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BE  AT  PEACE   There is an ocean that dwells Beneath you.. Its “essence” is unseen by you Yet all that it is  can be witnessed And experienced by you Each moment…   It is an ocean of consciousnes...

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Alice Time: Choosing Six Impossible Things To Believe In

I am an “Alice-o-phile”. I adore Alice in Wonderland and have forever and ever. My basement stairwell is painted as a Rabbit Hole and I have a collection of Alice art and copies of Alice because early on, I understood the message of Alice in Wonderland and Alice Through the Looking Glass at an archetypal level.

Alice is our escort into the many absurd notions, ideas, politics and policies, beliefs and attitudes that underlie society and the way we see “reality”. And oh how long and absurd this list is of beliefs we are so convinced are true, important, real, and urgent. Why just the other day, I overheard a woman at the gym say to her friend, “I’ve got to hurry. If I don’t get this report in to my colleagues, the business deal we’ve been working on will be toast.”

“That’s absurd,” I thought. “If that report were so important – if you were so important to the business deal - what on earth are you doing at the gym?” Silly, silly girl – and now, I thought, she is going to rush away from the gym in a state of “It’s all about ME-ness”. An “Alice moment”, if there ever was one – and there are plenty in my world because I see so much “through the Looking Glass”. (Seeing through the Looking Glass requires that you reverse what you’re looking at, viewing everything through its opposite. If something appears complicated, see it as simple. People always look for “something”. Note this classic line from A through the LG: “I wish I could see nothing as well as you can.” Brilliant…)

We live in a world that is completely in love with going in the wrong direction. For example, we live in a society that completely trusts the rational mind to structure and order “reality”. (For starters, just look at what the rational mind has produced: wars, weapons, bio-destructive forces, environmental disasters, politics of deceit, religious corruption, false gods and bogus religious myths, bizarre notions of what’s real and what isn’t – like the doctrine of creationism in this, the 21st century, though civilization is much older than 21 centuries.) The absurdity of what we believe to be true and yet, how we behave as a “civilized” people is incomprehensible – much less how we go about negotiating our definition of being civilized. But enough of that…you get the picture.

Let’s jump back into Lewis Carroll and his magic. He delighted in satirizing the love affair that members of Victorian society had with themselves and, in particular, their addiction to snobbery. He looked at what the upper class could not bear to examine about themselves, which was, in essence, their own lavish lifestyles, attitudes, and well maintained prejudices about the way the world was and simply had to remain in order to keep them happy. But it is precisely this addiction to one’s personal enclosed comfort zone that positions a person to become exactly what he or she believes an elite lifestyle and privilege protects a person from becoming: close-minded, irrational, unyielding, unrealistic, and completely out of touch with the world at large. To say this another way: The more a person has to lose in life, the less likely that person is to welcome change or to embrace the vast world of the imagination.

Social and political revolutions have always been initiated at the grass roots level because those at the “top” have the most to lose. They see no reason for society to change, because from where they are sitting (Wall Street), everything looks just fine. Those who can envision energy technology, for instance, and have urged the auto and other industries for decades now to invest in energy technologies, have done so for several reasons, among them these two: First, they can see the handwriting on the decline of the oil-based economic wall. That is, we have to move in the direction of alternative fuels. But secondly, these visionaries simply can imagine the impossible. These are the people who are not afraid to take a risk and go where others have not yet gone in thought, in action, and yes, in investment in financial resources.

Carl Jung adored the realm of the imagination. He may well be the master explorer of our age of this domain. For him, the imagination contained the passageways to the psyche and the inner voices of our archetypes. Active imagination was an essential tool that he introduced, establishing a form of communication between the conscious and unconscious self. Right there we have something to imagine as impossible: opening a portal of communication between your conscious and unconscious self. That may be getting ahead of yourself a bit, but such a mega-thought does qualify for imagining the impossible, if you have never, in fact, considered undertaking such an endeavor.

Imagining the impossible – what a delicious and positively enchanting notion. And yet, the realm of the imagination is a fully and completely threatening place to suggest to a person who fears the loss of the familiar. As children, the world of the imagination is an acceptable playground because children are not yet rational creatures and a child’s imagination is considered cute – to an extent. Children are supposed to have imaginations – for a while. Technically speaking, if one can say such a thing, the psychic boundaries of children are still porous; therefore, they are subject to the “hallucinations” of the imagination. These include, for example, imaginary playmates and perhaps seeing the occasional fairy or sprite. Dark spirits may even show up. But a child is likely to be told that these nonphysical visitors are not “real”, they are merely “imaginary”. Thus, early on the lines in the sand are clearly drawn: What comes from the mind is “real”; what comes from the imagination is, well, imaginary. Not real. A poof of a thing, no more than a whimsical passing thought form.

Now granted the mind has “poofs” all the time, ideas that run through it this way and that, but because such thoughts come from the mind, these are not the same type of “imaginary” thoughts because…well…because they can perhaps wear the label of “practical” or “provable” or “conventional”. A value is made apparent very quickly to baby humans: If you are going to delve into the impossible, just make sure it’s the “practical impossible” and that your ideas can solve problems or increase production or profits somewhere. Having ideas just for the fun of having ideas is well, impractical! A waste of imaginary income – not that a person imagines or visualizes income….well, perhaps people do. But do such thoughts really qualify for “imagining” or just wishing? That question leads us to this most important question: Do people really know how to fall down the Rabbit Hole? It’s an art, after all, and not an accident.

The Art of Falling Down The Rabbit Hole

I’m an expert on falling down the Rabbit Hole. I live in the world of the imagination and the impossible. I rely upon the imagination to fill me with ideas on a continual basis. If I lived in the ordinary world, I would disintegrate in short order because the ordinary world is a place filled with reasons why ideas can’t succeed and with the wounds of failure and painful memories of the past that keep reminding people that they should live fearful lives instead of inspiring ones. In fact, even while writing this, a friend called for a business-related matter but in warming up to our meeting, he asked what I was doing. I told him I was writing a piece based on Alice in Wonderland. He asked if I liked the movie. I said, “Not really, and I suspect Lewis Carroll would not have cared for it either. Alice was meant to be enchanted in Wonderland and not be disappointed by characters who were defeated by an angry Red Queen.” He asked me why I loved Alice so much and I carried on and on about my many reasons and even brought the wisdom of Alice into the nonsense of the politics of Washington – which was not all that difficult. But after all that, he said, “I have an idea,” and off we went into the realm of the imagination, into the world of what is waiting to be created, ideas just waiting for a chance to incarnate.

Falling down the Rabbit Hole requires the capacity to “let go” and allow your imagination to take flight, giving form and vision to possibilities and impossibilities – before you let your mind tell you they are absurd, ridiculous, too expensive, and then that final blow, “What will people say?” What do you care what people say? I never have – and that is the great secret of the Rabbit Hole. You simply have to get over your fear of what other people think. For what possible reasons do you care what other people think?

Now to be clear – I am speaking of creative ideas, not of running out on my responsibilities, incurring huge debts, shooting up drugs, or deciding on a life of theft. So let’s be realistic about what I am speaking about when I speak about not caring about what other people think. I still have my head on straight and my feet firmly planted on the ground – but not my imagination. That part of me is given full reign to go off to places known and unknown to me. My target is the realm of ideas, original thought, creativity, and accessing the deep resources of your soul from which springs your “charism” or your “unique creative grace.” Visionaries and creative geniuses know this inner sanctuary, as do great poets, writers, and pioneers of science and medicine. This is where Emily Dickenson dwelled as well as Shakespeare, Mozart, Bach, Einstein, Thomas Jefferson and Benjamin Franklin. They all fell down their unique Rabbit Holes. They imagined worlds that did not yet exist and their lives became devoted to incarnating those worlds. I have no doubt that they imagined far more than six impossible things before breakfast every morning.

It’s easy to tell who has what it takes to sojourn down their Rabbit Holes. Within seconds of conversing with people, they say something that reveals whether they are courageous or frightened, or whether they essentially travel backwards all the time. They soon reveal whether they have the stamina of spirit to explore the unknown in their life or whether most of their decisions are aimed at keeping everything the same as it always has been. Backward travelers will never be able to find their Rabbit Holes. They have to be content with reading Lewis Carroll and simply wishing their life could be different. They will find it difficult to penetrate into the realm of the imagination, as there is a profound difference between wishing and imagining.

Wishing Versus The Power of The Imagination

Wishing has little, if any, real power. It’s musing at best and a passing thought or fancy in its weakest form. A wish is a temporary enchantment that lacks the backbone and substance to attract creative life force or power.

