Tag: dwell (page 1 of 3)

The Unstoppable Awakening of Humanity

by Zen GardnerWe’re undergoing an amazing transformation. Absolutely diametrically opposed to the constant, gradual attempt by elitists to shut down humanity via eons of engineered subjugation, we’re being consciously and vibrationally liberated by the very nature of the Universe in spite of all their efforts.It’s not readily apparent to most, but it’s very clearly there.It’s subtle and yet obvious at the same time. Knowledge of this change or shift in conscio [...]

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30 Life Changing Lessons to Learn from Thích Nhất Hạnh

Luminita Saviuc, Purpose FairyWhen I think of Thích Nhất Hạnh, words like – stillness, love, compassion, peace and oneness, come to mind. And even though these are some really beautiful and powerful words, they somehow can’t really express the beautiful, pure and loving feelings that I get from reading Thích Nhất Hạnh’s books and watching his beautiful videos.Thích Nhất Hạnh is someone who’s wor [...]

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Intention and the Rite of Disengagement

What we participate in is pretty much the name of the game. What do we spend our time, energy and intention on? What are we consciously and/or subconsciously empowering that’s leading to our own dis-empowerment? Where attention and thus intention goes, energy flows. Where is ours going, collectively and individually? Something to seriously consider on a continual basis in this massively manipulated energetic world.I’ve been blown away recently by the rapid rise in consciousness [...]

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Galactic Federation of Jesus April-24-2013

Fear is an illness, and it is healed by Love, compassion, forgiveness, and acceptance
April 24, 2013 by John Smallman

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Galactic Federation of Light Mary Magdalene April-07-2013

Pamela Kribbe — Mary Magdalene: Feeling at Home on Earth
Thanks to Wes Annac: http://aquariusparadigm.com/2013/04/07/pamela-kribbe-mary-magdalene-feeling-at-home-on-earth/#more-20924

Mary Magdalene: Feeling at Home on Earth
As channelled by Pamela Kribbe — February

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Ships of song: Potential


Wednesday, March 14, 2012

Celebrate the miracle of today and each miracle that comes thereafter.

Do not allow self-doubt of choices hinder the possibility and the potential in your life.

You are not predestined to a...

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HEAVEN #4112 You Are Not Humpty-Dumpty, February 27, 2012


God said:

It is easy to be happy when you are happy. It is natural to be happy when everything falls into place. It is less easy for you to be happy when you hit snags.

In theory, you understand that it is your place to have h...

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Ships of Song: The Sacredness of Science


Monday, February 6, 2012

The following is from Convergence of Consciousness: the Harmonics of Creation with Study Guide, Chapter 7.  

The convergence of consciousness in creation is a dynamic force and a cornersto...

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HEAVEN #3950 You Are God’s Dream Coming True, September 18, 2011


God said:

One angel on Earth is worth thousands. There are many many angels on Earth. You may be one. Who on Earth has enough of an idea of Who He really is? You would roll over in joy if you had but an inkling. You are a twinkle ...

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HEAVEN #3802 Are Not Night and Day Both Beautiful?, April 23, 2011


God said:  

To what do you attribute your good fortune? You had better believe you have good fortune. Note your good fortune, and count on it. You have been pulled out of more scrapes than you can imagine. You have been ble...

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~ I Ask Jeshua ~


Why do you always ask of us to ~Choose ~ for peace ????

Oh....Precious Precious One....

i love when you ask of me such questions for it is from the question and the clarity of the question that love responds.... ...

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HEAVEN #3722 God’s True Love, February 2, 2011


God said:  

Welcome to My heart. Here is where you belong. If you have been seeking where you belong, I am telling you that you belong right here with Me where you have always been and never left. You always belonged.


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Introducing My Greater Presence


Posted on January 7, 2011 by My Greater Presence

I invoke the I AM.  I invoke My Greater Presence.  I invoke the highest good for planet Earth and all who dwell upon her.  So be it and so it is.

Many greetings t...

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