks itself…
Come within and find me there…
The voice of love…
Love is the answer to all things…
You simply have not remembered what
True love is….
It is the very power within you
That if remembered again
Will transform all things
If they are embraced “by you”

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Channeler: Suzanne Ward

Chile earthquake manmade; Illuminati failings; positive developments in many areas; effects of goddess energy; women’s self-perception; opposition in political arenas; timeframe determination difficulties; the Vatican; various destinies of souls

1. This is Matthew, with loving greetings from all souls at this station. From entertainment to the economy to earthquakes, the darkness in some individuals has been motivating them to create distractions, disruptions or destruction around your world. The peak members of the Illuminati are tenaciously grappling with the ever-intensifying light by using whatever means they can to hang onto the tattered remnants of their global empire. No matter where or how they direct their nefarious efforts, and even though some may appear to be working in their favor, any effectiveness will be short-lived.

2. Let us speak about a specific example in this regard. The earthquake in Chile, just as the one in Haiti, was caused by manmade technology, and once again, the location and timing were strategically selected. The earthquake was designed to present Chile’s new president with immense reconstruction efforts that would doom his intentions to keep his country financially strong without foreign control of its wealth in natural resources. As destructive as that quake and its aftershocks were, our space family used their technology to prevent the far greater damage and death toll that the Illuminati intended. They also failed in their goal—President Pinera’s intention to stabilize and increase his country’s prosperity while loosening multinational corporate control will be only delayed, not derailed.

3. In a previous message we spoke about the souls who made transition during Haiti’s catastrophic earthquake: Most left physical lifetimes by soul contract choice, and those whose lives were cut short prior to contract completion are being given the opportunity in Nirvana to wind up third density karmic choices and evolve into fourth density; at the same time, they are sending light to ease the pain of their families and to uplift all in their country. The very same is true of the far lesser number of people who died in Chile, and just as we and myriad other beings of light are doing for the traumatized survivors in Haiti, all of us are sending healing love energy to those who are grieving and facing hardships in Chile.

4. Whether an earthquake is manmade or of Mother Earth’s initiation, the aftershocks are a natural effect and collectively can release as much negativity as the quake that set them in motion. Also, a powerful quake in one area of the planet can set off milder quakes and volcanic eruptions in other places—just as one errant cell in your body can affect any of the countless other cells, so it is with every cubic inch of Earth’s planetary body.

5. Earth had decided that no more geophysical events of her own making were necessary, that the remaining negativity could be released and transmuted by the intense light being generated on the planet and constantly in-beamed from afar, so you can know that all events of that nature henceforth will be manmade. But you also can know that one mission of some of the massive fleet of spacecraft surrounding your planet is continuous monitoring so they can soften, or level out, upheavals in Earth’s crust wherever they occur. And since more negativity must be released and soul contracts are close to completion for many persons, any hand of darkness in future earthshaking occurrences will be an aid in those respects.

6. Let us speak about your entertainment venues, which are not meant to be the REcreation leisure time all of you need, but rather a distraction that plants seeds of fear. That is the purpose of films about evil extraterrestrials posing as friendly and new films about old wars, waging war in space against civilizations that want to invade and conquer, and the potential devastating end of your world in 2012; and then there is the inundation of electronic games of that same design. The dark minds want to keep you fearful not only of aliens, but also every manner of “what if…?”; and if they cannot produce outright fear, then the deluge of that kind of viewing will inure your psyches to the inevitability of brutality and war and ET conquerors. Another purpose of these kinds of entertainment is to distract your attention from important issues or thinking about what is behind “the news” or giving thought to how you can better your life and your world.

7. In this, too, the Illuminati’s aims are falling short. There have been so many sightings of spacecraft around the planet that there is widespread acceptance that not only do other civilizations exist, but their presence overhead proves that they are far advanced from you technologically and intellectually. And contrary to their violent portrayal in “entertaining” films, most of you believe that if the strangers in those craft had come with harmful intentions, they would have taken over long ago.