Imagination, on the other hand, takes effort, energy, and generates a substantial amount of emotional and psychic response once you make contact with a great idea. Merging with a unique vision is the same as having an unfamiliar download of grace rush through your system. In an instant, it penetrates into your intellect, your emotions, your mind, your vocabulary; your archetypal dynamics adjust themselves to new symbolic content – shifting your understanding of the cosmos. You can feel the power of that idea – that vision – take hold of you as it runs through your blood like a new drug, making its way into your neurology. And then it’s locked into your psyche. It’s yours. The download is complete and you are on a high that is unexplainable to anyone who has never been swept away by the thrill of contact with the realm of original thought. This is a love affair unlike anything on earth because it isn’t of the earth. But it soon will be – that becomes your task as the vessel of the imagination.

Original thought implodes someone who won’t do what’s required to be a container and vessel of that which others cannot see or comprehend. You have to be someone who can handle being misunderstood or keeping your own creative company or handling a vision others cannot understand. You have to be strong enough to believe alone – and for a long time – in what others cannot imagine. Many people have been able to do that, but most people cannot stand alone in the demanding realm of the imagination. So they live in the lesser world of fantasies and musings.

What if you really could fall down the Rabbit Hole? Would you? Doesn’t it tempt you even a little – or perhaps more than a little? Wouldn’t you love to let yourself go and tumble into your own great unknown – the unknown that is your own unimagined life that you could imagine if you fell down the Rabbit Hole? You know you would.

You could tell yourself this is just a game, so let’s just say this is just a game. Okay – falling down the Rabbit Hole is just a game. (But what if it isn’t? I had to say that – I just had to.)

Falling down your Rabbit Hole requires that you dwell in the world of your imagination. But really dwell in it. Nurture it. And here’s the challenging part: You have to do what your creativity calls for, in order to bring forth the ideas you are imagining. They won’t just fall from the sky. Books, for example, don’t write themselves. Great discoveries in medicine just don’t happen. Poets actually sweat over their poems even though they’ve been completely saturated with the grace of imagination. You must understand that you form a working partnership with your imagination. Consider that one never forms a working partnership with a wish – how absurd is that? Fairy tales always lead a person to believe that a “wish” alone does all the work. Now really – a wish and a bunch of fairies – and people believe this more than they believe in mystical consciousness. And you talk about absurd????? Anyway – on to the impossible – which is utterly possible.

Believing in Six Impossible Things Per Day

This could be the most fun exercise I have ever given you, by the way. Do NOT answer these questions rapidly. Answering rapidly is an indication that you do not want to give reflective thought to these questions which – let me point out – you have never been asked before. Therefore, you can’t possibly know the correct response right off the top of your head. These questions require reflection. And they are questions in search of responses versus “answers”.

1) Define what’s impossible versus what’s possible for you. You’ve said to yourself, “That’s impossible.” What were you talking about when you said that and why was “that” – whatever that was – impossible? Too risky? Too much money? Would you risk looking foolish?
2) What’s the key difference between what you see as possible versus impossible? In particular, you are to carry this description all the way to the point of including “consequences”. That is, what would be the consequences of the things in your life that you declared were impossible – because in identifying the consequences, you are naming what you are really afraid of experiencing?
3) Everyone travels backwards because everyone has a history. The object now is to determine this: How often each day do you travel backwards in time? All day? Most of the day? Occasionally?
4) Are most of your decisions aimed at keeping your life as it is or introducing change? What is your rationale for your decisions: Safety or new experiences and adventure?
5) Do you tend to dismiss the creative ideas of others, looking for why new ideas of suggestions won’t work as opposed to why they could work?
6) Is there some part of your life that you would like to move forward that would be assisted by believing in six impossible things?

Imagining Six Impossible Things

Start anywhere. Or you can build all six impossible ideas around a strategy, all supporting the desire to break through something. Imagine something in your life that you would like to be other than the way it is. Imagine something absurd, for instance, or you doing something you have never done before. For example, imagine yourself wearing something you’ve always wanted to wear, or imagine yourself speaking to a neighbor that you really do want to meet, or imagine yourself climbing a tree.

Here’s the real point of this exercise: Holding these imaginings is symbolic of the White Queen in Alice – pure new thought. Consider the Red Queen the aggressive part of your mind that will come to do battle with pure thought, pure imaginings, pure creativity. The Red Queen will always try to destroy a creative gift as the Red Queen represents the opposition of the collective unconscious as well as your external world and your own inner saboteur, so you must meet that force on your inner battlefield. If you can grasp that, then you can understand that the object of imagining the impossible is a multileveled discipline that introduces you to the power of your imagination and creativity as well as to your inner saboteur.

But imagining is ultimately not enough. You have to do more than just imagine. You have to act on something that you imagine. You have to bring it forth and give it life. The “impossible” requires vigilance and dedicated attention and constant courageous choices as well as a willingness to allow your life to change in “impossible” directions – directions transcendent of north, south, east, and west. Imagine that.

How often should you make a list of six impossible things? That all depends on how daring you are and how bold an imagination you have. In this regard, there are no rules. You decide. My list is endless.

Just go for it. Enter the realm of impossibilities. One of the most delicious lines Emily Dickenson ever wrote was: Dwell in impossibilities. She obviously resided down the Rabbit Hole. It’s no wonder she is my favorite poetess.


© 2009 Myss.com - Caroline Myss is a New York Times best-selling author whose books include Anatomy of the Spirit, Why People Don’t Heal and How They Can, Sacred Contacts, and Entering the Castle. Defy Gravity: Healing Beyond the Bounds of Reason, will be published by Hay House in October 2009.
Listen to Caroline every week on www.HayHouseRadio.com

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Another View of the Polar Shift

Beloved ones, as these waves of Love now bombarding the world come into your life and shift you, as they turn upside down everything you have perceived as your reality and your identity as a human being, as they create in your life the polar shift from the world of duality to the world of only Love -- the change will be so dramatic that the only way to accomplish it is to give yourselves to Me, to fall into the arms of My Love, to surrender your current orientation.

Only as you let go of what currently is, can you make way for pure Love to enter and to make of you that which Love will. As your world shifts on its axis, trusting Me will bring you the most exquisite joy as your heart opens to the pure reality that there is only God and only Love here, and that everything else truly has been a play -- a dream of limitation created by the mind, a dream that you are ready to awake from. I Am here to hold you as you do.

Yet to do this requires a passionate decision. It requires the choice for Love to be your reality, your choice, that you might hold to Me as the waves of Love come and be clear and joyous as you see the change as every limited box that you have lived in, every perception of less than Love falls away and all that the ego fought to receive, you are free to give as part of this tsunami of Love that seeks the conduit of your glorious heart.

You will find that you experience such exhilaration as freedom calls you Home to your true identity as the vast and glorious consciousness of the Love I Am, and gives you access to the power of Creation itself, power beyond the imagining of the little mind, but power that only Love directs. It is power that when life on Earth shifts to the heart and all the ways of selfishness dissolve, that you might stand free as the open vast and giving heart, the center of the universe, the hologram.

You will be amazed as you reclaim who you truly are as the ecstatic outreach of My living heart. The world shall become the most intricate mandala of interwoven hearts of peace and consciousness that leaps beyond the boundaries of a physical world.

So the shift to the heart to which I call you now is dramatic, profound and brings the experience within you that sources every answer to every question, that the reality of Love makes it unnecessary for this shift to be mirrored or reflected in the outer world as some dramatic and difficult change.

The world is the reflection of your hearts and as you give yourself to Love, then all you see is shown to you through your heart's perception as a world of perfection, beauty and infinite grace in which the outcome of every movement is good. The experience of every moment as Love and the peace beyond the understanding of the mind is your ever-present Home as you rest within Me, allowing your heart to be the transparent and open heart of God that Love may shine itself forth to bring a world of unity and endless joy and gratitude for the gift of life that is ever given to you Now. It shall continue to be given that it may be amplified by your glorious heart continually.

This brings us once again to your choice. You are the Will of Love made manifest, a Will that has been obscured by the ego which has turned everything Love values backward. But the shift to the heart shall make your world "right" again, as the axis of your reality becomes the Vertical, as you step into the flow of life that is the eternal song of endless joy and the ecstasy of Love. Love will create through you a world of such beauty, it is beyond the imagining of the mind.

Are you willing to give your heart to Love, to allow these waves of Love to bring you freedom from all the ways that you have armored yourselves and hidden the vast and glorious magnificence of your true being? You did this in order to fit in to the consensual reality of life in the world as it is currently seen. I promise you the world of Love already exists. It is only a radical shift in perception away. It is the simple change from viewing the world from the two eyes of duality focused through the ego's dream of who you are… to the experience of the present and eternal explosion of joy that is the heart's reality and your identity as the vast unlimited vehicle of this Love.

The vision of the heart, the single eye of the Spirit of which Jeshua spoke will show you, beloved ones, a world so different that you will truly feel your axis change as you give yourselves to this pulsing River of Love that Love may not only do its work through you but give to you the vision of the instrument that Love created, the vehicle that Love can use that is your heart.

So, please, come Home to Me and take this leap in trust. Fall back into the ocean of this perfect Love. Give yourself the experience of true freedom, even if for only a moment, for that moment will change your life. That moment is the experience of the Now. It is the birth of all Creation awakening to itself and in one second, the change can come if you allow it.

