Tag: electrical energy (page 1 of 2)

Scientists Generate Electricity from a Virus!


By Chris Capps   5/16/12

Scientists at the US Department of Energy's Lawrence Berkely Lab have demonstrated that not only algae and bacteria can be genetically engineered to generate electricity, but so can viruses.&nbsp...

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Ascension Symptoms


a message from Jim Self

Thursday, 9 February, 2012  (posted 2 March, 2012)

As we move through the Shift, changes are happening within our bodies. We are altering how we see the world around us, and increasing our body&r...

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Overunity Details of J.I.M.S. Motor Reluctantly Revealed


BB Motor Corporation has reluctantly answered some questions about an exotic motor they have built that is claimed to be able to run without fuel and produce no pollution. A breakthrough energy technology may be about to emerge from t...

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Rossi’s E-Cat Victory on Cold Fusion’s Emergence Day — E-Day


The date October 28, 2011 will be recorded in history as the day when Andrea Rossi's cold fusion E-Cat technology emerged victoriously into the commercial marketplace, after an important test by a yet-undisclosed customer. Test pa...

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The Many Exotic Coils of SkyCollection


Jorge Rebolledo C. of Mexico is the founder of the organization SkyCollection, and seeks to use compressed starship coils based on Rodin math for energy applications. He has built many prototype systems that appear to produce very int...

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Eric Hansen’s Water Fuel Hydroxy Manifesto


Career mechanic, Eric W. Hansen, reveals his understanding of the hydroxy (HHO) technology, explaining how to use Frederick Well's plans to run an engine on nothing but water through resonance of the electrolysis cell chambers, as...

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Victor Klimov FREE-ENERGY System – 100% Proven


Well, I can think of many other free energy systems that can be weaponized. It's just that Tom Bearden is a retired Lieutenant Colonel, and a military mind always thinks of this possibility.


Los Alamos...

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James Kwok’s “Hidro+” Tech Floating to the Top


James Kwok's "Hidro+" commercially available technology allows for energy to be harvested from gravity induced pressure differentials in columns of water. "Ash" from Panacea-BOCAF recently visited Hidro+, witne...

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PEMM Motor Harnesses Anti-matter and Electron-Avalanche


Gary Magrattan's PEMM Electric motor is said to harness the phenomenon of electron avalanche across a spark gap to boost current, voltage, and power. A unique method of harnessing back EMF adds to it's novelty as it nears prod...

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The Strange Case of the Rosemary Ainslie Circuit By Steve Windisch


Posted on December 24, 2009 by dandelionsalad Dandelion Salad December 24, 2009

Recently the Overunity and Energetics online forums (the largest virtual meeting places and “home” for many in the Open Source / “...

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Are humans really beings of light?


This is an unbelievably interesting and informative read...


Dan Eden for viewzone.com

I get lots of suggestions for stories, and I really appreciate them. But some of them are too good to ...

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The Fine Print

a message from Lisa Renee

Friday, 10 December, 2010  (posted 14 December, 2010)

Well just about now we need all the humor and levity we can muster. If you are an Awakened Indigo or Starseed – what has been ...

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The Death of Metaphysics

by Owen Waters

Can something as profound as metaphysics reach a point where it will cease to exist?

To answer that, you have to understand the definition of the word metaphysics. It means ‘beyond physics,’ i.e. ‘beyond the stud...

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