Tag: Earth (page 1 of 164)

2222 thru 22222 TRANSIT PROCESSING

Happy Vd Yous InJoY the day of commerilized coupling or decoupling. Hope yous gots your spaceships nearly done. In all ways re-member we exist within the infinitely creative force of ours imaginations. Perspectives are a tool to aid in increasing the fidelity of our 401 (k) plans. It is a bun dance and this infinite aspect is u. With no U there is no I. Ce cee? To ever concieve of existence through out its meriad of forms, frequencies, discrete packets which form the undulation’s that is. Anredepronomens got it right Hu-man Earthlings (Sol Terra-iii transplants from ops terra-V ( Kyper belt) and terra iV (mars) terra-ii ( Venus alrrady was full). But where did terra-iii (Mudhole) come from? Boh yes the moon towed it here from the paladins theu our Energieplan exit pluto. Nit to mention killing or Sons twin by nit allowing Jupiter (where we were stupider) from igniting. And that magnetic anomoly surrounding Sol (our solar system us a solar warden for even pisding our criminal galaxy off. But they are all just jelois becuase our colkective free will gave us the ability to choose, unfortunately they all just sick of being slaves. Dont get that twisted we are just skaves who can choose. But ultimately each of us here now srrves a unique abd intragal part of the overall function 9f what we would call gid and to think that in any way he us there and you are here is kust a function of our iver obsessivenesd to measure all things when simply put you can never measure God. ~Sd

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3² {4 < (ƒ + t³)} ±

I innate re-Memering SeTh: I am the true creative force of creation utilizing my imagination as the engine driving my reality in new and unique ways. I am change::.. All aboard:... InJoY!

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Urgent Message to the Surface Population

The Light Forces are in the middle of the main offensive of clearing Chimera underground bases.Since 1996, the Chimera has captured many Pleiadians and Resistance members, took them underground, and as their last line of defense, the Chimera are now us...

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The Quantum Resolution – And I Saw A New Heaven And A New Earth Well, It’s About Time… – Volume III #QR-02a

The Quantum Resolution Series. Readings: NEW TESTAMENT (KJV): Revelations 21: 1-7, LESSON 308: This Instant Is The Only Time There Is., SCIENTIFIC AMERICAN: September 2002: The Chronic Complaint, TEXT: CHAPTER 1: Revelation, Time And Miracles [para 6],...

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Progress Report

 Our meditations have managed to somewhat stabilize the positive path towards the Event. A few days before exact Eris-Pluto heliocentric square meditation on August 31st, cloudships and rare multiple rainbows appeared in Taiwan:   The So...

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Progress Report

 Our meditations have managed to somewhat stabilize the positive path towards the Event. A few days before exact Eris-Pluto heliocentric square meditation on August 31st, cloudships and rare multiple rainbows appeared in Taiwan:   The So...

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Peace Meditation

After the plandemic plan did not have the desired effect, the Dark Forces have stepped up their efforts to increase End Time madness.The Jesuits, Knights of Malta and Knights of Columbus are now polarizing political left and political right in the Uni...

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A New Cobra Interview And a Short Message to the Surface Population

A Cobra interview has been created by We Love Mass Meditation to bring more clarity in the current planetary situation and to help spread the word about our coming Ascension Timeline meditation.You can listen to the interview on Youtube:https://www.yo...

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Endtime Madness Update

The coronavirus scare has manged to keep a large part of human population in fear and a large proportion of China under quarantine.Having so many people quarantined has enabled the Light Forces to completely clear all plasma Chimera spiders and all oth...

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Blue Dawn

Age of Aquarius meditation was very successful and we have reached the critical mass, albeit barely. Around 150,000 people were actively participating:https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=33Yb3_60gwE&feature=youtu.beThis was just enough to push us over ...

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On the cosmic scale, the shift into the next cosmic cycle continues. Areas completely free of quantum fluctuations primary anomaly that exist mostly in intergalactic space (called Islands of Paradise) are still not stabilized, but interstellar intel s...

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The Tower Card

The breakthrough on June 21st has brought many positive developments.The amount of still present plasma toplet bombs is slowly but steadily decreasing, and the following scenario with toplets bombs detonating now seems extremely unlikely:https://www.da...

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Recognizing The Power That Is Given To You On Earth And In Heaven – Episode II #AGA-06b

The Advent of a Great Awakening Series. Readings: NEW TESTAMENT: Matthew 18:18-19, NEW TESTAMENT: John 3:13, TEXT: CHAPTER 13: Introduction [para 2-4], TEXT: CHAPTER 31: The Savior's Vision [para 6-7], WORKBOOK: Part II: What Is Forgiveness? [para 1-2]

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