Take back into yourself all the perceptions of fearful change that have been painted on the ego's canvas of the world. Bring them to your heart, trusting Me, and let Me show you what they really mean, that the shift of the polarities or the axis of the Earth symbolizes the shift from head to heart. It symbolizes the radical shift to trusting Me so profoundly that all separation between us ends and you are Home, Home in the endless cosmos of Love. Through your heart you see the world that Love creates and nothing else.

Take back all illusions to fearful states and all projections of ego of a future that contains any difficulty at all. Let Me show you how such difficulties can only occur when this Love meets a barrier erected out of fear. And yes, I know, beloved ones, that it is not easy to trust if you see the world through the lens of your human self. If you judge even the next moment from the past experience of duality that holds both Love and its opposite, then it is hard if not impossible to let go.

But if you allow this Love to turn your world to something else and to give you the experience Now of life through the heart, then I promise you it will be effortless to give yourself to this glorious flow, to become the conscious Twin Flame heart, the being who holds within the keys to all Creation that you become the force of Love through which Love manifests, and that the world you see is the truth of only Love. That is what I Am and thus, what you are and your heart will show you.

So, as you shift to your heart and let your heart turn your world upside down, you will find the prediction of the "end of time" is valid, but not as a human suddenly without clock or calendar. Instead it will be as a being of Light and Love for whom the galaxy, the cosmos, the All of God is your Home and who lives forever in the eternal Now that is the only moment where life is.

Let yourself recognize that every flood, every tsunami, every hurricane is the reflection of the fearful state of ego in its response to this great in-rush of Love that it places outside of itself and makes fearful that you might remain in this limited state, obeying the will of ego to believe in a world in which Love and other than Love are at war -- which in the truth of the heart is not possible.

As enough of you allow this polar shift to occur, fall back in trust into the ocean of Love I Am, as enough of you allow the world you live in to turn around, to become the flow of endless outward giving…then the magnetic power of your collective heart will create enough pull to flip the others, effortlessly and gently, into a whole new view, a whole new experience of what life is when seen through the single eye of the heart and perceived as Love's reality.

So everything the ego presents as pictures of collective possibilities of other than Love as you enter this time of change…bring it within. Bring it to Me and let Me show you what the truth is, the truth of Love that only the heart can recognize and you will find yourselves dwelling in the deep peace and ecstatic joy of the true reality of Love that is truly beyond the understanding of the mind and beyond the world perceived by the collective consciousness created by the ego mind.

Dearest ones, please welcome it! Welcome it all… Welcome the polar shift of your reality. Welcome this rushing, endless tsunami of Love. Welcome the end of the dream of dualistic time. Open your heart and step into the mystery of this change, surrendered to Me, that I might give you the fullness of your true identity as the heart of God.

As you find yourselves experiencing these waves of Love, they will show you life in its sparkling glory and bring to you the perfect communion with All That Is, with every molecule, with each dancing electron…that you might rejoice in the endless communion of the unity of life that the heart sees and the joyous experience of being that which holds in consciousness the very energies of Creation, the masculine and feminine entwined in a powerful and endless dance of co-creation beyond imagining.

Beloved ones, as you allow this shift, then you will also find that the heart then infuses the mind with Love and the ego's perception of separation disappears. Thought becomes the flow of the living Spirit and every word is an expression of the highest Love and the joyous life of God that we share.

Through the heart and this profound shift, all separation between us ends but what truly happens, what you will find is that the separation was never there. It was only an illusion, the result of a decision to perceive other than Love, to live other than this truth of God that has always been, shall always be, is ever alive in this glorious Now. Love is your true reality and I Am your Real identity. You are My heart always.

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We are Light in Action – channeling April 3, 2010

We are Light in Action - channeling April 3, 2010

Yes, Dear Ones and Beloved Brothers, the unconditional love can be felt by all. You are the Power and Light of God Father/Mother, trust your senses. Listen to your deeper feeling and you will find that always ... ALWAYS ...you will be in contact with the Divine Light.

The Light is present in this time of peace and union. Union which will be make more and more important in every day that pass by, because in each day that pass unconditional love will lead you to the truths that are hidden during centuries. The doors of mercy and truth will be open in front of your eyes, my Dear Brother. There are many people now who are being connected and call to these truths, but one sense of low vibration prevents these truths to be accessed in your source of wisdom and connection with the creation. Every time that you feel this type of frequential standard of energy,the connection will be more hard,so Dear and Beloved Brother,do not give your heart to emotions of low vibrational pattern,always be light and aspire trust in yourself , in God that is inside of you,the answers will be found inside not out........

I will leave you in the light of the unconditional love of God Father/Mother.

I AM Elohim

Dear Brothers of the Light

My dear children, pay attention to the internal work, we are teaching you in a form subtle to break free of the constraints that were imposed on you , be steadfast in your daily work procedure, ask for our help when you feel that you are tired to walk alone, we are with you.
We are all Light of the same fire that burns in the heart of the creation. We are love that live in various dimensions. We are the expanding in cadence of the Divine Light of the Father / Mother Universal. We are the work from within to out the real condition of the brothers and of all mankind, even the brothers who are still in the darkness of evil qualify lenses, we are with you.
When you are living day to day. to work, to relate, look around and feel the vibrations of intention of the people, just feel, take off the lenses of your glasses, look as observers, do not scattered over
and you will feel your real purpose of the day.
Choose your vibration in the first moments of the day when you open your eyes early in the morning. Feel your connection with your I Am presence and choose your mission of light, choose to be love that touches all in a silently way. Choose to be compassionate light that purifies all silently. Choose to be the living God who dwells within each one of you, the wisdom will be palpable from the inside out and even when the truth is hard, will be clear to your eyes and ears and heart. You will know to discern everything that you need to finish your mastery in 3D.
Your Guardian Angels rejoice with your development, we are all very happy. I had the honor of being together with our Master / Brother Jesus a long time ago and now I have the same honor with you, because I am together now with a human Angel of Light / Jesus Christ, who is alive inside of your heart.
I am walking along with humanity for many eons and I thank all the Lightworkers who are struggling and looking for your light every day, follow today and always, climb the ladder of your ascent.
I Am Mother Mary and I love you, stay in the holy peace of God within each one of you.

Greetings Lightworkers, dress yourself of blue, dress yourself of peace and proclaim the Light Proclaim the new. Proclaim the peace.
Here is a Brother of Light,I am a Brother of Light,which arrive here to share, to speak to you about Light,the Lemuria Temple,forgot a long time who now emerge inside of you Ligthworkers.
Our home was simple but in deep charm. The Forest of tall trees ,the holy ground still the same. Remember the palace between the forest, the temple of light that we pass and contemplate the lighthouse to share the light. Earth you still the same priceless charm and beauty. I still love you earth that one day shelter me. Today I return to wake 144 thousand Angels of Light. I wake up. You are Light. Return to your Home. Remember who you are, that what you have inside of you.
The Light share ,be a sign. Look beyond. Remember your Light. How this is beautiful ,this union of Brothers of eons ago been together .
I will speak of love and peace ,seed of Light,seed of peace, look to the new sun inside of you,praise the Master Jesus who planted the seed and sowed of LOVE. The House of the Father has many places, here is one more .
Peace and Light, Galactic Brothers.
I am a intergalactic being of the blue ball of purifier fire of peace. I Am what I Am. I Am light and Love as well as You.
May the sun of each one of you shine so bright that illuminate the world around You.
The Intergalactic Confederation salute You, Brothers of Gaia.

Channeling of the Group We are Light in Action on 03/04/2010 - Brazil

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The Power of a Sacred Space

We are going to give you the way to have World Peace and a solution to every crisis you are facing in your life.

Now that we have your attention, we want to remind you of a simple Truth. When the world of appearances is chaotic, there is only one place where you can go to find the peace you are seeking, and that is within your being. You will find yourself being drawn there very naturally when you set your intention to have peace in your life. Peace within you leads to peace on Earth, because your inner peace will radiate into the world around you.

What we are suggesting is not new information but the effects are profound. There are many ways to develop inner peace that have been used for centuries and they are deceptive in their simplicity.

Creating a sacred space in your home can be of paramount importance to begin this process. Set aside a place where you can go every day to develop your “peace muscle,” for indeed, inner peace is a like a muscle that may take practice to develop. Your sacred space need not be elaborate but when you have a clean, uncluttered place to be in, it will help calm your mind very quickly. You may choose a corner with a chair that is comfortable to you or you may prefer a pillow on the floor.

When you have a focal point of beauty, it adds to your practice in a graceful way. Use a flat surface such as a table, or even a box will do. Cover it with an attractive, clean cloth if the flat surface is not pleasing to the eyes. Start with a candle to symbolize the Light of God. Light this candle and ask for Peace to fill the world within and around you. You will offer a profound service to the world when you perform that simple act, as you are increasing the vibrational frequency of energy where you are sitting. This beautiful energy of peace will fill your life.