8. Lighted souls are producing films, books, music and other art forms with spiritual concepts; some churches are beginning to interpret religious doctrines in ways that meet the needs of soul-searchers; seminars and workshops of spiritual and metaphysical basis are flourishing and so are meditation circles; individuals, groups and organizations are expanding efforts to help the needy locally and in distant lands. In short, souls around the world not only are awakening consciously and spiritually, they are taking action! From our vantage point, the light shooting forth from these many millions of people and their benevolent endeavors looks like perpetual fireworks in your skies!

9. Yes, wars, oppressive governing, corporate corruption and financial greed, disease, toxic pollution and impoverishment still are in your 3D world; but even in the midst of those conditions, souls are discovering their personal power and becoming actively involved as “part of the solution.” And yes, the ugliness of duality still is prevalent, but increasingly individuals are seeing common problems, common interests, common goals; and cooperation is replacing contention, apathy and selfish interests in neighborhoods and communities throughout your world. This unstoppable force for goodness and change is expanding in all directions, and often it is the women who are leading the way.

10. The feminine, or goddess energy that is pouring in to balance the masculine energy that dominated Earth’s residents for millennia is giving women everywhere inner strength, courage, confidence and determination to rise above their former status of inferiority or as possessions, a status imposed by those cultures and lands where males are considered superior. We do not mean that you will become a female-dominated society—you won’t—or that the goddess energy is not affecting men too—indeed it is; otherwise, this energy in-pouring would only provoke conflict between the sexes instead of accomplishing a balance of the two energies within the peoples. However, it is the change in women’s self-perception—from acceptance of subjugation to recognition of self-worth and the growing awareness that their combined power is a force for love, peace and harmony—that is entering the collective consciousness and moving your world ever closer to the Golden Age.

11. We hasten to add that this does not mean that females cannot have the warrior ruthlessness aspect of male energy or cannot succumb to the depths of dark motives and actions! Some women are working to achieve Illuminati objectives with the same fierce dedication as men in the ranks; and other women, contrary to their soul contract choices, are harming others in families, neighborhoods and communities. Again, this is third density duality in motion, and its time in your world is fast dwindling. Men and women alike who are captivated by darkness are leaving the planet and will continue to do so, each when his or her vibratory level is exceeded as Earth continues apace into successively higher planes of vibrations.

12. We also mentioned the economy as an example of dark efforts, and this was intended to be distracting, disrupting and destructive. The distraction is mainstream media’s deceptive description of the global economic crisis as a recession that is on the upswing after bottoming out so the masses will passively accept a return to same-old, same-old banking and business. The disruption in lives is clear in unemployment, homeless and food bank statistics; and the economic destruction was intended to adversely affect all except the Illuminati themselves. They hadn’t factored into their shenanigans to garner even vaster fortunes that the scheme could backfire and open the door to a different economic system that they could not control. They hadn’t factored in the ingenuity and fortitude of the peoples to overcome hardships or the strong spirit of sharing and helping or the cooperative productivity, all of which are thriving at grassroots levels around your world. They hadn’t factored in that honest folks with sound economic expertise would establish systems of finance and commerce based in spiritual integrity and fairness for all peoples of Earth. And it is change of this broad scope that is happening under the “news radar,” so to say.

13. Many of you still are questioning US President Obama’s motives or leadership abilities, therefore we will speak briefly again about this highly evolved soul who all of you agreed prior to birth would be elected to that position and lead your world into an era of peace. We told you before the primary elections that he would become president, and everything we have said about him and his part of the Golden Age master plan in subsequent messages also is as accurate now as then. [For readers who are interested, the pertinent parts of those messages can be easily located by entering Obama in the search feature on Matthew’s Messages page on www.matthewbooks.com.]

14. While opposition to Obama’s direction from the Republicans in Congress en masse and some members of his own party too is public knowledge, the power behind the dissension—pressure from the Illuminati global web-work—is not. Except for readers of our messages and those from other sources within the light, it is not known that the vociferous and rancorous disagreements within the US government are not as they appear to be, a stubborn partisan bloc or inflexible ideological differences—it is the influence of the light and of the darkness being played out on the United States government stage.