Flowers on this table are also very soothing, and offer great beauty while they carry the energy of growth, inspiration and a connection to Nature. When you place one flower in a vase next to the candle you have in your focal point area, you are creating a sacred space in your home in which you can sit in peace as you learn to BE.

Allow yourself a moment to do nothing but BE

Learning to BE is an essential component for a happy life. Many structures people have relied on are crumbling, and great change is in process. You will serve yourself, your family and your community greatly when you take time to just BE. This being nature within you is a quieter place that promotes inner peace. It thrives the more you give yourself time in the sacred space you created in your home. Soon, as this quiet space within you becomes more familiar, you will notice yourself feeling more peaceful as you have expanded into your heart. Your happiness begins there within you, not in your outer circumstances. In your sacred space, you fill yourself with the Light of God. Every time you intentionally give yourself time to breathe in a conscious manner, you are breathing in light and allowing Divine Love and Peace to fill every cell of your being. No matter how much time you are able to give to your self, it will create profound change within you.

This sacred space in a quiet corner of your home will become one of your most valuable assets. In the midst of change, you have a place to go where you can feel peace in your heart. Soon you only have to think of your sacred space, and with a breath you will be there in your mind. Imagine how this will affect your life, and those around you. One person centered in the Light of Peace can create a profound shift in the world around them. This person will hold a higher vibrational frequency than others in the normal chaotic world where you have lived for so long. Imagine how beautiful it would be if everyone were able to attain this place of peace within.

A Witness to the World

Development of what has been called the witness consciousness is a useful tool. It prepares you to notice the world around you with more equanimity. When you can temper your responses to outward appearance, you will feel much happier and have more peace in your life. Learning to center your self in this witness place can be a key ingredient to inner peace. You can begin the process by breathing in a more balanced way, even when you are driving. To keep your center, your breath can be an efficient tool.

A Balanced Breath is one where you breathe in the same number of counts on the inhalation that you do on the exhalation. As you do this, you begin to feel a sense of calm as your heart beats more slowly. It enhances your experience when you imagine yourself breathing in golden light with every inhalation, and releasing golden light with every exhalation. This golden light literally carries the presence of the Angels and holds the qualities of consciousness you want in your world. You can be breathing in Divine Love with every in breath, and breathing Peace into the world with every out breath.

And then there are Angels

One asset not to be discounted in order to bring you a sense of inner peace would be the Angelic Dimensions. The Angels are very available in these times of change. Have you noticed the digital clocks repeating 11:11?  That is a moment with the Angels, opening a new doorway in your mind where you can send energy in the direction you intend. The Angelic Realms offer qualities of consciousness that people crave in their lives, such as Divine Grace, Peace, Harmony, Love, Clarity and Wisdom. You can invite these qualities into your life and the Angels will strengthen the Light connecting you to these qualities. It is a profound, prayerful way to live. A prayer for Grace does not have to be difficult and wordy, but it does help the process when you give yourself time to receive what you are asking for. Often prayers may be on the fly and sound like, “Help, bring me peace. Quickly. Now!” It is not that this prayer would not be useful, but just imagine what might occur if you had used prayer as an intention in your morning practice. It might sound more like this:

Dear God (Goddess, All that Is, Divine Presence, Spirit, or your personal master teacher),

Thank you for bringing Divine Light into my life. I ask the Angels of Grace and the presence of Divine Love to fill every fiber of my being, so I may have more Peace in every area of my life. I bless my family, my work and my being with this Light and I am profoundly grateful. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you.

When you add your thanks even before you see the results, this attitude of gratitude increases your receptiveness. You can complete the prayer with the traditional “Amen”, or as a closure, you can say, “So be it,” or “So it is.”

Then stay where you are, and breathe for a few minutes. In these simple ways you are empowering your life. Your prayers become a beacon calling to you the light and wisdom you seek. Your breath becomes a prayerful thought blessing the world. Create a sacred space where you can dwell with the Angels. Ask for the Divine Light to fill you with Grace, as well as all you need to bring you Peace, and then give yourself time to breathe in the blessings being offered you at this time.

When you feel more at peace, breathe out these blessings and send Peace to a world that needs you to be a Beacon of Light. As if you were a lighthouse on a point of land in the vast ocean, the Divine Light you send out into the world shines clearly in the dark night of chaotic times. Your sacred space within and without allows you to do the work of creating more Peace within you, and this creates Peace in your world.

And so it is.

Shanta Gabriel For Archangel Gabriel

Copyright © Shanta Gabriel. These messages can be shared as long as they are used in their entirety and proper credit is given for the work. I love people to be able to share the work with others. www.thegabrielmessages.com.

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The Power of Creating a Sacred Space

Channeler: Shanta Gabriel

A Message to the World from Archangel Gabriel

Dear Ones,

We are going to give you the way to have World Peace and a solution to every crisis you are facing in your life.

Now that we have your attention, we want to remind you of a simple Truth. When the world of appearances is chaotic, there is only one place where you can go to find the peace you are seeking, and that is within your being. You will find yourself being drawn there very naturally when you set your intention to have peace in your life. Peace within you leads to peace on Earth, because your inner peace will radiate into the world around you.

What we are suggesting is not new information but the effects are profound. There are many ways to develop inner peace that have been used for centuries and they are deceptive in their simplicity.

Creating a sacred space in your home can be of paramount importance to begin this process. Set aside a place where you can go every day to develop your “peace muscle,” for indeed, inner peace is a like a muscle that may take practice to develop. Your sacred space need not be elaborate but when you have a clean, uncluttered place to be in, it will help calm your mind very quickly. You may choose a corner with a chair that is comfortable to you or you may prefer a pillow on the floor.

When you have a focal point of beauty, it adds to your practice in a graceful way. Use a flat surface such as a table, or even a box will do. Cover it with an attractive, clean cloth if the flat surface is not pleasing to the eyes. Start with a candle to symbolize the Light of God. Light this candle and ask for Peace to fill the world within and around you. You will offer a profound service to the world when you perform that simple act, as you are increasing the vibrational frequency of energy where you are sitting. This beautiful energy of peace will fill your life.

Flowers on this table are also very soothing, and offer great beauty while they carry the energy of growth, inspiration and a connection to Nature. When you place one flower in a vase next to the candle you have in your focal point area, you are creating a sacred space in your home in which you can sit in peace as you learn to BE.

Allow yourself a moment to do nothing but BE

Learning to BE is an essential component for a happy life. Many structures people have relied on are crumbling, and great change is in process. You will serve yourself, your family and your community greatly when you take time to just BE. This being nature within you is a quieter place that promotes inner peace. It thrives the more you give yourself time in the sacred space you created in your home. Soon, as this quiet space within you becomes more familiar, you will notice yourself feeling more peaceful as you have expanded into your heart. Your happiness begins there within you, not in your outer circumstances. In your sacred space, you fill yourself with the Light of God. Every time you intentionally give yourself time to breathe in a conscious manner, you are breathing in light and allowing Divine Love and Peace to fill every cell of your being. No matter how much time you are able to give to your self, it will create profound change within you.

This sacred space in a quiet corner of your home will become one of your most valuable assets. In the midst of change, you have a place to go where you can feel peace in your heart. Soon you only have to think of your sacred space, and with a breath you will be there in your mind. Imagine how this will affect your life, and those around you. One person centered in the Light of Peace can create a profound shift in the world around them. This person will hold a higher vibrational frequency than others in the normal chaotic world where you have lived for so long. Imagine how beautiful it would be if everyone were able to attain this place of peace within.

A Witness to the World

Development of what has been called the witness consciousness is a useful tool. It prepares you to notice the world around you with more equanimity. When you can temper your responses to outward appearance, you will feel much happier and have more peace in your life. Learning to center your self in this witness place can be a key ingredient to inner peace. You can begin the process by breathing in a more balanced way, even when you are driving. To keep your center, your breath can be an efficient tool.

A Balanced Breath is one where you breathe in the same number of counts on the inhalation that you do on the exhalation. As you do this, you begin to feel a sense of calm as your heart beats more slowly. It enhances your experience when you imagine yourself breathing in golden light with every inhalation, and releasing golden light with every exhalation. This golden light literally carries the presence of the Angels and holds the qualities of consciousness you want in your world. You can be breathing in Divine Love with every in breath, and breathing Peace into the world with every out breath.

And then there are Angels

One asset not to be discounted in order to bring you a sense of inner peace would be the Angelic Dimensions. The Angels are very available in these times of change. Have you noticed the digital clocks repeating 11:11? That is a moment with the Angels, opening a new doorway in your mind where you can send energy in the direction you intend. The Angelic Realms offer qualities of consciousness that people crave in their lives, such as Divine Grace, Peace, Harmony, Love, Clarity and Wisdom. You can invite these qualities into your life and the Angels will strengthen the Light connecting you to these qualities. It is a profound, prayerful way to live. A prayer for Grace does not have to be difficult and wordy, but it does help the process when you give yourself time to receive what you are asking for. Often prayers may be on the fly and sound like, “Help, bring me peace. Quickly. Now!” It is not that this prayer would not be useful, but just imagine what might occur if you had used prayer as an intention in your morning practice. It might sound more like this:

“Dear God” (Goddess, All that Is, Divine Presence, Spirit, or your personal master teacher),

“Thank you for bringing Divine Light into my life. I ask the Angels of Grace and the presence of Divine Love to fill every fiber of my being, so I may have more Peace in every area of my life. I bless my family, my work and my being with this Light and I am profoundly grateful. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you.”

When you add your thanks even before you see the results, this attitude of gratitude increases your receptiveness. You can complete the prayer with the traditional “Amen”, or as a closure, you can say, “So be it,” or “So it is.”

Then stay where you are, and breathe for a few minutes. In these simple ways you are empowering your life. Your prayers become a beacon calling to you the light and wisdom you seek. Your breath becomes a prayerful thought blessing the world. Create a sacred space where you can dwell with the Angels. Ask for the Divine Light to fill you with Grace, as well as all you need to bring you Peace, and then give yourself time to breathe in the blessings being offered you at this time.

When you feel more at peace, breathe out these blessings and send Peace to a world that needs you to be a Beacon of Light. As if you were a lighthouse on a point of land in the vast ocean, the Divine Light you send out into the world shines clearly in the dark night of chaotic times. Your sacred space within and without allows you to do the work of creating more Peace within you, and this creates Peace in your world.

And so it is.

Shanta Gabriel
For Archangel Gabriel
Copyright: March 30, 2010

This message from Archangel Gabriel may be shared with others as long as it is used in its entirety and copyright credit is given to the author.

Shanta Gabriel is an inspired teacher, healer and the author of The Gabriel Messages, compassionate wisdom from Archangel Gabriel that is practical and provides clear suggestions for emotional and spiritual balance. Shanta’s work with the Archangels was both unexpected and spontaneous when she received a surprise visit from Archangel Michael in 1988. This huge winged being blessed her healing work with Light and opened the way for communication from Archangel Gabriel in 1990. Shanta has received messages from Gabriel since that time. She offers these messages free of charge on her website and in her newsletter. You can sign up for this service, see frequent postings, listen to her meditations and interviews, or view her private sessions and workshops on her website: www.thegabrielmessages.com.

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Message From Jeshua, March 2010, Expand The Love Of Your Sacred Heart To Unity Consciousness”

Channeler: Michelle Coutant

Hello Dear Ones,
Thank you all! What a beautiful response to the Clarion Call for translations. There are many translated messages on my website now! Many blessings, love, and gratitude for these gifts to our brothers and sisters.


Message From Jeshua, March 2010

Through Rev. Michelle Coutant

“Expand The Love Of Your Sacred Heart To Unity Consciousness”

Beloved Ones,

There was a time in your past, in the beginning, the inception of your beloved planet, Mother Earth, when she was known as the Garden of Edon. Every aspect and facet of your beautiful planet was clean and pristine, unsullied by the negativity and the density that has since come to pass upon your planet. Rivers ran clear and sparkling, the particles of water dancing in the sunlight, which streamed to you and your planet, as the life force strengthening you, your solar cells and your physical vessels. Your oceans teemed with life, and diversity beyond your imaginings. The whales and dolphins frolicked in love and joy, playing with you as you both enjoyed the purity of your creations in harmony with the Creator. The whales and dolphins are record keepers, as are you, and they have held a most valuable position of love and trust for you, Blessed Ones. They have held the light in your magnificent oceans, lighting up the depths of the waters, bringing the divine particles of light to all areas and aspects of your Divine oceans. All life upon your planet has evolved in perfect and divine order, as you too, have evolved in the most perfect evolution for each of you. You have chosen the lessons you must learn to bring your essence back to the light of your God Self, and you have chosen to experience great pain and suffering to fully insure that you would awaken to your essence, the God within you, for you are God. Every aspect and facet of you is God. Let there be no misunderstanding. You must now integrate this most blessed knowing, so that you may reach to the highest levels and merge with your Divine I Am Presence, your God Self.

As you become once again, one with your I Am Presence, you once again become one with all others, and one with all life. Again, Beloved Ones, it is the integration of this knowing, without out a doubt, which will bring you the unification you desire. Look into the eyes of others, these blessed beings that you share your beloved planet with. See the God in each and every being. As you live each day, every being you encounter is the God Source, just as you are the God Source. See God; see your Self reflected back to you in their eyes. There becomes a new knowing and deepening of your wisdom, and your connection to all Creation, when you begin to integrate this knowing and this knowledge, and it becomes the very essence of you. There is no separation, the separation as you know it has been a grand illusion, a game which you are about to bring to conclusion, and you are each triumphing as you have played the game with great strength and courage.

You are at a most blessed time in the creation of your dreams and heart’s desires, where you have all the abilities, to bring your beautiful and blessed Mother Earth back to perfection. It begins with the deep knowing, again, that you are one with all Creation, and you are the God Source. In this knowing, how can you be any other than one and integrated consciousness with your planet and all life that dwells upon her? Again Dear Ones, look into the eyes of all life, all animals, all living, sentient beings. Can you doubt that these blessed beings are each the God Source also? Each of these creatures is ensouled and is on an evolutionary path of their own. They too are ascending. They need your help, in love and joy. Understand that these blessed souls have a consciousness that is also unity consciousness. There is a consciousness in unity for the birds, for the tigers, for the leopards. All classes of the animal kingdom are directly connected to communicate, just as you, in the human form, communicate with each other.

You must now expand your consciousness to include the unity and the Oneness of all Creation, which begins at home with the unity and oneness of all life on your Mother Earth. Begin to expand your consciousness, by seeing God in each blessed being, be it in the human form, or animal form. Know that the mineral kingdom and your plant kingdom, all have consciousness and have agreed to be here at this time to assist you in your journey of ascension. Know that all is energy, all is consciousness. Every moment of the Now is Sacred and hallowed, a moment to remain in the love of your Sacred Heart and the unity of Oneness with all Creation.

Here in lays your pathway to returning your beloved earth to the perfection she desires and yearns to return to. Here in lies the answer to living in harmony with the blessed animals, and all life upon your planet. Here in lies this most blessed key to the peace and the harmony, and the love of the higher realms, that you so desire to experience upon your planet. Each one of you are a most important part of this process and hold your own key to unlock the divine mission that you, and you alone came here to accomplish. Rest assured that this mission of yours is one of love and joy and delightful co creation in harmony with your brothers and sisters.

Take this step, beloved ones and expand the love of your Sacred Heart, strengthen your will, your resolve, and know that I am here with you in the love of your Sacred Heart.


You may copy and share, with Love and Blessings. Please copy the message in its entirety, giving credit to Jeshua through Rev. Michelle Coutant, and provide a link to: www.transformingradiance.com.

Love and Many Blessings,


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Celestun – A Heavenly Place of Light

“The fire that is our essence comes from the stars and
to the stars our essences will return.
The Earth is our Mother who gave us our bodies.
After our Earth walk, our bodies will return to the Earth.

Our spirits are from the wind, as is our breath.
Our words are our breath, therefore sacred.”

Jamie Sams

“I beseech the Star Elders, my essence self; the Earth Mother, our mother; and Tate, the Great Wind of the Lakota…

to assist me in this community where I reside…to assist lightworkers everywhere to fulfill their missions.”

Once upon a moon, when I was a much younger woman, Spirit guided me to undertake a pilgrimage from the States, where I was residing, to Belize, the land of my birth.  During that life altering journey and travel, I was led to settle on a small island off the coast of mainland Belize, named Caye Caulker.  This beautiful island inhabited by approximately 1800, mostly traditional, Catholic, Mestizo, people held absolutely no light in the mass consciousness of the villagers.  I came to slowly understood, though, that Spirit’s will was for me to remain in this particular community as the “holder” and “bringer”of the light.  I have done Spirit’s will, with my immediate family (all of whom are angelic souls) for over 14 years of our lives.  It has never been easy.

In fact, here is a typical example of my life onthe island… One year I decided to teach in the newly founded high school to create some goodwill in the community.  One of the classes I taught was yoga for physical education.  I had been branded a witch many times in Caye Caulker.  Teaching yoga only seemed to reinforce the local viewpoint that I was indeed practicing witchcraft.  Thank goodness, my boss and the high school principal supported my class 100%  and backed our position with FACTS.  Together we overcame the local beliefs and by the end of the year, the students were teaching their parents stress reducing poses.