15. Yes, the dark ones can claim a measure of success there and on other stages in other countries as well. Their myriad forms of distraction, disruption and destruction have delayed, diluted or gutted efforts for positive change; postponed official recognition by international leaders of the presence of other civilizations; and prevented the emergence of other universal and down-to-Earth truths.

16. So it is understandable if you have become impatient or disheartened by mainstream reports of progress—or lack thereof. However, you would do well to remember that those reports are issued with deliberately incomplete or inaccurate information by third density minds via third density outlets. What higher density minds are accomplishing in the wings of stages worldwide would astonish you if you could but see the light emanating from the various sources and the significant beneficial changes taking form! These changes are leading light-receptive souls out of third density illusion and lies and into the universal reality of the continuum, where the glories of the Golden Age await!

17. We know that you would like firm timeframes for specific events, and we wish we could provide those, but attempting to do so would be folly. Nothing in Earth’s energy field of potential is clearly delineated—streamers that appear to be going straightaway abruptly zigzag and are overtaken by other activities’ streamers. If you remember, at one point a few months ago it appeared that the time of a television announcement of extraterrestrial presence was close at hand, but the barrage of dark actions since then has prevented finalizing some of the major aspects of that program. And, several months ago it appeared that this event would follow the emergence of some truths that have been long hidden; later, it was decided that since the Illuminati were keeping a tight lid on those truths, the program would come first. We can say with assurance that the introduction of our space brothers and sisters is upcoming, but the timing, like the space fleet, is still up in the air.

18. Even though that major happening is not yet at your doorstep, the greater light prevailing is bringing forth a different revelation of great significance: the abusive aspect of duality at the pinnacle of the Catholic church, the Vatican. This is not to pass judgment on the pope or the priest offenders, but rather evidence that supreme reverence for a man and obedience to manmade religious laws is misplaced. Each soul is a part of God and no soul is greater or lesser than another in God’s eyes! At this moment it appears that the time for ancient records and the true purpose of religions to be disclosed is quite a ways down the road, comparatively speaking, but with all other sources of energy in tumult, that timeframe also could change in the blink of an eye.

19. Thus, we urge you to stay steadfast in the light and be patient as to when and how events will unfold. With the massive amount of truth to be revealed, a foremost consideration is to attain a balance between how rapidly startling information can be given and how much psyches can assimilate healthfully.

20. Now then, please dismiss concerns about any current or proposed laws, bills, doctrines, customs, policies, treaties or procedures that are based in unfairness or unjustness or present harm to mind, body or spirit. Like everything else in your world that derives from darkness, those will end incrementally along Earth’s journey to fourth density, where no darkness can exist. And no dark deeds can delay or detour her ascension progress—she is on target to meet the celestial timetable for leaving third density completely.

21. What is at stake is the destiny of her consciously and spiritually slumbering residents: Will they heed their intuition, the messages from their souls, to waken in time to physically accompany Earth? Many of you have family or friends who are stuck in third density thinking and beliefs. By all means offer to share your awareness with those who are interested, but please do not try to impose it upon those who are not—just as you would feel uncomfortable being force-fed opinions that conflict with your innate knowingness, so would be those who are committed to their beliefs that differ from yours.

22. And please do not feel sad if persons dear to your heart choose not to awaken in this lifetime. Respect their goodness and honesty in the knowing that it is neither your responsibility nor right to try to change their choice to slumber on. After a lifetime in spirit, they will reincarnate in a third density world with another opportunity to “see the light” and evolve spiritually; and, as the independent yet inseparable souls you all are, during bodies’ sleep time you will have reunions with your beloved people in places where your and their vibrations permit.

23. When and how will people who commit dark actions die? Wouldn’t it be helpful to know who they are so we can distinguish them from people in the light who die because they fulfilled their soul contracts? There is no way that you can distinguish between the “dark action” persons and those in the light who completed their contracts, and there is no need to do so. Since there are varying light frequencies in individuals, there can be no mass exodus of those who are darkly-inclined at some specific point in Earth’s ascension. Each such person will transition from this lifetime when Earth reaches an energy plane that exceeds that individual’s frequency and physical death will come from any of the same causes that exist now.