I have continually and painstakingly engaged with the community’s extreme superstitions, obeah ( a form of black magic used to bring harm to another), and all other low level forms of energetic interactions (alcoholism, domestic violence, drug addiction, machismo behaviours and emotional & sexual abuses) over the years, while at the same time attempting to create and maintain my own piece of heaven.  I cannot emphasize enough- it has been a daunting task.  Nonetheless, it was my purpose, a clear directive from the Ancestors and the Star Elders, so I undertook my role with due diligence and compassion.  Arriving in full force to assist me in this community were the magical elementals, the standing people (the trees and plants), and the cool blues and turquoises of Yemeya’s salty Caribbean Sea, who have been my friends, my allies and my protectors in this place which holds such extremes of darkness and light.

I understand that many lightworkers have been guided to various geographic areas to do Spirit’s work in these auspicious times on Earth.  I also understand that we can no longer maintain and sustain our realities without a seriously strong support network.  The Gods have encouraged me to create “Celestun”, a heavenly place of light.  A place where lightworkers, healers, and conscious individuals can retreat and rejuvenate.  It is my intention to expand my current island business, www.cocoplum.typepad.com, to create this much needed place and vision.  I can no longer be one of the few people in this part of the Caribbean holding the light.  I need assistance.  I send out a request to any interested individual(s) to please join me in co-creating Celestun if they feel so compelled.  I invite any of my readers to visit my little english speaking island in the region of  Central America on the Caribbean Sea in the country of Belize.  Enough said.


Allow me to return to discussing this eminent Earth birth which was the topic of my last post, “Surrender”.  In the latter part of a woman’s pregnancy, early contractions called Braxton-Hicks, will begin to occur.  These contractions prepare a woman’s body for the actual birth and it allows her body to understand, in mild form, what the real contractions will feel like once they commence to start.  The Earth has begun her Braxton-Hicks and on one of the latest contractions (Chile Earthquake) her axis tipped and time sped up.  Wow!  We are definitely about to move and groove in this pregnancy, hence the Turkey earthquake.  On the night preceding this movement, I couldn’t sleep a wink.  All the dogs in my neighborhood felt the same as they howled and moaned the night away.  It was another huge release of energy for the earth.  Yes, the Earth herself is cracking open!  Be aware and prepared, all those who live on the fault lines, your time is drawing near.   Everytime I go into meditation, I feel the low rumbles of the  Earth quaking.  At fist, I feel fear, and then, I surrender to the force of the earth, and lastly, I breathe calm into the land.  If you can find this serenity inside your body, you can actually transmit it through your feet into the ground.  If enough people are sending a peaceful message to the land, then a community can control their surroundings and their contractions.

The earthquakes are not our only concern/movements these days.  If you listen to the world news it is simply overwhelming, between the natural disasters (another large glacier broke off, denying oxygen to the seas and their creatures) and the manmade violence (the babies and toddlers slaughtered in Nigeria in the name of religious intolerance), I simply sit back and wait on the forceful volcanic eruptions sure to follow (notice Celia Fenn discusses her friends in Chile and the oozing volcanic lava in her March earthlog)… sigh, cry…do not become immune to the information...so many souls have agreed to depart or suffer in these times so as to assure that all others will keep their hearts wide open.

The death of the old reality is so obvious.  We will never return to a reality that hoards possessions.  We will never return to a reality that enslaves another.  At present though, the oligarchy assumes the same viewpoint it has had for the last 10,000 years:  population control of the enslaved masses, while they wield and control the resources of the Earth. The oligarchy will have to fall into one of those large cracks the earth creates to make room for the compassionate souls and new leaders who wish to create our harmonious Earth.

Lately, I am constantly receiving a vision of teepees (I conjure up my friends gorgeous Earth Ship home in Taos, New Mexico).  The teepee has many symbolic meanings.   Firstly, Spirit is asking everyone once again to simplify.  Just as a woman will prepare her house for a new baby, we are being guided to prepare our teepees to be uncluttered, beautiful home dwellings that are fulfilling and life-giving.  Create an energetically clean space that is  ready to welcome a new-born baby.  Secondly,  a teepee for the Native Americans was transportable.  If the tribe felt danger or uncertainty, they could pack up their teepees and relocate.  Life itself is very fragile.  A natural disaster can wipe out your entire existence, your home and all your possessions without much notice, so over-attachment to anything is simply not healthy.  I reiterate Aluna Joy and the Star Elders message, “you can’t take anything with you but your love and your truth”.  Live lightly!  Thirdly, a teepee represents the material and our ability to manifest.  It is the Lakota symbol for wealth and well-being.    If you are currently hoarding possessions or carrying too heavy of a material load; let it go.  Get to your teepee!

Practice, even if it is just once in your life, the great give-away.  In the early 1900’s, the US government outlawed the Native American pot-latch ceremony (the give-away), as they could not understand how such “poor’ people would give away all their possessions.  It was disconcerting for the white-Eurocentric mind who believes in collecting/hoarding/saving possessions, so they made it illegal.  The give-away teaches us to release, without attachment, our greatest possessions and it teaches us above all else, that the earth is eternally fertile and all our needs will be provided for again and again through the community.  Whenever one feels lack, of anything, Spirit counsels giving away a valued possession.  Are you in need of health?  Give-away!  Are you in need of love?  Give-away!  Are you in need of money?  Give-away!  Through the eternal spiritual laws of energy and return, all ones needs will be met.

Take a look at the community around you?  What can you give-away to help ease the burden of another?  Do you have a community that will support you?  A group of like-minded individuals that care about your well-being?  Do you have your own personal Celestun, heavenly place of light? If not, it is crucial at this moment to form some sort of network.  Be it on the internet, a sacred moon circle or your collective neighborhood.  We have heard over and over again that we must come together in conscious community.  Now, more than ever.  Presently, Carl Calleman is calling for a Conscious Convergence (July 17-18, 2010) of lightworkers to prepare for the last stages of our pregnancy.    The old ship is going down , the S.O.S. has been fired.  We are approaching the ninth and final wave of the Mayan Calendar Evolutionary Theory- the cosmic unity consciousness. The only survivors, the true thrivers of the New World, will be the ones who have learned to share and care, the ones who have learned to live in unity.

Lightworkers, take heart, the morning star is shining brightly….


wishes to thank her online spiritual community, her readers, ” you have been my life raft as I continue to live and breathe light into this Caribbean community”

Universal Copyright 2010 is authorized here. Please distribute freely as long as the http://mayasoma.wordpress.com is included as the resource and this information is distributed on a non-commercial no charge basis.

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OnenessOfAll, Arcturian Group

MARCH 14, 2010

Greetings all you who are reading this message.

We come today to tell you of the great light that is flowing forth from your earth.  We see you sending forth love and light to the many who are suffering from the earth events of late.  We see you learning compassion and love for those who are suffering.  Know that it is a part of the unfolding journey of all to learn this lesson  Even those who have chosen to experience these events  have done so in order that others may learn to love. This is a sacrifice of love on their part,  although they are not consciously aware of it.  Those who are now on this side see the bigger picture of the earth events and are being greeting with much love and gratitude.It is a time of change for all who dwell on the earth at this time, a time of shifting  into a deeper sense of the true nature of being;  a leaving behind of  false concepts and beliefs that heretofore have governed the actions of those on earth.  It is a time of great awakening, a moving out of the old heavy beliefs of separation and duality and into the real and true, which is Oneness.  There are those not ready to embrace Truth yet, but that is permitted.  Free will is true for all, and all will ascend when ready.

We say you are doing a fine job of it, people of earth.  Light is growing by leaps and bounds each day as you move into  an understanding  that  earth is not a piece of dirt, and you are not simply pieces of flesh here today and gone tomorrow.  These are the realizations  that bring  fear to those who have built their lives on the belief that nothing really matters except attaining more and more of the material wealth of  earth and others. They do not like what they see; that perhaps their ways of living are not the way best to serve even themselves.  They too will awaken when ready, and they too will understand that there is more to life than living a short time on the planet earth and then fading into nothing.

We congratulate you for your hard work, and your yearning to grow and evolve.  All are feeling the energy of change and evolution. All are sensing the energy of change.  Do not let fear interfere with your journey dear ones.  You are forever, whether here or there.  No matter.  Many have chosen to leave the planet at this time in order to come back into the higher frequencies that are unfolding.  Honor their choices dear ones, and mourn not so much for those who have made this decision.  You will see them again, these loved ones, for all is forever and all life is of the One Life which cannot end.

We send you all the Light and love you can accept, and honor your brave doings dear ones.

Thank you  Arcturian Group                                                            3/14/2010

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The “A team “

Received by Alec Christos Gabbitas

March 6. 2010

Greetings to you all from the 'A' team which is as ever ready to communicate with you in these trying and quite testing times that you are working through. There is much to be taken on board and yet much more that will be presenting you with even further moments of shock and/or associated heartache. These ever continuing shifts and the repercussions of same are always challenging to the soul whose heart is open to the pain and ensuing discomfort to others. As you are now working mostly on a collective level are you then sharing the load of seeming catastrophes, so in one aspect are the pains relieved to a minor or minimal degree. Many hearts creating a cradle of loving support for your fellow travellers whose role it is to honour perhaps the ultimate sacrifice.

Greater scenes are to be experienced and supported collectively by planetary light workers, whose unconditional love and firm inner resolve are the healing balm and foundation of these mighty rescue efforts, equalled 'man to man' by the numerous fleets of light/mother ships that are lending their collective love, light and expertise. Seen with the 'mystical' eye would it be quite some 'light show' in the heavens, as all are double parked and overseeing that which is taking place, thus lending their supportive spiritual and technical muscle as the occasion so permits. Their work, unobserved by planet earth dwellers at this present or now moment of time, is of a true guardianship role that silently and surely awaits in the heavens in the shape of the Galactic Federation of stars and planets,and the intergalactic / inter dimensional councils or Flight Commands.

Time, as known upon beloved planet earth, is rapidly collapsing and ever in a continual filtering into a 'no time or null zone,' which is par for the course. The heavens are filled with our beloved fellow travellers, they whom we call the Ascended Masters and/or the Great White Brotherhood. Archangels, Angels, Devas, Fairies and Elementals, with multi-energies of other Lords and Ladies within the great hierarchal structures and with the Elohim, Time lords, Karmic Lords and so forth. All merge and blend into an exceedingly multipurpose and competent 'A' team that patrols and animates your mighty local universe with an air of pure unconditional love. They light up the ethers with an harmonic pulse within the sacred geometries of the day, embellishing the great tapestry of life in and with its myriads of life-forms and multi universal life equations.

Metatronic Keys of mystery, enhanced more so by the Cube of Metatron with dynamic crystalline energetic's that are spiraling forth into life's eternal dream, and thus reinforcing the soon to be receding Merkaba. This is to be systematically transforming into more refined, more precise relevant crystalline light bodies which will be more appropriate for the ever heightening energies of crystalline expansive light bodies.The three expansive steps will be to the Merkiva, then to the Merkava and then further to the Merkana. Crystalline and crystal clear as the Metatronic Keys play out in perfect precision and momentum, and as ever in perfect harmony, expansive into ever greater climes and geometries.In days of old when so much was in transition and progression, was the deity of Metatron linked with an ultimate reverence to him being called the 'Father' figure!

Archangel Metatron is also one of the deity whom channeled through to our scribe of today, Alec Christos Gabbitas, and along with Sanat Kumara and several other deity's of the day was shared in detail the location of the crystal portals that were closed down at the end times of Atlantis. In precise, intrinsic manner were the exact locations transferred through, giving him the sequence and times of the 18 dimensional and 9 inter dimensional crystal portals to be reopened or rebooted.He (we) redefined in precision the crystal grid system of the planet and it was once more 'up and running!' The first portal to be open was Ithica in the Greek Islands, supported by Maitreya and Melchizidek and Michael, and the many beings of Greek deity and the hosts of heaven itself! The trigger point of the Crystal Portal Activations was in Alaska in 2000 AD.

Life is but one continuous sequel of events, in harmonic momentum and all in the great divine scheme of events, in highest good. When you accept whom you are beloved friends, you will recognise the beauty and the perfection that you truly ARE, and in total truth you have such a 'pedigree of grandness' that you will be overwhelmed with whom you really and truly are! This is no way an egotistic or heady acclamation but a simple introduction to you of beauty and love that is your central function of being.You are the chosen ones, yes, we have shared this with you before, and we shall again as we together enjoin and walk this pathway home.You are beautiful - warts and all! See your selves just shining from out your eyes, feel yourself in every call of a bird in the trees, listen to yourself as you tarry awhile by the stream as it's tinkling melodies echo on the ripples. Recognise yourself as you observe the gull in happy flight perceiving it's elegance and rhythm flight upon the thermals. See yourself in the eyes of the little child and it's purest laughing innocence beaming back at you. Allow yourself the gift of feeling JOY - for JOY is the so precious love that enhances every atom of your wonderful pristine being!

You are the most loved commodity in the universe, believe it 'cos it's true! Believe in yourself as we believe in you, for in you do we see a mirror image of ourselves. Allow yourself the love that you so easy gift to others in so many unplanned little things, for you my friend are truly worth it...who says?..God says..and he told me so! You have surpassed all that was 'expected' of you and you are in fact quite a bit up front, paving the way,clearing a path, making splashes or ripples where NO ONE has ever before achieved! You are the sunshine in our lives and you are the moonbeams to so many others.You are the star that continually shines putting to shame the stars up in heaven. We think that you have done A OK, 'cos 'til now you've held your ground and paved the way. There's no one has the 'up' on you, because your blooming wonderful and THAT IS TRUE!

Your light and grace is ever evident and as the sun rises on another glorious day and opportunity, the skies fill with a rich ambience and a special kind of love that reflects the beauty and the gift that you, yes YOU, have co-created! A time has come when the forces of the universe watch and wonder at the joy that is in store for you. A time has come when the muscle and spiritual power of you all, the lightworking fraternity with beloved Mother Earth, has held forth on high the true divinity of your sacred prowess and the sheer grit that has no equal and no cause to regret or rue the day.Word flows around the universe(s) that a new day is being born, a new start is being prepared, a new life is seen to be in the making and a new Being will surely manifest out of sheer pristine love and understanding. For so it is... and so shall it surely be....

We are the A team, we are your fellow travellers who assist you in Ascension.

(c)2010 Alec Christos Gabbitas for the Universal Mind. * 17 Viking Ct, CT10 1RF, England, UK. 20.7.07, 01843- 866875 * Email: gabbitas1@aol.com * (please copy and share, affording due credit to it's source, and also to Lady Isis and The Light Circle Ezine) *

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The New Decade

Beloved friend, peace be with you. I am the one you have known as Joseph, Earthly father to the one you know as Jeshua and beloved husband of the one you now call Mother Mary. I had my own life, my own identity as Joseph, and I lived that lifetime happily in the Essene community. After releasing the body in that lifetime, there were other lifetimes when I collected much wisdom, the same as you are doing now, and I brought the wisdom once again into an incarnation which you now have called St. Germain.

It is from the vantage point as St. Germain that I would speak with you now, for there is a message from the Council of One that has been given to me to pass along to you. You have heard me speak of the Council of One. It is truly the council of all of the higher souls, the souls that have come into awakening.

Even though you have focus upon your present personality and lifetime, you are part of the Council of One, for in truth there is no separation. We are all One. We are All of the divine one Mind. As you have heard it said, you are the expression of the one creative Principle come forth into various realities to try out different scripts, to try out how it would be to create, and vast and myriad have the creations been and will continue to be, even outside of what you see now this reality to be, even outside of what you would define as a physical reality.

The realities will continue, and that is why the Council of One has asked me to speak with you now as you embark upon a new decade. You have come through the experience of moving into a new millennium some ten years ago in your arbitrary timing, where there were many prophecies, including many negative prophecies, because this reality believes in duality, where there can be good and the opposite of good. Some of the prophecies were quite dire.

Well, you came into this new millennium and guess what? The computers still worked, the washing machines still worked, the telephones still worked, and you kept waiting for a few months into the new millennium for disaster, perhaps, to come from the skies, forgetting that you are the creative ones who bring forth everything, and you are the ones who then judge whatever comes forth, whether it be good or medium or not so good.

You also came into a new century, and you wondered as you moved into the new millennium and embarked upon the new century, “What is this century going to bring?” You looked back to the previous century and you saw an evolution of awareness that was quite tumultuous, quite representative of the belief in duality, for there were the world wars, as they were called, where many countries were engaged on one side and on the other side, believing in separation and believing that new technology would solve everything.

But you also looked back at previous centuries and there was hope and optimism that truly you could be moving into another Golden Age. Now, you have known some five centuries or so ago an Age of Enlightenment, an age when there was much of evolutionary thought that went beyond the dark, the so-called Dark Ages.

Then there was a balancing in this reality where if you have something on one hand, pretty soon you are going to have something on the other hand to balance it out, so that you have come through some centuries since the Age of Enlightenment to a place where the enlightenment and the darkness have interchanged with each other at various times. 

So the first decade of the new century of the new millennium has been a working out, a review, if you will, of what has been in the past centuries.

You are now moving into the next decade of this new century and new millennium, and it is going to be one of excitement for you. There is going to be a winding down of some of the conflicts that you have seen going on, because the younger generations are going to be tired. Even though the habitual generational thinking has been all that they have known and all that they have been taught, they are going to begin to ask, “Is there not another way?”

In the next decade you will be interacting with ones that you see face to face and you are going to be interacting with other ones that are as a potential face to face, ones you have known in other lifetimes and constellations, who have agreed to meet up with you once again at a specified time within this reality. Furthermore, you will be interacting with ones that are within the mind and within the memory.