24. Where will the souls of all the various densities now living on the planet go if they do not accompany Earth, and will they remember why they did not or will the “veil of forgetting fall?” The souls whose lifetime energy registration was of the basest density—what some would call “pure evil”—automatically will be drawn to the only part of Nirvana that is separate from the flexible layers, the tiny orb near your moon where the density is so great that it holds those souls captive. They are aware of where they are and what they did that led them to that densest part of Earth’s spirit world because it is there that they review their entire past lifetime moment by moment and feel their every emotion along with the emotions of everyone whose lives they touched in any way. This review process is the hell of some religious concepts.

25. Light is constantly beamed to those souls, and if they choose to accept the light, they will embody in a first density placement in primitive forms that have no memories or intelligence, but only an instinctive existence. This allows those souls to start with a clean slate, unencumbered by memories of the dark behavior that led them to that densest of placements in your part of this universe.

26. Persons whose lifetime energy was of very low density—those who ignored their soul contracts and whose deliberately ruthless actions prevented others from fulfilling their own contracts, but were not as tyrannical or diabolical as the souls consigned to that tiny orb—automatically are drawn to a first density world and start over from scratch. When they accept the light that is beamed continuously into the placement, they can incarnate in a second density world where they will have no memory of other lifetimes but do gain a conscience, a capacity for reasoning, and free will choices. With this greater degree of innate abilities comes the option to act within the light or the darkness, thus they can have many lifetimes in second density, relapse into first, or progress into a third density world.

27. As for the “veil of forgetting” falling on residents of a third density world—how many of you remember why you are where you are?!

28. Souls now on Earth who are at fourth or higher density spiritual evolvement who do not continue their physical journey with Earth may choose to spend a lifetime in Nirvana, return to their original homeland, move on to another civilization that is compatible with their evolvement station, or return to Earth and enjoy life in her Golden Age. In all those planes of spiritual awareness there is a great deal of remembering by comparison to the level in any third density world.

29. However, the eternal life of the soul includes the return to The Beginnings in Creator, so there are eons of layers of forgetfulness to uncover in the unequalled adventure called Life. Light, the pure love essence of Creator Source and the most powerful energy in the cosmos, is available to every soul in every instant, and by accepting the light, each continues evolving by consciously remembering what is known at soul level.

30. The Golden Age awaits all of Earth’s residents who have embraced the light and whose lifetime contract includes several more years on the planet. Do please remember this: Light beings throughout this universe are with you in loving spirit, cheering you on along your pathway toward that wondrous world!



Suzanne Ward

[Matthew’s message is late because we were out of the country for a joyful family reunion and our granddaughter’s wedding, and upon our return, another surgery for Bob. All is well!

Thank you for your emails of concern about us or our family in Chile. Son Michael and his wife were with us in Panama at the time of the earthquake, and no one in her family was injured when their homes were damaged.

To the 100 subscribers whose email addresses start with ral… through ted…, I hope someone forwards this message or you read it in Matthew’s Messages on www.matthewbooks.com so you will know why it didn’t come from me: My profuse apologies for deleting the list with your addresses when I was trying (and failing!) to consolidate seven lists. If you would like to continue receiving the messages directly, please join the Yahoo group by going to http://groups.yahoo.com/group/MessagesfromMatthew/, then click on Join this Group. This isn’t an interactive group—you will receive only the messages.

I am very happy to report that Matthew’s messages are available in 11 languages via links on www.matthewbooks.net, a site established in Portugal. Also, Matthew, Tell Me about Heaven has been published in ten foreign editions, some of the other three books in the series also are out in several languages, and English editions have sold in over 40 countries. Book and messages readers got the ball rolling by recommending the information to others—thank you!

And I thank you for understanding that family responsibilities preclude my responding to most of the emails I receive. Blessings to all of you…Suzy]


www.galacticchannelings.com - All languages stated above
www.matthewbooks.net - ALL TRANSLATIONS

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