Sometimes you feel a presence around you that perhaps you can identify as a friend who has released the body or a loved one who has released the body or an ascended master whom you have read about, and you feel, “But this one cannot be here with me.” But this one is. Where else would they go? They are within your field of energy as you are within their field of energy. This awareness is going to be the most important part of the new decade: knowing the energy that you are and the energy of all ones, whether they are in physicality or in mind, Intelligence—capital “I”.

Awareness of Energy is going to be the most pivotal point of the next decade. You are going to feel and experience the world in a different way, and others are going to know it because of how you go in your life, knowing that you are truly not the body, you are not the personality, you are the energy of an ascended master radiating forth the Intelligence.

You are all ascended masters who have agreed one more time that you will descend into this reality that is not your home, that is not the place where you want to abide forever, but you have agreed that you will bring your energy and your Light and your laughter into this reality that believes itself so seriously to have to judge, to have to struggle.

This next decade is going to be a movement into knowing non-separation. You are going to see separation still with some worldly affairs. You are still going to see separation of bodies. But you are also going to understand that the bodies are not solid. They are forever changing as your energy patterns change.

You have the technology for reading the auras already, for having the photographs that show the change in the auric pattern as you have different emotions or as you think different thoughts. And the photographs are proof for you, because this reality yet wants to see the proof out there before the understanding and truth is then accepted within.

The new decade is going to fine-tune a knowing, the same knowing that you feel when you hug another one and you are in love with that other one, where you know yourself to be One with that other one—just for an instant, perhaps, or longer. When you are in that embrace, truly what you have done is to bring the energy fields together even closer, into a place where you can feel—if you tune in to it—the vibrational level of Oneness.

This decade is going to see a change in how you view yourself, how you view others, and how you view the world situation. You are not going to deny the Earthly conditions. If you are in a position where your help is needed, you will give the physical help, you will give the golden coins if that is what is needed, you will help ones as your guidance tells you to do.

In this next decade, because you are going to understand the great ball of energy that you are—and I do not mean that you are overweight—you are going to feel yourself totally, happily alive, and you are going to be very intuitive as to others’ energy, where they feel themselves to be.

Now, this is already happening, but it is going to increase. As this awareness increases, you are going to also know how to keep your balance, to keep your feeling of joy in the face of others who are finishing or completing their dramas. You will not be disruptive to their dramas, but you will keep your own balance within yourself.

Your planet, this most beautiful planet that we have brought forth, is changing. You have noticed some of the climate changes. You have noticed the intensity of some of the storms and the change in weather patterns. You have either been experiencing it where your dwelling place is or where the loved ones and friends are dwelling.

There has been an intensity of energy patterns swirling around this planet. Those patterns come from the collective consciousness. Those patterns…where else could they come from if all is One? come from you—you as the collective. They also come from your directive; in other words, you can direct a storm away from wherever you are if you know that you can do this, and you can.

For other ones, they may decree that they want to know the adrenaline rush of a storm. And if you want to do that, there is no judgment. It is an experience. But if you do not want to experience the intensity of a storm—call it a tornado, a thunderstorm, even a snowstorm—if you do not want the hurricane coming to your dwelling place, you can direct it out to sea, up into the upper atmosphere. You can direct it, because it is connected to your energy. All is One.

The intensity of the storms that you see happening now and the swirling of the climate change that is happening is coming from the collective consciousness that is sometimes throwing a temper tantrum, and so you see the out-picturing of that energy. It may be coming from confusion within the collective consciousness and so it is out-pictured, again, as a clearing, as a storm that will come through and will clear the energy.

Now, there are climate changes that are happening. There is global warming, and it is due to humankind. Yes, you are the reason for the global warming, but that is not said in judgment as a negative thing. It is said to allow you to understand how powerful you are, how you bring forth changes, how you have asked for evolutionary changes in what grows upon this planet, what form of the animal life is going to be upon the planet. For truly, as one species may seem to leave the planet, another species is born. There is never a vacuum. There is always a change which is happening.

So you can take responsibility for the global warming. The global warming comes because you are stepping up your vibratory rate as the collective. And, again, there is no judgment in it. It is an experience.

Nothing is ever lost. The form may change. The species may change, and things may look different, feel different. Your historians have told you of the ice ages, and you have evidence of the glaciers and the glacial rubbish, the rocks that have been left behind by the glaciers of other times. So this is not something that you are bringing about as disaster. It is part of what you have decreed that you will know as change, because the collective consciousness of the human is one that desires to know change. 

If truth be told, and I will tell it, all of creative Intelligence wants to know change. You are the extension of the one creative Principle; therefore, you are going to keep on creating. There is nothing wrong with change. Flow with it. Welcome it. Look for new species of flowers, trees, plants, animals, even humankind. Know you that in what you would call prehistory the human form—you do know this, because some of your scientists have taught you this, although there are ones who do not believe in evolution, as it is called—you had heavy fur covering on the body. You still have some of that left. Some of the men, you still have some of the heavy fur covering around the chin.

So in this next most wonderful decade that you are just now walking into, there is going to continue to be an evolution of humankind – not especially in the appearance but in recognizing and acknowledging that which you are in energy. Because truly, no matter how much makeup the woman or man puts on, how much of the raiment you change and put on, the energy that you are is going to be obvious. Everyone will feel and know if it is a loving energy or if it is a confused energy or an angry energy, and there will be no hiding it.

The awareness is going to be accentuated in your next decade, because ones are going to feel—especially those of you who are already the sensitives—are going to be feeling energy within themselves, and you will be able to catch yourself as you begin to perhaps close down, or as you perhaps feel a bit of the rising of the volcano of energy.

Begin to build up a self esteem, and begin to feel then the expansion of your energy, where you feel at peace with yourself and you feel at peace with others, because truly no one can touch your peace. You are the only one who can affect your peace, and that is only temporary.

More and more you are going to come truly alive as the energy that you are, as the walking, moving, loving, living Energy that you are.

Your energy truly reaches the farthest galaxies, because there is no separation in Mind—capital “M”. There is no separation. It is all creative Principle.

So be it.

- Joseph/St. Germain
in expression through Judith

Copyright © 2007 Oakbridge University. Oakbridge material is copyrighted but free to anyone who wants to use it as long as proper credit is listed, including our website address www.oakbridge.org.

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Thanks Gerald, this is oddly appropriate where I am concerned......


Neville Goddard from “Immortal Man”

Question: In the scriptures, we are told that none will be lost but the son of perdition.
 Please tell us who the son of perdition is.

Answer: The son of perdition is the belief in loss. The only thing that can die or cease to exist in this world is that which has no right to live or exist. It's not a man. I'll tell you who it is.

Every moment of time you are feeding two beings of which you are totally unaware. Your every evil thought goes to feed one and your every loving thought goes to feed the other. The day will come you will confront them both at the same time.
 One is an angelic, beautiful creature.
 The other is the most monstrous thing you ever saw. . . it's covered all over with hair and has a gutteral, human voice.

When I looked at it, it was looking at this beautiful creation, this angelic being, calling her mother, and I struck him. He gloated, for he loved it. He feeds on violence.

 Then I realized this thing came out of me. I am its father.
 The angelic being came out of me, so I am her father.

Then I said to myself (for there was no one present but myself), "I will redeem you if it takes me eternity," and that whole thing got smaller and smaller, and in a matter of moments it was gone, and I felt a glow of strength, and she began to glow like the sun.
 She feeds on my every lovely thought and he fed on my every ignoble thought.

 He whispered in my ears my ignoble acts because he feeds on violence. If He could cause me to do anything of which I would be ashamed, it would fatten him. If he could only whisper in me to hit someone, that would fatten him and strengthen him. That was mis­spent energy.

Every lovely, noble thought I have ever entertained feeds her.

 So I know from experi­ence that's the only thing that dies and it's man's creation.
(my ignoble acts, the most monstrous thing you ever saw)

 But man does not see it until a certain point in his unfoldment, when he has the strength to face it. It's his dweller on the thresh­old. It's ever with him. It never leaves him. It goes to bed with him and it whispers into his ear the unlovely thoughts which it needs for its own existence. But when you confront it, you well up with a compassion you didn't know you possessed. You pledge yourself, "I will redeem you if it takes me eternity," and it melts before you, and its energy goes back to you, for energy cannot be lost. Not one little drop of it, if you can speak of it in drops. Nothing is lost. It all comes back.

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Life in then Cosmos!

“I am not a vegetarian because I love animals; I am a vegetarian because I hate plants.”

~A. Whitney Brown

“HAMANITIES NEW RECORDS”    illustration by SethD8 – 15 Feb 2007


Diane 7 February 2007

Your expectations are now rightly high as you cannot help but note the changes that are occurring all around you. It matters little what level they are taking place, the collective effect is one that can be felt and seen. Outwardly you see moves within the political circles, suggesting that a common consensus of opinion is developing. One that augurs well for bringing a halt to the escalation of the war in the Middle East. Inwardly you feel a releasing of the pressure brought about by negative energies that impound upon you. You find a resilience that comes of having built up a resistance through raising your vibrations.

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